Keil MBC1700 demoboard and L293, QEI ,TFT, MOTOR, UART

Dependencies:   mbed Motor

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Mar 02 14:18:23 2012 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

GLCD_MCB1700.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Motor.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
QEI_hw_m/qeihw.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
QEI_hw_m/qeihw.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/GLCD_MCB1700.lib	Fri Mar 02 14:18:23 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Motor.lib	Fri Mar 02 14:18:23 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/QEI_hw_m/qeihw.cpp	Fri Mar 02 14:18:23 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+ /* mbed Library - QEI driver for LP1768 hardware
+ * Copyright (c) 2010, hball
+ * released under MIT license
+ * modification QEIHW::SetPositionComp line 174 
+ * tmp = (uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)&(LPC_QEI->CMPOS0)) + (bPosCompCh << 2));
+ */
+ * @file        qeihw.cpp
+ * @brief       Driver file for the QEI hardware. Requires connection to
+ *              internal mbed circuit nodes. Adapted from the CMSIS
+ *              driver, lpc17xx_qei.c, v 2.0
+ * @version     0.1
+ * @date        28 Dec 2010
+ * @author      hb
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "qeihw.h"
+QEIHW *QEIHW::instance;
+ * @brief        Create a QEI object and configure it.
+ * @param _dirinv Direction invert. When = 1, complements the QEICONF register DIR bit
+ * @param _sigmode Signal mode. When = 0, PhA and PhB are quadrature inputs. When = 1, PhA is direction and PhB is clock
+ * @param _capmode Capture mode. When = 0, count PhA edges only (2X mode). Whe = 1, count PhB edges also (4X mode).
+ * @param _invinx Invert index. When = 1, inverts the sense of the index signal
+ * @return        None
+ **********************************************************************/
+QEIHW::QEIHW(uint32_t _dirinv, uint32_t _sigmode, uint32_t _capmode, uint32_t _invinx)
+    /* Set up clock and power for QEI module */
+    /* The clock for theQEI module is set to FCCLK  */
+    LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 = LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 & ~(3UL<<0) | ((PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_1 & 3)<<0); 
+    /* Assign the pins. They are hard-coded, not user-selected. The index
+     * pin is assigned, even though it is not easily accessed on the mbed.
+     * As it may be unconnected, it is given a pull-up resistor to minimize
+     * power drain.
+     */
+    // MCI0 (PhA)
+    // MCI1 (PhB)
+    // MCI2 (Index)
+    // Initialize all remaining values in QEI peripheral
+    LPC_QEI->QEIMAXPOS = 0xFFFFFFFF;                          // Default value
+    LPC_QEI->CMPOS0 = 0x00;
+    LPC_QEI->CMPOS1 = 0x00;
+    LPC_QEI->CMPOS2 = 0x00;
+    LPC_QEI->INXCMP = 0x00;
+    LPC_QEI->QEILOAD = 0x00;
+    LPC_QEI->VELCOMP = 0x00;
+    LPC_QEI->FILTER = 200000;       // Default for mechanical switches.
+    // Set QEI configuration value corresponding to the call parameters
+        ((_dirinv << 0) & 1) | \
+        ((_sigmode << 1) & 2) | \
+        ((_capmode << 2) & 4) | \
+        ((_invinx <<3) & 8) );
+    // Mask all int sources   
+    LPC_QEI->QEIIEC = QEI_IECLR_BITMASK;    // Set the "clear" bits for all sources in the IE clear register              
+    // Clear any pending ints    
+    LPC_QEI->QEICLR = QEI_INTCLR_BITMASK;   // Set the "clear" bits for for all sources in the Interrupt clear register             
+    /* preemption = 1, sub-priority = 1 */
+    NVIC_SetPriority(QEI_IRQn, ((0x01<<3)|0x01));
+    //* Attach IRQ
+    instance = this;
+    NVIC_SetVector(QEI_IRQn, (uint32_t)&_Qeiisr);
+    /* Enable interrupt for QEI  */
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(QEI_IRQn);                       
+ * @brief        Resets value for each type of QEI value, such as velocity,
+ *                 counter, position, etc..
+ * @param[in]    ulResetType        QEI Reset Type, should be one of the following:
+ *                                 - QEI_RESET_POS: Reset Position Counter
+ *                                 - QEI_RESET_POSOnIDX: Reset Position Counter on Index signal
+ *                                 - QEI_RESET_VEL: Reset Velocity
+ *                                 - QEI_RESET_IDX: Reset Index Counter
+ * @return        None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void QEIHW::Reset(uint32_t ulResetType)
+    LPC_QEI->QEICON = ulResetType;
+ * @brief        De-initializes the QEI peripheral registers to their
+ *                  default reset values.
+ *
+ * @return         None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void QEIHW::DeInit()
+    /* Turn off clock and power for QEI module */
+    /* Return pins to their default assignment (PINSEL = 0, PINMODE = PULLDOWN) */
+    // MCI0 (PhA) -> LED-2 (p1.20)
+    // MCI1 (PhB) -> LED-4 (p1.23)
+    // MCI2 (Index) -> p1.24
+ * @brief        Report direction (QEISTAT bit DIR)
+ *                             
+ * @return       State of the DIR bit (SET or RESET)
+ **********************************************************************/
+FlagStatus QEIHW::Direction()
+ * @brief        Get current position value in QEI peripheral
+ * 
+ * @return        Current position value of QEI peripheral
+ **********************************************************************/
+uint32_t QEIHW::GetPosition()
+    return (LPC_QEI->QEIPOS);
+ * @brief        Set max position value for QEI peripheral
+ *
+ * @param[in]    ulMaxPos    Max position value to set
+ * @return        None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void QEIHW::SetMaxPosition(uint32_t ulMaxPos)
+    LPC_QEI->QEIMAXPOS = ulMaxPos;
+ * @brief        Set position compare value for QEI peripheral
+ * @param[in]    QEIx        QEI peripheral, should be LPC_QEI
+ * @param[in]    bPosCompCh    Compare Position channel, should be:
+ *                             - QEI_COMPPOS_CH_0: QEI compare position channel 0
+ *                             - QEI_COMPPOS_CH_1: QEI compare position channel 1
+ *                             - QEI_COMPPOS_CH_2: QEI compare position channel 2
+ * @param[in]    ulPosComp    Compare Position value to set
+ * @return        None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void QEIHW::SetPositionComp( uint8_t bPosCompCh, uint32_t ulPosComp)
+    uint32_t *tmp;
+    tmp = (uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)&(LPC_QEI->CMPOS0)) + (bPosCompCh << 2));
+    *tmp = ulPosComp;
+ * @brief        Get current index counter of QEI peripheral
+ *
+ * @return        Current value of QEI index counter
+ **********************************************************************/
+uint32_t QEIHW::GetIndex()
+    return (LPC_QEI->INXCNT);
+ * @brief        Set value for index compare in QEI peripheral
+ * @param[in]    ulIndexComp        Compare Index Value to set
+ * @return        None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void QEIHW::SetIndexComp( uint32_t ulIndexComp)
+    LPC_QEI->INXCMP = ulIndexComp;
+ * @brief        Set Velocity timer reload value
+ *
+ * @param[in]    ulReloadValue    Velocity timer reload count
+ * @return        None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void QEIHW::SetVelocityTimerReload( uint32_t ulReloadValue)
+         LPC_QEI->QEILOAD = ulReloadValue;
+ * @brief        Set Velocity timer reload value in microseconds
+ *
+ * @param[in]    ulReloadValue    Velocity timer reload count
+ * @return        None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void QEIHW::SetVelocityTimerReload_us( uint32_t ulReloadValue)
+    int div;
+    //Work out CCLK
+    uint32_t m = (LPC_SC->PLL0CFG & 0xFFFF) + 1;
+    uint32_t n = (LPC_SC->PLL0CFG >> 16) + 1;
+    uint32_t cclkdiv = LPC_SC->CCLKCFG + 1;
+    uint32_t Fcco = (2 * m * XTAL_FREQ) / n;
+    uint32_t cclk = Fcco / cclkdiv;
+//    div = CLKPWR_GetPCLKSEL(ClkType);
+    switch (div)
+    {
+    case 0:
+        div = 4;
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        div = 1;
+        break;
+    case 2:
+        div = 2;
+        break;
+    case 3:
+        div = 8;
+        break;
+    }
+    cclk /=div;
+    cclk =((uint64_t)cclk / (1000000/ulReloadValue)) - 1;
+    LPC_QEI->QEILOAD = (uint32_t) cclk;
+ * @brief        Get current timer counter in QEI peripheral
+ * 
+ * @return        Current timer counter in QEI peripheral
+ **********************************************************************/
+uint32_t QEIHW::GetTimer()
+    return (LPC_QEI->QEITIME);
+ * @brief        Get current velocity pulse counter in current time period
+ * 
+ * @return        Current velocity pulse counter value
+ **********************************************************************/
+uint32_t QEIHW::GetVelocity()
+    return (LPC_QEI->QEIVEL);
+ * @brief        Get the most recently captured velocity of the QEI. When
+ *                 the Velocity timer in QEI is over-flow, the current velocity
+ *                 value will be loaded into Velocity Capture register.
+ * 
+ * @return        The most recently measured velocity value
+ **********************************************************************/
+uint32_t QEIHW::GetVelocityCap()
+    return (LPC_QEI->QEICAP);
+ * @brief        Set Velocity Compare value for QEI peripheral
+ *
+ * @param[in]    ulVelComp        Compare Velocity value to set
+ * @return        None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void QEIHW::SetVelocityComp( uint32_t ulVelComp)
+    LPC_QEI->VELCOMP = ulVelComp;
+ * @brief        Set value of sampling count for the digital filter in
+ *                 QEI peripheral
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    ulSamplingPulse    Value of sampling count to set
+ * @return        None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void QEIHW::SetDigiFilter( uint32_t ulSamplingPulse)
+    LPC_QEI->FILTER = ulSamplingPulse;
+ * @brief        Check whether if specified interrupt flag status in QEI
+ *                 peripheral is set or not
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    ulIntType        Interrupt Flag Status type, should be:
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_INX_Int: index pulse was detected interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_TIM_Int: Velocity timer over flow interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_VELC_Int: Capture velocity is less than compare interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_DIR_Int: Change of direction interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ERR_Int: An encoder phase error interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ENCLK_Int: An encoder clock pulse was detected interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int: position 0 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int: position 1 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int: position 2 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_REV_Int: Index compare value is equal to the current
+                                                        index count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0REV_Int: Combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1REV_Int: Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2REV_Int: Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt
+ * @return        New State of specified interrupt flag status (SET or RESET)
+ **********************************************************************/
+FlagStatus QEIHW::GetIntStatus( uint32_t ulIntType)
+    return((LPC_QEI->QEIINTSTAT & ulIntType) ? SET : RESET);
+ * @brief        Enable/Disable specified interrupt in QEI peripheral
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    ulIntType        Interrupt Flag Status type, should be:
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_INX_Int: index pulse was detected interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_TIM_Int: Velocity timer over flow interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_VELC_Int: Capture velocity is less than compare interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_DIR_Int: Change of direction interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ERR_Int: An encoder phase error interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ENCLK_Int: An encoder clock pulse was detected interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int: position 0 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int: position 1 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int: position 2 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_REV_Int: Index compare value is equal to the current
+ *                                                        index count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0REV_Int: Combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1REV_Int: Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2REV_Int: Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt
+ * @param[in]    NewState        New function state, should be:
+ *                                - DISABLE
+ *                                - ENABLE
+ * @return        None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void QEIHW::IntCmd( uint32_t ulIntType, FunctionalState NewState)
+    if (NewState == ENABLE) {
+        LPC_QEI->QEIIES = ulIntType;
+    } else {
+        LPC_QEI->QEIIEC = ulIntType;
+    }
+ * @brief       Assert specified interrupt in QEI peripheral
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    ulIntType        Interrupt Flag Status type, should be:
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_INX_Int: index pulse was detected interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_TIM_Int: Velocity timer over flow interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_VELC_Int: Capture velocity is less than compare interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_DIR_Int: Change of direction interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ERR_Int: An encoder phase error interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ENCLK_Int: An encoder clock pulse was detected interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int: position 0 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int: position 1 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int: position 2 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_REV_Int: Index compare value is equal to the current
+                                                        index count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0REV_Int: Combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1REV_Int: Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2REV_Int: Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt
+ * @return        None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void QEIHW::IntSet( uint32_t ulIntType)
+    LPC_QEI->QEISET = ulIntType;
+ * @brief       De-assert specified interrupt (pending) in QEI peripheral
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    ulIntType        Interrupt Flag Status type, should be:
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_INX_Int: index pulse was detected interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_TIM_Int: Velocity timer over flow interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_VELC_Int: Capture velocity is less than compare interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_DIR_Int: Change of direction interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ERR_Int: An encoder phase error interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ENCLK_Int: An encoder clock pulse was detected interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int: position 0 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int: position 1 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int: position 2 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_REV_Int: Index compare value is equal to the current
+                                                        index count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0REV_Int: Combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1REV_Int: Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2REV_Int: Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt
+ * @return        None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void QEIHW::IntClear( uint32_t ulIntType)
+    LPC_QEI->QEICLR = ulIntType;
+ * @brief        Calculates the actual velocity in RPM passed via velocity
+ *                 capture value and Pulse Per Revolution (of the encoder) value
+ *                 parameter input.
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    ulVelCapValue    Velocity capture input value that can
+ *                                 be got from QEI_GetVelocityCap() function
+ * @param[in]    ulPPR            Pulse per round of encoder
+ * @return        The actual value of velocity in RPM (Revolutions per minute)
+ **********************************************************************/
+uint32_t QEIHW::CalculateRPM( uint32_t ulVelCapValue, uint32_t ulPPR)
+    uint64_t rpm, Load, edges;
+    int div;
+    // Get current Clock rate for timer input
+    //Work out CCLK
+    uint32_t m = (LPC_SC->PLL0CFG & 0xFFFF) + 1;
+    uint32_t n = (LPC_SC->PLL0CFG >> 16) + 1;
+    uint32_t cclkdiv = LPC_SC->CCLKCFG + 1;
+    uint32_t Fcco = (2 * m * XTAL_FREQ) / n;
+    uint32_t cclk = Fcco / cclkdiv;
+//    div = CLKPWR_GetPCLKSEL(ClkType);
+    switch (div)
+    {
+    case 0:
+        div = 4;
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        div = 1;
+        break;
+    case 2:
+        div = 2;
+        break;
+    case 3:
+        div = 8;
+        break;
+    }
+    cclk /= div;
+    // Get Timer load value (velocity capture period)
+    Load  = (uint64_t)(LPC_QEI->QEILOAD + 1);
+    // Get Edge
+    edges = (uint64_t)((LPC_QEI->QEICONF & QEI_CONF_CAPMODE) ? 4 : 2);
+    // Calculate RPM
+    rpm = ((( uint64_t)cclk * ulVelCapValue * 60) / (Load * ulPPR * edges));
+    return (uint32_t)(rpm);
+ * @brief        Append interrupt handler for specific QEI interrupt source
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    ulISRType        Interrupt Flag Status type, should be:
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_INX_Int: index pulse was detected interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_TIM_Int: Velocity timer over flow interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_VELC_Int: Capture velocity is less than compare interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_DIR_Int: Change of direction interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ERR_Int: An encoder phase error interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ENCLK_Int: An encoder clock pulse was detected interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int: position 0 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int: position 1 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int: position 2 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_REV_Int: Index compare value is equal to the current
+ *                                                        index count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0REV_Int: Combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1REV_Int: Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2REV_Int: Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                 
+ * @return       none
+ **********************************************************************/
+void QEIHW::AppendISR(uint32_t ulISRType, void(*fptr)(void)) {
+    int i;
+    for(i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
+        if( ulISRType == (1UL << i) ) {
+            _qei_isr[i] = fptr;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+ * @brief        Unappend interrupt handler for specific QEI interrupt source
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    ulISRType        Interrupt Flag Status type, should be:
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_INX_Int: index pulse was detected interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_TIM_Int: Velocity timer over flow interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_VELC_Int: Capture velocity is less than compare interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_DIR_Int: Change of direction interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ERR_Int: An encoder phase error interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ENCLK_Int: An encoder clock pulse was detected interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int: position 0 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int: position 1 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int: position 2 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_REV_Int: Index compare value is equal to the current
+ *                                                        index count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0REV_Int: Combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1REV_Int: Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2REV_Int: Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                 
+ * @return       none
+ **********************************************************************/
+void QEIHW::UnAppendISR(uint32_t ulISRType) {
+    int i;
+    for(i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
+        if( ulISRType == (1UL << i) ) {
+            _qei_isr[i] = NULL;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+void QEIHW::_Qeiisr(void)
+    instance->Qeiisr();
+ * @brief        QEI interrupt service dispatcher. 
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    none
+ *                                 
+ * @return       none
+ **********************************************************************/
+void QEIHW::Qeiisr(void)  
+    int32_t i;
+    //User defined interrupt handlers. Check all possible sources, dispatch to corresponding non-null service routines.
+    for(i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
+        if(LPC_QEI->QEIINTSTAT & ((uint32_t)(1<<i)) ) {
+            if (_qei_isr[i] != NULL) {
+                _qei_isr[i]();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/QEI_hw_m/qeihw.h	Fri Mar 02 14:18:23 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+ /* mbed Library - QEIhw
+ * Copyright (c) 2010, hball
+ * released under MIT license
+ */
+ * @file        qeihw.h
+ * @brief       Header file for the qeihw driver. Adapted from the CMSIS
+ *              header, lpc17xx_qei.h, v 2.0
+ * @version     0.0
+ * @date        10 Dec 2010
+ * @author      hb
+ **************************************************************************/
+#ifndef MBED_QEIHW_H
+#define MBED_QEIHW_H
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "mbed.h"
+/* Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Flag Status type definition */
+typedef enum {RESET = 0, SET = !RESET} FlagStatus, IntStatus, SetState;
+/* Functional State Definition */
+typedef enum {DISABLE = 0, ENABLE = !DISABLE} FunctionalState;
+/* Other definitions    */
+#define XTAL_FREQ       12000000
+/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/** @defgroup QEI_Public_Functions QEI Public Functions
+/** QEI hardware interface class
+* Requires mbed hardware modification: connect
+* encoder PhA to p1.20, and PhB to p1.23.
+* Example:
+* @code
+* // Display changes in encoder position and direction 
+#include "mbed.h"
+* #include "qeihw.h"
+* DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+* DigitalOut led3(LED3);
+* int main() {
+*     int32_t temp, position = 0;                      
+*     qei.SetDigiFilter(480UL);
+*     qei.SetMaxPosition(0xFFFFFFFF);
+*     while(1) {
+*         while(position == (temp = qei.GetPosition()) );
+*         position = temp;  
+*         printf("New position = %d.\r\n", temp);
+*         led1 = qei.Direction() == SET ? 1 : 0;
+*         led3 = !led1;
+*         wait(0.1);
+*     }
+* }
+* @endcode
+class QEIHW {
+    /** Create a QEI object and configure it
+     *
+     * @param _dirinv Direction invert. When = 1, complements the QEICONF register DIR bit
+     * @param _sigmode Signal mode. When = 0, PhA and PhB are quadrature inputs. When = 1, PhA is direction and PhB is clock
+     * @param _capmode Capture mode. When = 0, count PhA edges only (2X mode). Whe = 1, count PhB edges also (4X mode).
+     * @param _invinx Invert index. When = 1, inverts the sense of the index signal
+     */
+    QEIHW( uint32_t _dirinv, uint32_t _sigmode, uint32_t _capmode, uint32_t _invinx); 
+/**  Resets value for each type of QEI value, such as velocity, position, etc.
+ *                 
+ * @param[in]    ulResetType        QEI Reset Type, should be one of the following:
+ *                                 - QEI_RESET_POS: Reset Position Counter
+ *                                 - QEI_RESET_POSOnIDX: Reset Position Counter on Index signal
+ *                                 - QEI_RESET_VEL: Reset Velocity
+ *                                 - QEI_RESET_IDX: Reset Index Counter
+ */
+void Reset(uint32_t ulResetType);
+/** Powers down the QEI block, returns pins to GPIO mode
+ *
+ */
+void DeInit();
+/** Report direction (QEISTAT bit DIR)
+ *                             
+ * @return       State of the DIR bit (SET or RESET)
+ */
+FlagStatus Direction();
+ * @brief        Get current position value in QEI peripheral
+ * 
+ * @return        Current position value of QEI peripheral
+ */
+uint32_t GetPosition();
+/** Set max position value for QEI peripheral
+ *
+ * @param[in]    ulMaxPos    Max position value to set
+ * @return        None
+ */
+void SetMaxPosition(uint32_t ulMaxPos);
+/** Set position compare value for QEI peripheral
+ * @param[in]    bPosCompCh    Compare Position channel, should be:
+ *                             - QEI_COMPPOS_CH_0: QEI compare position channel 0
+ *                             - QEI_COMPPOS_CH_1: QEI compare position channel 1
+ *                             - QEI_COMPPOS_CH_2: QEI compare position channel 2
+ * @param[in]    ulPosComp    Compare Position value to set
+ * @return        None
+ */
+void SetPositionComp( uint8_t bPosCompCh, uint32_t ulPosComp);
+/** Get current index counter of QEI peripheral
+ *
+ * @return        Current value of QEI index counter
+ */
+uint32_t GetIndex();
+/** Set value for index compare in QEI peripheral
+ * @param[in]    ulIndexComp        Compare Index Value to set
+ * @return        None
+ */
+void SetIndexComp( uint32_t ulIndexComp);
+/** Set Velocity timer reload value
+ *
+ * @param[in]    ulReloadValue    Velocity timer reload count
+ * @return        None
+ */
+void SetVelocityTimerReload( uint32_t ulReloadValue);
+/** Set Velocity timer reload value in microseconds
+ *
+ * @param[in]    ulReloadValue    Velocity timer reload count
+ * @return        None
+ */
+void SetVelocityTimerReload_us( uint32_t ulReloadValue);
+/** Get current timer counter in QEI peripheral
+ * 
+ * @return        Current timer counter in QEI peripheral
+ */
+uint32_t GetTimer();
+/** Get current velocity pulse counter in current time period
+ * 
+ * @return        Current velocity pulse counter value
+ */
+uint32_t GetVelocity();
+/** Get the most recently measured velocity of the QEI. When
+ *                 the Velocity timer in QEI is over-flow, the current velocity
+ *                 value will be loaded into Velocity Capture register.
+ * 
+ * @return        The most recently measured velocity value
+ */
+uint32_t GetVelocityCap();
+/** Set Velocity Compare value for QEI peripheral
+ *
+ * @param[in]    ulVelComp        Compare Velocity value to set
+ * @return        None
+ */
+void SetVelocityComp( uint32_t ulVelComp);
+/** Set value of sampling count for the digital filter in
+ *                 QEI peripheral
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    ulSamplingPulse    Value of sampling count to set
+ * @return        None
+ */
+void SetDigiFilter( uint32_t ulSamplingPulse);
+/** Check whether if specified interrupt flag status in QEI
+ *                 peripheral is set or not
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    ulIntType        Interrupt Flag Status type, should be:
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_INX_Int: index pulse was detected interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_TIM_Int: Velocity timer over flow interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_VELC_Int: Capture velocity is less than compare interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_DIR_Int: Change of direction interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ERR_Int: An encoder phase error interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ENCLK_Int: An encoder clock pulse was detected interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int: position 0 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int: position 1 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int: position 2 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_REV_Int: Index compare value is equal to the current
+                                                        index count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0REV_Int: Combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1REV_Int: Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2REV_Int: Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt
+ * @return        New State of specified interrupt flag status (SET or RESET)
+ */
+FlagStatus GetIntStatus( uint32_t ulIntType);
+/** Enable/Disable specified interrupt in QEI peripheral
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    ulIntType        Interrupt Flag Status type, should be:
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_INX_Int: index pulse was detected interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_TIM_Int: Velocity timer over flow interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_VELC_Int: Capture velocity is less than compare interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_DIR_Int: Change of direction interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ERR_Int: An encoder phase error interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ENCLK_Int: An encoder clock pulse was detected interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int: position 0 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int: position 1 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int: position 2 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_REV_Int: Index compare value is equal to the current
+ *                                                        index count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0REV_Int: Combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1REV_Int: Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2REV_Int: Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt
+ * @param[in]    NewState        New function state, should be:
+ *                                - DISABLE
+ *                                - ENABLE
+ * @return        None
+ */
+void IntCmd( uint32_t ulIntType, FunctionalState NewState);
+/** Asserts specified interrupt in QEI peripheral
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    ulIntType        Interrupt Flag Status type, should be:
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_INX_Int: index pulse was detected interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_TIM_Int: Velocity timer over flow interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_VELC_Int: Capture velocity is less than compare interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_DIR_Int: Change of direction interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ERR_Int: An encoder phase error interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ENCLK_Int: An encoder clock pulse was detected interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int: position 0 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int: position 1 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int: position 2 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_REV_Int: Index compare value is equal to the current
+                                                        index count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0REV_Int: Combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1REV_Int: Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2REV_Int: Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt
+ * @return        None
+ */
+void IntSet( uint32_t ulIntType);
+/** De-asserts specified interrupt (pending) in QEI peripheral
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    ulIntType        Interrupt Flag Status type, should be:
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_INX_Int: index pulse was detected interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_TIM_Int: Velocity timer over flow interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_VELC_Int: Capture velocity is less than compare interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_DIR_Int: Change of direction interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ERR_Int: An encoder phase error interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ENCLK_Int: An encoder clock pulse was detected interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int: position 0 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int: position 1 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int: position 2 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_REV_Int: Index compare value is equal to the current
+                                                        index count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0REV_Int: Combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1REV_Int: Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt
+                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2REV_Int: Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt
+ * @return        None
+ */
+void IntClear( uint32_t ulIntType);
+/**  Append interrupt handler for specific QEI interrupt source
+ *
+ * @param[in]    ulISRType        Interrupt Flag Status type, should be:
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_INX_Int: index pulse was detected interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_TIM_Int: Velocity timer over flow interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_VELC_Int: Capture velocity is less than compare interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_DIR_Int: Change of direction interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ERR_Int: An encoder phase error interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ENCLK_Int: An encoder clock pulse was detected interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int: position 0 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int: position 1 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int: position 2 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_REV_Int: Index compare value is equal to the current
+ *                                                        index count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0REV_Int: Combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1REV_Int: Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2REV_Int: Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                 
+ * @return       none
+ */
+void AppendISR(uint32_t ulISRType, void(*fptr)(void));
+/**  Unappend interrupt handler for specific QEI interrupt source
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    ulISRType        Interrupt Flag Status type, should be:
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_INX_Int: index pulse was detected interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_TIM_Int: Velocity timer over flow interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_VELC_Int: Capture velocity is less than compare interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_DIR_Int: Change of direction interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ERR_Int: An encoder phase error interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_ENCLK_Int: An encoder clock pulse was detected interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int: position 0 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int: position 1 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int: position 2 compare value is equal to the
+ *                                                        current position interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_REV_Int: Index compare value is equal to the current
+ *                                                        index count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS0REV_Int: Combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS1REV_Int: Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                - QEI_INTFLAG_POS2REV_Int: Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt
+ *                                 
+ * @return       none
+ */
+void UnAppendISR(uint32_t ulISRType);
+ * @brief        Calculates the actual velocity in RPM passed via velocity
+ *                 capture value and Pulse Per Revolution (of the encoder) value
+ *                 parameter input.
+ * 
+ * @param[in]    ulVelCapValue    Velocity capture input value that can
+ *                                 be got from QEI_GetVelocityCap() function
+ * @param[in]    ulPPR            Pulse per round of encoder
+ * @return        The actual value of velocity in RPM (Revolutions per minute)
+ */
+uint32_t CalculateRPM( uint32_t ulVelCapValue, uint32_t ulPPR);
+/* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* QEI Reset types */
+#define QEI_RESET_POS            QEI_CON_RESP        /**< Reset position counter */
+#define QEI_RESET_POSOnIDX        QEI_CON_RESPI        /**< Reset Posistion Counter on Index */
+#define QEI_RESET_VEL            QEI_CON_RESV        /**< Reset Velocity */
+#define QEI_RESET_IDX            QEI_CON_RESI        /**< Reset Index Counter */
+/* QEI Direction Invert Type Option */
+#define QEI_DIRINV_NONE        ((uint32_t)(0))        /**< Direction is not inverted */
+#define QEI_DIRINV_CMPL        ((uint32_t)(1))        /**< Direction is complemented */
+/* QEI Signal Mode Option */
+#define QEI_SIGNALMODE_QUAD        ((uint32_t)(0))        /**< Signal operation: Quadrature phase mode */
+#define QEI_SIGNALMODE_CLKDIR    ((uint32_t)(1))        /**< Signal operation: Clock/Direction mode */
+/* QEI Capture Mode Option */
+#define QEI_CAPMODE_2X            ((uint32_t)(0))        /**< Capture mode: Only Phase-A edges are counted (2X) */
+#define QEI_CAPMODE_4X            ((uint32_t)(1))        /**< Capture mode: BOTH PhA and PhB edges are counted (4X)*/
+/* QEI Invert Index Signal Option */
+#define QEI_INVINX_NONE            ((uint32_t)(0))        /**< Invert Index signal option: None */
+#define QEI_INVINX_EN            ((uint32_t)(1))        /**< Invert Index signal option: Enable */
+/* QEI timer reload option */
+#define QEI_TIMERRELOAD_TICKVAL    ((uint8_t)(0))    /**< Reload value in absolute value */
+#define QEI_TIMERRELOAD_USVAL    ((uint8_t)(1))    /**< Reload value in microsecond value */
+/* QEI Flag Status type */
+#define QEI_STATUS_DIR            ((uint32_t)(1<<0))    /**< Direction status */
+/* QEI Compare Position channel option */
+#define QEI_COMPPOS_CH_0            ((uint8_t)(0))        /**< QEI compare position channel 0 */
+#define QEI_COMPPOS_CH_1            ((uint8_t)(1))        /**< QEI compare position channel 1 */
+#define QEI_COMPPOS_CH_2            ((uint8_t)(2))        /**< QEI compare position channel 2 */
+/* QEI interrupt flag type */
+#define QEI_INTFLAG_INX_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<0))    /**< index pulse was detected interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTFLAG_TIM_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<1))    /**< Velocity timer over flow interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTFLAG_VELC_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<2))    /**< Capture velocity is less than compare interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTFLAG_DIR_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<3))    /**< Change of direction interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTFLAG_ERR_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<4))    /**< An encoder phase error interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTFLAG_ENCLK_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<5))    /**< An encoder clock pulse was detected interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<6))    /**< position 0 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<7))    /**< position 1 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<8))    /**< position 2 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTFLAG_REV_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<9))    /**< Index compare value is equal to the current
+                                                        index count interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTFLAG_POS0REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<10))    /**< Combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTFLAG_POS1REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<11))    /**< Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTFLAG_POS2REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<12))    /**< Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt */
+/* QEI Process position reporting options */
+#define QEI_PROCESS_OPERATE            0;
+#define QEI_PROCESS_RESET              1;
+#define QEI_PROCESS_INCREMENTAL        0;
+#define QEI_PROCESS_ACCUMULATE         1;
+#define QEI_PROCESS_LINEAR             0;
+#define QEI_PROCESS_WEIGHTED           1;
+static void _Qeiisr(void);
+void Qeiisr(void);  
+static QEIHW *instance;
+/* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------- BIT DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------- */
+/* Quadrature Encoder Interface Control Register Definition --------------------- */
+ * Macro defines for QEI Control register
+ **********************************************************************/
+#define QEI_CON_RESP        ((uint32_t)(1<<0))        /**< Reset position counter */
+#define QEI_CON_RESPI        ((uint32_t)(1<<1))        /**< Reset Posistion Counter on Index */
+#define QEI_CON_RESV        ((uint32_t)(1<<2))        /**< Reset Velocity */
+#define QEI_CON_RESI        ((uint32_t)(1<<3))        /**< Reset Index Counter */
+#define QEI_CON_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0x0F))        /**< QEI Control register bit-mask */
+ * Macro defines for QEI Configuration register
+ **********************************************************************/
+#define QEI_CONF_DIRINV        ((uint32_t)(1<<0))        /**< Direction Invert */
+#define QEI_CONF_SIGMODE    ((uint32_t)(1<<1))        /**< Signal mode */
+#define QEI_CONF_CAPMODE    ((uint32_t)(1<<2))        /**< Capture mode */
+#define QEI_CONF_INVINX        ((uint32_t)(1<<3))        /**< Invert index */
+#define QEI_CONF_BITMASK    ((uint32_t)(0x0F))        /**< QEI Configuration register bit-mask */
+ * Macro defines for QEI Status register
+ **********************************************************************/
+#define QEI_STAT_DIR        ((uint32_t)(1<<0))        /**< Direction bit */
+#define QEI_STAT_BITMASK    ((uint32_t)(1<<0))        /**< QEI status register bit-mask */
+/* Quadrature Encoder Interface Interrupt registers definitions --------------------- */
+ * Macro defines for QEI Interrupt Status register
+ **********************************************************************/
+#define QEI_INTSTAT_INX_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<0))    /**< Indicates that an index pulse was detected */
+#define QEI_INTSTAT_TIM_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<1))    /**< Indicates that a velocity timer overflow occurred */
+#define QEI_INTSTAT_VELC_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<2))    /**< Indicates that capture velocity is less than compare velocity */
+#define QEI_INTSTAT_DIR_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<3))    /**< Indicates that a change of direction was detected */
+#define QEI_INTSTAT_ERR_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<4))    /**< Indicates that an encoder phase error was detected */
+#define QEI_INTSTAT_ENCLK_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<5))    /**< Indicates that and encoder clock pulse was detected */
+#define QEI_INTSTAT_POS0_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<6))    /**< Indicates that the position 0 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_INTSTAT_POS1_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<7))    /**< Indicates that the position 1compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_INTSTAT_POS2_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<8))    /**< Indicates that the position 2 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_INTSTAT_REV_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<9))    /**< Indicates that the index compare value is equal to the current
+                                                        index count */
+#define QEI_INTSTAT_POS0REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<10))    /**< Combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt. Set when
+                                                        both the POS0_Int bit is set and the REV_Int is set */
+#define QEI_INTSTAT_POS1REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<11))    /**< Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt. Set when
+                                                        both the POS1_Int bit is set and the REV_Int is set */
+#define QEI_INTSTAT_POS2REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<12))    /**< Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt. Set when
+                                                        both the POS2_Int bit is set and the REV_Int is set */
+#define QEI_INTSTAT_BITMASK            ((uint32_t)(0x1FFF))    /**< QEI Interrupt Status register bit-mask */
+ * Macro defines for QEI Interrupt Set register
+ **********************************************************************/
+#define QEI_INTSET_INX_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<0))    /**< Set Bit Indicates that an index pulse was detected */
+#define QEI_INTSET_TIM_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<1))    /**< Set Bit Indicates that a velocity timer overflow occurred */
+#define QEI_INTSET_VELC_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<2))    /**< Set Bit Indicates that capture velocity is less than compare velocity */
+#define QEI_INTSET_DIR_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<3))    /**< Set Bit Indicates that a change of direction was detected */
+#define QEI_INTSET_ERR_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<4))    /**< Set Bit Indicates that an encoder phase error was detected */
+#define QEI_INTSET_ENCLK_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<5))    /**< Set Bit Indicates that and encoder clock pulse was detected */
+#define QEI_INTSET_POS0_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<6))    /**< Set Bit Indicates that the position 0 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_INTSET_POS1_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<7))    /**< Set Bit Indicates that the position 1compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_INTSET_POS2_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<8))    /**< Set Bit Indicates that the position 2 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_INTSET_REV_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<9))    /**< Set Bit Indicates that the index compare value is equal to the current
+                                                        index count */
+#define QEI_INTSET_POS0REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<10))    /**< Set Bit that combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTSET_POS1REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<11))    /**< Set Bit that Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTSET_POS2REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<12))    /**< Set Bit that Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTSET_BITMASK            ((uint32_t)(0x1FFF))    /**< QEI Interrupt Set register bit-mask */
+ * Macro defines for QEI Interrupt Clear register
+ **********************************************************************/
+#define QEI_INTCLR_INX_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<0))    /**< Clear Bit Indicates that an index pulse was detected */
+#define QEI_INTCLR_TIM_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<1))    /**< Clear Bit Indicates that a velocity timer overflow occurred */
+#define QEI_INTCLR_VELC_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<2))    /**< Clear Bit Indicates that capture velocity is less than compare velocity */
+#define QEI_INTCLR_DIR_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<3))    /**< Clear Bit Indicates that a change of direction was detected */
+#define QEI_INTCLR_ERR_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<4))    /**< Clear Bit Indicates that an encoder phase error was detected */
+#define QEI_INTCLR_ENCLK_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<5))    /**< Clear Bit Indicates that and encoder clock pulse was detected */
+#define QEI_INTCLR_POS0_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<6))    /**< Clear Bit Indicates that the position 0 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_INTCLR_POS1_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<7))    /**< Clear Bit Indicates that the position 1compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_INTCLR_POS2_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<8))    /**< Clear Bit Indicates that the position 2 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_INTCLR_REV_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<9))    /**< Clear Bit Indicates that the index compare value is equal to the current
+                                                        index count */
+#define QEI_INTCLR_POS0REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<10))    /**< Clear Bit that combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTCLR_POS1REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<11))    /**< Clear Bit that Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTCLR_POS2REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<12))    /**< Clear Bit that Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTCLR_BITMASK            ((uint32_t)(0x1FFF))    /**< QEI Interrupt Clear register bit-mask */
+ * Macro defines for QEI Interrupt Enable register
+ **********************************************************************/
+#define QEI_INTEN_INX_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<0))    /**< Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that an index pulse was detected */
+#define QEI_INTEN_TIM_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<1))    /**< Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that a velocity timer overflow occurred */
+#define QEI_INTEN_VELC_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<2))    /**< Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that capture velocity is less than compare velocity */
+#define QEI_INTEN_DIR_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<3))    /**< Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that a change of direction was detected */
+#define QEI_INTEN_ERR_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<4))    /**< Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that an encoder phase error was detected */
+#define QEI_INTEN_ENCLK_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<5))    /**< Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that and encoder clock pulse was detected */
+#define QEI_INTEN_POS0_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<6))    /**< Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that the position 0 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_INTEN_POS1_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<7))    /**< Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that the position 1compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_INTEN_POS2_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<8))    /**< Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that the position 2 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_INTEN_REV_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<9))    /**< Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that the index compare value is equal to the current
+                                                        index count */
+#define QEI_INTEN_POS0REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<10))    /**< Enabled Interrupt Bit that combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTEN_POS1REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<11))    /**< Enabled Interrupt Bit that Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTEN_POS2REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<12))    /**< Enabled Interrupt Bit that Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_INTEN_BITMASK            ((uint32_t)(0x1FFF))    /**< QEI Interrupt Enable register bit-mask */
+ * Macro defines for QEI Interrupt Enable Set register
+ **********************************************************************/
+#define QEI_IESET_INX_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<0))    /**< Set Enable Interrupt Bit Indicates that an index pulse was detected */
+#define QEI_IESET_TIM_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<1))    /**< Set Enable Interrupt Bit Indicates that a velocity timer overflow occurred */
+#define QEI_IESET_VELC_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<2))    /**< Set Enable Interrupt Bit Indicates that capture velocity is less than compare velocity */
+#define QEI_IESET_DIR_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<3))    /**< Set Enable Interrupt Bit Indicates that a change of direction was detected */
+#define QEI_IESET_ERR_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<4))    /**< Set Enable Interrupt Bit Indicates that an encoder phase error was detected */
+#define QEI_IESET_ENCLK_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<5))    /**< Set Enable Interrupt Bit Indicates that and encoder clock pulse was detected */
+#define QEI_IESET_POS0_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<6))    /**< Set Enable Interrupt Bit Indicates that the position 0 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_IESET_POS1_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<7))    /**< Set Enable Interrupt Bit Indicates that the position 1compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_IESET_POS2_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<8))    /**< Set Enable Interrupt Bit Indicates that the position 2 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_IESET_REV_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<9))    /**< Set Enable Interrupt Bit Indicates that the index compare value is equal to the current
+                                                        index count */
+#define QEI_IESET_POS0REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<10))    /**< Set Enable Interrupt Bit that combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_IESET_POS1REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<11))    /**< Set Enable Interrupt Bit that Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_IESET_POS2REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<12))    /**< Set Enable Interrupt Bit that Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_IESET_BITMASK            ((uint32_t)(0x1FFF))    /**< QEI Interrupt Enable Set register bit-mask */
+ * Macro defines for QEI Interrupt Enable Clear register
+ **********************************************************************/
+#define QEI_IECLR_INX_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<0))    /**< Clear Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that an index pulse was detected */
+#define QEI_IECLR_TIM_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<1))    /**< Clear Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that a velocity timer overflow occurred */
+#define QEI_IECLR_VELC_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<2))    /**< Clear Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that capture velocity is less than compare velocity */
+#define QEI_IECLR_DIR_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<3))    /**< Clear Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that a change of direction was detected */
+#define QEI_IECLR_ERR_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<4))    /**< Clear Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that an encoder phase error was detected */
+#define QEI_IECLR_ENCLK_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<5))    /**< Clear Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that and encoder clock pulse was detected */
+#define QEI_IECLR_POS0_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<6))    /**< Clear Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that the position 0 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_IECLR_POS1_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<7))    /**< Clear Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that the position 1compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_IECLR_POS2_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<8))    /**< Clear Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that the position 2 compare value is equal to the
+                                                        current position */
+#define QEI_IECLR_REV_Int            ((uint32_t)(1<<9))    /**< Clear Enabled Interrupt Bit Indicates that the index compare value is equal to the current
+                                                        index count */
+#define QEI_IECLR_POS0REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<10))    /**< Clear Enabled Interrupt Bit that combined position 0 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_IECLR_POS1REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<11))    /**< Clear Enabled Interrupt Bit that Combined position 1 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_IECLR_POS2REV_Int        ((uint32_t)(1<<12))    /**< Clear Enabled Interrupt Bit that Combined position 2 and revolution count interrupt */
+#define QEI_IECLR_BITMASK            ((uint32_t)(0x1FFF))    /**< QEI Interrupt Enable Clear register bit-mask */
+ * Macro defines for PCONP register QEI-related bits
+ **********************************************************************/
+#define PCONP_QEI_ENABLE             ((uint32_t)(1<<18))     /**< QEI peripheral power enable bit */
+#define PCONP_QEI_DISABLE            ~((uint32_t)(1<<18))     /**< QEI peripheral power disable bit-mask */
+ * Macro defines for PCLKSELx register QEI-related bits
+ **********************************************************************/
+#define PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_1              1UL                 /**< Set PCLK to CCLK/1 */
+#define PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_2              2UL                 /**< Set PCLK to CCLK/2 */
+#define PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_4              0UL                 /**< Set PCLK to CCLK/4 */
+#define PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_8              3UL                 /**< Set PCLK to CCLK/8 */
+#define PCLKSEL1_PCLK_QEI_MASK          ((uint32_t)(3<<0))  /**< PCLK_QEI PCLK_QEI bit field mask */
+ * Macro defines for PINSEL3 register QEI-related bits
+ **********************************************************************/
+#define PINSEL3_MCI0                ((uint32_t)(1<<8))     /**< MCIO (PhA) pin select */
+#define PINSEL3_MCI0_MASK          ~((uint32_t)(3<<8))     /**< MCIO (PhA) pin mask */
+#define PINSEL3_MCI1                ((uint32_t)(1<<14))    /**< MCI1 (PhB) pin select */
+#define PINSEL3_MCI1_MASK          ~((uint32_t)(3<<14))    /**< MCI2 (PhB) pin mask */
+#define PINSEL3_MCI2                ((uint32_t)(1<<16))    /**< MCI2 (Index) pin select */
+#define PINSEL3_MCI2_MASK          ~((uint32_t)(3<<16))    /**< MCI2 (Index) pin mask */
+ * Macro defines for PINMODE3 register QEI-related bits
+ **********************************************************************/
+#define PIN_PULL_UP                     0UL
+#define PIN_REPEATER                    1UL
+#define PIN_NORESISTOR                  2UL
+#define PIN_PULL_DOWN                   3UL     
+#define PINMODE3_MCI0                ((uint32_t)(PIN_NORESISTOR<<8))     /**< MCIO (PhA) resistor selection */
+#define PINMODE3_GPIO1p20            ((uint32_t)(PIN_PULL_DOWN<<8))      /**< GPIO 1.20) resistor selection */
+#define PINMODE3_MCI0_MASK          ~((uint32_t)(3<<8))                  /**< MCIO (PhA) resistor mask */
+#define PINMODE3_MCI1                ((uint32_t)(PIN_NORESISTOR<<14))    /**< MCI1 (PhB) resistor selection */
+#define PINMODE3_GPIO1p23            ((uint32_t)(PIN_PULL_DOWN<<14))      /**< GPIO 1.23) resistor selection */
+#define PINMODE3_MCI1_MASK          ~((uint32_t)(3<<14))                 /**< MCI1 (PhB) resistor mask */
+#define PINMODE3_MCI2                ((uint32_t)(PIN_PULL_UP<<16))       /**< MCI2 (Index) resistor selection */
+#define PINMODE3_GPIO1p24            ((uint32_t)(PIN_PULL_DOWN<<16))      /**< GPIO 1.24) resistor selection */
+#define PINMODE3_MCI2_MASK          ~((uint32_t)(3<<16))                 /**< MCI2 (Index) resistor mask */
+#endif /* MBED_QEI_H */
+/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Mar 02 14:18:23 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+* @file qei_hw_motor
+* @brief Keil MBC1700 demoboard and L293, QEI ,TFT, MOTOR, UART
+*   C27 and C81 removed
+* @author Frederic BLANC (Published 01/03/2012
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "qeihw.h"
+#include "GLCD_MCB1700.h"
+#include "Motor.h"
+#define   PPR 624 //Pulse per round of encoder
+#define   PWM 0.7 // 0 to 1.0
+//#define   TFT 1 //if comment TFT is OFF else if define TFT is ON (µvision limit 32Ko)
+DigitalOut led_DIR(P1_28);
+DigitalOut led_POS0(P1_29);
+DigitalOut led_POS1(P1_31);
+DigitalOut led_POS2(P2_2);
+//reseved MOTOR    P2_3, P2_4, P2_5
+DigitalOut led_RX(P2_6);
+char text[32];
+Motor m(P2_3, P2_4, P2_5); // pwm, fwd, rev L293
+int consigne=0;
+float pwm=0;
+int sens=0;
+//serial COM0
+Serial pc(P0_2, P0_3);//Tx Rx
+void pc_rx(void) {
+    char c;
+    led_RX=1;
+    c=pc.getc();
+    switch (c) {
+            // consigne
+        case '0':
+        case '1':
+        case '2':
+        case '3':
+        case '4':
+        case '5':
+        case '6':
+        case '7':
+        case '8':
+        case '9':
+            pc.printf("\r\nconsigne=");
+            char buf[256];
+            buf[0]=c;
+            pc.putc(c);
+            for (int i=1; c!='\r'; ++i) {
+                c=pc.getc();
+                buf[i]=c;
+                pc.putc(c);
+            }
+            pc.putc('\n');
+            consigne=atoi(buf);
+        case '+':
+            if (c=='+') {
+                ++consigne;
+                pc.putc(c);
+            }
+        case '-':
+            if (c=='-') {
+                --consigne;
+                pc.putc(c);
+            }
+            if (consigne<100)
+                consigne=100;
+            if (consigne>600)
+                consigne=600;
+            qei.SetPositionComp(QEI_COMPPOS_CH_0,consigne);
+            qei.IntCmd(QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int, ENABLE);
+            if (consigne!=0)    {
+                qei.SetPositionComp(QEI_COMPPOS_CH_1,consigne-1);
+                qei.IntCmd(QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int, ENABLE);
+            }
+            qei.SetPositionComp(QEI_COMPPOS_CH_2,consigne+1);
+            qei.IntCmd(QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int, ENABLE);
+            int tmp;
+            tmp = consigne-qei.GetPosition();
+            if (tmp > 0)
+                sens=1;
+            else if (tmp < 0)
+                sens=-1;
+            else if (tmp ==0)
+                sens=0;
+            break;
+            //PWM
+        case 'P':
+        case 'p':
+            pc.printf("\r\nPWM=");
+            pc.scanf("%f",&pwm);
+            pc.printf("%f\r\n",pwm);
+            break;
+            //STOP
+        case ' ':
+            pc.printf("\r\nSTOP\r\n");
+            sens=0;
+            break;
+    }
+    led_RX=0;
+void isr_POS0(void) {
+    led_POS0 = 1;
+    sens=0;
+    qei.IntClear(QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int);
+void isr_POS1(void) {
+    led_POS1 = 1;
+    sens=1;
+    qei.IntClear(QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int);
+void isr_POS2(void) {
+    led_POS2 = 1;
+    sens=-1;
+    qei.IntClear(QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int);
+int main() {
+    //init GLCD
+#ifdef TFT
+    GLCD_Init();
+    GLCD_Clear  (White);
+    sprintf(text,"QEI HARDWARE MOTOR");
+    GLCD_DisplayString  (0, 0, 1, (unsigned char *)text);
+    //init QEI
+    qei.SetDigiFilter(1UL); //4294967295
+    qei.SetMaxPosition(0xFFFFFFFF);
+    qei.SetVelocityTimerReload_us(100000);
+    //isr POS0
+    qei.AppendISR(QEI_INTFLAG_POS0_Int, &isr_POS0);
+    qei.AppendISR(QEI_INTFLAG_POS1_Int, &isr_POS1);
+    qei.AppendISR(QEI_INTFLAG_POS2_Int, &isr_POS2);
+    pwm=PWM;
+    while (1) {
+        led_POS0 = 0;
+        led_POS1 = 0;
+        led_POS2 = 0;
+        led_RX=0;
+        //TFT
+#ifdef TFT
+        sprintf(text,"pos : %d vs %d", qei.GetPosition(),consigne);
+        GLCD_DisplayString  (1, 0, 1, (unsigned char *)text);
+        sprintf(text,"idx : %d    ", qei.GetIndex());
+        GLCD_DisplayString  (2, 0, 1, (unsigned char *)text);
+        sprintf(text,"dir : %d    ", qei.Direction() == SET ? -1 : 1);
+        GLCD_DisplayString  (3, 0, 1, (unsigned char *)text);
+        sprintf(text,"vel : %d    ", qei.GetVelocity ());
+        GLCD_DisplayString  (4, 0, 1, (unsigned char *)text);
+        sprintf(text,"rpm : %d    ", qei.CalculateRPM (qei.GetVelocityCap (), PPR));
+        GLCD_DisplayString  (5, 0, 1, (unsigned char *)text);
+        sprintf(text,"PWM : %f    ", pwm);
+        GLCD_DisplayString  (5, 0, 1, (unsigned char *)text);
+        led_DIR = qei.Direction() == SET ? 1 : 0;
+        m.speed(sens * pwm);
+        if (pc.readable())
+            pc_rx();
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Fri Mar 02 14:18:23 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@