Update to work with Grove

Dependencies:   DigitDisplay RangeFinder Pulse Grove_temperature FXOS8700Q

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Aug 07 04:36:25 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Feb 10 22:58:39 2021 +0000
@@ -1,15 +1,166 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "Grove_temperature.h"
+#include "LED_Bar.h"
+#include "DigitDisplay.h"
+#include "RangeFinder.h"
+#include "FXOS8700Q.h"
-Grove_temperature temp(A4);
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+#define V_SERVO_CENTER 1400
+#define V_SERVO_MAX 2200
+#define V_SERVO_MIN 800
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // Serial Port 115200
+I2C i2c( PTE25, PTE24 );
+FXOS8700QAccelerometer  acc( i2c, FXOS8700CQ_SLAVE_ADDR1 ); // Accelerometer
+Grove_temperature temp(A3); // Temperature GPIO
+DigitalOut myled(LED2);  //Red LED
+DigitDisplay display(D7, D8); // Digital Display GPIO
+AnalogIn xAxis(A0);  // Joystick x GPIO
+AnalogIn yAxis(A1);  // Joystick y GPIO
+// Servo
+PwmOut v_servo(D3); // D3 output
+LED_Bar bar(D6, D5); // LED_Bar GPIO
+int x,y,button;  // global variables to hold values
+// Seeed ultrasound range finder
+RangeFinder rf(A2, 10, 5800.0, 100000);
+DigitalOut led(LED1);
+Ticker joystick; // recurring interrupt to get joystick data
+Ticker tick; // Digital display clock
+// Digital Display variables
+uint8_t hour   = 20;
+uint8_t minute = 14;
+uint8_t second = 0;
+// Digital Display Algorythm Function
+void beat()
+    static uint8_t colon = 0;
+    display.setColon(colon);
+    if (colon) {
+        second++;
+        if (second >= 60) {
+            second = 0;
+            minute++;
+            if (minute >= 60) {
+                minute = 0;
+                hour++;
+                if (hour >= 24) {
+                    hour = 0;
+                }
+                display.write(0, hour / 10);
+                display.write(1, hour % 10);
+            }
+            display.write(2, minute / 10);
+            display.write(3, minute % 10);
+        }
+    }
+    colon = 1 - colon;
+// Joystick Algorythm Function
+void joystick_Int_Handler()
+    x = xAxis.read() * 1000; // float (0->1) to int (0-1000)
+    y = yAxis.read() * 1000;
+    if ( (x > 900) || (y > 900) )
+        button = 1;
+    else
+        button = 0;
 // main() runs in its own thread in the OS
 int main() {
-    pc.baud(115200);
+    int i;
+    pc.baud(115200); // Serial Port 115200
+    led = 1; //Rangefinder
+    float d; //Rangefinder
+    float   acc_x, acc_y, acc_z; //Accelerometer
+    // Servo
+    int v_pulse = V_SERVO_CENTER;
+    v_servo.period_us(20000);          // servo requires a 20ms period
+    v_servo.pulsewidth_us(v_pulse); // servo position determined by a pulsewidth between 1-2ms
+    wait(1);
+    // Joystick interrupt, call every .2s
+    joystick.attach(joystick_Int_Handler,0.2);
+    display.write(0, hour / 10);
+    display.write(1, hour % 10);
+    display.write(2, minute / 10);
+    display.write(3, minute % 10);
+    display.setColon(true);
+    // Dig Display interrupt, call every .5s  
+    tick.attach(&beat, 0.5);
+    // Enable Accelerometer
+    acc.enable();
     while (true) {
-        pc.printf("temperature = %2.2f\n", temp.getTemperature());
-        wait(1);
+        printf("\r\nTemperature Measurement\r\n");
+        pc.printf("\rtemperature = %2.2f\n", temp.getTemperature());
+        printf("\r\nJoystick Status, Meters\r\n");
+        pc.printf("\rX=%3d, Y=%3d, Button=%d\n",x,y,button);
+        //for (i=0; i<=10; i++) {
+        //bar.setLevel(i);
+        //wait(0.1);
+        //}
+        bar.setLevel((x-250)/50);
+        //Servo
+        v_pulse =  v_pulse - 20;
+        if (v_pulse <= V_SERVO_MIN) v_pulse = V_SERVO_MIN;
+        if (v_pulse >= V_SERVO_MAX) v_pulse = V_SERVO_MAX;
+        v_servo.pulsewidth_us(v_pulse); // servo position determined by a pulsewidth between 1-2ms
+        //wait(3);       
+        printf("\n\rPulse = %d\n\r",v_pulse); 
+        //Range sensor
+        d = rf.read_m();
+        if (d == -1.0)  {
+            printf("\rTimeout Error.\n");   
+        } else if (d > 5.0) {  
+            // Seeed's sensor has a maximum range of 4m, it returns
+            // something like 7m if the ultrasound pulse isn't reflected. 
+            printf("\rNo object within detection range.\n");
+        } else  {
+            printf("\r\nUltra Sonic Rangefinder, Meters\r\n");
+            printf("\rDistance = %f m.\n", d);
+        }
+        // get Accelerometer values
+        acc.getX( acc_x );
+        acc.getY( acc_y );
+        acc.getZ( acc_z );
+        printf("\r\nAccelerometer Values\r\n");
+        printf("X:%6.1f, Y:%6.1f, Z:%6.1f\r\n\r\n", acc_x * 90.0, acc_y * 90.0, acc_z * 90.0 );
+        myled = 1;
+        wait(0.5);
+        myled = 0;
+        wait(0.5);
+        led = !led;