Example showing the ublox Cellular GPS/GNSS module with the online PubNub service on an LPC4088 Experiment Base Board

Dependencies:   C027_Support C12832 EALib LM75B MMA7660 PubNub mbed-rtos mbed picojson



File content as of revision 2:5f22df5ec656:

#include <cstring>

#include "mbed.h"
#include "C12832.h"
#include "MMA7660.h"
#include "LM75B.h"

#include "picojson.h"
#include "PubNub.h"

#include "C027.h"
#include "MDM.h"

// You may need to configure these parameters

/** Set your secret SIM pin here "1234"
#define SIMPIN      NULL

/** The APN of your network operator, sometimes it is "internet" 
    check your contract with the network operator
#define APN         "gprs.swisscom.ch"

/** Set the user name for your APN, or NULL if not needed
#define USERNAME    NULL

/** Set the password for your APN, or NULL if not needed
#define PASSWORD    NULL 

C027 c027;

/* Demo of PubNub + the mbed application board. */

/* How to get things set up: */
/* 1. Tune in at the PubNub Developer Console, with the following
 * keys (press Subscribe afterwards): */
const char pubkey[] = "demo";
const char subkey[] = "demo";
const char channel[] = "hello_world2";
/* 2. Attach your mbed board to your computer. A folder should pop up like
 * if you plug in a USB memory stick. */
/* 3. Open this example in the mbed web IDE and hit the Compile button. */
/* 4. A download popup with a .bin file will appear; save it in the USB
 * mbed folder. */
/* 5. Press reset button on the mbed to start things up. */

/* You will see the board publish a "status" message that shows its
 * current temperature and physical tilt.  The board's LCD should
 * print some progress messages regarding that. */
/* You can make the board do things too, by sending messages like:
 * { "send_status": true }
 * { "lcd": "Hi there!" }
 * { "beep": true }
 * { "rgbled": {"r": 0.5, "g": 1, "b": 0} }
 * Try it out! Paste these in the Message window and press the send icon.

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
LM75B tmp(SDA, SCL);
C12832 lcd(D11, D13, D12, D7, D10);

PwmOut led_r(D5); // RGB LED with 3 PWM outputs for dimmer control
PwmOut led_g(D9);
PwmOut led_b(D8);
PwmOut speaker(D6); // Speaker with PWM driver

PubNub pn(pubkey, subkey);

void status_msg(PubNub &pn)
    /* Read sensors. */
    float m[3];
    float temp = tmp.read();

    /* Print on LCD. */
    lcd.printf("pub: mx=%.2f, my=%.2f, mz=%.2f, t=%.2f  \n", m[0], m[1], m[2], temp);

    /* Prepare JSON message. */
    char jsonmsg[128];
    snprintf(jsonmsg, sizeof(jsonmsg),
            m[0], m[1], m[2], temp);

#if 0
    /* In some rare situations, you might want to instead use picojson
     * to construct JSON messages, even though it takes a lot of memory: */

    printf("%d: ", __LINE__); __heapstats((__heapprt)fprintf, stdout);
    picojson::value msg(picojson::object_type, false);
    picojson::object &msgo = msg.get<picojson::object>();
    msgo["status"] = picojson::value(picojson::object_type, false);
    picojson::object &status = msgo["status"].get<picojson::object>();
    status["mx"] = picojson::value(double(mx));
    status["my"] = picojson::value(double(my));
    status["temp"] = picojson::value(temp);
    strcpy(jsonmsg, msg.serialize().c_str());
    printf("%d: ", __LINE__); __heapstats((__heapprt)fprintf, stdout);

    /* Publish on PubNub. */
    PubNubRes ret = pn.publish(channel, jsonmsg);
    if (ret != PNR_OK)
        lcd.printf("puberr: %d  \n", ret);

void process_msg(PubNub &pn, const char *jsonmsg)
    /* Use the picojson parser since we want to deal with complex messages.
     * If you are short on memory, you can find an example for parsing simple
     * JSON messages in the PubNub::subscribe() API docs. */
    picojson::value msg;
    std::string err = picojson::parse(msg, jsonmsg, jsonmsg + strlen(jsonmsg));
    if (!err.empty()) {
        lcd.printf("JSON parse: %s  \n", err.c_str());

    if (msg.get("send_status").get<bool>()) {
    if (msg.get("lcd").is<std::string>()) {
        lcd.printf("in: %s  \n", msg.get("lcd").get<std::string>().c_str());
    if (msg.get("beep").is<bool>()) {
        speaker = msg.get("beep").get<bool>() ? 0.5 : 0;
    if (msg.get("led").is<picojson::object>()) {
        picojson::value led = msg.get("led");
        if (led.get("r").is<double>()) led_r = 1.0 - led.get("r").get<double>();
        if (led.get("g").is<double>()) led_g = 1.0 - led.get("g").get<double>();
        if (led.get("b").is<double>()) led_b = 1.0 - led.get("b").get<double>();

int main()
    /* For debugging, you may find it useful to print memory usage
     * stats. AvailableMemory may be flaky, but the following is nice.
     * It will get printed to the USB serial port interface. */
    printf("%d: ", __LINE__); __heapstats((__heapprt)fprintf, stdout);

    /* Generate a 800Hz tone using PWM hardware output */
    speaker.period(1.0/800.0); // 800hz period
    led_r = led_g = led_b = 1.0; // lights out


    if (!MMA.testConnection())
        lcd.printf("MMA error  \n");

   // turn on the supplies of the Modem and the GPS
    printf("Modem Initialize\r\n");
    MDMSerial mdm;
    if (!mdm.connect(SIMPIN, APN,USERNAME,PASSWORD, true))
        return -1;
    // lcd.printf("pub... ");

    while (1) {
        // lcd.printf("sub... ");
        printf("%d: ", __LINE__); __heapstats((__heapprt)fprintf, stdout);

        char *reply = NULL;
        PubNubRes ret = pn.subscribe(channel, &reply);
        if (ret != PNR_OK) {
            lcd.printf("suberr: %d  \n", ret);

        if (reply) {
            // lcd.printf("recv(%s)\n", reply);
            process_msg(pn, reply);

        wait(0.5); // avoid busy loop in bad situations
