
Dependencies:   mbed ssd1306_library

diff -r 9c975d6bd219 -r d4fcbe0b2050 main_TP2.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main_TP2.cpp	Mon Mar 28 06:25:02 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ * Programme principal TP2 - Bus CAN
+ */
+#error [NOT_SUPPORTED] CAN not supported for this target
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ssd1306.h"
+SSD1306 OLED (I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL, 0x78); // assumes default I2C address of 0x78
+DigitalOut  ledD9(PA_4);
+DigitalOut  ledD8(PA_5);   // Attention, désouder SB16&SB18 si utilisation I2c
+DigitalOut  ledD7(PA_6);   
+DigitalOut  ledD6(PA_7);
+DigitalIn   SW4_1(PA_1);
+DigitalIn   SW4_0(PA_3);
+DigitalIn   SW1(PB_4, PullUp); 
+DigitalIn   SW2(PB_5, PullUp); 
+InterruptIn SW3(PA_8, PullUp); 
+AnalogIn adc_RV1(PA_0);
+CAN can(PA_11, PA_12);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+int value_SW4;              // valeur 0,1,2,3 
+char Reset[6] = "Reset";
+char Donnees[12]="";
+char Data[5] = "GEII";
+char DataArbitrage[5] = "K1bb";
+int Nb_messT = 0;
+int Nb_messR = 0;
+int detectionFrontSW1(void) {
+    int frontDescendant = 0;
+    static int etatPrecedent1=1;
+    int bp1 = SW1.read();
+    if(bp1!=etatPrecedent1 && !bp1)
+        frontDescendant = 1;
+    etatPrecedent1= bp1;
+    return frontDescendant;
+int detectionFrontSW2(void) {
+    int frontDescendant = 0;
+    static int etatPrecedent2=1;
+    int bp2 = SW2.read();
+    if(bp2!=etatPrecedent2 && !bp2)
+        frontDescendant = 1;
+    etatPrecedent2= bp2;
+    return frontDescendant;
+/* Test Arbitrage */
+void AppuiSW3() {
+   // if (value_SW4 == 3) {
+       if (can.write(CANMessage(60, DataArbitrage, 5 , CANData, CANStandard)))  { // Rmq : tableau = pointeur
+            ledD8 = !ledD8;
+            Nb_messT++; 
+        }
+   // }   
+int LectureSW4(){
+    int ETAT;
+    int value_SW4_0 = SW4_0.read();
+    int value_SW4_1 = SW4_1.read();
+    if (value_SW4_1 == 1) {
+        if (value_SW4_0 == 1)
+            ETAT = 3;
+        else
+            ETAT = 2;
+    }
+    else {
+        if (value_SW4_0 == 1)
+            ETAT = 1;
+        else
+            ETAT = 0;       
+    }
+    return ETAT;
+int main() {
+    //uint8_t receivedMessage[8];
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    pc.printf("Affichage serie Carte 1 \n");
+    can.frequency(500000); 
+    CANMessage msg;
+    //unsigned char REC, TEC ;
+    ledD6 = 1; ledD7 = 1; ledD8 = 1; ledD9 = 1;
+    OLED.speed (SSD1306::Medium);  // set working frequency
+    OLED.init();                   // initialize SSD1306
+    OLED.cls();                    // clear frame buffer
+    SW3.fall(&AppuiSW3);            // SW3 sous it
+    OLED.locate (0,0);
+    OLED.printf ("NbRx = 0");
+    OLED.locate (1,0);
+    OLED.printf ("NbTx = 0");  
+    while(1) 
+    {     
+        value_SW4 = LectureSW4();
+        if (detectionFrontSW1())
+        {
+            if (value_SW4 == 0) {
+                if (can.write(CANMessage(1975, Data, 5 , CANData, CANStandard))) { // Rmq : tableau = pointeur
+                    ledD6 = !ledD6;
+                    Nb_messT++;
+                }
+            }          
+        } 
+        if (detectionFrontSW2())
+        {
+            if (value_SW4 == 0) {
+                if (can.write(CANMessage(1975, CANStandard))) { // Remote frame
+                    ledD7 = !ledD7;
+                    Nb_messT++;
+                }
+            }          
+        } 
+        if (can.read(msg)) {
+            Nb_messR++;
+            ledD9 = !ledD9;          
+            for (int i =0; i < msg.len; i++)
+                Donnees[i] = msg.data[i]; 
+            pc.printf("ID = 0x%.3x\r\n", msg.id); //ID sous forme 0x suivi de l'id
+            pc.printf("Length = %d\r\n", msg.len);
+            pc.printf("Boucle envoi CAN rderrors : %d, CAN tderrors : %d\n", can.rderror(), can.tderror());   
+            //REC = can.rderror();              
+        }
+        OLED.locate (0,0);
+        OLED.printf ("NbRx = %d", Nb_messR);  
+        OLED.locate (1,0);
+        OLED.printf ("NbTx = %d", Nb_messT); 
+        OLED.locate (3,0);
+        OLED.printf ("Message recu ");
+        OLED.locate (4,0);
+        OLED.printf ("=> ");
+        OLED.puts(Donnees);
+        OLED.locate (6,0);          
+        OLED.printf("Valeur REC=%u", can.rderror());
+        OLED.locate (7,0);          
+        OLED.printf("Valeur TEC=%u", can.tderror());        
+        OLED.redraw();  
+        wait(0.2);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file