Modified PubNub library to better utilize low bandwidth connections like a GSM modem. Instead of 10 socket connections sending 3 bytes only one is made and it sends all 30 bytes at the same time.

Fork of PubNub by PubNub

diff -r 9858347c382d -r 29cc485dcdb1 PubNub.h
--- a/PubNub.h	Sun Mar 02 01:32:54 2014 +0000
+++ b/PubNub.h	Sun Mar 02 01:41:18 2014 +0000
@@ -64,6 +64,17 @@
+/** A PubNub Client context. Declare it as a local or global variable,
+ * then you may start calling the API immediately.
+ *
+ * All methods are blocking; if you need to communicate with
+ * PubNub asynchronously, run PubNub in a dedicated thread.
+ * Always use the PubNub context only in a single thread at once.
+ *
+ * Message are passed as strings instead of JSON structures due
+ * to much higher RAM efficiency.  Often, ad hoc composing and
+ * parsing JSON messages will work fine in practice.  Otherwise,
+ * take a look at e.g. the picojson library. */
 class PubNub {
     /** Init a Pubnub Client context
@@ -72,15 +83,6 @@
      * overwrite or free the memory where you stored the keys!
      * (If you are passing string literals, don't worry about it.)
-     * All methods are blocking; if you need to communicate with
-     * PubNub asynchronously, run PubNub in a dedicated thread.
-     * Always use the PubNub context only in a single thread at once.
-     *
-     * Message are passed as strings instead of JSON structures due
-     * to much higher RAM efficiency.  Often, ad hoc composing and
-     * parsing JSON messages will work fine in practice.  Otherwise,
-     * take a look at e.g. the picojson library.
-     *
      * @param string publish_key required key to send messages.
      * @param string subscribe_key required key to receive messages.
      * @param string origin optional setting for cloud origin.