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Dependents:   Nucleo_blueNRG

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--- a/TARGET_NUCLEO_L053R8/stm32l0xx_hal_flash.h	Wed Mar 04 07:31:39 2015 +0100
+++ b/TARGET_NUCLEO_L053R8/stm32l0xx_hal_flash.h	Tue Mar 17 14:27:45 2015 +0000
@@ -2,14 +2,13 @@
   * @file    stm32l0xx_hal_flash.h
   * @author  MCD Application Team
-  * @version V1.1.0
-  * @date    18-June-2014
-  * @brief   This file contains all the functions prototypes for the FLASH 
-  *          firmware library.
+  * @version V1.2.0
+  * @date    06-February-2015
+  * @brief   Header file of Flash HAL module.
   * @attention
-  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
   * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
   * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
@@ -51,25 +50,13 @@
   * @{
-/** @addtogroup FLASH
+/** @defgroup FLASH FLASH
   * @{
-/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-  * @brief  FLASH Error structure definition
-  */
-typedef enum
-  FLASH_ERROR_RD      = 0x01,
-  FLASH_ERROR_ENDHV   = 0x02,
-  FLASH_ERROR_SIZE    = 0x04,
-  FLASH_ERROR_PGA     = 0x08,
-  FLASH_ERROR_WRP     = 0x10,
-  FLASH_ERROR_OPTV    = 0x20,
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Types FLASH Exported Types
+  * @{
+  */  
   * @brief  FLASH Procedure structure definition
@@ -82,281 +69,149 @@
 } FLASH_ProcedureTypeDef;
-  * @brief  FLASH Erase structure definition
-  */
-typedef struct
-  uint32_t TypeErase;   /*!< TypeErase: Mass erase or sector Erase.
-                              This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASH_Type_Erase */
+ * @brief FLASH Erase structure definition
+ */
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    uint32_t TypeErase;    /*!< TypeErase: Page Erase only.
+                             This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASHEx_Type_Erase */
+    uint32_t PageAddress ; /*!< PageAddress : Initial FLASH address to be erased
+                             This parameter must be a value belonging to FLASH Programm address (depending on the devices) */
+    uint32_t NbPages;      /*!< NbPages: Number of pages to be erased.
+                             This parameter must be a value between 1 and (max number of pages - value of Initial page)*/
-  uint32_t Page;        /*!< Sector: Initial FLASH sector to erase when Mass erase is disabled
-                              This parameter must be an address value between 0x08000000 and 0x0800FFFF */
-  uint32_t NbPages;    /*!< NbSectors: Number of sectors to be erased.
-                              This parameter must be a value between 1 and (max number of sectors - initial sector value) */
-} FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef;
+ } FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef;
-  * @brief  FLASH Option Bytes PROGRAM structure definition
-  */
-typedef struct
-  uint32_t OptionType;     /*!< OptionType: Option byte to be configured.
-                              This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASH_Option_Type */
-  uint32_t WRPState;      /*!< WRPState: Write protection activation or deactivation.
-                              This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASH_WRP_State */
-  uint32_t WRPSector;    /*!< WRPSector: specifies the sector(s) to be write protected.
-                              The value of this parameter depends on device used within the same series */
-  uint32_t RDPLevel;     /*!< RDPLevel: Set the read protection level..
-                              This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASH_Option_Bytes_Read_Protection */
-  uint32_t BORLevel;     /*!< BORLevel: Set the BOR Level.
-                              This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASH_Option_Bytes_BOR_Level */
-  uint8_t  USERConfig;     /*!< USERConfig: Program the FLASH User Option Byte: IWDG_SW / RST_STOP / RST_STDBY.
-                              This parameter can be a combination of @ref FLASH_Option_Bytes_IWatchdog, @ref FLASH_Option_Bytes_nRST_STOP and @ref FLASH_Option_Bytes_nRST_STDBY*/
-} FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Private_Types FLASH Private Types
+  * @{
+  */  
   * @brief  FLASH handle Structure definition  
 typedef struct
-  __IO FLASH_ProcedureTypeDef ProcedureOnGoing;  /*Internal variable to indicate which procedure is ongoing or not in IT context*/
+  __IO FLASH_ProcedureTypeDef ProcedureOnGoing;  /* Internal variable to indicate which procedure is ongoing or not in IT context */
-  __IO uint32_t               NbPagesToErase;    /*Internal variable to save the remaining sectors to erase in IT context*/
+  __IO uint32_t               NbPagesToErase;    /* Internal variable to save the remaining sectors to erase in IT context */
-  __IO uint32_t               Page;              /*Internal variable to define the current sector which is erasing*/
+  __IO uint32_t               Page;              /* Internal variable to define the current sector which is erasing */
-  __IO uint32_t               Address;           /*Internal variable to save address selected for program*/
+  __IO uint32_t               Address;           /* Internal variable to save address selected for program */
   HAL_LockTypeDef             Lock;              /* FLASH locking object */
-  __IO FLASH_ErrorTypeDef     ErrorCode;         /* FLASH error code */
+  __IO uint32_t               ErrorCode;         /* FLASH error code */
-/*Variables used for Erase sectors under interruption*/
-extern FLASH_ProcessTypeDef pFlash;   
-/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Constants FLASH Exported Constants
-  * @{
-  */
-/** @defgroup FLASH_Type_Erase
-  * @{
-  */
-#define TYPEERASE_PAGEERASE       ((uint32_t)0x00)  /*!<Page erase only*/
-#define TYPEERASE_WORD            ((uint32_t)0x01)  /*!<Data erase word activation*/
-                              ((VALUE) == TYPEERASE_WORD)) 
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup FLASH_Type_Program
-  * @{
-  */
-#define TYPEPROGRAM_BYTE            ((uint32_t)0x00)  /*!<Program byte (8-bit) at a specified address.*/
-#define TYPEPROGRAM_HALFWORD        ((uint32_t)0x01)  /*!<Program a half-word (16-bit) at a specified address.*/
-#define TYPEPROGRAM_WORD            ((uint32_t)0x02)  /*!<Program a word (32-bit) at a specified address.*/
-#define TYPEPROGRAM_FASTBYTE        ((uint32_t)0x04)  /*!<Fast Program byte (8-bit) at a specified address.*/
-#define TYPEPROGRAM_FASTHALFWORD    ((uint32_t)0x08)  /*!<Fast Program a half-word (16-bit) at a specified address.*/
-#define TYPEPROGRAM_FASTWORD        ((uint32_t)0x10)  /*!<Fast Program a word (32-bit) at a specified address.*/
-                              ((VALUE) == TYPEPROGRAM_HALFWORD) || \
-                              ((VALUE) == TYPEPROGRAM_WORD) || \
-                              ((VALUE) == TYPEPROGRAM_FASTBYTE) || \
-                              ((VALUE) == TYPEPROGRAM_FASTHALFWORD) || \
-                              ((VALUE) == TYPEPROGRAM_FASTWORD))  
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup FLASH_WRP_State
-  * @{
-  */
-#define WRPSTATE_DISABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00)  /*!<Disable the write protection of the desired bank 1 sectors*/
-#define WRPSTATE_ENABLE        ((uint32_t)0x01)  /*!<Enable the write protection of the desired bank 1 sectors*/
-                           ((VALUE) == WRPSTATE_ENABLE))
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup FLASH_Option_Type
-  * @{
-  */
-#define OPTIONBYTE_WRP        ((uint32_t)0x01)  /*!<WRP option byte configuration*/
-#define OPTIONBYTE_RDP        ((uint32_t)0x02)  /*!<RDP option byte configuration*/
-#define OPTIONBYTE_USER       ((uint32_t)0x04)  /*!<USER option byte configuration*/
-#define OPTIONBYTE_BOR        ((uint32_t)0x08)  /*!<BOR option byte configuration*/
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup FLASH_Interrupts
-  * @{
-  */
-#define FLASH_IT_EOP               FLASH_PECR_EOPIE  /*!< End of programming interrupt source */
-#define FLASH_IT_ERR               FLASH_PECR_ERRIE  /*!< Error interrupt source */
-#define IS_FLASH_IT(IT) ((((IT) & (uint32_t)0xFFFCFFFF) == 0x00000000) && (((IT) != 0x00000000)))
-  * @}
-  */ 
-/** @defgroup FLASH_Address
-  * @{
-  */
-#define IS_NBPAGES(PAGES) (((PAGES) >= 1) && ((PAGES) <= 512)) /* 512 pages from page0 to page 511 */  
   * @}
-/** @defgroup FLASH_Option_Bytes_Write_Protection
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Private_Variables FLASH Private Variables
   * @{
+  */  
+  * @brief  Variable used for Program/Erase sectors under interruption.
+  *     Put as extern as used also in flash_ex.c. 
-#define OB_WRP_Pages0to31              ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /* Write protection of Sector0 */
-#define OB_WRP_Pages32to63             ((uint32_t)0x00000002) /* Write protection of Sector1 */
-#define OB_WRP_Pages64to95             ((uint32_t)0x00000004) /* Write protection of Sector2 */
-#define OB_WRP_Pages96to127            ((uint32_t)0x00000008) /* Write protection of Sector3 */
-#define OB_WRP_Pages128to159           ((uint32_t)0x00000010) /* Write protection of Sector4 */
-#define OB_WRP_Pages160to191           ((uint32_t)0x00000020) /* Write protection of Sector5 */
-#define OB_WRP_Pages192to223           ((uint32_t)0x00000040) /* Write protection of Sector6 */
-#define OB_WRP_Pages224to255           ((uint32_t)0x00000080) /* Write protection of Sector7 */
-#define OB_WRP_Pages256to287           ((uint32_t)0x00000100) /* Write protection of Sector8 */
-#define OB_WRP_Pages288to319           ((uint32_t)0x00000200) /* Write protection of Sector9 */
-#define OB_WRP_Pages320to351           ((uint32_t)0x00000400) /* Write protection of Sector10 */
-#define OB_WRP_Pages352to383           ((uint32_t)0x00000800) /* Write protection of Sector11 */
-#define OB_WRP_Pages384to415           ((uint32_t)0x00001000) /* Write protection of Sector12 */
-#define OB_WRP_Pages416to447           ((uint32_t)0x00002000) /* Write protection of Sector13 */
-#define OB_WRP_Pages448to479           ((uint32_t)0x00004000) /* Write protection of Sector14 */
-#define OB_WRP_Pages480to511           ((uint32_t)0x00008000) /* Write protection of Sector15 */
-#define OB_WRP_AllPages                ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF) /*!< Write protection of all Sectors */
-#define IS_OB_WRP(PAGE) (((PAGE) != 0x0000000))
+extern FLASH_ProcessTypeDef ProcFlash;   
   * @}
-/** @defgroup FLASH_Option_Bytes_Read_Protection
-  * @{
-  */ 
-  * @brief FLASH_Option_Bytes_Read_Protection  
-  */ 
-#define OB_RDP_Level_0   ((uint8_t)0xAA)
-#define OB_RDP_Level_1   ((uint8_t)0xBB)
-/*#define OB_RDP_Level_2   ((uint8_t)0xCC)*/ /* Warning: When enabling read protection level 2 
-                                                it's no more possible to go back to level 1 or 0 */
-#define IS_OB_RDP(LEVEL) (((LEVEL) == OB_RDP_Level_0)||\
-                          ((LEVEL) == OB_RDP_Level_1))/*||\
-                          ((LEVEL) == OB_RDP_Level_2))*/
-  * @}
-  */ 
-/** @defgroup FLASH_Option_Bytes_IWatchdog
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Private_Constants FLASH Private Constants
   * @{
-#define OB_IWDG_SW                     ((uint8_t)0x10)  /*!< Software WDG selected */
-#define OB_IWDG_HW                     ((uint8_t)0x00)  /*!< Hardware WDG selected */
+#define FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE        ((uint32_t)50000) /* 50 s */
+#define FLASH_SIZE_DATA_REGISTER   ((uint32_t)0x1FF8007C)
   * @}
-/** @defgroup FLASH_Option_Bytes_nRST_STOP
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Constants FLASH Public Constants
   * @{
-#define OB_STOP_NoRST                  ((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< No reset generated when entering in STOP */
-#define OB_STOP_RST                    ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Reset generated when entering in STOP */
+  /**
+  * @brief  FLASH size information
+  */
+#define FLASH_SIZE                 (uint32_t)(*((uint16_t *)FLASH_SIZE_DATA_REGISTER) * 1024)
+#define FLASH_PAGE_SIZE            ((uint32_t)128)
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Type_Program
+  * @{
+  */
+#define FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_WORD     ((uint32_t)0x02)  /*!<Program a word (32-bit) at a specified address.*/
   * @}
-/** @defgroup FLASH_Option_Bytes_nRST_STDBY
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Latency FLASH Latency 
   * @{
-  */
-#define OB_STDBY_NoRST                 ((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< No reset generated when entering in STANDBY */
-#define OB_STDBY_RST                   ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Reset generated when entering in STANDBY */
+  */ 
+#define FLASH_LATENCY_0            ((uint8_t)0x00)    /*!< FLASH Zero Latency cycle */
+#define FLASH_LATENCY_1            ((uint8_t)0x01)    /*!< FLASH One Latency cycle */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup FLASH_Option_Bytes_BOR_Level
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Interrupts FLASH Interrupts 
   * @{
-#define OB_BOR_OFF       ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< BOR is disabled at power down, the reset is asserted when the VDD 
-                                              power supply reaches the PDR(Power Down Reset) threshold (1.5V) */
-#define OB_BOR_LEVEL1    ((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< BOR Reset threshold levels for 1.7V - 1.8V VDD power supply    */
-#define OB_BOR_LEVEL2    ((uint8_t)0x09) /*!< BOR Reset threshold levels for 1.9V - 2.0V VDD power supply    */
-#define OB_BOR_LEVEL3    ((uint8_t)0x0A) /*!< BOR Reset threshold levels for 2.3V - 2.4V VDD power supply    */
-#define OB_BOR_LEVEL4    ((uint8_t)0x0B) /*!< BOR Reset threshold levels for 2.55V - 2.65V VDD power supply  */
-#define OB_BOR_LEVEL5    ((uint8_t)0x0C) /*!< BOR Reset threshold levels for 2.8V - 2.9V VDD power supply    */
-#define IS_OB_BOR_LEVEL(LEVEL)  (((LEVEL) == OB_BOR_OFF) || \
-                                 ((LEVEL) == OB_BOR_LEVEL1) || \
-                                 ((LEVEL) == OB_BOR_LEVEL2) || \
-                                 ((LEVEL) == OB_BOR_LEVEL3) || \
-                                 ((LEVEL) == OB_BOR_LEVEL4) || \
-                                 ((LEVEL) == OB_BOR_LEVEL5))
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup FLASH_Flags
-  * @{
-  */ 
-#define FLASH_FLAG_BSY                 FLASH_SR_BSY             /*!< FLASH Busy flag */
-#define FLASH_FLAG_EOP                 FLASH_SR_EOP             /*!< FLASH End of Programming flag */
-#define FLASH_FLAG_ENDHV               FLASH_SR_ENHV            /*!< FLASH End of High Voltage flag */
-#define FLASH_FLAG_READY               FLASH_SR_READY           /*!< FLASH Ready flag after low power mode */
-#define FLASH_FLAG_WRPERR              FLASH_SR_WRPERR          /*!< FLASH Write protected error flag */
-#define FLASH_FLAG_PGAERR              FLASH_SR_PGAERR          /*!< FLASH Programming Alignment error flag */
-#define FLASH_FLAG_SIZERR              FLASH_SR_SIZERR          /*!< FLASH Size error flag  */
-#define FLASH_FLAG_OPTVERR             FLASH_SR_OPTVERR         /*!< FLASH Option Validity error flag  */
-#define FLASH_FLAG_RDERR               FLASH_SR_RDERR           /*!< FLASH Read protected error flag */
-#define FLASH_FLAG_NOTZEROERR          FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR      /*!< FLASH Read protected error flag */
-#define IS_FLASH_CLEAR_FLAG(FLAG) ((((FLAG) & (uint32_t)0xFFFED0FF) == 0x00000000) && ((FLAG) != 0x00000000))
-                                  ((FLAG) == FLASH_FLAG_ENDHV) || ((FLAG) == FLASH_FLAG_READY ) || \
-                                  ((FLAG) ==  FLASH_FLAG_WRPERR) || ((FLAG) == FLASH_FLAG_PGAERR ) || \
-                                  ((FLAG) ==  FLASH_FLAG_SIZERR) || ((FLAG) == FLASH_FLAG_OPTVERR) || \
-                                  ((FLAG) ==  FLASH_FLAG_RDERR) || ((FLAG) ==  FLASH_FLAG_NOTZEROERR))
+#define FLASH_IT_EOP               FLASH_PECR_EOPIE  /*!< End of programming interrupt source */
+#define FLASH_IT_ERR               FLASH_PECR_ERRIE  /*!< Error interrupt source */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup FLASH_Keys
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Flags FLASH Flags 
   * @{
+#define FLASH_FLAG_BSY             FLASH_SR_BSY             /*!< FLASH Busy flag */
+#define FLASH_FLAG_EOP             FLASH_SR_EOP             /*!< FLASH End of Programming flag */
+#define FLASH_FLAG_ENDHV           FLASH_SR_HVOFF           /*!< FLASH End of High Voltage flag */
+#define FLASH_FLAG_READY           FLASH_SR_READY           /*!< FLASH Ready flag after low power mode */
+#define FLASH_FLAG_WRPERR          FLASH_SR_WRPERR          /*!< FLASH Write protected error flag */
+#define FLASH_FLAG_PGAERR          FLASH_SR_PGAERR          /*!< FLASH Programming Alignment error flag */
+#define FLASH_FLAG_SIZERR          FLASH_SR_SIZERR          /*!< FLASH Size error flag  */
+#define FLASH_FLAG_OPTVERR         FLASH_SR_OPTVERR         /*!< FLASH Option Validity error flag  */
+#define FLASH_FLAG_RDERR           FLASH_SR_RDERR           /*!< FLASH Read protected error flag */
+#define FLASH_FLAG_FWWERR          FLASH_SR_FWWERR          /*!< FLASH Write or Errase operation aborted */
+#define FLASH_FLAG_NOTZEROERR      FLASH_SR_NOTZEROERR      /*!< FLASH Read protected error flag */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Error_Code Flash Error Code
+  * @{
+  */
+#define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_NONE    0x00
+#define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_RD      0x01
+#define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_SIZE    0x02
+#define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_PGA     0x04
+#define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_WRP     0x08
+#define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_OPTV    0x10
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Keys FLASH Keys 
+  * @{
+  */ 
 #define FLASH_PDKEY1               ((uint32_t)0x04152637) /*!< Flash power down key1 */
 #define FLASH_PDKEY2               ((uint32_t)0xFAFBFCFD) /*!< Flash power down key2: used with FLASH_PDKEY1 
-                                                              to unlock the RUN_PD bit in FLASH_ACR */
+                                                               to unlock the RUN_PD bit in FLASH_ACR */
 #define FLASH_PEKEY1               ((uint32_t)0x89ABCDEF) /*!< Flash program erase key1 */
 #define FLASH_PEKEY2               ((uint32_t)0x02030405) /*!< Flash program erase key: used with FLASH_PEKEY2
@@ -369,11 +224,11 @@
 #define FLASH_OPTKEY1              ((uint32_t)0xFBEAD9C8) /*!< Flash option key1 */
 #define FLASH_OPTKEY2              ((uint32_t)0x24252627) /*!< Flash option key2: used with FLASH_OPTKEY1 to
-                                                              unlock the write access to the option byte block */
+                                                               unlock the write access to the option byte block */
   * @}
 /* CMSIS_Legacy */ 
 #if defined ( __ICCARM__ )
@@ -382,73 +237,68 @@
   * @}
-  */
+  */ 
-/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @defgroup FLASH_Interrupt FLASH Interrupt
- *  @brief macros to handle FLASH interrupts
- * @{
- */
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Macros FLASH Exported Macros
+  * @{
+  */  
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Interrupt macros to handle FLASH interrupts
+  * @{
+  */  
-  * @brief  Enables or disables the specified FLASH interrupts.
-  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the FLASH interrupt sources to be enabled or 
-  *         disabled.
+  * @brief  Enable/Disable the specified FLASH interrupt.
+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__ : FLASH interrupt 
   *   This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
-  *     @arg FLASH_IT_EOP: FLASH end of programming Interrupt
-  *     @arg FLASH_IT_ERR: FLASH Error Interrupt
-  * @retval None 
-  */ 
-  * @brief  Disable the specified FLASH interrupt.
-  * @param  __INTERRUPT__ : FLASH interrupt 
-  *         This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
   *     @arg FLASH_IT_EOP: End of FLASH Operation Interrupt
   *     @arg FLASH_IT_ERR: Error Interrupt    
   * @retval none
-  */
-#define __HAL_FLASH_DISABLE_IT(__INTERRUPT__)  (FLASH->PECR &= ~(uint32_t)(__INTERRUPT__))
+  */ 
+#define __HAL_FLASH_DISABLE_IT(__INTERRUPT__)  ((FLASH->PECR) &= ~(uint32_t)(__INTERRUPT__))
-  * @brief  Checks whether the specified FLASH flag is set or not.
+  * @brief  Get the specified FLASH flag status. 
   * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the FLASH flag to check.
   *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_BSY: FLASH write/erase operations in progress flag 
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_EOP: FLASH End of Operation flag
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_READY: FLASH Ready flag after low power mode
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_ENDHV: FLASH End of high voltage flag
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_WRPERR: FLASH Write protected error flag 
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_PGAERR: FLASH Programming Alignment error flag
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_SIZERR: FLASH size error flag
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_OPTVERR: FLASH Option validity error flag
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_OPTVERRUSR: FLASH Option User validity error flag
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_RDERR: FLASH Read protected error flag
+  *            @arg FLASH_FLAG_BSY   :              FLASH Busy flag
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_EOP:         FLASH End of Operation flag
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_READY:       FLASH Ready flag after low power mode
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_ENDHV:       FLASH End of high voltage flag
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_WRPERR:      FLASH Write protected error flag 
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_PGAERR:      FLASH Programming Alignment error flag
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_SIZERR:      FLASH Size error flag
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_OPTVERR:     FLASH Option validity error flag
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_RDERR:       FLASH Read protected error flag
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_FWWERR:      FLASH Fetch While Write Error flag
   *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_NOTZEROERR:  Not Zero area error flag  
-  * @retval The new state of FLASH_FLAG (SET or RESET).
+  * @retval The new state of __FLAG__ (SET or RESET).
-#define __HAL_FLASH_GET_FLAG(__FLAG__)   ((FLASH->SR & (__FLAG__)) == (__FLAG__))
+#define __HAL_FLASH_GET_FLAG(__FLAG__)   (((FLASH->SR) & (__FLAG__)) == (__FLAG__))
-  * @brief  Clears the FLASH's pending flags.
+  * @brief  Clear the specified FLASH flag.
   * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the FLASH flags to clear.
   *   This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_EOP: FLASH End of Operation flag
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_WRPERR: FLASH Write protected error flag 
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_PGAERR: FLASH Programming Alignment error flag 
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_SIZERR: FLASH size error flag    
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_OPTVERR: FLASH Option validity error flag
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_OPTVERRUSR: FLASH Option User validity error flag
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_RDERR: FLASH Read protected error flag
-  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_NOTZEROERR:  Not Zero area error flag  
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_EOP:          FLASH End of Operation flag
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_WRPERR:       FLASH Write protected error flag 
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_PGAERR:       FLASH Programming Alignment error flag 
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_SIZERR:       FLASH size error flag    
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_OPTVERR:      FLASH Option validity error flag
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_RDERR:        FLASH Read protected error flag
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_FWWERR:       FLASH Fetch While Write Error flag
+  *     @arg FLASH_FLAG_NOTZEROERR:   Not Zero area error flag  
   * @retval None
 #define __HAL_FLASH_CLEAR_FLAG(__FLAG__)   (FLASH->SR = (__FLAG__)) 
   * @}
-  */
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
 /* Include FLASH HAL Extension module */
 #include "stm32l0xx_hal_flash_ex.h"
@@ -456,35 +306,96 @@
 /* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Functions  FLASH Exported functions
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Functions_Group1 Programming operation functions 
+  * @{
+  */
   * @brief  FLASH memory functions that can be executed from FLASH.  
-  */
+  */  
 /* Program operation functions  ***********************************************/
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_Program(uint32_t TypeProgram, uint32_t Address, uint32_t Data);
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_Program_IT(uint32_t TypeProgram, uint32_t Address, uint32_t Data);
-/* FLASH IRQ handler function */
+/* FLASH IRQ handler function   ***********************************************/
 void HAL_FLASH_IRQHandler(void);
-/* Callbacks in non blocking modes */
+/* Callbacks in non blocking modes   ******************************************/
 void HAL_FLASH_EndOfOperationCallback(uint32_t ReturnValue);
 void HAL_FLASH_OperationErrorCallback(uint32_t ReturnValue); 
+  * @}
+  */ 
-/* Peripheral Control functions  **********************************************/
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Functions_Group2 Peripheral Control functions 
+  * @{
+  */
+/* FLASH Memory Programming functions *****************************************/   
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_Unlock(void);
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_Lock(void);
+/* Option Bytes Programming functions *****************************************/
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock(void);
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_OB_Lock(void);
-/* Option bytes control */
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch(void);
-/* Peripheral State functions  ************************************************/
-FLASH_ErrorTypeDef HAL_FLASH_GetError(void);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral State and Errors functions 
+  * @{
+  */
+/* Peripheral State methods  **************************************************/
+uint32_t HAL_FLASH_GetError(void);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Private_Macros FLASH Private Macros
+  * @{
+  */
-/* Non-User functions  ********************************************************/
+                                   ((__LATENCY__) == FLASH_LATENCY_1))
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup FLASH_Private_Functions FLASH Private functions
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief  Function used internally by HAL FLASH driver. 
+  */  
 HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(uint32_t Timeout);
-void FLASH_Erase_Page(uint32_t Page_Address);
+void              FLASH_ErasePage(uint32_t Page_Address);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */
 #ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -492,12 +403,5 @@
 #endif /* __STM32L0XX_HAL_FLASH_H */
-  * @}
-  */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
-  * @}
-  */ 
-/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/