12-Bit, 8-Channel, ADC System Monitor w/ Temp Sensor, Internal/External Reference, & I2C Interface

Dependents:   ADC128D818_HelloWorld

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ADC128D818.cpp	Tue Aug 27 11:38:38 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#include "ADC128D818.h"
+//Create instance
+ADC128D818::ADC128D818(PinName sda, PinName scl, PinName adc_int) : _i2c(sda, scl), _Adc_Int (adc_int)
+//destroy instance
+int ADC128D818::init(char address, char mode, char vref, char rate, char mask_channel, char mask_int)
+char data;
+char cmd_data[2];
+    _address=address << 1; //bug ?
+    //2 test Busy_Status_Register
+    cmd_data[0]= ADC_REG_Busy_Status_Register;
+    if(_i2c.write(_address, cmd_data, 1))
+        return  -1; //NO DEVICE
+    _i2c.read(_address,&data,1); //read a byte
+    if ((data & Busy_Status_Register_Not_Ready) == 1)
+        return  -2; //ADC is BUSY
+    ADC128D818::stop();
+    //3 Program the Advanced Configuration Register
+    data=0;
+    switch (vref)
+    {
+        case ADC_VREF_INT:
+            data&=~Advanced_Configuration_Register_External_Reference_Enable; //0
+        break;
+        case ADC_VREF_EXT:
+            data|=Advanced_Configuration_Register_External_Reference_Enable; //1
+        break;
+    }
+    switch (mode)
+    {
+        case ADC_MODE_0:
+            data&=~Advanced_Configuration_Register_Mode_Select_0; //0
+            data&=~Advanced_Configuration_Register_Mode_Select_1; //0
+        break;
+        case ADC_MODE_1:
+            data&=~Advanced_Configuration_Register_Mode_Select_0; //0
+            data|=Advanced_Configuration_Register_Mode_Select_1; //1
+        break;
+        case ADC_MODE_2:
+            data|=~Advanced_Configuration_Register_Mode_Select_0; //1
+            data&=Advanced_Configuration_Register_Mode_Select_1; //0
+        break;
+        case ADC_MODE_3:
+            data|=~Advanced_Configuration_Register_Mode_Select_0; //1
+            data|=Advanced_Configuration_Register_Mode_Select_1; //1
+        break;
+    }
+    cmd_data[0]=ADC_REG_Advanced_Configuration_Register;
+    cmd_data[1]=data;
+   _i2c.write(_address, cmd_data, 2); //send a byte & wait acknowledged
+    //4 Program the Conversion Rate Register
+    data=0;
+    switch (rate)
+    {
+        case ADC_RATE_LOW_POWER:
+            data&=~Advanced_Configuration_Register_External_Reference_Enable; //0
+        break;
+        case ADC_RATE_CONTINUOUS:
+            data|=Advanced_Configuration_Register_External_Reference_Enable; //1
+        break;
+    }
+    cmd_data[0]=ADC_REG_Conversion_Rate_Register;
+    cmd_data[1]=data;
+    _i2c.write(_address, cmd_data, 2); //send a byte & wait acknowledged
+    //5 Choose to enable or disable the channels using the Channel Disable Register
+    cmd_data[0]=ADC_REG_Channel_Disable_Register;
+    cmd_data[1]=mask_channel;
+    _i2c.write(_address, cmd_data, 2); //send a byte & wait acknowledged
+    //6 Using the Interrupt Mask Register
+    cmd_data[0]=ADC_REG_Interrupt_Mask_Register;
+    cmd_data[1]=mask_int;
+    _i2c.write(_address, cmd_data, 2); //send a byte & wait acknowledged
+return  0;
+int ADC128D818::init_limit(char channel, int limit, char high_low)
+    char cmd_data[3];
+    char *ptr;
+    cmd_data[0]=ADC_REG_Limit_Registers + channel + high_low;
+    ptr=(char *) & limit;
+    cmd_data[1]=*ptr;
+    cmd_data[2]=*++ptr;
+    _i2c.write(_address, cmd_data, 3); //send a byte & wait acknowledged
+   return  0;
+int ADC128D818::read_channel(char channel)
+    char data[2];
+//    char *ptr;
+    char cmd[1] ;
+    cmd[0] = ADC_REG_Channel_Readings_Registers + channel;
+    _i2c.write(_address, cmd, 1); //send a byte & wait acknowledged
+    //ptr=(char *) & data;
+    _i2c.read(_address,data,2); //read a byte
+   return  (int) data[0]*256+data[1];
+char ADC128D818::read_register(char Register)
+    char cmd ;
+    cmd = Register;
+    _i2c.write(_address, &cmd, 1); //send a byte 
+    _i2c.read(_address,&cmd,1); //read a byte
+   return  cmd;
+void ADC128D818::start()
+    char cmd_data[2];
+    cmd_data[0]= ADC_REG_Configuration_Register;
+    cmd_data[1]= Configuration_Register_Start | Configuration_Register_INT_Enable  ;
+   _i2c.write(_address, cmd_data, 2); //send a 2 byte 
+void ADC128D818::stop()
+    char cmd_data[2];
+    cmd_data[0]= ADC_REG_Configuration_Register;
+    cmd_data[1]= 0 ;
+   _i2c.write(_address, cmd_data, 2); //send a byte 
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