Library containing Crazyflie 2.0 controller classes: - Attitude estimator - Horizontal estimator - Vertical estimator - Attitude controller - Horizontal controller - Vertical controller - Mixer

--- a/AttitudeEstimator/AttitudeEstimator.cpp	Fri Aug 31 18:41:31 2018 +0000
+++ b/AttitudeEstimator/AttitudeEstimator.cpp	Wed Sep 12 00:18:15 2018 +0000
@@ -15,40 +15,6 @@
-// Estimate euler angles (rad) and angular velocity (rad/s)
-void AttitudeEstimator::estimate()
-    // Read IMU sensor data
-    // Estimate Euler angles (rad) and angular velocities (rad/s) from accelerometer and gyroscope data
-    estimate_accel();
-    estimate_gyro();
-    // 
-    phi = phi_accel*rho + phi_gyro*(1.0f-rho);
-    theta = theta_accel*rho + theta_gyro*(1.0f-rho);
-// Estimate Euler angles (rad) from accelerometer data
-void AttitudeEstimator::estimate_accel()
-    // Estimate Euler angles (rad)
-    phi_accel = atan2(-imu.ay,;
-    theta_accel = atan2(,;
-// Estimate Euler angles (rad) and angular velocities (rad/s) from gyroscope data
-void AttitudeEstimator::estimate_gyro()
-    // Estimate angular velocities (rad/s)
-    p = imu.gx - p_bias;
-    q = - q_bias;
-    r = imu.gz - r_bias;
-    // Estimate Euler angles (rad)
-    phi_gyro = phi + p*dt;
-    theta_gyro = theta + q*dt;
-    psi = psi + r*dt;
 // Calibrates gyroscope by calculating angular velocity bias (rad/s)
 void AttitudeEstimator::calibrate_gyro()
@@ -65,4 +31,65 @@
         r_bias += imu.gz/200.0f;
+// Estimate euler angles (rad) and angular velocity (rad/s)
+void AttitudeEstimator::estimate()
+    // Read IMU sensor data
+    // Estimate Euler angles (rad) and angular velocities (rad/s) from accelerometer and gyroscope data
+    estimate_accel();
+    estimate_gyro();
+    // Ponderate Euler angles (rad) estimation from accelerometer and gyroscope
+    phi = phi_accel*rho + phi_gyro*(1.0f-rho);
+    theta = theta_accel*rho + theta_gyro*(1.0f-rho);
+    psi = psi_gyro;
+// Estimate Euler angles (rad) from accelerometer data
+void AttitudeEstimator::estimate_accel()
+    // Estimate Euler angles (rad)
+    phi_accel = atan2(-imu.ay,;
+    theta_accel = atan2(,-((>0)-(<0))*sqrt(pow(imu.ay,2)+pow(,2)));
+// Estimate Euler angles (rad) and angular velocities (rad/s) from gyroscope data
+void AttitudeEstimator::estimate_gyro()
+    // Estimate angular velocities (rad/s)
+    p = imu.gx - p_bias;
+    q = - q_bias;
+    r = imu.gz - r_bias;
+    // Estimate Euler angles (rad)
+    phi_gyro = phi + (p+q*sin(phi)*tan(theta)+r*cos(phi)*tan(theta))*dt;
+    theta_gyro = theta + (q*cos(phi)-r*sin(phi))*dt;
+    psi_gyro = psi + (q*sin(phi)/cos(theta)+r*cos(phi)/cos(theta))*dt;
+    // Adjust Euler angles (rad) to be in the interval of +/- pi
+    if(phi_gyro > pi)
+    {
+        phi_gyro = phi_gyro - 2*pi;
+    }
+    else if(phi_gyro < -pi)
+    {
+        phi_gyro = phi_gyro + 2*pi;
+    }
+    if(theta_gyro > pi)
+    {
+        theta_gyro = theta_gyro - 2*pi;
+    }
+    else if(theta_gyro < -pi)
+    {
+        theta_gyro = theta_gyro + 2*pi;
+    }
+    if(psi_gyro > pi)
+    {
+        psi_gyro = psi_gyro - 2*pi;
+    }
+    else if(psi_gyro < -pi)
+    {
+        psi_gyro = psi_gyro + 2*pi;
+    }
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