Fork of 4DGL lib for uLCD-144-G2.

Dependents:   Final_Coffee_Roaster

Fork of 4DGL-uLCD-SE by jim hamblen

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uLCD_4DGL Class Reference

uLCD_4DGL Class Reference

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#include <uLCD_4DGL.h>

Public Member Functions

void cls ()
 Clear the entire screen using the current background colour.
void reset ()
 Reset screen.
void baudrate (int speed)
 Set serial Baud rate (both sides : screen and mbed)
void background_color (int color)
 Set background colour to the specified value.
void textbackground_color (int color)
 Set screen display mode to specific values.
void display_control (char mode)
 Set screen display mode to specific values.
void set_volume (char value)
 Set internal speaker to specified value.
void circle (int x, int y, int radius, int color)
 Draw a circle centered at x,y with a radius and a colour.

Detailed Description


 // Display a white circle on the screen
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include " uLCD_4DGL.h"

 uLCD_4GDL myLCD(p9,p10,p11);

 int main() {, 160, 80, WHITE);

Definition at line 200 of file uLCD_4DGL.h.

Member Function Documentation

void background_color ( int  color )

Set background colour to the specified value.

colorin HEX RGB like 0xFF00FF

Definition at line 349 of file uLCD_4DGL_main.cpp.

void baudrate ( int  speed )

Set serial Baud rate (both sides : screen and mbed)

SpeedCorrect BAUD value (see uLCD_4DGL.h)

Definition at line 201 of file uLCD_4DGL_main.cpp.

void circle ( int  x,
int  y,
int  radius,
int  color 

Draw a circle centered at x,y with a radius and a colour.

It uses Pen Size stored value to draw a solid or wireframe circle

xHorizontal position of the circle centre
yVertical position of the circle centre
radiusRadius of the circle
colorCircle color in HEX RGB like 0xFF00FF

Definition at line 26 of file uLCD_4DGL_Graphics.cpp.

void cls (  )

Clear the entire screen using the current background colour.

Definition at line 177 of file uLCD_4DGL_main.cpp.

void display_control ( char  mode )

Set screen display mode to specific values.

modeSee 4DGL documentation
valueSee 4DGL documentation

Definition at line 383 of file uLCD_4DGL_main.cpp.

void reset (  )

Reset screen.

Definition at line 129 of file uLCD_4DGL_main.cpp.

void set_volume ( char  value )

Set internal speaker to specified value.

valueCorrect range is 8 - 127

Definition at line 421 of file uLCD_4DGL_main.cpp.

void textbackground_color ( int  color )

Set screen display mode to specific values.

modeSee 4DGL documentation
valueSee 4DGL documentation

Definition at line 366 of file uLCD_4DGL_main.cpp.