Graphical demo for the LPC4088 Experiment Base Board with one of the Display Expansion Kits. This program displays how to write text in different fonts.

Dependencies:   EALib mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
Commit message:
First version

Changed in this revision

AR1021I2C.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
AR1021I2C.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
EALib.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
EaLcdBoardGPIO.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
EaLcdBoardGPIO.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Graphics.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Graphics.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TestDisplay.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TestDisplay.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TextDemo.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TextDemo.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_colors.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_colors.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_fonts.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_fonts.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_helvr10.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_helvr10.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_rom8x16.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_rom8x16.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_rom8x8.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_rom8x8.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_swim.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_swim.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_swim_font.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_swim_font.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_swim_image.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_swim_image.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_types.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_winfreesystem14x16.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_winfreesystem14x16.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_x5x7.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_x5x7.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_x6x13.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lpc_swim/lpc_x6x13.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AR1021I2C.cpp	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+ *  Copyright 2013 Embedded Artists AB
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * Includes
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "mbed_debug.h"
+#include "AR1021I2C.h"
+ * Defines and typedefs
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#define AR1021_REG_TOUCH_THRESHOLD        (0x02)
+#define AR1021_REG_SENS_FILTER            (0x03)
+#define AR1021_REG_SAMPLING_FAST          (0x04)
+#define AR1021_REG_SAMPLING_SLOW          (0x05)
+#define AR1021_REG_ACC_FILTER_FAST        (0x06)
+#define AR1021_REG_ACC_FILTER_SLOW        (0x07)
+#define AR1021_REG_SPEED_THRESHOLD        (0x08)
+#define AR1021_REG_SLEEP_DELAY            (0x0A)
+#define AR1021_REG_PEN_UP_DELAY           (0x0B)
+#define AR1021_REG_TOUCH_MODE             (0x0C)
+#define AR1021_REG_TOUCH_OPTIONS          (0x0D)
+#define AR1021_REG_CALIB_INSETS           (0x0E)
+#define AR1021_REG_TOUCH_REPORT_DELAY     (0x11)
+#define AR1021_CMD_GET_VERSION                 (0x10)
+#define AR1021_CMD_ENABLE_TOUCH                (0x12)
+#define AR1021_CMD_DISABLE_TOUCH               (0x13)
+#define AR1021_CMD_CALIBRATE_MODE              (0x14)
+#define AR1021_CMD_REGISTER_READ               (0x20)
+#define AR1021_CMD_REGISTER_WRITE              (0x21)
+#define AR1021_CMD_REGISTER_WRITE_TO_EEPROM    (0x23)
+#define AR1021_CMD_EEPROM_READ                 (0x28)
+#define AR1021_CMD_EEPROM_WRITE                (0x29)
+#define AR1021_RESP_STAT_OK           (0x00)
+#define AR1021_RESP_STAT_CMD_UNREC    (0x01)
+#define AR1021_RESP_STAT_HDR_UNREC    (0x03)
+#define AR1021_RESP_STAT_TIMEOUT      (0x04)
+#define AR1021_ERR_NO_HDR      (-1000)
+#define AR1021_ERR_INV_LEN     (-1001)
+#define AR1021_ERR_INV_RESP    (-1002)
+#define AR1021_ERR_INV_RESPLEN (-1003)
+#define AR1021_ERR_TIMEOUT     (-1004)
+// bit 7 is always 1 and bit 0 defines pen up or down
+#define AR1021_PEN_MASK (0x81)
+#define AR1021_NUM_CALIB_POINTS (4)
+#define AR1021_ADDR  (0x4D << 1)
+#define AR1021_TIMEOUT     1000        //how many ms to wait for responce 
+#define AR1021_RETRY          5        //how many times to retry sending command 
+#define AR1021_MIN(__a, __b) (((__a)<(__b))?(__a):(__b))
+AR1021I2C::AR1021I2C(PinName sda, PinName scl, PinName siq) :
+_i2c(sda, scl), _siq(siq), _siqIrq(siq)
+    _i2c.frequency(200000);
+    // default calibration inset is 25 -> (25/2 = 12.5%)
+    _inset = 25;
+    // make sure _calibPoint has an invalid value to begin with
+    // correct value is set in calibrateStart()
+    _calibPoint = AR1021_NUM_CALIB_POINTS+1;
+    _x = 0;
+    _y = 0;
+    _pen = 0;
+    _initialized = false;
+bool AR1021I2C::read(touchCoordinate_t &coord) {
+    if (!_initialized) return false;
+    coord.x = _x * _width/4095;
+    coord.y = _y * _height/4095;
+    coord.z = _pen;
+    return true;
+bool AR1021I2C::init(uint16_t width, uint16_t height) {
+    int result = 0;
+    bool ok = false;
+    int attempts = 0;
+    _width = width;
+    _height = height;
+    while (1) {
+        do {
+            // disable touch
+            result = cmd(AR1021_CMD_DISABLE_TOUCH, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
+            if (result != 0) {
+                debug("disable touch failed (%d)\n", result);
+                break;
+            }
+            char regOffset = 0;
+            int regOffLen = 1;
+            result = cmd(AR1021_CMD_REGISTER_START_ADDR_REQUEST, NULL, 0,
+                    &regOffset, &regOffLen);
+            if (result != 0) {
+                debug("register offset request failed (%d)\n", result);
+                break;
+            }
+            // enable calibrated coordinates
+            //                  high, low address,                        len,  value
+            char toptions[4] = {0x00, AR1021_REG_TOUCH_OPTIONS+regOffset, 0x01, 0x01};
+            result = cmd(AR1021_CMD_REGISTER_WRITE, toptions, 4, NULL, 0);
+            if (result != 0) {
+                debug("register write request failed (%d)\n", result);
+                break;
+            }
+            // save registers to eeprom
+            result = cmd(AR1021_CMD_REGISTER_WRITE_TO_EEPROM, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
+            if (result != 0) {
+                debug("register write to eeprom failed (%d)\n", result);
+                break;
+            }
+            // enable touch
+            result = cmd(AR1021_CMD_ENABLE_TOUCH, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
+            if (result != 0) {
+                debug("enable touch failed (%d)\n", result);
+                break;
+            }
+            _siqIrq.rise(this, &AR1021I2C::readTouchIrq);
+            _initialized = true;
+            ok = true;
+        } while(0);
+        if (ok) break;
+        // try to run the initialize sequence at most 2 times
+        if(++attempts >= 2) break;
+    }
+    return ok;
+bool AR1021I2C::calibrateStart() {
+    bool ok = false;
+    int result = 0;
+    int attempts = 0;
+    if (!_initialized) return false;
+    _siqIrq.rise(NULL);
+    while(1) {
+        do {
+            // disable touch
+            result = cmd(AR1021_CMD_DISABLE_TOUCH, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
+            if (result != 0) {
+                debug("disable touch failed (%d)\n", result);
+                break;
+            }
+            char regOffset = 0;
+            int regOffLen = 1;
+            result = cmd(AR1021_CMD_REGISTER_START_ADDR_REQUEST, NULL, 0,
+                    &regOffset, &regOffLen);
+            if (result != 0) {
+                debug("register offset request failed (%d)\n", result);
+                break;
+            }
+            // set insets
+            // enable calibrated coordinates
+            //                high, low address,                       len,  value
+            char insets[4] = {0x00, AR1021_REG_CALIB_INSETS+regOffset, 0x01, _inset};
+            result = cmd(AR1021_CMD_REGISTER_WRITE, insets, 4, NULL, 0);
+            if (result != 0) {
+                debug("register write request failed (%d)\n", result);
+                break;
+            }
+            // calibration mode
+            char calibType = 4;
+            result = cmd(AR1021_CMD_CALIBRATE_MODE, &calibType, 1, NULL, 0, false);
+            if (result != 0) {
+                debug("calibration mode failed (%d)\n", result);
+                break;
+            }
+            _calibPoint = 0;
+            ok = true;
+        } while(0);
+        if (ok) break;
+        // try to run the calibrate mode sequence at most 2 times
+        if (++attempts >= 2) break;
+    }
+    return ok;
+bool AR1021I2C::getNextCalibratePoint(uint16_t* x, uint16_t* y) {
+    if (!_initialized) return false;
+    if (x == NULL || y == NULL) return false;
+    int xInset = (_width * _inset / 100) / 2;
+    int yInset = (_height * _inset / 100) / 2;
+    switch(_calibPoint) {
+    case 0:
+        *x = xInset;
+        *y = yInset;
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        *x = _width - xInset;
+        *y = yInset;
+        break;
+    case 2:
+        *x = _width - xInset;
+        *y = _height - yInset;
+        break;
+    case 3:
+        *x = xInset;
+        *y = _height - yInset;
+        break;
+    default:
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool AR1021I2C::waitForCalibratePoint(bool* morePoints, uint32_t timeout) {
+    int result = 0;
+    bool ret = false;
+    if (!_initialized) return false;
+    do {
+        if (morePoints == NULL || _calibPoint >= AR1021_NUM_CALIB_POINTS) {
+            break;
+        }
+        // wait for response
+        result = waitForCalibResponse(timeout);
+        if (result != 0) {
+            debug("wait for calibration response failed (%d)\n", result);
+            break;
+        }
+        _calibPoint++;
+        *morePoints = (_calibPoint < AR1021_NUM_CALIB_POINTS);
+        // no more points -> enable touch
+        if (!(*morePoints)) {
+            // wait for calibration data to be written to eeprom
+            // before enabling touch
+            result = waitForCalibResponse(timeout);
+            if (result != 0) {
+                debug("wait for calibration response failed (%d)\n", result);
+                break;
+            }
+            // clear chip-select since calibration is done;
+//            _cs = 1;
+            result = cmd(AR1021_CMD_ENABLE_TOUCH, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
+            if (result != 0) {
+                debug("enable touch failed (%d)\n", result);
+                break;
+            }
+            _siqIrq.rise(this, &AR1021I2C::readTouchIrq);
+        }
+        ret = true;
+    } while (0);
+    if (!ret) {
+        // make sure to set chip-select off in case of an error
+//        _cs = 1;
+        // calibration must restart if an error occurred
+        _calibPoint = AR1021_NUM_CALIB_POINTS+1;
+    }
+    return ret;
+int AR1021I2C::cmd(char cmd, char* data, int len, char* respBuf, int* respLen,
+        bool setCsOff) {
+    int ret = 0;
+    int readLen = (respLen == NULL) ? 0 : *respLen;
+    for (int attempt = 1; attempt <= AR1021_RETRY; attempt++) {
+        if (attempt > 1) {
+            wait_ms(50);
+        }
+        // command request
+        // ---------------
+        // 0x00 0x55 len cmd data
+        // 0x00 = protocol command byte
+        // 0x55 = header
+        // len = data length + cmd (1)
+        // data = data to send
+        _i2c.start(); 
+        _i2c.write(AR1021_ADDR);                   //send write address 
+        _i2c.write(0x00); 
+        _i2c.write(0x55);                          //header 
+        _i2c.write(len+1);                         //message length 
+        _i2c.write(cmd);
+        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+            _i2c.write(data[i]);
+        }
+        wait_us(60);
+        _i2c.stop();
+        // wait for response (siq goes high when response is available)
+        Timer t;
+        t.start();
+        while( != 1 && t.read_ms() < AR1021_TIMEOUT);
+        if (t.read_ms() < AR1021_TIMEOUT) {
+            // command response
+            // ---------------
+            // 0x55 len status cmd data
+            // 0x55 = header
+            // len = number of bytes following the len byte (i.e. including the status&cmd)
+            // status = status
+            // cmd = command ID
+            // data = data to receive
+            _i2c.start();
+            _i2c.write(AR1021_ADDR + 1);        //send read address 
+            char header =;         //header should always be 0x55
+            if (header != 0x55) {
+                ret = AR1021_ERR_NO_HDR;
+                continue;
+            }
+            char length =;         //data length
+            if (length < 2) {
+                ret = AR1021_ERR_INV_LEN;       //must have at least status and command bytes
+                continue;
+            }
+            length -= 2;
+            if (length > readLen) {
+                ret = AR1021_ERR_INV_LEN;       //supplied buffer is not enough
+                continue;
+            }
+            char status =;         //command status
+            char usedCmd;
+            if (readLen <= 0) {
+                usedCmd =;         //no data => read command byte + NACK
+            } else {
+                usedCmd =;         //which command
+                //we need to send a NACK on the last read. 
+                int i;
+                for (i = 0; i < (length-1); i++) {
+                    respBuf[i] =;
+                }
+                respBuf[i] =;      //last returned data byte + NACK
+            }
+            _i2c.stop();
+            if (status != AR1021_RESP_STAT_OK) {
+                ret = -status;
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (usedCmd != cmd) {
+                ret = AR1021_ERR_INV_RESP;
+                continue;
+            }
+            // success
+            ret = 0;
+            break;
+        } else {
+            ret = AR1021_ERR_TIMEOUT;
+            continue;
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
+int AR1021I2C::waitForCalibResponse(uint32_t timeout) {
+    Timer t;
+    int ret = 0;
+    t.start();
+    // wait for siq
+    while ( != 1 &&
+            (timeout == 0 || (uint32_t)t.read_ms() < (int)timeout));
+    do {
+        if (timeout >  0 && (uint32_t)t.read_ms() >= timeout) {
+            ret = AR1021_ERR_TIMEOUT;
+            break;
+        }
+        // command response
+        // ---------------
+        // 0x55 len status cmd data
+        // 0x55 = header
+        // len = number of bytes following the len byte (should be 2)
+        // status = status
+        // cmd = command ID
+        _i2c.start();
+        _i2c.write(AR1021_ADDR + 1);        //send read address 
+        char header =;         //header should always be 0x55  
+        char length =;         //data length
+        if (header != 0x55) {
+            ret = AR1021_ERR_NO_HDR;
+            break;
+        }
+        if (length < 2) {
+            ret = AR1021_ERR_INV_LEN;
+            break;
+        }
+        char status =;         //status
+        char cmd    =;         //command, should be NACK'ed
+        _i2c.stop();
+        if (status != AR1021_RESP_STAT_OK) {
+            ret = -status;
+            break;
+        }
+        if (cmd != AR1021_CMD_CALIBRATE_MODE) {
+            ret = AR1021_ERR_INV_RESP;
+            break;
+        }
+        // success
+        ret = 0;
+    } while (0);
+    return ret;
+void AR1021I2C::readTouchIrq() {
+    while( == 1) {
+        // touch coordinates are sent in a 5-byte data packet
+        _i2c.start();
+        _i2c.write(AR1021_ADDR + 1);        //send read address 
+        int pen =;
+        int xlo =;
+        int xhi =;
+        int ylo =;
+        int yhi =;
+        _i2c.stop();
+        // pen down
+        if ((pen&AR1021_PEN_MASK) == (1<<7|1<<0)) {
+            _pen = 1;
+        }
+        // pen up
+        else if ((pen&AR1021_PEN_MASK) == (1<<7)){
+            _pen = 0;
+        }
+        // invalid value
+        else {
+            continue;
+        }
+        _x = ((xhi<<7)|xlo);
+        _y = ((yhi<<7)|ylo);
+    }
+bool AR1021I2C::info(int* verHigh, int* verLow, int* resBits, int* type)
+    char buff[3] = {0,0,0};
+    int read = 3;
+    int res = cmd(AR1021_CMD_GET_VERSION, NULL, 0, buff, &read);
+    if (res == 0) {
+        *verHigh = buff[0];
+        *verLow = buff[1];
+        switch(buff[2] & 3) {
+            case 0:   
+                *resBits = 8;
+                break;
+            case 1:   
+                *resBits = 10;
+                break;
+            case 2:   
+                *resBits = 12;
+                break;
+            case 3:   
+                *resBits = 12;
+                break;
+            default:
+                res = 25;
+                printf("Invalid resolution %d\n", buff[2]&3);
+                break;
+        }
+        *type = buff[2]>>2;
+    }
+    return (res == 0);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AR1021I2C.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ *  Copyright 2013 Embedded Artists AB
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef AR1021I2C_H
+#define AR1021I2C_H
+#include "TouchPanel.h"
+ * Microchip Touch Screen Controller (AR1021).
+ *
+ * Please note that this touch panel has an on-board storage for
+ * calibration data. Once a successful calibration has been performed
+ * it is not needed to do additional calibrations since the stored
+ * calibration data will be used.
+ */
+class AR1021I2C : public TouchPanel {
+    /**
+     * Constructor
+     *
+     * @param mosi I2C SDA pin
+     * @param miso I2C SCL pin
+     * @param siq interrupt pin
+     */
+    AR1021I2C(PinName sda, PinName scl, PinName siq);
+    bool info(int* verHigh, int* verLow, int* resBits, int* type);
+    virtual bool init(uint16_t width, uint16_t height);
+    virtual bool read(touchCoordinate_t &coord);
+    virtual bool calibrateStart();
+    virtual bool getNextCalibratePoint(uint16_t* x, uint16_t* y);
+    virtual bool waitForCalibratePoint(bool* morePoints, uint32_t timeout);
+    I2C _i2c;
+    DigitalIn _siq;
+    InterruptIn _siqIrq;
+    bool _initialized;
+    int32_t _x;
+    int32_t _y;
+    int32_t _pen;
+    uint16_t _width;
+    uint16_t _height;
+    uint8_t _inset;
+    int _calibPoint;
+    int cmd(char cmd, char* data, int len, char* respBuf, int* respLen, bool setCsOff=true);
+    int waitForCalibResponse(uint32_t timeout);
+    void readTouchIrq();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/EALib.lib	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/EaLcdBoardGPIO.cpp	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ *  Copyright 2013 Embedded Artists AB
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * Includes
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "EaLcdBoardGPIO.h"
+ * Defines and typedefs
+ *****************************************************************************/
+EaLcdBoardGPIO::EaLcdBoardGPIO(PinName sda, PinName scl)
+  : EaLcdBoard(sda, scl), /*pinWP(P4_15),*/ pin3v3(P2_0), pin5v(P2_21), pinDE(P2_11), pinContrast(P2_1)
+  pinContrast.period_ms(10);
+  setWriteProtect(true);
+  set3V3Signal(false);
+  set5VSignal(false);
+  setDisplayEnableSignal(false);
+  setBacklightContrast(0);
+void EaLcdBoardGPIO::setWriteProtect(bool enable)
+    // Not Applicable
+void EaLcdBoardGPIO::set3V3Signal(bool enabled) { //P2.0 L=3.3V on
+    if (enabled) {
+        pin3v3 = 0;
+    } else {
+        pin3v3 = 1;
+    }
+void EaLcdBoardGPIO::set5VSignal(bool enabled) { //P2.21 H=5V on
+    if (enabled) {
+        pin5v = 1;
+    } else {
+        pin5v = 0;
+    }
+void EaLcdBoardGPIO::setDisplayEnableSignal(bool enabled) { //P2.11 H=enabled
+    LPC_IOCON->P2_11 &= ~7; /* GPIO2[11]  @ P2.11 */
+    if (enabled) {
+        pinDE = 1;
+    } else {
+        pinDE = 0;
+    }
+void EaLcdBoardGPIO::setBacklightContrast(uint32_t value) { //P2.1, set to 4.30 for now
+#if 0    
+    LPC_IOCON->P2_1 &= ~7; /* GPIO2[1]  @ P2.1 */
+  if (value > 50) {
+      pinContrast = 1;
+  } else {
+      pinContrast = 0;
+  }
+    uint32_t tmp = LPC_IOCON->P2_1;
+    tmp &= ~7;
+    tmp |= 1;
+    LPC_IOCON->P2_1 = tmp; /* PWM2[1]  @ P2.1 */
+    float f = value;
+    pinContrast = f/100.0f;
+//    if (value > 100) return;
+//    pca9532_setBlink0Duty(100-value);
+//    pca9532_setBlink0Period(0);
+//    pca9532_setBlink0Leds(LCDB_CTRL_BL_C);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/EaLcdBoardGPIO.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ *  Copyright 2013 Embedded Artists AB
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "EaLcdBoard.h"
+/** An interface to Embedded Artists LCD Boards
+ *
+ */
+class EaLcdBoardGPIO : public EaLcdBoard {
+    EaLcdBoardGPIO(PinName sda, PinName scl);
+    void setBC(uint32_t val) { setBacklightContrast(val); };
+    virtual void setWriteProtect(bool enable);
+    virtual void set3V3Signal(bool enabled);
+    virtual void set5VSignal(bool enabled);
+    virtual void setDisplayEnableSignal(bool enabled);
+    virtual void setBacklightContrast(uint32_t value);
+    //DigitalOut pinWP;
+    DigitalOut pin3v3;
+    DigitalOut pin5v;
+    DigitalOut pinDE;
+    //DigitalOut pinContrast;
+    PwmOut pinContrast;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Graphics.cpp	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Graphics.h"
+Graphics::Graphics(uint16_t *pFrmBuf, uint16_t dispWidth, uint16_t dispHeight)
+	this->windowX = dispWidth;
+	this->windowY = dispHeight;
+	this->pFrmBuf = pFrmBuf;
+void Graphics::setFrameBuffer( uint16_t *pFrmBuf )
+	this->pFrmBuf = pFrmBuf;
+int32_t Graphics::abs(int32_t v1) const
+   if (v1 > 0)
+     return v1;
+  return -v1;
+ *
+ * Function: swim_put_line_raw
+ *
+ * Purpose: Draw a line on the physical display
+ *
+ * Processing:
+ *     See function.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *     win : Window identifier
+ *     x1  : Physical X position of X line start
+ *     y1  : Physical Y position of Y line start
+ *     x2  : Physical X position of X line end
+ *     y2  : Physical Y position of Y line end
+ *
+ * Outputs: None
+ *
+ * Returns: Nothing
+ *
+ * Notes: None
+ *
+ **********************************************************************/
+void Graphics::put_line(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, int16_t color)
+    int32_t e2, sx, sy, dx, dy, err;
+    /* calculate delta_x and delta_y */
+    dx = abs(x2 - x1);
+    dy = abs(y2 - y1);
+    /* set the direction for the step for both x and y, and
+       initialize the error */
+    if (x1 < x2)
+        sx = 1;
+    else
+        sx = -1;
+    if (y1 < y2)
+        sy = 1;
+    else
+        sy = -1;
+    err = dx - dy;
+    while (1)
+    {
+        if ((x1 >= 0) && (x1 < this->windowX) && 
+            (y1 >= 0) && (y1 < this->windowY))
+            this->pFrmBuf[x1 + (this->windowX*y1)] = color;
+        if ((x1 == x2) && (y1 == y2))
+            return;
+        e2 = 2 * err;
+        if (e2 > -dy)
+        {
+            err -= dy;
+            x1 += sx;
+        }
+        if (e2 < dx)
+        {
+            err += dx;
+            y1 += sy;
+        }
+    }
+ *
+ * Function: plot4points
+ *
+ * Purpose:
+ *
+ * Processing:
+ *     See function.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *     win    : Window identifier
+ *     cx     :
+ *     cy     :
+ *     x      :
+ *     y      :
+ *     Filled :
+ *
+ * Outputs: None
+ *
+ * Returns: Nothing
+ *
+ * Notes: None
+ *
+ **********************************************************************/
+void Graphics::plot4points( int32_t cx, int32_t cy, int32_t x, int32_t y, int16_t color, int32_t Filled )
+   {
+   int16_t x0, x1, y0, y1;
+   y0 = cy + y;
+   y1 = cy - y;
+   if( Filled )
+      {
+      for( x0=cx - x; x0<=cx + x; x0++ )
+         {
+         if ((x0>=0) && (x0<this->windowX) && (y0>=0) && (y0<this->windowY))
+            this->pFrmBuf[x0 + (this->windowX*y0)] = color;
+         if ((x0>=0) && (x0<this->windowX) && (y1>=0) && (y1<this->windowY))
+            this->pFrmBuf[x0 + (this->windowX*y1)] = color;
+         }
+      }
+   else
+      {
+      x0 = cx + x;
+      x1 = cx - x;
+      if ((x0>=0) && (x0<this->windowX) && (y0>=0) && (y0<this->windowY))
+         this->pFrmBuf[x0 + (this->windowX*y0)] = color;
+      if ((x != 0) && 
+          (x1>=0) && (x1<this->windowX) && (y0>=0) && (y0<this->windowY))
+         this->pFrmBuf[x1 + (this->windowX*y0)] = color;
+      if ((y != 0) &&
+          (x0>=0) && (x0<this->windowX) && (y1>=0) && (y1<this->windowY))
+         this->pFrmBuf[x0 + (this->windowX*y1)] = color;
+      if ((x != 0 && y != 0) &&
+          (x1>=0) && (x1<this->windowX) && (y1>=0) && (y1<this->windowY))
+         this->pFrmBuf[x1 + (this->windowX*y1)] = color;
+      }
+   }
+ *
+ * Function: plot8points
+ *
+ * Purpose:
+ *
+ * Processing:
+ *     See function.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *     win    : Window identifier
+ *     cx     :
+ *     cy     :
+ *     x      :
+ *     y      :
+ *     Filled :
+ *
+ * Outputs: None
+ *
+ * Returns: Nothing
+ *
+ * Notes: None
+ *
+ **********************************************************************/
+void Graphics::plot8points( int32_t cx, int32_t cy, int32_t x, int32_t y, int16_t color, int32_t Filled )
+   {
+   plot4points( cx, cy, x, y, color, Filled );
+   if (x != y)
+      plot4points( cx, cy, y, x, color, Filled );
+   }
+ *
+ * Function: swim_put_circle
+ *
+ * Purpose:
+ *
+ * Processing:
+ *     See function.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *     win    : Window identifier
+ *     cx     :
+ *     cy     :
+ *     radius :
+ *     Filled :
+ *
+ * Outputs: None
+ *
+ * Returns: Nothing
+ *
+ * Notes: None
+ *
+ **********************************************************************/
+void Graphics::put_circle( int32_t cx, int32_t cy, int16_t color, int32_t radius, int32_t Filled )
+   {
+   int32_t Error = -radius;
+   int16_t x = radius;
+   int16_t y = 0;
+   while( x >= y )
+      {
+      plot8points( cx, cy, x, y, color, Filled );
+      Error += y;
+      ++y;
+      Error += y;
+      if( Error >= 0 )
+         {
+         --x;
+         Error -= x;
+         Error -= x;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+void Graphics::put_dot( int32_t cx, int32_t cy, int16_t color )
+  int size = 1;
+  for (int y1 = cy - size; y1 <= (cy + size); y1++) {
+    for (int x1 = cx - size; x1 <= (cx + size); x1++) {
+      if ((x1 >= 0) && (x1 < this->windowX) && (y1 >= 0) && (y1 < this->windowY)) {
+          this->pFrmBuf[x1 + (this->windowX*y1)] = color;
+      }
+    }
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Graphics.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#ifndef GRAPHICS_H
+#define GRAPHICS_H
+class Graphics {
+	Graphics(uint16_t *pFrmBuf, uint16_t dispWidth, uint16_t dispHeight);
+	void setFrameBuffer( uint16_t *pFrmBuf );
+	void put_line(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, int16_t color);
+    void put_circle( int32_t cx, int32_t cy, int16_t color, int32_t radius, int32_t Filled );
+    void put_dot( int32_t cx, int32_t cy, int16_t color );
+	uint16_t windowX;
+	uint16_t windowY;
+	uint16_t *pFrmBuf;
+    int32_t abs(int32_t v1) const;
+    virtual void plot4points( int32_t cx, int32_t cy, int32_t x, int32_t y, int16_t color, int32_t Filled );
+    void plot8points( int32_t cx, int32_t cy, int32_t x, int32_t y, int16_t color, int32_t Filled );
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TestDisplay.cpp	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+ *  Copyright 2013 Embedded Artists AB
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * Includes
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "TestDisplay.h"
+#include "sdram.h"
+#include "TextDemo.h"
+ * Defines and typedefs
+ *****************************************************************************/
+        40,                         /* horizontalBackPorch */ \
+        5,                          /* horizontalFrontPorch */ \
+        2,                          /* hsync */ \
+        480,                        /* width */ \
+        8,                          /* verticalBackPorch */ \
+        8,                          /* verticalFrontPorch */ \
+        2,                          /* vsync */ \
+        272,                        /* height */ \
+        false,                      /* invertOutputEnable */ \
+        false,                      /* invertPanelClock */ \
+        true,                       /* invertHsync */ \
+        true,                       /* invertVsync */ \
+        1,                          /* acBias */ \
+        LcdController::Bpp_16_565,  /* bpp */ \
+        9000000,                    /* optimalClock */ \
+        LcdController::Tft,         /* panelType */ \
+        false                       /* dualPanel */
+#define LCD_INIT_STRING_43  (char*)"v1,cd0,c50,cc0,c30,d100,c31,d100,cd1,d10,o,c51,cc100"
+        46,                         /* horizontalBackPorch */ \
+        20,                          /* horizontalFrontPorch */ \
+        2,                          /* hsync */ \
+        800,                        /* width */ \
+        23,                          /* verticalBackPorch */ \
+        10,                          /* verticalFrontPorch */ \
+        3,                          /* vsync */ \
+        480,                        /* height */ \
+        false,                      /* invertOutputEnable */ \
+        false,                      /* invertPanelClock */ \
+        true,                       /* invertHsync */ \
+        true,                       /* invertVsync */ \
+        1,                          /* acBias */ \
+        LcdController::Bpp_16_565,  /* bpp */ \
+        30000000,                   /* optimalClock */ \
+        LcdController::Tft,         /* panelType */ \
+        false                       /* dualPanel */
+#define LCD_INIT_STRING_50  (char*)"v1,cc0,c31,d50,o,d200,c51,cc100"
+#define MY_ABS(__a)  (((__a) < 0) ? -(__a) : (__a))
+ * Public Functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+   Prerequisites:
+   - A display must be connected to the LPC4088 Experiment Base Board
+     with the FPC connector
+   - The touch controller uses the I2C bus so for this test to work 
+     jumpers JP8 and JP9 on the LPC4088 Experiment Base Board must 
+     both be in positions 1-2
+TestDisplay::TestDisplay(WhichDisplay which) : 
+    _initStr(NULL),
+    _lcdCfg(NULL),
+    _lcdBoard(P0_27, P0_28),
+    _touch(P0_27, P0_28, P2_25) {
+    switch (which) {
+        case TFT_5:
+            _lcdCfg = new LcdController::Config(LCD_CONFIGURATION_50);
+            _initStr = LCD_INIT_STRING_50;
+            break;
+        case TFT_4_3:
+            _lcdCfg = new LcdController::Config(LCD_CONFIGURATION_43);
+            _initStr = LCD_INIT_STRING_43;
+            break;
+        default:
+            mbed_die();
+    }
+    if (sdram_init() == 1) {
+        printf("Failed to initialize SDRAM\n");
+        _framebuffer = 0;
+    } else {
+        _framebuffer = (uint32_t) malloc(_lcdCfg->width * _lcdCfg->height * 2 * 3); // 2 is for 16 bit color, 3 is the number of buffers
+        if (_framebuffer != 0) {
+            memset((uint8_t*)_framebuffer, 0, _lcdCfg->width * _lcdCfg->height * 2 * 3);
+        }
+    }
+TestDisplay::~TestDisplay() {
+    if (_framebuffer != 0) {
+        free((void*)_framebuffer);
+        _framebuffer = 0;
+    }
+bool TestDisplay::runTest() {
+    do {
+        if (_framebuffer == 0) {
+            printf("Failed to allocate memory for framebuffer\n");
+            break;
+        }
+        EaLcdBoard::Result result =, _initStr);
+        if (result != EaLcdBoard::Ok) {
+            printf("Failed to open display, error %d\n", result);
+            break;
+        }
+        result = _lcdBoard.setFrameBuffer(_framebuffer);
+        if (result != EaLcdBoard::Ok) {
+            printf("Failed to set framebuffer, error %d\n", result);
+            break;
+        }
+        TextDemo textDemo((uint8_t *)_framebuffer, _lcdCfg->width, _lcdCfg->height);
+        while (1) {
+  , 750, 20);
+        }
+    } while(0);
+    return false;
+void TestDisplay::calibrate_drawMarker(Graphics &g, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, bool erase) {
+    uint16_t color = (erase ? 0x0000 : 0xffff);
+    g.put_line(x-15, y, x+15, y, color);
+    g.put_line(x, y-15, x, y+15, color);
+    g.put_circle(x, y, color, 10, false);
+bool TestDisplay::calibrate_display() {
+    bool morePoints = true;
+    uint16_t x, y;
+    int point = 0;
+    Graphics g((uint16_t*)_framebuffer, _lcdCfg->width, _lcdCfg->height);
+    do {
+        if (!_touch.init(_lcdCfg->width, _lcdCfg->height)) {
+            printf("Failed to initialize touch controller\n");
+            break;
+        }
+        if (!_touch.calibrateStart()) {
+            printf("Failed to start calibration\n");
+            break;
+        }  
+        while (morePoints) {
+            if (point++ > 0) {
+                // erase old location
+                calibrate_drawMarker(g, x, y, true);
+            }
+            if (!_touch.getNextCalibratePoint(&x, &y)) {
+                printf("Failed to get calibration point\n");
+                break;
+            }
+            calibrate_drawMarker(g, x, y, false);
+            if (!_touch.waitForCalibratePoint(&morePoints, 0)) {
+                printf("Failed to get user click\n");
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (morePoints) {
+            // aborted calibration due to error(s)
+            break;
+        }
+        // erase old location
+        calibrate_drawMarker(g, x, y, true);
+        // allow user to draw for 5999 seconds
+        Timer t;
+        t.start();
+        TouchPanel::touchCoordinate_t tc;
+        while( < 6000) {
+            if ( {
+                //printf("TC: x,y,z = {%5d, %5d, %5d}\n", tc.x, tc.y, tc.z);
+                if (tc.z) {
+                    g.put_dot(tc.x, tc.y, 0xffff);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    } while(0);
+    return !morePoints;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TestDisplay.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ *  Copyright 2013 Embedded Artists AB
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "AR1021I2C.h"
+#include "Graphics.h"
+#include "LcdController.h"
+#include "EaLcdBoardGPIO.h"
+ * Test the display connected with a FPC cable to the LPC4088 Experiment Base Board
+ * as well as the AR1021 touch sensor on the board.
+ */
+class TestDisplay {
+	enum WhichDisplay {
+		TFT_5,    // 5" display
+		TFT_4_3,  // 4.3" display
+	};
+    /**
+     * Create an interface to the display
+     */
+    TestDisplay(WhichDisplay which);
+    ~TestDisplay();
+    /**
+     * Test the display
+     *
+     * @return true if the test was successful; otherwise false
+     */
+	bool runTest();
+    void calibrate_drawMarker(Graphics &g, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, bool erase);
+    bool calibrate_display();
+	char* _initStr;
+    LcdController::Config* _lcdCfg;
+    EaLcdBoardGPIO _lcdBoard;
+    AR1021I2C _touch;
+    uint32_t _framebuffer;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TextDemo.cpp	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ * Includes
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "LcdController.h"
+#include "EaLcdBoard.h"
+#include "TextDemo.h"
+#include "lpc_winfreesystem14x16.h"
+#include "lpc_rom8x8.h"
+#include "lpc_rom8x16.h"
+#include "lpc_x5x7.h"
+#include "lpc_x6x13.h"
+#include "lpc_helvr10.h"
+ * Typedefs and defines
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#define NUM_TO_TEST (sizeof(BKGCOLORS)/sizeof(BKGCOLORS[0]))  
+ * Local variables
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * Public functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+TextDemo::TextDemo(uint8_t *pFrameBuf, uint16_t dispWidth, uint16_t dispHeight)
+  swim_window_open(&this->_win, 
+                   dispWidth, dispHeight,        // full screen
+                   (COLOR_T*)pFrameBuf,
+                   0,0,dispWidth-1,dispHeight-1, // window position and size
+                   0,                            // border
+                   WHITE, BLUE, BLACK);          // colors: pen, backgr, forgr
+void TextDemo::run(EaLcdBoardGPIO& lcdBoard, uint32_t loops, uint32_t delayMs)
+  printf("TextDemo, %d loops, %dms delay\n", loops, delayMs);
+  //update framebuffer
+  lcdBoard.setFrameBuffer((uint32_t)this->_win.fb);
+  // Draw strings with the different fonts in different color combinations    
+  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TO_TEST; i++) {
+    swim_set_bkg_color(&this->_win, BKGCOLORS[i]);
+    swim_set_pen_color(&this->_win, PENCOLORS[i]);
+    swim_clear_screen(&this->_win, this->_win.bkg);
+    int incr = 30;
+    int y = incr;
+    swim_put_text_xy(&this->_win, "Default Font 0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 20, y);
+    y += incr;
+    wait_ms(1000);
+    swim_set_font(&this->_win, (FONT_T*)&font_winfreesys14x16);
+    swim_put_text_xy(&this->_win, "font_winfreesys14x16 0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 20, y);
+    y += incr;
+    wait_ms(1000);
+    swim_set_font(&this->_win, (FONT_T*)&font_rom8x8);
+    swim_put_text_xy(&this->_win, "font_rom8x8 0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 20, y);
+    y += incr;
+    wait_ms(1000);
+    swim_set_font(&this->_win, (FONT_T*)&font_rom8x16);
+    swim_put_text_xy(&this->_win, "font_rom8x16 0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 20, y);
+    y += incr;
+    wait_ms(1000);
+    swim_set_font(&this->_win, (FONT_T*)&font_x5x7);
+    swim_put_text_xy(&this->_win, "font_x5x7 0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 20, y);
+    y += incr;
+    wait_ms(1000);
+    swim_set_font(&this->_win, (FONT_T*)&font_x6x13);
+    swim_put_text_xy(&this->_win, "font_x6x13 0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 20, y);
+    y += incr;
+    wait_ms(1000);
+    swim_set_font(&this->_win, (FONT_T*)&font_helvr10);
+    swim_put_text_xy(&this->_win, "font_helvr10 0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 20, y);
+    y += incr;
+    wait_ms(2500);
+  }
+  memset((void*)(this->_win.fb), 0, this->_win.xpsize * this->_win.ypsize * sizeof(COLOR_T));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TextDemo.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#ifndef TEXTDEMO_H
+#define TEXTDEMO_H
+#include "EaLcdBoardGPIO.h"
+#include "lpc_swim.h"
+#include "lpc_swim_font.h"
+class TextDemo {
+    TextDemo(uint8_t *pFrameBuf, uint16_t dispWidth, uint16_t dispHeight);
+    void run(EaLcdBoardGPIO& lcdBoard, uint32_t loops, uint32_t delayMs);
+    SWIM_WINDOW_T _win;
+#endif /* TEXTDEMO_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_colors.c	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * @brief SWIM color definitions and palette table setup
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#include "lpc_colors.h"
+ * Private types/enumerations/variables
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Public types/enumerations/variables
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Private functions
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Public functions
+ ****************************************************************************/
+/* Generate a palette table (only in 8-bit mode) */
+void lpc_colors_set_palette(uint16_t *palette_table)
+#if COLORS_DEF == 8
+	int32_t idx;
+	uint16_t entry, r, g, b;
+	/* 256 entries */
+	for (idx = 0; idx < NUM_COLORS; idx++) {
+		r = ((uint16_t) idx & REDMASK) >> REDSHIFT;
+		g = ((uint16_t) idx & GREENMASK) >> GREENSHIFT;
+		b = ((uint16_t) idx & BLUEMASK) >> BLUESHIFT;
+#ifdef COLORS_8_565_MODE
+		/* Strip out and scale colors */
+		r = r * 0x1F / ((REDMASK >> REDSHIFT) + 1);
+		g = g * 0x3F / ((GREENMASK >> GREENSHIFT) + 1);
+		b = b * 0x1F / ((BLUEMASK >> BLUESHIFT) + 1);
+		entry = b + (g << 5) + (r << 11);
+		/* Strip out and scale colors */
+		r = r * 0x1F / ((REDMASK >> REDSHIFT) + 1);
+		g = g * 0x1F / ((GREENMASK >> GREENSHIFT) + 1);
+		b = b * 0x1F / ((BLUEMASK >> BLUESHIFT) + 1);
+		entry = b + (g << 5) + (r << 10);
+		/* Save palette entry */
+		palette_table[idx] = entry;
+	}
+#endif /* COLORS_DEF == 8 */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_colors.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+ * @brief SWIM color definitions and palette table setup
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#ifndef __LPC_COLOR_H_
+#define __LPC_COLOR_H_
+#include "lpc_types.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C"
+/** @defgroup GUI_SWIM_COLORS SWIM color definitions
+ * @ingroup GUI_SWIM
+ * The Simple Windows Interface manager (SWIM) supports 8-bit RGB332,
+ * 12-bit RGB 444 (in a 16-bit field), 15-bit RGB555, 16-bit RGB565,
+ * and 24-bit RGB888 (in a 32-bit field) color.
+ *
+ * SWIM is configured for the color type at build-time based on the
+ * the COLORS_DEF definitions. Select one of the following values to
+ * configure SWIM.
+ *  8-bit RGB332 : COLORS_DEF = 8
+ *  12-bit RGB444: COLORS_DEF = 12
+ *  15-bit RGB555: COLORS_DEF = 15
+ *  16-bit RGB565: COLORS_DEF = 16
+ *  24-bit RGB888: COLORS_DEF = 24
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Default configuration values
+ */
+#ifndef COLORS_DEF
+//#define COLORS_DEF 24		/* 24-bit 888 color mode */
+#define COLORS_DEF 16		/* 16-bit 565 color mode */
+// #define COLORS_DEF 15	/* 15-bit 555 color mode */
+// #define COLORS_DEF 12	/* 12-bit 444 color mode */
+// #define COLORS_DEF 8		/* 8-bit color mode */
+#if defined(COLORS_DEF)
+#ifndef COLORS_8_565_MODE
+/** Setup the palette table for RGB565 mode if COLORS_8_565_MODE
+    is defined, other use RGB555 mode if not defined. */
+#define COLORS_8_565_MODE
+#if COLORS_DEF == 24
+/* Black color, 888 mode */
+#define BLACK         0x000000
+/* Light gray color, 888 mode */
+#define LIGHTGRAY     0x545454
+/* Dark gray color, 888 mode */
+#define DARKGRAY      0xA8A8A8
+/* White color, 888 mode */
+#define WHITE         0xFFFFFF
+/* Red color, 888 mode */
+#define RED           0xFF0000
+/* Green color, 888 mode */
+#define GREEN         0x00FF00
+/* Blue color, 888 mode */
+#define BLUE          0x0000FF
+/* Light red color, 888 mode */
+#define LIGHTRED      0x3F0000
+/* Light green color, 888 mode */
+#define LIGHTGREEN    0x003F00
+/* Light blue color, 888 mode */
+#define LIGHTBLUE     0x00003F
+/* Minimum red color, 888 mode */
+#define MINRED      0x010000
+/* Light green color, 888 mode */
+#define MINGREEN    0x000100
+/* Light blue color, 888 mode */
+#define MINBLUE     0x000001
+/* Red color mask, 888 mode */
+#define REDMASK       0xFF0000
+/* Red shift value, 888 mode */
+#define REDSHIFT      16
+/* Green color mask, 888 mode */
+#define GREENMASK     0x00FF00
+/* Green shift value, 888 mode */
+#define GREENSHIFT    8
+/* Blue color mask, 888 mode */
+#define BLUEMASK      0x0000FF
+/* Blue shift value, 888 mode */
+#define BLUESHIFT     0
+/* Number of colors in 888 mode */
+#define NUM_COLORS    16777216
+/* Number of red colors in 888 mode */
+#define RED_COLORS    0x100
+/* Number of green colors in 888 mode */
+#define GREEN_COLORS  0x100
+/* Number of blue colors in 888 mode */
+#define BLUE_COLORS   0x100
+/* Color type is a 16-bit value */
+typedef uint32_t COLOR_T;
+#if COLORS_DEF == 16
+/* Black color, 565 mode */
+#define BLACK         0x0000
+/* Light gray color, 565 mode */
+#define LIGHTGRAY     0X7BEF
+/* Dark gray color, 565 mode */
+#define DARKGRAY      0x39E7
+/* White color, 565 mode */
+#define WHITE         0xffff
+/* Red color, 565 mode */
+#define RED           0xF800
+/* Green color, 565 mode */
+#define GREEN         0x07E0
+/* Blue color, 565 mode */
+#define BLUE          0x001F
+/* Magenta color, 565 mode */
+#define MAGENTA       (RED | BLUE)
+/* Cyan color, 565 mode */
+#define CYAN          (GREEN | BLUE)
+/* Yellow color, 565 mode */
+#define YELLOW        (RED | GREEN)
+/* Light red color, 565 mode */
+#define LIGHTRED      0x7800
+/* Light green color, 565 mode */
+#define LIGHTGREEN    0x03E0
+/* Light blue color, 565 mode */
+#define LIGHTBLUE     0x000F
+/* Minimum red color, 565 mode */
+#define MINRED      0x0800
+/* Light green color, 565 mode */
+#define MINGREEN    0x0020
+/* Light blue color, 565 mode */
+#define MINBLUE     0x0001
+/* Red color mask, 565 mode */
+#define REDMASK       0xF800
+/* Red shift value, 565 mode */
+#define REDSHIFT      11
+/* Green color mask, 565 mode */
+#define GREENMASK     0x07E0
+/* Green shift value, 565 mode */
+#define GREENSHIFT    5
+/* Blue color mask, 565 mode */
+#define BLUEMASK      0x001F
+/* Blue shift value, 565 mode */
+#define BLUESHIFT     0
+/* Number of colors in 565 mode */
+#define NUM_COLORS    65536
+/* Number of red colors in 565 mode */
+#define RED_COLORS    0x20
+/* Number of green colors in 565 mode */
+#define GREEN_COLORS  0x40
+/* Number of blue colors in 565 mode */
+#define BLUE_COLORS   0x20
+/* Color type is a 16-bit value */
+typedef uint16_t COLOR_T;
+#if COLORS_DEF == 15
+/* Black color, 555 mode */
+#define BLACK         0x0000
+/* Llight gray color, 555 mode */
+#define LIGHTGRAY     0x3DEF
+/* Drak gray color, 555 mode */
+#define DARKGRAY      0x1CE7
+/* White color, 555 mode */
+#define WHITE         0xffff
+/* Red color, 555 mode */
+#define RED           0x7C00
+/* Green color, 555 mode */
+#define GREEN         0x03E0
+/* Blue color, 555 mode */
+#define BLUE          0x001F
+/* Magenta color, 555 mode */
+#define MAGENTA       (RED | BLUE)
+/* Cyan color, 555 mode */
+#define CYAN          (GREEN | BLUE)
+/* Yellow color, 555 mode */
+#define YELLOW        (RED | GREEN)
+/* Light red color, 555 mode */
+#define LIGHTRED      0x3C00
+/* Light green color, 555 mode */
+#define LIGHTGREEN    0x01E0
+/* Light blue color, 555 mode */
+#define LIGHTBLUE     0x000F
+/* Light magenta color, 555 mode */
+/* Light cyan color, 555 mode */
+/* Light yellow color, 555 mode */
+/* Red color mask, 555 mode */
+#define REDMASK       0x7C00
+/* Red shift value, 555 mode */
+#define REDSHIFT      10
+/* Green color mask, 555 mode */
+#define GREENMASK     0x03E0
+/* Green shift value, 555 mode */
+#define GREENSHIFT    5
+/* Blue color mask, 555 mode */
+#define BLUEMASK      0x001F
+/* Blue shift value, 555 mode */
+#define BLUESHIFT     0
+/* Number of colors in 555 mode */
+#define NUM_COLORS    32768
+/* Number of red colors in 555 mode */
+#define RED_COLORS    0x20
+/* Number of green colors in 555 mode */
+#define GREEN_COLORS  0x20
+/* Number of blue colors in 555 mode */
+#define BLUE_COLORS   0x20
+/* Color type is a 16-bit value */
+typedef uint16_t COLOR_T;
+#if COLORS_DEF == 12
+/* Black color, 444 mode */
+#define BLACK         0x0000
+/* Llight gray color, 444 mode */
+#define LIGHTGRAY     0x3DEF
+/* Drak gray color, 444 mode */
+#define DARKGRAY      0x1CE7
+/* White color, 444 mode */
+#define WHITE         0x7fff
+/* Red color, 444 mode */
+#define RED           0x3C00
+/* Green color, 444 mode */
+#define GREEN         0x01E0
+/* Blue color, 444 mode */
+#define BLUE          0x000F
+/* Magenta color, 444 mode */
+#define MAGENTA       (RED | BLUE)
+/* Cyan color, 444 mode */
+#define CYAN          (GREEN | BLUE)
+/* Yellow color, 444 mode */
+#define YELLOW        (RED | GREEN)
+/* Light red color, 444 mode */
+#define LIGHTRED      0x3C00
+/* Light green color, 444 mode */
+#define LIGHTGREEN    0x01E0
+/* Light blue color, 444 mode */
+#define LIGHTBLUE     0x000F
+/* Light magenta color, 444 mode */
+/* Light cyan color, 444 mode */
+/* Light yellow color, 444 mode */
+/* Red color mask, 444 mode */
+#define REDMASK       0x3C00
+/* Red shift value, 444 mode */
+#define REDSHIFT      10
+/* Green color mask, 444 mode */
+#define GREENMASK     0x01E0
+/* Green shift value, 444 mode */
+#define GREENSHIFT    5
+/* Blue color mask, 444 mode */
+#define BLUEMASK      0x000F
+/* Blue shift value, 444 mode */
+#define BLUESHIFT     0
+/* Number of colors in 444 mode */
+#define NUM_COLORS    4096
+/* Number of red colors in 444 mode */
+#define RED_COLORS    0x10
+/* Number of green colors in 444 mode */
+#define GREEN_COLORS  0x10
+/* Number of blue colors in 444 mode */
+#define BLUE_COLORS   0x10
+/* Color type is a 16-bit value */
+typedef uint16_t COLOR_T;
+#if COLORS_DEF == 8
+/* Black color, 332 mode */
+#define BLACK         0x00
+/* Light gray color, 332 mode */
+#define LIGHTGRAY     0x6E
+/* Dark gray color, 332 mode */
+#define DARKGRAY      0x25
+/* White color, 332 mode */
+#define WHITE         0xFF
+/* Red color, 332 mode */
+#define RED           0xE0
+/* Green color, 332 mode */
+#define GREEN         0x1C
+/* Blue color, 332 mode */
+#define BLUE          0x03
+/* Magenta color, 332 mode */
+#define MAGENTA       (RED | BLUE)
+/* Cyan color, 332 mode */
+#define CYAN          (GREEN | BLUE)
+/* Yellow color, 332 mode */
+#define YELLOW        (RED | GREEN)
+/* Light red color, 332 mode */
+#define LIGHTRED      0x60
+/* Light green color, 332 mode */
+#define LIGHTGREEN    0x0C
+/* Light blue color, 332 mode */
+#define LIGHTBLUE     0x01
+/* Light magenta color, 332 mode */
+/* Light cyan color, 332 mode */
+/* Light yellow color, 332 mode */
+/* Red color mask, 332 mode */
+#define REDMASK       0xE0
+/* Red shift value, 332 mode */
+#define REDSHIFT      5
+/* Green color mask, 332 mode */
+#define GREENMASK     0x1C
+/* Green shift value, 332 mode */
+#define GREENSHIFT    2
+/* Blue color mask, 332 mode */
+#define BLUEMASK      0x3
+/* Blue shift value, 332 mode */
+#define BLUESHIFT     0
+/* Number of colors in 332 mode */
+#define NUM_COLORS    256
+/* Number of red colors in 332 mode */
+#define RED_COLORS    0x08
+/* Number of green colors in 332 mode */
+#define GREEN_COLORS  0x06
+/* Number of blue colors in 332 mode */
+#define BLUE_COLORS   0x04
+/* Color type is a 8-bit value */
+typedef uint8_t COLOR_T;
+ * @brief	Generate a palette table (only in 8-bit mode)
+ * @param	palette_table	: Pointer to palette table (256 entries)
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Depending on the target LCD color mapping (either 555 or 565), a
+ * palette table will be generated to convert colors stored in 233
+ * format to either 555 or 565 format through a lookup table.
+ * If compiled in 16-bit color mode, this will be a NULL function.
+ * Select the appropriate define in this function for 555 or 565
+ * color mode displays when using an 256 color frame buffer.
+ */
+void lpc_colors_set_palette(uint16_t *palette_table);
+ * @}
+ */
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#endif /*__cplusplus */
+#endif /* __LPC_COLOR_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_fonts.c	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * @brief SWIM common font information structure
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#include "lpc_helvr10.h"
+#include "lpc_x5x7.h"
+#include "lpc_x6x13.h"
+#include "lpc_winfreesystem14x16.h"
+#include "lpc_rom8x8.h"
+#include "lpc_rom8x16.h"
+#include "lpc_fonts.h"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_fonts.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * @brief SWIM common font information structure
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#ifndef __LPC_FONTS_H_
+#define __LPC_FONTS_H_
+#include "lpc_types.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C"
+/** @defgroup GUI_SWIM_FONTS SWIM font definitions
+ * @ingroup GUI_SWIM
+ * @{
+ */
+ * SWIM font data structure
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	int16_t font_height;
+	uint8_t  first_char;
+	uint8_t  last_char;
+	const uint16_t *font_table;
+	const uint8_t  *font_width_table;
+} FONT_T;
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ * @}
+ */
+#endif /* __LPC_FONTS_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_helvr10.c	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2904 @@
+ * @brief Helvetica 10-point proportional font
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+/* Generated by convbdf on Tue Oct  3 00:24:24 MDT 2000. */
+/* Font information:
+   name: -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--10-100-75-75-P-56-ISO8859-1
+   pixel size: 10
+   ascent: 10
+   descent: 2
+ */
+#include "lpc_types.h"
+#include "lpc_helvr10.h"
+/* Font character bitmap data. */
+static const uint16_t helvr10_bits[] = {
+	/* Character (0x20):
+	   bbw=1, bbh=1, bbx=0, bby=0, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x21):
+	   bbw=1, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x22):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=2, bbx=1, bby=6, width=4
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x23):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 | *****          |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |*****           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2800,
+	0x2800,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x2800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x24):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x7000,
+	0xa800,
+	0xa000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2800,
+	0xa800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x25):
+	   bbw=8, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=9
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | **  *          |
+	 |*  * *          |
+	 | ** *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   * **         |
+	 |  * *  *        |
+	 |  *  **         |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6400,
+	0x9400,
+	0x6800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1600,
+	0x2900,
+	0x2600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x26):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=8
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |  **            |
+	 | * *  *         |
+	 | *  **          |
+	 | *  **          |
+	 |  **  *         |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2800,
+	0x2800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x5200,
+	0x4c00,
+	0x4c00,
+	0x3200,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x27):
+	   bbw=2, bbh=3, bbx=1, bby=5, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x28):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=10, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=4
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x29):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=10, bbx=1, bby=-2, width=4
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	/* Character (0x2a):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=3, bbx=0, bby=5, width=4
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x2b):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=5, bbx=0, bby=1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x2c):
+	   bbw=2, bbh=3, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	/* Character (0x2d):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=1, bbx=1, bby=3, width=7
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *****          |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x2e):
+	   bbw=1, bbh=1, bbx=1, bby=0, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x2f):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x30):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x31):
+	   bbw=2, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | **             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x32):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |  **            |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x33):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |  **            |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x34):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  **            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x35):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |****            |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x36):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*               |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |**  *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8000,
+	0xb000,
+	0xc800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x37):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x38):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x39):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 | ** *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x9800,
+	0x6800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3a):
+	   bbw=1, bbh=6, bbx=1, bby=0, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3b):
+	   bbw=2, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	/* Character (0x3c):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=5, bbx=1, bby=1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3d):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=3, bbx=0, bby=2, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3e):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=5, bbx=1, bby=1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3f):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  **            |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x4800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x40):
+	   bbw=10, bbh=10, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=11
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |   *****        |
+	 |  *     *       |
+	 | *  ** * *      |
+	 |*  *  *  *      |
+	 |* *   *  *      |
+	 |* *  *  *       |
+	 |* *  *  *       |
+	 |*  ** **        |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *****         |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x2080,
+	0x4d40,
+	0x9240,
+	0xa240,
+	0xa480,
+	0xa480,
+	0x9b00,
+	0x4000,
+	0x3e00,
+	/* Character (0x41):
+	   bbw=7, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=7
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *****          |
+	 |*     *         |
+	 |*     *         |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2800,
+	0x2800,
+	0x4400,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x8200,
+	0x8200,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x42):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=7
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | ****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x7800,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x43):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=8
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  ****          |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 |  ****          |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4200,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x44):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=8
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | ****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4400,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x45):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=7
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *****          |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *****          |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *****          |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x46):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *****          |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x47):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=8
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  ****          |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *   **         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *   **         |
+	 |  *** *         |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4600,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4600,
+	0x3a00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x48):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=8
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | ******         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x49):
+	   bbw=1, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4a):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4b):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=7
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | ***            |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x4800,
+	0x4800,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4c):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | ****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4d):
+	   bbw=7, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=9
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *     *        |
+	 | **   **        |
+	 | **   **        |
+	 | * * * *        |
+	 | * * * *        |
+	 | *  *  *        |
+	 | *  *  *        |
+	 | *  *  *        |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4100,
+	0x6300,
+	0x6300,
+	0x5500,
+	0x5500,
+	0x4900,
+	0x4900,
+	0x4900,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4e):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=8
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | **   *         |
+	 | **   *         |
+	 | * *  *         |
+	 | * *  *         |
+	 | *  * *         |
+	 | *  * *         |
+	 | *   **         |
+	 | *   **         |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6200,
+	0x6200,
+	0x5200,
+	0x5200,
+	0x4a00,
+	0x4a00,
+	0x4600,
+	0x4600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4f):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=8
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  ****          |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 |  ****          |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x50):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=7
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x7800,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x51):
+	   bbw=7, bbh=9, bbx=1, bby=-1, width=8
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  ****          |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *  * *         |
+	 | *   **         |
+	 |  *****         |
+	 |       *        |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4a00,
+	0x4600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0100,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x52):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=7
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x7800,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x53):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=7
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  ***           |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  ***           |
+	 |     *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 |  ***           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x54):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x55):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=8
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 | *    *         |
+	 |  ****          |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x4200,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x56):
+	   bbw=7, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=7
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*     *         |
+	 |*     *         |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8200,
+	0x8200,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x2800,
+	0x2800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x57):
+	   bbw=9, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=9
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *   *       |
+	 |*   *   *       |
+	 | *  *  *        |
+	 | *  *  *        |
+	 | * * * *        |
+	 |  *   *         |
+	 |  *   *         |
+	 |  *   *         |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8880,
+	0x8880,
+	0x4900,
+	0x4900,
+	0x5500,
+	0x2200,
+	0x2200,
+	0x2200,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x58):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=7
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x2800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2800,
+	0x2800,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x59):
+	   bbw=7, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=7
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*     *         |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 | *   *          |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8200,
+	0x4400,
+	0x4400,
+	0x2800,
+	0x2800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5a):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=7
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *****          |
+	 |     *          |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *****          |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0400,
+	0x0800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5b):
+	   bbw=2, bbh=10, bbx=1, bby=-2, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | **             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x6000,
+	/* Character (0x5c):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5d):
+	   bbw=2, bbh=10, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |**              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |**              |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xc000,
+	/* Character (0x5e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=5, bbx=0, bby=3, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5f):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=1, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |******          |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfc00,
+	/* Character (0x60):
+	   bbw=2, bbh=3, bbx=0, bby=5, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x61):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |***             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | ** *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x62):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |**  *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |**  *           |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xb000,
+	0xc800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0xc800,
+	0xb000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x63):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x64):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 | ** *           |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 | ** *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x6800,
+	0x9800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x9800,
+	0x6800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x65):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |****            |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x66):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=4
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  **            |
+	 | *              |
+	 |***             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x67):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ** *           |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 | ** *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6800,
+	0x9800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x9800,
+	0x6800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x7000,
+	/* Character (0x68):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |**  *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xb000,
+	0xc800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x69):
+	   bbw=1, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=2
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6a):
+	   bbw=1, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=2
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6b):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |**              |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6c):
+	   bbw=1, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=2
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6d):
+	   bbw=7, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=8
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*** **          |
+	 |*  *  *         |
+	 |*  *  *         |
+	 |*  *  *         |
+	 |*  *  *         |
+	 |*  *  *         |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xec00,
+	0x9200,
+	0x9200,
+	0x9200,
+	0x9200,
+	0x9200,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |**  *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xb000,
+	0xc800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6f):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x70):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |**  *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |**  *           |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xb000,
+	0xc800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0xc800,
+	0xb000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	/* Character (0x71):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ** *           |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 | ** *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6800,
+	0x9800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x9800,
+	0x6800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0800,
+	/* Character (0x72):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=4
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |**              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x73):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x74):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=4
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |***             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x75):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x76):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x77):
+	   bbw=7, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=8
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*  *  *         |
+	 |*  *  *         |
+	 | * * *          |
+	 | * * *          |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x9200,
+	0x9200,
+	0x5400,
+	0x5400,
+	0x2800,
+	0x2800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x78):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x79):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | **             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	/* Character (0x7a):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |****            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x7b):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=10, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x7c):
+	   bbw=1, bbh=10, bbx=1, bby=-2, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	/* Character (0x7d):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=10, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=3
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	/* Character (0x7e):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=2, bbx=0, bby=3, width=7
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | **  *          |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6400,
+	0x9800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+/* Character width data. */
+static const uint8_t helvR10_width[] = {
+	3,	/* (0x20) */
+	3,	/* (0x21) */
+	4,	/* (0x22) */
+	6,	/* (0x23) */
+	6,	/* (0x24) */
+	9,	/* (0x25) */
+	8,	/* (0x26) */
+	3,	/* (0x27) */
+	4,	/* (0x28) */
+	4,	/* (0x29) */
+	4,	/* (0x2a) */
+	6,	/* (0x2b) */
+	3,	/* (0x2c) */
+	7,	/* (0x2d) */
+	3,	/* (0x2e) */
+	3,	/* (0x2f) */
+	6,	/* (0x30) */
+	6,	/* (0x31) */
+	6,	/* (0x32) */
+	6,	/* (0x33) */
+	6,	/* (0x34) */
+	6,	/* (0x35) */
+	6,	/* (0x36) */
+	6,	/* (0x37) */
+	6,	/* (0x38) */
+	6,	/* (0x39) */
+	3,	/* (0x3a) */
+	3,	/* (0x3b) */
+	6,	/* (0x3c) */
+	5,	/* (0x3d) */
+	6,	/* (0x3e) */
+	6,	/* (0x3f) */
+	11,	/* (0x40) */
+	7,	/* (0x41) */
+	7,	/* (0x42) */
+	8,	/* (0x43) */
+	8,	/* (0x44) */
+	7,	/* (0x45) */
+	6,	/* (0x46) */
+	8,	/* (0x47) */
+	8,	/* (0x48) */
+	3,	/* (0x49) */
+	5,	/* (0x4a) */
+	7,	/* (0x4b) */
+	6,	/* (0x4c) */
+	9,	/* (0x4d) */
+	8,	/* (0x4e) */
+	8,	/* (0x4f) */
+	7,	/* (0x50) */
+	8,	/* (0x51) */
+	7,	/* (0x52) */
+	7,	/* (0x53) */
+	5,	/* (0x54) */
+	8,	/* (0x55) */
+	7,	/* (0x56) */
+	9,	/* (0x57) */
+	7,	/* (0x58) */
+	7,	/* (0x59) */
+	7,	/* (0x5a) */
+	3,	/* (0x5b) */
+	3,	/* (0x5c) */
+	3,	/* (0x5d) */
+	6,	/* (0x5e) */
+	6,	/* (0x5f) */
+	3,	/* (0x60) */
+	5,	/* (0x61) */
+	6,	/* (0x62) */
+	5,	/* (0x63) */
+	6,	/* (0x64) */
+	5,	/* (0x65) */
+	4,	/* (0x66) */
+	6,	/* (0x67) */
+	6,	/* (0x68) */
+	2,	/* (0x69) */
+	2,	/* (0x6a) */
+	5,	/* (0x6b) */
+	2,	/* (0x6c) */
+	8,	/* (0x6d) */
+	6,	/* (0x6e) */
+	6,	/* (0x6f) */
+	6,	/* (0x70) */
+	6,	/* (0x71) */
+	4,	/* (0x72) */
+	5,	/* (0x73) */
+	4,	/* (0x74) */
+	5,	/* (0x75) */
+	6,	/* (0x76) */
+	8,	/* (0x77) */
+	6,	/* (0x78) */
+	5,	/* (0x79) */
+	5,	/* (0x7a) */
+	3,	/* (0x7b) */
+	3,	/* (0x7c) */
+	3,	/* (0x7d) */
+	7,	/* (0x7e) */
+/* Helvetica 10-point proportional font data */
+const FONT_T font_helvr10 = {12, 0x20, 0x7E, helvr10_bits, helvR10_width};
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_helvr10.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * @brief Helvetica 10-point proportional font
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#ifndef __LPC_HEVR10_H_
+#define __LPC_HEVR10_H_
+#include "lpc_fonts.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C"
+/** @ingroup GUI_SWIM_FONTS
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Helvetica 10-point proportional font data
+ */
+extern const FONT_T font_helvr10;
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ * @}
+ */
+#endif /* __LPC_HEVR10_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_rom8x16.c	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,9555 @@
+ * @brief 8x16 proportional font
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+/* Generated by convrom.exe*/
+/* ROM 8x16 Font bios mode 12 */
+#include "lpc_types.h"
+#include "lpc_rom8x16.h"
+static const uint16_t rom8x16_bits[] = {
+	/* Character   (0x00):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x01):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |*      *|
+	 |* *  * *|
+	 |*      *|
+	 |*      *|
+	 |* **** *|
+	 |*  **  *|
+	 |*      *|
+	 |*      *|
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x8100,
+	0xa500,
+	0x8100,
+	0x8100,
+	0xbd00,
+	0x9900,
+	0x8100,
+	0x8100,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x02):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 |* *** * |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xd600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xba00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x03):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |*** *** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xee00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x04):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |******* |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x05):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   *    |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |*** *** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xee00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x1000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x06):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x1000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x07):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x08):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |***  ***|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |***  ***|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xe700,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0xe700,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	/* Character     (0x09):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character
+	   (0x0a):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |***  ***|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |*  **  *|
+	 |*  **  *|
+	 |*  **  *|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |***  ***|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xe700,
+	0xc300,
+	0x9900,
+	0x9900,
+	0x9900,
+	0xc300,
+	0xe700,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	/* Character
+	   (0x0b):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |    *** |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0e00,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x7800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character  (0x0c):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character  (0x0d):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |   ** * |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x1a00,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x0e):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |    *** |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x7600,
+	0xf600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0e00,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x0f):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |** ** **|
+	 | ****** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |** ** **|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0xdb00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x10):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |*       |
+	 |***     |
+	 |****    |
+	 |******  |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******  |
+	 |****    |
+	 |***     |
+	 |*       |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xe000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfc00,
+	0xf000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x11):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |      * |
+	 |    *** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |******* |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |    *** |
+	 |      * |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0200,
+	0x0e00,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0e00,
+	0x0200,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x12):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x13):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x14):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *******|
+	 |** ** **|
+	 |** ** **|
+	 |** ** **|
+	 |** ** **|
+	 | **** **|
+	 |   ** **|
+	 |   ** **|
+	 |   ** **|
+	 |   ** **|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7f00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0x7b00,
+	0x1b00,
+	0x1b00,
+	0x1b00,
+	0x1b00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x15):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |** **** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xf600,
+	0xde00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x16):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x17):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x18):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x19):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character -> (0x1a):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    *** |
+	 |********|
+	 |    *** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0e00,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0e00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x1b):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |******* |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x7000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x7000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x1c):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x1d):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |********|
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2400,
+	0x6600,
+	0xff00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x2400,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x1e):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x1f):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x20):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ! (0x21):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character " (0x22):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |   * *  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x1400,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character # (0x23):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |******* |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |******* |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character $ (0x24):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**      |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character % (0x25):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **   * |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6200,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character & (0x26):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x7600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ' (0x27):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ( (0x28):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ) (0x29):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character * (0x2a):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |******* |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character + (0x2b):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character , (0x2c):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character - (0x2d):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character . (0x2e):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character / (0x2f):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |      * |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |**      |
+	 |*       |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0200,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 0 (0x30):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xce00,
+	0xde00,
+	0xf600,
+	0xe600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 1 (0x31):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 2 (0x32):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 3 (0x33):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 4 (0x34):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |******* |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 5 (0x35):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |******  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 6 (0x36):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |******  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 7 (0x37):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 8 (0x38):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 9 (0x39):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character : (0x3a):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ; (0x3b):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character < (0x3c):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |**      |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character = (0x3d):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character > (0x3e):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ? (0x3f):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character @ (0x40):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 |**      |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xde00,
+	0xde00,
+	0xde00,
+	0xdc00,
+	0xc000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character A (0x41):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character B (0x42):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |******  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character C (0x43):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |**    * |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**    * |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0xc200,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc200,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character D (0x44):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |*****   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character E (0x45):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **  *  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  *  |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6400,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6400,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character F (0x46):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **  *  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  *  |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |****    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6400,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6400,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character G (0x47):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xce00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character H (0x48):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character I (0x49):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character J (0x4a):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character K (0x4b):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xd800,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xd800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character L (0x4c):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |****    |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **   * |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6200,
+	0x6600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character M (0x4d):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |*** *** |
+	 |*** *** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xee00,
+	0xee00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xd600,
+	0xd600,
+	0xd600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character N (0x4e):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xe600,
+	0xe600,
+	0xf600,
+	0xde00,
+	0xce00,
+	0xce00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character O (0x4f):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character P (0x50):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |****    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character Q (0x51):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xd600,
+	0xd600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character R (0x52):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | ****   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x7800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0xe600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character S (0x53):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character T (0x54):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | * ** * |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x5a00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character U (0x55):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character V (0x56):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character W (0x57):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |*** *** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xd600,
+	0xd600,
+	0xd600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xee00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character X (0x58):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character Y (0x59):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character Z (0x5a):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |*    ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |**    * |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x8600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc200,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character [ (0x5b):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character \ (0x5c):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |*       |
+	 |**      |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |      * |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0200,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ] (0x5d):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ^ (0x5e):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character _ (0x5f):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ` (0x60):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character a (0x61):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character b (0x62):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |***     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |******  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character c (0x63):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character d (0x64):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character e (0x65):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character f (0x66):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |******  |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character g (0x67):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7600,
+	0xce00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xce00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character h (0x68):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |***     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0xe600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character i (0x69):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character j (0x6a):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character k (0x6b):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |***     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ****   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x7800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0xe600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character l (0x6c):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character m (0x6d):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |******* |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xd600,
+	0xd600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character n (0x6e):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character o (0x6f):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character p (0x70):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |****    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character q (0x71):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7600,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character r (0x72):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |****    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character s (0x73):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**      |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character t (0x74):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |******  |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3600,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character u (0x75):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character v (0x76):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character w (0x77):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xd600,
+	0xd600,
+	0xd600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character x (0x78):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character y (0x79):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xce00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character z (0x7a):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |*    ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **   * |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x8600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6200,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character { (0x7b):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |    *** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    *** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character | (0x7c):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character } (0x7d):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    *** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ~ (0x7e):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7600,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x7f):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x80):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x81):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xce00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x82):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x83):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x7800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x84):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x85):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x86):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x87):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x88):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x7800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x89):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8a):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8b):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8c):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8d):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8e):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8f):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x90):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x91):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |** ** **|
+	 |   ** **|
+	 | *******|
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** *****|
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0xdb00,
+	0x1b00,
+	0x7f00,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xdf00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x92):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |******* |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xde00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x93):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x7800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x94):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x95):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x96):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x7800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xce00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x97):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xce00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x98):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xce00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x99):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9a):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9b):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9c):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |****    |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6600,
+	0xf600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9d):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9e):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |******  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******  |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfc00,
+	0xc000,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xde00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9f):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |    *** |
+	 |   ** **|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0e00,
+	0x1b00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xd800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa0):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa1):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa2):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa3):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |        |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa4):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 |* ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7600,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xbc00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0xe600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa5):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x7600,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xe600,
+	0xf600,
+	0xde00,
+	0xce00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa6):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa7):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa8):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa9):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xaa):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xab):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **   * |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6200,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xac):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **   * |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | ** *** |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6200,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6e00,
+	0xde00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xad):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xae):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |** **   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xd800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xaf):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |** **   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xd800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xd800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xb0):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   *   *|
+	 | *   *  |
+	 |   *   *|
+	 | *   *  |
+	 |   *   *|
+	 | *   *  |
+	 |   *   *|
+	 | *   *  |
+	 |   *   *|
+	 | *   *  |
+	 |   *   *|
+	 | *   *  |
+	 |   *   *|
+	 | *   *  |
+	 |   *   *|
+	 | *   *  |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1100,
+	0x4400,
+	0x1100,
+	0x4400,
+	0x1100,
+	0x4400,
+	0x1100,
+	0x4400,
+	0x1100,
+	0x4400,
+	0x1100,
+	0x4400,
+	0x1100,
+	0x4400,
+	0x1100,
+	0x4400,
+	/* Character � (0xb1):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |* * * * |
+	 | * * * *|
+	 |* * * * |
+	 | * * * *|
+	 |* * * * |
+	 | * * * *|
+	 |* * * * |
+	 | * * * *|
+	 |* * * * |
+	 | * * * *|
+	 |* * * * |
+	 | * * * *|
+	 |* * * * |
+	 | * * * *|
+	 |* * * * |
+	 | * * * *|
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xaa00,
+	0x5500,
+	0xaa00,
+	0x5500,
+	0xaa00,
+	0x5500,
+	0xaa00,
+	0x5500,
+	0xaa00,
+	0x5500,
+	0xaa00,
+	0x5500,
+	0xaa00,
+	0x5500,
+	0xaa00,
+	0x5500,
+	/* Character � (0xb2):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |** *** *|
+	 | *** ***|
+	 |** *** *|
+	 | *** ***|
+	 |** *** *|
+	 | *** ***|
+	 |** *** *|
+	 | *** ***|
+	 |** *** *|
+	 | *** ***|
+	 |** *** *|
+	 | *** ***|
+	 |** *** *|
+	 | *** ***|
+	 |** *** *|
+	 | *** ***|
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xdd00,
+	0x7700,
+	0xdd00,
+	0x7700,
+	0xdd00,
+	0x7700,
+	0xdd00,
+	0x7700,
+	0xdd00,
+	0x7700,
+	0xdd00,
+	0x7700,
+	0xdd00,
+	0x7700,
+	0xdd00,
+	0x7700,
+	/* Character � (0xb3):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xb4):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xb5):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xb6):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xf600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xb7):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xb8):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xb9):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xf600,
+	0x0600,
+	0xf600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xba):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xbb):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0600,
+	0xf600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xbc):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xf600,
+	0x0600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xbd):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xbe):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xbf):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xc0):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc1):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc2):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xc3):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xc4):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc5):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |********|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xff00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xc6):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xc7):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ***|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3700,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xc8):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ***|
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  ******|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3700,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc9):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ******|
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  ** ***|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3f00,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3700,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xca):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |**** ***|
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xf700,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xcb):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |**** ***|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf700,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xcc):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ***|
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  ** ***|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3700,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3700,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xcd):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xce):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |**** ***|
+	 |        |
+	 |**** ***|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xf700,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf700,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xcf):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd0):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd1):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xd2):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xd3):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ******|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd4):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd5):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xd6):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ******|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3f00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xd7):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |********|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xff00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xd8):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |********|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |********|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xff00,
+	0x1800,
+	0xff00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xd9):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xda):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xdb):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	/* Character � (0xdc):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	/* Character � (0xdd):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	/* Character � (0xde):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	/* Character � (0xdf):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe0):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7600,
+	0xdc00,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe1):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |******  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xd800,
+	0xfc00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe2):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **   * |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6200,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe3):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe4):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | **   * |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **   * |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6200,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6200,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe5):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** **   |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xd800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xd800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe6):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **     |
+	 |**      |
+	 |*       |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe7):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7600,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe8):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x3800,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe9):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xea):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |*** *** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xee00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xeb):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xec):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |** ** **|
+	 |** ** **|
+	 |** ** **|
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xed):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |      * |
+	 |     ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **     |
+	 |**      |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0200,
+	0x0600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xce00,
+	0xde00,
+	0xf600,
+	0xf600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xee):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xef):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf0):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf1):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf2):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf3):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf4):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |   ** * |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x1a00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xf5):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | * **   |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x5800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf6):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf7):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7600,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7600,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf8):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf9):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xfa):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xfb):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xfc):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |** **   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xd800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xfd):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0xd800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xfe):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xff):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+/* Character width data. */
+static const uint8_t rom8x16_width[] = {
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+/* 8x16 proportional font data */
+const FONT_T font_rom8x16 = {16, 0x00, 0xFF,
+							 rom8x16_bits, rom8x16_width};
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_rom8x16.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * @brief 8x16 proportional font
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#ifndef __LPC_ROM8X16_H_
+#define __LPC_ROM8X16_H_
+#include "lpc_fonts.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C"
+/** @ingroup GUI_SWIM_FONTS
+ * @{
+ */
+ * 8x16 proportional font data
+ */
+extern const FONT_T font_rom8x16;
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ * @}
+ */
+#endif /* __LPC_ROM8X16_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_rom8x8.c	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5459 @@
+ * @brief 8x8 proportional font
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+/* Generated by convrom.exe*/
+/* ROM 8x8 Font bios mode 10 */
+#include "lpc_types.h"
+#include "lpc_rom8x8.h"
+static const uint16_t rom8x8_bits[] = {
+	/* Character   (0x00):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x01):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | ****** |
+	 |*      *|
+	 |* *  * *|
+	 |*      *|
+	 |* **** *|
+	 |*  **  *|
+	 |*      *|
+	 | ****** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7e00,
+	0x8100,
+	0xa500,
+	0x8100,
+	0xbd00,
+	0x9900,
+	0x8100,
+	0x7e00,
+	/* Character   (0x02):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |******* |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |* *** * |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xd600,
+	0xba00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x03):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |*** *** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc600,
+	0xee00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x04):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   *    |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |******* |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x05):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   *    |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |*** *** |
+	 |*** *** |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1000,
+	0xee00,
+	0xee00,
+	0x1000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x06):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3800,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x1000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x07):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x08):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |********|
+	 |***  ***|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |*      *|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |***  ***|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xff00,
+	0xe700,
+	0xc300,
+	0x8100,
+	0xc300,
+	0xe700,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	/* Character     (0x09):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character
+	   (0x0a):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |********|
+	 |***  ***|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |*  **  *|
+	 |*  **  *|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |***  ***|
+	 |********|
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xff00,
+	0xe700,
+	0xc300,
+	0x9900,
+	0x9900,
+	0xc300,
+	0xe700,
+	0xff00,
+	/* Character
+	   (0x0b):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **** |
+	 |    *** |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0e00,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x7800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7800,
+	/* Character  (0x0c):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | ****** |
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7e00,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character  (0x0d):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **** |
+	 |   ** * |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |****    |
+	 | **     |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1e00,
+	0x1a00,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x6000,
+	/* Character   (0x0e):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3e00,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xf600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0c00,
+	/* Character   (0x0f):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |** ** **|
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |***  ***|
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |** ** **|
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xdb00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0xe700,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x10):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |*       |
+	 |**      |
+	 |****    |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |****    |
+	 |**      |
+	 |*       |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x8000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf800,
+	0xf000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x11):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |      * |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |      * |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0200,
+	0x0600,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0200,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x12):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x13):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x14):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *******|
+	 |** ** **|
+	 | **** **|
+	 |  *** **|
+	 |   ** **|
+	 |   ** **|
+	 |   ** **|
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7f00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0x7b00,
+	0x3b00,
+	0x1b00,
+	0x1b00,
+	0x1b00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x15):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7800,
+	/* Character   (0x16):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x17):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	/* Character   (0x18):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x19):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character -> (0x1a):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |******* |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x1b):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |******* |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x7000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x7000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x1c):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x1d):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |********|
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x2400,
+	0x6600,
+	0xff00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x2400,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x1e):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x1f):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x20):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ! (0x21):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character " (0x22):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character # (0x23):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |******* |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |******* |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character $ (0x24):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |**      |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |******  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xc000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character % (0x25):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character & (0x26):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x7600,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ' (0x27):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ( (0x28):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ) (0x29):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character * (0x2a):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |*** *** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |******* |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |*** *** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xee00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xee00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character + (0x2b):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character , (0x2c):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character - (0x2d):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character . (0x2e):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character / (0x2f):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |     ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |**      |
+	 |*       |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 0 (0x30):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xce00,
+	0xde00,
+	0xf600,
+	0xe600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 1 (0x31):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 2 (0x32):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 3 (0x33):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 4 (0x34):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |******* |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 5 (0x35):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |******* |
+	 |**      |
+	 |******  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 6 (0x36):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**      |
+	 |******  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 7 (0x37):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |******* |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 8 (0x38):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 9 (0x39):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character : (0x3a):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ; (0x3b):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	/* Character < (0x3c):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character = (0x3d):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character > (0x3e):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ? (0x3f):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character @ (0x40):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 |**      |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xde00,
+	0xdc00,
+	0xc000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character A (0x41):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character B (0x42):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |******  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |******  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xfc00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character C (0x43):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character D (0x44):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |*****   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xf800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character E (0x45):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |******* |
+	 |**    * |
+	 |**      |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**    * |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc200,
+	0xc000,
+	0xf800,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc200,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character F (0x46):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |******* |
+	 | **   * |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |****    |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6200,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character G (0x47):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**      |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xde00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character H (0x48):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character I (0x49):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character J (0x4a):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character K (0x4b):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |****    |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc600,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xd800,
+	0xf000,
+	0xd800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character L (0x4c):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |****    |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **   * |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xf000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6200,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character M (0x4d):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |*** *** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc600,
+	0xee00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xd600,
+	0xd600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character N (0x4e):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc600,
+	0xe600,
+	0xe600,
+	0xf600,
+	0xde00,
+	0xce00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character O (0x4f):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character P (0x50):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |******  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |****    |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xfc00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character Q (0x51):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xd600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0600,
+	/* Character R (0x52):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |******  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******  |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xfc00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfc00,
+	0xd800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character S (0x53):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**      |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character T (0x54):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | ****** |
+	 | * ** * |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7e00,
+	0x5a00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character U (0x55):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character V (0x56):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character W (0x57):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |*** *** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xd600,
+	0xd600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xee00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character X (0x58):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character Y (0x59):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character Z (0x5a):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |******* |
+	 |*    ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **   * |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xfe00,
+	0x8600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6200,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character [ (0x5b):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character \ (0x5c):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**      |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |      * |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0200,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ] (0x5d):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ^ (0x5e):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   *    |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character _ (0x5f):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	/* Character ` (0x60):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character a (0x61):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character b (0x62):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |***     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |******  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xe000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character c (0x63):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**      |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character d (0x64):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character e (0x65):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**      |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character f (0x66):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |******  |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1c00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character g (0x67):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7600,
+	0xce00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x7c00,
+	/* Character h (0x68):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |***     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xe000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0xe600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character i (0x69):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character j (0x6a):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7800,
+	/* Character k (0x6b):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |***     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ****   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xe000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x7800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xe600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character l (0x6c):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character m (0x6d):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |******* |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xd600,
+	0xd600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character n (0x6e):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character o (0x6f):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character p (0x70):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **     |
+	 |****    |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0xf000,
+	/* Character q (0x71):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7600,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1e00,
+	/* Character r (0x72):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |****    |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character s (0x73):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**      |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character t (0x74):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |******  |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3600,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character u (0x75):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character v (0x76):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character w (0x77):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |** * ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xd600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character x (0x78):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character y (0x79):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xce00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x7c00,
+	/* Character z (0x7a):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******  |
+	 |*  **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **  *  |
+	 |******  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x9800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6400,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character { (0x7b):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |    *** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    *** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0e00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character | (0x7c):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character } (0x7d):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | ***    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    *** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ~ (0x7e):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7600,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x7f):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |   *    |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x80):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |**      |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0xc000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7800,
+	/* Character � (0x81):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xce00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x82):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |    *** |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**      |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x83):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x84):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x85):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |***     |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x86):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x87):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**      |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	/* Character � (0x88):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**      |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x89):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**      |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8a):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |***     |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**      |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8b):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8c):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8d):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |***     |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8e):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc600,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8f):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x90):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |    *** |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**      |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |**      |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc000,
+	0xf800,
+	0xc000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x91):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |*  ** * |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |** **   |
+	 | ** *** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x9a00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xd800,
+	0x6e00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x92):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | ****** |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |******* |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7e00,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xde00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x93):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x94):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x95):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |***     |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x96):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xce00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x97):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |***     |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xce00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x98):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xce00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x7c00,
+	/* Character � (0x99):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc600,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9a):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9b):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9c):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | **     |
+	 |****    |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x6600,
+	0xf600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9d):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**    **|
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc300,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9e):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |******  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xfc00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xde00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xce00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9f):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |** **   |
+	 | ***    |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xd800,
+	0x7000,
+	/* Character � (0xa0):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |    *** |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa1):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa2):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |    *** |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa3):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |    *** |
+	 |        |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa4):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |******  |
+	 |        |
+	 |* ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xbc00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0xe600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa5):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |**  *** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xe600,
+	0xf600,
+	0xce00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa6):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa7):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa8):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa9):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xaa):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xab):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**      |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc000,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xd800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x3e00,
+	/* Character � (0xac):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |**      |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xc000,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xd800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0c00,
+	/* Character � (0xad):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xae):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |** **   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xd800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xaf):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |** **   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xd800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xd800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xb0):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  *   * |
+	 |*   *   |
+	 |  *   * |
+	 |*   *   |
+	 |  *   * |
+	 |*   *   |
+	 |  *   * |
+	 |*   *   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x2200,
+	0x8800,
+	0x2200,
+	0x8800,
+	0x2200,
+	0x8800,
+	0x2200,
+	0x8800,
+	/* Character � (0xb1):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | * * * *|
+	 |* * * * |
+	 | * * * *|
+	 |* * * * |
+	 | * * * *|
+	 |* * * * |
+	 | * * * *|
+	 |* * * * |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x5500,
+	0xaa00,
+	0x5500,
+	0xaa00,
+	0x5500,
+	0xaa00,
+	0x5500,
+	0xaa00,
+	/* Character � (0xb2):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |** *** *|
+	 | *** ***|
+	 |** *** *|
+	 | *** ***|
+	 |** *** *|
+	 | *** ***|
+	 |** *** *|
+	 | *** ***|
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xdd00,
+	0x7700,
+	0xdd00,
+	0x7700,
+	0xdd00,
+	0x7700,
+	0xdd00,
+	0x7700,
+	/* Character � (0xb3):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xb4):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xb5):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xb6):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xf600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xb7):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xb8):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xb9):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xf600,
+	0x0600,
+	0xf600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xba):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xbb):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0600,
+	0xf600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xbc):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xf600,
+	0x0600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xbd):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xbe):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xbf):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xc0):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc1):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc2):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xc3):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xc4):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc5):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |********|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xff00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xc6):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xc7):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ***|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3700,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xc8):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ***|
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  ******|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3700,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc9):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ******|
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  ** ***|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3f00,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3700,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xca):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |**** ***|
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xf700,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xcb):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |**** ***|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf700,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xcc):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ***|
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  ** ***|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3700,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3700,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xcd):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xce):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |**** ***|
+	 |        |
+	 |**** ***|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xf700,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf700,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xcf):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd0):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd1):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xd2):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xd3):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ******|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd4):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd5):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xd6):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ******|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3f00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xd7):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |********|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0xff00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	/* Character � (0xd8):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |********|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |********|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xff00,
+	0x1800,
+	0xff00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xd9):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xda):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xdb):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	/* Character � (0xdc):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	/* Character � (0xdd):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 |****    |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	/* Character � (0xde):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 |    ****|
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	0x0f00,
+	/* Character � (0xdf):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe0):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0xdc00,
+	0xd800,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe1):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xf800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe2):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 | **   * |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |***     |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6200,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe3):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe4):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |******* |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe5):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 |** **   |
+	 | ***    |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xd800,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xd800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe6):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**      |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe7):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x7600,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe8):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |******* |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xfe00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe9):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |******* |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xea):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |*** *** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xee00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xeb):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ***** |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**  **  |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3e00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xec):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |** ** **|
+	 |** ** **|
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xed):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |     ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |** **** |
+	 |**** ** |
+	 |***  ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**      |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xde00,
+	0xf600,
+	0xe600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xee):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | **     |
+	 |**      |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |**      |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3800,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xf800,
+	0xc000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xef):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf0):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |******* |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf1):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf2):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf3):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf4):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character � (0xf5):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf6):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf7):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |** ***  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x7600,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7600,
+	0xdc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf8):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | *****  |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 |**   ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7c00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf9):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xfa):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xfb):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   *****|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1f00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xfc):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |** **   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0xd800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xfd):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | ***    |
+	 |** **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |*****   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7000,
+	0xd800,
+	0x3000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xfe):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xff):
+	   ht=8, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+/* Character width data. */
+static const uint8_t rom8x8_width[] = {
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
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+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+	8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+/* 8x8 proportional font data */
+const FONT_T font_rom8x8 = {8, 0x00, 0xFF,
+							rom8x8_bits, rom8x8_width};
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_rom8x8.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * @brief 8x8 proportional font
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#ifndef __LPC_ROM8X8_H_
+#define __LPC_ROM8X8_H_
+#include "lpc_fonts.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C"
+/** @ingroup GUI_SWIM_FONTS
+ * @{
+ */
+ * 8x8 proportional font data
+ */
+extern const FONT_T font_rom8x8;
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ * @}
+ */
+#endif /* __LPC_ROM8X8_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_swim.c	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+ * @brief Simple Windowing Interface Manager (SWIM)
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#include "lpc_swim.h"
+#include "lpc_fonts.h"
+#include "lpc_helvr10.h"
+ * Private types/enumerations/variables
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static const FONT_T* defaultFont = (FONT_T*)&font_helvr10;
+ * Public types/enumerations/variables
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Private functions
+ ****************************************************************************/
+/* Absolute value function */
+static int32_t swim_abs(int32_t v1)
+	if (v1 > 0) {
+		return v1;
+	}
+	return -v1;
+/* Draw a line on the physical display */
+static void swim_put_line_raw(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+							  int32_t x1,
+							  int32_t y1,
+							  int32_t x2,
+							  int32_t y2)
+	int32_t e2, sx, sy, dx, dy, err;
+	/* calculate delta_x and delta_y */
+	dx = swim_abs(x2 - x1);
+	dy = swim_abs(y2 - y1);
+	/* set the direction for the step for both x and y, and
+	   initialize the error */
+	if (x1 < x2) {
+		sx = 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		sx = -1;
+	}
+	if (y1 < y2) {
+		sy = 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		sy = -1;
+	}
+	err = dx - dy;
+	while (1) {
+		if ((x1 >= 0) && (x1 <= win->xpsize) &&
+			(y1 >= 0) && (y1 <= win->ypsize)) {
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x1, y1, win->pen);
+		}
+		if ((x1 == x2) && (y1 == y2)) {
+			return;
+		}
+		e2 = 2 * err;
+		if (e2 > -dy) {
+			err -= dy;
+			x1 += sx;
+		}
+		if (e2 < dx) {
+			err += dx;
+			y1 += sy;
+		}
+	}
+/* Initializes a window and the default values for the window */
+static BOOL_32 swim_window_open_p(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+								  int32_t xsize,
+								  int32_t ysize,
+								  COLOR_T *fbaddr,
+								  int32_t xwin_min,
+								  int32_t ywin_min,
+								  int32_t xwin_max,
+								  int32_t ywin_max,
+								  int32_t border_width,
+								  COLOR_T pcolor,
+								  COLOR_T bkcolor,
+								  COLOR_T fcolor,
+								  BOOL_32 clear)
+	int32_t i;
+	BOOL_32 init = false;
+	/* Before continuing, check to see that the window size is
+	   in the physical dimensions of the display */
+	if ((xwin_min >= 0) && (ywin_min >= 0) &&
+		(xwin_max < xsize) && (ywin_max < ysize)) {
+		init = true;
+	}
+	else {
+		/* Window size is out of the physical display size, so it
+		   should be invalidated */
+		win->winused = 0x0;
+	}
+	if (init == true) {
+		/* Save physical display dimensions */
+		win->xpsize = xsize;
+		win->ypsize = ysize;
+		/* Save frame buffer address */
+		win->fb = fbaddr;
+		/* Save physical window dimensions and default colors */
+		win->xpmin = xwin_min;
+		win->ypmin = ywin_min;
+		win->xpmax = xwin_max;
+		win->ypmax = ywin_max;
+		win->pen = pcolor;
+		win->bkg = bkcolor;
+		win->fill = fcolor;
+		/* Compute physical window dimensions of draw area only */
+		win->xpvmin = xwin_min + border_width;
+		win->ypvmin = ywin_min + border_width;
+		win->xpvmax = xwin_max - border_width;
+		win->ypvmax = ywin_max - border_width;
+		/* Compute virtual window size of draw area */
+		win->xvsize = xwin_max - xwin_min - 2 * border_width;
+		win->yvsize = ywin_max - ywin_min - 2 * border_width;
+		/* Fill in any unused border padding between draw area and border
+		   will fill color */
+		for (i = 0; i < border_width; i++) {
+			swim_put_line_raw(win, (xwin_min + i),
+							  (ywin_min + i), (xwin_max - i), (ywin_min + i));
+			swim_put_line_raw(win, (xwin_max - i),
+							  (ywin_min + i), (xwin_max - i), (ywin_max - i));
+			swim_put_line_raw(win, (xwin_max - i),
+							  (ywin_max - i), (xwin_min + i), (ywin_max - i));
+			swim_put_line_raw(win, (xwin_min + i),
+							  (ywin_max - i), (xwin_min + i), (ywin_min + i));
+		}
+		/* Clear draw area with background color */
+		if (clear == true) {
+			swim_clear_screen(win, bkcolor);
+		}
+		/* Use the default font and make background transparent */
+		win->font = (FONT_T*)defaultFont;
+		/* Set starting text position in upper left of window */
+		win->xvpos = win->xpvmin;
+		win->yvpos = win->ypvmin;
+	}
+	return init;
+/* Circle support function */
+static void swim_plot4points(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win, int32_t cx, int32_t cy, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t Filled)
+	int16_t x0, x1, y0, y1;
+	y0 = cy + y;
+	y1 = cy - y;
+	if ( Filled ) {
+		for ( x0 = cx - x; x0 <= cx + x; x0++ ) {
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x0, y0, win->pen);
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x0, y1, win->pen);
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		x0 = cx + x;
+		x1 = cx - x;
+		swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x0, y0, win->pen);
+		if (x != 0) {
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x1, y0, win->pen);
+		}
+		if (y != 0) {
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x0, y1, win->pen);
+		}
+		if (( x != 0) && ( y != 0) ) {
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x1, y1, win->pen);
+		}
+	}
+/* Circle support function */
+static void swim_plot8points(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win, int32_t cx, int32_t cy, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t Filled)
+	swim_plot4points(win, cx, cy, x, y, Filled);
+	if (x != y) {
+		swim_plot4points(win, cx, cy, y, x, Filled);
+	}
+ * Public functions
+ **********************************************************************/
+/* Puts a pixel at the virtual X, Y coordinate in the window */
+void swim_put_pixel(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					int32_t x1,
+					int32_t y1)
+	int16_t realx, realy;
+	/* Convert virtual coordinate to physical coordinate taking into
+	   consideration the border size of the window */
+	realx = win->xpvmin + x1;
+	realy = win->ypvmin + y1;
+	/* Only put the pixel in the window if it fits in the window */
+	if ((realx <= win->xpvmax) &&
+		(realy <= win->ypvmax)) {
+		swim_put_pixel_physical(win, realx, realy, win->pen);
+	}
+/* Draw a line in the virtual window with clipping */
+void swim_put_line(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				   int32_t x1,
+				   int32_t y1,
+				   int32_t x2,
+				   int32_t y2)
+	int32_t e2, sx, sy, dx, dy, err;
+	/* Convert virtual coordinates to physical coordinates */
+	x1 = x1 + win->xpvmin;
+	x2 = x2 + win->xpvmin;
+	y1 = y1 + win->ypvmin;
+	y2 = y2 + win->ypvmin;
+	/* calculate delta_x and delta_y */
+	dx = swim_abs(x2 - x1);
+	dy = swim_abs(y2 - y1);
+	/* set the direction for the step for both x and y, and
+	   initialize the error */
+	if (x1 < x2) {
+		sx = 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		sx = -1;
+	}
+	if (y1 < y2) {
+		sy = 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		sy = -1;
+	}
+	err = dx - dy;
+	while (1) {
+		if ((x1 >= win->xpvmin) && (x1 <= win->xpvmax) &&
+			(y1 >= win->ypvmin) && (y1 <= win->ypvmax)) {
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x1, y1, win->pen);
+		}
+		if ((x1 == x2) && (y1 == y2)) {
+			return;
+		}
+		e2 = 2 * err;
+		if (e2 > -dy) {
+			err -= dy;
+			x1 += sx;
+		}
+		if (e2 < dx) {
+			err += dx;
+			y1 += sy;
+		}
+	}
+/* Draw a diamond in the virtual window */
+void swim_put_diamond(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					  int32_t x,
+					  int32_t y,
+					  int32_t rx,
+					  int32_t ry)
+	int32_t xleft, xright, xleft1, xleft2, xright1, idy, ypmid;
+	int32_t ypmin, ypmax, dlta, err, e2;
+	/* Use line draw functions to draw border in pen color in virtual
+	   coordinates */
+	swim_put_line(win, x - rx, y, x, y - ry);
+	swim_put_line(win, x + rx, y, x, y - ry);
+	swim_put_line(win, x - rx, y, x, y + ry);
+	swim_put_line(win, x + rx, y, x, y + ry);
+	/* Adjust rx and rx for interior fill region minus border */
+	rx--;
+	ry--;
+	if ((rx <= 0) || (ry <= 0)) {
+		return;
+	}
+	/* Y limits in physical coordinates minus border line */
+	ypmin = y - ry + win->ypvmin;
+	ypmid = y + win->ypvmin;
+	ypmax = y + ry + win->ypvmin;
+	/* X starts draw from center line */
+	xleft = xright = x + win->xpvmin;
+	err = rx - ry;
+	dlta = 1 + rx / ry;
+	for (idy = ypmin; idy <= ypmid; idy++) {
+		xleft1 = xleft2 = xleft;
+		xright1 = xright;
+		/* Clip left and right to virtual window size */
+		if (xleft1 < win->xpvmin) {
+			xleft2 = xleft1 = win->xpvmin;
+		}
+		if (xright1 > win->xpvmax) {
+			xright1 = win->xpvmax;
+		}
+		/* Is top half visible? */
+		if ((idy >= win->ypvmin) && (idy <= win->ypvmax)) {
+			while (xleft1 <= xright1) {
+				swim_put_pixel_physical(win, xleft1, idy, win->fill);
+				xleft1++;
+			}
+		}
+		/* Draw bottom half if visible */
+		if ((ypmax >= ypmid) && (ypmax <= win->ypvmax)) {
+			/* Mirror bottom */
+			while (xleft2 <= xright1) {
+				swim_put_pixel_physical(win, xleft2, ypmax, win->fill);
+				xleft2++;
+			}
+		}
+		ypmax--;
+		e2 = 2 * err;
+		if (e2 > -ry) {
+			err -= ry;
+			xleft -= dlta;
+			xright += dlta;
+		}
+		if (e2 < rx) {
+			err += rx;
+		}
+	}
+/* Draws a circle in the virtual window */
+void swim_put_circle(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win, int32_t cx, int32_t cy, int32_t radius, int32_t Filled)
+	int32_t Error = -radius;
+	int16_t x = radius;
+	int16_t y = 0;
+	/* Convert virtual coordinates to physical coordinates */
+	cx += win->xpvmin;
+	cy += win->ypvmin;
+	while ( x >= y ) {
+		swim_plot8points(win, cx, cy, x, y, Filled);
+		Error += y;
+		++y;
+		Error += y;
+		if ( Error >= 0 ) {
+			--x;
+			Error -= x;
+			Error -= x;
+		}
+	}
+/* Fills the draw area of the display with the selected color */
+void swim_clear_screen(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					   COLOR_T colr)
+	int32_t x, y;
+	for (y = win->ypvmin; y <= win->ypvmax; y++) {
+		for (x = win->xpvmin; x <= win->xpvmax; x++) {
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, colr);
+		}
+	}
+/* Place a box with corners (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) */
+void swim_put_box(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				  int32_t x1,
+				  int32_t y1,
+				  int32_t x2,
+				  int32_t y2)
+	int32_t xinc, yinc;
+	int32_t ysave;
+	if (x1 > x2) {
+		xinc = x1;
+		x1 = x2;
+		x2 = xinc;
+	}
+	/* Swap y1 and y2 if y1 is larger than y2 */
+	if (y1 > y2) {
+		yinc = y1;
+		y1 = y2;
+		y2 = yinc;
+	}
+	/* Convert virtual coordinates to physical coordinates */
+	x1 = x1 + win->xpvmin;
+	x2 = x2 + win->xpvmin;
+	y1 = y1 + win->ypvmin;
+	y2 = y2 + win->ypvmin;
+	/* Clip boxes to window sizes */
+	if (x1 < win->xpvmin) {
+		x1 = win->xpvmin;
+	}
+	if (y1 < win->ypvmin) {
+		y1 = win->ypvmin;
+	}
+	if (x2 > win->xpvmax) {
+		x2 = win->xpvmax;
+	}
+	if (y2 > win->ypvmax) {
+		y2 = win->ypvmax;
+	}
+	/* Get X and Y differences */
+	xinc = x2 - x1;
+	yinc = y2 - y1;
+	/* Make outer edge of box in pen color */
+	swim_put_line_raw(win, x1, y1, x2, y1);
+	swim_put_line_raw(win, x2, y1, x2, y2);
+	swim_put_line_raw(win, x2, y2, x1, y2);
+	swim_put_line_raw(win, x1, y2, x1, y1);
+	/* Increment X, Y values so they won't overwrite the edge */
+	x1++;
+	y1++;
+	/* Draw the box inside with the fill color */
+	ysave = y1;
+	while (x1 < x2) {
+		y1 = ysave;
+		while (y1 < y2) {
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x1, y1, win->fill);
+			y1++;
+		}
+		x1++;
+	}
+/* Initializes a window and the default values for the window */
+BOOL_32 swim_window_open(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						 int32_t xsize,
+						 int32_t ysize,
+						 COLOR_T *fbaddr,
+						 int32_t xwin_min,
+						 int32_t ywin_min,
+						 int32_t xwin_max,
+						 int32_t ywin_max,
+						 int32_t border_width,
+						 COLOR_T pcolor,
+						 COLOR_T bkcolor,
+						 COLOR_T fcolor)
+	BOOL_32 init;
+	init = swim_window_open_p(win, xsize, ysize, fbaddr, xwin_min,
+							  ywin_min, xwin_max, ywin_max, border_width, pcolor, bkcolor,
+							  fcolor, true);
+	/* Default font background is not transparent */
+	win->tfont = 1;
+	return init;
+/* Initializes a window without clearing it */
+BOOL_32 swim_window_open_noclear(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+								 int32_t xsize,
+								 int32_t ysize,
+								 COLOR_T *fbaddr,
+								 int32_t xwin_min,
+								 int32_t ywin_min,
+								 int32_t xwin_max,
+								 int32_t ywin_max,
+								 int32_t border_width,
+								 COLOR_T pcolor,
+								 COLOR_T bkcolor,
+								 COLOR_T fcolor)
+	BOOL_32 init;
+	init = swim_window_open_p(win, xsize, ysize, fbaddr, xwin_min,
+							  ywin_min, xwin_max, ywin_max, border_width, pcolor, bkcolor,
+							  fcolor, false);
+	/* Default font background is transparent */
+	win->tfont = 0;
+	return init;
+/* Deallocates a window */
+void swim_window_close(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win)
+	win->winused = 0x0;
+/* Sets the pen color */
+void swim_set_pen_color(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						COLOR_T pen_color)
+	win->pen = pen_color;
+/* Sets the fill color */
+void swim_set_fill_color(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						 COLOR_T fill_color)
+	win->fill = fill_color;
+/* Sets the color used for backgrounds */
+void swim_set_bkg_color(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						COLOR_T bkg_color)
+	win->bkg = bkg_color;
+/* Sets the font to be used for all new windows */
+void swim_set_default_font(const FONT_T* def_font)
+	defaultFont = def_font;
+/* Get the virtual window horizontal size */
+int32_t swim_get_horizontal_size(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win)
+	return win->xvsize;
+/* Get the virtual window vertical size */
+int32_t swim_get_vertical_size(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win)
+	return win->yvsize;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_swim.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+ * @brief Simple Windowing Interface Manager (SWIM)
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#ifndef __LPC_SWIM_H_
+#define __LPC_SWIM_H_
+#include "lpc_types.h"
+#include "lpc_fonts.h"
+#include "lpc_colors.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C"
+/** @defgroup GUI_SWIM_SWIM Simple Windowing Interface Manager (SWIM)
+ * @ingroup GUI_SWIM
+ * This package provides the core SWIM capabilities such as
+ * Windows initialization and validity checks, Color support for
+ * background/primary/fill pens, graphics primatives, and Window
+ * deallocation.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Structure used to store information about a specific window
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	int32_t xpsize;	/* Physical (absolute) horizontal screen size */
+	int32_t ypsize;	/* Physical (absolute) vertical screen size */
+	int32_t xpmin;	/* Physical left edge of window */
+	int32_t ypmin;	/* Physical top edge of window */
+	int32_t xpmax;	/* Physical right edge of window */
+	int32_t ypmax;	/* Physical bottom edge of window */
+	int32_t bdsize;	/* Size of window frame in pixels */
+	int32_t xvsize;	/* Virtual horizontal window size */
+	int32_t yvsize;	/* Virtual vertical window size */
+	int32_t xpvmin;	/* Physical left edge of draw window */
+	int32_t ypvmin;	/* Physical top edge of draw window */
+	int32_t xpvmax;	/* Physical right edge of draw window */
+	int32_t ypvmax;	/* Physical bottom edge of draw window */
+	int32_t xvpos;	/* Next virtual 'x' position of output */
+	int32_t yvpos;	/* Next virtual 'y' position of output */
+	COLOR_T pen;	/* Pen/text color */
+	COLOR_T bkg;	/* Window/text background color */
+	COLOR_T fill;	/* Fill/border color */
+	FONT_T *font;	/* Selected font structure */
+	int32_t tfont;	/* Transparent font background flag when true */
+	COLOR_T *fb;	/* Frame buffer address for the physical display */
+	int32_t winused;	/* Window used flag */
+	BOOL_32 tfonts;	/* Transparent font background flag */
+ * @brief	Puts a pixel at the virtual X, Y coordinate in the window
+ * @param	win	: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x1	: Virtual X position of pixel
+ * @param	y1	: Virtual Y position of pixel
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	The pixel will not be displayed if the pixel exceeds the window
+ * virtual size. Pixel positions below 0 should not be used with
+ * this function.
+ */
+void swim_put_pixel(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					int32_t x1,
+					int32_t y1);
+ * @brief	Draw a line in the virtual window with clipping
+ * @param	win	: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x1	: Virtual X position of X line start
+ * @param	y1	: Virtual Y position of Y line start
+ * @param	x2	: Virtual X position of X line end
+ * @param	y2	: Virtual Y position of Y line end
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_put_line(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				   int32_t x1,
+				   int32_t y1,
+				   int32_t x2,
+				   int32_t y2);
+ * @brief	Draw a diamond in the virtual window
+ * @param	win	: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x	: Virtual X position of the diamond
+ * @param	y	: Virtual Y position of the diamond
+ * @param	rx	: Radius for horizontal
+ * @param	ry	: Radius for vertical
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_put_diamond(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					  int32_t x,
+					  int32_t y,
+					  int32_t rx,
+					  int32_t ry);
+ * @brief	Draws a circle in the virtual window
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	cx		: Virtual center X position of the circle
+ * @param	cy		: Virtual center Y position of the circle
+ * @param	radius	: Radius of the circle
+ * @param	Filled	: Flag to indicate whether the circle should be filled
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_put_circle(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					 int32_t cx,
+					 int32_t cy,
+					 int32_t radius,
+					 int32_t Filled);
+ * @brief	Fills the draw area of the display with the selected color
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	colr	: Color to place in the window
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_clear_screen(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					   COLOR_T colr);
+ * @brief	Place a box with corners (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2)
+ * @param	win	: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x1	: Virtual left position of box
+ * @param	y1	: Virtual upper position of box
+ * @param	x2	: Virtual right position of box
+ * @param	y2	: Virtual lower position of box
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Use pen color for edges and fill color for center.
+ */
+void swim_put_box(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				  int32_t x1,
+				  int32_t y1,
+				  int32_t x2,
+				  int32_t y2);
+ * @brief	Initializes a window and the default values for the window
+ * @param	win				: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	xsize			: Physical horizontal dimension of the display
+ * @param	ysize			: Physical vertical dimension of the display
+ * @param	fbaddr			: Address of the display's frame buffer
+ * @param	xwin_min		: Physical window left coordinate
+ * @param	ywin_min		: Physical window top coordinate
+ * @param	xwin_max		: Physical window right coordinate
+ * @param	ywin_max		: Physical window bottom coordinate
+ * @param	border_width	: Width of the window border in pixels
+ * @param	pcolor			: Pen color
+ * @param	bkcolor			: Background color
+ * @param	fcolor			: Fill color
+ * @return	true if the window was initialized correctly, otherwise false
+ * @note	This function must be called prior to any other window function. The
+ * window will be drawn in the background color.
+ */
+BOOL_32 swim_window_open(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						 int32_t xsize,
+						 int32_t ysize,
+						 COLOR_T *fbaddr,
+						 int32_t xwin_min,
+						 int32_t ywin_min,
+						 int32_t xwin_max,
+						 int32_t ywin_max,
+						 int32_t border_width,
+						 COLOR_T pcolor,
+						 COLOR_T bkcolor,
+						 COLOR_T fcolor);
+ * @brief	Initializes a window without clearing it
+ * @param	win				s: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	xsize			: Physical horizontal dimension of the display
+ * @param	ysize			: Physical vertical dimension of the display
+ * @param	fbaddr			: Address of the display's frame buffer
+ * @param	xwin_min		: Physical window left coordinate
+ * @param	ywin_min		: Physical window top coordinate
+ * @param	xwin_max		: Physical window right coordinate
+ * @param	ywin_max		: Physical window bottom coordinate
+ * @param	border_width	: Width of the window border in pixels
+ * @param	pcolor			: Pen color
+ * @param	bkcolor			: Background color
+ * @param	fcolor			: Fill color
+ * @return	true if the window was initialized correctly, otherwise false
+ * @note	This function must be called prior to any other window function.
+ */
+BOOL_32 swim_window_open_noclear(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+								 int32_t xsize,
+								 int32_t ysize,
+								 COLOR_T *fbaddr,
+								 int32_t xwin_min,
+								 int32_t ywin_min,
+								 int32_t xwin_max,
+								 int32_t ywin_max,
+								 int32_t border_width,
+								 COLOR_T pcolor,
+								 COLOR_T bkcolor,
+								 COLOR_T fcolor);
+ * @brief	Deallocates a window
+ * @param	win	: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	This function does nothing.
+ */
+void swim_window_close(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win);
+ * @brief	Sets the pen color
+ * @param	win			: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	pen_color	: New pen color
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_set_pen_color(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						COLOR_T pen_color);
+ * @brief	Sets the fill color
+ * @param	win			: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	fill_color	: New fill color
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_set_fill_color(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						 COLOR_T fill_color);
+ * @brief	Sets the color used for backgrounds
+ * @param	win			: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	bkg_color	: New background color
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_set_bkg_color(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						COLOR_T bkg_color);
+ * @brief	Sets the font to be used for all new windows
+ * @param	def_font	: New default font
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_set_default_font(const FONT_T* def_font);
+ * @brief	Get the virtual window horizontal size
+ * @param	win	: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @return	The virtual window horizontal size
+ */
+int32_t swim_get_horizontal_size(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win);
+ * @brief	Get the virtual window vertical size
+ * @param	win	: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @return	The virtual window vertical size
+ */
+int32_t swim_get_vertical_size(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win);
+ * @brief	Puts a pixel at the physical X, Y coordinate.
+ *
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x1		: Physical X coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	y1		: Physical Y coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	color	: Value to write to pixel
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	This function must be implemented out side the
+ *			swim library (in application).
+ */
+STATIC INLINE void swim_put_pixel_physical(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					int32_t x1,
+					int32_t y1,
+					COLOR_T color);
+ * @brief	Read value of pixel at the physical X, Y coordinate.
+ *
+ * Note that this function must be implemented by the application!
+ * If not defined, there will be a link error.
+ *
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x1		: Physical X coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	y1		: Physical Y coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	color	: Value to write to pixel
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	This function must be implemented out side the
+ *			swim library (in application).
+ */
+STATIC INLINE COLOR_T swim_get_pixel_physical(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win, int32_t x1, int32_t y1);
+#else /* Using frame buffers */
+ * @brief	Read value of pixel at the physical X, Y coordinate from Frame Buffer.
+ *
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x1		: Physical X coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	y1		: Physical Y coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	color	: Value to write to pixel
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+STATIC INLINE COLOR_T swim_get_pixel_physical(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win, int32_t x1, int32_t y1)
+	return *(win->fb + x1 + (y1 * win->xpsize));
+ * @brief	Writes pixel color to Frame buffer at the physical X, Y coordinate
+ *
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x1		: Physical X coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	y1		: Physical Y coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	color	: Value to write to pixel
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+STATIC INLINE void swim_put_pixel_physical(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win, int32_t x1, int32_t y1, COLOR_T color)
+	*(win->fb + x1 + (y1 * win->xpsize)) = color;
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ * @}
+ */
+#endif /* __LPC_SWIM_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_swim_font.c	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+ * @brief SWIM font management
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#include "lpc_swim_font.h"
+ * Private types/enumerations/variables
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Public types/enumerations/variables
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Private functions
+ ****************************************************************************/
+/* Determines the length of the word (in pixels) up to the first
+   whitespace character */
+static int16_t swim_get_word_len(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+								const CHAR *text)
+	int32_t i;
+	int16_t wlen = 0;
+	/* Find the length in pixels of the next word (separated by
+	   whitespace) */
+	i = 0;
+	while (((uint8_t) text[i] > ' ') && ((uint8_t) text[i] <= 0x7E)) {
+		wlen = wlen + win->font->font_width_table
+			   [(uint8_t) text[i] - win->font->first_char];
+		i++;
+	}
+	return wlen;
+/* Puts a word in the window, but adds a newline to keep the
+   word contiguous (without an edge break) if necessary */
+static int32_t swim_put_word(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+							const CHAR *text)
+	int32_t i;
+	/* Will the length of the next word exceed the window margin? */
+	if ((swim_get_word_len(win, text) + win->xvpos) > win->xpvmax) {
+		/* Do a newline */
+		swim_put_newline(win);
+	}
+	/* Put just the word characters on the display up to the next
+	   non-whitespace character or the end of the string */
+	i = 0;
+	while (((uint8_t) text[i] > ' ') && ((uint8_t) text[i] <= 0x7E)) {
+		swim_put_char(win, text[i]);
+		i++;
+	}
+	return i;
+ * Public functions
+ **********************************************************************/
+/* Put text at x, y (char) position on screen */
+void swim_put_text_centered_win(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+                                const CHAR *text,
+                                int32_t y)
+    swim_put_text_centered(win, text, 0, win->xvsize-1, y);
+/* Put text at x, y (char) position on screen */
+void swim_put_text_centered(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+                            const CHAR *text,
+                            int32_t x0,
+                            int32_t x1,
+                            int32_t y)
+    int w, h;
+    if (x0 > x1) {
+        w = x0;
+        x0 = x1;
+        x1 = w;
+    }
+    swim_get_string_bounds(win, text, &w, &h);
+    swim_put_text_xy(win, text, x0 + (x1-x0-w)/2, y);
+/* Put text at x, y (char) position on screen */
+void swim_put_text_xy(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					  const CHAR *text,
+					  int32_t x,
+					  int32_t y)
+	/* Convert virtual x, y positon to physical position */
+	swim_set_xy(win, x, y);
+	/* Display text string */
+	swim_put_text(win, text);
+/* Sets the X, Y pixel coordinates for the next text operation */
+void swim_set_xy(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				 int32_t x,
+				 int32_t y)
+	win->xvpos = x + win->xpvmin;
+	win->yvpos = y + win->ypvmin;
+	/* Limit to window dimensions */
+	if (win->xvpos < win->xpvmin) {
+		win->xvpos = win->xpvmin;
+	}
+	else if (win->xvpos > win->xpvmax) {
+		win->xvpos = win->xpvmax;
+	}
+	if (win->yvpos < win->ypvmin) {
+		win->yvpos = win->ypvmin;
+	}
+	else if (win->yvpos > win->ypvmax) {
+		win->yvpos = win->ypvmax;
+	}
+/* Returns the X, Y pixel coordinates for the next text operation */
+void swim_get_xy(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				 int32_t *x,
+				 int32_t *y)
+	*x = win->xvpos - win->xpvmin;
+	*y = win->yvpos - win->ypvmin;
+/* Puts a string of text in a window */
+void swim_put_text(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				   const CHAR *text)
+	int32_t i = 0;
+	/* Continue until the entire string is output */
+	while (text[i] != '\0') {
+		if (text[i] == '\n') {
+			swim_put_newline(win);
+		}
+		else if (((uint8_t) text[i] >= win->font->first_char)
+				 && ((uint8_t) text[i] <= win->font->last_char)) {
+			/* Put character on screen */
+			swim_put_char(win, text[i]);
+		}
+		i++;
+	}
+/* Puts a string of text in a window with breaks */
+void swim_put_ltext(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					const CHAR *text)
+	int32_t i = 0;
+	/* Continue until the entire string is output */
+	while (text[i] != '\0') {
+		if (text[i] == '\n') {
+			swim_put_newline(win);
+			i++;
+		}
+		else if (((uint8_t) text[i] >= win->font->first_char)
+				 && ((uint8_t) text[i] <= win->font->last_char)) {
+			/* Check for entire words first */
+			if (((uint8_t) text[i] > ' ') && ((uint8_t) text[i] <= 0x7E)) {
+				/* Put entire word on screen */
+				i = i + swim_put_word(win, &text[i]);
+			}
+			else {
+				swim_put_char(win, text[i]);
+				i++;
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			/* Put a space out */
+			swim_put_char(win, ' ');
+			i++;
+		}
+	}
+/* xx */
+void swim_window_scroll(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						int32_t lines)
+	int32_t yref1 = win->ypvmin;
+	int32_t yref2 = yref1 + lines;
+	int32_t ref;
+	while (yref2 <= win->ypvmax) {
+		/* Line move addresses */
+		uint32_t ix = win->xpvmin;
+		uint32_t destIy = yref1;
+		uint32_t srcIy = yref2;
+		/* Move a single line at a time */
+		ref = win->xpvmax - win->xpvmin + 1;
+		while (ref > 0) {
+			COLOR_T pixel = swim_get_pixel_physical(win, ix, srcIy);
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, ix, destIy, pixel);
+			ix++;
+			ref--;
+		}
+		/* Next lines */
+		yref1++;
+		yref2++;
+	}
+	/* Clear out bottom lines */
+	yref1 = win->yvpos;
+	while (yref1 <= win->ypvmax) {
+		/* Line clear address */
+		uint32_t ix = win->xpvmin;
+		uint32_t destIy = yref1;
+		/* Clear a single line at a time */
+		ref = win->xpvmax - win->xpvmin + 1;
+		while (ref > 0) {
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, ix, destIy, win->bkg);
+			ix++;
+			ref--;
+		}
+		yref1++;
+	}
+/* Puts a single character in the window */
+void swim_put_char(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				   const CHAR textchar)
+	int32_t i, j;
+	int32_t charindex;
+	const uint16_t *charfields;
+    uint16_t chardata;
+	/* If this is a carriage return, do a newline */
+	if (textchar == '\n') {
+		swim_put_newline(win);
+	}
+	else {
+		/* Determine index to character data */
+		charindex = (int32_t) textchar - (int32_t) win->font->first_char;
+		/* Will the character fit on the display? */
+		if ((win->xvpos +
+			 (int32_t) win->font->font_width_table[charindex]) >
+			win->xpvmax) {
+			/* Will not fit, do a newline */
+			swim_put_newline(win);
+		}
+		/* Determine the start of the bitfields for the character */
+		charfields = win->font->font_table + (charindex *
+											  win->font->font_height);
+		/* Map character to the window */
+		/* Each iteration of this loop does a row */
+		for (i = 0; i < (int32_t) win->font->font_height; i++) {
+			/* Get starting pixel in the line */
+			uint32_t rowIx = win->xvpos;
+			uint32_t rowIy = win->yvpos + i;
+			/* Get character line mapping data */
+			chardata = charfields[i];
+			/* Convert character line bit data to a pixel line in
+			   window */
+			/* Each iteration of this loop does one pixel of the row */
+			for (j =
+					 (int32_t) win->font->font_width_table[charindex];
+				 j > 0; j--) {
+				if ((chardata & 0x8000) != 0) {
+					swim_put_pixel_physical(win, rowIx, rowIy, win->pen);
+				}
+				else if (win->tfont != 0) {
+					swim_put_pixel_physical(win, rowIx, rowIy, win->bkg);
+				}
+				rowIx++;
+				/* Next bit in character line */
+				chardata = chardata << 1;
+			}
+		}
+		/* Increment to next text location */
+		win->xvpos = win->xvpos +
+					 (int32_t) win->font->font_width_table[charindex];
+	}
+/* Puts a newline in the window */
+void swim_put_newline(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win)
+	int32_t diff;
+	/* Set text pointer to start of next line */
+	win->xvpos = win->xpvmin;
+	win->yvpos = win->yvpos + (int32_t) win->font->font_height;
+	/* Next character is below bottom of window, scroll the window
+	   up */
+	while ((win->yvpos +
+			(int32_t) win->font->font_height) > win->ypvmax) {
+		/* Scroll just enough for the next line */
+		diff = (int32_t) win->font->font_height -
+			   (win->ypvmax - win->yvpos);
+		win->yvpos = win->yvpos - diff;
+		swim_window_scroll(win, diff);
+	}
+/* Sets the active font */
+void swim_set_font(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				   FONT_T *font)
+	int32_t diff;
+	win->font = font;
+	/* After changing to the new font, determine if there is enough
+	   room for the font height on the existing line in the window */
+	if ((win->yvpos + win->font->font_height) > win->ypvmax) {
+		diff = (int32_t) win->font->font_height -
+			   (win->ypvmax - win->yvpos);
+		win->yvpos = win->yvpos - diff;
+		swim_window_scroll(win, diff);
+	}
+/* Returns the active font's height in pixels */
+int16_t swim_get_font_height(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win)
+	return win->font->font_height;
+void swim_get_string_bounds(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win, const CHAR * text, int* width, int* height)
+	int32_t i = 0;
+    int w = 0;
+    *width = 0;
+    *height = win->font->font_height;
+	/* Continue until the entire string is output */
+	while (text[i] != '\0') {
+		if (text[i] == '\n') {
+			*width = MAX(w, *width);
+            w = 0;
+			*height += win->font->font_height;
+		}
+		else if (((uint8_t) text[i] >= win->font->first_char)
+				 && ((uint8_t) text[i] <= win->font->last_char)) {
+            /* Determine index to character data */
+            int charindex = (int) text[i] - (int) win->font->first_char;
+            w += win->font->font_width_table[charindex];
+		}
+		i++;
+	}
+	*width = MAX(w, *width);
+/* Creates a title bar for the window */
+void swim_set_title(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					const CHAR *title,
+					COLOR_T ttlbkcolor)
+	COLOR_T savedf, savedp, savedb;
+	int32_t savedt;
+	/* Is present font height larger than window client height? */
+	if ((swim_get_font_height(win) < (4 + win->yvsize)) &&
+		(title != (CHAR *) 0)) {
+		/* There is enough room for title bar, so continue */
+		/* Save original colors and font transparentcy flag */
+		savedf = win->fill;
+		savedp = win->pen;
+		savedb = win->bkg;
+		savedt = win->tfont;
+		/* Set fill color to background color (temporarily)
+		   used with box function */
+		win->fill = ttlbkcolor;
+		win->bkg = ttlbkcolor;
+		win->pen = win->bkg;
+		/* Draw the background for the title bar */
+		swim_put_box(win, 0, 0, win->xvsize,
+					 (4 + swim_get_font_height(win) - 2));
+		/* Reset text starting position for title string */
+		win->xvpos = win->xpvmin + 2;
+		win->yvpos = win->ypvmin + 1;
+		/* Restore original pen color (used for text color) */
+		win->pen = savedp;
+		/* Restore the original colors */
+		win->fill = savedf;
+		win->bkg = savedb;
+		/* Put string in title bar area (with transparent background) */
+		win->tfont = 0;
+		swim_put_text(win, title);
+		win->tfont = savedt;
+		/* Draw a line under the title bar, but before the
+		   (new) client area */
+		swim_put_line(win, 0,
+					  (4 + swim_get_font_height(win) - 1),
+					  win->xpvmax, (4 + swim_get_font_height(win) - 1));
+		/* Adjust client height of window (virtual and physcal) */
+		win->ypmin = win->ypmin + swim_get_font_height(win) + 4;
+		win->ypvmin = win->ypvmin + swim_get_font_height(win) + 4;
+		/* Resize y dimension */
+		win->yvsize = win->yvsize - swim_get_font_height(win) + 4;
+		/* Reset text starting position to new client area */
+		win->xvpos = win->xpvmin;
+		win->yvpos = win->ypvmin;
+	}
+/* Enables and disables font backgrounds */
+void swim_set_font_transparency(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+							    int32_t trans)
+	win->tfont = trans;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_swim_font.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+ * @brief SWIM font management
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#ifndef __LPC_SWIM_FONT_H_
+#define __LPC_SWIM_FONT_H_
+#include "lpc_types.h"
+#include "lpc_swim.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C"
+/** @defgroup GUI_SWIM_FONT SWIM font manager
+ * @ingroup GUI_SWIM
+ * This package provides basic SWIM font management capabilities such as
+ * font selection, text positioning, newline and window scrolling, and
+ * text display with multiple, selectable fonts.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief	Put text at x, y (char) position on screen
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	text	: Text string to output in window
+ * @param	x		: Virtual X position of start of text
+ * @param	y		: Virtual Y position of start of text
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Sets the virtual (upper left) text position in the window and
+ * render the text string at this position.
+ */
+void swim_put_text_xy(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					  const CHAR *text,
+					  int32_t x,
+					  int32_t y);
+ * @brief	Put text horizontally centered at y position on screen
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	text	: Text string to output in window
+ * @param	x		: Virtual X position of start of text
+ * @param	y		: Virtual Y position of start of text
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Sets the virtual (upper left) text position in the window and
+ * render the text string at this position.
+ */
+void swim_put_text_centered_win(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+                                const CHAR *text,
+                                int32_t y);
+ * @brief	Put text horizontally centered between x0 and x1 at y position on screen
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	text	: Text string to output in window
+ * @param	x0		: Virtual X left position
+ * @param	x1		: Virtual X right position
+ * @param	y		: Virtual Y position of start of text
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Sets the virtual (upper left) text position in the window and
+ * render the text string at this position.
+ */
+void swim_put_text_centered(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+                            const CHAR *text,
+                            int32_t x0,
+                            int32_t x1,
+                            int32_t y);
+ * @brief	Sets the X, Y pixel coordinates for the next text operation
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x		: Virtual X position of start of text
+ * @param	y		: Virtual Y position of start of text
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_set_xy(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				 int32_t x,
+				 int32_t y);
+ * @brief	Returns the X, Y pixel coordinates for the next text operation
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x		: Address of where to return virtual X value
+ * @param	y		: Address of where to return virtual X value
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	The logical X and Y positions are computed by subtracting the
+ * physical text position values by the physical minimum window
+ * limits.
+ */
+void swim_get_xy(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				 int32_t *x,
+				 int32_t *y);
+ * @brief	Puts a string of text in a window
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	text	: Text string to output in window
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Each character will be routed to the swim_put_char function until
+ * a string terminator is reached. For newline characters, a newline
+ * will occur instead of a character output.
+ */
+void swim_put_text(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				   const CHAR *text);
+ * @brief	Puts a string of text in a window with breaks
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	text	: Text string to output in window
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Puts a string of text in a window, but will adjust the position of
+ * a word if the word length exceeds the edge of the display.
+ */
+void swim_put_ltext(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					const CHAR *text);
+ * @brief	Scrolls the window up one line
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	lines	: Number of lines to scroll up
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_window_scroll(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						int32_t lines);
+ * @brief	Puts a single character in the window
+ * @param	win			: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	textchar	: Character to print
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	The character is placed at the end of the last text operation
+ * or the current text X, Y position.
+ */
+void swim_put_char(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				   const CHAR textchar);
+ * @brief	Puts a newline in the window
+ * @param	win	: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_put_newline(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win);
+ * @brief	Sets the active font
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	font	: Pointer to font data structure to use for font
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_set_font(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				   FONT_T *font);
+ * @brief	Returns the active font's height in pixels
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @return	The height of the current font in pixels
+ */
+int16_t swim_get_font_height(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win);
+ * @brief	Returns the width and height of the string rendered with the active font
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	text	: Text to render
+ * @param	width   : Width of text in pixels
+ * @param	height	: Height of text in pixels
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_get_string_bounds(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win, const CHAR * text, int* width, int* height);
+ * @brief	Creates a title bar for the window
+ * @param	win			: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	title		: Text for title bard
+ * @param	ttlbkcolor	: Totle bar backgorund color
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Creates a title bar in the window and adjusts the client
+ * area to be outside the title bar area.
+ */
+void swim_set_title(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					const CHAR *title,
+					COLOR_T ttlbkcolor);
+ * @brief	Enables and disables font backgrounds
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	trans	: 1 for transparent backgrounds, 0 for solid color
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Enables and disables font backgrounds. When set, the font background
+ * will not be drawn in the background color (useful for painting text
+ * over pictures).
+ */
+void swim_set_font_transparency(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win, int32_t trans);
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ * @}
+ */
+#endif /* __LPC_SWIM_FONT_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_swim_image.c	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+ * @brief SWIM image management
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#include "lpc_types.h"
+#include "lpc_swim_image.h"
+ * Private types/enumerations/variables
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Public types/enumerations/variables
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Private functions
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Public functions
+ ****************************************************************************/
+/* Puts a raw image into a window */
+void swim_put_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					const COLOR_T *image,
+					int32_t xsize,
+					int32_t ysize)
+	int32_t x, y;
+	/* Unknown values of rtype will do no rotation */
+	y = win->ypvmin;
+	xsize = xsize + win->xpvmin;
+	ysize = ysize + win->ypvmin;
+	/* Move image to window pixel by pixel */
+	while ((y <= win->ypvmax) && (y < ysize)) {
+		/* Set physical frame buffer address */
+		x = win->xpvmin;
+		/* Render a single line */
+		while ((x <= win->xpvmax) && (x < xsize)) {
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, *image);
+			image++;
+			x++;
+		}
+		/* Adjust to end of line if the image was clipped */
+		image = image + (xsize - x);
+		y++;
+	}
+/* Puts a raw image into a window at a specific position*/
+void swim_put_image_xy(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,                       
+					   const COLOR_T *image,
+					   int32_t xsize,
+					   int32_t ysize,
+                       int32_t x1,
+                       int32_t y1)
+	int32_t x, y;
+	/* Unknown values of rtype will do no rotation */
+	y = win->ypvmin + y1;
+	xsize = xsize + win->xpvmin + x1;
+	ysize = ysize + win->ypvmin + y1;
+	/* Move image to window pixel by pixel */
+	while ((y <= win->ypvmax) && (y < ysize)) {
+		/* Set physical frame buffer address */
+		x = win->xpvmin + x1;
+		/* Render a single line */
+		while ((x <= win->xpvmax) && (x < xsize)) {
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, *image);
+			image++;
+			x++;
+		}
+		/* Adjust to end of line if the image was clipped */
+		image = image + (xsize - x);
+		y++;
+	}
+/* Puts a raw image into a window at a specific position, skipping all transparent pixels */
+void swim_put_transparent_image_xy(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,                       
+					               const COLOR_T *image,
+					               int32_t xsize,
+					               int32_t ysize,
+                                   int32_t x1,
+                                   int32_t y1,
+								   COLOR_T tColor)
+	int32_t x, y;
+	/* Unknown values of rtype will do no rotation */
+	y = win->ypvmin + y1;
+	xsize = xsize + win->xpvmin + x1;
+	ysize = ysize + win->ypvmin + y1;
+	/* Move image to window pixel by pixel */
+	while ((y <= win->ypvmax) && (y < ysize)) {
+		/* Set physical frame buffer address */
+		x = win->xpvmin + x1;
+		/* Render a single line */
+		while ((x <= win->xpvmax) && (x < xsize)) {
+			if (*image != tColor) {
+				swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, *image);
+			}
+			image++;
+			x++;
+		}
+		/* Adjust to end of line if the image was clipped */
+		image = image + (xsize - x);
+		y++;
+	}
+/* Puts a raw image into a window inverted */
+void swim_put_invert_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						   const COLOR_T *image,
+						   int32_t xsize,
+						   int32_t ysize)
+	int32_t x, y, xr, yr;
+	y = win->ypvmin;
+	yr = ysize - 1;
+	/* Move image to window pixel by pixel */
+	while ((y <= win->ypvmax) && (yr >= 0)) {
+		/* Set physical frame buffer address */
+		x = win->xpvmin;
+		xr = xsize - 1;
+		/* Render a single line */
+		while ((x <= win->xpvmax) && (xr >= 0)) {
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, image[xr + yr * xsize] );
+			x++;
+			xr--;
+		}
+		y++;
+		yr--;
+	}
+/* Puts a raw image into a window rotated left */
+void swim_put_left_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						 const COLOR_T *image,
+						 int32_t xsize,
+						 int32_t ysize)
+	int32_t x, y, xr, yr;
+	x = win->xpvmin;
+	yr = ysize - 1;
+	/* Move image to window pixel by pixel */
+	while ((x <= win->xpvmax) && (yr >= 0)) {
+		/* Set physical frame buffer address to start drawing at
+		   bottom */
+		y = win->ypvmin;
+		xr = 0;
+		/* Render a single line */
+		while ((y <= win->ypvmax) && (xr < xsize)) {
+			/* Go to next line (y) */
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, 
+				image[(xsize - xr - 1) + (ysize - yr - 1) * xsize]);
+			/* Update picture to next x coordinate */
+			y++;
+			xr++;
+		}
+		x++;
+		yr--;
+	}
+/* Puts a raw image into a window rotated right */
+void swim_put_right_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						  const COLOR_T *image,
+						  int32_t xsize,
+						  int32_t ysize)
+	int32_t x, y, xr, yr;
+	x = win->xpvmin;
+	yr = ysize - 1;
+	/* Move image to window pixel by pixel */
+	while ((x <= win->xpvmax) && (yr >= 0)) {
+		/* Set physical frame buffer address to start drawing at bottom */
+		y = win->ypvmin;
+		xr = 0;
+		/* Render a single line */
+		while ((y <= win->ypvmax) && (xr < xsize)) {
+			/* Go to next line (y) */
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, image[xr + yr * xsize]);
+			/* Update picture to next x coordinate */
+			y++;
+			xr++;
+		}
+		x++;
+		yr--;
+	}
+/* Puts and scales a raw image into a window */
+void swim_put_scale_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						  const COLOR_T *image,
+						  int32_t xsize,
+						  int32_t ysize)
+	int32_t xsc, ysc;
+	int32_t x, y;
+	/* Top of window */
+	y = win->ypvmin;
+	/* Rescale image into window */
+	while (y <= win->ypvmax) {
+		x = win->xpvmin;
+		/* Scale he display size to the image size */
+		ysc = ((ysize - 1) * (y - win->ypvmin)) / win->yvsize;
+		/* Render a single line */
+		while (x <= win->xpvmax) {
+			/* Get x pixel in image */
+			xsc = ((xsize - 1) * (x - win->xpvmin)) / win->xvsize;
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, image[xsc + ysc * xsize] );
+			x++;
+		}
+		y++;
+	}
+/* Puts and scales a raw image into a window inverted */
+void swim_put_scale_invert_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+								 const COLOR_T *image,
+								 int32_t xsize,
+								 int32_t ysize)
+	int32_t xsc, ysc;
+	int32_t x, y;
+	/* Top of window */
+	y = win->ypvmin;
+	/* Rescale image into window */
+	while (y <= win->ypvmax) {
+		x = win->xpvmin;
+		/* Scale he display size to the image size */
+		ysc = ((ysize - 1) * (y - win->ypvmin)) / win->yvsize;
+		/* Render a single line */
+		while (x <= win->xpvmax) {
+			/* Get x pixel in image */
+			xsc = ((xsize - 1) * (x - win->xpvmin)) / win->xvsize;
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, 
+				image[(xsize - 1 - xsc) + (ysize - 1 - ysc) * xsize]);
+			x++;
+		}
+		y++;
+	}
+/* Puts and scales a raw image into a window rotated left */
+void swim_put_scale_left_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+							   const COLOR_T *image,
+							   int32_t xsize,
+							   int32_t ysize)
+	int32_t xsc, ysc;
+	int32_t x, y;
+	/* Top of window */
+	y = win->ypvmin;
+	/* Rescale image into window */
+	while (y <= win->ypvmax) {
+		x = win->xpvmin;
+		/* Scale y coords of picture into x axis */
+		ysc = ((xsize - 1) * (win->ypvmax - y)) / win->yvsize;
+		/* Render a single horizontal line with 'y' data */
+		while (x <= win->xpvmax) {
+			/* Get x pixel in image */
+			xsc = ((ysize - 1) * (x - win->xpvmin)) / win->xvsize;
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, image[ysc + xsc * xsize] );
+			x++;
+		}
+		y++;
+	}
+/* Puts and scales a raw image into a window rotated right */
+void swim_put_scale_right_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+								const COLOR_T *image,
+								int32_t xsize,
+								int32_t ysize)
+	int32_t xsc, ysc;
+	int32_t x, y;
+	/* Top of window */
+	y = win->ypvmin;
+	/* Rescale image into window */
+	while (y <= win->ypvmax) {
+		x = win->xpvmin;
+		/* Scale y coords of picture into x axis */
+		ysc = ((xsize - 1) * (y - win->ypvmin)) / win->yvsize;
+		/* Render a single horizontal line with 'y' data */
+		while (x <= win->xpvmax) {
+			/* Get x pixel in image */
+			xsc = ((ysize - 1) * (win->xpvmax - x)) / win->xvsize;
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, image[ysc + xsc * xsize]);
+			x++;
+		}
+		y++;
+	}
+/* SWIM image draw composite function */
+void swim_put_win_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						const COLOR_T *image,
+						int32_t xsize,
+						int32_t ysize,
+						int32_t scale,
+						SWIM_ROTATION_T rtype)
+	switch (rtype) {
+	case INVERT:
+		if (scale != 0) {
+			swim_put_scale_invert_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
+		}
+		else {
+			swim_put_invert_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
+		}
+		break;
+	case LEFT:
+		if (scale != 0) {
+			swim_put_scale_left_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
+		}
+		else {
+			swim_put_left_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
+		}
+		break;
+	case RIGHT:
+		if (scale != 0) {
+			swim_put_scale_right_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
+		}
+		else {
+			swim_put_right_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		if (scale != 0) {
+			swim_put_scale_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
+		}
+		else {
+			swim_put_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
+		}
+		break;
+	}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_swim_image.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ * @brief SWIM image management
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#ifndef __LPC_SWIM_IMAGE_H_
+#define __LPC_SWIM_IMAGE_H_
+#include "lpc_types.h"
+#include "lpc_swim.h"
+#include "lpc_colors.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C"
+/** @defgroup GUI_SWIM_IMAGE SWIM image manager
+ * @ingroup GUI_SWIM
+ * This package provides basic SWIM image management capabilities such as
+ * image scaling, rotation, and clipping. All image data passed to SWIM
+ * must be raw image data (stored left to right, top to bottom) in the
+ * same color format as COLOR_T.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Image rotation tags
+ */
+ * @brief	Puts a raw image into a window
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	image	: Pointer to raw image data
+ * @param	xsize	: Horizontal size of image data
+ * @param	ysize	: Vertical size of image data
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Places an image in the upper left corner of the window.
+ * Image is cropped to the window size.
+ */
+void swim_put_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					const COLOR_T *image,
+					int32_t xsize,
+					int32_t ysize);
+ * @brief	Puts a raw image at the virtual X, Y coordinate in the window
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	image	: Pointer to raw image data
+ * @param	xsize	: Horizontal size of image data
+ * @param	ysize	: Vertical size of image data
+ * @param	x1	    : Virtual X position of pixel
+ * @param	y1	    : Virtual Y position of pixel
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Places an image at the specified position in the window.
+ * Image is cropped to the window size.
+ */
+void swim_put_image_xy(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,                       
+					   const COLOR_T *image,
+					   int32_t xsize,
+					   int32_t ysize,
+                       int32_t x1,
+                       int32_t y1);
+ * @brief	Puts a raw transparent image at the virtual X, Y coordinate in the window
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	image	: Pointer to raw image data
+ * @param	xsize	: Horizontal size of image data
+ * @param	ysize	: Vertical size of image data
+ * @param	x1	    : Virtual X position of pixel
+ * @param	y1	    : Virtual Y position of pixel
+ * @param	tColor  : Transparent color
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Places an image at the specified position in the window.
+ * Image is cropped to the window size. Pixels matching the tColor are not drawn.
+ */
+void swim_put_transparent_image_xy(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,                       
+								   const COLOR_T *image,
+								   int32_t xsize,
+								   int32_t ysize,
+								   int32_t x1,
+								   int32_t y1,
+								   COLOR_T tColor);
+ * @brief	Puts a raw image into a window inverted
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	image	: Pointer to raw image data
+ * @param	xsize	: Horizontal size of image data
+ * @param	ysize	: Vertical size of image data
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Places an image in the upper left corner of the window,
+ * but inverts it. Image is cropped to the window size.
+ */
+void swim_put_invert_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						   const COLOR_T *image,
+						   int32_t xsize,
+						   int32_t ysize);
+ * @brief	Puts a raw image into a window rotated left
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	image	: Pointer to raw image data
+ * @param	xsize	: Horizontal size of image data
+ * @param	ysize	: Vertical size of image data
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Places an image in the upper left corner of the window,
+ * but rotates it 90 degrees left. Image is cropped to the
+ * window size.
+ */
+void swim_put_left_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						 const COLOR_T *image,
+						 int32_t xsize,
+						 int32_t ysize);
+ * @brief	Puts a raw image into a window rotated right
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	image	: Pointer to raw image data
+ * @param	xsize	: Horizontal size of image data
+ * @param	ysize	: Vertical size of image data
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Places an image in the upper left corner of the window,
+ * but rotates it 90 degrees right. Image is cropped to the
+ * window size.
+ */
+void swim_put_right_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						  const COLOR_T *image,
+						  int32_t xsize,
+						  int32_t ysize);
+ * @brief	Puts and scales a raw image into a window
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	image	: Pointer to raw image data
+ * @param	xsize	: Horizontal size of image data
+ * @param	ysize	: Vertical size of image data
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Scales the image to the current window. Image will be
+ * increased or decreased in size to fit completely in
+ * the window.
+ */
+void swim_put_scale_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						  const COLOR_T *image,
+						  int32_t xsize,
+						  int32_t ysize);
+ * @brief	Puts and scales a raw image into a window inverted
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	image	: Pointer to raw image data
+ * @param	xsize	: Horizontal size of image data
+ * @param	ysize	: Vertical size of image data
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Scales and inverts the image to the current window. Image
+ * will be increased or decreased in size to fit in the window.
+ */
+void swim_put_scale_invert_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+								 const COLOR_T *image,
+								 int32_t xsize,
+								 int32_t ysize);
+ * @brief	Puts and scales a raw image into a window rotated left
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	image	: Pointer to raw image data
+ * @param	xsize	: Horizontal size of image data
+ * @param	ysize	: Vertical size of image data
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Scales and rotates 90 degrees left the image to the current
+ * window. Image will be increased or decreased in size to fit
+ * in the window.
+ */
+void swim_put_scale_left_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+							   const COLOR_T *image,
+							   int32_t xsize,
+							   int32_t ysize);
+ * @brief	Puts and scales a raw image into a window rotated right
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	image	: Pointer to raw image data
+ * @param	xsize	: Horizontal size of image data
+ * @param	ysize	: Vertical size of image data
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Scales and rotates 90 degrees right the image to the current
+ * window. Image will be increased or decreased in size to fit
+ * in the window.
+ */
+void swim_put_scale_right_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+								const COLOR_T *image,
+								int32_t xsize,
+								int32_t ysize);
+ * @brief	SWIM image draw composite function
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	image	: Pointer to raw image data
+ * @param	xsize	: Horizontal size of image data
+ * @param	ysize	: Vertical size of image data
+ * @param	scale	: Set to 1 to scale, or 0 for cropping
+ * @param	rtype	: Image rotation type
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	This function provides a simple call that supports all SWIM
+ * image functions.
+ */
+void swim_put_win_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						const COLOR_T *image,
+						int32_t xsize,
+						int32_t ysize,
+						int32_t scale,
+						SWIM_ROTATION_T rtype);
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ * @}
+ */
+#endif /* __LPC_SWIM_IMAGE_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_types.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ * @brief Common types used in LPC functions
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#ifndef __LPC_TYPES_H_
+#define __LPC_TYPES_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+/** @defgroup LPC_Types CHIP: LPC Common Types
+ * @ingroup CHIP_Common
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup LPC_Types_Public_Types LPC Public Types
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Boolean Type definition
+ */
+typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE = !FALSE} Bool;
+ * @brief Boolean Type definition
+ */
+#if !defined(__cplusplus)
+// typedef enum {false = 0, true = !false} bool;
+ * @brief Flag Status and Interrupt Flag Status type definition
+ */
+typedef enum {RESET = 0, SET = !RESET} FlagStatus, IntStatus, SetState;
+#define PARAM_SETSTATE(State) ((State == RESET) || (State == SET))
+ * @brief Functional State Definition
+ */
+typedef enum {DISABLE = 0, ENABLE = !DISABLE} FunctionalState;
+#define PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(State) ((State == DISABLE) || (State == ENABLE))
+ * @ Status type definition
+ */
+typedef enum {ERROR = 0, SUCCESS = !ERROR} Status;
+ * Read/Write transfer type mode (Block or non-block)
+ */
+typedef enum {
+	NONE_BLOCKING = 0,		/**< None Blocking type */
+	BLOCKING,				/**< Blocking type */
+/** Pointer to Function returning Void (any number of parameters) */
+typedef void (*PFV)();
+/** Pointer to Function returning int32_t (any number of parameters) */
+typedef int32_t (*PFI)();
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup LPC_Types_Public_Macros  LPC Public Macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* _BIT(n) sets the bit at position "n"
+ * _BIT(n) is intended to be used in "OR" and "AND" expressions:
+ * e.g., "(_BIT(3) | _BIT(7))".
+ */
+#undef _BIT
+/* Set bit macro */
+#define _BIT(n) (1 << (n))
+/* _SBF(f,v) sets the bit field starting at position "f" to value "v".
+ * _SBF(f,v) is intended to be used in "OR" and "AND" expressions:
+ * e.g., "((_SBF(5,7) | _SBF(12,0xF)) & 0xFFFF)"
+ */
+#undef _SBF
+/* Set bit field macro */
+#define _SBF(f, v) ((v) << (f))
+/* _BITMASK constructs a symbol with 'field_width' least significant
+ * bits set.
+ * e.g., _BITMASK(5) constructs '0x1F', _BITMASK(16) == 0xFFFF
+ * The symbol is intended to be used to limit the bit field width
+ * thusly:
+ * <a_register> = (any_expression) & _BITMASK(x), where 0 < x <= 32.
+ * If "any_expression" results in a value that is larger than can be
+ * contained in 'x' bits, the bits above 'x - 1' are masked off.  When
+ * used with the _SBF example above, the example would be written:
+ * a_reg = ((_SBF(5,7) | _SBF(12,0xF)) & _BITMASK(16))
+ * This ensures that the value written to a_reg is no wider than
+ * 16 bits, and makes the code easier to read and understand.
+ */
+#undef _BITMASK
+/* Bitmask creation macro */
+#define _BITMASK(field_width) ( _BIT(field_width) - 1)
+/* NULL pointer */
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL ((void *) 0)
+/* Number of elements in an array */
+#define NELEMENTS(array)  (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))
+/* Static data/function define */
+#define STATIC static
+/* External data/function define */
+#define EXTERN extern
+#if !defined(MAX)
+#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#if !defined(MIN)
+#define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+ * @}
+ */
+/* Old Type Definition compatibility */
+/** @addtogroup LPC_Types_Public_Types
+ * @{
+ */
+/** LPC type for character type */
+typedef char CHAR;
+/** LPC type for 8 bit unsigned value */
+typedef uint8_t UNS_8;
+/** LPC type for 8 bit signed value */
+typedef int8_t INT_8;
+/** LPC type for 16 bit unsigned value */
+typedef uint16_t UNS_16;
+/** LPC type for 16 bit signed value */
+typedef int16_t INT_16;
+/** LPC type for 32 bit unsigned value */
+typedef uint32_t UNS_32;
+/** LPC type for 32 bit signed value */
+typedef int32_t INT_32;
+/** LPC type for 64 bit signed value */
+typedef int64_t INT_64;
+/** LPC type for 64 bit unsigned value */
+typedef uint64_t UNS_64;
+#ifdef __CODE_RED
+#define BOOL_32 bool
+#define BOOL_16 bool
+#define BOOL_8  bool
+/** 32 bit boolean type */
+typedef bool BOOL_32;
+/** 16 bit boolean type */
+typedef bool BOOL_16;
+/** 8 bit boolean type */
+typedef bool BOOL_8;
+#ifdef __CC_ARM
+#define INLINE  __inline
+#define INLINE inline
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+#endif /* __LPC_TYPES_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_winfreesystem14x16.c	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,8567 @@
+ * @brief Windows FreeSystem 14x16 Font
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+/* Generated by convfnt.exe*/
+/* Windows FreeSystem 14x16 Font */
+ * FONTRES 100,96,96:Free System 10
+ * Distributed under the MPL (c) 1999 v0.1
+ * Free System
+ */
+#include "lpc_types.h"
+#include "lpc_winfreesystem14x16.h"
+static const uint16_t winfreesystem14x16_bits[] = {
+	/* Character   (0x20):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ! (0x21):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character " (0x22):
+	   ht=16, width=6
+	   +------+
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |**  **|
+	 |**  **|
+	 |**  **|
+	 |**  **|
+	 |**  **|
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 +------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character # (0x23):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | *******|
+	 | *******|
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |******* |
+	 |******* |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0xfe00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character $ (0x24):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |** ** **|
+	 |** ** **|
+	 |** **   |
+	 |******  |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |   ** **|
+	 |** ** **|
+	 |** ** **|
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0xd800,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x1b00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0xdb00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character % (0x25):
+	   ht=16, width=11
+	   +-----------+
+	 |           |
+	 |           |
+	 | ***     **|
+	 |** **   ** |
+	 |** **  **  |
+	 |** ** **   |
+	 | *** **    |
+	 |     **    |
+	 |    ** *** |
+	 |   ** ** **|
+	 |  **  ** **|
+	 | **   ** **|
+	 |**     *** |
+	 |           |
+	 |           |
+	 |           |
+	 +-----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7060,
+	0xd8c0,
+	0xd980,
+	0xdb00,
+	0x7600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0dc0,
+	0x1b60,
+	0x3360,
+	0x6360,
+	0xc1c0,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character & (0x26):
+	   ht=16, width=9
+	   +---------+
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |   ***   |
+	 |  ** **  |
+	 |  *   *  |
+	 |  *   *  |
+	 |  ** **  |
+	 |   ***   |
+	 |  ***  * |
+	 | ** ** * |
+	 | *   *** |
+	 | **  **  |
+	 |  ****** |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 +---------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x2200,
+	0x2200,
+	0x3600,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x3900,
+	0x6d00,
+	0x4700,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ' (0x27):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ( (0x28):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |  **|
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |  **|
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	/* Character ) (0x29):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |**  |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |**  |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc000,
+	/* Character * (0x2a):
+	   ht=16, width=6
+	   +------+
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |  **  |
+	 |  **  |
+	 |******|
+	 |  **  |
+	 | **** |
+	 | *  * |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 +------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x3000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x4800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character + (0x2b):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |********|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0xff00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character , (0x2c):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |**  |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character - (0x2d):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |****|
+	 |****|
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character . (0x2e):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |*** |
+	 |*** |
+	 |*** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xe000,
+	0xe000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character / (0x2f):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |  **|
+	 |  **|
+	 |  **|
+	 |  **|
+	 | ***|
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |*** |
+	 |**  |
+	 |**  |
+	 |**  |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xe000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 0 (0x30):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 1 (0x31):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 2 (0x32):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 3 (0x33):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 4 (0x34):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 5 (0x35):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 6 (0x36):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 7 (0x37):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 8 (0x38):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character 9 (0x39):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character : (0x3a):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ; (0x3b):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |**  |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character < (0x3c):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character = (0x3d):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character > (0x3e):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ? (0x3f):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character @ (0x40):
+	   ht=16, width=14
+	   +--------------+
+	 |              |
+	 |     ****     |
+	 |   ***  ***   |
+	 |  ***    ***  |
+	 |  **  **  **  |
+	 | **  ****  ** |
+	 | **  ** ** ** |
+	 | ** **  ** ** |
+	 | ** **  ** ** |
+	 | ** ** **  ** |
+	 | **  ****  ** |
+	 |  **  * ****  |
+	 |  **          |
+	 |   ***   ***  |
+	 |     *****    |
+	 |              |
+	 +--------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0780,
+	0x1ce0,
+	0x3870,
+	0x3330,
+	0x6798,
+	0x66d8,
+	0x6cd8,
+	0x6cd8,
+	0x6d98,
+	0x6798,
+	0x32f0,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1c70,
+	0x07c0,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character A (0x41):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |***  ***|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x2400,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xe700,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character B (0x42):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 | *******  |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | *******  |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | *******  |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character C (0x43):
+	   ht=16, width=9
+	   +---------+
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |   ****  |
+	 |  **  ** |
+	 | **    * |
+	 | **    * |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **    * |
+	 | **    * |
+	 |  **  ** |
+	 |   ****  |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 +---------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3300,
+	0x6100,
+	0x6100,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6100,
+	0x6100,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character D (0x44):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 | ******   |
+	 | **   **  |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **   **  |
+	 | ******   |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x6300,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6300,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character E (0x45):
+	   ht=16, width=9
+	   +---------+
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 | ******* |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | ******* |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | ******* |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 +---------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character F (0x46):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *******|
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *******|
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character G (0x47):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |   *****  |
+	 |  **   ** |
+	 | **     * |
+	 | **     * |
+	 | **       |
+	 | **       |
+	 | **  **** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  **   ** |
+	 |   **** * |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1f00,
+	0x3180,
+	0x6080,
+	0x6080,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6780,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3180,
+	0x1e80,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character H (0x48):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | ******** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x7f80,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character I (0x49):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character J (0x4a):
+	   ht=16, width=7
+	   +-------+
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |    ** |
+	 |    ** |
+	 |    ** |
+	 |    ** |
+	 |    ** |
+	 |    ** |
+	 |    ** |
+	 |**  ** |
+	 |**  ** |
+	 |**  ** |
+	 | ****  |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 +-------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0xcc00,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character K (0x4b):
+	   ht=16, width=9
+	   +---------+
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 | **    **|
+	 | **   ** |
+	 | **  **  |
+	 | ** **   |
+	 | ****    |
+	 | ***     |
+	 | ****    |
+	 | ** **   |
+	 | **  **  |
+	 | **   ** |
+	 | **    **|
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 +---------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6300,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x7800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6300,
+	0x6180,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character L (0x4c):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *******|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character M (0x4d):
+	   ht=16, width=12
+	   +------------+
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 | **      ** |
+	 | **      ** |
+	 | ***    *** |
+	 | ***    *** |
+	 | ****  **** |
+	 | ****  **** |
+	 | ** **** ** |
+	 | ** **** ** |
+	 | **  **  ** |
+	 | **  **  ** |
+	 | **      ** |
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 +------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6060,
+	0x6060,
+	0x70e0,
+	0x70e0,
+	0x79e0,
+	0x79e0,
+	0x6f60,
+	0x6f60,
+	0x6660,
+	0x6660,
+	0x6060,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character N (0x4e):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | ***   ** |
+	 | ***   ** |
+	 | ****  ** |
+	 | ***** ** |
+	 | ** ** ** |
+	 | ** ***** |
+	 | **  **** |
+	 | **   *** |
+	 | **   *** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6180,
+	0x7180,
+	0x7180,
+	0x7980,
+	0x7d80,
+	0x6d80,
+	0x6f80,
+	0x6780,
+	0x6380,
+	0x6380,
+	0x6180,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character O (0x4f):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3300,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character P (0x50):
+	   ht=16, width=9
+	   +---------+
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 | ******* |
+	 | **    **|
+	 | **    **|
+	 | **    **|
+	 | **    **|
+	 | **    **|
+	 | ******* |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 +---------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character Q (0x51):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **  * ** |
+	 | **  **** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |   ****** |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3300,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6580,
+	0x6780,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1f80,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character R (0x52):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 | *******  |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | *******  |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **     **|
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x60c0,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character S (0x53):
+	   ht=16, width=9
+	   +---------+
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |  *****  |
+	 | **   ** |
+	 | **   ** |
+	 | **   ** |
+	 |  ***    |
+	 |    ***  |
+	 |      ** |
+	 | **   ** |
+	 | **   ** |
+	 | **   ** |
+	 |  *****  |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 +---------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x6300,
+	0x6300,
+	0x6300,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0e00,
+	0x0300,
+	0x6300,
+	0x6300,
+	0x6300,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character T (0x54):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character U (0x55):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character V (0x56):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x2400,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character W (0x57):
+	   ht=16, width=14
+	   +--------------+
+	 |              |
+	 |              |
+	 |**          **|
+	 |**    **    **|
+	 |**    **    **|
+	 |**    **    **|
+	 | **  ****  ** |
+	 | **  ****  ** |
+	 |  ** *  * **  |
+	 |  ****  ****  |
+	 |   **    **   |
+	 |   **    **   |
+	 |   **    **   |
+	 |              |
+	 |              |
+	 |              |
+	 +--------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc00c,
+	0xc30c,
+	0xc30c,
+	0xc30c,
+	0x6798,
+	0x6798,
+	0x34b0,
+	0x3cf0,
+	0x1860,
+	0x1860,
+	0x1860,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character X (0x58):
+	   ht=16, width=9
+	   +---------+
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |**     **|
+	 |**     **|
+	 | **   ** |
+	 |  ** **  |
+	 |   ***   |
+	 |   ***   |
+	 |   ***   |
+	 |  ** **  |
+	 | **   ** |
+	 |**     **|
+	 |**     **|
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 +---------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc180,
+	0xc180,
+	0x6300,
+	0x3600,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6300,
+	0xc180,
+	0xc180,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character Y (0x59):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |**      **|
+	 |**      **|
+	 |**      **|
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |    **    |
+	 |    **    |
+	 |    **    |
+	 |    **    |
+	 |    **    |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc0c0,
+	0xc0c0,
+	0xc0c0,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character Z (0x5a):
+	   ht=16, width=9
+	   +---------+
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |*********|
+	 |       **|
+	 |      ** |
+	 |     **  |
+	 |    **   |
+	 |    *    |
+	 |   **    |
+	 |  **     |
+	 | **      |
+	 |**       |
+	 |*********|
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 +---------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff80,
+	0x0180,
+	0x0300,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xff80,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character [ (0x5b):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ***|
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ***|
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7000,
+	/* Character \ (0x5c):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |**  |
+	 |**  |
+	 |**  |
+	 |**  |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |  **|
+	 |  **|
+	 |  **|
+	 |  **|
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character ] (0x5d):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |*** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |*** |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xe000,
+	/* Character ^ (0x5e):
+	   ht=16, width=5
+	   +-----+
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |  *  |
+	 | *** |
+	 |*****|
+	 |** **|
+	 |*   *|
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 +-----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x7000,
+	0xf800,
+	0xd800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character _ (0x5f):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	/* Character ` (0x60):
+	   ht=16, width=5
+	   +-----+
+	 |     |
+	 | **  |
+	 | *** |
+	 |  ** |
+	 |   **|
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 +-----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character a (0x61):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *   ** |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x4600,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character b (0x62):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character c (0x63):
+	   ht=16, width=7
+	   +-------+
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |  **** |
+	 | **  **|
+	 | **    |
+	 | **    |
+	 | **    |
+	 | **    |
+	 | **  **|
+	 |  **** |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 +-------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character d (0x64):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character e (0x65):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character f (0x66):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |  **|
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |****|
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character g (0x67):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	/* Character h (0x68):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character i (0x69):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character j (0x6a):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |**  |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc000,
+	/* Character k (0x6b):
+	   ht=16, width=7
+	   +-------+
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 | **    |
+	 | **    |
+	 | **    |
+	 | **    |
+	 | **  **|
+	 | ** ** |
+	 | ****  |
+	 | ***   |
+	 | ****  |
+	 | ** ** |
+	 | **  **|
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 +-------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x7800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character l (0x6c):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character m (0x6d):
+	   ht=16, width=12
+	   +------------+
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 | *********  |
+	 | **  **  ** |
+	 | **  **  ** |
+	 | **  **  ** |
+	 | **  **  ** |
+	 | **  **  ** |
+	 | **  **  ** |
+	 | **  **  ** |
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 +------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7fc0,
+	0x6660,
+	0x6660,
+	0x6660,
+	0x6660,
+	0x6660,
+	0x6660,
+	0x6660,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character n (0x6e):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character o (0x6f):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character p (0x70):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	/* Character q (0x71):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	/* Character r (0x72):
+	   ht=16, width=5
+	   +-----+
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 | ****|
+	 | *** |
+	 | **  |
+	 | **  |
+	 | **  |
+	 | **  |
+	 | **  |
+	 | **  |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 +-----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character s (0x73):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **   * |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 | *   ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6200,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x4600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character t (0x74):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |****|
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |  **|
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character u (0x75):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character v (0x76):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character w (0x77):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |**      **|
+	 |**  **  **|
+	 |**  **  **|
+	 | ** ** ** |
+	 | ** ** ** |
+	 | ******** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc0c0,
+	0xccc0,
+	0xccc0,
+	0x6d80,
+	0x6d80,
+	0x7f80,
+	0x3300,
+	0x3300,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character x (0x78):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**    **|
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |**    **|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc300,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0xc300,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character y (0x79):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	/* Character z (0x7a):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character { (0x7b):
+	   ht=16, width=5
+	   +-----+
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |   **|
+	 |  ** |
+	 |  ** |
+	 |  ** |
+	 |  ** |
+	 |  ** |
+	 | **  |
+	 | **  |
+	 |  ** |
+	 |  ** |
+	 |  ** |
+	 |  ** |
+	 |  ** |
+	 |   **|
+	 +-----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	/* Character | (0x7c):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	/* Character } (0x7d):
+	   ht=16, width=5
+	   +-----+
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |**   |
+	 | **  |
+	 | **  |
+	 | **  |
+	 | **  |
+	 | **  |
+	 |  ** |
+	 |  ** |
+	 | **  |
+	 | **  |
+	 | **  |
+	 | **  |
+	 | **  |
+	 |**   |
+	 +-----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc000,
+	/* Character ~ (0x7e):
+	   ht=16, width=5
+	   +-----+
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |*** *|
+	 |* ***|
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 +-----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xe800,
+	0xb800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character   (0x7f):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x80):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x81):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x82):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x83):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x84):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x85):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x86):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x87):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x88):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x89):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8a):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8b):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8c):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8d):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8e):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x8f):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x90):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x91):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |  **|
+	 |  **|
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x92):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |**  |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x93):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x94):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x95):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x96):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x97):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x98):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x99):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9a):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9b):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9c):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9d):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9e):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0x9f):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa0):
+	   ht=16, width=9
+	   +---------+
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 +---------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa1):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa2):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | ** *** |
+	 | ** *   |
+	 | ** *   |
+	 | ** *   |
+	 | ***    |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6e00,
+	0x6800,
+	0x6800,
+	0x6800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x7600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa3):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | ****   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa4):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x2400,
+	0x2400,
+	0x2400,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa5):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |********|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |********|
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0xff00,
+	0x1800,
+	0xff00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa6):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	/* Character � (0xa7):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x2400,
+	0x3800,
+	0x3800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x2400,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa8):
+	   ht=16, width=5
+	   +-----+
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |** **|
+	 |** **|
+	 |** **|
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 +-----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xd800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xa9):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |  ******  |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |**  **  **|
+	 |** *  * **|
+	 |** *  * **|
+	 |** *    **|
+	 |** *  * **|
+	 |** *  * **|
+	 |**  **  **|
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  ******  |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3f00,
+	0x6180,
+	0xccc0,
+	0xd2c0,
+	0xd2c0,
+	0xd0c0,
+	0xd2c0,
+	0xd2c0,
+	0xccc0,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xaa):
+	   ht=16, width=5
+	   +-----+
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |  *  |
+	 |   * |
+	 |  ** |
+	 | * * |
+	 |  ** |
+	 |     |
+	 | *** |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 +-----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xab):
+	   ht=16, width=7
+	   +-------+
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |  ** **|
+	 | ** ** |
+	 |** **  |
+	 | ** ** |
+	 |  ** **|
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 +-------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xd800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xac):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |     ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xad):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |****|
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xae):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |  ******  |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |** ***  **|
+	 |** *  * **|
+	 |** *  * **|
+	 |** *  * **|
+	 |** ***  **|
+	 |** * *  **|
+	 |** *  * **|
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  ******  |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3f00,
+	0x6180,
+	0xdcc0,
+	0xd2c0,
+	0xd2c0,
+	0xd2c0,
+	0xdcc0,
+	0xd4c0,
+	0xd2c0,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xaf):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |********|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xff00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xb0):
+	   ht=16, width=5
+	   +-----+
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 | *** |
+	 | * * |
+	 | * * |
+	 | *** |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 +-----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xb1):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xb2):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 |* **|
+	 |  **|
+	 | ** |
+	 |****|
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xb000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xb3):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 |* **|
+	 | ** |
+	 |* **|
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xb000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xb000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xb4):
+	   ht=16, width=5
+	   +-----+
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |  ***|
+	 |  ** |
+	 | **  |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 +-----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xb5):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *******|
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	/* Character � (0xb6):
+	   ht=16, width=7
+	   +-------+
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |  **** |
+	 | ***** |
+	 | ***** |
+	 | ***** |
+	 | ***** |
+	 |  **** |
+	 |    ** |
+	 |    ** |
+	 |    ** |
+	 |    ** |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 +-------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xb7):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xb8):
+	   ht=16, width=5
+	   +-----+
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |  ** |
+	 |   **|
+	 | *** |
+	 +-----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7000,
+	/* Character � (0xb9):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 |*** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xba):
+	   ht=16, width=5
+	   +-----+
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 | *** |
+	 | * * |
+	 | * * |
+	 | * * |
+	 | *** |
+	 |     |
+	 | *** |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 |     |
+	 +-----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xbb):
+	   ht=16, width=7
+	   +-------+
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |** **  |
+	 | ** ** |
+	 |  ** **|
+	 | ** ** |
+	 |** **  |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 +-------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xd800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0xd800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xbc):
+	   ht=16, width=11
+	   +-----------+
+	 |           |
+	 |           |
+	 |           |
+	 |  **     **|
+	 | ***    ** |
+	 |  **   **  |
+	 |  **  **   |
+	 |  ** **    |
+	 |    **  ** |
+	 |   **  *** |
+	 |  **  ** * |
+	 | **   **** |
+	 |**      ** |
+	 |           |
+	 |           |
+	 |           |
+	 +-----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3060,
+	0x70c0,
+	0x3180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x3600,
+	0x0cc0,
+	0x19c0,
+	0x3340,
+	0x63c0,
+	0xc0c0,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xbd):
+	   ht=16, width=11
+	   +-----------+
+	 |           |
+	 |           |
+	 |           |
+	 |  **     **|
+	 | ***    ** |
+	 |  **   **  |
+	 |  **  **   |
+	 |  ** **    |
+	 |    ** **  |
+	 |   ** * ** |
+	 |  **    ** |
+	 | **    **  |
+	 |**    **** |
+	 |           |
+	 |           |
+	 |           |
+	 +-----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3060,
+	0x70c0,
+	0x3180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x3600,
+	0x0d80,
+	0x1ac0,
+	0x30c0,
+	0x6180,
+	0xc3c0,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xbe):
+	   ht=16, width=11
+	   +-----------+
+	 |           |
+	 |           |
+	 |           |
+	 |  **     **|
+	 | * **   ** |
+	 |  **   **  |
+	 | * ** **   |
+	 |  ** **    |
+	 |    **  ** |
+	 |   **  *** |
+	 |  **  ** * |
+	 | **   **** |
+	 |**      ** |
+	 |           |
+	 |           |
+	 |           |
+	 +-----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3060,
+	0x58c0,
+	0x3180,
+	0x5b00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x0cc0,
+	0x19c0,
+	0x3340,
+	0x63c0,
+	0xc0c0,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xbf):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc0):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x2400,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc1):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x2400,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc2):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x2400,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc3):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | **** * |
+	 | * **** |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x7a00,
+	0x5e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x2400,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc4):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x2400,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc5):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  *  *  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x2400,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc6):
+	   ht=16, width=13
+	   +-------------+
+	 |             |
+	 |             |
+	 |             |
+	 |   ********* |
+	 |   ****      |
+	 |  ** **      |
+	 |  ** **      |
+	 |  ** ******  |
+	 | **  **      |
+	 | **  **      |
+	 | ******      |
+	 |**   **      |
+	 |**   ******* |
+	 |             |
+	 |             |
+	 |             |
+	 +-------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1ff0,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x3600,
+	0x37e0,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0xc600,
+	0xc7f0,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc7):
+	   ht=16, width=9
+	   +---------+
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |   ****  |
+	 |  **  ** |
+	 | **    * |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **    * |
+	 |  **  ** |
+	 |   ****  |
+	 |    **   |
+	 |     **  |
+	 |   ***   |
+	 +---------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3300,
+	0x6100,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6100,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x1c00,
+	/* Character � (0xc8):
+	   ht=16, width=9
+	   +---------+
+	 |   ***   |
+	 |    **   |
+	 |     **  |
+	 | ******* |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | ******  |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | ******* |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 +---------+ */
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xc9):
+	   ht=16, width=9
+	   +---------+
+	 |    ***  |
+	 |    **   |
+	 |   **    |
+	 | ******* |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | ******  |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | ******* |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 +---------+ */
+	0x0e00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xca):
+	   ht=16, width=9
+	   +---------+
+	 |    **   |
+	 |   ****  |
+	 |  **  ** |
+	 | ******* |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | ******  |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | ******* |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 +---------+ */
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3300,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xcb):
+	   ht=16, width=9
+	   +---------+
+	 |  **  ** |
+	 |  **  ** |
+	 |         |
+	 | ******* |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | ******  |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | ******* |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 +---------+ */
+	0x3300,
+	0x3300,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xcc):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |**  |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0xc000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xcd):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |  **|
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xce):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 | ** |
+	 |*  *|
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xcf):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |*  *|
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd0):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 | ******   |
+	 | **   **  |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |*****  ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **   **  |
+	 | ******   |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x6300,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0xf980,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6300,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd1):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |  **** *  |
+	 |  * ****  |
+	 |          |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | ***   ** |
+	 | ****  ** |
+	 | ****  ** |
+	 | ** ** ** |
+	 | ** ** ** |
+	 | **  **** |
+	 | **  **** |
+	 | **   *** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x3d00,
+	0x2f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6180,
+	0x7180,
+	0x7980,
+	0x7980,
+	0x6d80,
+	0x6d80,
+	0x6780,
+	0x6780,
+	0x6380,
+	0x6180,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd2):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |   ***    |
+	 |    **    |
+	 |     **   |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3300,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd3):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |    ***   |
+	 |    **    |
+	 |   **     |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0e00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3300,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd4):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |    **    |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3300,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd5):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |  **** *  |
+	 |  * ****  |
+	 |          |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x3d00,
+	0x2f00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3300,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd6):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |          |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x3300,
+	0x3300,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3300,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd7):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd8):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |   ****** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 | **   *** |
+	 | **  **** |
+	 | ** ** ** |
+	 | ** ** ** |
+	 | ****  ** |
+	 | ***   ** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 | ******   |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1f80,
+	0x3300,
+	0x6380,
+	0x6780,
+	0x6d80,
+	0x6d80,
+	0x7980,
+	0x7180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xd9):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |   ***    |
+	 |    **    |
+	 |     **   |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x1c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0600,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xda):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |    ***   |
+	 |    **    |
+	 |   **     |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0e00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xdb):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |    **    |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |          |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3300,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xdc):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |          |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x3300,
+	0x3300,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xdd):
+	   ht=16, width=10
+	   +----------+
+	 |    ***   |
+	 |    **    |
+	 |   **     |
+	 |**      **|
+	 |**      **|
+	 | **    ** |
+	 |  **  **  |
+	 |   ****   |
+	 |    **    |
+	 |    **    |
+	 |    **    |
+	 |    **    |
+	 |    **    |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 |          |
+	 +----------+ */
+	0x0e00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0xc0c0,
+	0xc0c0,
+	0x6180,
+	0x3300,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xde):
+	   ht=16, width=9
+	   +---------+
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 | ******  |
+	 | **   ** |
+	 | **   ** |
+	 | **   ** |
+	 | **   ** |
+	 | ******  |
+	 | **      |
+	 | **      |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 |         |
+	 +---------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x6300,
+	0x6300,
+	0x6300,
+	0x6300,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xdf):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe0):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe1):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe2):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe3):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **** * |
+	 | * **** |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7a00,
+	0x5e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe4):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe5):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |   **** |
+	 |  ** ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x1e00,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe6):
+	   ht=16, width=12
+	   +------------+
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 |  ********  |
+	 | **  **  ** |
+	 |   ******** |
+	 |  ** **     |
+	 | **  **     |
+	 | **  **  ** |
+	 |  ********  |
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 |            |
+	 +------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3fc0,
+	0x6660,
+	0x1fe0,
+	0x3600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6660,
+	0x3fc0,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe7):
+	   ht=16, width=7
+	   +-------+
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |       |
+	 |  **** |
+	 | **  **|
+	 | **    |
+	 | **    |
+	 | **    |
+	 | **  **|
+	 |  **** |
+	 |   **  |
+	 |    ** |
+	 |  ***  |
+	 +-------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x3800,
+	/* Character � (0xe8):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xe9):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xea):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xeb):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | ****** |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7e00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xec):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |*** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |  **|
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xed):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ***|
+	 | ** |
+	 |**  |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xee):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 |****|
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xef):
+	   ht=16, width=4
+	   +----+
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |*  *|
+	 |*  *|
+	 |    |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 | ** |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 |    |
+	 +----+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf0):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 |   **   |
+	 | ** **  |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7600,
+	0x1800,
+	0x6c00,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf1):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **** * |
+	 | * **** |
+	 |        |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7a00,
+	0x5e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf2):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf3):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf4):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf5):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **** * |
+	 | * **** |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7a00,
+	0x5e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf6):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf7):
+	   ht=16, width=6
+	   +------+
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |  **  |
+	 |  **  |
+	 |      |
+	 | **** |
+	 |      |
+	 |  **  |
+	 |  **  |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 |      |
+	 +------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf8):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 | ** *** |
+	 | ** *** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 | *** ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x6e00,
+	0x6e00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7600,
+	0x7600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xf9):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |  ***   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |    **  |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xfa):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xfb):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xfc):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ***** |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3e00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character � (0xfd):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |   ***  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 |        |
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+	/* Character � (0xfe):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | *****  |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 | **     |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x7c00,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	/* Character � (0xff):
+	   ht=16, width=8
+	   +--------+
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 |        |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |        |
+	 |**    **|
+	 |**    **|
+	 | **  ** |
+	 | **  ** |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |  ****  |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |   **   |
+	 |  **    |
+	 | **     |
+	 +--------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc300,
+	0xc300,
+	0x6600,
+	0x6600,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x1800,
+	0x1800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x6000,
+/* Character width data. */
+static const uint8_t winfreesystem14x16_width[] = {
+	4,	/*   (0x20) */
+	4,	/* ! (0x21) */
+	6,	/* " (0x22) */
+	8,	/* # (0x23) */
+	8,	/* $ (0x24) */
+	11,	/* % (0x25) */
+	9,	/* & (0x26) */
+	4,	/* ' (0x27) */
+	4,	/* ( (0x28) */
+	4,	/* ) (0x29) */
+	6,	/* * (0x2a) */
+	8,	/* + (0x2b) */
+	4,	/* , (0x2c) */
+	4,	/* - (0x2d) */
+	4,	/* . (0x2e) */
+	4,	/* / (0x2f) */
+	8,	/* 0 (0x30) */
+	8,	/* 1 (0x31) */
+	8,	/* 2 (0x32) */
+	8,	/* 3 (0x33) */
+	8,	/* 4 (0x34) */
+	8,	/* 5 (0x35) */
+	8,	/* 6 (0x36) */
+	8,	/* 7 (0x37) */
+	8,	/* 8 (0x38) */
+	8,	/* 9 (0x39) */
+	4,	/* : (0x3a) */
+	4,	/* ; (0x3b) */
+	8,	/* < (0x3c) */
+	8,	/* = (0x3d) */
+	8,	/* > (0x3e) */
+	8,	/* ? (0x3f) */
+	14,	/* @ (0x40) */
+	8,	/* A (0x41) */
+	10,	/* B (0x42) */
+	9,	/* C (0x43) */
+	10,	/* D (0x44) */
+	9,	/* E (0x45) */
+	8,	/* F (0x46) */
+	10,	/* G (0x47) */
+	10,	/* H (0x48) */
+	4,	/* I (0x49) */
+	7,	/* J (0x4a) */
+	9,	/* K (0x4b) */
+	8,	/* L (0x4c) */
+	12,	/* M (0x4d) */
+	10,	/* N (0x4e) */
+	10,	/* O (0x4f) */
+	9,	/* P (0x50) */
+	10,	/* Q (0x51) */
+	10,	/* R (0x52) */
+	9,	/* S (0x53) */
+	8,	/* T (0x54) */
+	10,	/* U (0x55) */
+	8,	/* V (0x56) */
+	14,	/* W (0x57) */
+	9,	/* X (0x58) */
+	10,	/* Y (0x59) */
+	9,	/* Z (0x5a) */
+	4,	/* [ (0x5b) */
+	4,	/* \ (0x5c) */
+	4,	/* ] (0x5d) */
+	5,	/* ^ (0x5e) */
+	8,	/* _ (0x5f) */
+	5,	/* ` (0x60) */
+	8,	/* a (0x61) */
+	8,	/* b (0x62) */
+	7,	/* c (0x63) */
+	8,	/* d (0x64) */
+	8,	/* e (0x65) */
+	4,	/* f (0x66) */
+	8,	/* g (0x67) */
+	8,	/* h (0x68) */
+	4,	/* i (0x69) */
+	4,	/* j (0x6a) */
+	7,	/* k (0x6b) */
+	4,	/* l (0x6c) */
+	12,	/* m (0x6d) */
+	8,	/* n (0x6e) */
+	8,	/* o (0x6f) */
+	8,	/* p (0x70) */
+	8,	/* q (0x71) */
+	5,	/* r (0x72) */
+	8,	/* s (0x73) */
+	4,	/* t (0x74) */
+	8,	/* u (0x75) */
+	8,	/* v (0x76) */
+	10,	/* w (0x77) */
+	8,	/* x (0x78) */
+	8,	/* y (0x79) */
+	8,	/* z (0x7a) */
+	5,	/* { (0x7b) */
+	4,	/* | (0x7c) */
+	5,	/* } (0x7d) */
+	5,	/* ~ (0x7e) */
+	4,	/*   (0x7f) */
+	4,	/* � (0x80) */
+	4,	/* � (0x81) */
+	4,	/* � (0x82) */
+	4,	/* � (0x83) */
+	4,	/* � (0x84) */
+	4,	/* � (0x85) */
+	4,	/* � (0x86) */
+	4,	/* � (0x87) */
+	4,	/* � (0x88) */
+	4,	/* � (0x89) */
+	4,	/* � (0x8a) */
+	4,	/* � (0x8b) */
+	4,	/* � (0x8c) */
+	4,	/* � (0x8d) */
+	4,	/* � (0x8e) */
+	4,	/* � (0x8f) */
+	4,	/* � (0x90) */
+	4,	/* � (0x91) */
+	4,	/* � (0x92) */
+	4,	/* � (0x93) */
+	4,	/* � (0x94) */
+	4,	/* � (0x95) */
+	4,	/* � (0x96) */
+	4,	/* � (0x97) */
+	4,	/* � (0x98) */
+	4,	/* � (0x99) */
+	4,	/* � (0x9a) */
+	4,	/* � (0x9b) */
+	4,	/* � (0x9c) */
+	4,	/* � (0x9d) */
+	4,	/* � (0x9e) */
+	4,	/* � (0x9f) */
+	9,	/* � (0xa0) */
+	4,	/* � (0xa1) */
+	8,	/* � (0xa2) */
+	8,	/* � (0xa3) */
+	8,	/* � (0xa4) */
+	8,	/* � (0xa5) */
+	4,	/* � (0xa6) */
+	8,	/* � (0xa7) */
+	5,	/* � (0xa8) */
+	10,	/* � (0xa9) */
+	5,	/* � (0xaa) */
+	7,	/* � (0xab) */
+	8,	/* � (0xac) */
+	4,	/* � (0xad) */
+	10,	/* � (0xae) */
+	8,	/* � (0xaf) */
+	5,	/* � (0xb0) */
+	8,	/* � (0xb1) */
+	4,	/* � (0xb2) */
+	4,	/* � (0xb3) */
+	5,	/* � (0xb4) */
+	8,	/* � (0xb5) */
+	7,	/* � (0xb6) */
+	4,	/* � (0xb7) */
+	5,	/* � (0xb8) */
+	4,	/* � (0xb9) */
+	5,	/* � (0xba) */
+	7,	/* � (0xbb) */
+	11,	/* � (0xbc) */
+	11,	/* � (0xbd) */
+	11,	/* � (0xbe) */
+	8,	/* � (0xbf) */
+	8,	/* � (0xc0) */
+	8,	/* � (0xc1) */
+	8,	/* � (0xc2) */
+	8,	/* � (0xc3) */
+	8,	/* � (0xc4) */
+	8,	/* � (0xc5) */
+	13,	/* � (0xc6) */
+	9,	/* � (0xc7) */
+	9,	/* � (0xc8) */
+	9,	/* � (0xc9) */
+	9,	/* � (0xca) */
+	9,	/* � (0xcb) */
+	4,	/* � (0xcc) */
+	4,	/* � (0xcd) */
+	4,	/* � (0xce) */
+	4,	/* � (0xcf) */
+	10,	/* � (0xd0) */
+	10,	/* � (0xd1) */
+	10,	/* � (0xd2) */
+	10,	/* � (0xd3) */
+	10,	/* � (0xd4) */
+	10,	/* � (0xd5) */
+	10,	/* � (0xd6) */
+	8,	/* � (0xd7) */
+	10,	/* � (0xd8) */
+	10,	/* � (0xd9) */
+	10,	/* � (0xda) */
+	10,	/* � (0xdb) */
+	10,	/* � (0xdc) */
+	10,	/* � (0xdd) */
+	9,	/* � (0xde) */
+	8,	/* � (0xdf) */
+	8,	/* � (0xe0) */
+	8,	/* � (0xe1) */
+	8,	/* � (0xe2) */
+	8,	/* � (0xe3) */
+	8,	/* � (0xe4) */
+	8,	/* � (0xe5) */
+	12,	/* � (0xe6) */
+	7,	/* � (0xe7) */
+	8,	/* � (0xe8) */
+	8,	/* � (0xe9) */
+	8,	/* � (0xea) */
+	8,	/* � (0xeb) */
+	4,	/* � (0xec) */
+	4,	/* � (0xed) */
+	4,	/* � (0xee) */
+	4,	/* � (0xef) */
+	8,	/* � (0xf0) */
+	8,	/* � (0xf1) */
+	8,	/* � (0xf2) */
+	8,	/* � (0xf3) */
+	8,	/* � (0xf4) */
+	8,	/* � (0xf5) */
+	8,	/* � (0xf6) */
+	6,	/* � (0xf7) */
+	8,	/* � (0xf8) */
+	8,	/* � (0xf9) */
+	8,	/* � (0xfa) */
+	8,	/* � (0xfb) */
+	8,	/* � (0xfc) */
+	8,	/* � (0xfd) */
+	8,	/* � (0xfe) */
+	8,	/* � (0xff) */
+/* Windows FreeSystem 14x16 font data */
+const FONT_T font_winfreesys14x16 = {16, 0x20, 0xFF,
+									 winfreesystem14x16_bits, winfreesystem14x16_width};
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_winfreesystem14x16.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * @brief Windows FreeSystem 14x16 Font
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#ifndef __LPC_WINFREESYS_14X16_H_
+#define __LPC_WINFREESYS_14X16_H_
+#include "lpc_fonts.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C"
+/** @ingroup GUI_SWIM_FONTS
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Windows FreeSystem 14x16 font data
+ */
+extern const FONT_T font_winfreesys14x16;
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ * @}
+ */
+#endif /* __LPC_WINFREESYS_14X16_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_x5x7.c	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2594 @@
+ * @brief Fixed 5x7 proportional Font
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+/* Generated by convbdf on Tue Oct  3 00:24:24 MDT 2000. */
+/* Font information:
+   name: "-Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--7-70-75-75-C-50-ISO8859-1"
+   pixel size: 7
+   ascent: 6
+   descent: 1
+ */
+#include "lpc_types.h"
+#include "lpc_x5x7.h"
+/* Font character bitmap data. */
+static const uint16_t x5x7_bits[] = {
+	/* Character (0x00):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |****            |
+	 |****            |
+	 |****            |
+	 |****            |
+	 |****            |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x01):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*****           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x7000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x02):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | * *            |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x5000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x5000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x5000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x03):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |* *             |
+	 |***             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xa000,
+	0xe000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x04):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |**              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |**              |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  **            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xc000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xb000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x05):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |**              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |**              |
+	 | **             |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 | * *            |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xc000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x5000,
+	/* Character (0x06):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |**              |
+	 |  **            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  **            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x07):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x08):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x09):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |** *            |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  **            |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x9000,
+	0xd000,
+	0xb000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x3000,
+	/* Character (0x0a):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |* *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xa000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x0b):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |***             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x0c):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |***             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x0d):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  ***           |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x0e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  ***           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x0f):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x10):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x11):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x12):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x13):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x14):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x15):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  ***           |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x16):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |***             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x17):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x18):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x19):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x1a):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x1b):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x1c):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x1d):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |   *            |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x1e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |  **            |
+	 | *              |
+	 |***             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xb000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x1f):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x20):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x21):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x22):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x23):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |*****           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |*****           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x5000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x5000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x24):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x25):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*               |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x8000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x26):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x27):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | **             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x6000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x28):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x29):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x2a):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |***             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x2b):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x2c):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	/* Character (0x2d):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x2e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x2f):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x30):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | *              |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x4000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x31):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | *              |
+	 |**              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |***             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x4000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x32):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x33):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |****            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xf000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x34):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 | **             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |****            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x35):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |****            |
+	 |*               |
+	 |***             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xf000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x36):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | **             |
+	 |*               |
+	 |***             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x6000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x37):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |****            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xf000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x38):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x39):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3a):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3b):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	/* Character (0x3c):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3d):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3f):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | *              |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x4000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x40):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |*               |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xb000,
+	0xb000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x41):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |****            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x42):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |***             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |***             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |***             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xe000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x43):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x44):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |***             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |***             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xe000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x45):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |****            |
+	 |*               |
+	 |***             |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xf000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x46):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |****            |
+	 |*               |
+	 |***             |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xf000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x47):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*               |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xb000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x48):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |****            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x49):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |***             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |***             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xe000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4a):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4b):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |**              |
+	 |**              |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x9000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4c):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4d):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |****            |
+	 |****            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x9000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |** *            |
+	 |** *            |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x9000,
+	0xd000,
+	0xd000,
+	0xb000,
+	0xb000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4f):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x50):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |***             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |***             |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xe000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x51):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |** *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xd000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x1000,
+	/* Character (0x52):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |***             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |***             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xe000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xe000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x53):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x54):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |***             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xe000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x55):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x56):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x57):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |****            |
+	 |****            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x58):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x59):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |* *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xa000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5a):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |****            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xf000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5b):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |***             |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |***             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xe000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5c):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5d):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |***             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |***             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xe000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | *              |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x4000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5f):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x60):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |**              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xc000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x61):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |* **            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xb000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x62):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |***             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |***             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x63):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x64):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x65):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |**              |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xb000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x66):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | *              |
+	 |***             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x67):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |*               |
+	 | ***            |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x7000,
+	/* Character (0x68):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |***             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x69):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |**              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |***             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6a):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x4000,
+	/* Character (0x6b):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |**              |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6c):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |**              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |***             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0xc000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6d):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |****            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |***             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6f):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x70):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |***             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |***             |
+	 |*               |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x8000,
+	/* Character (0x71):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x1000,
+	/* Character (0x72):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |***             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x73):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |**              |
+	 |  **            |
+	 |***             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x3000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x74):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |***             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  **            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x75):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x76):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x77):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |****            |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xf000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x78):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x79):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	/* Character (0x7a):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |****            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x7b):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |**              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x7c):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x7d):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 |*               |
+	 | *              |
+	 | **             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x8000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x7e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=5
+	   +----------------+
+	 | * *            |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x5000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+/* Character width data. */
+static const uint8_t x5x7_width[] = {
+	5,	/* (0x00) */
+	5,	/* (0x01) */
+	5,	/* (0x02) */
+	5,	/* (0x03) */
+	5,	/* (0x04) */
+	5,	/* (0x05) */
+	5,	/* (0x06) */
+	5,	/* (0x07) */
+	5,	/* (0x08) */
+	5,	/* (0x09) */
+	5,	/* (0x0a) */
+	5,	/* (0x0b) */
+	5,	/* (0x0c) */
+	5,	/* (0x0d) */
+	5,	/* (0x0e) */
+	5,	/* (0x0f) */
+	5,	/* (0x10) */
+	5,	/* (0x11) */
+	5,	/* (0x12) */
+	5,	/* (0x13) */
+	5,	/* (0x14) */
+	5,	/* (0x15) */
+	5,	/* (0x16) */
+	5,	/* (0x17) */
+	5,	/* (0x18) */
+	5,	/* (0x19) */
+	5,	/* (0x1a) */
+	5,	/* (0x1b) */
+	5,	/* (0x1c) */
+	5,	/* (0x1d) */
+	5,	/* (0x1e) */
+	5,	/* (0x1f) */
+	5,	/* (0x20) */
+	5,	/* (0x21) */
+	5,	/* (0x22) */
+	5,	/* (0x23) */
+	5,	/* (0x24) */
+	5,	/* (0x25) */
+	5,	/* (0x26) */
+	5,	/* (0x27) */
+	5,	/* (0x28) */
+	5,	/* (0x29) */
+	5,	/* (0x2a) */
+	5,	/* (0x2b) */
+	5,	/* (0x2c) */
+	5,	/* (0x2d) */
+	5,	/* (0x2e) */
+	5,	/* (0x2f) */
+	5,	/* (0x30) */
+	5,	/* (0x31) */
+	5,	/* (0x32) */
+	5,	/* (0x33) */
+	5,	/* (0x34) */
+	5,	/* (0x35) */
+	5,	/* (0x36) */
+	5,	/* (0x37) */
+	5,	/* (0x38) */
+	5,	/* (0x39) */
+	5,	/* (0x3a) */
+	5,	/* (0x3b) */
+	5,	/* (0x3c) */
+	5,	/* (0x3d) */
+	5,	/* (0x3e) */
+	5,	/* (0x3f) */
+	5,	/* (0x40) */
+	5,	/* (0x41) */
+	5,	/* (0x42) */
+	5,	/* (0x43) */
+	5,	/* (0x44) */
+	5,	/* (0x45) */
+	5,	/* (0x46) */
+	5,	/* (0x47) */
+	5,	/* (0x48) */
+	5,	/* (0x49) */
+	5,	/* (0x4a) */
+	5,	/* (0x4b) */
+	5,	/* (0x4c) */
+	5,	/* (0x4d) */
+	5,	/* (0x4e) */
+	5,	/* (0x4f) */
+	5,	/* (0x50) */
+	5,	/* (0x51) */
+	5,	/* (0x52) */
+	5,	/* (0x53) */
+	5,	/* (0x54) */
+	5,	/* (0x55) */
+	5,	/* (0x56) */
+	5,	/* (0x57) */
+	5,	/* (0x58) */
+	5,	/* (0x59) */
+	5,	/* (0x5a) */
+	5,	/* (0x5b) */
+	5,	/* (0x5c) */
+	5,	/* (0x5d) */
+	5,	/* (0x5e) */
+	5,	/* (0x5f) */
+	5,	/* (0x60) */
+	5,	/* (0x61) */
+	5,	/* (0x62) */
+	5,	/* (0x63) */
+	5,	/* (0x64) */
+	5,	/* (0x65) */
+	5,	/* (0x66) */
+	5,	/* (0x67) */
+	5,	/* (0x68) */
+	5,	/* (0x69) */
+	5,	/* (0x6a) */
+	5,	/* (0x6b) */
+	5,	/* (0x6c) */
+	5,	/* (0x6d) */
+	5,	/* (0x6e) */
+	5,	/* (0x6f) */
+	5,	/* (0x70) */
+	5,	/* (0x71) */
+	5,	/* (0x72) */
+	5,	/* (0x73) */
+	5,	/* (0x74) */
+	5,	/* (0x75) */
+	5,	/* (0x76) */
+	5,	/* (0x77) */
+	5,	/* (0x78) */
+	5,	/* (0x79) */
+	5,	/* (0x7a) */
+	5,	/* (0x7b) */
+	5,	/* (0x7c) */
+	5,	/* (0x7d) */
+	5,	/* (0x7e) */
+/* Fixed 5x7 proportional font data */
+const FONT_T font_x5x7 = {7, 0x00, 0x7E, x5x7_bits, x5x7_width};
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_x5x7.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * @brief Fixed 5x7 proportional Font
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#ifndef __LPC_X5X7_H_
+#define __LPC_X5X7_H_
+#include "lpc_fonts.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C"
+/** @ingroup GUI_SWIM_FONTS
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Fixed 5x7 proportional font data
+ */
+extern const FONT_T font_x5x7;
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#endif /* __LPC_X5X7_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_x6x13.c	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,4118 @@
+ * @brief Fixed 6x13 proportional Font
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+/* Generated by convbdf on Tue Oct  3 00:24:25 MDT 2000. */
+/* Font information:
+   name: "-Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-SemiCondensed--13-120-75-75-C-60-ISO8859-1"
+   pixel size: 13
+   ascent: 11
+   descent: 2
+ */
+#include "lpc_types.h"
+#include "lpc_x6x13.h"
+/* Font character bitmap data. */
+static const uint16_t x6x13_bits[] = {
+	/* Character (0x00):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=11, bbx=1, bby=-1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x01):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=5, bbx=0, bby=1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*****           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x7000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x02):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=12, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 | * * *          |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 | * * *          |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 | * * *          |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 | * * *          |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 | * * *          |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 | * * *          |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x5400,
+	0xa800,
+	0x5400,
+	0xa800,
+	0x5400,
+	0xa800,
+	0x5400,
+	0xa800,
+	0x5400,
+	0xa800,
+	0x5400,
+	0xa800,
+	/* Character (0x03):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |***             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xe000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x04):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |***             |
+	 |*               |
+	 |**              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |****            |
+	 | *              |
+	 | **             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	/* Character (0x05):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 | ***            |
+	 | ***            |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x4800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x4800,
+	/* Character (0x06):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |***             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 | *              |
+	 | **             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	/* Character (0x07):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=4, bbx=0, bby=5, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x08):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x09):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |**  *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | ****           |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0xc800,
+	0xa800,
+	0x9800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x7800,
+	/* Character (0x0a):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x0b):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=3, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |***             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x0c):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |***             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x0d):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=6, bbx=2, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  ****          |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x0e):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=8, bbx=2, bby=3, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  ****          |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x0f):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=13, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |******          |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x10):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=1, bbx=0, bby=7, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |******          |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x11):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=1, bbx=0, bby=5, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |******          |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x12):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=1, bbx=0, bby=3, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |******          |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x13):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=1, bbx=0, bby=1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |******          |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x14):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=1, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |******          |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x15):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=13, bbx=2, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  ****          |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x3c00,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x16):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=13, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |***             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x17):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=3, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |******          |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x18):
+	   bbw=6, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |******          |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xfc00,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x19):
+	   bbw=1, bbh=13, bbx=2, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	/* Character (0x1a):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x1b):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x1c):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x1d):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=5, bbx=0, bby=1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x2000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x1e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  **            |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |***             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x4800,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xe000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4800,
+	0xb000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x1f):
+	   bbw=1, bbh=1, bbx=2, bby=2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x20):
+	   bbw=0, bbh=0, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x21):
+	   bbw=1, bbh=9, bbx=2, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x22):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=3, bbx=1, bby=6, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x23):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |*****           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |*****           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x5000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x24):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | ****           |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |  * *           |
+	 |****            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x7800,
+	0xa000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2800,
+	0x2800,
+	0xf000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x25):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4800,
+	0xa800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x5000,
+	0xa800,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x26):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | ** *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x9800,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x27):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=3, bbx=1, bby=6, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  **            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x28):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=9, bbx=1, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x29):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=9, bbx=1, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x2a):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=7, bbx=0, bby=1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |*****           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xa800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x7000,
+	0xf800,
+	0xa800,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x2b):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=5, bbx=0, bby=2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x2c):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=3, bbx=1, bby=-1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  **            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x2d):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=1, bbx=0, bby=4, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x2e):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=3, bbx=1, bby=-1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x2f):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x30):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x31):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | **             |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x6000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x32):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x33):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x34):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  **            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x35):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |**  *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xb000,
+	0xc800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x36):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |****            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x37):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x38):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x39):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3a):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=-1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3b):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=-1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  **            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3c):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3d):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=4, bbx=0, bby=2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x3f):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x40):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |*               |
+	 | ****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x9800,
+	0xa800,
+	0xa800,
+	0xb000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x41):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x42):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |****            |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x4800,
+	0x4800,
+	0x4800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x4800,
+	0x4800,
+	0x4800,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x43):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x44):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |****            |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x4800,
+	0x4800,
+	0x4800,
+	0x4800,
+	0x4800,
+	0x4800,
+	0x4800,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x45):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |****            |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x46):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |****            |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x47):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x9800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x48):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x49):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=9, bbx=1, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4a):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  ***           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4b):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |**              |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x9000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4c):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4d):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |** **           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0xd800,
+	0xa800,
+	0xa800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |**  *           |
+	 |**  *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0xc800,
+	0xc800,
+	0xa800,
+	0xa800,
+	0x9800,
+	0x9800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x4f):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x50):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |****            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |****            |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0xf000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x51):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=10, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0xa800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x52):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |****            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |****            |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0xf000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x53):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x54):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x55):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x56):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x57):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |** **           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0xa800,
+	0xa800,
+	0xa800,
+	0xd800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x58):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x59):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5a):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5b):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=9, bbx=1, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5c):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5d):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=9, bbx=1, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=3, bbx=0, bby=6, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x5f):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=1, bbx=0, bby=-1, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x60):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=3, bbx=2, bby=6, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  **            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x61):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |    *           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x62):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |****            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |****            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0xf000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x63):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x64):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x65):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0xf800,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x66):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  **            |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |****            |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x4800,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x67):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	/* Character (0x68):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |**  *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xb000,
+	0xc800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x69):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=8, bbx=1, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6a):
+	   bbw=4, bbh=10, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |  **            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 | **             |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x3000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x6000,
+	/* Character (0x6b):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |**              |
+	 |* *             |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x9000,
+	0xa000,
+	0xc000,
+	0xa000,
+	0x9000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6c):
+	   bbw=3, bbh=9, bbx=1, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | **             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x6000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6d):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |** *            |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xd000,
+	0xa800,
+	0xa800,
+	0xa800,
+	0xa800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |**  *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xb000,
+	0xc800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x6f):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x70):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |****            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |****            |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0xf000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	/* Character (0x71):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ****           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ****           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x0800,
+	/* Character (0x72):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |* **            |
+	 |**  *           |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*               |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xb000,
+	0xc800,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x8000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x73):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | **             |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x7000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x6000,
+	0x1000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x74):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 |****            |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *              |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 |  **            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0xf000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x4800,
+	0x3000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x75):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 | ** *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x9800,
+	0x6800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x76):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x77):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0xa800,
+	0xa800,
+	0xa800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x78):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | * *            |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x5000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x5000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x79):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=8, bbx=0, bby=-2, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 |*  **           |
+	 | ** *           |
+	 |    *           |
+	 |*   *           |
+	 | ***            |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x9800,
+	0x6800,
+	0x0800,
+	0x8800,
+	0x7000,
+	/* Character (0x7a):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=6, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |   *            |
+	 |  *             |
+	 | *              |
+	 |*               |
+	 |*****           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x1000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x4000,
+	0x8000,
+	0xf800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x7b):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |   **           |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |**              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |   **           |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x7c):
+	   bbw=1, bbh=9, bbx=2, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x7d):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=9, bbx=0, bby=0, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |**              |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |   **           |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |  *             |
+	 |**              |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x1800,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0x2000,
+	0xc000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	/* Character (0x7e):
+	   bbw=5, bbh=3, bbx=0, bby=6, width=6
+	   +----------------+
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 | *  *           |
+	 |* * *           |
+	 |*  *            |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 |                |
+	 +----------------+ */
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x4800,
+	0xa800,
+	0x9000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+	0x0000,
+/* Character width data. */
+static const uint8_t x6x13_width[] = {
+	6,	/* (0x00) */
+	6,	/* (0x01) */
+	6,	/* (0x02) */
+	6,	/* (0x03) */
+	6,	/* (0x04) */
+	6,	/* (0x05) */
+	6,	/* (0x06) */
+	6,	/* (0x07) */
+	6,	/* (0x08) */
+	6,	/* (0x09) */
+	6,	/* (0x0a) */
+	6,	/* (0x0b) */
+	6,	/* (0x0c) */
+	6,	/* (0x0d) */
+	6,	/* (0x0e) */
+	6,	/* (0x0f) */
+	6,	/* (0x10) */
+	6,	/* (0x11) */
+	6,	/* (0x12) */
+	6,	/* (0x13) */
+	6,	/* (0x14) */
+	6,	/* (0x15) */
+	6,	/* (0x16) */
+	6,	/* (0x17) */
+	6,	/* (0x18) */
+	6,	/* (0x19) */
+	6,	/* (0x1a) */
+	6,	/* (0x1b) */
+	6,	/* (0x1c) */
+	6,	/* (0x1d) */
+	6,	/* (0x1e) */
+	6,	/* (0x1f) */
+	6,	/* (0x20) */
+	6,	/* (0x21) */
+	6,	/* (0x22) */
+	6,	/* (0x23) */
+	6,	/* (0x24) */
+	6,	/* (0x25) */
+	6,	/* (0x26) */
+	6,	/* (0x27) */
+	6,	/* (0x28) */
+	6,	/* (0x29) */
+	6,	/* (0x2a) */
+	6,	/* (0x2b) */
+	6,	/* (0x2c) */
+	6,	/* (0x2d) */
+	6,	/* (0x2e) */
+	6,	/* (0x2f) */
+	6,	/* (0x30) */
+	6,	/* (0x31) */
+	6,	/* (0x32) */
+	6,	/* (0x33) */
+	6,	/* (0x34) */
+	6,	/* (0x35) */
+	6,	/* (0x36) */
+	6,	/* (0x37) */
+	6,	/* (0x38) */
+	6,	/* (0x39) */
+	6,	/* (0x3a) */
+	6,	/* (0x3b) */
+	6,	/* (0x3c) */
+	6,	/* (0x3d) */
+	6,	/* (0x3e) */
+	6,	/* (0x3f) */
+	6,	/* (0x40) */
+	6,	/* (0x41) */
+	6,	/* (0x42) */
+	6,	/* (0x43) */
+	6,	/* (0x44) */
+	6,	/* (0x45) */
+	6,	/* (0x46) */
+	6,	/* (0x47) */
+	6,	/* (0x48) */
+	6,	/* (0x49) */
+	6,	/* (0x4a) */
+	6,	/* (0x4b) */
+	6,	/* (0x4c) */
+	6,	/* (0x4d) */
+	6,	/* (0x4e) */
+	6,	/* (0x4f) */
+	6,	/* (0x50) */
+	6,	/* (0x51) */
+	6,	/* (0x52) */
+	6,	/* (0x53) */
+	6,	/* (0x54) */
+	6,	/* (0x55) */
+	6,	/* (0x56) */
+	6,	/* (0x57) */
+	6,	/* (0x58) */
+	6,	/* (0x59) */
+	6,	/* (0x5a) */
+	6,	/* (0x5b) */
+	6,	/* (0x5c) */
+	6,	/* (0x5d) */
+	6,	/* (0x5e) */
+	6,	/* (0x5f) */
+	6,	/* (0x60) */
+	6,	/* (0x61) */
+	6,	/* (0x62) */
+	6,	/* (0x63) */
+	6,	/* (0x64) */
+	6,	/* (0x65) */
+	6,	/* (0x66) */
+	6,	/* (0x67) */
+	6,	/* (0x68) */
+	6,	/* (0x69) */
+	6,	/* (0x6a) */
+	6,	/* (0x6b) */
+	6,	/* (0x6c) */
+	6,	/* (0x6d) */
+	6,	/* (0x6e) */
+	6,	/* (0x6f) */
+	6,	/* (0x70) */
+	6,	/* (0x71) */
+	6,	/* (0x72) */
+	6,	/* (0x73) */
+	6,	/* (0x74) */
+	6,	/* (0x75) */
+	6,	/* (0x76) */
+	6,	/* (0x77) */
+	6,	/* (0x78) */
+	6,	/* (0x79) */
+	6,	/* (0x7a) */
+	6,	/* (0x7b) */
+	6,	/* (0x7c) */
+	6,	/* (0x7d) */
+	6,	/* (0x7e) */
+/* Fixed 6x13 proportional font data */
+const FONT_T font_x6x13 = {13, 0x00, 0x7E, x6x13_bits, x6x13_width};
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_x6x13.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * @brief Fixed 6x13 proportional Font
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#ifndef __LPC_X6X13_H_
+#define __LPC_X6X13_H_
+#include "lpc_fonts.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C"
+/** @ingroup GUI_SWIM_FONTS
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Fixed 6x13 proportional font data
+ */
+extern const FONT_T font_x6x13;
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#endif /* __LPC_X6X13_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Includes
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "TestDisplay.h"
+ * Typedefs and defines
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * Local variables
+ *****************************************************************************/
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+ * Local functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * Test program for the 4.3" and 5" displays. This test is supposed to run
+ * on a LPC4088QSB board on an LPC4088 Experiment Base Board.
+ */
+int main() {
+    printf("\n"
+           "---\n"
+           "Text Demo Program for 4.3 and 5 inch display on the LPC4088 Experiment Base Board\n"
+           "Build Date: " __DATE__ " at " __TIME__ "\n"
+           "\n");
+    //TestDisplay display(TestDisplay::TFT_4_3);
+    TestDisplay display(TestDisplay::TFT_5);
+    display.runTest();
+    while(1) {
+        myled = 1;
+        wait(0.2);
+        myled = 0;
+        wait(0.2);
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file