SMARTGPU professional paint application! Be sure to load the image to the micro SD card first!

Dependencies:   SMARTGPU mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r d6ede4c39036 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Sep 14 05:34:45 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/*SMARTGPU intelligent embedded graphics processor unit
+ those examples are for use the SMARTGPU with the mbed microcontoller, just connect tx,rx,and reset
+ Board:
+ This example requires pre-loaded content, an image to the micro SD card!
+ Vizic Technologies copyright 2011 */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "SMARTGPU.h"
+SMARTGPU lcd(p13,p14,p15);     //(TX,RX,Reset);
+//Each time we use the touchscreen we must define a int array that stores the X and Y readed or touched coordinates.
+int touch[2];
+//Each time we use the touchicon we must define a char array that stores the name of the touched icon.
+char icon[3];
+char pixelArray[3];                     //Array to store the RGB888 pixel obtained with memoryRead()
+//Funcion to convert a 3 byte array to an int RGB565
+int RGB888ToRGB565(char pixBuffer[]){   //get an array of 3 bytes( red, green, blue), and convert them to RGB565 returned in an int
+  unsigned char R,G,B;
+  unsigned int col;
+  unsigned long colour;
+  R=pixBuffer[0];
+  G=pixBuffer[1];
+  B=pixBuffer[2]; 
+  ((unsigned char *) &colour)[1]=(R & 0xF8);
+  R=G;
+  G=G>>5;
+  ((unsigned char *) &colour)[1]|=G;
+  G=(R<<3)& 0xE0;
+  ((unsigned char *) &colour)[0]=B;
+  ((unsigned char *) &colour)[0]=((unsigned char *) &colour)[0]>>3;  
+  ((unsigned char *) &colour)[0]|=G;
+  col=colour;
+  return col;
+int main() { 
+  lcd.reset();                    //physically reset SMARTGPU
+  lcd.start();                    //initialize the SMARTGPU processor
+  unsigned char penSize=1;
+  int colPaint=BLACK;
+  char pen[4]={'x','0','1',0x00};         //Array that show the current penSize
+  lcd.baudChange(2000000);   // Set a fast baud!, always that we use touch functions is recommended to use fast baud rates
+  //Load paint design
+  lcd.imageSD(0,0,"paint");    
+  lcd.string(7,54,48,65,GREEN,FONT1,FILL,"Erase");    //draw Erase word
+  lcd.string(77,54,110,65,GREEN,FONT1,FILL,pen);      //draw penSize 
+  while(1){   //Start the Paint application
+    while(!lcd.touchScreen(touch));                   //Wait for a touch on the screen to do something      
+    //Once we get a touch somewhere on the screen:
+    if((touch[YCOORD]-penSize)<67){                   //the touch was on the menu
+      if(touch[XCOORD]<45){                           //touch on erase circle
+        lcd.drawRectangle(0,67,319,239,WHITE,1);      //Draw a white rectangle on drawing area
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]<75){                     //touch to select the eraser
+        colPaint=WHITE;
+        lcd.drawCircle(25,34,14,colPaint,FILL);       //draw WHITE colour circle on top left corner           
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]<108){                    //touch to change pen Size 
+        penSize=penSize*2;                            //double the penSize
+        if(penSize==16){                              //maximum pen size = 8, if we reach 16 we set to 1.
+          penSize=1;
+        }          
+        pen[1]=(penSize/10)+0x30;                     //get the tens of penSize and convert them to ascii
+        pen[2]=(penSize%10)+0x30;                     //get the ones of penSize and convert them to ascii
+        lcd.string(77,54,110,65,GREEN,FONT1,FILL,pen);//draw penSize 
+        wait_ms(500);                                 //delay to avoid fast penSize changing            
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]<312 & touch[YCOORD]>20 & touch[YCOORD]<59){                     //touch on the colours bar                  
+        lcd.memoryRead(touch[XCOORD],touch[YCOORD],touch[XCOORD],touch[YCOORD],pixelArray);  //assign new colour based on touch coordinates and memory read, this function return a 24 bit pixel array, 
+        colPaint=RGB888ToRGB565(pixelArray);
+        lcd.drawCircle(25,34,14,colPaint,FILL);                                              //draw new selected colour on top left corner           
+      }                
+    }else{                                            //Touch on drawing area
+      lcd.drawCircle(touch[XCOORD],touch[YCOORD],penSize,colPaint,FILL);                    //Draw
+    }
+  }
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