gebruik dit voor potmeter en shit

Dependencies:   HIDScope MODSERIAL PID QEI biquadFilter mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Nov 02 15:42:16 2016 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

Encoder.lib Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
HIDScope.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
PID.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
QEI.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r c155f3c67deb -r 4baa95d7bc5f Encoder.lib
--- a/Encoder.lib	Mon Oct 10 16:14:59 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
diff -r c155f3c67deb -r 4baa95d7bc5f HIDScope.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/HIDScope.lib	Wed Nov 02 15:42:16 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r c155f3c67deb -r 4baa95d7bc5f PID.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PID.lib	Wed Nov 02 15:42:16 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r c155f3c67deb -r 4baa95d7bc5f QEI.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/QEI.lib	Wed Nov 02 15:42:16 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r c155f3c67deb -r 4baa95d7bc5f main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Oct 10 16:14:59 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Nov 02 15:42:16 2016 +0000
@@ -1,76 +1,80 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "MODSERIAL.h"
+//#include "biquadFilter.h"
 #include "math.h"
-#include "Encoder.h"
+#include "HIDScope.h"
+#include "QEI.h"
 // Occupied pins A1,D2,D4,D5,D12,D13
-AnalogIn potMeter1(A1);
 DigitalOut motor1_dir(D4);
 PwmOut motor1_mag(D5);
-DigitalIn button1(D2);
-Encoder motor1(D13,D12);
-AnalogIn setpoint_1(A0);
-//PwmOut led(D9);
-//HIDScope scope(3);
+QEI motor1_pos(D13 ,D12 ,NC, 64 ,QEI::X4_ENCODING); // D12 on A D13 on B
+DigitalIn button_1(D2);
+DigitalIn button_2(D3);
+AnalogIn potMeter_1(A1);
 float getReferenceVelocity();
-float FeedForwardControl(float);
-void SetMotor1(float);
+float feedforwardControl(float);
+void setMotor_1(float);
 bool getDirection(bool);
+float pulsesToDegrees(int);
+void test_hid_ticker();
+void initpositionGo();
 const float maxVelocity= 8.4; // should be 8.4 for 80 RPM 
-const float MotorGain=8.4; // unit: (rad/s)
+const float motorGain= 8.4; // unit: (rad/s)
 const int CW = 1;
 const int CCW = 0;
-bool direction = 1;
-motor1_mag.period(1.0/10000); //10kHz
-    float degrees_setpoint;
-    float error;
-    float output;
-    const float degrees_per_count = 90/200.0; //quick approach
-    const float ain_degrees_range = 90; //degrees over which the potmeter can control.
-    const float kp_1_range = -1;
+bool direction = 1;
 int main()
-    while (true) {
-       float ReferenceVelocity = getReferenceVelocity(); // returns direction + speed in rad/s
-       float motorValue = FeedForwardControl(ReferenceVelocity); // returns value between -1 and 1
-       SetMotor1(motorValue); // adjust motor
-       wait(2);
+    while (button_2) {
+        float ReferenceVelocity = getReferenceVelocity(); // returns direction + speed in rad/s
+        float motorValue = feedforwardControl(ReferenceVelocity); // returns value between -1 and 1
+        setMotor_1(motorValue); // adjust motor
+        //float motor1_deg = pulsesToDegrees(motor1_pos.getPulses()) % 360;
+        //pc.printf("motor1_deg: %f \n", motor1_deg);
+        int pulses = motor1_pos.getPulses();
+        pc.printf("Pulses: %d\n\r", pulses);
+        //float revolutions = float(pulses/8400.00); // 8384 or 8400, output shaft revolutions
+        //pc.printf("Revolutions: %f\n", revolutions); 
+        wait(0.002);
 float getReferenceVelocity() // Returns reference velocity in rad/s. 
     float referenceVelocity;  // in rad/s
-    float potmeter1 = potMeter1; // read out potmeter
-    // pc.printf("%f\n", potmeter1);
-    if (getDirection(direction) == CW)   { // Clockwise rotation     
+    float potmeter1 =; // read out potmeter
+    pc.printf("%f\n", potmeter1);
+    if (getDirection(direction) == CW)   { // Clockwise rotatio
         referenceVelocity = potmeter1 * maxVelocity; 
     else { // Counterclockwise rotation      
-        referenceVelocity = -1*potMeter1 * maxVelocity;  
+        referenceVelocity = -1*potmeter1 * maxVelocity;  
     pc.printf("referenceVelocity: %f\n", referenceVelocity);
     return referenceVelocity; // duty cycle compensated
-float FeedForwardControl(float referenceVelocity)
+float feedforwardControl(float referenceVelocity)
-    float motorValue = referenceVelocity / MotorGain;
+    float motorValue = referenceVelocity / motorGain;
-    pc.printf("motorValue: %f\n", motorValue);
+    pc.printf("motorValue: %f\n\r", motorValue);
     return motorValue; // between -1 and 1
-void SetMotor1(float motorValue) //  this sets the PWM and direction
+void setMotor_1(float motorValue) //  this sets the PWM and direction
     if (motorValue >=0){ 
@@ -78,7 +82,7 @@
     int motor1_Dir = motor1_dir;
-    pc.printf("motor1_dir: %d\n", motor1_Dir);
+    pc.printf("motor1_dir: %d\n\r", motor1_Dir);
     if (fabs(motorValue)>1) {
         motor1_mag.write(1); // safety, magnitude max 1
@@ -87,40 +91,46 @@
         motor1_mag.write(fabs(motorValue));   //PWM Speed Control
     float motor1_Mag = motor1_mag;
-    pc.printf("motor1_mag: %f\n", motor1_Mag);
-    float sensorMag = motor1_mag.getPosition();
+    pc.printf("motor1_mag: %f\n\r", motor1_Mag);
 bool getDirection(bool Direction){
-    direction = Direction;
-    if (button1){
-   direction = !direction;
+    if (!button_1){ // pressed
+   return 1; 
-    return direction;
+   else { return 0;}
- /*
-int main()
+// not pressed is positive for long side SO going RIGHT, so DIR is 1
+// presssed is negative for long side so going left, so DIR is 0
+// not pressed is positive for short side so going up, so DIR is 1
+// pressed is negative for short side so going down, so DIR is 0
+/*float pulsesToLinpos(int pulses) {
+    float Linpos = ((pulses)/(X*N))*(1/PPCM );
+    return Linpos; // in Centimeters
-    while (true) {
-        degrees_setpoint = setpoint_1 * ain_degrees_range;
-        error = degrees_setpoint-(motor1.getPosition()*degrees_per_count); //error =  setpoint - current
-        output = error*p_value*kp_1_range;
-        if(output > 0)
-        {
-            direction_1.write(true);
+/*float revToDegrees(float revolutions){
+    double degrees = revolutions*360;
+void initpositionGo(){
+bool initposition = false;
+    while (initposition){
+        float pulseCount = motor1_pos.getPulses();
+        if ( pulseCount < 0) {
+            motor1_dir.write(CW); 
-        else
-        {
-            direction_1.write(false);
+        else if (pulseCount > 0){
+            motor1_dir.write(CCW); 
-        pwm_1.write(fabs(output));
-        scope.set(0,motor1.getPosition());
-        scope.set(1,error);
-        scope.set(2,fabs(output));
-        led.write(motor1.getPosition()/100.0);
-        scope.send();
-        wait(0.01);
+        else {
+        initposition = true;
+        }
\ No newline at end of file