File content as of revision 0:5bf7e3564c3b:
//#include "mbed.h"
#include "SerialBuffered.h"
#ifndef _CAMERA_C1098_H_
#define _CAMERA_C1098_H_
// Class: CameraC1098
class CameraC1098 {
* Color type.
enum ColorType {
Jpeg = 0x07
* JPEG resolution.
enum JpegResolution {
JpegResolution320x240 = 0x05,
JpegResolution640x480 = 0x07
* Picture type.
enum PictureType {
SnapshotPicture = 0x01,
PreviewPicture = 0x02,
JpegPreviewPicture = 0x05
* Snapshot type.
enum SnapshotType {
CompressedPicture = 0x00,
UncompressedPicture = 0x01
* Baud rate.
enum Baud {
Baud14400 = 14400, //Default
Baud19200 = 19200,
Baud28800 = 28800,
Baud38400 = 38400,
Baud57600 = 57600,
Baud115200 = 115200, //Default
Baud230400 = 230400,
Baud460800 = 460800
* Reset type.
enum ResetType {
ResetWholeSystem = 0x00,
ResetStateMachines = 0x01
* Data type.
enum DataType {
DataTypeSnapshotPicture = 0x01,
DataTypePreviewPicture = 0x02,
DataTypeJpegPreviewPicture = 0x05
* Constructor.
* @param tx A pin for transmit.
* @param rx A pin for receive.
* @param baud Baud rate. (Default is Baud115200.)
//CameraC1098(PinName tx, PinName rx, Baud baud = Baud19200);
CameraC1098(PinName tx, PinName rx, Baud baud = Baud115200);
* Destructor.
* Make a sync. for baud rate.
bool sync();
* Initialize.
* @param jr JPEG resolution.
bool init(JpegResolution jr);
*set packet size
bool setupPackageSize(uint16_t packageSize);
* Get uncompressed snapshot picture.
* @param func A pointer to a callback function.
* Please do NOT block this callback function.
* Because the camera module transmit image datas continuously.
* @return Status of the error.
bool getUncompressedSnapshotPicture(void(*func)(size_t done, size_t total, char c));
* Get uncompressed preview picture.
* @param func A pointer to a callback function.
* Please do NOT block this callback function.
* Because the camera module transmit image datas continuously.
* @return Status of the error.
bool getUncompressedPreviewPicture(void(*func)(size_t done, size_t total, char c));
* Get JPEG snapshot picture.
* @param func A pointer to a callback function.
* You can block this function until saving the image datas.
* @return Status of the error.
// bool getJpegSnapshotPicture(void(*func)(char *buf, size_t siz));
bool getJpegSnapshotPicture(void(*func)(char *buf, size_t siz));
* Get JPEG preview picture.
* @param func A pointer to a callback function.
* You can block this function until saving the image datas.
* @return Status of the error.
bool getJpegPreviewPicture(void(*func)(char *buf, size_t siz));
bool getnewbaud();
SerialBuffered serial;
static const int COMMAND_LENGTH = 6;
static const int SYNCMAX = 60;
static const int packageSize = 512;
bool sendInitial(JpegResolution jr);
bool sendGetPicture(PictureType pt);
bool sendSnapshot(SnapshotType st, uint16_t skipFrames);
bool sendSetPackageSize(uint16_t packageSize);
// bool sendSetBaudrate(Baud baud);
bool sendReset(ResetType rt, bool specialReset);
bool sendPowerOff();
bool recvData(DataType *dt, uint32_t *length);
bool sendSync();
bool recvSync();
bool sendAck(uint8_t commandId, uint16_t packageId);
bool recvAckOrNck();
bool sendBytes(char *buf, size_t len, int timeout_us = 20000);
bool recvBytes(char *buf, size_t len, int timeout_us = 20000);
bool waitRecv();
bool waitIdle();
bool newbaud();