Library files for using Seeed Studio TFT Touch Shield for Arduino (ST7781R controller) together with ELMICRO TestBed for mbed. Featuring a short example program of how to calibrate the touch screen. Some basic drawing functions are also included (circle, rectangle, lines, text).

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jun 28 10:12:07 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+  Interface library and example program for 
+  Seeed Studio's TFT Touch Shield
+  ---
+  To use the touch input, desolder C3 and R34
+  This disables the analogue trimmer R36!
+  ---
+  (C) 2012 Stefan Guenther
+  Elektronikladen | ELMICRO
+  ########################################################### */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "shortcuts.h"
+#include "TFT.h"
+#include "2d_draw.h"
+#include "touch.h"
+/* ===================================================================
+    routine:    IntToChars
+    purpose:    Converts integer value into char array with 
+                selectable number base                
+    parameters: <*buffer>       pointer to character array
+                <value>         integer value to convert
+                <spaceonbuffer> max nr. of characters in buffer
+                <countbase>     e.g. 16->HEX formatted string
+                                      2->BIN formatted string
+                                     10->DEC formatted string
+    date:       2007-05-07
+    author:     Phantomix
+                /t-26986.html?s=c3edf0ef1df246f02c67dfa7f316a03f        
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void IntToChars (char* buffer, int value, int spaceonbuffer, int countbase)
+    int workvalue = value;
+    int i;
+    int valuetowrite;
+    int  end_i = 0;
+    if (value < 0)
+    {
+        workvalue = -value;
+        end_i = 1;
+        buffer[0] = '-';
+    }
+    for (i = spaceonbuffer - 1; i >= end_i; i--)
+    {
+        valuetowrite = (workvalue % countbase);
+        if (workvalue == 0)
+        {
+            if (i == (spaceonbuffer - 1))
+            {
+                buffer[i] = 48;                        // ASCII 0
+            } else {
+                buffer[i] = 32;                        // ASCII SPACE
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (valuetowrite > 9)
+            {
+                buffer[i] = valuetowrite + 55;        // ASCII A-Z
+            } else {
+                buffer[i] = valuetowrite + 48;        // ASCII of that character
+            }
+        };
+        workvalue = (workvalue - valuetowrite) / countbase;
+    }
+int main() {
+    unsigned int x, y, z;
+    unsigned int X1, X2, Y1, Y2;
+    unsigned int x_old = 0;
+    unsigned int y_old = 0;
+    char charX[] = "1111";        //dummy init values
+    char charY[] = "2222";
+    char charZ[] = "2222";    
+    Init();                     //prepare mbed's I/Os for use with TFT Touch Shield
+    TouchInit();                //prepare ADC inputs for touch input
+    /* Alignment of touch input sensor with TFT display 
+       using 2 touch inputs from opposite edges of screen
+       (10% distance to each borders)*/
+    DrawString("CALIBRATION SEQUENCE", 30, 140, 1, YELLOW);
+    DrawString("Please tap the circles!", 10, 150, 1, YELLOW);   
+    DrawCircle(24, 32, 10, WHITE);                  //draw circle 10% right and 10% down from
+                                                    //upper left corner    
+    int ret = 0;    
+    do                                              //repeat until touch is recognized
+    {
+        ret = GetRawTouch(&x, &y, &z);        
+    }   while(ret == 0);    
+    IntToChars(charX, x, 4, 10);                    //convert raw touch input coordinates
+    IntToChars(charY, y, 4, 10);                    //into character string for verbose
+    IntToChars(charZ, z, 4, 10);                    //display
+    DrawCircle(24, 32, 10, BLACK);                  //let first circle disappear
+    X1 = x;                                         //save coordinates of first touch
+    Y1 = y;
+    wait(1);                                    
+    DrawString(charX, 10, 17, 1, RED);              //output read values
+    DrawString(charY, 10, 32, 1, RED);
+    DrawString(charZ, 10, 47, 1, RED);          
+    DrawCircle(216, 288, 10, WHITE);                //display next circle, 90% right and 90% down
+                                                    //from upper left corner
+    ret=0;
+    do                                              //do the same for second touch point
+    {
+        ret=GetRawTouch(&x, &y, &z);
+    }   while(ret == 0);    
+    IntToChars(charX, x, 4, 10);
+    IntToChars(charY, y, 4, 10);            
+    IntToChars(charZ, z, 4, 10);                                    
+    DrawCircle(216, 288, 10, BLACK); 
+    X2 = x;
+    Y2 = y;
+    wait(1);
+    DrawString(charX, 200,273, 1, RED);
+    DrawString(charY, 200,288, 1, RED);
+    DrawString(charZ, 200,303, 1, RED);                
+    TFTData.Xmin = (9 * X1 - X2) / 8;                       //start calculation of scale and alignment values
+    TFTData.Xmax = (9 * X2 - X1) / 8;                       //and save them into TFT parameter structure
+    TFTData.Ymin = (9 * Y1 - Y2) / 8;                       //this structure should be saved into non-volatile
+    TFTData.Ymax = (9 * Y2 - Y1) / 8;                       //(e.g. mbed's on-board 2MB flash chip)
+    TFTData.Xscale = ( (TFTData.Xmax - TFTData.Xmin) * 1000 ) / TFTData.XRes;
+    TFTData.Xscale = ( (TFTData.Ymax - TFTData.Ymin) * 1000 ) / TFTData.YRes;    
+    DrawString("Please tap the circles!", 10, 150, 1, BLACK);
+    DrawString("COMPLETED", 30, 150, 1, YELLOW);    
+    wait(1);
+    ClearScreen(BLACK);
+    wait(0.3);
+    DrawString("DEMO MODE", 30, 140, 1, YELLOW);
+    DrawString("Touch the screen...", 10, 150, 1, YELLOW);    
+    while(1) 
+    {
+    wait_ms(1);                
+        if(GetPoint(&x, &y)==1)                     //check if touch appears
+        {        
+            DrawCircle(x_old, y_old, 15, BLACK);    //clear last touch indicator circle
+            DrawString("DEMO MODE", 30, 140, 1, YELLOW);
+            DrawString("Touch the screen...", 10, 150, 1, YELLOW);
+            DrawCircle(x, y, 15, YELLOW);           //set new indicator circle
+            x_old=x;                                //rescue current touch values for next cycle
+            y_old=y;            
+        } 
+    }