SMARTGPU bouncing balls demo!

Dependencies:   SMARTGPU mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Sep 14 05:30:31 2011 +0000
Commit message:
Rev 1.0

Changed in this revision

SMARTGPU.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e8934310aa9d SMARTGPU.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SMARTGPU.lib	Wed Sep 14 05:30:31 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r e8934310aa9d main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Sep 14 05:30:31 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+/*SMARTGPU intelligent embedded graphics processor unit
+ those examples are for use the SMARTGPU with the mbed microcontoller, just connect tx,rx,and reset
+ Board:
+ Vizic Technologies copyright 2011 */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "SMARTGPU.h"
+SMARTGPU lcd(p13,p14,p15);          //(TX,RX,Reset);
+// defines for balls
+#define radiusBall1 15     //ball1 size
+#define colourBall1 GREEN  //ball1 colour
+#define radiusBall2 8      //ball2 size
+#define colourBall2 YELLOW //ball2 colour
+#define radiusBall3 11     //ball3 size
+#define colourBall3 RED    //ball3 colour
+#define radiusBall4 18     //ball4 size
+#define colourBall4 BLUE   //ball4 colour
+//variables used by move ball methods
+int speedBall1=3; //ball1 moving speed - amount of pixels that ball move each time
+int speedBall2=4; //ball2 moving speed - amount of pixels that ball move each time 
+int speedBall3=8; //ball3 moving speed - amount of pixels that ball move each time 
+int speedBall4=6; //ball4 moving speed - amount of pixels that ball move each time 
+int dirx1=1;      //xball1 initial positive direction
+int diry1=1;      //yball1 initial positive direction
+int xBall1=300;   //x initial position of ball1
+int yBall1=100;   //y initial position of ball1
+int dirx2=-1;     //xball2 initial negative direction
+int diry2=-1;     //yball2 initial negative direction
+int xBall2=30;    //x initial position of ball2
+int yBall2=80;    //y initial position of ball2
+int dirx3=-1;     //xball3 initial negative direction
+int diry3=1;      //yball3 initial negative direction
+int xBall3=60;    //x initial position of ball3
+int yBall3=15;    //y initial position of ball3
+int dirx4=1;      //xball4 initial negative direction
+int diry4=-1;     //yball4 initial negative direction
+int xBall4=150;   //x initial position of ball4
+int yBall4=80;    //y initial position of ball4
+//Function that updates the current position of the ball1
+void moveBall1(){
+   lcd.drawCircle(xBall1,yBall1,radiusBall1,BLACK,UNFILL);       // Erase previous ball position
+   xBall1+=(dirx1*speedBall1);                                   // Calculate new x coordinate for ball1 
+   yBall1+=(diry1*speedBall1);                                   // Calculate new y coordinate for ball1  
+   lcd.drawCircle(xBall1,yBall1,radiusBall1,colourBall1,UNFILL); // Draw new ball position
+   if((xBall1+speedBall1+radiusBall1)>318 | (xBall1-speedBall1-radiusBall1)<=1){           // if ball reaches the left or right corner, we invert moving direction 
+    dirx1= dirx1*(-1);                                         // Invert the moving direction by multiplying by -1
+   }
+   if((yBall1+speedBall1+radiusBall1)>238 | (yBall1-speedBall1-radiusBall1)<=1){           // if ball reaches the top or bottom corner, we invert moving direction 
+    diry1= diry1*(-1);                                         // Invert the moving direction by multiplying by -1
+   }                       
+//Function that updates the current position of the ball2
+void moveBall2(){                    
+   lcd.drawCircle(xBall2,yBall2,radiusBall2,BLACK,FILL);       // Erase previous ball position
+   xBall2+=(dirx2*speedBall2);                                 // Calculate new x coordinate for ball2
+   yBall2+=(diry2*speedBall2);                                 // Calculate new y coordinate for ball2  
+   lcd.drawCircle(xBall2,yBall2,radiusBall2,colourBall2,FILL); // Draw new ball position
+   if((xBall2+speedBall2+radiusBall2)>318 | (xBall2-speedBall2-radiusBall2)<=1){  // if ball reaches the left or right corner, we invert moving direction
+    dirx2= dirx2*(-1);                                         // Invert the moving direction by multiplying by -1
+   }
+   if((yBall2+speedBall2+radiusBall2)>238 | (yBall2-speedBall2-radiusBall2)<=1){  // if ball reaches the top or bottom corner, we invert moving direction 
+     diry2= diry2*(-1);                                        // Invert the moving direction by multiplying by -1
+   }                        
+//Function that updates the current position of the ball3
+void moveBall3(){                    
+   lcd.drawCircle(xBall3,yBall3,radiusBall3,BLACK,FILL);       // Erase previous ball position
+   xBall3+=(dirx3*speedBall3);                                 // Calculate new x coordinate for ball3
+   yBall3+=(diry3*speedBall3);                                 // Calculate new y coordinate for ball3  
+   lcd.drawCircle(xBall3,yBall3,radiusBall3,colourBall3,FILL); // Draw new ball position
+   if((xBall3+speedBall3+radiusBall3)>318 | (xBall3-speedBall3-radiusBall3)<=1){  // if ball reaches the left or right corner, we invert moving direction
+    dirx3= dirx3*(-1);                                         // Invert the moving direction by multiplying by -1
+   }
+   if((yBall3+speedBall3+radiusBall3)>238 | (yBall3-speedBall3-radiusBall3)<=1){  // if ball reaches the top or bottom corner, we invert moving direction 
+     diry3= diry3*(-1);                                        // Invert the moving direction by multiplying by -1
+   }                        
+//Function that updates the current position of the ball4
+void moveBall4(){
+   lcd.drawCircle(xBall4,yBall4,radiusBall4,BLACK,UNFILL);       // Erase previous ball position
+   xBall4+=(dirx4*speedBall4);                                   // Calculate new x coordinate for ball4 
+   yBall4+=(diry4*speedBall4);                                   // Calculate new y coordinate for ball4  
+   lcd.drawCircle(xBall4,yBall4,radiusBall4,colourBall4,UNFILL); // Draw new ball position
+   if((xBall4+speedBall4+radiusBall4)>318 | (xBall4-speedBall4-radiusBall4)<=1){           // if ball reaches the left or right corner, we invert moving direction 
+    dirx4= dirx4*(-1);                                         // Invert the moving direction by multiplying by -1
+   }
+   if((yBall4+speedBall4+radiusBall4)>238 | (yBall4-speedBall4-radiusBall4)<=1){           // if ball reaches the top or bottom corner, we invert moving direction 
+    diry4= diry4*(-1);                                         // Invert the moving direction by multiplying by -1
+   }                       
+int main() { 
+  lcd.reset();                       //physically reset SMARTGPU
+  lcd.start();                       //initialize the SMARTGPU processor
+  lcd.baudChange(1000000); //set a fast baud! for fast drawing
+  lcd.drawRectangle(0,0,319,239,MAGENTA,UNFILL); //draw corners
+  while(1){             // Loop forever
+    moveBall1();        // move ball1
+    moveBall2();        // move ball2
+    moveBall3();        // move ball3
+    moveBall4();        // move ball4
+    wait_ms(15);        // wait a little
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e8934310aa9d mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed Sep 14 05:30:31 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@