Microrealms: An adventure game on the mbed platform

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 4da21a20e2c1 realm.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/realm.cpp	Thu Dec 04 14:17:50 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+Copyright (C) 2014  Frank Duignan
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "realm.h"
+#include "serial.h"
+// Find types: h(ealth),s(trength),m(agic),g(old),w(eapon)
+const char FindTypes[]={'h','s','m','g','w'};
+// The following arrays define the bad guys and 
+// their battle properies - ordering matters!
+// Baddie types : O(gre),T(roll),D(ragon),H(ag)
+const char Baddies[]={'O','T','D','H'};
+// The following is 4 sets of 4 damage types
+const byte WeaponDamage[]={10,10,5,25,10,10,5,25,10,15,5,15,5,5,2,10};
+#define ICE_SPELL_COST 10
+#define FIRE_SPELL_COST 20
+const byte FreezeSpellDamage[]={10,20,5,0};
+const byte FireSpellDamage[]={20,10,5,0};
+const byte LightningSpellDamage[]={15,10,25,0};
+const byte BadGuyDamage[]={10,10,15,5};
+int GameStarted = 0;
+tPlayer thePlayer;
+tRealm theRealm;
+void delay(int len);
+void delay(int len)
+    wait(len/1000);
+void runGame(void)
+    char ch;
+    printString("MicroRealms on mbed.");  
+    showHelp();     
+    while(GameStarted == 0)
+    {
+        showGameMessage("Press S to start a new game");
+        ch = getUserInput();            
+        if ( (ch == 'S') || (ch == 's') )
+            GameStarted = 1;
+    }
+    initRealm(&theRealm);   
+    initPlayer(&thePlayer,&theRealm);
+    showPlayer(&thePlayer);
+    showRealm(&theRealm,&thePlayer);
+    showGameMessage("Press H for help");
+    while (1)
+    {
+        ch = getUserInput();
+        ch = ch | 32; // enforce lower case
+        switch (ch) {
+            case 'h' : {
+                showHelp();
+                break;
+            }
+            case 'n' : {
+                showGameMessage("North");
+                step('n',&thePlayer,&theRealm);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 's' : {
+                showGameMessage("South");
+                step('s',&thePlayer,&theRealm);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 'e' : {
+                showGameMessage("East");
+                step('e',&thePlayer,&theRealm);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 'w' : {
+                showGameMessage("West");
+                step('w',&thePlayer,&theRealm);
+                break;
+            }
+            case '#' : {        
+                if (thePlayer.wealth)       
+                {
+                    showRealm(&theRealm,&thePlayer);
+                    thePlayer.wealth--;
+                }
+                else
+                    showGameMessage("No gold!");
+                break;
+            }
+            case 'p' : {                
+                showPlayer(&thePlayer);
+                break;
+            }
+        } // end switch
+    } // end while
+void step(char Direction,tPlayer *Player,tRealm *Realm)
+    int new_x, new_y;
+    new_x = Player->x;
+    new_y = Player->y;
+    byte AreaContents;
+    switch (Direction) {
+        case 'n' :
+        {
+            if (new_y > 0)
+                new_y--;
+            break;
+        }
+        case 's' :
+        {
+            if (new_y < MAP_HEIGHT-1)
+                new_y++;
+            break;
+        }
+        case 'e' :
+        {
+            if (new_x <  MAP_WIDTH-1)
+                new_x++;
+            break;
+        }
+        case 'w' :
+        {
+            if (new_x > 0)
+                new_x--;
+            break;
+        }       
+    }
+    AreaContents = Realm->map[new_y][new_x];
+    if ( AreaContents == '*')
+    {
+        showGameMessage("A rock blocks your path.");
+        return;
+    }
+    Player->x = new_x;
+    Player->y = new_y;
+    int Consumed = 0;
+    switch (AreaContents)
+    {
+        // const char Baddies[]={'O','T','B','H'};
+        case 'O' :{
+            showGameMessage("A smelly green Ogre appears before you");
+            Consumed = doChallenge(Player,0);
+            break;
+        }
+        case 'T' :{
+            showGameMessage("An evil troll challenges you");
+            Consumed = doChallenge(Player,1);
+            break;
+        }
+        case 'D' :{
+            showGameMessage("A smouldering Dragon blocks your way !");
+            Consumed = doChallenge(Player,2);
+            break;
+        }
+        case 'H' :{
+            showGameMessage("A withered hag cackles at you wickedly");
+            Consumed = doChallenge(Player,3);
+            break;
+        }
+        case 'h' :{
+            showGameMessage("You find an elixer of health");
+            setHealth(Player,Player->health+10);
+            Consumed = 1;       
+            break;
+        }
+        case 's' :{
+            showGameMessage("You find a potion of strength");
+            Consumed = 1;
+            setStrength(Player,Player->strength+1);
+            break;
+        }
+        case 'g' :{
+            showGameMessage("You find a shiny golden nugget");
+            Player->wealth++;           
+            Consumed = 1;
+            break;
+        }
+        case 'm' :{
+            showGameMessage("You find a magic charm");
+            Player->magic++;                        
+            Consumed = 1;
+            break;
+        }
+        case 'w' :{
+            Consumed = addWeapon(Player,random(MAX_WEAPONS-1)+1);
+            showPlayer(Player);
+            break;          
+        }
+        case 'X' : {
+            // Player landed on the exit
+            printString("A door! You exit into a new realm");
+            setHealth(Player,100); // maximize health
+            initRealm(&theRealm);
+            showRealm(&theRealm,Player);
+        }
+    }
+    if (Consumed)
+        Realm->map[new_y][new_x] = '.'; // remove any item that was found
+int doChallenge(tPlayer *Player,int BadGuyIndex)
+    char ch;
+    char Damage;
+    const byte *dmg;
+    int BadGuyHealth = 100;
+    printString("Press F to fight");
+    ch = getUserInput() | 32; // get user input and force lower case
+    if (ch == 'f')
+    {
+        printString("Choose action");
+        while ( (Player->health > 0) && (BadGuyHealth > 0) )
+        {
+            // Player takes turn first
+            if (Player->magic > ICE_SPELL_COST)
+                printString("(I)CE spell");
+            if (Player->magic > FIRE_SPELL_COST)
+                printString("(F)ire spell");
+            if (Player->magic > LIGHTNING_SPELL_COST)
+                printString("(L)ightning spell");
+            if (Player->Weapon1)
+            {
+                eputs("(1)Use ");
+                printString(getWeaponName(Player->Weapon1));
+            }   
+            if (Player->Weapon2)
+            {
+                eputs("(2)Use ");
+                printString(getWeaponName(Player->Weapon2));
+            }
+            printString("(P)unch");
+            ch = getUserInput();
+            switch (ch)
+            {
+                case 'i':
+                case 'I':
+                {
+                    printString("FREEZE!");
+                    Player->magic -= ICE_SPELL_COST;
+                    BadGuyHealth -= FreezeSpellDamage[BadGuyIndex]+random(10);
+                    zap();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'f':
+                case 'F':
+                {
+                    printString("BURN!");
+                    Player->magic -= FIRE_SPELL_COST;
+                    BadGuyHealth -= FireSpellDamage[BadGuyIndex]+random(10);
+                    zap();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'l':
+                case 'L':
+                {
+                    printString("ZAP!");
+                    Player->magic -= LIGHTNING_SPELL_COST;
+                    BadGuyHealth -= LightningSpellDamage[BadGuyIndex]+random(10);
+                    zap();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case '1':
+                {
+                    dmg = WeaponDamage+(Player->Weapon1<<2)+BadGuyIndex;
+                    printString("Take that!");
+                    BadGuyHealth -= *dmg + random(Player->strength);
+                    setStrength(Player,Player->strength-1);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case '2':
+                {
+                    dmg = WeaponDamage+(Player->Weapon2<<2)+BadGuyIndex;
+                    printString("Take that!");
+                    BadGuyHealth -= *dmg + random(Player->strength);
+                    setStrength(Player,Player->strength-1);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'p':
+                case 'P':
+                {
+                    printString("Thump!");
+                    BadGuyHealth -= 1+random(Player->strength);
+                    setStrength(Player,Player->strength-1);
+                    break;
+                }
+                default: {
+                    printString("You fumble. Uh oh");
+                }
+            }
+            // Bad guy then gets a go 
+            if (BadGuyHealth < 0)
+                BadGuyHealth = 0;
+            Damage = BadGuyDamage[BadGuyIndex]+random(5);
+            setHealth(Player,Player->health - Damage);
+            eputs("Health: you "); printHex(Player->health);
+            eputs(", them " );printHex(BadGuyHealth);
+            eputs("\r\n");
+        }
+        if (Player->health == 0)
+        { // You died
+            printString("You are dead. Press Reset to restart");
+            while(1);
+        }
+        else
+        { // You won!
+            Player->wealth = 50 + random(50);           
+            showGameMessage("You win! Their gold is yours");            
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        showGameMessage("Our 'hero' chickens out");
+        return 0;
+    }
+int addWeapon(tPlayer *Player, int Weapon)
+    char c;
+    eputs("You stumble upon ");
+    switch (Weapon)
+    {
+        case 1:
+        {   
+            printString("a mighty axe");
+            break;
+        }
+        case 2:
+        {   
+            printString("a sword with mystical runes");
+            break;
+        }
+        case 3:
+        {   
+            printString("a bloody flail");
+            break;
+        }       
+        default:
+            printHex(Weapon);
+    }
+    if ( (Player->Weapon1) && (Player->Weapon2) )
+    {
+        // The player has two weapons already.
+        showPlayer(Player);
+        printString("You already have two weapons");        
+        printString("(1) drop Weapon1, (2) for Weapon2, (0) skip");
+        c = getUserInput();
+        switch(c)
+        {            
+            case '0':{
+                return 0; // don't pick up
+            }
+            case '1':{
+                Player->Weapon1 = Weapon;
+                break;
+            }
+            case '2':{
+                Player->Weapon2 = Weapon;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (!Player->Weapon1)
+        {
+            Player->Weapon1 = Weapon;   
+        }
+        else if (!Player->Weapon2)
+        {
+            Player->Weapon2 = Weapon;
+        }
+    }   
+    return 1;
+const char *getWeaponName(int index)
+    switch (index)
+    {
+        case 0:return "Empty"; break;
+        case 1:return "Axe";break;
+        case 2:return "Sword"; break;
+        case 3:return "Flail"; break;
+    }
+void setHealth(tPlayer *Player,int health)
+    if (health > 100)
+        health = 100;
+    if (health < 0)
+        health = 0;
+    Player->health = health;
+void setStrength(tPlayer *Player, byte strength)
+    if (strength > 100)
+        strength = 100;
+    if (strength < 0)
+        strength = 0;
+    Player->strength = strength;
+void initPlayer(tPlayer *Player,tRealm *theRealm)
+    // get the player name
+    int index=0;
+    byte x,y;
+    char ch=0;
+    // Initialize the player's attributes
+    eputs("Enter the player's name: ");
+    while ( (index < MAX_NAME_LEN) && (ch != '\n') && (ch != '\r'))
+    {
+        ch = getUserInput();
+        if ( ch > '0' ) // strip conrol characters
+        {
+            Player->name[index++]=ch;
+            eputc(ch);
+        }
+    }
+    Player->name[index]=0; // terminate the name
+    setHealth(Player,100);
+    Player->strength=50+random(50);
+    Player->magic=50+random(50);    
+    Player->wealth=10+random(10);
+    Player->Weapon1 = 0;
+    Player->Weapon2 = 0;
+    // Initialize the player's location
+    // Make sure the player does not land
+    // on an occupied space to begin with
+    do {
+        x=random(MAP_WIDTH);
+        y=random(MAP_HEIGHT);
+    } while(theRealm->map[y][x] != '.');
+    Player->x=x;
+    Player->y=y;
+void showPlayer(tPlayer *thePlayer)
+    eputs("\r\nName: ");
+    printString(thePlayer->name);
+    eputs("health: ");
+    printHex(thePlayer->health);
+    eputs("\r\nstrength: ");
+    printHex(thePlayer->strength);
+    eputs("\r\nmagic: ");
+    printHex(thePlayer->magic);
+    eputs("\r\nwealth: ");
+    printHex(thePlayer->wealth);    
+    eputs("\r\nLocation : ");
+    printHex(thePlayer->x);
+    eputs(" , ");
+    printHex(thePlayer->y); 
+    eputs("\r\nWeapon1 : ");
+    printString(getWeaponName(thePlayer->Weapon1));
+    eputs("Weapon2 : ");
+    printString(getWeaponName(thePlayer->Weapon2));
+void initRealm(tRealm *Realm)
+    int x,y;
+    int Rnd;
+    // clear the map to begin with
+    for (y=0;y < MAP_HEIGHT; y++)
+    {
+        for (x=0; x < MAP_WIDTH; x++)
+        {
+            Rnd = random(100);
+            if (Rnd >= 98) // put in some baddies
+                Realm->map[y][x]=   Baddies[random(sizeof(Baddies))];
+            else if (Rnd >= 95) // put in some good stuff
+                Realm->map[y][x]=   FindTypes[random(sizeof(FindTypes))];
+            else if (Rnd >= 90) // put in some rocks
+                Realm->map[y][x]='*'; 
+            else // put in empty space
+                Realm->map[y][x] = '.'; 
+        }
+    }
+    // finally put the exit to the next level in
+    x = random(MAP_WIDTH);
+    y = random(MAP_HEIGHT);
+    Realm->map[y][x]='X';
+void showRealm(tRealm *Realm,tPlayer *thePlayer)
+    int x,y;
+    printString("The Realm:");  
+    for (y=0;y<MAP_HEIGHT;y++)
+    {
+        for (x=0;x<MAP_WIDTH;x++)
+        {
+            if ( (x==thePlayer->x) && (y==thePlayer->y))
+                eputc('@');
+            else
+                eputc(Realm->map[y][x]);
+        }
+        eputs("\r\n");
+    }
+    printString("\r\nLegend");
+    printString("(T)roll, (O)gre, (D)ragon, (H)ag, e(X)it");
+    printString("(w)eapon, (g)old), (m)agic, (s)trength");
+    printString("@=You");
+void showHelp()
+    printString("Help");
+    printString("N,S,E,W : go North, South, East, West");
+    printString("# : show map (cost: 1 gold piece)");
+    printString("(H)elp");
+    printString("(P)layer details");
+void showGameMessage(char *Msg)
+    printString(Msg);
+    printString("Ready");   
+char getUserInput()
+    char ch = 0;
+    while (ch == 0)
+    {
+        ch = egetc();
+        prbs(); // cycle the prbs generator while waiting for user input
+    }
+    return ch;
+unsigned prbs()
+    // This is an unverified 31 bit PRBS generator
+    // It should be maximum length but this has not been verified 
+    static unsigned long shift_register=0xa5a5a5a5;
+    unsigned long new_bit=0;
+    static int busy=0; // need to prevent re-entrancy here
+    if (!busy)
+    {
+        busy=1;
+        new_bit= ((shift_register & (1<<27))>>27) ^ ((shift_register & (1<<30))>>30);
+        new_bit= ~new_bit;
+        new_bit = new_bit & 1;
+        shift_register=shift_register << 1;
+        shift_register=shift_register | (new_bit);
+        busy=0;
+    }
+    return shift_register & 0x7ffffff; // return 31 LSB's 
+unsigned random(unsigned range)
+    // Implementing my own version of modulus
+    // as it is a lot smaller than the library version
+    // To prevent very long subtract loops, the
+    // size of the value returned from prbs has been
+    // restricted to 8 bits.
+    int Rvalue = (prbs()&0xff);
+    while (Rvalue >= range)
+        Rvalue -= range; 
+    return Rvalue;
+void zap()
\ No newline at end of file