testing functionalities of serial over USB

Dependencies:   mbed

Thu Mar 10 14:57:26 2022 +0000
tested as working, receiving a file over serial

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
ffxx68 0:8765af830f0e 1 #include "mbed.h"
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 2 #define BUF_SIZE 1024
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 3
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 4 // attributes - peripherals
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 5 Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);
ffxx68 0:8765af830f0e 6 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 7 Timer timeout;
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 8 Ticker blinker;
ffxx68 0:8765af830f0e 9
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 10 // attributes - program variables
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 11 char fileOverSerialBuffer[BUF_SIZE]; // buffer to store received string over pc
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 12
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 13 // local methods
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 14 void ledBlink ( void ) {
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 15 myled != myled;
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 16 }
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 17
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 18 // main
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 19 int main() {
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 20
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 21 int i;
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 22 int bytesReceived = 0;
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 23
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 24 pc.baud ( 600 ); // slow communication!
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 25 //pc.attach(&serialDataCallback); // attach pc ISR
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 26
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 27 while ( true ) {
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 28
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 29 // ready for a new file to be received
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 30 bytesReceived = 0;
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 31 timeout.stop();
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 32 timeout.reset();
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 33 blinker.attach( &ledBlink, 1.0 );
ffxx68 0:8765af830f0e 34
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 35 // wait for input
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 36 while ( pc.readable() && timeout.read() < 1 ) {
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 37 if ( bytesReceived == 0 ) {
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 38 timeout.start(); // watchdog
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 39 timeout.reset();
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 40 }
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 41 if ( bytesReceived < BUF_SIZE-1 ) { // avoid buffer overflow
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 42 fileOverSerialBuffer[bytesReceived++] = pc.getc();
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 43 myled = fileOverSerialBuffer[bytesReceived] & 0x01; // show activity
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 44 timeout.reset(); // got byte: reset watchdog
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 45 } else
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 46 break; // buffer full - stop receiving
ffxx68 0:8765af830f0e 47 }
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 48
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 49 // file completed - process
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 50 fileOverSerialBuffer[bytesReceived+1] = '\x00'; // terminate a string
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 51 blinker.detach(); // stop flashing
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 52 myled = 1; // processing
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 53 pc.printf("Got %d bytes\n\r", bytesReceived);
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 54 for ( i=0; i < bytesReceived; i++) {
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 55 pc.printf("%.2x ", fileOverSerialBuffer[i]);
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 56 if ( !(i%16) && i!=0 ) pc.printf("\n\r");
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 57 }
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 58 pc.printf("\n\r");
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 59 myled = 0; // done
ffxx68 0:8765af830f0e 60
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 61
ffxx68 1:a00097bc510b 62 }
ffxx68 0:8765af830f0e 63 }