Library files for using Seeed Studio TFT Touch Shield for Arduino (ST7781R controller) together with ELMICRO TestBed for mbed. Featuring a short example program of how to calibrate the touch screen. Some basic drawing functions are also included (circle, rectangle, lines, text).

Dependencies:   mbed



File content as of revision 0:db0d63650413:

  Interface library and example program for 
  Seeed Studio's TFT Touch Shield
  To use the touch input, desolder C3 and R34
  This disables the analogue trimmer R36!
  (C) 2012 Stefan Guenther
  Elektronikladen | ELMICRO
  ########################################################### */

#include "mbed.h"
#include "shortcuts.h"
#include "TFT.h"
#include "2d_draw.h"
#include "touch.h"

/* ===================================================================
    routine:    IntToChars
    purpose:    Converts integer value into char array with 
                selectable number base                
    parameters: <*buffer>       pointer to character array
                <value>         integer value to convert
                <spaceonbuffer> max nr. of characters in buffer
                <countbase>     e.g. 16->HEX formatted string
                                      2->BIN formatted string
                                     10->DEC formatted string
    date:       2007-05-07
    author:     Phantomix
void IntToChars (char* buffer, int value, int spaceonbuffer, int countbase)
    int workvalue = value;
    int i;
    int valuetowrite;
    int  end_i = 0;

    if (value < 0)
        workvalue = -value;
        end_i = 1;
        buffer[0] = '-';

    for (i = spaceonbuffer - 1; i >= end_i; i--)
        valuetowrite = (workvalue % countbase);
        if (workvalue == 0)
            if (i == (spaceonbuffer - 1))
                buffer[i] = 48;                        // ASCII 0
            } else {
                buffer[i] = 32;                        // ASCII SPACE
        } else {
            if (valuetowrite > 9)
                buffer[i] = valuetowrite + 55;        // ASCII A-Z
            } else {
                buffer[i] = valuetowrite + 48;        // ASCII of that character
        workvalue = (workvalue - valuetowrite) / countbase;

int main() {

    unsigned int x, y, z;
    unsigned int X1, X2, Y1, Y2;
    unsigned int x_old = 0;
    unsigned int y_old = 0;
    char charX[] = "1111";        //dummy init values
    char charY[] = "2222";
    char charZ[] = "2222";    

    Init();                     //prepare mbed's I/Os for use with TFT Touch Shield
    TouchInit();                //prepare ADC inputs for touch input
    /* Alignment of touch input sensor with TFT display 
       using 2 touch inputs from opposite edges of screen
       (10% distance to each borders)*/
    DrawString("CALIBRATION SEQUENCE", 30, 140, 1, YELLOW);
    DrawString("Please tap the circles!", 10, 150, 1, YELLOW);   
    DrawCircle(24, 32, 10, WHITE);                  //draw circle 10% right and 10% down from
                                                    //upper left corner    
    int ret = 0;    
    do                                              //repeat until touch is recognized
        ret = GetRawTouch(&x, &y, &z);        
    }   while(ret == 0);    
    IntToChars(charX, x, 4, 10);                    //convert raw touch input coordinates
    IntToChars(charY, y, 4, 10);                    //into character string for verbose
    IntToChars(charZ, z, 4, 10);                    //display

    DrawCircle(24, 32, 10, BLACK);                  //let first circle disappear
    X1 = x;                                         //save coordinates of first touch
    Y1 = y;
    DrawString(charX, 10, 17, 1, RED);              //output read values
    DrawString(charY, 10, 32, 1, RED);
    DrawString(charZ, 10, 47, 1, RED);          
    DrawCircle(216, 288, 10, WHITE);                //display next circle, 90% right and 90% down
                                                    //from upper left corner
    do                                              //do the same for second touch point
        ret=GetRawTouch(&x, &y, &z);
    }   while(ret == 0);    
    IntToChars(charX, x, 4, 10);
    IntToChars(charY, y, 4, 10);            
    IntToChars(charZ, z, 4, 10);                                    

    DrawCircle(216, 288, 10, BLACK); 
    X2 = x;
    Y2 = y;
    DrawString(charX, 200,273, 1, RED);
    DrawString(charY, 200,288, 1, RED);
    DrawString(charZ, 200,303, 1, RED);                
    TFTData.Xmin = (9 * X1 - X2) / 8;                       //start calculation of scale and alignment values
    TFTData.Xmax = (9 * X2 - X1) / 8;                       //and save them into TFT parameter structure
    TFTData.Ymin = (9 * Y1 - Y2) / 8;                       //this structure should be saved into non-volatile
    TFTData.Ymax = (9 * Y2 - Y1) / 8;                       //(e.g. mbed's on-board 2MB flash chip)
    TFTData.Xscale = ( (TFTData.Xmax - TFTData.Xmin) * 1000 ) / TFTData.XRes;
    TFTData.Xscale = ( (TFTData.Ymax - TFTData.Ymin) * 1000 ) / TFTData.YRes;    
    DrawString("Please tap the circles!", 10, 150, 1, BLACK);
    DrawString("COMPLETED", 30, 150, 1, YELLOW);    
    DrawString("DEMO MODE", 30, 140, 1, YELLOW);
    DrawString("Touch the screen...", 10, 150, 1, YELLOW);    
        if(GetPoint(&x, &y)==1)                     //check if touch appears
            DrawCircle(x_old, y_old, 15, BLACK);    //clear last touch indicator circle
            DrawString("DEMO MODE", 30, 140, 1, YELLOW);
            DrawString("Touch the screen...", 10, 150, 1, YELLOW);
            DrawCircle(x, y, 15, YELLOW);           //set new indicator circle
            x_old=x;                                //rescue current touch values for next cycle