Dependents:   CSSE4011_BLE_IMU

Fork of BLE_API by Bluetooth Low Energy

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API Documentation at this revision

Fri Dec 12 13:32:24 2014 +0000
Commit message:
Synchronized with git rev 7a298b6a
Author: Rohit Grover
Add support for write authorization for Characteristics.

Changed in this revision

public/GattCharacteristic.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
public/GattCharacteristicWriteCBParams.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
public/GattServerEvents.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/public/GattCharacteristic.h	Fri Dec 12 13:32:23 2014 +0000
+++ b/public/GattCharacteristic.h	Fri Dec 12 13:32:24 2014 +0000
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
 #include "GattAttribute.h"
+#include "GattCharacteristicWriteCBParams.h"
+#include "FunctionPointerWithContext.h"
 class GattCharacteristic {
@@ -310,24 +312,65 @@
      *              A pointer to an array of descriptors to be included within this characteristic
      *  @param[in]  numDescriptors
      *              The number of descriptors
+     *  @param[in]  writeAuthorizationIn
+     *              Do the attribute(s) of this characteristic have write
+     *              authorization enabled? if so, Write Authorization will be
+     *              requested from the application on every write request
+     *              operation (but not write command).
      * @NOTE: If valuePtr == NULL, initialLength == 0, and properties == READ
      *        for the value attribute of a characteristic, then that particular
      *        characteristic may be considered optional and dropped while
      *        instantiating the service with the underlying BLE stack.
-    GattCharacteristic(const UUID &uuid, uint8_t *valuePtr = NULL, uint16_t initialLen = 0, uint16_t maxLen = 0,
-                       uint8_t props = BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NONE,
-                       GattAttribute *descriptors[] = NULL, unsigned numDescriptors = 0) :
-        _valueAttribute(uuid, valuePtr, initialLen, maxLen), _properties(props), _descriptors(descriptors), _descriptorCount(numDescriptors) {
+    GattCharacteristic(const UUID    &uuid,
+                       uint8_t       *valuePtr            = NULL,
+                       uint16_t       initialLen          = 0,
+                       uint16_t       maxLen              = 0,
+                       uint8_t        props               = BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NONE,
+                       GattAttribute *descriptors[]       = NULL,
+                       unsigned       numDescriptors      = 0) :
+        _valueAttribute(uuid, valuePtr, initialLen, maxLen),
+        _properties(props),
+        _descriptors(descriptors),
+        _descriptorCount(numDescriptors),
+        enableWriteAuthorization(false),
+        writeAuthorizationCallback() {
+        /* empty */
-    GattAttribute&          getValueAttribute()            {return _valueAttribute; }
-    const GattAttribute&    getValueAttribute()      const {return _valueAttribute; }
-    GattAttribute::Handle_t getValueHandle(void)     const {return getValueAttribute().getHandle();}
-    uint8_t                 getProperties(void)      const {return _properties;     }
-    uint8_t                 getDescriptorCount(void) const {return _descriptorCount;}
+    /**
+     * Setup write authorization.
+     */
+    void setWriteAuthorizationCallback(void (*callback)(GattCharacteristicWriteAuthCBParams *)) {
+        enableWriteAuthorization = true;
+        writeAuthorizationCallback.attach(callback);
+    }
+    template <typename T>
+    void setWriteAuthorizationCallback(T *object, void (T::*member)(GattCharacteristicWriteAuthCBParams *)) {
+        enableWriteAuthorization = true;
+        writeAuthorizationCallback.attach(object, member);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Helper function meant to be called from the guts of the BLE stack to
+     * determine the authorization reply for a write request.
+     * @param  params to capture the context of the write-auth request; and also contains an out-parameter for reply.
+     * @return        true if the write is authorized to proceed.
+     */
+    bool authorizeWrite(GattCharacteristicWriteAuthCBParams *params) {
+        params->authorizationReply = true; /* initialized to true by default */
+        return params->authorizationReply;
+    }
+    GattAttribute&          getValueAttribute()                 {return _valueAttribute; }
+    const GattAttribute&    getValueAttribute()           const {return _valueAttribute; }
+    GattAttribute::Handle_t getValueHandle(void)          const {return getValueAttribute().getHandle();}
+    uint8_t                 getProperties(void)           const {return _properties;     }
+    uint8_t                 getDescriptorCount(void)      const {return _descriptorCount;}
+    bool                    isWriteAuthorizationEnabled() const {return enableWriteAuthorization;}
     GattAttribute *getDescriptor(uint8_t index) {
         if (index >= _descriptorCount) {
@@ -342,6 +385,8 @@
     uint8_t         _properties;
     GattAttribute **_descriptors;
     uint8_t         _descriptorCount;
+    bool            enableWriteAuthorization;
+    FunctionPointerWithContext<GattCharacteristicWriteAuthCBParams *> writeAuthorizationCallback;
     /* disallow copy and assignment */
--- a/public/GattCharacteristicWriteCBParams.h	Fri Dec 12 13:32:23 2014 +0000
+++ b/public/GattCharacteristicWriteCBParams.h	Fri Dec 12 13:32:24 2014 +0000
@@ -33,4 +33,13 @@
     const uint8_t *data;   /**< Incoming data, variable length. */
+struct GattCharacteristicWriteAuthCBParams {
+    GattAttribute::Handle_t  charHandle;
+    uint16_t                 offset; /**< Offset for the write operation. */
+    uint16_t                 len;    /**< Length of the incoming data. */
+    const uint8_t           *data;   /**< Incoming data, variable length. */
+    bool                     authorizationReply; /* This is the out parameter which needs to be set to true by the callback if the
+                                                  * request is to proceed; false otherwise. */
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/public/GattServerEvents.h	Fri Dec 12 13:32:23 2014 +0000
+++ b/public/GattServerEvents.h	Fri Dec 12 13:32:24 2014 +0000
@@ -26,11 +26,12 @@
     typedef enum gattEvent_e {
-        GATT_EVENT_DATA_SENT             = 1,       /**< Fired when a msg was successfully sent out (notify only?) */
-        GATT_EVENT_DATA_WRITTEN          = 2,       /**< Client wrote data to Server (separate into char and descriptor writes?) */
-        GATT_EVENT_UPDATES_ENABLED       = 3,       /**< Notify/Indicate Enabled in CCCD */
-        GATT_EVENT_UPDATES_DISABLED      = 4,       /**< Notify/Indicate Disabled in CCCD */
-        GATT_EVENT_CONFIRMATION_RECEIVED = 5        /**< Response received from Indicate message */
+        GATT_EVENT_DATA_SENT               = 1,  /**< Fired when a msg was successfully sent out (notify only?) */
+        GATT_EVENT_DATA_WRITTEN            = 2,  /**< Client wrote data to Server (separate into char and descriptor writes?) */
+        GATT_EVENT_UPDATES_ENABLED         = 3,  /**< Notify/Indicate Enabled in CCCD */
+        GATT_EVENT_UPDATES_DISABLED        = 4,  /**< Notify/Indicate Disabled in CCCD */
+        GATT_EVENT_CONFIRMATION_RECEIVED   = 5,  /**< Response received from Indicate message */
+        GATT_EVENT_WRITE_AUTHORIZATION_REQ = 6,  /**< Request application to authorize write */
     } gattEvent_t;