Dependencies:   X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 LoRaWAN-lib SX1276Lib mbed

Fri Nov 09 21:52:19 2018 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 1 /*
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 2 / _____) _ | |
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 3 ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 4 \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 5 _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 6 (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 7 (C)2015 Semtech
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 8
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 9 Description: Process function calls from various Device states
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 10
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 11 License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 12
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 13 Maintainer: Uttam Bhat
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 14 */
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 15
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 16 #include "LoRaDeviceStateProc.h"
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 17 #include "LoRaMacLayerService.h"
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 18
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 19 eDevicState DeviceState;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 20
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 21 sLoRaMacUplinkStatus LoRaMacUplinkStatus;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 22
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 23 sLoRaMacDownlinkStatus LoRaMacDownlinkStatus;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 24
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 25 LoRaMacPrimitives_t LoRaPrimitives;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 26
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 27 LoRaMacCallback_t LoRaCallbacks;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 28
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 29 MibRequestConfirm_t LoRaMibReq;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 30
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 31 MlmeReq_t mlmeReq;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 32
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 33 uint16_t ChannelMaskTemp[6] = {0};
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 34
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 35 static bool DutyCycleFlag = true;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 36
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 37 /*!
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 38 * \brief Function executed on TxNextPacket Timeout event
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 39 */
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 40
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 41 static void OnTxNextPacketTimerEvent( void )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 42 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 43 MibRequestConfirm_t mibReq;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 44 LoRaMacStatus_t status;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 45
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 46 TimerStop( &TxNextPacketTimer );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 47
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 48 mibReq.Type = MIB_NETWORK_JOINED;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 49 status = LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm( &mibReq );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 50
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 51 if( status == LORAMAC_STATUS_OK )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 52 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 53 if( mibReq.Param.IsNetworkJoined == true )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 54 {
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 55 DeviceState = DEVICE_STATE_SEND;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 56
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 57 if( DutyCycleFlag == false)
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 58 {
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 59 IsDutyCycleUpdate = true;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 60
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 61 DutyCycleFlag = true;
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 62
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 63 mibReq.Type = MIB_ADR;
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 64 mibReq.Param.AdrEnable = LORAWAN_ADR_ON;
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 65 LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm( &mibReq );
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 66 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 67 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 68 else
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 69 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 70 DeviceState = DEVICE_STATE_JOIN;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 71 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 72 NextTx = true;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 73 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 74 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 75
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 76 /*!
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 77 * \brief Function executed on Duty Cycle Timeout event
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 78 */
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 79 static void OnDutyCycleEvent( void )
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 80 {
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 81 TimerStop( &TxDutyCycleTimer );
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 82
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 83 IsDutyCycleUpdate = true;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 84
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 85 DutyCycleCntr++;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 86
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 87 if( DutyCycleCntr >= (2 * APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE_HOUR ) )
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 88 {
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 89 DutyCycleIndx++;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 90
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 91 DutyCycleCntr = 0;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 92 }
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 93 }
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 94
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 95 static void OnDelayEvent( void )
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 96 {
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 97 TimerStop( &TxDelayTimer );
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 98
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 99 DutyCycleCntr++;
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 100
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 101 if( DutyCycleCntr >= (2 * APP_DELAY_HOUR ) )
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 102 {
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 103 IsDeviceReady = true;
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 104
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 105 DutyCycleFlag = false;
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 106
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 107 DutyCycleCntr = 0;
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 108 }
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 109 else
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 110 {
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 111 InitDelayTimer( );
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 112 }
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 113 }
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 114
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 115 void DeviceInit( void )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 116 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 117 LoRaPrimitives.MacMcpsConfirm = McpsConfirm;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 118 LoRaPrimitives.MacMcpsIndication = McpsIndication;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 119 LoRaPrimitives.MacMlmeConfirm = MlmeConfirm;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 120 LoRaCallbacks.GetBatteryLevel = BoardGetBatteryLevel;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 121 LoRaMacInitialization( &LoRaPrimitives, &LoRaCallbacks );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 122
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 123 TimerInit( &TxNextPacketTimer, OnTxNextPacketTimerEvent );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 124
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 125 TimerInit( &TxDutyCycleTimer, OnDutyCycleEvent );
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 126
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 127 TimerInit( &TxDelayTimer, OnDelayEvent );
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 128
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 129 LoRaMibReq.Type = MIB_ADR;
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 130 if( IsDeviceReady == true )
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 131 {
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 132 LoRaMibReq.Param.AdrEnable = LORAWAN_ADR_ON;
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 133 }
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 134 else
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 135 {
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 136 LoRaMibReq.Param.AdrEnable = 0;
ubhat 7:730764a067dc 137 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 138 LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm( &LoRaMibReq );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 139
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 140 LoRaMibReq.Type = MIB_PUBLIC_NETWORK;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 141 LoRaMibReq.Param.EnablePublicNetwork = LORAWAN_PUBLIC_NETWORK;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 142 LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm( &LoRaMibReq );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 143
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 144 LoRaMibReq.Type = MIB_CHANNELS_TX_POWER;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 145 LoRaMibReq.Param.ChannelsTxPower = LORAWAN_TX_POWER;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 146 LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm( &LoRaMibReq );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 147
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 148 LoRaMibReq.Type = MIB_CHANNELS_MASK;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 149 LoRaMibReq.Param.ChannelsMask = ChannelMaskTemp;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 150
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 151 #ifdef USE_BAND_915_HYBRID_BLOCK_A
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 152
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 153 ChannelMaskTemp[0] = 0x00FF;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 154 ChannelMaskTemp[1] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 155 ChannelMaskTemp[2] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 156 ChannelMaskTemp[3] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 157 ChannelMaskTemp[4] = 0x0001;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 158
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 159 #elif defined USE_BAND_915_HYBRID_BLOCK_B
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 160
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 161 ChannelMaskTemp[0] = 0xFF00;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 162 ChannelMaskTemp[1] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 163 ChannelMaskTemp[2] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 164 ChannelMaskTemp[3] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 165 ChannelMaskTemp[4] = 0x0002;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 166
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 167 #elif defined USE_BAND_915_HYBRID_BLOCK_C
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 168
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 169 ChannelMaskTemp[0] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 170 ChannelMaskTemp[1] = 0x00FF;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 171 ChannelMaskTemp[2] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 172 ChannelMaskTemp[3] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 173 ChannelMaskTemp[4] = 0x0004;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 174
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 175 #elif defined USE_BAND_915_HYBRID_BLOCK_D
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 176
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 177 ChannelMaskTemp[0] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 178 ChannelMaskTemp[1] = 0xFF00;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 179 ChannelMaskTemp[2] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 180 ChannelMaskTemp[3] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 181 ChannelMaskTemp[4] = 0x0008;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 182
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 183 #elif defined USE_BAND_915_HYBRID_BLOCK_E
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 184
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 185 ChannelMaskTemp[0] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 186 ChannelMaskTemp[1] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 187 ChannelMaskTemp[2] = 0x00FF;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 188 ChannelMaskTemp[3] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 189 ChannelMaskTemp[4] = 0x0010;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 190
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 191 #elif defined USE_BAND_915_HYBRID_BLOCK_F
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 192
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 193 ChannelMaskTemp[0] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 194 ChannelMaskTemp[1] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 195 ChannelMaskTemp[2] = 0xFF00;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 196 ChannelMaskTemp[3] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 197 ChannelMaskTemp[4] = 0x0020;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 198
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 199 #elif defined USE_BAND_915_HYBRID_BLOCK_G
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 200
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 201 ChannelMaskTemp[0] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 202 ChannelMaskTemp[1] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 203 ChannelMaskTemp[2] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 204 ChannelMaskTemp[3] = 0x00FF;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 205 ChannelMaskTemp[4] = 0x0040;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 206
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 207 #elif defined USE_BAND_915_HYBRID_BLOCK_H
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 208
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 209 ChannelMaskTemp[0] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 210 ChannelMaskTemp[1] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 211 ChannelMaskTemp[2] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 212 ChannelMaskTemp[3] = 0xFF00;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 213 ChannelMaskTemp[4] = 0x0080;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 214
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 215 #elif defined USE_BAND_915
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 216
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 217 ChannelMaskTemp[0] = 0xFFFF;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 218 ChannelMaskTemp[1] = 0xFFFF;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 219 ChannelMaskTemp[2] = 0xFFFF;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 220 ChannelMaskTemp[3] = 0xFFFF;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 221 ChannelMaskTemp[4] = 0x00FF;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 222 ChannelMaskTemp[5] = 0x0000;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 223
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 224 #endif
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 225
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 226 LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm( &LoRaMibReq );
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 227
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 228 LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.DownlinkCounter = 0;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 229 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 230
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 231 void DeviceJoinUpdate( void )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 232 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 233 LoRaMibReq.Type = MIB_NETWORK_JOINED;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 234 LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm( &LoRaMibReq );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 235 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 236
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 237 void DeviceJoin( void )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 238 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 239 #if( OVER_THE_AIR_ACTIVATION != 0 )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 240
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 241 mlmeReq.Type = MLME_JOIN;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 242
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 243 mlmeReq.Req.Join.DevEui = DevEui;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 244 mlmeReq.Req.Join.AppEui = AppEui;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 245 mlmeReq.Req.Join.AppKey = AppKey;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 246
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 247 if( NextTx == true )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 248 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 249 LoRaMacMlmeRequest( &mlmeReq );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 250 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 251
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 252 #else
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 253 // Choose a random device address if not already defined in Config.h
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 254 if( DevAddr == 0 )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 255 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 256 // Random seed initialization
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 257 srand1( BoardGetRandomSeed( ) );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 258 DevAddr = randr( 0, 0x01FFFFFF );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 259 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 260
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 261 LoRaMibReq.Type = MIB_NET_ID;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 262 LoRaMibReq.Param.NetID = LORAWAN_NETWORK_ID;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 263 LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm( &LoRaMibReq );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 264
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 265 LoRaMibReq.Type = MIB_DEV_ADDR;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 266 LoRaMibReq.Param.DevAddr = DevAddr;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 267 LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm( &LoRaMibReq );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 268
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 269 LoRaMibReq.Type = MIB_NWK_SKEY;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 270 LoRaMibReq.Param.NwkSKey = NwkSKey;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 271 LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm( &LoRaMibReq );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 272
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 273 LoRaMibReq.Type = MIB_APP_SKEY;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 274 LoRaMibReq.Param.AppSKey = AppSKey;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 275 LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm( &LoRaMibReq );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 276
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 277 LoRaMibReq.Type = MIB_NETWORK_JOINED;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 278 LoRaMibReq.Param.IsNetworkJoined = true;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 279 LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm( &LoRaMibReq );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 280
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 281 #endif
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 282 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 283
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 284 /*!
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 285 * \brief Prepares the payload of the frame
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 286 */
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 287 void PrepareTxFrame( uint8_t port )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 288 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 289
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 290 if( port == 224 )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 291 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 292 RunComplianceTest( );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 293 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 294 else
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 295 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 296 PrepareLoRaFrame( port );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 297 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 298 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 299
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 300 /*!
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 301 * \brief Prepares the payload of the frame
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 302 *
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 303 * \retval [0: frame could be send, 1: error]
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 304 */
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 305 bool SendFrame( void )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 306 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 307 McpsReq_t mcpsReq;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 308 LoRaMacTxInfo_t txInfo;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 309
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 310 if( LoRaMacQueryTxPossible( AppDataSize, &txInfo ) != LORAMAC_STATUS_OK )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 311 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 312 // Send empty frame in order to flush MAC commands
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 313 mcpsReq.Type = MCPS_UNCONFIRMED;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 314 mcpsReq.Req.Unconfirmed.fBuffer = NULL;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 315 mcpsReq.Req.Unconfirmed.fBufferSize = 0;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 316 mcpsReq.Req.Unconfirmed.Datarate = LORAWAN_DEFAULT_DATARATE;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 317
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 318 LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Acked = false;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 319 LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Port = 0;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 320 LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Buffer = NULL;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 321 LoRaMacUplinkStatus.BufferSize = 0;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 322 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 323 else
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 324 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 325 LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Acked = false;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 326 LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Port = AppPort;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 327 LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Buffer = AppData;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 328 LoRaMacUplinkStatus.BufferSize = AppDataSize;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 329
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 330 if( ( IsTxConfirmed == false ) || ( LoRaMacUplinkStatus.UplinkCounter == 0 ) )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 331 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 332 mcpsReq.Type = MCPS_UNCONFIRMED;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 333 mcpsReq.Req.Unconfirmed.fPort = AppPort;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 334 mcpsReq.Req.Unconfirmed.fBuffer = AppData;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 335 mcpsReq.Req.Unconfirmed.fBufferSize = AppDataSize;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 336 mcpsReq.Req.Unconfirmed.Datarate = LORAWAN_DEFAULT_DATARATE;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 337 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 338 else
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 339 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 340 mcpsReq.Type = MCPS_CONFIRMED;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 341 mcpsReq.Req.Confirmed.fPort = AppPort;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 342 mcpsReq.Req.Confirmed.fBuffer = AppData;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 343 mcpsReq.Req.Confirmed.fBufferSize = AppDataSize;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 344 mcpsReq.Req.Confirmed.NbTrials = 8;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 345 mcpsReq.Req.Confirmed.Datarate = LORAWAN_DEFAULT_DATARATE;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 346 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 347 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 348
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 349 LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Type = mcpsReq.Type;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 350
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 351 if( LoRaMacMcpsRequest( &mcpsReq ) == LORAMAC_STATUS_OK )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 352 {
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 353 return false;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 354 }
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 355 return true;
ubhat 6:711a4e008afa 356 }