A demo application for HXC900 LoRaWAN module using Nucleo-L053R8.

Dependencies:   mbed


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
39:cb0e5a76ab15 2019-01-24 fahadmirza Doxygen style header default tip
38:e082379b1946 2019-01-24 fahadmirza description added;
37:5488257a4876 2019-01-24 fahadmirza zxc
36:1f83068add40 2019-01-24 fahadmirza test3
35:2a54129232a3 2019-01-24 fahadmirza test2
34:0cbfedd10507 2019-01-24 fahadmirza test
33:83cd24bbb17a 2019-01-24 fahadmirza Brief added for hxc_client
32:2d0678039a09 2019-01-24 fahadmirza Updated code;
31:174c745f921c 2018-12-10 fahadmirza FWversion and battery level are added to the payload from the application layer instead of from the lora driver;
30:c58316bab0fb 2018-12-10 fahadmirza Green and Blue LED pins are swapped; ; Device will be class C;; AppEui and Appkey are fixed;
29:b48f6176c2cd 2018-11-02 fahadmirza - Implemented get battery level function; - Added battery level into the payload
28:c777d977b252 2018-11-02 fahadmirza - Implemented firmware version get function.; - Firmware version is added to the payload.
27:517ca3a30ad7 2018-11-01 fahadmirza -Max_Payload_Size defined; -Replaced Appeui, Appkey with a general statement; -and DevEui as Auto. implemented print_deveui function; - forget to update keys will be stuck in infinite loop; -During rejoin,stop uplink timer; -stop rejoin timer in event fun
26:176e648c03f6 2018-11-01 fahadmirza Updated the device state enums because of the SLEEP_DEVICE state. Can't use DEVICE_SLEEP, one of mbed library is using it.
25:50414f44a431 2018-11-01 fahadmirza Debug printf for uplink added.
24:f3b987589609 2018-10-19 fahadmirza Updated the LoraConfigParam variable names;
23:bb0063d3d791 2018-10-19 fahadmirza Moved main.h to keep with main.cpp;
22:5b77cf59d630 2018-10-19 fahadmirza - Rearrange function definitions.; - Got rid of HW_GpioInit().; - Introduced eConfirmationStatus_t; - Moved all LoRa configuration into lora_conf.h.
21:f1d561ed31a1 2018-10-09 fahadmirza APPEUI and DEVEUI will be in the same category as Device Address;
20:1ed8723a3a87 2018-09-24 fahadmirza Added a comment about how to convert temperature sensor value into degree Celsius.
19:0c90e38fc9c5 2018-09-13 fahadmirza Removed STRING uplink;
18:24c232951ff8 2018-09-04 fahadmirza Changed device address format in the hxc_client driver from uint32_t to char*;
17:e682a18c3914 2018-08-30 fahadmirza Send sensor data by default; Added Rejoin timer;
16:2179ec24dff8 2018-07-26 fahadmirza Comment added;
15:2860c960d2ff 2018-07-25 fahadmirza Cleanup; SENSOR_ON is false;
14:05245fe1a7a0 2018-07-24 fahadmirza mbed button and led initialization are moved to main.h; uplink packet consists of switch status;
13:985092816446 2018-07-24 fahadmirza reporting actual voltage of the temperature sensor
12:f1fd61aa85e0 2018-07-24 fahadmirza RGB LED will indicate join status;
11:f4346bbaa872 2018-07-21 fahadmirza Removed GPIO init. Causing problem for Mbed I/O control;
10:19da323c2bc0 2018-07-18 fahadmirza Application can change DeviceState;; Removed hardcoded ADR status;; Renamed Time Server callbacks;; Local functions are static now;
9:aa36be6f3c3a 2018-07-18 fahadmirza Hello World!
8:60cfc0029421 2018-07-18 fahadmirza renamed function and cleaned up code;
7:3c5d342068dd 2018-07-18 fahadmirza Cleaned up code;
6:1d09b7960d57 2018-07-16 fahadmirza Bug fix: Added NULL at the end of Recvd data buffer; ASCII downlink data parser added; New keys;
5:53302861bfea 2018-07-16 fahadmirza Updated directories;
4:511677d804ac 2018-07-16 fahadmirza lora_conf.h added; SENSOR_ON and STRING_PACKET added; Renamed SendDataHandler name; Deleted commented out codes from main.h;
3:11cdf29c8739 2018-07-16 fahadmirza Analog data read added to the uplink packet;
2:1ef859bc5cd2 2018-07-16 fahadmirza Added settings for ADR; Removed Mbed specific serial declarations;
1:168a6afffbff 2018-07-12 fahadmirza Updated debug printf; Separated ClassA and ClassC configs; ADC initialization added;
0:a0c5877bd360 2018-07-12 fahadmirza Porting complete!