real time wifi
Dependencies: RemoteIR TextLCD
- Committer:
- faker_71
- Date:
- 2020-08-06
- Revision:
- 0:2e9a86765692
- Child:
- 1:a45cf46c1adc
File content as of revision 0:2e9a86765692:
#include "mbed.h" #include "ReceiverIR.h" #include "rtos.h" #include <stdint.h> #include "platform/mbed_thread.h" #include "TextLCD.h" RawSerial pc(USBTX, USBRX); //Serial esp(p28, p27); // tx, rx RawSerial esp(p13, p14); // tx, rx // Standard Mbed LED definitions DigitalOut led1(LED1); DigitalOut led2(LED2); DigitalOut led3(LED3); DigitalOut led4(LED4); Timer t1; Timer t2; struct tm t; int bufflen, DataRX, count_wifi, getcount, replycount, servreq, timeout; int bufl, ipdLen, linkID, weberror, webcounter,click_flag; float temperature, AdcIn, Ht; float R1=100000, R2=10000; // resistor values to give a 10:1 reduction of measured AnalogIn voltage char Vcc[10]; char webcount[8]; char type[16]; char type1[16]; char channel[2]; char cmdbuff[32]; char replybuff[1024]; char webdata[1024]; // This may need to be bigger depending on WEB browser used char webbuff[4096*4]; // Currently using 1986 characters, Increase this if more web page data added void SendCMD(),getreply(),ReadWebData(),startserver(),sendpage(),SendWEB(),sendcheck(),touchuan(); void wifi(void const *argument); Thread wifi_thread(wifi, NULL, osPriorityNormal); // decodeIRをスレッド化 :+3 int port =80; // set server port int SERVtimeout =5; // set server timeout in seconds in case link breaks. // Serial Interrupt read ESP data void callback() { //pc.printf("\n\r------------ callback is being called --------------\n\r"); led3=1; while (esp.readable()) { webbuff[count_wifi] = esp.getc(); count_wifi++; } if(strlen(webbuff)>bufflen) { pc.printf("\f\n\r------------ webbuff over bufflen --------------\n\r"); DataRX=1; led3=0; } } void wifi(void const *argument){ pc.baud(115200); pc.printf("\f\n\r------------ ESP8266 Hardware Reset psq --------------\n\r"); wait(0.5); led1=1,led2=0,led3=0; timeout=6000; getcount=500; getreply(); esp.baud(115200); // ESP8266 baudrate. Maximum on KLxx' is 115200, 230400 works on K20 and K22F startserver(); while(1) { if(DataRX==1) { pc.printf("\f\n\r------------ main while > if --------------\n\r"); click_flag = 1; ReadWebData(); pc.printf("\f\n\r------------ click_flag=%d --------------\n\r",click_flag); //if ((servreq == 1 && weberror == 0) && click_flag == 1) { if (servreq == 1 && weberror == 0) { pc.printf("\f\n\r------------ befor send page --------------\n\r"); sendpage(); } pc.printf("\f\n\r------------ send_check begin --------------\n\r"); //sendcheck(); pc.printf("\f\n\r------------ ssend_check end--------------\n\r"); esp.attach(&callback); pc.printf(" IPD Data:\r\n\n Link ID = %d,\r\n IPD Header Length = %d \r\n IPD Type = %s\r\n", linkID, ipdLen, type); pc.printf("\n\n HTTP Packet: \n\n%s\n", webdata); pc.printf(" Web Characters sent : %d\n\n", bufl); pc.printf(" -------------------------------------\n\n"); servreq=0; } } } int main() { while(1){ Thread::wait(100); } } // Static WEB page void sendpage() { // WEB page data strcpy(webbuff, "<!DOCTYPE html>"); strcat(webbuff, "<html><head><title>RobotCar</title><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width'/>"); strcat(webbuff, "</head><body><center><p><strong>Robot Car Remot Controller"); strcat(webbuff, "</strong></p><td style='vertical-align:top;'><strong>Battery level "); strcat(webbuff, "<input type=\"text\" id=\"leftms\" size=4 value=250>%</strong>"); strcat(webbuff, "</td></p><tr ><strong>Now speed : </strong></tr><nobr id=\"speprint\">ready"); strcat(webbuff, "</nobr><br><tr ><strong>Now action : </strong></tr>"); strcat(webbuff, "<nobr id=\"funprint\">ready</nobr><table><tr><td></td><td>"); strcat(webbuff, "<button id='gobtn' type='button' style='width:100px;height:60px' value=\"GO\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)'>GO"); strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>"); strcat(webbuff, "<button id='leftbtn' type='button' style='width:100px;height:60px' value=\"LEFT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LEFT"); strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>"); strcat(webbuff, "<button id='stopbtn' type='button' style='width:100px;height:60px' value=\"STOP\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >STOP"); strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>"); strcat(webbuff, "<button id='rightbtn' type='button' style='width:100px;height:60px' value=\"RIGHT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >RIGHT"); strcat(webbuff, "</button></td></tr><td></td><td>"); strcat(webbuff, "<button id='backbtn' type='button' style='width:100px;height:60px' value=\"BACK\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >BACK"); strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td style='vertical-align:top; text-align:right;'></td></tr></table>"); //begin strcat(webbuff, "<strong>Addition functions:</strong><table>"); strcat(webbuff, "<td>");//ok strcat(webbuff, "<button id='avoidbtn' type='button' style='width:100px;height:60px' value=\"AVOIDANCE\" onClick='send_mes_fun(this.id,this.value)' >"); strcat(webbuff, "AVOIDANCE</button></td><td>"); strcat(webbuff, "<button id='tracebtn' type='button' style='width:100px;height:60px' value=\"LINETRACE\" onClick='send_mes_fun(this.id,this.value)' >LINE TRACE"); strcat(webbuff, "</button></td></table><table><td>"); strcat(webbuff, "</td><strong>Speed level:</strong>"); strcat(webbuff, "</table><table><td>"); strcat(webbuff, "<button id='sp1btn' type='button' style='width:100px;height:60px' value=\"SLOW\" onClick='send_mes_spe(this.id,this.value)' >SLOW"); strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>"); strcat(webbuff, "<button id='sp2btn' type='button' style='width:100px;height:60px' value=\"FAST\" onClick='send_mes_spe(this.id,this.value)' >FAST"); strcat(webbuff, "</button>"); strcat(webbuff, "</td>"); strcat(webbuff, "<td>"); strcat(webbuff, "<button id='sp3btn' type='button' style='width:100px;height:60px' value=\"VERYFAST\" onClick='send_mes_spe(this.id,this.value)' >FLY"); strcat(webbuff, "</button>"); strcat(webbuff, "</td></table>"); strcat(webbuff, "<table>"); strcat(webbuff, "<td>"); strcat(webbuff, "</td>"); strcat(webbuff, "</table>"); //end strcat(webbuff, "</center>"); strcat(webbuff, "</body>"); strcat(webbuff, "</html>"); strcat(webbuff, "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">"); strcat(webbuff, "function send_mes(btnmes,btnval){"); strcat(webbuff, "var url = \"http://\" + window.location.hostname + \"/cargo?a=\" + btnval;"); strcat(webbuff, "htmlacs(url);"); strcat(webbuff, "console.log(url);"); strcat(webbuff, "}"); strcat(webbuff, "function htmlacs(url) {"); strcat(webbuff, "var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"); strcat(webbuff, "xhr.open(\"GET\", url);"); strcat(webbuff, "xhr.send(\"\");"); strcat(webbuff, "}"); strcat(webbuff, "function send_mes_spe(btnmes,btnval){"); strcat(webbuff, "var url = \"http://\" + window.location.hostname + \"/cargo?a=\" + btnval;"); strcat(webbuff, "htmlacs(url);"); strcat(webbuff, "if(document.getElementById(\"speprint\")){"); strcat(webbuff, "document.getElementById(\"speprint\").innerHTML=btnval;"); strcat(webbuff, "}"); strcat(webbuff, "}"); strcat(webbuff, "function send_mes_fun(btnmes,btnval){"); strcat(webbuff, "var url = \"http://\" + window.location.hostname + \"/cargo?a=\" + btnval;"); strcat(webbuff, "htmlacs(url);"); strcat(webbuff, "if(document.getElementById(\"funprint\")){"); strcat(webbuff, "document.getElementById(\"funprint\").innerHTML=btnval;"); strcat(webbuff, "}"); strcat(webbuff, "}"); strcat(webbuff, "</script>"); // end of WEB page data bufl = strlen(webbuff); // get total page buffer length //sprintf(cmdbuff,"AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d\r\n", linkID, bufl); // send IPD link channel and buffer character length. sprintf(cmdbuff,"AT+CIPSENDBUF=%d,%d\r\n", linkID, (bufl>2048?2048:bufl)); // send IPD link channel and buffer character length. timeout=500; getcount=40; SendCMD(); getreply(); pc.printf(replybuff); pc.printf("\n++++++++++ AT+CIPSENDBUF=%d,%d+++++++++\r\n", linkID, (bufl>2048?2048:bufl)); pc.printf("\n++++++++++ bufl is %d ++++++++++\r\n",bufl); //pastthrough mode SendWEB(); // send web page pc.printf("\n++++++++++ webbuff clear ++++++++++\r\n"); memset(webbuff, '\0', sizeof(webbuff)); sendcheck(); } // Large WEB buffer data send void SendWEB() { int i=0; if(esp.writeable()) { while(webbuff[i]!='\0') { esp.putc(webbuff[i]); //**** //output at command when 2000 if(((i%2047)==0) && (i>0)){ //wait_ms(10); sprintf(cmdbuff,"AT+CIPSENDBUF=%d,%d\r\n", linkID, (bufl-2048)>2048?2048:(bufl-2048)); // send IPD link channel and buffer character length. pc.printf("\r\n++++++++++ AT+CIPSENDBUF=%d,%d ++++++++++\r\n", linkID, (bufl-2048)>2048?2048:(bufl-2048)); timeout=600; getcount=50; SendCMD(); getreply(); pc.printf(replybuff); pc.printf("\r\n+++++++++++++++++++\r\n"); } //**** i++; pc.printf("%c",webbuff[i]); } } pc.printf("\n++++++++++ send web i= %dinfo ++++++++++\r\n",i); } void sendcheck() { weberror=1; timeout=500; getcount=24; t2.reset(); t2.start(); /* while(weberror==1 && t2.read() <5) { getreply(); if (strstr(replybuff, "SEND OK") != NULL) { weberror=0; // wait for valid SEND OK } } */ if(weberror==1) { // restart connection strcpy(cmdbuff, "AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n"); timeout=500; getcount=10; SendCMD(); getreply(); pc.printf(replybuff); sprintf(cmdbuff,"AT+CIPSERVER=1,%d\r\n", port); timeout=500; getcount=10; SendCMD(); getreply(); pc.printf(replybuff); } else { sprintf(cmdbuff, "AT+CIPCLOSE=%s\r\n",channel); // close current connection SendCMD(); getreply(); pc.printf(replybuff); } t2.reset(); } // Reads and processes GET and POST web data void ReadWebData() { pc.printf("+++++++++++++++++Read Web Data+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n"); wait_ms(200); esp.attach(NULL); count_wifi=0; DataRX=0; weberror=0; memset(webdata, '\0', sizeof(webdata)); int x = strcspn (webbuff,"+"); if(x) { strcpy(webdata, webbuff + x); weberror=0; int numMatched = sscanf(webdata,"+IPD,%d,%d:%s", &linkID, &ipdLen, type); //int i=0; pc.printf("+++++++++++++++++succed rec begin+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n"); pc.printf("%s",webdata); pc.printf("+++++++++++++++++succed rec end+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n"); /* if( strstr(webdata, "LEFT") != NULL ) { click_flag = 0; led4=!led4; pc.printf("mode = LEFT\r\n"); mode = LEFT; // 左折モード run = LEFT; // 左折 display(); } if( strstr(webdata, "RIGHT") != NULL ) { led4=!led4; pc.printf("mode = RIGHT\r\n"); mode = RIGHT; // 右折モード run = RIGHT; // 右折 display(); // ディスプレイ表示 } if( strstr(webdata, "GO") != NULL ) { led4=!led4; pc.printf("mode = ADVANCE\r\n"); mode = ADVANCE; // 前進モード run = ADVANCE; // 前進 display(); // ディスプレイ表示 } if( strstr(webdata, "BACK") != NULL ) { led4=!led4; pc.printf("mode = BACK\r\n"); mode = BACK; // 後退モード run = BACK; // 後退 display(); // ディスプレイ表示 } if( strstr(webdata, "STOP") != NULL ) { led4=!led4; pc.printf("mode = STOP\r\n"); mode = STOP; // 停止モード run = STOP; // 停止 display(); // ディスプレイ表示 } if( strstr(webdata, "AVOIDANCE") != NULL ) { led4=!led4; pc.printf("mode = AVOIDANCE\r\n"); mode=AVOIDANCE; // 障害物回避モード run = ADVANCE; // 前進 display(); } if( strstr(webdata, "LINETRACE") != NULL ) { led4=!led4; pc.printf("mode = LINE_TRACE\r\n"); mode=LINE_TRACE; // ライントレースモード display(); } if( strstr(webdata, "SLOW") != NULL ) { led4=!led4; pc.printf("\r\n+++++++++++++++++bbutton right clicked+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n"); } if( strstr(webdata, "FAST") != NULL ) { led4=!led4; pc.printf("\r\n+++++++++++++++++bbutton right clicked+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n"); } if( strstr(webdata, "VERYFAST") != NULL ) { led4=!led4; pc.printf("\r\n+++++++++++++++++bbutton right clicked+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n"); }*/ sprintf(channel, "%d",linkID); if (strstr(webdata, "GET") != NULL) { servreq=1; pc.printf("\r\n+++++++++++++++++GET+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n"); } if (strstr(webdata, "POST") != NULL) { servreq=1; pc.printf("\r\n+++++++++++++++++POST+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n"); } webcounter++; sprintf(webcount, "%d",webcounter); } else { pc.printf("\n++++++++++ webbuff clear ++++++++++\r\n"); memset(webbuff, '\0', sizeof(webbuff)); esp.attach(&callback); weberror=1; } } // Starts and restarts webserver if errors detected. void startserver() { pc.printf("++++++++++ Resetting ESP ++++++++++\r\n"); strcpy(cmdbuff,"AT+RST\r\n"); timeout=8000; getcount=1000; SendCMD(); getreply(); pc.printf(replybuff); pc.printf("%d",count_wifi); if (strstr(replybuff, "OK") != NULL) { pc.printf("\n++++++++++ Starting Server ++++++++++\r\n"); strcpy(cmdbuff, "AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n"); // set multiple connections. timeout=500; getcount=20; SendCMD(); getreply(); pc.printf(replybuff); sprintf(cmdbuff,"AT+CIPSERVER=1,%d\r\n", port); timeout=500; getcount=20; SendCMD(); getreply(); pc.printf(replybuff); wait(1); sprintf(cmdbuff,"AT+CIPSTO=%d\r\n",SERVtimeout); timeout=500; getcount=50; SendCMD(); getreply(); pc.printf(replybuff); wait(5); pc.printf("\n Getting Server IP \r\n"); strcpy(cmdbuff, "AT+CIFSR\r\n"); timeout=2500; getcount=200; while(weberror==0) { SendCMD(); getreply(); if (strstr(replybuff, "") == NULL) { weberror=1; // wait for valid IP } } pc.printf("\n Enter WEB address (IP) found below in your browser \r\n\n"); pc.printf("\n The MAC address is also shown below,if it is needed \r\n\n"); replybuff[strlen(replybuff)-1] = '\0'; //char* IP = replybuff + 5; sprintf(webdata,"%s", replybuff); pc.printf(webdata); led2=1; bufflen=200; //bufflen=100; count_wifi=0; pc.printf("\n\n++++++++++ Ready ++++++++++\r\n\n"); esp.attach(&callback); } else { pc.printf("\n++++++++++ ESP8266 error, check power/connections ++++++++++\r\n"); led1=1; led2=1; led3=1; led4=1; while(1) { led1=!led1; led2=!led2; led3=!led3; led4=!led4; wait(1); } } t2.reset(); t2.start(); } // ESP Command data send void SendCMD() { esp.printf("%s", cmdbuff); } // Get Command and ESP status replies void getreply() { memset(replybuff, '\0', sizeof(replybuff)); t1.reset(); t1.start(); replycount=0; while(t1.read_ms()< timeout && replycount < getcount) { if(esp.readable()) { replybuff[replycount] = esp.getc(); replycount++; } } t1.stop(); }