library for using LSM303DM chip



File content as of revision 0:4d358fbeab6e:

#ifndef LSM303_h
#define LSM303_h
#include "mbed.h"
/* LSM303DLM Example Code base on LSM303DLH example code by Jim Lindblom SparkFun Electronics

   date: 9/6/11
   license: Creative commons share-alike v3.0

   Modified by:Frankie.Chu

   Show how to calculate level and tilt-compensated heading using
   the snazzy LSM303DLH 3-axis magnetometer/3-axis accelerometer.

   You can set the accelerometer's full-scale range by setting
   the SCALE constant to either 2, 4, or 8. This value is used
   in the initLSM303() function. For the most part, all other
   registers in the LSM303 will be at their default value.

   Use the LSM303_write() and LSM303_read() functions to write
   to and read from the LSM303's internal registers.

   Use getLSM303_accel() and getLSM303_mag() to get the acceleration
   and magneto values from the LSM303. You'll need to pass each of
   those functions an array, where the data will be stored upon
   return from the void.

   getHeading() calculates a heading assuming the sensor is level.
   A float between 0 and 360 is returned. You need to pass it a
   array with magneto values.

   getTiltHeading() calculates a tilt-compensated heading.
   A float between 0 and 360 degrees is returned. You need
   to pass this function both a magneto and acceleration array.

   Headings are calculated as specified in AN3192:

   I'm using SparkFun's LSM303 breakout. Only power and the two
   I2C lines are connected:
   LSM303 Breakout ---------- Arduino
         Vin                   5V
         GND                   GND
         SDA                   A4
         SCL                   A5

#define ACCELE_SCALE 2  // accelerometer full-scale, should be 2, 4, or 8

/* LSM303 Address definitions */
#define LSM303_MAG  0x3C  // assuming SA0 grounded
#define LSM303_ACC  0x30  // assuming SA0 grounded

#define X 0
#define Y 1
#define Z 2

/* LSM303 Register definitions */
#define CTRL_REG1_A 0x20
#define CTRL_REG2_A 0x21
#define CTRL_REG3_A 0x22
#define CTRL_REG4_A 0x23
#define CTRL_REG5_A 0x24
#define HP_FILTER_RESET_A 0x25
#define REFERENCE_A 0x26
#define STATUS_REG_A 0x27
#define OUT_X_L_A 0x28
#define OUT_X_H_A 0x29
#define OUT_Y_L_A 0x2A
#define OUT_Y_H_A 0x2B
#define OUT_Z_L_A 0x2C
#define OUT_Z_H_A 0x2D
#define INT1_CFG_A 0x30
#define INT1_SOURCE_A 0x31
#define INT1_THS_A 0x32
#define INT1_DURATION_A 0x33
#define CRA_REG_M 0x00
#define CRB_REG_M 0x01//refer to the Table 58 of the datasheet of LSM303DLM
#define MAG_SCALE_1_3 0x20//full-scale is +/-1.3Gauss
#define MAG_SCALE_1_9 0x40//+/-1.9Gauss
#define MAG_SCALE_2_5 0x60//+/-2.5Gauss
#define MAG_SCALE_4_0 0x80//+/-4.0Gauss
#define MAG_SCALE_4_7 0xa0//+/-4.7Gauss
#define MAG_SCALE_5_6 0xc0//+/-5.6Gauss
#define MAG_SCALE_8_1 0xe0//+/-8.1Gauss
#define MR_REG_M 0x02
#define OUT_X_H_M 0x03
#define OUT_X_L_M 0x04
#define OUT_Y_H_M 0x07
#define OUT_Y_L_M 0x08
#define OUT_Z_H_M 0x05
#define OUT_Z_L_M 0x06
#define SR_REG_M 0x09
#define IRA_REG_M 0x0A
#define IRB_REG_M 0x0B
#define IRC_REG_M 0x0C
#define LSM303_WHO_AM_I_M        0x0F // DLM only

#define PI                    3.14159265

class LSM303
{// I am  LSM303DLM
    typedef struct Plane {
        float x, y, z;
    } Plane;
    Plane a; // accelerometer readings
    Plane m; // magnetometer readings
    Plane m_max; // maximum magnetometer values, used for calibration
    Plane m_min; // minimum magnetometer values, used for calibration
    float pitch;
    float roll;
    int setup();
    void getLSM303_mag();
    int getLSM303_accel();
    int LSM303_read(int address);
    int LSM303_write(int data, int address);
    int testAcc();
    int testMag();
    float getTiltHeading();
    // Plane functions
    static void vector_cross(const Plane *a, const Plane *b, Plane *out);
    static float vector_dot(const Plane *a,const Plane *b);
    static void vector_normalize(Plane *a);

    int _i2c_address;

    int initLSM303(int fs); // accelerometer full-scale, should be 2, 4, or 8
