Fork of the official mbed C/C SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications for RenBED.
Dependents: 1-RenBuggyTimed RenBED_RGB RenBED_RGB_PWM RenBED_RGB
Fork of mbed by
- Committer:
- bogdanm
- Date:
- 2014-11-27
- Revision:
- 92:4fc01daae5a5
- Parent:
- 84:0b3ab51c8877
- Child:
- 96:487b796308b0
File content as of revision 92:4fc01daae5a5:
/** ****************************************************************************** * @file stm32l0xx_hal_uart.h * @author MCD Application Team * @version V1.1.0 * @date 18-June-2014 * @brief Header file of UART HAL module. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __STM32L0xx_HAL_UART_H #define __STM32L0xx_HAL_UART_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "stm32l0xx_hal_def.h" /** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver * @{ */ /** @addtogroup UART * @{ */ /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief UART Init Structure definition */ typedef struct { uint32_t BaudRate; /*!< This member configures the UART communication baud rate. The baud rate register is computed using the following formula: - If oversampling is 16 or in LIN mode, Baud Rate Register = ((PCLKx) / ((huart->Init.BaudRate))) - If oversampling is 8, Baud Rate Register[15:4] = ((2 * PCLKx) / ((huart->Init.BaudRate)))[15:4] Baud Rate Register[3] = 0 Baud Rate Register[2:0] = (((2 * PCLKx) / ((huart->Init.BaudRate)))[3:0]) >> 1 */ uint32_t WordLength; /*!< Specifies the number of data bits transmitted or received in a frame. This parameter can be a value of @ref UARTEx_Word_Length */ uint32_t StopBits; /*!< Specifies the number of stop bits transmitted. This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Stop_Bits */ uint32_t Parity; /*!< Specifies the parity mode. This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Parity @note When parity is enabled, the computed parity is inserted at the MSB position of the transmitted data (9th bit when the word length is set to 9 data bits; 8th bit when the word length is set to 8 data bits). */ uint32_t Mode; /*!< Specifies wether the Receive or Transmit mode is enabled or disabled. This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Mode */ uint32_t HwFlowCtl; /*!< Specifies wether the hardware flow control mode is enabled or disabled. This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Hardware_Flow_Control */ uint32_t OverSampling; /*!< Specifies wether the Over sampling 8 is enabled or disabled, to achieve higher speed (up to fPCLK/8). This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Over_Sampling */ uint32_t OneBitSampling; /*!< Specifies wether a single sample or three samples' majority vote is selected. Selecting the single sample method increases the receiver tolerance to clock deviations. This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_OneBit_Sampling */ }UART_InitTypeDef; /** * @brief UART Advanced Features initalization structure definition */ typedef struct { uint32_t AdvFeatureInit; /*!< Specifies which advanced UART features is initialized. Several Advanced Features may be initialized at the same time . This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Advanced_Features_Initialization_Type */ uint32_t TxPinLevelInvert; /*!< Specifies whether the TX pin active level is inverted. This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Tx_Inv */ uint32_t RxPinLevelInvert; /*!< Specifies whether the RX pin active level is inverted. This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Rx_Inv */ uint32_t DataInvert; /*!< Specifies whether data are inverted (positive/direct logic vs negative/inverted logic). This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Data_Inv */ uint32_t Swap; /*!< Specifies whether TX and RX pins are swapped. This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Rx_Tx_Swap */ uint32_t OverrunDisable; /*!< Specifies whether the reception overrun detection is disabled. This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Overrun_Disable */ uint32_t DMADisableonRxError; /*!< Specifies whether the DMA is disabled in case of reception error. This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_DMA_Disable_on_Rx_Error */ uint32_t AutoBaudRateEnable; /*!< Specifies whether auto Baud rate detection is enabled. This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_AutoBaudRate_Enable */ uint32_t AutoBaudRateMode; /*!< If auto Baud rate detection is enabled, specifies how the rate detection is carried out. This parameter can be a value of @ref UARTEx_AutoBaud_Rate_Mode */ uint32_t MSBFirst; /*!< Specifies whether MSB is sent first on UART line. This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_MSB_First */ } UART_AdvFeatureInitTypeDef; /** * @brief HAL UART State structures definition */ typedef enum { HAL_UART_STATE_RESET = 0x00, /*!< Peripheral Reset state */ HAL_UART_STATE_READY = 0x01, /*!< Peripheral Initialized and ready for use */ HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY = 0x02, /*!< an internal process is ongoing */ HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY_TX = 0x12, /*!< Data Transmission process is ongoing */ HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY_RX = 0x22, /*!< Data Reception process is ongoing */ HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY_TX_RX = 0x32, /*!< Data Transmission and Reception process is ongoing */ HAL_UART_STATE_TIMEOUT = 0x03, /*!< Timeout state */ HAL_UART_STATE_ERROR = 0x04 /*!< Error */ }HAL_UART_StateTypeDef; /** * @brief HAL UART Error Code structure definition */ typedef enum { HAL_UART_ERROR_NONE = 0x00, /*!< No error */ HAL_UART_ERROR_PE = 0x01, /*!< Parity error */ HAL_UART_ERROR_NE = 0x02, /*!< Noise error */ HAL_UART_ERROR_FE = 0x04, /*!< frame error */ HAL_UART_ERROR_ORE = 0x08, /*!< Overrun error */ HAL_UART_ERROR_DMA = 0x10 /*!< DMA transfer error */ }HAL_UART_ErrorTypeDef; /** * @brief UART clock sources definition */ typedef enum { UART_CLOCKSOURCE_PCLK1 = 0x00, /*!< PCLK1 clock source */ UART_CLOCKSOURCE_PCLK2 = 0x01, /*!< PCLK2 clock source */ UART_CLOCKSOURCE_HSI = 0x02, /*!< HSI clock source */ UART_CLOCKSOURCE_SYSCLK = 0x04, /*!< SYSCLK clock source */ UART_CLOCKSOURCE_LSE = 0x08 /*!< LSE clock source */ }UART_ClockSourceTypeDef; /** * @brief UART handle Structure definition */ typedef struct { USART_TypeDef *Instance; /* UART registers base address */ UART_InitTypeDef Init; /* UART communication parameters */ UART_AdvFeatureInitTypeDef AdvancedInit; /* UART Advanced Features initialization parameters */ uint8_t *pTxBuffPtr; /* Pointer to UART Tx transfer Buffer */ uint16_t TxXferSize; /* UART Tx Transfer size */ uint16_t TxXferCount; /* UART Tx Transfer Counter */ uint8_t *pRxBuffPtr; /* Pointer to UART Rx transfer Buffer */ uint16_t RxXferSize; /* UART Rx Transfer size */ uint16_t RxXferCount; /* UART Rx Transfer Counter */ uint16_t Mask; /* UART Rx RDR register mask */ DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdmatx; /* UART Tx DMA Handle parameters */ DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdmarx; /* UART Rx DMA Handle parameters */ HAL_LockTypeDef Lock; /* Locking object */ __IO HAL_UART_StateTypeDef State; /* UART communication state */ __IO HAL_UART_ErrorTypeDef ErrorCode; /* UART Error code */ }UART_HandleTypeDef; /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup UART_Exported_Constants * @{ */ /** @defgroup UART_Stop_Bits * @{ */ #define UART_STOPBITS_1 ((uint32_t)0x0000) #define UART_STOPBITS_2 ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_STOP_1) #define IS_UART_STOPBITS(STOPBITS) (((STOPBITS) == UART_STOPBITS_1) || \ ((STOPBITS) == UART_STOPBITS_2)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Parity * @{ */ #define UART_PARITY_NONE ((uint32_t)0x0000) #define UART_PARITY_EVEN ((uint32_t)USART_CR1_PCE) #define UART_PARITY_ODD ((uint32_t)(USART_CR1_PCE | USART_CR1_PS)) #define IS_UART_PARITY(PARITY) (((PARITY) == UART_PARITY_NONE) || \ ((PARITY) == UART_PARITY_EVEN) || \ ((PARITY) == UART_PARITY_ODD)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Hardware_Flow_Control * @{ */ #define UART_HWCONTROL_NONE ((uint32_t)0x0000) #define UART_HWCONTROL_RTS ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_RTSE) #define UART_HWCONTROL_CTS ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_CTSE) #define UART_HWCONTROL_RTS_CTS ((uint32_t)(USART_CR3_RTSE | USART_CR3_CTSE)) #define IS_UART_HARDWARE_FLOW_CONTROL(CONTROL)\ (((CONTROL) == UART_HWCONTROL_NONE) || \ ((CONTROL) == UART_HWCONTROL_RTS) || \ ((CONTROL) == UART_HWCONTROL_CTS) || \ ((CONTROL) == UART_HWCONTROL_RTS_CTS)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Mode * @{ */ #define UART_MODE_RX ((uint32_t)USART_CR1_RE) #define UART_MODE_TX ((uint32_t)USART_CR1_TE) #define UART_MODE_TX_RX ((uint32_t)(USART_CR1_TE |USART_CR1_RE)) #define IS_UART_MODE(MODE) ((((MODE) & (~((uint32_t)(UART_MODE_TX_RX)))) == (uint32_t)0x00) && ((MODE) != (uint32_t)0x00)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_State * @{ */ #define UART_STATE_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x0000) #define UART_STATE_ENABLE ((uint32_t)USART_CR1_UE) #define IS_UART_STATE(STATE) (((STATE) == UART_STATE_DISABLE) || \ ((STATE) == UART_STATE_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Over_Sampling * @{ */ #define UART_OVERSAMPLING_16 ((uint32_t)0x0000) #define UART_OVERSAMPLING_8 ((uint32_t)USART_CR1_OVER8) #define IS_UART_OVERSAMPLING(SAMPLING) (((SAMPLING) == UART_OVERSAMPLING_16) || \ ((SAMPLING) == UART_OVERSAMPLING_8)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_OneBit_Sampling * @{ */ #define UART_ONEBIT_SAMPLING_DISABLED ((uint32_t)0x0000) #define UART_ONEBIT_SAMPLING_ENABLED ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_ONEBIT) #define IS_UART_ONEBIT_SAMPLING(ONEBIT) (((ONEBIT) == UART_ONEBIT_SAMPLING_DISABLED) || \ ((ONEBIT) == UART_ONEBIT_SAMPLING_ENABLED)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Receiver_TimeOut * @{ */ #define UART_RECEIVER_TIMEOUT_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_RECEIVER_TIMEOUT_ENABLE ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_RTOEN) #define IS_UART_RECEIVER_TIMEOUT(TIMEOUT) (((TIMEOUT) == UART_RECEIVER_TIMEOUT_DISABLE) || \ ((TIMEOUT) == UART_RECEIVER_TIMEOUT_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_LIN * @{ */ #define UART_LIN_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_LIN_ENABLE ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_LINEN) #define IS_UART_LIN(LIN) (((LIN) == UART_LIN_DISABLE) || \ ((LIN) == UART_LIN_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_LIN_Break_Detection * @{ */ #define UART_LINBREAKDETECTLENGTH_10B ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_LINBREAKDETECTLENGTH_11B ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_LBDL) #define IS_UART_LIN_BREAK_DETECT_LENGTH(LENGTH) (((LENGTH) == UART_LINBREAKDETECTLENGTH_10B) || \ ((LENGTH) == UART_LINBREAKDETECTLENGTH_11B)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_One_Bit * @{ */ #define UART_ONE_BIT_SAMPLE_DISABLED ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_ONE_BIT_SAMPLE_ENABLED ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_ONEBIT) #define IS_UART_ONEBIT_SAMPLE(ONEBIT) (((ONEBIT) == UART_ONE_BIT_SAMPLE_DISABLED) || \ ((ONEBIT) == UART_ONE_BIT_SAMPLE_ENABLED)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_DMA_Tx * @{ */ #define UART_DMA_TX_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_DMA_TX_ENABLE ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_DMAT) #define IS_UART_DMA_TX(DMATX) (((DMATX) == UART_DMA_TX_DISABLE) || \ ((DMATX) == UART_DMA_TX_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_DMA_Rx * @{ */ #define UART_DMA_RX_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x0000) #define UART_DMA_RX_ENABLE ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_DMAR) #define IS_UART_DMA_RX(DMARX) (((DMARX) == UART_DMA_RX_DISABLE) || \ ((DMARX) == UART_DMA_RX_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Half_Duplex_Selection * @{ */ #define UART_HALF_DUPLEX_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x0000) #define UART_HALF_DUPLEX_ENABLE ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_HDSEL) #define IS_UART_HALF_DUPLEX(HDSEL) (((HDSEL) == UART_HALF_DUPLEX_DISABLE) || \ ((HDSEL) == UART_HALF_DUPLEX_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Flags * Elements values convention: 0xXXXX * - 0xXXXX : Flag mask in the ISR register * @{ */ #define UART_FLAG_REACK ((uint32_t)0x00400000) #define UART_FLAG_TEACK ((uint32_t)0x00200000) #define UART_FLAG_WUF ((uint32_t)0x00100000) #define UART_FLAG_RWU ((uint32_t)0x00080000) #define UART_FLAG_SBKF ((uint32_t)0x00040000 #define UART_FLAG_CMF ((uint32_t)0x00020000) #define UART_FLAG_BUSY ((uint32_t)0x00010000) #define UART_FLAG_ABRF ((uint32_t)0x00008000) #define UART_FLAG_ABRE ((uint32_t)0x00004000) #define UART_FLAG_EOBF ((uint32_t)0x00001000) #define UART_FLAG_RTOF ((uint32_t)0x00000800) #define UART_FLAG_CTS ((uint32_t)0x00000400) #define UART_FLAG_CTSIF ((uint32_t)0x00000200) #define UART_FLAG_LBDF ((uint32_t)0x00000100) #define UART_FLAG_TXE ((uint32_t)0x00000080) #define UART_FLAG_TC ((uint32_t)0x00000040) #define UART_FLAG_RXNE ((uint32_t)0x00000020) #define UART_FLAG_IDLE ((uint32_t)0x00000010) #define UART_FLAG_ORE ((uint32_t)0x00000008) #define UART_FLAG_NE ((uint32_t)0x00000004) #define UART_FLAG_FE ((uint32_t)0x00000002) #define UART_FLAG_PE ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Interrupt_definition * Elements values convention: 0000ZZZZ0XXYYYYYb * - YYYYY : Interrupt source position in the XX register (5bits) * - XX : Interrupt source register (2bits) * - 01: CR1 register * - 10: CR2 register * - 11: CR3 register * - ZZZZ : Flag position in the ISR register(4bits) * @{ */ #define UART_IT_PE ((uint32_t)0x0028) #define UART_IT_TXE ((uint32_t)0x0727) #define UART_IT_TC ((uint32_t)0x0626) #define UART_IT_RXNE ((uint32_t)0x0525) #define UART_IT_IDLE ((uint32_t)0x0424) #define UART_IT_LBD ((uint32_t)0x0846) #define UART_IT_CTS ((uint32_t)0x096A) #define UART_IT_CM ((uint32_t)0x142E) #define UART_IT_WUF ((uint32_t)0x1476) /** Elements values convention: 000000000XXYYYYYb * - YYYYY : Interrupt source position in the XX register (5bits) * - XX : Interrupt source register (2bits) * - 01: CR1 register * - 10: CR2 register * - 11: CR3 register */ #define UART_IT_ERR ((uint32_t)0x0060) /** Elements values convention: 0000ZZZZ00000000b * - ZZZZ : Flag position in the ISR register(4bits) */ #define UART_IT_ORE ((uint32_t)0x0300) #define UART_IT_NE ((uint32_t)0x0200) #define UART_IT_FE ((uint32_t)0x0100) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_IT_CLEAR_Flags * @{ */ #define UART_CLEAR_PEF USART_ICR_PECF /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */ #define UART_CLEAR_FEF USART_ICR_FECF /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */ #define UART_CLEAR_NEF USART_ICR_NCF /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */ #define UART_CLEAR_OREF USART_ICR_ORECF /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */ #define UART_CLEAR_IDLEF USART_ICR_IDLECF /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */ #define UART_CLEAR_TCF USART_ICR_TCCF /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */ #define UART_CLEAR_LBDF USART_ICR_LBDCF /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */ #define UART_CLEAR_CTSF USART_ICR_CTSCF /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */ #define UART_CLEAR_RTOF USART_ICR_RTOCF /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */ #define UART_CLEAR_EOBF USART_ICR_EOBCF /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */ #define UART_CLEAR_CMF USART_ICR_CMCF /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */ #define UART_CLEAR_WUF USART_ICR_WUCF /*!< Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Request_Parameters * @{ */ #define UART_AUTOBAUD_REQUEST ((uint32_t)USART_RQR_ABRRQ) /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */ #define UART_SENDBREAK_REQUEST ((uint32_t)USART_RQR_SBKRQ) /*!< Send Break Request */ #define UART_MUTE_MODE_REQUEST ((uint32_t)USART_RQR_MMRQ) /*!< Mute Mode Request */ #define UART_RXDATA_FLUSH_REQUEST ((uint32_t)USART_RQR_RXFRQ) /*!< Receive Data flush Request */ #define UART_TXDATA_FLUSH_REQUEST ((uint32_t)USART_RQR_TXFRQ) /*!< Transmit data flush Request */ #define IS_UART_REQUEST_PARAMETER(PARAM) (((PARAM) == UART_AUTOBAUD_REQUEST) || \ ((PARAM) == UART_SENDBREAK_REQUEST) || \ ((PARAM) == UART_MUTE_MODE_REQUEST) || \ ((PARAM) == UART_RXDATA_FLUSH_REQUEST) || \ ((PARAM) == UART_TXDATA_FLUSH_REQUEST)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Advanced_Features_Initialization_Type * @{ */ #define UART_ADVFEATURE_NO_INIT ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_TXINVERT_INIT ((uint32_t)0x00000001) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_RXINVERT_INIT ((uint32_t)0x00000002) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_DATAINVERT_INIT ((uint32_t)0x00000004) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_SWAP_INIT ((uint32_t)0x00000008) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_RXOVERRUNDISABLE_INIT ((uint32_t)0x00000010) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_DMADISABLEONERROR_INIT ((uint32_t)0x00000020) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_AUTOBAUDRATE_INIT ((uint32_t)0x00000040) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_MSBFIRST_INIT ((uint32_t)0x00000080) #define IS_UART_ADVFEATURE_INIT(INIT) ((INIT) <= (UART_ADVFEATURE_NO_INIT | \ UART_ADVFEATURE_TXINVERT_INIT | \ UART_ADVFEATURE_RXINVERT_INIT | \ UART_ADVFEATURE_DATAINVERT_INIT | \ UART_ADVFEATURE_SWAP_INIT | \ UART_ADVFEATURE_RXOVERRUNDISABLE_INIT | \ UART_ADVFEATURE_DMADISABLEONERROR_INIT | \ UART_ADVFEATURE_AUTOBAUDRATE_INIT | \ UART_ADVFEATURE_MSBFIRST_INIT)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Tx_Inv * @{ */ #define UART_ADVFEATURE_TXINV_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_TXINV_ENABLE ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_TXINV) #define IS_UART_ADVFEATURE_TXINV(TXINV) (((TXINV) == UART_ADVFEATURE_TXINV_DISABLE) || \ ((TXINV) == UART_ADVFEATURE_TXINV_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Rx_Inv * @{ */ #define UART_ADVFEATURE_RXINV_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_RXINV_ENABLE ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_RXINV) #define IS_UART_ADVFEATURE_RXINV(RXINV) (((RXINV) == UART_ADVFEATURE_RXINV_DISABLE) || \ ((RXINV) == UART_ADVFEATURE_RXINV_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Data_Inv * @{ */ #define UART_ADVFEATURE_DATAINV_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_DATAINV_ENABLE ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_DATAINV) #define IS_UART_ADVFEATURE_DATAINV(DATAINV) (((DATAINV) == UART_ADVFEATURE_DATAINV_DISABLE) || \ ((DATAINV) == UART_ADVFEATURE_DATAINV_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Rx_Tx_Swap * @{ */ #define UART_ADVFEATURE_SWAP_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_SWAP_ENABLE ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_SWAP) #define IS_UART_ADVFEATURE_SWAP(SWAP) (((SWAP) == UART_ADVFEATURE_SWAP_DISABLE) || \ ((SWAP) == UART_ADVFEATURE_SWAP_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Overrun_Disable * @{ */ #define UART_ADVFEATURE_OVERRUN_ENABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_OVERRUN_DISABLE ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_OVRDIS) #define IS_UART_OVERRUN(OVERRUN) (((OVERRUN) == UART_ADVFEATURE_OVERRUN_ENABLE) || \ ((OVERRUN) == UART_ADVFEATURE_OVERRUN_DISABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_AutoBaudRate_Enable * @{ */ #define UART_ADVFEATURE_AUTOBAUDRATE_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_AUTOBAUDRATE_ENABLE ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_ABREN) #define IS_UART_ADVFEATURE_AUTOBAUDRATE(AUTOBAUDRATE) (((AUTOBAUDRATE) == UART_ADVFEATURE_AUTOBAUDRATE_DISABLE) || \ ((AUTOBAUDRATE) == UART_ADVFEATURE_AUTOBAUDRATE_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_DMA_Disable_on_Rx_Error * @{ */ #define UART_ADVFEATURE_DMA_ENABLEONRXERROR ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_DMA_DISABLEONRXERROR ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_DDRE) #define IS_UART_ADVFEATURE_DMAONRXERROR(DMA) (((DMA) == UART_ADVFEATURE_DMA_ENABLEONRXERROR) || \ ((DMA) == UART_ADVFEATURE_DMA_DISABLEONRXERROR)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_MSB_First * @{ */ #define UART_ADVFEATURE_MSBFIRST_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_MSBFIRST_ENABLE ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_MSBFIRST) #define IS_UART_ADVFEATURE_MSBFIRST(MSBFIRST) (((MSBFIRST) == UART_ADVFEATURE_MSBFIRST_DISABLE) || \ ((MSBFIRST) == UART_ADVFEATURE_MSBFIRST_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Stop_Mode_Enable * @{ */ #define UART_ADVFEATURE_STOPMODE_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_STOPMODE_ENABLE ((uint32_t)USART_CR1_UESM) #define IS_UART_ADVFEATURE_STOPMODE(STOPMODE) (((STOPMODE) == UART_ADVFEATURE_STOPMODE_DISABLE) || \ ((STOPMODE) == UART_ADVFEATURE_STOPMODE_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Mute_Mode * @{ */ #define UART_ADVFEATURE_MUTEMODE_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_ADVFEATURE_MUTEMODE_ENABLE ((uint32_t)USART_CR1_MME) #define IS_UART_MUTE_MODE(MUTE) (((MUTE) == UART_ADVFEATURE_MUTEMODE_DISABLE) || \ ((MUTE) == UART_ADVFEATURE_MUTEMODE_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_CR2_ADDRESS_LSBPOS * @{ */ #define UART_CR2_ADDRESS_LSB_POS ((uint32_t) 24) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_WakeUp_from_Stop_Selection * @{ */ #define UART_WAKEUP_ON_ADDRESS ((uint32_t)0x0000) #define UART_WAKEUP_ON_STARTBIT ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_WUS_1) #define UART_WAKEUP_ON_READDATA_NONEMPTY ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_WUS) #define IS_UART_WAKEUP_SELECTION(WAKE) (((WAKE) == UART_WAKEUP_ON_ADDRESS) || \ ((WAKE) == UART_WAKEUP_ON_STARTBIT) || \ ((WAKE) == UART_WAKEUP_ON_READDATA_NONEMPTY)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_DriverEnable_Polarity * @{ */ #define UART_DE_POLARITY_HIGH ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define UART_DE_POLARITY_LOW ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_DEP) #define IS_UART_DE_POLARITY(POLARITY) (((POLARITY) == UART_DE_POLARITY_HIGH) || \ ((POLARITY) == UART_DE_POLARITY_LOW)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_CR1_DEAT_ADDRESS_LSBPOS * @{ */ #define UART_CR1_DEAT_ADDRESS_LSB_POS ((uint32_t) 21) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_CR1_DEDT_ADDRESS_LSBPOS * @{ */ #define UART_CR1_DEDT_ADDRESS_LSB_POS ((uint32_t) 16) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Interruption_Mask * @{ */ #define UART_IT_MASK ((uint32_t)0x001F) /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup UART_Exported_Macros * @{ */ /** @brief Reset UART handle state * @param __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle. * The Handle Instance which can be USART1, USART2 or LPUART. * @retval None */ #define __HAL_UART_RESET_HANDLE_STATE(__HANDLE__) ((__HANDLE__)->State = HAL_UART_STATE_RESET) /** @brief Checks whether the specified UART flag is set or not. * @param __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle. * This parameter can be USART1, USART2 or LPUART. * @param __FLAG__: specifies the flag to check. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg UART_FLAG_REACK: Receive enable ackowledge flag * @arg UART_FLAG_TEACK: Transmit enable ackowledge flag * @arg UART_FLAG_WUF: Wake up from stop mode flag * @arg UART_FLAG_RWU: Receiver wake up flag (is the UART in mute mode) * @arg UART_FLAG_SBKF: Send Break flag * @arg UART_FLAG_CMF: Character match flag * @arg UART_FLAG_BUSY: Busy flag * @arg UART_FLAG_ABRF: Auto Baud rate detection flag * @arg UART_FLAG_ABRE: Auto Baud rate detection error flag * @arg UART_FLAG_EOBF: End of block flag * @arg UART_FLAG_RTOF: Receiver timeout flag * @arg UART_FLAG_CTS: CTS Change flag (not available for UART4 and UART5) * @arg UART_FLAG_LBD: LIN Break detection flag * @arg UART_FLAG_TXE: Transmit data register empty flag * @arg UART_FLAG_TC: Transmission Complete flag * @arg UART_FLAG_RXNE: Receive data register not empty flag * @arg UART_FLAG_IDLE: Idle Line detection flag * @arg UART_FLAG_ORE: OverRun Error flag * @arg UART_FLAG_NE: Noise Error flag * @arg UART_FLAG_FE: Framing Error flag * @arg UART_FLAG_PE: Parity Error flag * @retval The new state of __FLAG__ (TRUE or FALSE). */ #define __HAL_UART_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__) (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR & (__FLAG__)) == (__FLAG__)) /** @brief Enables the specified UART interrupt. * @param __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle. * This parameter can be USART1, USART2 or LPUART. * @param __INTERRUPT__: specifies the UART interrupt source to enable. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg UART_IT_WUF: Wakeup from stop mode interrupt * @arg UART_IT_CM: Character match interrupt * @arg UART_IT_CTS: CTS change interrupt * @arg UART_IT_LBD: LIN Break detection interrupt * @arg UART_IT_TXE: Transmit Data Register empty interrupt * @arg UART_IT_TC: Transmission complete interrupt * @arg UART_IT_RXNE: Receive Data register not empty interrupt * @arg UART_IT_IDLE: Idle line detection interrupt * @arg UART_IT_PE: Parity Error interrupt * @arg UART_IT_ERR: Error interrupt(Frame error, noise error, overrun error) * @retval None */ #define __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) (((((uint8_t)(__INTERRUPT__)) >> 5) == 1)? ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1 |= (1 << ((__INTERRUPT__) & UART_IT_MASK))): \ ((((uint8_t)(__INTERRUPT__)) >> 5) == 2)? ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR2 |= (1 << ((__INTERRUPT__) & UART_IT_MASK))): \ ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3 |= (1 << ((__INTERRUPT__) & UART_IT_MASK)))) /** @brief Disables the specified UART interrupt. * @param __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle. * This parameter can be USART1, USART2 or LPUART. * @param __INTERRUPT__: specifies the UART interrupt source to disable. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg UART_IT_WUF: Wakeup from stop mode interrupt * @arg UART_IT_CM: Character match interrupt * @arg UART_IT_CTS: CTS change interrupt * @arg UART_IT_LBD: LIN Break detection interrupt * @arg UART_IT_TXE: Transmit Data Register empty interrupt * @arg UART_IT_TC: Transmission complete interrupt * @arg UART_IT_RXNE: Receive Data register not empty interrupt * @arg UART_IT_IDLE: Idle line detection interrupt * @arg UART_IT_PE: Parity Error interrupt * @arg UART_IT_ERR: Error interrupt(Frame error, noise error, overrun error) * @retval None */ #define __HAL_UART_DISABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) (((((uint8_t)(__INTERRUPT__)) >> 5) == 1)? ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1 &= ~ ((uint32_t)1 << ((__INTERRUPT__) & UART_IT_MASK))): \ ((((uint8_t)(__INTERRUPT__)) >> 5) == 2)? ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR2 &= ~ ((uint32_t)1 << ((__INTERRUPT__) & UART_IT_MASK))): \ ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3 &= ~ ((uint32_t)1 << ((__INTERRUPT__) & UART_IT_MASK)))) /** @brief Checks whether the specified UART interrupt has occurred or not. * @param __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle. * This parameter can be USART1, USART2 or LPUART. * @param __IT__: specifies the UART interrupt to check. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg UART_IT_WUF: Wakeup from stop mode interrupt * @arg UART_IT_CM: Character match interrupt * @arg UART_IT_CTS: CTS change interrupt (not available for UART4 and UART5) * @arg UART_IT_LBD: LIN Break detection interrupt * @arg UART_IT_TXE: Transmit Data Register empty interrupt * @arg UART_IT_TC: Transmission complete interrupt * @arg UART_IT_RXNE: Receive Data register not empty interrupt * @arg UART_IT_IDLE: Idle line detection interrupt * @arg UART_IT_ORE: OverRun Error interrupt * @arg UART_IT_NE: Noise Error interrupt * @arg UART_IT_FE: Framing Error interrupt * @arg UART_IT_PE: Parity Error interrupt * @retval The new state of __IT__ (TRUE or FALSE). */ #define __HAL_UART_GET_IT(__HANDLE__, __IT__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR & ((uint32_t)1 << ((__IT__)>> 0x08))) /** @brief Checks whether the specified UART interrupt source is enabled. * @param __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle. * This parameter can be USART1, USART2 or LPUART. * @param __IT__: specifies the UART interrupt source to check. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg UART_IT_CTS: CTS change interrupt (not available for UART4 and UART5) * @arg UART_IT_LBD: LIN Break detection interrupt * @arg UART_IT_TXE: Transmit Data Register empty interrupt * @arg UART_IT_TC: Transmission complete interrupt * @arg UART_IT_RXNE: Receive Data register not empty interrupt * @arg UART_IT_IDLE: Idle line detection interrupt * @arg UART_IT_ORE: OverRun Error interrupt * @arg UART_IT_NE: Noise Error interrupt * @arg UART_IT_FE: Framing Error interrupt * @arg UART_IT_PE: Parity Error interrupt * @retval The new state of __IT__ (TRUE or FALSE). */ #define __HAL_UART_GET_IT_SOURCE(__HANDLE__, __IT__) ((((((uint8_t)(__IT__)) >> 5) == 1)? (__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1:(((((uint8_t)(__IT__)) >> 5) == 2)? \ (__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR2 : (__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3)) & ((uint32_t)1 << (((uint16_t)(__IT__)) & UART_IT_MASK))) /** @brief Clears the specified UART ISR flag, in setting the proper ICR register flag. * @param __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle. * This parameter can be USART1, USART2 or LPUART. * @param __IT_CLEAR__: specifies the interrupt clear register flag that needs to be set * to clear the corresponding interrupt * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg UART_CLEAR_PEF: Parity Error Clear Flag * @arg UART_CLEAR_FEF: Framing Error Clear Flag * @arg UART_CLEAR_NEF: Noise detected Clear Flag * @arg UART_CLEAR_OREF: OverRun Error Clear Flag * @arg UART_CLEAR_IDLEF: IDLE line detected Clear Flag * @arg UART_CLEAR_TCF: Transmission Complete Clear Flag * @arg UART_CLEAR_LBDF: LIN Break Detection Clear Flag * @arg UART_CLEAR_CTSF: CTS Interrupt Clear Flag * @arg UART_CLEAR_RTOF: Receiver Time Out Clear Flag * @arg UART_CLEAR_EOBF: End Of Block Clear Flag * @arg UART_CLEAR_CMF: Character Match Clear Flag * @arg UART_CLEAR_WUF: Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag * @retval None */ #define __HAL_UART_CLEAR_IT(__HANDLE__, __IT_CLEAR__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ICR = (uint32_t)(__IT_CLEAR__)) /** @brief Set a specific UART request flag. * @param __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle. * This parameter can be USART1, USART2 or LPUART. * @param __REQ__: specifies the request flag to set * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg UART_AUTOBAUD_REQUEST: Auto-Baud Rate Request * @arg UART_SENDBREAK_REQUEST: Send Break Request * @arg UART_MUTE_MODE_REQUEST: Mute Mode Request * @arg UART_RXDATA_FLUSH_REQUEST: Receive Data flush Request * @arg UART_TXDATA_FLUSH_REQUEST: Transmit data flush Request * @retval None */ #define __HAL_UART_SEND_REQ(__HANDLE__, __REQ__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->RQR |= (uint16_t)(__REQ__)) /** @brief Enable UART * @param __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle. * The Handle Instance can be USART1, USART2 or LPUART. * @retval None */ #define __HAL_UART_ENABLE(__HANDLE__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1 |= USART_CR1_UE) /** @brief Disable UART * @param __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle. * The Handle Instance can be USART1, USART2 or LPUART. * @retval None */ #define __HAL_UART_DISABLE(__HANDLE__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1 &= ~USART_CR1_UE) /** @brief Enable CTS flow control * This macro allows to enable CTS hardware flow control for a given UART instance, * without need to call HAL_UART_Init() function. * As involving direct access to UART registers, usage of this macro should be fully endorsed by user. * @note As macro is expected to be used for modifying CTS Hw flow control feature activation, without need * for USART instance Deinit/Init, following conditions for macro call should be fulfilled : * - UART instance should have already been initialised (through call of HAL_UART_Init() ) * - macro could only be called when corresponding UART instance is disabled (i.e __HAL_UART_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)) * and should be followed by an Enable macro (i.e __HAL_UART_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)). * @param __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle. * The Handle Instance can be USART1, USART2 or LPUART. * @retval None */ #define __HAL_UART_HWCONTROL_CTS_ENABLE(__HANDLE__) \ do{ \ SET_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3, USART_CR3_CTSE); \ (__HANDLE__)->Init.HwFlowCtl |= USART_CR3_CTSE; \ } while(0) /** @brief Disable CTS flow control * This macro allows to disable CTS hardware flow control for a given UART instance, * without need to call HAL_UART_Init() function. * As involving direct access to UART registers, usage of this macro should be fully endorsed by user. * @note As macro is expected to be used for modifying CTS Hw flow control feature activation, without need * for USART instance Deinit/Init, following conditions for macro call should be fulfilled : * - UART instance should have already been initialised (through call of HAL_UART_Init() ) * - macro could only be called when corresponding UART instance is disabled (i.e __HAL_UART_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)) * and should be followed by an Enable macro (i.e __HAL_UART_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)). * @param __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle. * The Handle Instance can be USART1, USART2 or LPUART. * @retval None */ #define __HAL_UART_HWCONTROL_CTS_DISABLE(__HANDLE__) \ do{ \ CLEAR_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3, USART_CR3_CTSE); \ (__HANDLE__)->Init.HwFlowCtl &= ~(USART_CR3_CTSE); \ } while(0) /** @brief Enable RTS flow control * This macro allows to enable RTS hardware flow control for a given UART instance, * without need to call HAL_UART_Init() function. * As involving direct access to UART registers, usage of this macro should be fully endorsed by user. * @note As macro is expected to be used for modifying RTS Hw flow control feature activation, without need * for USART instance Deinit/Init, following conditions for macro call should be fulfilled : * - UART instance should have already been initialised (through call of HAL_UART_Init() ) * - macro could only be called when corresponding UART instance is disabled (i.e __HAL_UART_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)) * and should be followed by an Enable macro (i.e __HAL_UART_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)). * @param __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle. * The Handle Instance can be USART1, USART2 or LPUART. * @retval None */ #define __HAL_UART_HWCONTROL_RTS_ENABLE(__HANDLE__) \ do{ \ SET_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3, USART_CR3_RTSE); \ (__HANDLE__)->Init.HwFlowCtl |= USART_CR3_RTSE; \ } while(0) /** @brief Disable RTS flow control * This macro allows to disable RTS hardware flow control for a given UART instance, * without need to call HAL_UART_Init() function. * As involving direct access to UART registers, usage of this macro should be fully endorsed by user. * @note As macro is expected to be used for modifying RTS Hw flow control feature activation, without need * for USART instance Deinit/Init, following conditions for macro call should be fulfilled : * - UART instance should have already been initialised (through call of HAL_UART_Init() ) * - macro could only be called when corresponding UART instance is disabled (i.e __HAL_UART_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)) * and should be followed by an Enable macro (i.e __HAL_UART_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)). * @param __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle. * The Handle Instance can be USART1, USART2 or LPUART. * @retval None */ #define __HAL_UART_HWCONTROL_RTS_DISABLE(__HANDLE__) \ do{ \ CLEAR_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3, USART_CR3_RTSE);\ (__HANDLE__)->Init.HwFlowCtl &= ~(USART_CR3_RTSE); \ } while(0) /** @brief BRR division operation to set BRR register with LPUART * @param _PCLK_: LPUART clock * @param _BAUD_: Baud rate set by the user * @retval Division result */ #define __DIV_LPUART(_PCLK_, _BAUD_) (((_PCLK_)*256)/((_BAUD_))) /** @brief BRR division operation to set BRR register in 8-bit oversampling mode * @param _PCLK_: UART clock * @param _BAUD_: Baud rate set by the user * @retval Division result */ #define __DIV_SAMPLING8(_PCLK_, _BAUD_) (((_PCLK_)*2)/((_BAUD_))) /** @brief BRR division operation to set BRR register in 16-bit oversampling mode * @param _PCLK_: UART clock * @param _BAUD_: Baud rate set by the user * @retval Division result */ #define __DIV_SAMPLING16(_PCLK_, _BAUD_) (((_PCLK_))/((_BAUD_))) /** @brief Check UART Baud rate * @param BAUDRATE: Baudrate specified by the user * The maximum Baud Rate is derived from the maximum clock on L0 (i.e. 32 MHz) * divided by the smallest oversampling used on the USART (i.e. 8) * @retval Test result (TRUE or FALSE). */ #define IS_UART_BAUDRATE(BAUDRATE) ((BAUDRATE) < 4000001) /** @brief Check UART byte address * @param ADDRESS: UART 8-bit address for wake-up process scheme * @retval Test result (TRUE or FALSE). */ #define IS_UART_7B_ADDRESS(ADDRESS) ((ADDRESS) <= 0x7F) /** @brief Check UART 4-bit address * @param ADDRESS: UART 4-bit address for wake-up process scheme * @retval Test result (TRUE or FALSE). */ #define IS_UART_4B_ADDRESS(ADDRESS) ((ADDRESS) <= 0xF) /** @brief Check UART assertion time * @param TIME: 5-bit value assertion time * @retval Test result (TRUE or FALSE). */ #define IS_UART_ASSERTIONTIME(TIME) ((TIME) <= 0x1F) /** @brief Check UART deassertion time * @param TIME: 5-bit value deassertion time * @retval Test result (TRUE or FALSE). */ #define IS_UART_DEASSERTIONTIME(TIME) ((TIME) <= 0x1F) /** * @} */ /* Include UART HAL Extension module */ #include "stm32l0xx_hal_uart_ex.h" /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Initialization/de-initialization functions ********************************/ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Init(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HalfDuplex_Init(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_LIN_Init(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint32_t BreakDetectLength); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MultiProcessor_Init(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t Address, uint32_t WakeUpMethod); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_DeInit (UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); void HAL_UART_MspInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); void HAL_UART_MspDeInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); /* IO operation functions *****************************************************/ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Transmit(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Receive(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Transmit_IT(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Receive_IT(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Receive_DMA(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_DMAPause(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_DMAResume(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_DMAStop(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); void HAL_UART_IRQHandler(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); void HAL_UART_TxHalfCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); void HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); void HAL_UART_RxHalfCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); void HAL_UART_ErrorCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); /* Peripheral Control and State functions ************************************/ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MultiProcessor_EnableMuteMode(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MultiProcessor_DisableMuteMode(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); void HAL_MultiProcessor_EnterMuteMode(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HalfDuplex_EnableTransmitter(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HalfDuplex_EnableReceiver(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_LIN_SendBreak(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); HAL_UART_StateTypeDef HAL_UART_GetState(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); uint32_t HAL_UART_GetError(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); /* Non-User functions ********************************************************/ void UART_SetConfig(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); HAL_StatusTypeDef UART_CheckIdleState(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); HAL_StatusTypeDef UART_WaitOnFlagUntilTimeout(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint32_t Flag, FlagStatus Status, uint32_t Timeout); void UART_AdvFeatureConfig(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart); /** * @} */ /** * @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __STM32L0xx_HAL_UART_H */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/