Simple Paint Demo - MBED + SmartGPU2 board

Dependencies:   SMARTGPU2 mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Apr 17 23:54:05 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Apr 18 00:22:40 2014 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 SMARTGPU2 lcd(TXPIN,RXPIN,RESETPIN);  //create our object called "lcd"
-#define PENSIZE 1         //size of the drawing pen 
+#define PENSIZE 3         //size of the drawing pen 
@@ -29,35 +29,35 @@
 int main() {
-  POINT point;
-  ICON icon;
-  NUMBEROFBYTES charsPrinted;
-  initializeSmartGPU2();             //Init communication with SmartGPU2 board
-  lcd.baudChange(BAUD6);             //set a fast baud! for fast drawing
+    POINT point;
+    lcd.baudChange(BAUD6);                      // Set a fast baud!, always that we use touch functions is recommended to use fast baud rates
-  //front cover
-  lcd.setTextColour(YELLOW);
-  lcd.setTextSize(FONT4);    
-  lcd.string(85,50,290,220,"Mini Paint",&charsPrinted);        
-  lcd.setTextColour(BLUE);
-  lcd.setTextSize(FONT3);        
-  lcd.string(70,95,290,220,"Touch any icon \nto erase screen",&charsPrinted);
-  lcd.setTextColour(MAGENTA);
-  lcd.setTextSize(FONT2);        
-  lcd.string(50,170,310,220,"Touch screen to begin",&charsPrinted);
-  while(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==INVALID);                     // Wait for a touch on the screen to start
-  lcd.erase();
-  wait_ms(500);
-  while(1){                                                    // Loop forever
-    if(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==VALID){                        // If we receive a touch on the screen
-      lcd.drawCircle(point.x,point.y,PENSIZE,GREEN,FILL);      // Draw circle on touched coordinates
-    }
-    if(lcd.touchIcon(&icon)==VALID){                           // If we receive a touch on any icon
-      lcd.erase();                                             // Erase screen         
-    }
-  }    
+    //front cover
+    lcd.setTextColour(YELLOW);
+    lcd.setTextSize(FONT4);    
+    lcd.string(85,50,MAX_X_LANDSCAPE,MAX_Y_LANDSCAPE,"Mini Paint",0);        
+    lcd.setTextColour(BLUE);
+    lcd.setTextSize(FONT3);        
+    lcd.string(70,95,MAX_X_LANDSCAPE,MAX_Y_LANDSCAPE,"Touch on corner \nto erase screen",0);
+    lcd.setTextColour(MAGENTA);
+    lcd.setTextSize(FONT2);        
+    lcd.string(50,170,MAX_X_LANDSCAPE,MAX_Y_LANDSCAPE,"Touch screen to begin",0);
+    while(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==INVALID);                    // Wait for a touch on the screen to start
+    lcd.erase();
+    lcd.objButton(MAX_X_LANDSCAPE-40,0,MAX_X_LANDSCAPE,25,DESELECTED,"clear");
+    delay(500);
+    while(1){                                                   // Loop forever
+      if(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==VALID){                       // If we receive a touch on the screen
+        if((point.x > (MAX_X_LANDSCAPE-40)) && (point.y < 25)){ // if touch on clear button
+          lcd.erase();
+          lcd.objButton(MAX_X_LANDSCAPE-40,0,MAX_X_LANDSCAPE,25,DESELECTED,"clear");
+          delay(200);
+        }else{                                                  // touch anywhere on the screen
+          lcd.drawCircle(point.x,point.y,PENSIZE,YELLOW,FILL);  // Draw circle on touched coordinates          
+        }
+      }
+    }  
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