Code Demonstrate most of the feature of application board/ /like LED, Speaker,RGB,Joystick,LCD,POT,Accelerometer,temperature sensor/ /by using component of real time operating system such as Mutex, Threads/ Signals,Queue and Memory pool Video at

Dependencies:   C12832_lcd LCD_fonts LM75B MMA7660 MMA7660FC mbed-rtos mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Nov 02 20:47:05 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+/************Author embedded nerd**********************/
+/**************Free to use Lic************************/
+/*************Date 28 Aug 2014***********************/
+/* Code Demonstarte most of the feature of application board/
+/like LED, Speaker,RGB,Joystick,LCD,POT,Accelomenter,temprature sensor/
+/by using component of real time oprating system such as Mutex, Threads/
+Signals,Queue and  Memorypool//////////////////////////////////////////*/
+/////////////////////////////////////////Header Files//////////////////////
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "rtos.h"    // real time os
+#include "Small_6.h"  // LCD
+#include "Small_7.h"  // LCD
+#include "Arial_9.h"   // LCD
+#include "stdio.h"     
+#include "C12832_lcd.h"   // LCD
+#include "LM75B.h"      // temprature 
+#include "MMA7660FC.h"  
+#include "MMA7660.h"    // Axix
+#include <string>
+#define SET 1
+#define RESET 0 
+#define ADDR_MMA7660 0x98  //// I2C SLAVE ADDR MMA7660FC
+/****************************Defination and Object Creation*****************************/
+C12832_LCD LCD;  // LCD object
+BusOut leds(LED1,LED2,LED3,LED4); // Led decration 
+AnalogIn Pot1(p19);              // Analog pin name decration 
+AnalogIn Pot2(p20);              // Analog pin name decration
+BusIn Up(p15);                   //Joy stick
+BusIn Down(p12);                 //Joy stick
+BusIn Left(p13);                    //Joy stick
+BusIn Right(p16);                //Joy stick 
+BusOut Reset(p14);              //Joy stick
+PwmOut spkr(p26);              //Speaker 
+PwmOut r (p23);                //RGB red  
+PwmOut g (p24);                //RGB green
+PwmOut b (p25);                // RGB blue 
+LM75B sensor(p28,p27);          // I2c  
+MMA7660FC Acc(p28, p27, ADDR_MMA7660);      //sda, scl, Addr
+MMA7660 MMA(p28, p27);
+                            //     0      1        2       3       4       5     6        7
+const string display_menu[]   = {"     ","LED  ","POT  ","Temp ","Axix ","Spker","RGB ","POT2"}; // aray to display modules on LCD
+unsigned char oprate_menu[] =   {0,       0,      0,      0,       0,     0,       0,     0};     // Store Flags for module
+typedef struct {
+    float    voltage;  
+    float    current;   
+    uint32_t counter;   
+} message_t;
+MemoryPool<message_t, 16> mpool;
+Queue<message_t, 16> queue;
+//Mutex decleration of LCD
+Mutex lcd_mutex;
+// Semaphore Declearation of Calcualtion with two slots 
+Semaphore calculate(2);
+int count= 0,menu = 0;
+/*////////////////////// Thread led/////////////////////////
+Output: LED 
+ if module flag is set than it will turn led on from 0X00 to 0X0F 
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
+void led(void const *args)
+    char out =0;
+    while(true) {       // thread loop
+                 if (oprate_menu[1] == SET)     // Checking flag for module 
+                 {
+                     leds = out;                 // Turning LEd on   
+                     out++;
+                     if(out>16) out = 0;         // Reseting count  
+                 }
+                 else  leds = 0;                // If flag not set than turn of the module 
+                 Thread::wait(100);             // Thread wait .1s
+                }
+}  // thread close 
+/*////////////////////// Thread menu_sel/////////////////////////
+Input: Joustick
+Output: Set flag in oprate_menu
+By using left right key user in enable to change module and by up
+cown key user is able to set module on or off bye pressinf enter key 
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
+void menu_sel(void const *args)
+    int k;
+    while(true) {       // thread loop
+        //LCD.locate(0,5);LCD.printf("                 ");
+        LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_7);
+        if (Left)              // Checking keys 
+           {
+            count = 0 ;
+            menu--;       // manipulating menue number as per key response 
+            if(menu<1){ menu = 7;}  //
+            lcd_mutex.lock();
+            LCD.locate(50,10);
+            LCD.printf(" %s",display_menu[menu]);    // displaying menue on LCD
+            lcd_mutex.unlock(); 
+             wait(1); 
+           }           
+        if (Right)
+           {
+            count = 0 ;
+            menu++;
+            if(menu>7) {menu = 1;}
+            lcd_mutex.lock();
+            LCD.locate(50,10);
+            LCD.printf(" %s",display_menu[menu]); 
+            lcd_mutex.unlock();
+             wait(1); 
+           //while(Right); 
+           }    
+         if(Up) 
+                 {
+                        count = 1 ;           // Manipulating flag as per selection from user 
+                     LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_7);
+                         lcd_mutex.lock();
+                         LCD.locate(50,20);
+                         LCD.printf(" ON "); 
+                         lcd_mutex.unlock(); 
+                 }
+                if(Down)
+                 {
+                     count = 0;
+                      LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_7);
+                        lcd_mutex.lock();
+                         LCD.locate(50,20);
+                         LCD.printf(" OFF"); 
+                         lcd_mutex.unlock(); 
+                 }                  
+        if (Reset)
+            {
+                     LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_7);
+                        lcd_mutex.lock();
+                         LCD.locate(50,20);
+                         LCD.printf("   "); 
+                         lcd_mutex.unlock(); 
+               oprate_menu[menu] = count;
+               //if menu = 1 thread.signal_set(0x1);
+            }    
+        Thread::wait(10); // wait 0.5s
+    }
+/*////////////////////// Thread spk/////////////////////////
+Output: Turn on speaker on board 
+Turn on PWM on speaker pin for specific period of time 
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
+void spk(void const *args)
+   while (1) {
+        if (oprate_menu[5] == SET)
+        {
+                for (float i=2000.0; i<10000.0; i+=500) {
+                    spkr.period(1.0/i);
+                    spkr=0.5;
+                    wait(0.1);}
+            }
+        else {spkr.period(0); spkr=0;}
+        Thread::wait(50);   
+        }
+/*////////////////////// Thread pot/////////////////////////
+Input: Analog in
+Read the analog value and manupulate it for further use
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
+void pot(void const *args)
+    int k;
+    while(true)   // thread loop
+    {         
+      if (oprate_menu[2] == SET)
+       {
+            k = Pot1.read_u16();  // get the value of poti 2
+            k = k >> 5;          // we need only 6 bit for contrast
+             lcd_mutex.lock();
+             LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_6);
+             LCD.locate(0,10);
+             LCD.printf("Pot: %d",k);
+             lcd_mutex.unlock();
+            //Thread::wait(500);    // wait 0.5s
+       }    
+       else 
+       {
+           lcd_mutex.lock();
+             LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_6);
+             LCD.locate(0,10);
+             LCD.printf("        ");
+             lcd_mutex.unlock();
+       }     
+       Thread::wait(50);      
+/*////////////////////// Thread pot/////////////////////////
+Output: PWM output to RGB led Pin 
+Multicolor LED display diffrent colors as per PWM cycle in set
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
+void rgb(void const *args)
+      while(1) {
+        if (oprate_menu[6] == SET)
+        {
+                       r = 0.5 + (rand() % 11)/20.0;
+                        g = 0.5 + (rand() % 11)/20.0;
+                        b = 0.5 + (rand() % 11)/20.0;
+        }    
+        else {r =.1;g=0;b=0;}
+        Thread::wait(500); 
+    }
+/*////////////////////// Thread temp/////////////////////////
+Output: PWM output to RGB led Pin 
+Multicolor LED display diffrent colors as per PWM cycle in set
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
+void temp(void const *args)
+  int k;
+    while(true)   // thread loop
+    {  
+        if (oprate_menu[3] == SET)       
+           {
+             lcd_mutex.lock();
+            LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_6);
+            LCD.locate(0,20);
+            LCD.printf("Temp:%.1f", (float)sensor);
+            lcd_mutex.unlock();
+            Thread::wait(50);
+           }
+         else 
+           {
+              lcd_mutex.lock();
+             LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_6);
+             LCD.locate(0,20);
+            LCD.printf("          ");
+            lcd_mutex.unlock();
+            Thread::wait(50);
+           }       
+    Thread::wait(50);    // wait 0.5s
+/*////////////////////// Thread AXIX/////////////////////////
+Input: I2C data 
+Draw a circle and a buble in it. Buble move with respond to 
+change in axix of board 
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
+void axix(void const *args)
+   // Acc.init(); 
+   float x=0, y=0, z=0;
+    while(1)
+    {   
+        //int x=0,y=0;
+        if (oprate_menu[4] == SET) 
+        {    
+             Acc.read_Tilt(&x, &y, &z); 
+            lcd_mutex.lock();
+            x = (x + MMA.x() * 32.0)/2.0;
+        y = (y -(MMA.y() * 16.0))/2.0;
+       // if(y>25) y = 0; //else if(y<0) y = 0;
+        if(y>8) y =8; if(y<-8) y =-8; if(x>8) x =8; if(x<-8) x =-8; // confining 
+        LCD.fillcircle(x+115, y+17, 2, 1); //draw bubble
+, 17, 8, 1);
+        wait(.1); //time delay
+        LCD.fillcircle(x+115, y+17, 2, 0); //erase bubble
+            lcd_mutex.unlock();
+           // LCD.locate(0,3);
+            wait_ms(100); 
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+             lcd_mutex.lock();
+    , 17, 8, 0);
+             // LCD.locate(0,3);
+            lcd_mutex.unlock();
+          }
+          Thread::wait(10);  
+    }
+/*////////////////////// Memory pool example and Semaphore///////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ 
+void calci(void const *args) {
+    uint32_t i = 0;
+    while (true) {
+        calculate.wait();  //semaphore 
+        i = Pot2.read_u16();; 
+        i = (i>>5)/2;
+        message_t *message = mpool.alloc();
+        message->voltage = (i * 3.3) / 1024; 
+        message->current = ((i * 3.3) / 2048);
+        message->counter = i;
+        queue.put(message);
+        calculate.release();
+        Thread::wait(100000);
+    }
+// print the actual contrast 
+int main()
+    int j;
+  //  r =0; b=0;g=0;
+    LCD.cls();
+     LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_7);
+    LCD.locate(0,0);
+    LCD.printf("");
+   /////////////////////////////Threads///////////////////
+    Thread t1(led); //start thread1
+    Thread t2(menu_sel); //start thread2
+    Thread t3(spk); //start thread3
+    Thread t4(pot); //start thread4
+    Thread t5(rgb); //start thread4
+    Thread t6(temp); //start thread4
+    Thread t7(axix);
+    Thread t8(calci);
+    Thread t9(calci);
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////  
+    while(true) {       // main is the next thread
+         if (oprate_menu[7] == SET)
+         {
+                     LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_7);
+                    LCD.locate(0,0);
+                    osEvent evt = queue.get();
+                    if (evt.status == osEventMessage) {
+                        message_t *message = (message_t*)evt.value.p;
+                        lcd_mutex.lock();
+                        LCD.printf("   V:%.2fv"   , message->voltage);
+                        LCD.printf(" I:%.2fA"     , message->current);
+                        LCD.printf(" R: %u  ", message->counter);
+                        lcd_mutex.unlock();
+              ;
+                    // wait(.2);
+         }
+         else 
+          {          LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_7);
+                    LCD.locate(0,0);
+                    lcd_mutex.lock();
+                    LCD.printf("");
+                     lcd_mutex.unlock(); 
+          }         
+         Thread::wait(100);   // wait 0.5s
+    }