Log measurements on SD card added on DISCO-L476VG board acceleration, omega, compass & 5 Analog values

Dependencies:   BSP_DISCO_L476VG COMPASS_DISCO_L476VG ConfigFile GYRO_DISCO_L476VG SDFileSystem mbed

Fri Feb 12 20:54:38 2016 +0000
enregistrement Acc et boussole sur sd

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 1 #include "mbed.h"
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 2
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 3 #include "DefinitionIO.h"
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 4
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 5
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 6
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 7
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 8
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 9 int main()
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 10 {
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 11
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 12 Init();
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 13
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 14
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 15
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 16
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 17 while(1) {
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 18 Mesures.Update();
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 19
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 20 CheckEnreg();
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 21 // Read acceleremoter and magnetometer values
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 22
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 23 // Display values
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 24 /* printf("Acc X = %d\n", lAcc[0]);
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 25 printf("Acc Y = %d\n", lAcc[1]);
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 26 printf("Acc Z = %d\n", lAcc[2]);
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 27 printf("Mag X = %d\n", lMag[0]);
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 28 printf("Mag Y = %d\n", lMag[1]);
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 29 printf("Mag Z = %d\n", lMag[2]);
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 30 printf("\n\r"); */
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 31
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 32
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 33 wait(1);
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 34 }
flowh 0:0861bf46efe4 35 }