CoOS Demonstrator adapted to mbed Hardware.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Dec 03 19:45:30 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <CoOS.h>
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+/*---------------------------------- Define  ---------------------------------*/
+#define STK_SIZE        128                /*!< Stack size.                    */
+#define INIT_TASK_PRIO    11                  /*!< Priority of "init_task" task.    */
+#define A_TASK_PRIO        10                  /*!< Priority of "A" task.            */
+#define B_TASK_PRIO        10                  /*!< Priority of "B" task.            */
+#define CLK_TASK_PRIO    10                  /*!< Priority of "clock" task.        */
+/*---------------------------------- Variable Define -------------------------*/
+OS_STK    init_task_stk[STK_SIZE];        /*!< The stack of "init_task" task.    */
+OS_STK    a_task_stk[STK_SIZE];            /*!< The stack of "a" task.            */
+OS_STK    b_task_stk[STK_SIZE];            /*!< The stack of "b" task.            */
+OS_STK    clk_task_stk[STK_SIZE];            /*!< The stack of "clcok" task.        */
+OS_MutexID    mut_LED;                    /*!< Mutex id related to LED.        */                        
+OS_FlagID    a_flg;                                 
+OS_FlagID    b_flg;
+U8            errInfo[32];                /*!< Save error code.                */
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief        Switch on LED      
+ * @param[in]    None      
+ * @param[out]  None     
+ * @retval        None 
+ * @par Description
+ * @details           This function use to Switch on specify led in LCD.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void LED_On  () 
+    CoEnterMutexSection(mut_LED);
+    myled =1;
+    CoLeaveMutexSection(mut_LED);
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief        Switch off LED      
+ * @param[in]    None       
+ * @param[out]  None     
+ * @retval        None 
+ * @par Description
+ * @details           This function use to Switch off specify led in LCD.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void LED_Off () {
+    CoEnterMutexSection(mut_LED);
+    myled = 0;
+    CoLeaveMutexSection(mut_LED);
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief        Function 'signal_func' called from multiple tasks     
+ * @param[in]    None      
+ * @param[out]  None     
+ * @retval        None 
+ * @par Description
+ * @details           This function use to Set flag for multiple tasks.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void signal_func (const char* fromString)  
+    pc.printf(fromString);
+    CoSetFlag(b_flg);
+    CoTickDelay(50);
+    CoSetFlag(b_flg);
+    CoTickDelay(50);
+    CoSetFlag(a_flg);
+    CoTickDelay(50);
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief        Task 1 'phaseA': Phase A output     
+ * @param[in]     pdata    A pointer to parameter passed to task.     
+ * @param[out]    None   
+ * @retval        None              
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void taskA (void *pdata) {
+   for (;;) {
+        CoWaitForSingleFlag(a_flg,0);
+        LED_On();
+        signal_func("\r\nSignal from Task A");                     /*!< call common signal function */
+        LED_Off();
+      }
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief        Task 2 'phaseB': Phase B output     
+ * @param[in]     pdata    A pointer to parameter passed to task.     
+ * @param[out]    None   
+ * @retval        None              
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void taskB (void *pdata) {
+      for (;;) {
+    CoWaitForSingleFlag(a_flg,0);
+    LED_On ();
+    signal_func("\r\nSignal from Task B");                          /*!< call common signal function */
+    LED_Off();
+  }
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief        Task 5 'clock': Signal Clock     
+ * @param[in]     pdata    A pointer to parameter passed to task.     
+ * @param[out]    None   
+ * @retval        None              
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void clock (void *pdata) {
+       for (;;) {
+      CoWaitForSingleFlag(b_flg,0);
+    LED_On ();
+      CoTickDelay(10);
+    LED_Off();
+ }
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief        "init_task" task code     
+ * @param[in]     pdata    A pointer to parameter passed to task.     
+ * @param[out]    None   
+ * @retval        None         
+ * @par Description
+ * @details        This task use to create other tasks, all mutexs and flags,and so on.     
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void init_task (void *pdata)
+    pdata = pdata;
+    mut_LED = CoCreateMutex();
+    a_flg    = CoCreateFlag(TRUE,0);    
+       b_flg   = CoCreateFlag(TRUE,0);
+    CoCreateTask(taskA,0,A_TASK_PRIO,&a_task_stk[STK_SIZE-1],STK_SIZE);
+    CoCreateTask(taskB,0,B_TASK_PRIO,&b_task_stk[STK_SIZE-1],STK_SIZE); 
+    CoCreateTask(clock,0,CLK_TASK_PRIO,&clk_task_stk[STK_SIZE-1],STK_SIZE);
+    CoSetFlag(a_flg);
+    CoExitTask();                                /*!< Delete "init_task" task. */             
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief        main function       
+ * @param[in]     None     
+ * @param[out]     None  
+ * @retval        None     
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+int main()
+      //SystemInit();                           /*!< Initialize the MCU clocks  */
+    pc.printf ("\r\n");
+    pc.printf ("\r\nCooCox RTOS Demo\n");
+    CoInitOS();                              /*!< Initial CooCox RTOS.       */    
+    pc.printf ("\r\n CoInitOS done.");
+    CoCreateTask( init_task,0,INIT_TASK_PRIO,&init_task_stk[STK_SIZE-1],STK_SIZE);
+    pc.printf ("\r\n CoCreateTask  init_task done.");
+    CoStartOS();
+    pc.printf ("\r\n CoStartOS done.");
+    while (1);
\ No newline at end of file