es la misma libreria que se descarga
Dependents: 02_serial_cheto_facuclop
Fork of TextLCD by
serial comunication and digitalout swiching by console or c# program with buttons to controll using kl46z board
2014-08-05, by facuclop [Tue, 05 Aug 2014 23:32:15 +0000] rev 10
serial comunication and digitalout swiching by console or c# program with buttons to controll using kl46z board
2014-05-27, by Eduvance [Tue, 27 May 2014 07:22:43 +0000] rev 9
2014-01-02, by Simon Ford [Thu, 02 Jan 2014 21:07:01 +0000] rev 8
Update pin names to d4-d7
2010-12-04, by simon [Sat, 04 Dec 2010 11:29:57 +0000] rev 7
Update pin names to d4-d7
Published as a library
2010-11-23, by simon [Tue, 23 Nov 2010 14:26:19 +0000] rev 6
Published as a library