Energy harvesting mobile robot. Developed at Institute of Systems and Robotics — University of Coimbra.

Dependencies:   RF24

Fork of ISR_Mini-explorer by ISR UC

diff -r 000000000000 -r 15a30802e719 robot.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/robot.h	Thu Feb 02 12:21:11 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1027 @@
+/** @file */
+//AUTOR: Fernando Pais
+//DATA: 6/6/2016
+// VERSÃO 6.4.0
+//Alterações: Problema de compatibilidade entre encoder e infravermelho resolvido
+//            Odometria actualizada automaticamente
+//            Valor da bateria verificado na inicialização
+//            Motores movem-se de 0 a 1000 para melhor difrenciação
+//#include "mbed.h"
+//#include "init.h"
+//#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES
+# define M_PI           3.14159265358979323846  /* pi */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "VCNL40x0.h"
+#include "nRF24L01P.h"
+void Odometria();
+// classes adicionais
+nRF24L01P my_nrf24l01p(PTD2, PTD3, PTD1, PTC13, PTC12, PTA13);
+VCNL40x0 VCNL40x0_Device (PTC9, PTC8, VCNL40x0_ADDRESS);
+Timeout timeout;
+Serial pc(PTE0,PTE1);
+I2C i2c(PTC9,PTC8);
+I2C i2c1(PTC11,PTC10);
+// Variables needed by the lib
+unsigned int  ProxiValue=0;
+short int prev_R=0;
+short int prev_L=0;
+long int total_R=0;
+long int total_L=0;
+long int ticks2d=0;
+long int ticks2e=0;
+float X=20;
+float Y=20;
+float AtractX = 0;
+float AtractY = 0;
+float theta=0;
+int sensor_left=0;
+int sensor_front=0;
+int sensor_right=0;
+short int flag=0;
+int IRobot=0;
+int JRobot=0;
+DigitalOut  q_pha_mot_rig       (PTE4,0);     //Phase Motor Right
+DigitalOut  q_sleep_mot_rig     (PTE3,0);     //Nano Sleep Motor Right
+DigitalOut  q_pha_mot_lef       (PTA17,0);    //Phase Motor Left
+DigitalOut  q_sleep_mot_lef     (PTB11,0);    //Nano Sleep Motor Left
+DigitalOut  q_pow_ena_i2c_p     (PTE2,0);     //Power Enable i2c FET P (0- enable 1-disable)
+DigitalOut  q_pow_ena_mic_p     (PTA14,0);    //Power enable Micro FET P (0- enable 1-disable)
+DigitalOut  q_pow_as5600_n      (PTC6,1);     //AS5600 Power MOSFET N (1- enable 0-disable)
+DigitalOut  q_pow_as5600_p      (PTC5,0);     //AS5600 Power MOSFET P (0- enable 1-disable)
+DigitalOut  q_pow_spi           (PTC4,0);     //SPI Power MOSFET P (0- enable 1-disable)
+DigitalOut  q_ena_mppt          (PTC0,0);     //Enable MPPT Control (0- enable 1-disable)
+DigitalOut  q_boost_ps          (PTC7,1);     //Boost Power Save (1- enable 0-disable)
+DigitalOut  q_tca9548_reset     (PTC3,1);     //Reset TCA9548 (1- enable 0-disable)
+DigitalOut  power_36khz         (PTD0,0);     //Power enable pic12f - 36khz (0- enable 1-disable)
+// ********************************************************************
+// ********************************************************************
+//ENTRADAS DIGITAIS (normal input)
+DigitalIn   i_enc_dir_rig       (PTB8);     //Encoder Right Direction
+DigitalIn   i_enc_dir_lef       (PTB9);     //Encoder Left Direction
+DigitalIn   i_micro_sd_det      (PTC16);    //MICRO SD Card Detect
+DigitalIn   i_mppt_fail         (PTE5);     //Fail MPPT Signal
+DigitalIn   i_usb_volt          (PTB10);    //USB Voltage detect
+DigitalIn   i_sup_cap_est       (PTB19);    //Supercap State Charger
+DigitalIn   i_li_ion_est        (PTB18);    //Li-ion State Charger
+// ********************************************************************
+//ENTRADAS DIGITAIS (external interrupt)
+InterruptIn i_int_mpu9250       (PTA15);    //Interrupt MPU9250
+InterruptIn i_int_isl29125      (PTA16);    //Interrupt ISL29125 Color S.
+InterruptIn i_mic_f_l           (PTD7);     //Interrupt Comp Micro F L
+InterruptIn i_mic_f_r           (PTD6);     //Interrupt Comp Micro F R
+InterruptIn i_mic_r_c           (PTD5);     //Interrupt Comp Micro R C
+// ********************************************************************
+AnalogIn    a_enc_rig           (PTC2);     //Encoder Left Output_AS_MR
+AnalogIn    a_enc_lef           (PTC1);     //Encoder Right Output_AS_ML
+AnalogIn    a_mic_f_l           (PTB0);     //Analog microphone F L
+AnalogIn    a_mic_f_r           (PTB1);     //Analog microphone F R
+AnalogIn    a_mic_r_c           (PTB2);     //Analog microphone R C
+AnalogIn    a_temp_bat          (PTB3);     //Temperature Battery
+// ********************************************************************
+//DigitalOut    q_led_whi         (PTE29);    //Led white pwm
+DigitalOut    q_led_red_fro     (PTA4);     //Led Red Front
+DigitalOut    q_led_gre_fro     (PTA5);     //Led Green Front
+DigitalOut    q_led_blu_fro     (PTA12);    //Led Blue Front
+DigitalOut    q_led_red_rea     (PTD4);     //Led Red Rear
+DigitalOut    q_led_gre_rea     (PTA1);     //Led Green Rear
+DigitalOut    q_led_blu_rea     (PTA2);     //Led Blue Rear
+PwmOut      pwm_mot_rig         (PTE20);    //PWM Enable Motor Right
+PwmOut      pwm_mot_lef         (PTE31);    //PWM Enable Motor Left
+PwmOut      pwm_buzzer          (PTE21);    //Buzzer PWM
+PwmOut      pwm_led_whi         (PTE29);    //Led white pwm
+// ********************************************************************
+AnalogOut   dac_comp_mic        (PTE30);        //Dac_Comparator MIC
+/* Powers up all the VCNL4020. */
+void init_Infrared()
+    VCNL40x0_Device.SetCurrent (20);     // Set current to 200mA
+ * Selects the wich infrared to comunicate.
+ *
+ * @param ch - Infrared to read (1..5)
+ */
+void tca9548_select_ch(char ch)
+    char ch_f[1];
+    char addr=0xE0;
+    if(ch==0)
+        ch_f[0]=1;
+    if(ch>=1)
+        ch_f[0]=1<<ch;
+    i2c.start();
+    i2c.write(addr,ch_f,1);
+    i2c.stop();
+ * Get ADC value of the chosen infrared.
+ *
+ * @param ch - Infrared to read (1..5)
+ *
+ * Note: for the values of ch it reads (0-right, ... ,4-left, 5-back)
+ */
+long int read_Infrared(char ch) // 0-direita 4-esquerda 5-tras
+    tca9548_select_ch(ch);
+    VCNL40x0_Device.ReadProxiOnDemand (&ProxiValue);    // read prox value on demand
+    return ProxiValue;
+///////////////////////////////////     MOTOR       ///////////////////////////////////////////
+// Calculo do Duty tem de ser revisto, o motor aguenta 6 V e o max definido aqui ronda os 4.2 V
+// consultar pag 39 e 95
+ * Sets speed and direction of the left motor.
+ *
+ * @param Dir - Direction of movement, 0 for back, or 1 for fron
+ * @param Speed - Percentage of speed of the motor (1..100)
+ *
+ * Note: Because of differences in the motors they need to be calibrated, test the robot going front and back
+ *  at different speeds and see if it makes a straigth line
+ */
+void leftMotor(short int Dir,short int Speed)
+    float Duty;
+    if(Dir==1) {
+        q_pha_mot_lef=0;            //Andar em frente
+        if(Speed>1000)                   //limite de segurança
+            Speed=1000;
+        if(Speed>0) {
+            Duty=Speed*.082 +35;         // 35 = minimo para o motor rodar
+            q_sleep_mot_lef=1;          //Nano Sleep Motor Left
+            pwm_mot_lef.pulsewidth_us(Duty*5);
+        } else {
+            q_sleep_mot_lef=0;
+        }
+    }
+    if(Dir==0) {
+        q_pha_mot_lef=1;            //Andar para tras
+        if(Speed>1000)                   //limite de segurança
+            Speed=1000;
+        if(Speed>0) {
+            Duty=Speed*.082 +35;         // 35 = minimo para o motor rodar
+            q_sleep_mot_lef=1;          //Nano Sleep Motor Left
+            pwm_mot_lef.pulsewidth_us(Duty*5);
+        } else {
+            q_sleep_mot_lef=0;
+        }
+    }
+ * Sets speed and direction of the right motor.
+ *
+ * @param Dir - Direction of movement, 0 for back, or 1 for fron
+ * @param Speed - Percentage of speed of the motor (1..100)
+ *
+ * Note: Because of differences in the motors they need to be calibrated, test the robot going front and back
+ *  at different speeds and see if it makes a straigth line
+ */
+void rightMotor(short int Dir,short int Speed)
+    float Duty;
+    if(Dir==1) {
+        q_pha_mot_rig=0;            //Andar em frente
+        if(Speed>1000)                   //limite de segurança
+            Speed=1000;
+        if(Speed>0) {
+            Duty=Speed*.082 +35;         // 35 = minimo para o motor rodar
+            q_sleep_mot_rig=1;          //Nano Sleep Motor Right
+            pwm_mot_rig.pulsewidth_us(Duty*5);
+        } else {
+            q_sleep_mot_rig=0;
+        }
+    }
+    if(Dir==0) {
+        q_pha_mot_rig=1;            //Andar para tras
+        if(Speed>1000)                   //limite de segurança
+            Speed=1000;
+        if(Speed>0) {
+            Duty=Speed*.082 +35;         // 35 = minimo para o motor rodar
+            q_sleep_mot_rig=1;          //Nano Sleep Motor Right
+            pwm_mot_rig.pulsewidth_us(Duty*5);
+        } else {
+            q_sleep_mot_rig=0;
+        }
+    }
+///////////////////////////////////     ENCODER     ///////////////////////////////////////////
+ * Reads Position of left magnetic encoder.
+ *
+ * @return The absolute position of the left wheel encoder (0..4095)
+ */
+long int read_L_encoder()
+    char data_r_2[5];
+    i2c.start();
+    i2c.write(0x6C);
+    i2c.write(0x0C);
+    i2c.stop();
+    short int val1=data_r_2[0];
+    short int val2=data_r_2[1];
+    val1=(val1&0xf)*256;
+    long int final=(val2+val1);
+    return  final;
+ * Reads Position of right magnetic encoder.
+ *
+ * @return The absolute position of the right wheel encoder (0..4095)
+ */
+long int read_R_encoder()
+    char data_r_2[5];
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.write(0x6C);
+    i2c1.write(0x0C);
+    i2c1.stop();
+    short int val1=data_r_2[0];
+    short int val2=data_r_2[1];
+    val1=(val1&0xf)*256;
+    long int final=(val2+val1);
+    return  final;
+ * Calculates and returns the value of the  right "incremental" encoder.
+ *
+ * @return The value of "tics" of the right encoder since it was initialized
+ */
+long int incremental_R_encoder()
+    short int next_R=read_R_encoder(); // Reads curent value of the encoder
+    short int dif=next_R-prev_R;       // Calculates the diference from last reading
+    if(dif>3000) {                     // Going back and pass zero
+        total_R=total_R-4096+dif;
+    }
+    if(dif<3000&&dif>0) {              // Going front
+        total_R=total_R+dif;
+    }
+    if(dif<-3000) {                    // Going front and pass zero
+        total_R=total_R+4096+dif;
+    }
+    if(dif>-3000&&dif<0) {             // going back
+        total_R=total_R+dif;
+    }
+    prev_R=next_R;                     // Sets last reading for next iteration
+    return  total_R;
+ * Calculates and returns the value of the  left "incremental" encoder.
+ *
+ * @return The value of "tics" of the left encoder since it was initialized
+ */
+long int incremental_L_encoder()
+    short int next_L=read_L_encoder(); // Reads curent value of the encoder
+    short int dif=-next_L+prev_L;      // Calculates the diference from last reading
+    if(dif>3000) {                     // Going back and pass zero
+        total_L=total_L-4096+dif;
+    }
+    if(dif<3000&&dif>0) {              // Going front
+        total_L=total_L+dif;
+    }
+    if(dif<-3000) {                    // Going front and pass zero
+        total_L=total_L+4096+dif;
+    }
+    if(dif>-3000&&dif<0) {             // going back
+        total_L=total_L+dif;
+    }
+    prev_L=next_L;                     // Sets last reading for next iteration
+    return  total_L;
+ * Calculate the value of both encoder "incremental" every 10 ms.
+ */
+void timer_event()  //10ms interrupt
+    timeout.attach(&timer_event,0.01);
+    if(flag==0) {
+        incremental_R_encoder();
+        incremental_L_encoder();
+    }
+    Odometria();
+    return;
+ * Set the initial position for the "incremental" enconder and "starts" them.
+ */
+void initEncoders()
+    prev_R=read_R_encoder();
+    prev_L=read_L_encoder();
+    timeout.attach(&timer_event,0.01);
+ * Returns to the user the value of the right "incremental" encoder.
+ *
+ * @return The value of "tics" of the right encoder since it was initialized
+ */
+long int R_encoder()
+    wait(0.0001);
+    return total_R;
+ * Returns to the user the value of the right "incremental" encoder.
+ *
+ * @return The value of "tics" of the right encoder since it was initialized
+ */
+long int L_encoder()
+    wait(0.0001);
+    return total_L;
+///////////////////////////////////     BATTERY     ///////////////////////////////////////////
+ * Reads adc of the battery.
+ *
+ * @param addr - Address to read
+ * @return The voltage of the batery
+ */
+long int read16_mcp3424(char addr)
+    char data[4];
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.stop();
+    return(((data[0]&127)*256)+data[1]);
+ * Reads adc of the battery.
+ *
+ * @param n_bits - Resolution of measure
+ * @param ch - Chose value to read, if voltage or current of solar or batery
+ * @param gain -
+ * @param addr - Address to write to
+ */
+void write_mcp3424(int n_bits, int  ch, int gain, char  addr)  //chanel 1-4    write -> 0xD0
+    int chanel_end=(ch-1)<<5; //shift left
+    char n_bits_end=0;
+    if(n_bits==12) {
+        n_bits_end=0;
+    } else if(n_bits==14) {
+        n_bits_end=1;
+    } else if(n_bits==16) {
+        n_bits_end=2;
+    } else {
+        n_bits_end=3;
+    }
+    n_bits_end=n_bits_end<<2; //shift left
+    char data[1];
+    data[0]= (char)chanel_end | (char)n_bits_end | (char)(gain-1) | 128;
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.write(addr,data,1);
+    i2c1.stop();
+ * Reads adc of the battery.
+ *
+ * @return The voltage of the batery
+ */
+float value_of_Batery()
+    float   R1=75000.0;
+    float   R2=39200.0;
+    float   R3=178000.0;
+    float   Gain=1.0;
+    write_mcp3424(16,3,1,0xd8);
+    float cha3_v2=read16_mcp3424(0xd9); //read  voltage
+    float Vin_v_battery=(((cha3_v2*2.048)/32767))/Gain;
+    float Vin_b_v_battery=(-((-Vin_v_battery)*(R1*R2 + R1*R3 + R2*R3))/(R1*R2));
+    Vin_b_v_battery=(Vin_b_v_battery-0.0)*1.00268;
+    return Vin_b_v_battery;
+///////////////////////////////     RF COMUNICATION     ///////////////////////////////////////
+ * Initializes the NRF24 module for comunication.
+ *
+ * Note: if the module is broken or badly connected this init will cause the code to stop,
+ *  if all these messages don't appear thats the case
+ */
+void config_init_nrf()
+    my_nrf24l01p.powerUp(); // powers module
+    my_nrf24l01p.setRfFrequency (2400); // channel 0 (2400-0 ... 2516-116)
+    my_nrf24l01p.setTransferSize(10);   // number of bytes to be transfer
+    my_nrf24l01p.setCrcWidth(8);
+    my_nrf24l01p.enableAutoAcknowledge(NRF24L01P_PIPE_P0); // pipe where data transfer occurs (0..6)
+    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ Frequency    : %d MHz\r\n",  my_nrf24l01p.getRfFrequency() );
+    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ Data Rate    : %d kbps\r\n", my_nrf24l01p.getAirDataRate() );
+    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ TX Address   : 0x%010llX\r\n", my_nrf24l01p.getTxAddress() );
+    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ RX Address   : 0x%010llX\r\n", my_nrf24l01p.getRxAddress() );
+    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ CrC Width    : %d CrC\r\n", my_nrf24l01p.getCrcWidth() );
+    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ TransferSize : %d Paket Size\r\n", my_nrf24l01p.getTransferSize () );
+    my_nrf24l01p.setReceiveMode();
+    my_nrf24l01p.enable();
+    pc.printf( "Setup complete, Starting While loop\r\n");
+ * Receives a number from the Arduino.
+ *
+ * @return The value send by the arduino
+ */
+double receiveValue(void)
+    char temp[4];
+    double Val;
+    bool ok=0;
+    my_nrf24l01p.setTransferSize(4);
+    my_nrf24l01p.setReceiveMode();
+    my_nrf24l01p.enable();
+    do {
+        if(my_nrf24l01p.readable(NRF24L01P_PIPE_P0)) {
+            ok = NRF24L01P_PIPE_P0,temp, 4);
+        }
+    } while(ok==0);
+    //transformation of temp to convert to original value
+    if(temp[0]==0) // if first elemente is 0 then its negative
+        Val = double(-(int(temp[1])+int(temp[2])*255+int(temp[3])*255*255));
+    else // else its positive
+        Val = double(int(temp[1])+int(temp[2])*255+int(temp[3])*255*255);
+    return Val;
+ * Sends a number to the Arduino
+ *
+ * @param Value - number to be sent to the Arduino
+ */
+void sendValue(long int Value)
+    bool ok=0;  // comunication sucess, o if failed 1 if sucessfull
+    // double math=Value/65025; // temporary variable save results
+    int zero=1;  // 1 byte, ( - ) if 0 ( + ) if 1
+    int one=0;   // 2 byte (0..255), multiplied by 1
+    int two=0;   // 3 byte (0..255), multiplied by 255
+    int three=0; // 4 byte (0..255), multiplied by 255*255
+//transformation of Value to send correctly through pipe
+    if (Value<0) {
+        zero=0;
+        Value=abs(Value);
+    }
+    //  Value=abs(Value);
+    double math=Value/65025; // temporary variable save results
+    if(math<1) {
+        math=Value/255;
+        if(math<1) {
+            two=0;
+            one=Value;
+        } else {
+            two=(int)math;
+            one=Value % 255;
+        }
+    } else {
+        three=(int)math;
+        math=Value/255;
+        if(math<1) {
+            two=0;
+            one=Value;
+        } else {
+            two=(int)math;
+            one=Value % 255;
+        }
+    }
+    char temp[4]= {(int)zero,(int)one,(int)two,(int)three};
+    // Apagar depois de testar mais vezes
+    // pc.printf("1 inidice...%i...\r", temp[0]);
+    // pc.printf("2 inidice...%i...\r", temp[1]);
+    // pc.printf("3 inidice...%i...\r", temp[2]);
+    // pc.printf("4 inidice...%i...\r", temp[3]);
+    my_nrf24l01p.setTransferSize(4);
+    my_nrf24l01p.setTransmitMode();
+    my_nrf24l01p.enable();
+    do {
+        ok = my_nrf24l01p.write( NRF24L01P_PIPE_P0,temp, 4);
+        if(ok==1)
+            pc.printf("Done.....%i...\r", Value);
+        else {
+            pc.printf("Failed\r");
+            wait(1);
+        }
+    } while(ok==0);
+ *  Sends matrix to arduino.
+ *
+ * @param matrix - Matrix of numbers to send [0..255]
+ * @param row - Number of rows
+ * @param column - Number of columns
+ */
+void sendMatrix(int (*matrix)[18],int row , int column)
+    short ok=0;
+    short int i =0;
+    short int j=0;
+    short int byte=0;
+    int members=column*row;
+    char message[32]= {0};
+    pc.printf("J ...%d... \r",members);
+    my_nrf24l01p.setTransferSize(32);
+    my_nrf24l01p.setTransmitMode();
+    my_nrf24l01p.enable();
+    do {
+        int* point = matrix[j];
+        do {
+            message[byte]= point[i];
+            if (byte==31 || (i+1)*(j+1)==members) {
+                do {
+                    ok = my_nrf24l01p.write( NRF24L01P_PIPE_P0,message, 32);
+                    if(ok==0)
+                        wait(1);
+                } while(ok==0);
+                byte=-1;
+            }
+            byte++;
+            i++;
+        } while(i<column);
+        i=0;
+        j++;
+    } while(j<row);
+//////////////////////////////////      Sonar     ////////////////////////////////////////////
+//      Commands of operation with ultrasonic module
+//        ENABLE DC DC CONVERTER          - 0x0C;
+//        DISABLE DC DC CONVERTER         - 0x0B;
+//        START MEASURE LEFT SENSOR       - 0x0A;
+//        START MEASURE FRONT SENSOR      - 0x09;
+//        START MEASURE RIGHT SENSOR      - 0x08;
+//        SENSORS ALWAYS MEASURE ON       - 0x07;
+//        SENSORS ALWAYS MEASURE OFF      - 0x06;
+//        GET MEASURE OF LEFT SENSOR          - 0x05;
+//        GET MEASURE OF FRONT SENSOR         - 0x04;
+//        GET MEASURE OF IGHT SENSOR          - 0x03;
+//        GET STATUS DC DC CONVERTER          - 0x01;
+void enable_dc_dc_boost()
+    char data[1];
+    data[0]= 0x0C;
+    wait_ms(1);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.write(0x30,data,1);
+    i2c1.stop();
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.write(0x30,data,1);
+    i2c1.stop();
+void disable_dc_dc_boost()
+    char data[1];
+    data[0]= 0x0B;
+    wait_ms(1);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.write(0x30,data,1);
+    i2c1.stop();
+void start_read_left_sensor()
+    char data[1];
+    data[0]= 0x0A;
+    wait_ms(1);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.write(0x30,data,1);
+    i2c1.stop();
+void start_read_front_sensor()
+    char data[1];
+    data[0]= 0x09;
+    wait_ms(1);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.write(0x30,data,1);
+    i2c1.stop();
+void start_read_right_sensor()
+    char data[1];
+    data[0]= 0x08;
+    wait_ms(1);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.write(0x30,data,1);
+    i2c1.stop();
+void measure_always_on()  // left, front, right
+    char data[1];
+    data[0]= 0x07;
+    wait_ms(1);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.write(0x30,data,1);
+    i2c1.stop();
+void measure_always_off()
+    char data[1];
+    data[0]= 0x06;
+    wait_ms(1);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.write(0x30,data,1);
+    i2c1.stop();
+ * Returns left sensor value
+ */
+static unsigned int get_distance_left_sensor()
+    static char data_r[3];
+    static unsigned int aux;
+    flag=1;
+    data_r[0]= 0x05;
+    wait_ms(1);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.write(0x30,data_r,1);
+    i2c1.stop();
+    wait_ms(10);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.stop();
+    aux=(data_r[0]*256)+data_r[1];
+    flag=0;
+    return aux;
+    // sensor_left=aux;
+    // pc.printf("\nDistance Left Sensor: %u mm",aux); //0 - 2500mm
+ * Returns front sensor value
+ */
+static unsigned int get_distance_front_sensor()
+    static char data_r[3];
+    static unsigned int aux;
+    flag=1;
+    data_r[0]= 0x04;
+    wait_ms(1);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.write(0x30,data_r,1);
+    i2c1.stop();
+    wait_ms(10);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.stop();
+    aux=(data_r[0]*256)+data_r[1];
+    flag=0;
+    return aux;
+    // sensor_front=aux;
+    // pc.printf("\nDistance Front Sensor: %u mm",aux); //0 - 2500mm
+ * Returns right sensor value
+ */
+static unsigned int get_distance_right_sensor()
+    static char data_r[3];
+    static unsigned int aux;
+    flag=1;
+    data_r[0]= 0x03;
+    wait_ms(1);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.write(0x30,data_r,1);
+    i2c1.stop();
+    wait_ms(10);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.stop();
+    aux=(data_r[0]*256)+data_r[1];
+    flag=0;
+    return aux;
+    // sensor_right=aux;
+    // pc.printf("\nDistance Right Sensor: %u \r",aux); //0 - 2500mm
+void get_status_always_measure()
+    static char data_r[3];
+    static unsigned int aux;
+    data_r[0]= 0x02;
+    wait_ms(1);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.write(0x30,data_r,1);
+    i2c1.stop();
+    wait_ms(10);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.stop();
+    aux=data_r[0];
+    pc.printf("\nStatus of read always on/off: %u ",aux); //0 (off) - 1 (on)
+void get_status_dcdc_converter()
+    static char data_r[3];
+    static unsigned int aux;
+    data_r[0]= 0x01;
+    wait_ms(1);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.write(0x30,data_r,1);
+    i2c1.stop();
+    wait_ms(10);
+    i2c1.start();
+    i2c1.stop();
+    aux=data_r[0];
+    pc.printf("\nStatus of DC/DC Converter: %u ",aux); //0 (off) - 1 (on)
+//////////////////////////////////      MISC.      ////////////////////////////////////////////
+ * Initializes the necessary robot pins
+ */
+void init_robot_pins()
+    //SAIDAS DIGITAIS (normal)
+    //q_pha_mot_rig=0;            //Phase Motor Right
+    //q_sleep_mot_rig=0;          //Nano Sleep Motor Right
+    //q_pha_mot_lef=0;            //Phase Motor Left
+    //q_sleep_mot_lef=0;          //Nano Sleep Motor Left
+    //q_pow_ena_i2c_p=0;          //Power Enable i2c FET P
+    //q_pow_ena_mic_p=0;          //Power enable Micro FET P
+    //q_pow_as5600_n=1;           //AS5600 Power MOSFET N
+    //q_pow_as5600_p=0;           //AS5600 Power MOSFET P
+    //q_pow_spi=0;                //SPI Power MOSFET P
+    //q_ena_mppt=0;               //Enable MPPT Control
+    //q_boost_ps=1;               //Boost Power Save
+    //q_tca9548_reset=1;          //Reset TCA9548
+    //SAIDAS DIGITAIS (normal)
+    q_pha_mot_rig=0;            //Phase Motor Right
+    q_sleep_mot_rig=0;          //Nano Sleep Motor Right
+    q_pha_mot_lef=0;            //Phase Motor Left
+    q_sleep_mot_lef=0;          //Nano Sleep Motor Left
+    q_pow_ena_i2c_p=0;         //Power Enable i2c FET P
+    q_pow_ena_mic_p=0;          //Power enable Micro FET P
+    q_pow_as5600_p=0;           //AS5600 Power MOSFET P
+    // q_pow_spi=0;                //SPI Power MOSFET P
+    q_pow_as5600_n=1;           //AS5600 Power MOSFET N
+    q_ena_mppt=0;               //Enable MPPT Control
+    q_boost_ps=1;               //Boost Power Save
+    q_tca9548_reset=1;          //Reset TCA9548
+    //Leds caso seja saida digital:
+    q_led_red_fro=1;          //Led Red Front (led off)
+    q_led_gre_fro=1;          //Led Green Front (led off)
+    q_led_blu_fro=1;          //Led Blue Front (led off)
+    q_led_red_rea=1;          //Led Red Rear (led off)
+    q_led_gre_rea=1;          //Led Green Rear (led off)
+    q_led_blu_rea=1;          //Led Blue Rear (led off)r
+    //SAIDAS DIGITAIS (pwm)
+    //PWM Enable Motor Right
+    pwm_mot_rig.period_us(500);
+    pwm_mot_rig.pulsewidth_us(0);
+    //PWM Enable Motor Left
+    pwm_mot_lef.period_us(500);
+    pwm_mot_lef.pulsewidth_us(0);
+    //Buzzer PWM
+    pwm_buzzer.period_us(500);
+    pwm_buzzer.pulsewidth_us(0);
+    //LED white
+    pwm_led_whi.period_us(500);
+    pwm_led_whi.pulsewidth_us(0);
+ * Initializes all the pins and all the modules necessary
+ */
+void initRobot(void)
+    init_robot_pins();
+    enable_dc_dc_boost();
+    init_Infrared();
+    initEncoders();
+    config_init_nrf();
+    enable_dc_dc_boost();
+    wait_ms(100); //wait for read wait(>=150ms);
+    measure_always_on();
+    float value = value_of_Batery();
+    pc.printf("Initialization Successful \n\r");
+    pc.printf("Battery level: %f \n\r",value);
+    if(value < 3.0) {
+        pc.printf(" WARNING: BATTERY NEEDS CHARGING ");
+    }
+    // float level = value_of_Batery();
+    // sendValue(int(level*100));
+ * Updates the position and orientation of the robot based on the data from the encoders
+ *
+ * Note: Needs to be calibrated for each robot, in this case the radius of the whells is 3.55
+ * and the distance between them is 7.4
+ */
+void Odometria()
+    long int ticks1d=R_encoder();
+    long int ticks1e=L_encoder();
+    long int D_ticks=ticks1d - ticks2d;
+    long int E_ticks=ticks1e - ticks2e;
+    ticks2d=ticks1d;
+    ticks2e=ticks1e;
+    float D_cm= (float)D_ticks*((3.25*3.1415)/4096);
+    float L_cm= (float)E_ticks*((3.25*3.1415)/4096);
+    float CM=(D_cm + L_cm)/2;
+    theta +=(D_cm - L_cm)/7.18;
+    theta = atan2(sin(theta), cos(theta));
+    // meter entre 0
+    X += CM*cos(theta);
+    Y += CM*sin(theta);
\ No newline at end of file