Gestione Bluetooth per il progetto Tarallo

Mon Jan 14 10:45:18 2019 +0000
Merge pull request #208 from ARMmbed/mbed-os-5.11.0-oob

Mbed OS 5.11.0
Commit copied from

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 2 * Copyright (c) 2018 ARM Limited
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 3 *
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 7 *
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 8 *
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 9 *
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 14 * limitations under the License.
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 15 */
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 16
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 17 #include <mbed.h>
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 18 #include "ble/BLE.h"
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 19
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 20 inline void print_error(ble_error_t error, const char* msg)
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 21 {
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 22 printf("%s: ", msg);
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 23 switch(error) {
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 24 case BLE_ERROR_NONE:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 25 printf("BLE_ERROR_NONE: No error");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 26 break;
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 27 case BLE_ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 28 printf("BLE_ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW: The requested action would cause a buffer overflow and has been aborted");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 29 break;
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 30 case BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 31 printf("BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: Requested a feature that isn't yet implement or isn't supported by the target HW");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 32 break;
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 33 case BLE_ERROR_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 34 printf("BLE_ERROR_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE: One of the supplied parameters is outside the valid range");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 35 break;
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 36 case BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 37 printf("BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM: One of the supplied parameters is invalid");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 38 break;
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 39 case BLE_STACK_BUSY:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 40 printf("BLE_STACK_BUSY: The stack is busy");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 41 break;
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 42 case BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 43 printf("BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE: Invalid state");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 44 break;
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 45 case BLE_ERROR_NO_MEM:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 46 printf("BLE_ERROR_NO_MEM: Out of Memory");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 47 break;
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 48 case BLE_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 49 printf("BLE_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 50 break;
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 51 case BLE_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_INCOMPLETE:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 52 printf("BLE_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_INCOMPLETE");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 53 break;
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 54 case BLE_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 55 printf("BLE_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 56 break;
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 57 case BLE_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 58 printf("BLE_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED: Unknown error");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 59 break;
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 60 case BLE_ERROR_INTERNAL_STACK_FAILURE:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 61 printf("BLE_ERROR_INTERNAL_STACK_FAILURE: internal stack faillure");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 62 break;
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 63 }
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 64 printf("\r\n");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 65 }
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 66
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 67 /** print device address to the terminal */
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 68 inline void print_address(const Gap::Address_t &addr)
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 69 {
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 70 printf("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\r\n",
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 71 addr[5], addr[4], addr[3], addr[2], addr[1], addr[0]);
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 72 }
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 73
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 74 inline void print_mac_address()
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 75 {
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 76 /* Print out device MAC address to the console*/
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 77 Gap::AddressType_t addr_type;
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 78 Gap::Address_t address;
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 79 BLE::Instance().gap().getAddress(&addr_type, address);
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 80 printf("DEVICE MAC ADDRESS: ");
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 81 print_address(address);
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 82 }
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 83
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 84 inline const char* phy_to_string(Gap::Phy_t phy) {
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 85 switch(phy.value()) {
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 86 case Gap::Phy_t::LE_1M:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 87 return "LE 1M";
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 88 case Gap::Phy_t::LE_2M:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 89 return "LE 2M";
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 90 case Gap::Phy_t::LE_CODED:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 91 return "LE coded";
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 92 default:
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 93 return "invalid PHY";
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 94 }
mbed_official 76:652c2be531c7 95 }