Graphical demo for the LPC4088 Experiment Base Board with one of the Display Expansion Kits. This program displays how to write text in different fonts.

Dependencies:   EALib mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_swim.h	Thu Jun 25 10:30:15 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+ * @brief Simple Windowing Interface Manager (SWIM)
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#ifndef __LPC_SWIM_H_
+#define __LPC_SWIM_H_
+#include "lpc_types.h"
+#include "lpc_fonts.h"
+#include "lpc_colors.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C"
+/** @defgroup GUI_SWIM_SWIM Simple Windowing Interface Manager (SWIM)
+ * @ingroup GUI_SWIM
+ * This package provides the core SWIM capabilities such as
+ * Windows initialization and validity checks, Color support for
+ * background/primary/fill pens, graphics primatives, and Window
+ * deallocation.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Structure used to store information about a specific window
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	int32_t xpsize;	/* Physical (absolute) horizontal screen size */
+	int32_t ypsize;	/* Physical (absolute) vertical screen size */
+	int32_t xpmin;	/* Physical left edge of window */
+	int32_t ypmin;	/* Physical top edge of window */
+	int32_t xpmax;	/* Physical right edge of window */
+	int32_t ypmax;	/* Physical bottom edge of window */
+	int32_t bdsize;	/* Size of window frame in pixels */
+	int32_t xvsize;	/* Virtual horizontal window size */
+	int32_t yvsize;	/* Virtual vertical window size */
+	int32_t xpvmin;	/* Physical left edge of draw window */
+	int32_t ypvmin;	/* Physical top edge of draw window */
+	int32_t xpvmax;	/* Physical right edge of draw window */
+	int32_t ypvmax;	/* Physical bottom edge of draw window */
+	int32_t xvpos;	/* Next virtual 'x' position of output */
+	int32_t yvpos;	/* Next virtual 'y' position of output */
+	COLOR_T pen;	/* Pen/text color */
+	COLOR_T bkg;	/* Window/text background color */
+	COLOR_T fill;	/* Fill/border color */
+	FONT_T *font;	/* Selected font structure */
+	int32_t tfont;	/* Transparent font background flag when true */
+	COLOR_T *fb;	/* Frame buffer address for the physical display */
+	int32_t winused;	/* Window used flag */
+	BOOL_32 tfonts;	/* Transparent font background flag */
+ * @brief	Puts a pixel at the virtual X, Y coordinate in the window
+ * @param	win	: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x1	: Virtual X position of pixel
+ * @param	y1	: Virtual Y position of pixel
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	The pixel will not be displayed if the pixel exceeds the window
+ * virtual size. Pixel positions below 0 should not be used with
+ * this function.
+ */
+void swim_put_pixel(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					int32_t x1,
+					int32_t y1);
+ * @brief	Draw a line in the virtual window with clipping
+ * @param	win	: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x1	: Virtual X position of X line start
+ * @param	y1	: Virtual Y position of Y line start
+ * @param	x2	: Virtual X position of X line end
+ * @param	y2	: Virtual Y position of Y line end
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_put_line(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				   int32_t x1,
+				   int32_t y1,
+				   int32_t x2,
+				   int32_t y2);
+ * @brief	Draw a diamond in the virtual window
+ * @param	win	: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x	: Virtual X position of the diamond
+ * @param	y	: Virtual Y position of the diamond
+ * @param	rx	: Radius for horizontal
+ * @param	ry	: Radius for vertical
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_put_diamond(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					  int32_t x,
+					  int32_t y,
+					  int32_t rx,
+					  int32_t ry);
+ * @brief	Draws a circle in the virtual window
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	cx		: Virtual center X position of the circle
+ * @param	cy		: Virtual center Y position of the circle
+ * @param	radius	: Radius of the circle
+ * @param	Filled	: Flag to indicate whether the circle should be filled
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_put_circle(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					 int32_t cx,
+					 int32_t cy,
+					 int32_t radius,
+					 int32_t Filled);
+ * @brief	Fills the draw area of the display with the selected color
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	colr	: Color to place in the window
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_clear_screen(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					   COLOR_T colr);
+ * @brief	Place a box with corners (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2)
+ * @param	win	: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x1	: Virtual left position of box
+ * @param	y1	: Virtual upper position of box
+ * @param	x2	: Virtual right position of box
+ * @param	y2	: Virtual lower position of box
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	Use pen color for edges and fill color for center.
+ */
+void swim_put_box(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				  int32_t x1,
+				  int32_t y1,
+				  int32_t x2,
+				  int32_t y2);
+ * @brief	Initializes a window and the default values for the window
+ * @param	win				: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	xsize			: Physical horizontal dimension of the display
+ * @param	ysize			: Physical vertical dimension of the display
+ * @param	fbaddr			: Address of the display's frame buffer
+ * @param	xwin_min		: Physical window left coordinate
+ * @param	ywin_min		: Physical window top coordinate
+ * @param	xwin_max		: Physical window right coordinate
+ * @param	ywin_max		: Physical window bottom coordinate
+ * @param	border_width	: Width of the window border in pixels
+ * @param	pcolor			: Pen color
+ * @param	bkcolor			: Background color
+ * @param	fcolor			: Fill color
+ * @return	true if the window was initialized correctly, otherwise false
+ * @note	This function must be called prior to any other window function. The
+ * window will be drawn in the background color.
+ */
+BOOL_32 swim_window_open(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						 int32_t xsize,
+						 int32_t ysize,
+						 COLOR_T *fbaddr,
+						 int32_t xwin_min,
+						 int32_t ywin_min,
+						 int32_t xwin_max,
+						 int32_t ywin_max,
+						 int32_t border_width,
+						 COLOR_T pcolor,
+						 COLOR_T bkcolor,
+						 COLOR_T fcolor);
+ * @brief	Initializes a window without clearing it
+ * @param	win				s: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	xsize			: Physical horizontal dimension of the display
+ * @param	ysize			: Physical vertical dimension of the display
+ * @param	fbaddr			: Address of the display's frame buffer
+ * @param	xwin_min		: Physical window left coordinate
+ * @param	ywin_min		: Physical window top coordinate
+ * @param	xwin_max		: Physical window right coordinate
+ * @param	ywin_max		: Physical window bottom coordinate
+ * @param	border_width	: Width of the window border in pixels
+ * @param	pcolor			: Pen color
+ * @param	bkcolor			: Background color
+ * @param	fcolor			: Fill color
+ * @return	true if the window was initialized correctly, otherwise false
+ * @note	This function must be called prior to any other window function.
+ */
+BOOL_32 swim_window_open_noclear(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+								 int32_t xsize,
+								 int32_t ysize,
+								 COLOR_T *fbaddr,
+								 int32_t xwin_min,
+								 int32_t ywin_min,
+								 int32_t xwin_max,
+								 int32_t ywin_max,
+								 int32_t border_width,
+								 COLOR_T pcolor,
+								 COLOR_T bkcolor,
+								 COLOR_T fcolor);
+ * @brief	Deallocates a window
+ * @param	win	: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	This function does nothing.
+ */
+void swim_window_close(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win);
+ * @brief	Sets the pen color
+ * @param	win			: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	pen_color	: New pen color
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_set_pen_color(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						COLOR_T pen_color);
+ * @brief	Sets the fill color
+ * @param	win			: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	fill_color	: New fill color
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_set_fill_color(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						 COLOR_T fill_color);
+ * @brief	Sets the color used for backgrounds
+ * @param	win			: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	bkg_color	: New background color
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_set_bkg_color(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						COLOR_T bkg_color);
+ * @brief	Sets the font to be used for all new windows
+ * @param	def_font	: New default font
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+void swim_set_default_font(const FONT_T* def_font);
+ * @brief	Get the virtual window horizontal size
+ * @param	win	: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @return	The virtual window horizontal size
+ */
+int32_t swim_get_horizontal_size(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win);
+ * @brief	Get the virtual window vertical size
+ * @param	win	: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @return	The virtual window vertical size
+ */
+int32_t swim_get_vertical_size(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win);
+ * @brief	Puts a pixel at the physical X, Y coordinate.
+ *
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x1		: Physical X coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	y1		: Physical Y coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	color	: Value to write to pixel
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	This function must be implemented out side the
+ *			swim library (in application).
+ */
+STATIC INLINE void swim_put_pixel_physical(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					int32_t x1,
+					int32_t y1,
+					COLOR_T color);
+ * @brief	Read value of pixel at the physical X, Y coordinate.
+ *
+ * Note that this function must be implemented by the application!
+ * If not defined, there will be a link error.
+ *
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x1		: Physical X coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	y1		: Physical Y coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	color	: Value to write to pixel
+ * @return	Nothing
+ * @note	This function must be implemented out side the
+ *			swim library (in application).
+ */
+STATIC INLINE COLOR_T swim_get_pixel_physical(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win, int32_t x1, int32_t y1);
+#else /* Using frame buffers */
+ * @brief	Read value of pixel at the physical X, Y coordinate from Frame Buffer.
+ *
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x1		: Physical X coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	y1		: Physical Y coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	color	: Value to write to pixel
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+STATIC INLINE COLOR_T swim_get_pixel_physical(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win, int32_t x1, int32_t y1)
+	return *(win->fb + x1 + (y1 * win->xpsize));
+ * @brief	Writes pixel color to Frame buffer at the physical X, Y coordinate
+ *
+ * @param	win		: Pointer to window data structure
+ * @param	x1		: Physical X coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	y1		: Physical Y coordinate of pixel
+ * @param	color	: Value to write to pixel
+ * @return	Nothing
+ */
+STATIC INLINE void swim_put_pixel_physical(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win, int32_t x1, int32_t y1, COLOR_T color)
+	*(win->fb + x1 + (y1 * win->xpsize)) = color;
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ * @}
+ */
+#endif /* __LPC_SWIM_H_ */