Fork of the official mbed C/C SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications for RenBED.
Dependents: 1-RenBuggyTimed RenBED_RGB RenBED_RGB_PWM RenBED_RGB
Fork of mbed by
- Committer:
- Kojto
- Date:
- 2015-03-17
- Revision:
- 96:487b796308b0
- Parent:
- 94:9ad691361fac
- Child:
- 97:433970e64889
File content as of revision 96:487b796308b0:
/* Copyright (c) 2009 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved. * * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA. * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC * SEMICONDUCTOR STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. * * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from * the file. * */ #ifndef __NRF51_BITS_H #define __NRF51_BITS_H /*lint ++flb "Enter library region */ //#include <core_cm0.h> /* Peripheral: AAR */ /* Description: Accelerated Address Resolver. */ /* Register: AAR_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 2 : Enable interrupt on NOTRESOLVED event. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_NOTRESOLVED_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of NOTRESOLVED field. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_NOTRESOLVED_Msk (0x1UL << AAR_INTENSET_NOTRESOLVED_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of NOTRESOLVED field. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_NOTRESOLVED_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_NOTRESOLVED_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_NOTRESOLVED_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable interrupt on RESOLVED event. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_RESOLVED_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of RESOLVED field. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_RESOLVED_Msk (0x1UL << AAR_INTENSET_RESOLVED_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RESOLVED field. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_RESOLVED_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_RESOLVED_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_RESOLVED_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable interrupt on END event. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_END_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of END field. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_END_Msk (0x1UL << AAR_INTENSET_END_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of END field. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_END_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_END_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_END_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: AAR_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 2 : Disable interrupt on NOTRESOLVED event. */ #define AAR_INTENCLR_NOTRESOLVED_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of NOTRESOLVED field. */ #define AAR_INTENCLR_NOTRESOLVED_Msk (0x1UL << AAR_INTENCLR_NOTRESOLVED_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of NOTRESOLVED field. */ #define AAR_INTENCLR_NOTRESOLVED_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define AAR_INTENCLR_NOTRESOLVED_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define AAR_INTENCLR_NOTRESOLVED_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Disable interrupt on RESOLVED event. */ #define AAR_INTENCLR_RESOLVED_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of RESOLVED field. */ #define AAR_INTENCLR_RESOLVED_Msk (0x1UL << AAR_INTENCLR_RESOLVED_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RESOLVED field. */ #define AAR_INTENCLR_RESOLVED_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define AAR_INTENCLR_RESOLVED_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define AAR_INTENCLR_RESOLVED_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable interrupt on ENDKSGEN event. */ #define AAR_INTENCLR_END_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of END field. */ #define AAR_INTENCLR_END_Msk (0x1UL << AAR_INTENCLR_END_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of END field. */ #define AAR_INTENCLR_END_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define AAR_INTENCLR_END_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define AAR_INTENCLR_END_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: AAR_STATUS */ /* Description: Resolution status. */ /* Bits 3..0 : The IRK used last time an address was resolved. */ #define AAR_STATUS_STATUS_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of STATUS field. */ #define AAR_STATUS_STATUS_Msk (0xFUL << AAR_STATUS_STATUS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of STATUS field. */ /* Register: AAR_ENABLE */ /* Description: Enable AAR. */ /* Bits 1..0 : Enable AAR. */ #define AAR_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENABLE field. */ #define AAR_ENABLE_ENABLE_Msk (0x3UL << AAR_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENABLE field. */ #define AAR_ENABLE_ENABLE_Disabled (0x00UL) /*!< Disabled AAR. */ #define AAR_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled (0x03UL) /*!< Enable AAR. */ /* Register: AAR_NIRK */ /* Description: Number of Identity root Keys in the IRK data structure. */ /* Bits 4..0 : Number of Identity root Keys in the IRK data structure. */ #define AAR_NIRK_NIRK_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of NIRK field. */ #define AAR_NIRK_NIRK_Msk (0x1FUL << AAR_NIRK_NIRK_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of NIRK field. */ /* Register: AAR_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define AAR_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define AAR_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << AAR_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define AAR_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define AAR_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: ADC */ /* Description: Analog to digital converter. */ /* Register: ADC_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable interrupt on END event. */ #define ADC_INTENSET_END_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of END field. */ #define ADC_INTENSET_END_Msk (0x1UL << ADC_INTENSET_END_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of END field. */ #define ADC_INTENSET_END_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define ADC_INTENSET_END_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define ADC_INTENSET_END_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: ADC_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable interrupt on END event. */ #define ADC_INTENCLR_END_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of END field. */ #define ADC_INTENCLR_END_Msk (0x1UL << ADC_INTENCLR_END_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of END field. */ #define ADC_INTENCLR_END_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define ADC_INTENCLR_END_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define ADC_INTENCLR_END_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: ADC_BUSY */ /* Description: ADC busy register. */ /* Bit 0 : ADC busy register. */ #define ADC_BUSY_BUSY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of BUSY field. */ #define ADC_BUSY_BUSY_Msk (0x1UL << ADC_BUSY_BUSY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of BUSY field. */ #define ADC_BUSY_BUSY_Ready (0UL) /*!< No ongoing ADC conversion is taking place. ADC is ready. */ #define ADC_BUSY_BUSY_Busy (1UL) /*!< An ADC conversion is taking place. ADC is busy. */ /* Register: ADC_ENABLE */ /* Description: ADC enable. */ /* Bits 1..0 : ADC enable. */ #define ADC_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENABLE field. */ #define ADC_ENABLE_ENABLE_Msk (0x3UL << ADC_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENABLE field. */ #define ADC_ENABLE_ENABLE_Disabled (0x00UL) /*!< ADC is disabled. */ #define ADC_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled (0x01UL) /*!< ADC is enabled. If an analog input pin is selected as source of the conversion, the selected pin is configured as an analog input. */ /* Register: ADC_CONFIG */ /* Description: ADC configuration register. */ /* Bits 17..16 : ADC external reference pin selection. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_EXTREFSEL_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of EXTREFSEL field. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_EXTREFSEL_Msk (0x3UL << ADC_CONFIG_EXTREFSEL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of EXTREFSEL field. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_EXTREFSEL_None (0UL) /*!< Analog external reference inputs disabled. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_EXTREFSEL_AnalogReference0 (1UL) /*!< Use analog reference 0 as reference. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_EXTREFSEL_AnalogReference1 (2UL) /*!< Use analog reference 1 as reference. */ /* Bits 15..8 : ADC analog pin selection. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of PSEL field. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_Msk (0xFFUL << ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PSEL field. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Analog input pins disabled. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_AnalogInput0 (1UL) /*!< Use analog input 0 as analog input. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_AnalogInput1 (2UL) /*!< Use analog input 1 as analog input. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_AnalogInput2 (4UL) /*!< Use analog input 2 as analog input. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_AnalogInput3 (8UL) /*!< Use analog input 3 as analog input. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_AnalogInput4 (16UL) /*!< Use analog input 4 as analog input. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_AnalogInput5 (32UL) /*!< Use analog input 5 as analog input. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_AnalogInput6 (64UL) /*!< Use analog input 6 as analog input. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_AnalogInput7 (128UL) /*!< Use analog input 7 as analog input. */ /* Bits 6..5 : ADC reference selection. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_REFSEL_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of REFSEL field. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_REFSEL_Msk (0x3UL << ADC_CONFIG_REFSEL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of REFSEL field. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_REFSEL_VBG (0x00UL) /*!< Use internal 1.2V bandgap voltage as reference for conversion. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_REFSEL_External (0x01UL) /*!< Use external source configured by EXTREFSEL as reference for conversion. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_REFSEL_SupplyOneHalfPrescaling (0x02UL) /*!< Use supply voltage with 1/2 prescaling as reference for conversion. Only usable when supply voltage is between 1.7V and 2.6V. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_REFSEL_SupplyOneThirdPrescaling (0x03UL) /*!< Use supply voltage with 1/3 prescaling as reference for conversion. Only usable when supply voltage is between 2.5V and 3.6V. */ /* Bits 4..2 : ADC input selection. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_INPSEL_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of INPSEL field. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_INPSEL_Msk (0x7UL << ADC_CONFIG_INPSEL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of INPSEL field. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_INPSEL_AnalogInputNoPrescaling (0x00UL) /*!< Analog input specified by PSEL with no prescaling used as input for the conversion. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_INPSEL_AnalogInputTwoThirdsPrescaling (0x01UL) /*!< Analog input specified by PSEL with 2/3 prescaling used as input for the conversion. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_INPSEL_AnalogInputOneThirdPrescaling (0x02UL) /*!< Analog input specified by PSEL with 1/3 prescaling used as input for the conversion. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_INPSEL_SupplyTwoThirdsPrescaling (0x05UL) /*!< Supply voltage with 2/3 prescaling used as input for the conversion. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_INPSEL_SupplyOneThirdPrescaling (0x06UL) /*!< Supply voltage with 1/3 prescaling used as input for the conversion. */ /* Bits 1..0 : ADC resolution. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_RES_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RES field. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_RES_Msk (0x3UL << ADC_CONFIG_RES_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RES field. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_RES_8bit (0x00UL) /*!< 8bit ADC resolution. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_RES_9bit (0x01UL) /*!< 9bit ADC resolution. */ #define ADC_CONFIG_RES_10bit (0x02UL) /*!< 10bit ADC resolution. */ /* Register: ADC_RESULT */ /* Description: Result of ADC conversion. */ /* Bits 9..0 : Result of ADC conversion. */ #define ADC_RESULT_RESULT_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RESULT field. */ #define ADC_RESULT_RESULT_Msk (0x3FFUL << ADC_RESULT_RESULT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RESULT field. */ /* Register: ADC_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define ADC_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define ADC_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << ADC_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define ADC_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define ADC_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: AMLI */ /* Description: AHB Multi-Layer Interface. */ /* Register: AMLI_RAMPRI_CPU0 */ /* Description: Configurable priority configuration register for CPU0. */ /* Bits 15..12 : Configuration field for RAM block 3. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CPU0_RAM3_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of RAM3 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CPU0_RAM3_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_CPU0_RAM3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM3 field. */ /* Bits 11..8 : Configuration field for RAM block 2. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CPU0_RAM2_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of RAM2 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CPU0_RAM2_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_CPU0_RAM2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM2 field. */ /* Bits 7..4 : Configuration field for RAM block 1. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CPU0_RAM1_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of RAM1 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CPU0_RAM1_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_CPU0_RAM1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM1 field. */ /* Bits 3..0 : Configuration field for RAM block 0. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CPU0_RAM0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RAM0 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CPU0_RAM0_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_CPU0_RAM0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM0 field. */ /* Register: AMLI_RAMPRI_SPIS1 */ /* Description: Configurable priority configuration register for SPIS1. */ /* Bits 15..12 : Configuration field for RAM block 3. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_SPIS1_RAM3_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of RAM3 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_SPIS1_RAM3_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_SPIS1_RAM3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM3 field. */ /* Bits 11..8 : Configuration field for RAM block 2. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_SPIS1_RAM2_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of RAM2 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_SPIS1_RAM2_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_SPIS1_RAM2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM2 field. */ /* Bits 7..4 : Configuration field for RAM block 1. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_SPIS1_RAM1_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of RAM1 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_SPIS1_RAM1_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_SPIS1_RAM1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM1 field. */ /* Bits 3..0 : Configuration field for RAM block 0. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_SPIS1_RAM0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RAM0 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_SPIS1_RAM0_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_SPIS1_RAM0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM0 field. */ /* Register: AMLI_RAMPRI_RADIO */ /* Description: Configurable priority configuration register for RADIO. */ /* Bits 15..12 : Configuration field for RAM block 3. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_RADIO_RAM3_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of RAM3 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_RADIO_RAM3_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_RADIO_RAM3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM3 field. */ /* Bits 11..8 : Configuration field for RAM block 2. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_RADIO_RAM2_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of RAM2 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_RADIO_RAM2_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_RADIO_RAM2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM2 field. */ /* Bits 7..4 : Configuration field for RAM block 1. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_RADIO_RAM1_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of RAM1 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_RADIO_RAM1_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_RADIO_RAM1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM1 field. */ /* Bits 3..0 : Configuration field for RAM block 0. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_RADIO_RAM0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RAM0 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_RADIO_RAM0_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_RADIO_RAM0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM0 field. */ /* Register: AMLI_RAMPRI_ECB */ /* Description: Configurable priority configuration register for ECB. */ /* Bits 15..12 : Configuration field for RAM block 3. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_ECB_RAM3_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of RAM3 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_ECB_RAM3_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_ECB_RAM3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM3 field. */ /* Bits 11..8 : Configuration field for RAM block 2. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_ECB_RAM2_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of RAM2 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_ECB_RAM2_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_ECB_RAM2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM2 field. */ /* Bits 7..4 : Configuration field for RAM block 1. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_ECB_RAM1_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of RAM1 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_ECB_RAM1_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_ECB_RAM1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM1 field. */ /* Bits 3..0 : Configuration field for RAM block 0. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_ECB_RAM0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RAM0 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_ECB_RAM0_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_ECB_RAM0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM0 field. */ /* Register: AMLI_RAMPRI_CCM */ /* Description: Configurable priority configuration register for CCM. */ /* Bits 15..12 : Configuration field for RAM block 3. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CCM_RAM3_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of RAM3 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CCM_RAM3_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_CCM_RAM3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM3 field. */ /* Bits 11..8 : Configuration field for RAM block 2. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CCM_RAM2_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of RAM2 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CCM_RAM2_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_CCM_RAM2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM2 field. */ /* Bits 7..4 : Configuration field for RAM block 1. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CCM_RAM1_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of RAM1 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CCM_RAM1_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_CCM_RAM1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM1 field. */ /* Bits 3..0 : Configuration field for RAM block 0. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CCM_RAM0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RAM0 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_CCM_RAM0_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_CCM_RAM0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM0 field. */ /* Register: AMLI_RAMPRI_AAR */ /* Description: Configurable priority configuration register for AAR. */ /* Bits 15..12 : Configuration field for RAM block 3. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_AAR_RAM3_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of RAM3 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_AAR_RAM3_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_AAR_RAM3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM3 field. */ /* Bits 11..8 : Configuration field for RAM block 2. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_AAR_RAM2_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of RAM2 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_AAR_RAM2_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_AAR_RAM2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM2 field. */ /* Bits 7..4 : Configuration field for RAM block 1. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_AAR_RAM1_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of RAM1 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_AAR_RAM1_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_AAR_RAM1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM1 field. */ /* Bits 3..0 : Configuration field for RAM block 0. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_AAR_RAM0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RAM0 field. */ #define AMLI_RAMPRI_AAR_RAM0_Msk (0xFUL << AMLI_RAMPRI_AAR_RAM0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RAM0 field. */ /* Peripheral: CCM */ /* Description: AES CCM Mode Encryption. */ /* Register: CCM_SHORTS */ /* Description: Shortcut for the CCM. */ /* Bit 0 : Short-cut between ENDKSGEN event and CRYPT task. */ #define CCM_SHORTS_ENDKSGEN_CRYPT_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENDKSGEN_CRYPT field. */ #define CCM_SHORTS_ENDKSGEN_CRYPT_Msk (0x1UL << CCM_SHORTS_ENDKSGEN_CRYPT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENDKSGEN_CRYPT field. */ #define CCM_SHORTS_ENDKSGEN_CRYPT_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define CCM_SHORTS_ENDKSGEN_CRYPT_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Register: CCM_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 2 : Enable interrupt on ERROR event. */ #define CCM_INTENSET_ERROR_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of ERROR field. */ #define CCM_INTENSET_ERROR_Msk (0x1UL << CCM_INTENSET_ERROR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ERROR field. */ #define CCM_INTENSET_ERROR_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define CCM_INTENSET_ERROR_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define CCM_INTENSET_ERROR_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable interrupt on ENDCRYPT event. */ #define CCM_INTENSET_ENDCRYPT_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of ENDCRYPT field. */ #define CCM_INTENSET_ENDCRYPT_Msk (0x1UL << CCM_INTENSET_ENDCRYPT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENDCRYPT field. */ #define CCM_INTENSET_ENDCRYPT_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define CCM_INTENSET_ENDCRYPT_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define CCM_INTENSET_ENDCRYPT_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable interrupt on ENDKSGEN event. */ #define CCM_INTENSET_ENDKSGEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENDKSGEN field. */ #define CCM_INTENSET_ENDKSGEN_Msk (0x1UL << CCM_INTENSET_ENDKSGEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENDKSGEN field. */ #define CCM_INTENSET_ENDKSGEN_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define CCM_INTENSET_ENDKSGEN_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define CCM_INTENSET_ENDKSGEN_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: CCM_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 2 : Disable interrupt on ERROR event. */ #define CCM_INTENCLR_ERROR_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of ERROR field. */ #define CCM_INTENCLR_ERROR_Msk (0x1UL << CCM_INTENCLR_ERROR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ERROR field. */ #define CCM_INTENCLR_ERROR_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define CCM_INTENCLR_ERROR_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define CCM_INTENCLR_ERROR_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Disable interrupt on ENDCRYPT event. */ #define CCM_INTENCLR_ENDCRYPT_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of ENDCRYPT field. */ #define CCM_INTENCLR_ENDCRYPT_Msk (0x1UL << CCM_INTENCLR_ENDCRYPT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENDCRYPT field. */ #define CCM_INTENCLR_ENDCRYPT_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define CCM_INTENCLR_ENDCRYPT_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define CCM_INTENCLR_ENDCRYPT_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable interrupt on ENDKSGEN event. */ #define CCM_INTENCLR_ENDKSGEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENDKSGEN field. */ #define CCM_INTENCLR_ENDKSGEN_Msk (0x1UL << CCM_INTENCLR_ENDKSGEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENDKSGEN field. */ #define CCM_INTENCLR_ENDKSGEN_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define CCM_INTENCLR_ENDKSGEN_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define CCM_INTENCLR_ENDKSGEN_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: CCM_MICSTATUS */ /* Description: CCM RX MIC check result. */ /* Bit 0 : Result of the MIC check performed during the previous CCM RX STARTCRYPT */ #define CCM_MICSTATUS_MICSTATUS_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of MICSTATUS field. */ #define CCM_MICSTATUS_MICSTATUS_Msk (0x1UL << CCM_MICSTATUS_MICSTATUS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of MICSTATUS field. */ #define CCM_MICSTATUS_MICSTATUS_CheckFailed (0UL) /*!< MIC check failed. */ #define CCM_MICSTATUS_MICSTATUS_CheckPassed (1UL) /*!< MIC check passed. */ /* Register: CCM_ENABLE */ /* Description: CCM enable. */ /* Bits 1..0 : CCM enable. */ #define CCM_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENABLE field. */ #define CCM_ENABLE_ENABLE_Msk (0x3UL << CCM_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENABLE field. */ #define CCM_ENABLE_ENABLE_Disabled (0x00UL) /*!< CCM is disabled. */ #define CCM_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled (0x02UL) /*!< CCM is enabled. */ /* Register: CCM_MODE */ /* Description: Operation mode. */ /* Bit 0 : CCM mode operation. */ #define CCM_MODE_MODE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of MODE field. */ #define CCM_MODE_MODE_Msk (0x1UL << CCM_MODE_MODE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of MODE field. */ #define CCM_MODE_MODE_Encryption (0UL) /*!< CCM mode TX */ #define CCM_MODE_MODE_Decryption (1UL) /*!< CCM mode TX */ /* Register: CCM_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define CCM_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define CCM_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << CCM_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define CCM_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define CCM_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: CLOCK */ /* Description: Clock control. */ /* Register: CLOCK_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 4 : Enable interrupt on CTTO event. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_CTTO_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of CTTO field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_CTTO_Msk (0x1UL << CLOCK_INTENSET_CTTO_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CTTO field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_CTTO_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_CTTO_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_CTTO_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 3 : Enable interrupt on DONE event. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_DONE_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of DONE field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_DONE_Msk (0x1UL << CLOCK_INTENSET_DONE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DONE field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_DONE_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_DONE_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_DONE_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable interrupt on LFCLKSTARTED event. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_LFCLKSTARTED_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of LFCLKSTARTED field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_LFCLKSTARTED_Msk (0x1UL << CLOCK_INTENSET_LFCLKSTARTED_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of LFCLKSTARTED field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_LFCLKSTARTED_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_LFCLKSTARTED_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_LFCLKSTARTED_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable interrupt on HFCLKSTARTED event. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_HFCLKSTARTED_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of HFCLKSTARTED field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_HFCLKSTARTED_Msk (0x1UL << CLOCK_INTENSET_HFCLKSTARTED_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of HFCLKSTARTED field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_HFCLKSTARTED_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_HFCLKSTARTED_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENSET_HFCLKSTARTED_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: CLOCK_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 4 : Disable interrupt on CTTO event. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_CTTO_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of CTTO field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_CTTO_Msk (0x1UL << CLOCK_INTENCLR_CTTO_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CTTO field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_CTTO_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_CTTO_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_CTTO_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 3 : Disable interrupt on DONE event. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_DONE_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of DONE field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_DONE_Msk (0x1UL << CLOCK_INTENCLR_DONE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DONE field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_DONE_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_DONE_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_DONE_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Disable interrupt on LFCLKSTARTED event. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_LFCLKSTARTED_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of LFCLKSTARTED field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_LFCLKSTARTED_Msk (0x1UL << CLOCK_INTENCLR_LFCLKSTARTED_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of LFCLKSTARTED field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_LFCLKSTARTED_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_LFCLKSTARTED_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_LFCLKSTARTED_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable interrupt on HFCLKSTARTED event. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_HFCLKSTARTED_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of HFCLKSTARTED field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_HFCLKSTARTED_Msk (0x1UL << CLOCK_INTENCLR_HFCLKSTARTED_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of HFCLKSTARTED field. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_HFCLKSTARTED_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_HFCLKSTARTED_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define CLOCK_INTENCLR_HFCLKSTARTED_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: CLOCK_HFCLKSTAT */ /* Description: High frequency clock status. */ /* Bit 16 : State for the HFCLK. */ #define CLOCK_HFCLKSTAT_STATE_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of STATE field. */ #define CLOCK_HFCLKSTAT_STATE_Msk (0x1UL << CLOCK_HFCLKSTAT_STATE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of STATE field. */ #define CLOCK_HFCLKSTAT_STATE_NotRunning (0UL) /*!< HFCLK clock not running. */ #define CLOCK_HFCLKSTAT_STATE_Running (1UL) /*!< HFCLK clock running. */ /* Bit 0 : Active clock source for the HF clock. */ #define CLOCK_HFCLKSTAT_SRC_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of SRC field. */ #define CLOCK_HFCLKSTAT_SRC_Msk (0x1UL << CLOCK_HFCLKSTAT_SRC_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SRC field. */ #define CLOCK_HFCLKSTAT_SRC_RC (0UL) /*!< Internal 16MHz RC oscillator running and generating the HFCLK clock. */ #define CLOCK_HFCLKSTAT_SRC_Xtal (1UL) /*!< External 16MHz/32MHz crystal oscillator running and generating the HFCLK clock. */ /* Register: CLOCK_LFCLKSTAT */ /* Description: Low frequency clock status. */ /* Bit 16 : State for the LF clock. */ #define CLOCK_LFCLKSTAT_STATE_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of STATE field. */ #define CLOCK_LFCLKSTAT_STATE_Msk (0x1UL << CLOCK_LFCLKSTAT_STATE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of STATE field. */ #define CLOCK_LFCLKSTAT_STATE_NotRunning (0UL) /*!< LFCLK clock not running. */ #define CLOCK_LFCLKSTAT_STATE_Running (1UL) /*!< LFCLK clock running. */ /* Bits 1..0 : Active clock source for the LF clock. */ #define CLOCK_LFCLKSTAT_SRC_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of SRC field. */ #define CLOCK_LFCLKSTAT_SRC_Msk (0x3UL << CLOCK_LFCLKSTAT_SRC_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SRC field. */ #define CLOCK_LFCLKSTAT_SRC_RC (0UL) /*!< Internal 32KiHz RC oscillator running and generating the LFCLK clock. */ #define CLOCK_LFCLKSTAT_SRC_Xtal (1UL) /*!< External 32KiHz crystal oscillator running and generating the LFCLK clock. */ #define CLOCK_LFCLKSTAT_SRC_Synth (2UL) /*!< Internal 32KiHz synthesizer from the HFCLK running and generating the LFCLK clock. */ /* Register: CLOCK_LFCLKSRC */ /* Description: Clock source for the LFCLK clock. */ /* Bits 1..0 : Clock source. */ #define CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_SRC_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of SRC field. */ #define CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_SRC_Msk (0x3UL << CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_SRC_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SRC field. */ #define CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_SRC_RC (0UL) /*!< Internal 32KiHz RC oscillator. */ #define CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_SRC_Xtal (1UL) /*!< External 32KiHz crystal. */ #define CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_SRC_Synth (2UL) /*!< Internal 32KiHz synthesizer from HFCLK system clock. */ /* Register: CLOCK_CTIV */ /* Description: Calibration timer interval. */ /* Bits 6..0 : Calibration timer interval in 0.25s resolution. */ #define CLOCK_CTIV_CTIV_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of CTIV field. */ #define CLOCK_CTIV_CTIV_Msk (0x7FUL << CLOCK_CTIV_CTIV_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CTIV field. */ /* Register: CLOCK_XTALFREQ */ /* Description: Crystal frequency. */ /* Bits 7..0 : External Xtal frequency selection. */ #define CLOCK_XTALFREQ_XTALFREQ_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of XTALFREQ field. */ #define CLOCK_XTALFREQ_XTALFREQ_Msk (0xFFUL << CLOCK_XTALFREQ_XTALFREQ_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of XTALFREQ field. */ #define CLOCK_XTALFREQ_XTALFREQ_16MHz (0xFFUL) /*!< 16MHz xtal is used. */ #define CLOCK_XTALFREQ_XTALFREQ_32MHz (0x00UL) /*!< 32MHz xtal is used. */ /* Peripheral: COMP */ /* Description: Comparator. */ /* Register: COMP_SHORTS */ /* Description: Shortcut for the COMP. */ /* Bit 4 : Short-cut between CROSS event and STOP task. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_CROSS_STOP_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of CROSS_STOP field. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_CROSS_STOP_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_SHORTS_CROSS_STOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CROSS_STOP field. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_CROSS_STOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_CROSS_STOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 3 : Short-cut between UP event and STOP task. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_UP_STOP_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of UP_STOP field. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_UP_STOP_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_SHORTS_UP_STOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of UP_STOP field. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_UP_STOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_UP_STOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 2 : Short-cut between DOWN event and STOP task. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_DOWN_STOP_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of DOWN_STOP field. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_DOWN_STOP_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_SHORTS_DOWN_STOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DOWN_STOP field. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_DOWN_STOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_DOWN_STOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 1 : Short-cut between RADY event and STOP task. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_READY_STOP_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of READY_STOP field. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_READY_STOP_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_SHORTS_READY_STOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of READY_STOP field. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_READY_STOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_READY_STOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 0 : Short-cut between READY event and SAMPLE task. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_READY_SAMPLE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of READY_SAMPLE field. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_READY_SAMPLE_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_SHORTS_READY_SAMPLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of READY_SAMPLE field. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_READY_SAMPLE_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define COMP_SHORTS_READY_SAMPLE_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Register: COMP_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 3 : Enable interrupt on CROSS event. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_CROSS_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of CROSS field. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_CROSS_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_INTENSET_CROSS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CROSS field. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_CROSS_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_CROSS_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_CROSS_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Enable interrupt on UP event. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_UP_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of UP field. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_UP_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_INTENSET_UP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of UP field. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_UP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_UP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_UP_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable interrupt on DOWN event. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_DOWN_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of DOWN field. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_DOWN_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_INTENSET_DOWN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DOWN field. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_DOWN_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_DOWN_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_DOWN_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable interrupt on READY event. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_READY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of READY field. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_READY_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_INTENSET_READY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of READY field. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_READY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_READY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define COMP_INTENSET_READY_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: COMP_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 3 : Disable interrupt on CROSS event. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_CROSS_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of CROSS field. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_CROSS_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_INTENCLR_CROSS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CROSS field. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_CROSS_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_CROSS_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_CROSS_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Disable interrupt on UP event. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_UP_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of UP field. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_UP_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_INTENCLR_UP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of UP field. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_UP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_UP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_UP_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Disable interrupt on DOWN event. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_DOWN_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of DOWN field. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_DOWN_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_INTENCLR_DOWN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DOWN field. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_DOWN_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_DOWN_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_DOWN_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable interrupt on READY event. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_READY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of READY field. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_READY_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_INTENCLR_READY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of READY field. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_READY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_READY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define COMP_INTENCLR_READY_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: COMP_RESULT */ /* Description: Compare result. */ /* Bit 0 : Result of last compare. Decision point SAMPLE task. */ #define COMP_RESULT_RESULT_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RESULT field. */ #define COMP_RESULT_RESULT_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_RESULT_RESULT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RESULT field. */ #define COMP_RESULT_RESULT_Bellow (0UL) /*!< Input voltage is bellow the reference threshold. */ #define COMP_RESULT_RESULT_Above (1UL) /*!< Input voltage is above the reference threshold. */ /* Register: COMP_ENABLE */ /* Description: Enable the COMP. */ /* Bits 1..0 : Enable or disable COMP. */ #define COMP_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENABLE field. */ #define COMP_ENABLE_ENABLE_Msk (0x3UL << COMP_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENABLE field. */ #define COMP_ENABLE_ENABLE_Disabled (0x00UL) /*!< Disabled COMP. */ #define COMP_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled (0x02UL) /*!< Enable COMP. */ /* Register: COMP_PSEL */ /* Description: Input pin select. */ /* Bits 2..0 : Analog input pin select. */ #define COMP_PSEL_PSEL_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PSEL field. */ #define COMP_PSEL_PSEL_Msk (0x7UL << COMP_PSEL_PSEL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PSEL field. */ #define COMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput0 (0UL) /*!< Use analog input 0 as analog input. */ #define COMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput1 (1UL) /*!< Use analog input 1 as analog input. */ #define COMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput2 (2UL) /*!< Use analog input 2 as analog input. */ #define COMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput3 (3UL) /*!< Use analog input 3 as analog input. */ #define COMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput4 (4UL) /*!< Use analog input 4 as analog input. */ #define COMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput5 (5UL) /*!< Use analog input 5 as analog input. */ #define COMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput6 (6UL) /*!< Use analog input 6 as analog input. */ #define COMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput7 (7UL) /*!< Use analog input 7 as analog input. */ /* Register: COMP_REFSEL */ /* Description: Reference select. */ /* Bits 2..0 : Reference select. */ #define COMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of REFSEL field. */ #define COMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_Msk (0x7UL << COMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of REFSEL field. */ #define COMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_Int1V5 (0UL) /*!< Use internal 1V5 as reference. */ #define COMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_Int2V0 (1UL) /*!< Use internal 2V0 as reference. */ #define COMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_Int2V5 (2UL) /*!< Use internal 2V5 as reference. */ #define COMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_Supply (4UL) /*!< Use supply as reference. */ #define COMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_ARef (5UL) /*!< Use external analog reference as reference. */ /* Register: COMP_EXTREFSEL */ /* Description: External reference select. */ /* Bit 0 : External analog reference pin selection. */ #define COMP_EXTREFSEL_EXTREFSEL_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of EXTREFSEL field. */ #define COMP_EXTREFSEL_EXTREFSEL_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_EXTREFSEL_EXTREFSEL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of EXTREFSEL field. */ #define COMP_EXTREFSEL_EXTREFSEL_AnalogReference0 (0UL) /*!< Use analog reference 0 as reference. */ #define COMP_EXTREFSEL_EXTREFSEL_AnalogReference1 (1UL) /*!< Use analog reference 1 as reference. */ /* Register: COMP_TH */ /* Description: Threshold configuration for hysteresis unit. */ /* Bits 13..8 : VDOWN configuration. */ #define COMP_TH_THDOWN_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of THDOWN field. */ #define COMP_TH_THDOWN_Msk (0x3FUL << COMP_TH_THDOWN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of THDOWN field. */ /* Bits 5..0 : VUP configuration. */ #define COMP_TH_THUP_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of THUP field. */ #define COMP_TH_THUP_Msk (0x3FUL << COMP_TH_THUP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of THUP field. */ /* Register: COMP_MODE */ /* Description: Mode configuration. */ /* Bit 8 : Main operation mode. */ #define COMP_MODE_MAIN_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of MAIN field. */ #define COMP_MODE_MAIN_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_MODE_MAIN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of MAIN field. */ #define COMP_MODE_MAIN_Single (0UL) /*!< Single ended mode. */ #define COMP_MODE_MAIN_Diff (1UL) /*!< Differential mode. */ /* Bits 1..0 : Speed and power mode. */ #define COMP_MODE_SP_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of SP field. */ #define COMP_MODE_SP_Msk (0x3UL << COMP_MODE_SP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SP field. */ #define COMP_MODE_SP_Low (0UL) /*!< Low power mode. */ #define COMP_MODE_SP_Normal (1UL) /*!< Normal mode. */ #define COMP_MODE_SP_High (2UL) /*!< High speed mode. */ /* Register: COMP_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define COMP_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define COMP_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << COMP_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define COMP_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define COMP_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: ECB */ /* Description: AES ECB Mode Encryption. */ /* Register: ECB_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable interrupt on ERRORECB event. */ #define ECB_INTENSET_ERRORECB_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of ERRORECB field. */ #define ECB_INTENSET_ERRORECB_Msk (0x1UL << ECB_INTENSET_ERRORECB_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ERRORECB field. */ #define ECB_INTENSET_ERRORECB_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define ECB_INTENSET_ERRORECB_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define ECB_INTENSET_ERRORECB_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable interrupt on ENDECB event. */ #define ECB_INTENSET_ENDECB_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENDECB field. */ #define ECB_INTENSET_ENDECB_Msk (0x1UL << ECB_INTENSET_ENDECB_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENDECB field. */ #define ECB_INTENSET_ENDECB_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define ECB_INTENSET_ENDECB_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define ECB_INTENSET_ENDECB_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: ECB_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 1 : Disable interrupt on ERRORECB event. */ #define ECB_INTENCLR_ERRORECB_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of ERRORECB field. */ #define ECB_INTENCLR_ERRORECB_Msk (0x1UL << ECB_INTENCLR_ERRORECB_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ERRORECB field. */ #define ECB_INTENCLR_ERRORECB_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define ECB_INTENCLR_ERRORECB_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define ECB_INTENCLR_ERRORECB_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable interrupt on ENDECB event. */ #define ECB_INTENCLR_ENDECB_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENDECB field. */ #define ECB_INTENCLR_ENDECB_Msk (0x1UL << ECB_INTENCLR_ENDECB_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENDECB field. */ #define ECB_INTENCLR_ENDECB_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define ECB_INTENCLR_ENDECB_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define ECB_INTENCLR_ENDECB_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: ECB_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define ECB_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define ECB_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << ECB_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define ECB_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define ECB_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: FICR */ /* Description: Factory Information Configuration. */ /* Register: FICR_PPFC */ /* Description: Pre-programmed factory code present. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Pre-programmed factory code present. */ #define FICR_PPFC_PPFC_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PPFC field. */ #define FICR_PPFC_PPFC_Msk (0xFFUL << FICR_PPFC_PPFC_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PPFC field. */ #define FICR_PPFC_PPFC_NotPresent (0xFFUL) /*!< Not present. */ #define FICR_PPFC_PPFC_Present (0x00UL) /*!< Present. */ /* Register: FICR_CONFIGID */ /* Description: Configuration identifier. */ /* Bits 31..16 : Firmware Identification Number pre-loaded into the flash. */ #define FICR_CONFIGID_FWID_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of FWID field. */ #define FICR_CONFIGID_FWID_Msk (0xFFFFUL << FICR_CONFIGID_FWID_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of FWID field. */ /* Bits 15..0 : Hardware Identification Number. */ #define FICR_CONFIGID_HWID_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of HWID field. */ #define FICR_CONFIGID_HWID_Msk (0xFFFFUL << FICR_CONFIGID_HWID_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of HWID field. */ /* Register: FICR_DEVICEADDRTYPE */ /* Description: Device address type. */ /* Bit 0 : Device address type. */ #define FICR_DEVICEADDRTYPE_DEVICEADDRTYPE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of DEVICEADDRTYPE field. */ #define FICR_DEVICEADDRTYPE_DEVICEADDRTYPE_Msk (0x1UL << FICR_DEVICEADDRTYPE_DEVICEADDRTYPE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DEVICEADDRTYPE field. */ #define FICR_DEVICEADDRTYPE_DEVICEADDRTYPE_Public (0UL) /*!< Public address. */ #define FICR_DEVICEADDRTYPE_DEVICEADDRTYPE_Random (1UL) /*!< Random address. */ /* Register: FICR_OVERRIDEEN */ /* Description: Radio calibration override enable. */ /* Bit 3 : Override default values for BLE_1Mbit mode. */ #define FICR_OVERRIDEEN_BLE_1MBIT_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of BLE_1MBIT field. */ #define FICR_OVERRIDEEN_BLE_1MBIT_Msk (0x1UL << FICR_OVERRIDEEN_BLE_1MBIT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of BLE_1MBIT field. */ #define FICR_OVERRIDEEN_BLE_1MBIT_Override (0UL) /*!< Override the default values for BLE_1Mbit mode. */ #define FICR_OVERRIDEEN_BLE_1MBIT_NotOverride (1UL) /*!< Do not override the default values for BLE_1Mbit mode. */ /* Peripheral: GPIO */ /* Description: General purpose input and output. */ /* Register: GPIO_OUT */ /* Description: Write GPIO port. */ /* Bit 31 : Pin 31. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN31_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of PIN31 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN31_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN31_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN31 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN31_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN31_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 30 : Pin 30. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN30_Pos (30UL) /*!< Position of PIN30 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN30_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN30_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN30 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN30_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN30_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 29 : Pin 29. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN29_Pos (29UL) /*!< Position of PIN29 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN29_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN29_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN29 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN29_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN29_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 28 : Pin 28. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN28_Pos (28UL) /*!< Position of PIN28 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN28_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN28_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN28 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN28_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN28_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 27 : Pin 27. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN27_Pos (27UL) /*!< Position of PIN27 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN27_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN27_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN27 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN27_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN27_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 26 : Pin 26. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN26_Pos (26UL) /*!< Position of PIN26 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN26_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN26_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN26 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN26_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN26_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 25 : Pin 25. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN25_Pos (25UL) /*!< Position of PIN25 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN25_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN25_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN25 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN25_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN25_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 24 : Pin 24. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN24_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of PIN24 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN24_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN24_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN24 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN24_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN24_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 23 : Pin 23. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN23_Pos (23UL) /*!< Position of PIN23 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN23_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN23_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN23 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN23_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN23_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 22 : Pin 22. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN22_Pos (22UL) /*!< Position of PIN22 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN22_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN22_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN22 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN22_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN22_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 21 : Pin 21. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN21_Pos (21UL) /*!< Position of PIN21 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN21_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN21_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN21 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN21_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN21_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 20 : Pin 20. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN20_Pos (20UL) /*!< Position of PIN20 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN20_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN20_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN20 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN20_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN20_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 19 : Pin 19. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN19_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of PIN19 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN19_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN19_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN19 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN19_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN19_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 18 : Pin 18. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN18_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of PIN18 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN18_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN18_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN18 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN18_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN18_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 17 : Pin 17. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN17_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of PIN17 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN17_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN17_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN17 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN17_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN17_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 16 : Pin 16. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN16_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of PIN16 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN16_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN16_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN16 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN16_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN16_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 15 : Pin 15. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN15_Pos (15UL) /*!< Position of PIN15 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN15_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN15_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN15 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN15_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN15_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 14 : Pin 14. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN14_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of PIN14 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN14_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN14_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN14 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN14_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN14_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 13 : Pin 13. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN13_Pos (13UL) /*!< Position of PIN13 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN13_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN13_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN13 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN13_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN13_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 12 : Pin 12. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN12_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of PIN12 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN12_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN12_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN12 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN12_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN12_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 11 : Pin 11. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN11_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of PIN11 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN11_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN11_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN11 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN11_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN11_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 10 : Pin 10. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN10_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of PIN10 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN10_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN10_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN10 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN10_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN10_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 9 : Pin 9. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN9_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of PIN9 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN9_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN9_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN9 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN9_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN9_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 8 : Pin 8. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN8_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of PIN8 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN8_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN8_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN8 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN8_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN8_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 7 : Pin 7. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of PIN7 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN7_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN7 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN7_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN7_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 6 : Pin 6. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of PIN6 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN6_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN6 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN6_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN6_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 5 : Pin 5. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of PIN5 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN5_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN5 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN5_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN5_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 4 : Pin 4. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of PIN4 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN4_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN4 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN4_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN4_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 3 : Pin 3. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of PIN3 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN3_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN3 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN3_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN3_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 2 : Pin 2. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PIN2 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN2_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN2 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN2_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN2_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 1 : Pin 1. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PIN1 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN1_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN1 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN1_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN1_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Bit 0 : Pin 0. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PIN0 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN0_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUT_PIN0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN0 field. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN0_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUT_PIN0_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ /* Register: GPIO_OUTSET */ /* Description: Set individual bits in GPIO port. */ /* Bit 31 : Pin 31. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN31_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of PIN31 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN31_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN31_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN31 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN31_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN31_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN31_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 30 : Pin 30. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN30_Pos (30UL) /*!< Position of PIN30 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN30_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN30_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN30 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN30_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN30_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN30_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 29 : Pin 29. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN29_Pos (29UL) /*!< Position of PIN29 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN29_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN29_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN29 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN29_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN29_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN29_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 28 : Pin 28. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN28_Pos (28UL) /*!< Position of PIN28 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN28_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN28_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN28 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN28_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN28_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN28_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 27 : Pin 27. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN27_Pos (27UL) /*!< Position of PIN27 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN27_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN27_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN27 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN27_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN27_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN27_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 26 : Pin 26. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN26_Pos (26UL) /*!< Position of PIN26 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN26_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN26_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN26 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN26_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN26_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN26_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 25 : Pin 25. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN25_Pos (25UL) /*!< Position of PIN25 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN25_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN25_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN25 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN25_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN25_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN25_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 24 : Pin 24. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN24_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of PIN24 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN24_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN24_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN24 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN24_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN24_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN24_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 23 : Pin 23. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN23_Pos (23UL) /*!< Position of PIN23 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN23_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN23_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN23 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN23_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN23_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN23_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 22 : Pin 22. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN22_Pos (22UL) /*!< Position of PIN22 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN22_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN22_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN22 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN22_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN22_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN22_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 21 : Pin 21. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN21_Pos (21UL) /*!< Position of PIN21 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN21_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN21_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN21 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN21_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN21_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN21_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 20 : Pin 20. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN20_Pos (20UL) /*!< Position of PIN20 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN20_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN20_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN20 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN20_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN20_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN20_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 19 : Pin 19. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN19_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of PIN19 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN19_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN19_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN19 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN19_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN19_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN19_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 18 : Pin 18. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN18_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of PIN18 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN18_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN18_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN18 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN18_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN18_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN18_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 17 : Pin 17. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN17_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of PIN17 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN17_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN17_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN17 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN17_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN17_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN17_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 16 : Pin 16. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN16_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of PIN16 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN16_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN16_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN16 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN16_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN16_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN16_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 15 : Pin 15. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN15_Pos (15UL) /*!< Position of PIN15 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN15_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN15_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN15 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN15_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN15_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN15_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 14 : Pin 14. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN14_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of PIN14 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN14_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN14_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN14 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN14_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN14_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN14_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 13 : Pin 13. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN13_Pos (13UL) /*!< Position of PIN13 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN13_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN13_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN13 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN13_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN13_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN13_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 12 : Pin 12. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN12_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of PIN12 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN12_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN12_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN12 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN12_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN12_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN12_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 11 : Pin 11. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN11_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of PIN11 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN11_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN11_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN11 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN11_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN11_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN11_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 10 : Pin 10. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN10_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of PIN10 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN10_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN10_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN10 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN10_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN10_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN10_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 9 : Pin 9. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN9_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of PIN9 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN9_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN9_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN9 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN9_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN9_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN9_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 8 : Pin 8. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN8_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of PIN8 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN8_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN8_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN8 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN8_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN8_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN8_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 7 : Pin 7. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of PIN7 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN7_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN7 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN7_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN7_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN7_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 6 : Pin 6. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of PIN6 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN6_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN6 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN6_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN6_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN6_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 5 : Pin 5. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of PIN5 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN5_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN5 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN5_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN5_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN5_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 4 : Pin 4. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of PIN4 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN4_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN4 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN4_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN4_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN4_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 3 : Pin 3. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of PIN3 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN3_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN3 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN3_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN3_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN3_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 2 : Pin 2. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PIN2 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN2_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN2 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN2_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN2_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN2_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 1 : Pin 1. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PIN1 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN1_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN1 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN1_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN1_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN1_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Bit 0 : Pin 0. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PIN0 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN0_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTSET_PIN0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN0 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN0_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN0_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTSET_PIN0_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver high. */ /* Register: GPIO_OUTCLR */ /* Description: Clear individual bits in GPIO port. */ /* Bit 31 : Pin 31. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN31_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of PIN31 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN31_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN31_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN31 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN31_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN31_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN31_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 30 : Pin 30. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN30_Pos (30UL) /*!< Position of PIN30 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN30_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN30_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN30 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN30_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN30_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN30_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 29 : Pin 29. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN29_Pos (29UL) /*!< Position of PIN29 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN29_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN29_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN29 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN29_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN29_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN29_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 28 : Pin 28. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN28_Pos (28UL) /*!< Position of PIN28 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN28_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN28_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN28 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN28_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN28_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN28_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 27 : Pin 27. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN27_Pos (27UL) /*!< Position of PIN27 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN27_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN27_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN27 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN27_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN27_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN27_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 26 : Pin 26. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN26_Pos (26UL) /*!< Position of PIN26 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN26_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN26_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN26 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN26_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN26_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN26_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 25 : Pin 25. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN25_Pos (25UL) /*!< Position of PIN25 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN25_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN25_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN25 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN25_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN25_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN25_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 24 : Pin 24. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN24_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of PIN24 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN24_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN24_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN24 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN24_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN24_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN24_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 23 : Pin 23. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN23_Pos (23UL) /*!< Position of PIN23 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN23_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN23_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN23 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN23_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN23_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN23_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 22 : Pin 22. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN22_Pos (22UL) /*!< Position of PIN22 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN22_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN22_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN22 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN22_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN22_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN22_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 21 : Pin 21. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN21_Pos (21UL) /*!< Position of PIN21 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN21_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN21_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN21 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN21_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN21_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN21_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 20 : Pin 20. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN20_Pos (20UL) /*!< Position of PIN20 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN20_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN20_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN20 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN20_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN20_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN20_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 19 : Pin 19. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN19_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of PIN19 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN19_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN19_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN19 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN19_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN19_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN19_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 18 : Pin 18. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN18_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of PIN18 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN18_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN18_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN18 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN18_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN18_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN18_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 17 : Pin 17. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN17_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of PIN17 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN17_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN17_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN17 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN17_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN17_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN17_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 16 : Pin 16. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN16_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of PIN16 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN16_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN16_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN16 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN16_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN16_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN16_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 15 : Pin 15. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN15_Pos (15UL) /*!< Position of PIN15 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN15_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN15_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN15 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN15_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN15_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN15_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 14 : Pin 14. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN14_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of PIN14 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN14_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN14_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN14 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN14_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN14_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN14_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 13 : Pin 13. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN13_Pos (13UL) /*!< Position of PIN13 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN13_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN13_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN13 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN13_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN13_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN13_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 12 : Pin 12. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN12_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of PIN12 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN12_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN12_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN12 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN12_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN12_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN12_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 11 : Pin 11. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN11_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of PIN11 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN11_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN11_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN11 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN11_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN11_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN11_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 10 : Pin 10. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN10_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of PIN10 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN10_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN10_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN10 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN10_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN10_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN10_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 9 : Pin 9. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN9_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of PIN9 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN9_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN9_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN9 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN9_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN9_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN9_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 8 : Pin 8. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN8_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of PIN8 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN8_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN8_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN8 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN8_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN8_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN8_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 7 : Pin 7. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of PIN7 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN7_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN7 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN7_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN7_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN7_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 6 : Pin 6. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of PIN6 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN6_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN6 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN6_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN6_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN6_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 5 : Pin 5. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of PIN5 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN5_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN5 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN5_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN5_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN5_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 4 : Pin 4. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of PIN4 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN4_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN4 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN4_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN4_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN4_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 3 : Pin 3. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of PIN3 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN3_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN3 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN3_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN3_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN3_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 2 : Pin 2. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PIN2 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN2_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN2 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN2_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN2_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN2_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 1 : Pin 1. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PIN1 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN1_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN1 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN1_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN1_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN1_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Bit 0 : Pin 0. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PIN0 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN0_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN0 field. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN0_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin driver is low. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN0_High (1UL) /*!< Pin driver is high. */ #define GPIO_OUTCLR_PIN0_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin driver low. */ /* Register: GPIO_IN */ /* Description: Read GPIO port. */ /* Bit 31 : Pin 31. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN31_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of PIN31 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN31_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN31_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN31 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN31_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN31_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 30 : Pin 30. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN30_Pos (30UL) /*!< Position of PIN30 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN30_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN30_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN30 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN30_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN30_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 29 : Pin 29. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN29_Pos (29UL) /*!< Position of PIN29 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN29_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN29_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN29 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN29_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN29_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 28 : Pin 28. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN28_Pos (28UL) /*!< Position of PIN28 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN28_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN28_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN28 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN28_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN28_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 27 : Pin 27. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN27_Pos (27UL) /*!< Position of PIN27 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN27_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN27_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN27 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN27_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN27_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 26 : Pin 26. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN26_Pos (26UL) /*!< Position of PIN26 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN26_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN26_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN26 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN26_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN26_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 25 : Pin 25. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN25_Pos (25UL) /*!< Position of PIN25 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN25_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN25_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN25 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN25_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN25_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 24 : Pin 24. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN24_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of PIN24 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN24_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN24_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN24 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN24_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN24_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 23 : Pin 23. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN23_Pos (23UL) /*!< Position of PIN23 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN23_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN23_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN23 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN23_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN23_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 22 : Pin 22. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN22_Pos (22UL) /*!< Position of PIN22 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN22_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN22_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN22 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN22_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN22_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 21 : Pin 21. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN21_Pos (21UL) /*!< Position of PIN21 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN21_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN21_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN21 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN21_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN21_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 20 : Pin 20. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN20_Pos (20UL) /*!< Position of PIN20 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN20_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN20_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN20 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN20_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN20_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 19 : Pin 19. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN19_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of PIN19 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN19_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN19_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN19 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN19_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN19_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 18 : Pin 18. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN18_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of PIN18 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN18_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN18_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN18 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN18_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN18_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 17 : Pin 17. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN17_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of PIN17 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN17_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN17_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN17 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN17_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN17_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 16 : Pin 16. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN16_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of PIN16 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN16_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN16_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN16 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN16_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN16_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 15 : Pin 15. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN15_Pos (15UL) /*!< Position of PIN15 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN15_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN15_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN15 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN15_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN15_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 14 : Pin 14. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN14_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of PIN14 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN14_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN14_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN14 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN14_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN14_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 13 : Pin 13. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN13_Pos (13UL) /*!< Position of PIN13 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN13_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN13_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN13 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN13_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN13_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 12 : Pin 12. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN12_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of PIN12 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN12_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN12_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN12 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN12_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN12_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 11 : Pin 11. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN11_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of PIN11 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN11_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN11_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN11 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN11_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN11_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 10 : Pin 10. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN10_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of PIN10 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN10_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN10_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN10 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN10_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN10_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 9 : Pin 9. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN9_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of PIN9 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN9_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN9_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN9 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN9_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN9_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 8 : Pin 8. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN8_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of PIN8 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN8_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN8_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN8 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN8_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN8_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 7 : Pin 7. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of PIN7 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN7_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN7 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN7_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN7_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 6 : Pin 6. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of PIN6 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN6_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN6 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN6_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN6_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 5 : Pin 5. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of PIN5 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN5_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN5 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN5_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN5_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 4 : Pin 4. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of PIN4 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN4_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN4 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN4_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN4_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 3 : Pin 3. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of PIN3 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN3_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN3 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN3_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN3_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 2 : Pin 2. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PIN2 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN2_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN2 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN2_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN2_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 1 : Pin 1. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PIN1 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN1_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN1 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN1_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN1_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Bit 0 : Pin 0. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PIN0 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN0_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_IN_PIN0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN0 field. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN0_Low (0UL) /*!< Pin input is low. */ #define GPIO_IN_PIN0_High (1UL) /*!< Pin input is high. */ /* Register: GPIO_DIR */ /* Description: Direction of GPIO pins. */ /* Bit 31 : Pin 31. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN31_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of PIN31 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN31_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN31_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN31 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN31_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN31_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 30 : Pin 30. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN30_Pos (30UL) /*!< Position of PIN30 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN30_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN30_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN30 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN30_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN30_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 29 : Pin 29. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN29_Pos (29UL) /*!< Position of PIN29 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN29_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN29_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN29 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN29_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN29_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 28 : Pin 28. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN28_Pos (28UL) /*!< Position of PIN28 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN28_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN28_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN28 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN28_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN28_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 27 : Pin 27. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN27_Pos (27UL) /*!< Position of PIN27 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN27_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN27_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN27 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN27_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN27_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 26 : Pin 26. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN26_Pos (26UL) /*!< Position of PIN26 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN26_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN26_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN26 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN26_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN26_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 25 : Pin 25. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN25_Pos (25UL) /*!< Position of PIN25 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN25_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN25_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN25 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN25_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN25_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 24 : Pin 24. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN24_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of PIN24 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN24_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN24_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN24 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN24_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN24_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 23 : Pin 23. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN23_Pos (23UL) /*!< Position of PIN23 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN23_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN23_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN23 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN23_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN23_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 22 : Pin 22. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN22_Pos (22UL) /*!< Position of PIN22 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN22_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN22_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN22 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN22_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN22_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 21 : Pin 21. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN21_Pos (21UL) /*!< Position of PIN21 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN21_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN21_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN21 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN21_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN21_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 20 : Pin 20. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN20_Pos (20UL) /*!< Position of PIN20 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN20_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN20_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN20 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN20_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN20_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 19 : Pin 19. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN19_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of PIN19 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN19_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN19_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN19 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN19_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN19_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 18 : Pin 18. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN18_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of PIN18 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN18_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN18_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN18 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN18_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN18_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 17 : Pin 17. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN17_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of PIN17 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN17_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN17_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN17 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN17_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN17_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 16 : Pin 16. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN16_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of PIN16 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN16_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN16_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN16 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN16_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN16_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 15 : Pin 15. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN15_Pos (15UL) /*!< Position of PIN15 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN15_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN15_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN15 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN15_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN15_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 14 : Pin 14. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN14_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of PIN14 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN14_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN14_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN14 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN14_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN14_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 13 : Pin 13. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN13_Pos (13UL) /*!< Position of PIN13 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN13_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN13_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN13 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN13_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN13_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 12 : Pin 12. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN12_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of PIN12 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN12_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN12_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN12 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN12_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN12_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 11 : Pin 11. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN11_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of PIN11 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN11_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN11_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN11 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN11_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN11_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 10 : Pin 10. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN10_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of PIN10 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN10_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN10_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN10 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN10_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN10_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 9 : Pin 9. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN9_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of PIN9 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN9_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN9_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN9 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN9_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN9_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 8 : Pin 8. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN8_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of PIN8 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN8_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN8_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN8 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN8_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN8_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 7 : Pin 7. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of PIN7 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN7_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN7 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN7_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN7_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 6 : Pin 6. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of PIN6 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN6_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN6 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN6_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN6_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 5 : Pin 5. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of PIN5 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN5_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN5 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN5_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN5_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 4 : Pin 4. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of PIN4 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN4_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN4 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN4_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN4_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 3 : Pin 3. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of PIN3 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN3_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN3 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN3_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN3_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 2 : Pin 2. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PIN2 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN2_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN2 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN2_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN2_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 1 : Pin 1. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PIN1 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN1_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN1 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN1_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN1_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Bit 0 : Pin 0. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PIN0 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN0_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIR_PIN0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN0 field. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN0_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIR_PIN0_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ /* Register: GPIO_DIRSET */ /* Description: DIR set register. */ /* Bit 31 : Set as output pin 31. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN31_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of PIN31 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN31_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN31_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN31 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN31_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN31_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN31_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 30 : Set as output pin 30. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN30_Pos (30UL) /*!< Position of PIN30 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN30_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN30_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN30 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN30_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN30_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN30_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 29 : Set as output pin 29. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN29_Pos (29UL) /*!< Position of PIN29 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN29_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN29_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN29 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN29_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN29_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN29_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 28 : Set as output pin 28. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN28_Pos (28UL) /*!< Position of PIN28 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN28_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN28_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN28 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN28_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN28_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN28_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 27 : Set as output pin 27. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN27_Pos (27UL) /*!< Position of PIN27 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN27_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN27_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN27 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN27_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN27_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN27_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 26 : Set as output pin 26. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN26_Pos (26UL) /*!< Position of PIN26 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN26_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN26_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN26 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN26_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN26_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN26_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 25 : Set as output pin 25. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN25_Pos (25UL) /*!< Position of PIN25 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN25_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN25_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN25 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN25_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN25_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN25_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 24 : Set as output pin 24. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN24_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of PIN24 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN24_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN24_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN24 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN24_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN24_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN24_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 23 : Set as output pin 23. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN23_Pos (23UL) /*!< Position of PIN23 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN23_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN23_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN23 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN23_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN23_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN23_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 22 : Set as output pin 22. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN22_Pos (22UL) /*!< Position of PIN22 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN22_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN22_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN22 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN22_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN22_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN22_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 21 : Set as output pin 21. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN21_Pos (21UL) /*!< Position of PIN21 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN21_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN21_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN21 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN21_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN21_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN21_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 20 : Set as output pin 20. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN20_Pos (20UL) /*!< Position of PIN20 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN20_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN20_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN20 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN20_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN20_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN20_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 19 : Set as output pin 19. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN19_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of PIN19 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN19_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN19_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN19 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN19_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN19_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN19_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 18 : Set as output pin 18. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN18_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of PIN18 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN18_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN18_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN18 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN18_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN18_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN18_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 17 : Set as output pin 17. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN17_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of PIN17 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN17_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN17_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN17 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN17_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN17_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN17_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 16 : Set as output pin 16. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN16_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of PIN16 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN16_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN16_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN16 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN16_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN16_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN16_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 15 : Set as output pin 15. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN15_Pos (15UL) /*!< Position of PIN15 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN15_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN15_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN15 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN15_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN15_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN15_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 14 : Set as output pin 14. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN14_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of PIN14 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN14_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN14_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN14 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN14_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN14_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN14_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 13 : Set as output pin 13. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN13_Pos (13UL) /*!< Position of PIN13 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN13_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN13_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN13 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN13_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN13_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN13_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 12 : Set as output pin 12. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN12_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of PIN12 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN12_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN12_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN12 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN12_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN12_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN12_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 11 : Set as output pin 11. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN11_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of PIN11 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN11_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN11_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN11 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN11_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN11_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN11_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 10 : Set as output pin 10. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN10_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of PIN10 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN10_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN10_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN10 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN10_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN10_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN10_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 9 : Set as output pin 9. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN9_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of PIN9 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN9_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN9_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN9 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN9_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN9_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN9_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 8 : Set as output pin 8. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN8_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of PIN8 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN8_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN8_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN8 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN8_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN8_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN8_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 7 : Set as output pin 7. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of PIN7 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN7_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN7 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN7_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN7_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN7_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 6 : Set as output pin 6. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of PIN6 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN6_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN6 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN6_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN6_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN6_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 5 : Set as output pin 5. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of PIN5 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN5_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN5 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN5_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN5_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN5_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 4 : Set as output pin 4. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of PIN4 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN4_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN4 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN4_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN4_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN4_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 3 : Set as output pin 3. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of PIN3 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN3_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN3 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN3_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN3_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN3_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 2 : Set as output pin 2. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PIN2 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN2_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN2 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN2_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN2_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN2_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 1 : Set as output pin 1. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PIN1 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN1_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN1 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN1_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN1_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN1_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Bit 0 : Set as output pin 0. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PIN0 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN0_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRSET_PIN0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN0 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN0_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN0_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRSET_PIN0_Set (1UL) /*!< Set pin as output. */ /* Register: GPIO_DIRCLR */ /* Description: DIR clear register. */ /* Bit 31 : Set as input pin 31. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN31_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of PIN31 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN31_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN31_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN31 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN31_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN31_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN31_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 30 : Set as input pin 30. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN30_Pos (30UL) /*!< Position of PIN30 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN30_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN30_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN30 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN30_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN30_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN30_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 29 : Set as input pin 29. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN29_Pos (29UL) /*!< Position of PIN29 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN29_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN29_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN29 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN29_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN29_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN29_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 28 : Set as input pin 28. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN28_Pos (28UL) /*!< Position of PIN28 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN28_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN28_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN28 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN28_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN28_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN28_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 27 : Set as input pin 27. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN27_Pos (27UL) /*!< Position of PIN27 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN27_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN27_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN27 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN27_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN27_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN27_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 26 : Set as input pin 26. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN26_Pos (26UL) /*!< Position of PIN26 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN26_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN26_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN26 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN26_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN26_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN26_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 25 : Set as input pin 25. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN25_Pos (25UL) /*!< Position of PIN25 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN25_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN25_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN25 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN25_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN25_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN25_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 24 : Set as input pin 24. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN24_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of PIN24 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN24_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN24_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN24 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN24_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN24_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN24_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 23 : Set as input pin 23. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN23_Pos (23UL) /*!< Position of PIN23 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN23_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN23_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN23 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN23_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN23_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN23_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 22 : Set as input pin 22. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN22_Pos (22UL) /*!< Position of PIN22 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN22_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN22_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN22 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN22_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN22_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN22_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 21 : Set as input pin 21. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN21_Pos (21UL) /*!< Position of PIN21 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN21_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN21_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN21 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN21_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN21_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN21_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 20 : Set as input pin 20. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN20_Pos (20UL) /*!< Position of PIN20 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN20_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN20_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN20 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN20_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN20_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN20_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 19 : Set as input pin 19. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN19_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of PIN19 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN19_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN19_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN19 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN19_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN19_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN19_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 18 : Set as input pin 18. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN18_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of PIN18 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN18_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN18_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN18 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN18_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN18_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN18_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 17 : Set as input pin 17. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN17_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of PIN17 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN17_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN17_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN17 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN17_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN17_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN17_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 16 : Set as input pin 16. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN16_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of PIN16 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN16_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN16_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN16 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN16_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN16_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN16_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 15 : Set as input pin 15. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN15_Pos (15UL) /*!< Position of PIN15 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN15_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN15_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN15 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN15_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN15_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN15_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 14 : Set as input pin 14. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN14_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of PIN14 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN14_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN14_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN14 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN14_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN14_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN14_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 13 : Set as input pin 13. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN13_Pos (13UL) /*!< Position of PIN13 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN13_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN13_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN13 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN13_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN13_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN13_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 12 : Set as input pin 12. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN12_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of PIN12 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN12_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN12_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN12 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN12_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN12_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN12_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 11 : Set as input pin 11. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN11_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of PIN11 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN11_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN11_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN11 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN11_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN11_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN11_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 10 : Set as input pin 10. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN10_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of PIN10 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN10_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN10_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN10 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN10_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN10_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN10_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 9 : Set as input pin 9. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN9_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of PIN9 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN9_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN9_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN9 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN9_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN9_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN9_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 8 : Set as input pin 8. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN8_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of PIN8 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN8_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN8_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN8 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN8_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN8_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN8_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 7 : Set as input pin 7. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of PIN7 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN7_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN7 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN7_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN7_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN7_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 6 : Set as input pin 6. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of PIN6 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN6_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN6 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN6_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN6_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN6_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 5 : Set as input pin 5. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of PIN5 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN5_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN5 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN5_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN5_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN5_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 4 : Set as input pin 4. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of PIN4 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN4_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN4 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN4_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN4_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN4_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 3 : Set as input pin 3. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of PIN3 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN3_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN3 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN3_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN3_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN3_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 2 : Set as input pin 2. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PIN2 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN2_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN2 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN2_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN2_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN2_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 1 : Set as input pin 1. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PIN1 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN1_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN1 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN1_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN1_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN1_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Bit 0 : Set as input pin 0. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PIN0 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN0_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PIN0 field. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN0_Input (0UL) /*!< Pin set as input. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN0_Output (1UL) /*!< Pin set as output. */ #define GPIO_DIRCLR_PIN0_Clear (1UL) /*!< Set pin as input. */ /* Register: GPIO_PIN_CNF */ /* Description: Configuration of GPIO pins. */ /* Bits 17..16 : Pin sensing mechanism. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of SENSE field. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Msk (0x3UL << GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SENSE field. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Disabled (0x00UL) /*!< Disabled. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_High (0x02UL) /*!< Wakeup on high level. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Low (0x03UL) /*!< Wakeup on low level. */ /* Bits 10..8 : Drive configuration. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of DRIVE field. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_Msk (0x7UL << GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DRIVE field. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_S0S1 (0x00UL) /*!< Standard '0', Standard '1'. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_H0S1 (0x01UL) /*!< High '0', Standard '1'. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_S0H1 (0x02UL) /*!< Standard '0', High '1'. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_H0H1 (0x03UL) /*!< High '0', High '1'. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_D0S1 (0x04UL) /*!< Disconnected '0', Standard '1'. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_D0H1 (0x05UL) /*!< Disconnected '0', High '1'. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_S0D1 (0x06UL) /*!< Standard '0', Disconnected '1'. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_H0D1 (0x07UL) /*!< High '0', Disconnected '1'. */ /* Bits 3..2 : Pull-up or -down configuration. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_PULL_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PULL field. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_PULL_Msk (0x3UL << GPIO_PIN_CNF_PULL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PULL field. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_PULL_Disabled (0x00UL) /*!< No pull. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_PULL_Pulldown (0x01UL) /*!< Pulldown on pin. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_PULL_Pullup (0x03UL) /*!< Pullup on pin. */ /* Bit 1 : Connect or disconnect input path. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of INPUT field. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of INPUT field. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Connect (0UL) /*!< Connect input pin. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Disconnect (1UL) /*!< Disconnect input pin. */ /* Bit 0 : Pin direction. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of DIR field. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Msk (0x1UL << GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DIR field. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Input (0UL) /*!< Configure pin as an input pin. */ #define GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Output (1UL) /*!< Configure pin as an output pin. */ /* Peripheral: GPIOTE */ /* Description: GPIO tasks and events. */ /* Register: GPIOTE_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 31 : Enable interrupt on PORT event. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_PORT_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of PORT field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_PORT_Msk (0x1UL << GPIOTE_INTENSET_PORT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PORT field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_PORT_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_PORT_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_PORT_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 3 : Enable interrupt on IN[3] event. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of IN3 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN3_Msk (0x1UL << GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of IN3 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN3_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Enable interrupt on IN[2] event. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of IN2 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN2_Msk (0x1UL << GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of IN2 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN2_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable interrupt on IN[1] event. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of IN1 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN1_Msk (0x1UL << GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of IN1 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN1_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable interrupt on IN[0] event. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of IN0 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN0_Msk (0x1UL << GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of IN0 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENSET_IN0_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: GPIOTE_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 31 : Disable interrupt on PORT event. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_PORT_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of PORT field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_PORT_Msk (0x1UL << GPIOTE_INTENCLR_PORT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PORT field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_PORT_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_PORT_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_PORT_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 3 : Disable interrupt on IN[3] event. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of IN3 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN3_Msk (0x1UL << GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of IN3 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN3_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Disable interrupt on IN[2] event. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of IN2 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN2_Msk (0x1UL << GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of IN2 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN2_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Disable interrupt on IN[1] event. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of IN1 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN1_Msk (0x1UL << GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of IN1 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN1_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable interrupt on IN[0] event. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of IN0 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN0_Msk (0x1UL << GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of IN0 field. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define GPIOTE_INTENCLR_IN0_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: GPIOTE_CONFIG */ /* Description: Channel configuration registers. */ /* Bit 20 : Initial value of the output when the GPIOTE channel is configured as a Task. */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_OUTINIT_Pos (20UL) /*!< Position of OUTINIT field. */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_OUTINIT_Msk (0x1UL << GPIOTE_CONFIG_OUTINIT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OUTINIT field. */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_OUTINIT_Low (0UL) /*!< Initial low output when in task mode. */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_OUTINIT_High (1UL) /*!< Initial high output when in task mode. */ /* Bits 17..16 : Effects on output when in Task mode, or events on input that generates an event. */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_POLARITY_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of POLARITY field. */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_POLARITY_Msk (0x3UL << GPIOTE_CONFIG_POLARITY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POLARITY field. */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_POLARITY_LoToHi (0x01UL) /*!< Low to high. */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_POLARITY_HiToLo (0x02UL) /*!< High to low. */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_POLARITY_Toggle (0x03UL) /*!< Toggle. */ /* Bits 12..8 : Pin select. */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_PSEL_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of PSEL field. */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_PSEL_Msk (0x1FUL << GPIOTE_CONFIG_PSEL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PSEL field. */ /* Bits 1..0 : Mode */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_MODE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of MODE field. */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_MODE_Msk (0x3UL << GPIOTE_CONFIG_MODE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of MODE field. */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_MODE_Disabled (0x00UL) /*!< Disabled. */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_MODE_Event (0x01UL) /*!< Channel configure in event mode. */ #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_MODE_Task (0x03UL) /*!< Channel configure in task mode. */ /* Register: GPIOTE_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define GPIOTE_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define GPIOTE_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << GPIOTE_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define GPIOTE_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define GPIOTE_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: LPCOMP */ /* Description: Wakeup Comparator. */ /* Register: LPCOMP_SHORTS */ /* Description: Shortcut for the LPCOMP. */ /* Bit 4 : Short-cut between CROSS event and STOP task. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_CROSS_STOP_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of CROSS_STOP field. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_CROSS_STOP_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_SHORTS_CROSS_STOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CROSS_STOP field. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_CROSS_STOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_CROSS_STOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 3 : Short-cut between UP event and STOP task. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_UP_STOP_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of UP_STOP field. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_UP_STOP_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_SHORTS_UP_STOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of UP_STOP field. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_UP_STOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_UP_STOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 2 : Short-cut between DOWN event and STOP task. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_DOWN_STOP_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of DOWN_STOP field. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_DOWN_STOP_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_SHORTS_DOWN_STOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DOWN_STOP field. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_DOWN_STOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_DOWN_STOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 1 : Short-cut between RADY event and STOP task. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_READY_STOP_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of READY_STOP field. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_READY_STOP_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_SHORTS_READY_STOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of READY_STOP field. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_READY_STOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_READY_STOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 0 : Short-cut between READY event and SAMPLE task. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_READY_SAMPLE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of READY_SAMPLE field. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_READY_SAMPLE_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_SHORTS_READY_SAMPLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of READY_SAMPLE field. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_READY_SAMPLE_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define LPCOMP_SHORTS_READY_SAMPLE_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Register: LPCOMP_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 3 : Enable interrupt on CROSS event. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_CROSS_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of CROSS field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_CROSS_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_INTENSET_CROSS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CROSS field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_CROSS_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_CROSS_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_CROSS_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Enable interrupt on UP event. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_UP_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of UP field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_UP_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_INTENSET_UP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of UP field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_UP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_UP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_UP_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable interrupt on DOWN event. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_DOWN_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of DOWN field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_DOWN_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_INTENSET_DOWN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DOWN field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_DOWN_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_DOWN_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_DOWN_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable interrupt on READY event. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_READY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of READY field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_READY_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_INTENSET_READY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of READY field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_READY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_READY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENSET_READY_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: LPCOMP_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 3 : Disable interrupt on CROSS event. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_CROSS_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of CROSS field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_CROSS_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_INTENCLR_CROSS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CROSS field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_CROSS_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_CROSS_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_CROSS_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Disable interrupt on UP event. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_UP_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of UP field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_UP_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_INTENCLR_UP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of UP field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_UP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_UP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_UP_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Disable interrupt on DOWN event. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_DOWN_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of DOWN field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_DOWN_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_INTENCLR_DOWN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DOWN field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_DOWN_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_DOWN_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_DOWN_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable interrupt on READY event. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_READY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of READY field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_READY_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_INTENCLR_READY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of READY field. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_READY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_READY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define LPCOMP_INTENCLR_READY_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: LPCOMP_RESULT */ /* Description: Result of last compare. */ /* Bit 0 : Result of last compare. Decision point SAMPLE task. */ #define LPCOMP_RESULT_RESULT_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RESULT field. */ #define LPCOMP_RESULT_RESULT_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_RESULT_RESULT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RESULT field. */ #define LPCOMP_RESULT_RESULT_Bellow (0UL) /*!< Input voltage is bellow the reference threshold. */ #define LPCOMP_RESULT_RESULT_Above (1UL) /*!< Input voltage is above the reference threshold. */ /* Register: LPCOMP_ENABLE */ /* Description: Enable the LPCOMP. */ /* Bits 1..0 : Enable or disable LPCOMP. */ #define LPCOMP_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENABLE field. */ #define LPCOMP_ENABLE_ENABLE_Msk (0x3UL << LPCOMP_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENABLE field. */ #define LPCOMP_ENABLE_ENABLE_Disabled (0x00UL) /*!< Disabled LPCOMP. */ #define LPCOMP_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled (0x01UL) /*!< Enable LPCOMP. */ /* Register: LPCOMP_PSEL */ /* Description: Input pin select. */ /* Bits 2..0 : Analog input pin select. */ #define LPCOMP_PSEL_PSEL_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PSEL field. */ #define LPCOMP_PSEL_PSEL_Msk (0x7UL << LPCOMP_PSEL_PSEL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PSEL field. */ #define LPCOMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput0 (0UL) /*!< Use analog input 0 as analog input. */ #define LPCOMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput1 (1UL) /*!< Use analog input 1 as analog input. */ #define LPCOMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput2 (2UL) /*!< Use analog input 2 as analog input. */ #define LPCOMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput3 (3UL) /*!< Use analog input 3 as analog input. */ #define LPCOMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput4 (4UL) /*!< Use analog input 4 as analog input. */ #define LPCOMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput5 (5UL) /*!< Use analog input 5 as analog input. */ #define LPCOMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput6 (6UL) /*!< Use analog input 6 as analog input. */ #define LPCOMP_PSEL_PSEL_AnalogInput7 (7UL) /*!< Use analog input 7 as analog input. */ /* Register: LPCOMP_REFSEL */ /* Description: Reference select. */ /* Bits 2..0 : Reference select. */ #define LPCOMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of REFSEL field. */ #define LPCOMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_Msk (0x7UL << LPCOMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of REFSEL field. */ #define LPCOMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_SupplyOneEighthPrescaling (0UL) /*!< Use analog supply with a 1/8 prescaler as reference. */ #define LPCOMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_SupplyTwoEighthsPrescaling (1UL) /*!< Use analog supply with a 2/8 prescaler as reference. */ #define LPCOMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_SupplyThreeEighthsPrescaling (2UL) /*!< Use analog supply with a 3/8 prescaler as reference. */ #define LPCOMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_SupplyFourEighthsPrescaling (3UL) /*!< Use analog supply with a 4/8 prescaler as reference. */ #define LPCOMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_SupplyFiveEighthsPrescaling (4UL) /*!< Use analog supply with a 5/8 prescaler as reference. */ #define LPCOMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_SupplySixEighthsPrescaling (5UL) /*!< Use analog supply with a 6/8 prescaler as reference. */ #define LPCOMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_SupplySevenEighthsPrescaling (6UL) /*!< Use analog supply with a 7/8 prescaler as reference. */ #define LPCOMP_REFSEL_REFSEL_ARef (7UL) /*!< Use external analog reference as reference. */ /* Register: LPCOMP_EXTREFSEL */ /* Description: External reference select. */ /* Bit 0 : External analog reference pin selection. */ #define LPCOMP_EXTREFSEL_EXTREFSEL_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of EXTREFSEL field. */ #define LPCOMP_EXTREFSEL_EXTREFSEL_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_EXTREFSEL_EXTREFSEL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of EXTREFSEL field. */ #define LPCOMP_EXTREFSEL_EXTREFSEL_AnalogReference0 (0UL) /*!< Use analog reference 0 as reference. */ #define LPCOMP_EXTREFSEL_EXTREFSEL_AnalogReference1 (1UL) /*!< Use analog reference 1 as reference. */ /* Register: LPCOMP_ANADETECT */ /* Description: Analog detect configuration. */ /* Bits 1..0 : Analog detect configuration. */ #define LPCOMP_ANADETECT_ANADETECT_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ANADETECT field. */ #define LPCOMP_ANADETECT_ANADETECT_Msk (0x3UL << LPCOMP_ANADETECT_ANADETECT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ANADETECT field. */ #define LPCOMP_ANADETECT_ANADETECT_Cross (0UL) /*!< Generate ANADETEC on crossing, both upwards and downwards crossing. */ #define LPCOMP_ANADETECT_ANADETECT_Up (1UL) /*!< Generate ANADETEC on upwards crossing only. */ #define LPCOMP_ANADETECT_ANADETECT_Down (2UL) /*!< Generate ANADETEC on downwards crossing only. */ /* Register: LPCOMP_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define LPCOMP_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define LPCOMP_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << LPCOMP_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define LPCOMP_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define LPCOMP_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: MPU */ /* Description: Memory Protection Unit. */ /* Register: MPU_PERR0 */ /* Description: Configuration of peripherals in mpu regions. */ /* Bit 31 : PPI region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_PPI_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of PPI field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_PPI_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_PPI_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PPI field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_PPI_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_PPI_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 30 : NVMC region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_NVMC_Pos (30UL) /*!< Position of NVMC field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_NVMC_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_NVMC_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of NVMC field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_NVMC_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_NVMC_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 19 : LPCOMP_COMP region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_LPCOMP_COMP_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of LPCOMP_COMP field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_LPCOMP_COMP_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_LPCOMP_COMP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of LPCOMP_COMP field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_LPCOMP_COMP_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_LPCOMP_COMP_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 18 : QDEC region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_QDEC_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of QDEC field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_QDEC_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_QDEC_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of QDEC field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_QDEC_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_QDEC_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 17 : RTC1 region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RTC1_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of RTC1 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RTC1_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_RTC1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RTC1 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RTC1_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RTC1_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 16 : WDT region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_WDT_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of WDT field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_WDT_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_WDT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of WDT field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_WDT_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_WDT_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 15 : CCM and AAR region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_CCM_AAR_Pos (15UL) /*!< Position of CCM_AAR field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_CCM_AAR_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_CCM_AAR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CCM_AAR field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_CCM_AAR_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_CCM_AAR_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 14 : ECB region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_ECB_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of ECB field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_ECB_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_ECB_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ECB field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_ECB_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_ECB_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 13 : RNG region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RNG_Pos (13UL) /*!< Position of RNG field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RNG_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_RNG_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RNG field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RNG_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RNG_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 12 : TEMP region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TEMP_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of TEMP field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TEMP_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_TEMP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TEMP field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TEMP_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TEMP_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 11 : RTC0 region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RTC0_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of RTC0 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RTC0_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_RTC0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RTC0 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RTC0_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RTC0_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 10 : TIMER2 region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TIMER2_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of TIMER2 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TIMER2_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_TIMER2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TIMER2 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TIMER2_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TIMER2_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 9 : TIMER1 region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TIMER1_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of TIMER1 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TIMER1_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_TIMER1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TIMER1 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TIMER1_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TIMER1_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 8 : TIMER0 region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TIMER0_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of TIMER0 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TIMER0_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_TIMER0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TIMER0 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TIMER0_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_TIMER0_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 7 : ADC region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_ADC_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of ADC field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_ADC_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_ADC_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ADC field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_ADC_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_ADC_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 6 : GPIOTE region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_GPIOTE_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of GPIOTE field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_GPIOTE_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_GPIOTE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of GPIOTE field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_GPIOTE_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_GPIOTE_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 4 : SPI1 and TWI1 region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_SPI1_TWI1_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of SPI1_TWI1 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_SPI1_TWI1_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_SPI1_TWI1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SPI1_TWI1 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_SPI1_TWI1_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_SPI1_TWI1_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 3 : SPI0 and TWI0 region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_SPI0_TWI0_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of SPI0_TWI0 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_SPI0_TWI0_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_SPI0_TWI0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SPI0_TWI0 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_SPI0_TWI0_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_SPI0_TWI0_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 2 : UART0 region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_UART0_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of UART0 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_UART0_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_UART0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of UART0 field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_UART0_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_UART0_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 1 : RADIO region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RADIO_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of RADIO field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RADIO_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_RADIO_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RADIO field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RADIO_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_RADIO_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Bit 0 : POWER_CLOCK region configuration. */ #define MPU_PERR0_POWER_CLOCK_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER_CLOCK field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_POWER_CLOCK_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PERR0_POWER_CLOCK_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER_CLOCK field. */ #define MPU_PERR0_POWER_CLOCK_InRegion1 (0UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 1. */ #define MPU_PERR0_POWER_CLOCK_InRegion0 (1UL) /*!< Peripheral configured in region 0. */ /* Register: MPU_PROTENSET0 */ /* Description: Protection bit enable set register for low addresses. */ /* Bit 31 : Protection enable for region 31. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG31_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG31 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG31_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG31_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG31 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG31_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG31_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG31_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 30 : Protection enable for region 30. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG30_Pos (30UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG30 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG30_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG30_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG30 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG30_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG30_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG30_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 29 : Protection enable for region 29. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG29_Pos (29UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG29 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG29_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG29_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG29 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG29_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG29_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG29_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 28 : Protection enable for region 28. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG28_Pos (28UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG28 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG28_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG28_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG28 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG28_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG28_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG28_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 27 : Protection enable for region 27. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG27_Pos (27UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG27 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG27_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG27_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG27 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG27_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG27_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG27_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 26 : Protection enable for region 26. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG26_Pos (26UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG26 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG26_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG26_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG26 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG26_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG26_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG26_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 25 : Protection enable for region 25. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG25_Pos (25UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG25 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG25_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG25_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG25 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG25_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG25_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG25_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 24 : Protection enable for region 24. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG24_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG24 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG24_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG24_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG24 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG24_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG24_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG24_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 23 : Protection enable for region 23. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG23_Pos (23UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG23 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG23_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG23_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG23 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG23_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG23_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG23_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 22 : Protection enable for region 22. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG22_Pos (22UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG22 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG22_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG22_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG22 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG22_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG22_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG22_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 21 : Protection enable for region 21. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG21_Pos (21UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG21 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG21_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG21_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG21 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG21_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG21_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG21_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 20 : Protection enable for region 20. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG20_Pos (20UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG20 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG20_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG20_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG20 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG20_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG20_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG20_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 19 : Protection enable for region 19. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG19_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG19 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG19_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG19_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG19 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG19_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG19_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG19_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 18 : Protection enable for region 18. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG18_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG18 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG18_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG18_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG18 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG18_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG18_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG18_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 17 : Protection enable for region 17. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG17_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG17 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG17_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG17_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG17 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG17_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG17_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG17_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 16 : Protection enable for region 16. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG16_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG16 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG16_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG16_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG16 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG16_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG16_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG16_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 15 : Protection enable for region 15. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG15_Pos (15UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG15 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG15_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG15_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG15 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG15_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG15_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG15_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 14 : Protection enable for region 14. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG14_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG14 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG14_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG14_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG14 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG14_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG14_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG14_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 13 : Protection enable for region 13. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG13_Pos (13UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG13 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG13_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG13_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG13 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG13_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG13_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG13_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 12 : Protection enable for region 12. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG12_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG12 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG12_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG12_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG12 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG12_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG12_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG12_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 11 : Protection enable for region 11. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG11_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG11 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG11_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG11_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG11 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG11_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG11_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG11_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 10 : Protection enable for region 10. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG10_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG10 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG10_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG10_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG10 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG10_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG10_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG10_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 9 : Protection enable for region 9. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG9_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG9 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG9_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG9_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG9 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG9_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG9_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG9_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 8 : Protection enable for region 8. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG8_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG8 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG8_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG8_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG8 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG8_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG8_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG8_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 7 : Protection enable for region 7. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG7 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG7_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG7 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG7_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG7_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG7_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 6 : Protection enable for region 6. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG6 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG6_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG6 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG6_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG6_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG6_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 5 : Protection enable for region 5. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG5 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG5_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG5 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG5_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG5_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG5_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 4 : Protection enable for region 4. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG4 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG4_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG4 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG4_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG4_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG4_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 3 : Protection enable for region 3. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG3 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG3_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG3 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG3_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Protection enable for region 2. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG2 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG2_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG2 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG2_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Protection enable for region 1. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG1 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG1_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG1 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG1_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Protection enable for region 0. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG0 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG0_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG0 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET0_PROTREG0_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Register: MPU_PROTENSET1 */ /* Description: Protection bit enable set register for high addresses. */ /* Bit 31 : Protection enable for region 63. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG63_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG63 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG63_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG63_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG63 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG63_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG63_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG63_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 30 : Protection enable for region 62. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG62_Pos (30UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG62 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG62_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG62_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG62 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG62_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG62_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG62_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 29 : Protection enable for region 61. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG61_Pos (29UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG61 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG61_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG61_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG61 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG61_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG61_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG61_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 28 : Protection enable for region 60. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG60_Pos (28UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG60 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG60_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG60_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG60 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG60_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG60_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG60_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 27 : Protection enable for region 59. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG59_Pos (27UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG59 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG59_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG59_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG59 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG59_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG59_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG59_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 26 : Protection enable for region 58. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG58_Pos (26UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG58 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG58_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG58_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG58 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG58_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG58_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG58_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 25 : Protection enable for region 57. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG57_Pos (25UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG57 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG57_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG57_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG57 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG57_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG57_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG57_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 24 : Protection enable for region 56. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG56_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG56 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG56_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG56_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG56 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG56_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG56_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG56_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 23 : Protection enable for region 55. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG55_Pos (23UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG55 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG55_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG55_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG55 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG55_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG55_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG55_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 22 : Protection enable for region 54. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG54_Pos (22UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG54 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG54_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG54_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG54 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG54_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG54_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG54_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 21 : Protection enable for region 53. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG53_Pos (21UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG53 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG53_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG53_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG53 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG53_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG53_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG53_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 20 : Protection enable for region 52. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG52_Pos (20UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG52 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG52_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG52_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG52 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG52_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG52_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG52_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 19 : Protection enable for region 51. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG51_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG51 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG51_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG51_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG51 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG51_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG51_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG51_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 18 : Protection enable for region 50. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG50_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG50 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG50_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG50_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG50 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG50_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG50_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG50_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 17 : Protection enable for region 49. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG49_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG49 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG49_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG49_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG49 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG49_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG49_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG49_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 16 : Protection enable for region 48. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG48_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG48 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG48_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG48_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG48 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG48_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG48_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG48_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 15 : Protection enable for region 47. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG47_Pos (15UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG47 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG47_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG47_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG47 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG47_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG47_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG47_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 14 : Protection enable for region 46. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG46_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG46 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG46_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG46_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG46 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG46_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG46_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG46_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 13 : Protection enable for region 45. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG45_Pos (13UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG45 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG45_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG45_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG45 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG45_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG45_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG45_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 12 : Protection enable for region 44. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG44_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG44 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG44_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG44_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG44 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG44_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG44_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG44_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 11 : Protection enable for region 43. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG43_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG43 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG43_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG43_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG43 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG43_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG43_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG43_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 10 : Protection enable for region 42. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG42_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG42 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG42_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG42_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG42 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG42_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG42_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG42_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 9 : Protection enable for region 41. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG41_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG41 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG41_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG41_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG41 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG41_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG41_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG41_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 8 : Protection enable for region 40. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG40_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG40 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG40_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG40_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG40 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG40_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG40_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG40_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 7 : Protection enable for region 39. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG39_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG39 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG39_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG39_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG39 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG39_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG39_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG39_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 6 : Protection enable for region 38. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG38_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG38 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG38_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG38_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG38 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG38_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG38_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG38_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 5 : Protection enable for region 37. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG37_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG37 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG37_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG37_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG37 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG37_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG37_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG37_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 4 : Protection enable for region 36. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG36_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG36 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG36_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG36_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG36 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG36_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG36_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG36_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 3 : Protection enable for region 35. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG35_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG35 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG35_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG35_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG35 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG35_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG35_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG35_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Protection enable for region 34. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG34_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG34 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG34_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG34_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG34 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG34_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG34_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG34_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Protection enable for region 33. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG33_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG33 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG33_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG33_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG33 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG33_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG33_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG33_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Protection enable for region 32. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG32_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PROTREG32 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG32_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG32_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PROTREG32 field. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG32_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG32_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_PROTENSET1_PROTREG32_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable protection on write. */ /* Register: MPU_DISABLEINDEBUG */ /* Description: Disable protection mechanism in debug mode. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable protection mechanism in debug mode. */ #define MPU_DISABLEINDEBUG_DISABLEINDEBUG_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of DISABLEINDEBUG field. */ #define MPU_DISABLEINDEBUG_DISABLEINDEBUG_Msk (0x1UL << MPU_DISABLEINDEBUG_DISABLEINDEBUG_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DISABLEINDEBUG field. */ #define MPU_DISABLEINDEBUG_DISABLEINDEBUG_Enabled (0UL) /*!< Protection enabled. */ #define MPU_DISABLEINDEBUG_DISABLEINDEBUG_Disabled (1UL) /*!< Protection disabled. */ /* Peripheral: NVMC */ /* Description: Non Volatile Memory Controller. */ /* Register: NVMC_READY */ /* Description: Ready flag. */ /* Bit 0 : NVMC ready. */ #define NVMC_READY_READY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of READY field. */ #define NVMC_READY_READY_Msk (0x1UL << NVMC_READY_READY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of READY field. */ #define NVMC_READY_READY_Busy (0UL) /*!< NVMC is busy (on-going write or erase operation). */ #define NVMC_READY_READY_Ready (1UL) /*!< NVMC is ready. */ /* Register: NVMC_CONFIG */ /* Description: Configuration register. */ /* Bits 1..0 : Program write enable. */ #define NVMC_CONFIG_WEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of WEN field. */ #define NVMC_CONFIG_WEN_Msk (0x3UL << NVMC_CONFIG_WEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of WEN field. */ #define NVMC_CONFIG_WEN_Ren (0x00UL) /*!< Read only access. */ #define NVMC_CONFIG_WEN_Wen (0x01UL) /*!< Write enabled. */ #define NVMC_CONFIG_WEN_Een (0x02UL) /*!< Erase enabled. */ /* Register: NVMC_ERASEALL */ /* Description: Register for erasing all non-volatile user memory. */ /* Bit 0 : Starts the erasing of all user NVM (code region 0/1 and UICR registers). */ #define NVMC_ERASEALL_ERASEALL_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ERASEALL field. */ #define NVMC_ERASEALL_ERASEALL_Msk (0x1UL << NVMC_ERASEALL_ERASEALL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ERASEALL field. */ #define NVMC_ERASEALL_ERASEALL_NoOperation (0UL) /*!< No operation. */ #define NVMC_ERASEALL_ERASEALL_Erase (1UL) /*!< Start chip erase. */ /* Register: NVMC_ERASEUICR */ /* Description: Register for start erasing User Information Congfiguration Registers. */ /* Bit 0 : It can only be used when all contents of code region 1 are erased. */ #define NVMC_ERASEUICR_ERASEUICR_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ERASEUICR field. */ #define NVMC_ERASEUICR_ERASEUICR_Msk (0x1UL << NVMC_ERASEUICR_ERASEUICR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ERASEUICR field. */ #define NVMC_ERASEUICR_ERASEUICR_NoOperation (0UL) /*!< No operation. */ #define NVMC_ERASEUICR_ERASEUICR_Erase (1UL) /*!< Start UICR erase. */ /* Peripheral: POWER */ /* Description: Power Control. */ /* Register: POWER_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 2 : Enable interrupt on POFWARN event. */ #define POWER_INTENSET_POFWARN_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of POFWARN field. */ #define POWER_INTENSET_POFWARN_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_INTENSET_POFWARN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POFWARN field. */ #define POWER_INTENSET_POFWARN_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define POWER_INTENSET_POFWARN_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define POWER_INTENSET_POFWARN_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: POWER_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 2 : Disable interrupt on POFWARN event. */ #define POWER_INTENCLR_POFWARN_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of POFWARN field. */ #define POWER_INTENCLR_POFWARN_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_INTENCLR_POFWARN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POFWARN field. */ #define POWER_INTENCLR_POFWARN_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define POWER_INTENCLR_POFWARN_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define POWER_INTENCLR_POFWARN_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: POWER_RESETREAS */ /* Description: Reset reason. */ /* Bit 18 : Reset from wake-up from OFF mode detected by entering into debug interface mode. */ #define POWER_RESETREAS_DIF_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of DIF field. */ #define POWER_RESETREAS_DIF_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RESETREAS_DIF_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DIF field. */ /* Bit 17 : Reset from wake-up from OFF mode detected by the use of ANADETECT signal from LPCOMP. */ #define POWER_RESETREAS_LPCOMP_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of LPCOMP field. */ #define POWER_RESETREAS_LPCOMP_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RESETREAS_LPCOMP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of LPCOMP field. */ /* Bit 16 : Reset from wake-up from OFF mode detected by the use of DETECT signal from GPIO. */ #define POWER_RESETREAS_OFF_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of OFF field. */ #define POWER_RESETREAS_OFF_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RESETREAS_OFF_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OFF field. */ /* Bit 3 : Reset from CPU lock-up detected. */ #define POWER_RESETREAS_LOCKUP_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of LOCKUP field. */ #define POWER_RESETREAS_LOCKUP_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RESETREAS_LOCKUP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of LOCKUP field. */ /* Bit 2 : Reset from AIRCR.SYSRESETREQ detected. */ #define POWER_RESETREAS_SREQ_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of SREQ field. */ #define POWER_RESETREAS_SREQ_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RESETREAS_SREQ_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SREQ field. */ /* Bit 1 : Reset from watchdog detected. */ #define POWER_RESETREAS_DOG_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of DOG field. */ #define POWER_RESETREAS_DOG_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RESETREAS_DOG_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DOG field. */ /* Bit 0 : Reset from pin-reset detected. */ #define POWER_RESETREAS_RESETPIN_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RESETPIN field. */ #define POWER_RESETREAS_RESETPIN_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RESETREAS_RESETPIN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RESETPIN field. */ /* Register: POWER_SYSTEMOFF */ /* Description: System off register. */ /* Bit 0 : Enter system off mode. */ #define POWER_SYSTEMOFF_SYSTEMOFF_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of SYSTEMOFF field. */ #define POWER_SYSTEMOFF_SYSTEMOFF_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_SYSTEMOFF_SYSTEMOFF_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SYSTEMOFF field. */ #define POWER_SYSTEMOFF_SYSTEMOFF_Enter (1UL) /*!< Enter system off mode. */ /* Register: POWER_POFCON */ /* Description: Power failure configuration. */ /* Bits 2..1 : Set threshold level. */ #define POWER_POFCON_THRESHOLD_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of THRESHOLD field. */ #define POWER_POFCON_THRESHOLD_Msk (0x3UL << POWER_POFCON_THRESHOLD_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of THRESHOLD field. */ #define POWER_POFCON_THRESHOLD_V21 (0x00UL) /*!< Set threshold to 2.1Volts. */ #define POWER_POFCON_THRESHOLD_V23 (0x01UL) /*!< Set threshold to 2.3Volts. */ #define POWER_POFCON_THRESHOLD_V25 (0x02UL) /*!< Set threshold to 2.5Volts. */ #define POWER_POFCON_THRESHOLD_V27 (0x03UL) /*!< Set threshold to 2.7Volts. */ /* Bit 0 : Power failure comparator enable. */ #define POWER_POFCON_POF_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POF field. */ #define POWER_POFCON_POF_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_POFCON_POF_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POF field. */ #define POWER_POFCON_POF_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Disabled. */ #define POWER_POFCON_POF_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Enabled. */ /* Register: POWER_GPREGRET */ /* Description: General purpose retention register. This register is a retained register. */ /* Bits 7..0 : General purpose retention register. */ #define POWER_GPREGRET_GPREGRET_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of GPREGRET field. */ #define POWER_GPREGRET_GPREGRET_Msk (0xFFUL << POWER_GPREGRET_GPREGRET_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of GPREGRET field. */ /* Register: POWER_RAMON */ /* Description: Ram on/off. */ /* Bit 19 : RAM block 3 behaviour in OFF mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM3_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of OFFRAM3 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM3_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OFFRAM3 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM3_RAM3Off (0UL) /*!< RAM block 3 OFF in OFF mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM3_RAM3On (1UL) /*!< RAM block 3 ON in OFF mode. */ /* Bit 18 : RAM block 2 behaviour in OFF mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM2_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of OFFRAM2 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM2_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OFFRAM2 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM2_RAM2Off (0UL) /*!< RAM block 2 OFF in OFF mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM2_RAM2On (1UL) /*!< RAM block 2 ON in OFF mode. */ /* Bit 17 : RAM block 1 behaviour in OFF mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM1_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of OFFRAM1 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM1_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OFFRAM1 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM1_RAM1Off (0UL) /*!< RAM block 1 OFF in OFF mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM1_RAM1On (1UL) /*!< RAM block 1 ON in OFF mode. */ /* Bit 16 : RAM block 0 behaviour in OFF mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM0_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of OFFRAM0 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM0_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OFFRAM0 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM0_RAM0Off (0UL) /*!< RAM block 0 OFF in OFF mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM0_RAM0On (1UL) /*!< RAM block 0 ON in OFF mode. */ /* Bit 3 : RAM block 3 behaviour in ON mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of ONRAM3 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM3_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RAMON_ONRAM3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ONRAM3 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM3_RAM3Off (0UL) /*!< RAM block 3 OFF in ON mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM3_RAM3On (1UL) /*!< RAM block 3 ON in ON mode. */ /* Bit 2 : RAM block 2 behaviour in ON mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of ONRAM2 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM2_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RAMON_ONRAM2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ONRAM2 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM2_RAM2Off (0UL) /*!< RAM block 2 OFF in ON mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM2_RAM2On (1UL) /*!< RAM block 2 ON in ON mode. */ /* Bit 1 : RAM block 1 behaviour in ON mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of ONRAM1 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM1_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RAMON_ONRAM1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ONRAM1 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM1_RAM1Off (0UL) /*!< RAM block 1 OFF in ON mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM1_RAM1On (1UL) /*!< RAM block 1 ON in ON mode. */ /* Bit 0 : RAM block 0 behaviour in ON mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ONRAM0 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM0_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RAMON_ONRAM0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ONRAM0 field. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM0_RAM0Off (0UL) /*!< RAM block 0 OFF in ON mode. */ #define POWER_RAMON_ONRAM0_RAM0On (1UL) /*!< RAM block 0 ON in ON mode. */ /* Register: POWER_RESET */ /* Description: Pin reset functionality configuration register. This register is a retained register. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable pin reset in debug interface mode. */ #define POWER_RESET_RESET_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RESET field. */ #define POWER_RESET_RESET_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_RESET_RESET_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RESET field. */ #define POWER_RESET_RESET_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Pin reset in debug interface mode disabled. */ #define POWER_RESET_RESET_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Pin reset in debug interface mode enabled. */ /* Register: POWER_DCDCEN */ /* Description: DCDC converter enable configuration register. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable DCDC converter. */ #define POWER_DCDCEN_DCDCEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of DCDCEN field. */ #define POWER_DCDCEN_DCDCEN_Msk (0x1UL << POWER_DCDCEN_DCDCEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DCDCEN field. */ #define POWER_DCDCEN_DCDCEN_Disabled (0UL) /*!< DCDC converter disabled. */ #define POWER_DCDCEN_DCDCEN_Enabled (1UL) /*!< DCDC converter enabled. */ /* Peripheral: PPI */ /* Description: PPI controller. */ /* Register: PPI_CHEN */ /* Description: Channel enable. */ /* Bit 31 : Enable PPI channel 31. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH31_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of CH31 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH31_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH31_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH31 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH31_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH31_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 30 : Enable PPI channel 30. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH30_Pos (30UL) /*!< Position of CH30 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH30_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH30_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH30 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH30_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH30_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 29 : Enable PPI channel 29. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH29_Pos (29UL) /*!< Position of CH29 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH29_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH29_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH29 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH29_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH29_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 28 : Enable PPI channel 28. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH28_Pos (28UL) /*!< Position of CH28 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH28_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH28_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH28 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH28_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH28_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 27 : Enable PPI channel 27. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH27_Pos (27UL) /*!< Position of CH27 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH27_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH27_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH27 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH27_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH27_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 26 : Enable PPI channel 26. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH26_Pos (26UL) /*!< Position of CH26 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH26_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH26_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH26 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH26_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH26_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 25 : Enable PPI channel 25. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH25_Pos (25UL) /*!< Position of CH25 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH25_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH25_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH25 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH25_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH25_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 24 : Enable PPI channel 24. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH24_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of CH24 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH24_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH24_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH24 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH24_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH24_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 23 : Enable PPI channel 23. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH23_Pos (23UL) /*!< Position of CH23 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH23_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH23_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH23 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH23_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH23_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 22 : Enable PPI channel 22. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH22_Pos (22UL) /*!< Position of CH22 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH22_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH22_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH22 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH22_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH22_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 21 : Enable PPI channel 21. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH21_Pos (21UL) /*!< Position of CH21 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH21_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH21_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH21 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH21_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH21_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 20 : Enable PPI channel 20. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH20_Pos (20UL) /*!< Position of CH20 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH20_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH20_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH20 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH20_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH20_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 15 : Enable PPI channel 15. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH15_Pos (15UL) /*!< Position of CH15 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH15_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH15_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH15 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH15_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH15_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 14 : Enable PPI channel 14. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH14_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of CH14 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH14_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH14_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH14 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH14_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH14_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 13 : Enable PPI channel 13. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH13_Pos (13UL) /*!< Position of CH13 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH13_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH13_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH13 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH13_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH13_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 12 : Enable PPI channel 12. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH12_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of CH12 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH12_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH12_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH12 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH12_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH12_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 11 : Enable PPI channel 11. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH11_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of CH11 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH11_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH11_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH11 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH11_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH11_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 10 : Enable PPI channel 10. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH10_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of CH10 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH10_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH10_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH10 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH10_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH10_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 9 : Enable PPI channel 9. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH9_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of CH9 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH9_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH9_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH9 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH9_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH9_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 8 : Enable PPI channel 8. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH8_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of CH8 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH8_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH8_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH8 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH8_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH8_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 7 : Enable PPI channel 7. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of CH7 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH7_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH7 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH7_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH7_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 6 : Enable PPI channel 6. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of CH6 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH6_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH6 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH6_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH6_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 5 : Enable PPI channel 5. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of CH5 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH5_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH5 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH5_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH5_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 4 : Enable PPI channel 4. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of CH4 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH4_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH4 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH4_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH4_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 3 : Enable PPI channel 3. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of CH3 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH3_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH3 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled */ /* Bit 2 : Enable PPI channel 2. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of CH2 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH2_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH2 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable PPI channel 1. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of CH1 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH1_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH1 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable PPI channel 0. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of CH0 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH0_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHEN_CH0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH0 field. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHEN_CH0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ /* Register: PPI_CHENSET */ /* Description: Channel enable set. */ /* Bit 31 : Enable PPI channel 31. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH31_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of CH31 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH31_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH31_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH31 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH31_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH31_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH31_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 30 : Enable PPI channel 30. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH30_Pos (30UL) /*!< Position of CH30 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH30_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH30_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH30 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH30_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH30_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH30_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 29 : Enable PPI channel 29. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH29_Pos (29UL) /*!< Position of CH29 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH29_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH29_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH29 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH29_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH29_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH29_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 28 : Enable PPI channel 28. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH28_Pos (28UL) /*!< Position of CH28 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH28_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH28_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH28 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH28_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH28_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH28_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 27 : Enable PPI channel 27. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH27_Pos (27UL) /*!< Position of CH27 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH27_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH27_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH27 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH27_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH27_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH27_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 26 : Enable PPI channel 26. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH26_Pos (26UL) /*!< Position of CH26 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH26_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH26_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH26 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH26_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH26_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH26_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 25 : Enable PPI channel 25. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH25_Pos (25UL) /*!< Position of CH25 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH25_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH25_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH25 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH25_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH25_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH25_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 24 : Enable PPI channel 24. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH24_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of CH24 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH24_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH24_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH24 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH24_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH24_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH24_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 23 : Enable PPI channel 23. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH23_Pos (23UL) /*!< Position of CH23 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH23_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH23_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH23 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH23_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH23_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH23_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 22 : Enable PPI channel 22. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH22_Pos (22UL) /*!< Position of CH22 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH22_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH22_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH22 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH22_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH22_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH22_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 21 : Enable PPI channel 21. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH21_Pos (21UL) /*!< Position of CH21 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH21_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH21_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH21 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH21_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH21_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH21_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 20 : Enable PPI channel 20. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH20_Pos (20UL) /*!< Position of CH20 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH20_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH20_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH20 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH20_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH20_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH20_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 15 : Enable PPI channel 15. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH15_Pos (15UL) /*!< Position of CH15 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH15_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH15_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH15 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH15_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH15_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH15_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 14 : Enable PPI channel 14. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH14_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of CH14 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH14_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH14_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH14 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH14_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH14_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH14_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 13 : Enable PPI channel 13. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH13_Pos (13UL) /*!< Position of CH13 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH13_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH13_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH13 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH13_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH13_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH13_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 12 : Enable PPI channel 12. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH12_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of CH12 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH12_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH12_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH12 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH12_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH12_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH12_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 11 : Enable PPI channel 11. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH11_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of CH11 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH11_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH11_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH11 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH11_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH11_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH11_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 10 : Enable PPI channel 10. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH10_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of CH10 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH10_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH10_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH10 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH10_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH10_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH10_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 9 : Enable PPI channel 9. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH9_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of CH9 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH9_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH9_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH9 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH9_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH9_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH9_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 8 : Enable PPI channel 8. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH8_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of CH8 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH8_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH8_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH8 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH8_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH8_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH8_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 7 : Enable PPI channel 7. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of CH7 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH7_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH7 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH7_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH7_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH7_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 6 : Enable PPI channel 6. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of CH6 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH6_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH6 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH6_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH6_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH6_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 5 : Enable PPI channel 5. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of CH5 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH5_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH5 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH5_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH5_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH5_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 4 : Enable PPI channel 4. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of CH4 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH4_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH4 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH4_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH4_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH4_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 3 : Enable PPI channel 3. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of CH3 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH3_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH3 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH3_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Enable PPI channel 2. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of CH2 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH2_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH2 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH2_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable PPI channel 1. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of CH1 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH1_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH1 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH1_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable PPI channel 0. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of CH0 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH0_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENSET_CH0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH0 field. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENSET_CH0_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable channel on write. */ /* Register: PPI_CHENCLR */ /* Description: Channel enable clear. */ /* Bit 31 : Disable PPI channel 31. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH31_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of CH31 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH31_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH31_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH31 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH31_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH31_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH31_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 30 : Disable PPI channel 30. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH30_Pos (30UL) /*!< Position of CH30 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH30_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH30_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH30 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH30_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH30_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH30_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 29 : Disable PPI channel 29. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH29_Pos (29UL) /*!< Position of CH29 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH29_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH29_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH29 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH29_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH29_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH29_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 28 : Disable PPI channel 28. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH28_Pos (28UL) /*!< Position of CH28 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH28_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH28_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH28 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH28_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH28_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH28_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 27 : Disable PPI channel 27. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH27_Pos (27UL) /*!< Position of CH27 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH27_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH27_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH27 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH27_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH27_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH27_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 26 : Disable PPI channel 26. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH26_Pos (26UL) /*!< Position of CH26 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH26_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH26_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH26 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH26_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH26_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH26_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 25 : Disable PPI channel 25. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH25_Pos (25UL) /*!< Position of CH25 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH25_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH25_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH25 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH25_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH25_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH25_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 24 : Disable PPI channel 24. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH24_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of CH24 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH24_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH24_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH24 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH24_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH24_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH24_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 23 : Disable PPI channel 23. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH23_Pos (23UL) /*!< Position of CH23 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH23_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH23_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH23 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH23_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH23_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH23_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 22 : Disable PPI channel 22. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH22_Pos (22UL) /*!< Position of CH22 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH22_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH22_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH22 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH22_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH22_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH22_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 21 : Disable PPI channel 21. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH21_Pos (21UL) /*!< Position of CH21 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH21_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH21_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH21 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH21_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH21_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH21_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 20 : Disable PPI channel 20. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH20_Pos (20UL) /*!< Position of CH20 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH20_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH20_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH20 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH20_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH20_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH20_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 15 : Disable PPI channel 15. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH15_Pos (15UL) /*!< Position of CH15 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH15_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH15_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH15 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH15_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH15_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH15_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 14 : Disable PPI channel 14. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH14_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of CH14 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH14_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH14_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH14 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH14_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH14_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH14_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 13 : Disable PPI channel 13. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH13_Pos (13UL) /*!< Position of CH13 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH13_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH13_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH13 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH13_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH13_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH13_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 12 : Disable PPI channel 12. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH12_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of CH12 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH12_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH12_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH12 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH12_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH12_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH12_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 11 : Disable PPI channel 11. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH11_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of CH11 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH11_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH11_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH11 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH11_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH11_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH11_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 10 : Disable PPI channel 10. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH10_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of CH10 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH10_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH10_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH10 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH10_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH10_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH10_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 9 : Disable PPI channel 9. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH9_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of CH9 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH9_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH9_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH9 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH9_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH9_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH9_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 8 : Disable PPI channel 8. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH8_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of CH8 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH8_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH8_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH8 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH8_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH8_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH8_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 7 : Disable PPI channel 7. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of CH7 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH7_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH7 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH7_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH7_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH7_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 6 : Disable PPI channel 6. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of CH6 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH6_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH6 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH6_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH6_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH6_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 5 : Disable PPI channel 5. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of CH5 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH5_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH5 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH5_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH5_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH5_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 4 : Disable PPI channel 4. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of CH4 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH4_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH4 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH4_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH4_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH4_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 3 : Disable PPI channel 3. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of CH3 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH3_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH3 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH3_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Disable PPI channel 2. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of CH2 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH2_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH2 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH2_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Disable PPI channel 1. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of CH1 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH1_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH1 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH1_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable PPI channel 0. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of CH0 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH0_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHENCLR_CH0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH0 field. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Channel disabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Channel enabled. */ #define PPI_CHENCLR_CH0_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable channel on write. */ /* Register: PPI_CHG */ /* Description: Channel group configuration. */ /* Bit 31 : Include CH31 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH31_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of CH31 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH31_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH31_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH31 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH31_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH31_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 30 : Include CH30 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH30_Pos (30UL) /*!< Position of CH30 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH30_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH30_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH30 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH30_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH30_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 29 : Include CH29 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH29_Pos (29UL) /*!< Position of CH29 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH29_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH29_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH29 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH29_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH29_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 28 : Include CH28 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH28_Pos (28UL) /*!< Position of CH28 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH28_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH28_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH28 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH28_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH28_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 27 : Include CH27 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH27_Pos (27UL) /*!< Position of CH27 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH27_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH27_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH27 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH27_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH27_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 26 : Include CH26 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH26_Pos (26UL) /*!< Position of CH26 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH26_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH26_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH26 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH26_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH26_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 25 : Include CH25 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH25_Pos (25UL) /*!< Position of CH25 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH25_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH25_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH25 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH25_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH25_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 24 : Include CH24 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH24_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of CH24 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH24_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH24_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH24 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH24_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH24_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 23 : Include CH23 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH23_Pos (23UL) /*!< Position of CH23 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH23_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH23_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH23 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH23_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH23_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 22 : Include CH22 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH22_Pos (22UL) /*!< Position of CH22 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH22_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH22_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH22 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH22_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH22_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 21 : Include CH21 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH21_Pos (21UL) /*!< Position of CH21 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH21_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH21_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH21 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH21_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH21_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 20 : Include CH20 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH20_Pos (20UL) /*!< Position of CH20 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH20_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH20_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH20 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH20_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH20_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 15 : Include CH15 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH15_Pos (15UL) /*!< Position of CH15 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH15_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH15_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH15 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH15_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH15_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 14 : Include CH14 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH14_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of CH14 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH14_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH14_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH14 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH14_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH14_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 13 : Include CH13 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH13_Pos (13UL) /*!< Position of CH13 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH13_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH13_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH13 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH13_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH13_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 12 : Include CH12 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH12_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of CH12 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH12_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH12_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH12 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH12_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH12_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 11 : Include CH11 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH11_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of CH11 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH11_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH11_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH11 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH11_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH11_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 10 : Include CH10 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH10_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of CH10 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH10_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH10_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH10 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH10_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH10_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 9 : Include CH9 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH9_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of CH9 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH9_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH9_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH9 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH9_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH9_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 8 : Include CH8 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH8_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of CH8 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH8_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH8_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH8 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH8_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH8_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 7 : Include CH7 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of CH7 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH7_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH7 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH7_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH7_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 6 : Include CH6 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of CH6 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH6_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH6 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH6_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH6_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 5 : Include CH5 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of CH5 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH5_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH5 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH5_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH5_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 4 : Include CH4 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of CH4 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH4_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH4 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH4_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH4_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 3 : Include CH3 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of CH3 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH3_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH3 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH3_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH3_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 2 : Include CH2 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of CH2 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH2_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH2 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH2_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH2_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 1 : Include CH1 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of CH1 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH1_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH1 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH1_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH1_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Bit 0 : Include CH0 in channel group. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of CH0 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH0_Msk (0x1UL << PPI_CHG_CH0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CH0 field. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH0_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Channel excluded. */ #define PPI_CHG_CH0_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */ /* Peripheral: PU */ /* Description: Patch unit. */ /* Register: PU_PATCHADDR */ /* Description: Relative address of patch instructions. */ /* Bits 24..0 : Relative address of patch instructions. */ #define PU_PATCHADDR_PATCHADDR_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PATCHADDR field. */ #define PU_PATCHADDR_PATCHADDR_Msk (0x1FFFFFFUL << PU_PATCHADDR_PATCHADDR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCHADDR field. */ /* Register: PU_PATCHEN */ /* Description: Patch enable register. */ /* Bit 7 : Patch 7 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of PATCH7 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH7_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH7 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH7_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH7_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ /* Bit 6 : Patch 6 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of PATCH6 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH6_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH6 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH6_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH6_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ /* Bit 5 : Patch 5 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of PATCH5 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH5_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH5 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH5_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH5_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ /* Bit 4 : Patch 4 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of PATCH4 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH4_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH4 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH4_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH4_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ /* Bit 3 : Patch 3 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of PATCH3 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH3_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH3 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ /* Bit 2 : Patch 2 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PATCH2 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH2_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH2 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ /* Bit 1 : Patch 1 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PATCH1 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH1_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH1 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ /* Bit 0 : Patch 0 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PATCH0 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH0_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH0 field. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ /* Register: PU_PATCHENSET */ /* Description: Patch enable register. */ /* Bit 7 : Patch 7 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of PATCH7 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH7_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH7 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH7_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH7_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH7_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */ /* Bit 6 : Patch 6 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of PATCH6 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH6_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH6 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH6_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH6_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH6_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */ /* Bit 5 : Patch 5 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of PATCH5 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH5_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH5 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH5_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH5_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH5_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */ /* Bit 4 : Patch 4 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of PATCH4 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH4_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH4 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH4_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH4_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH4_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */ /* Bit 3 : Patch 3 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of PATCH3 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH3_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH3 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH3_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Patch 2 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PATCH2 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH2_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH2 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH2_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Patch 1 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PATCH1 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH1_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH1 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH1_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Patch 0 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PATCH0 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH0_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH0 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH0_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */ /* Register: PU_PATCHENCLR */ /* Description: Patch disable register. */ /* Bit 7 : Patch 7 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of PATCH7 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH7_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH7 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH7_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH7_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH7_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */ /* Bit 6 : Patch 6 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of PATCH6 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH6_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH6 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH6_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH6_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH6_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */ /* Bit 5 : Patch 5 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of PATCH5 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH5_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH5 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH5_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH5_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH5_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */ /* Bit 4 : Patch 4 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of PATCH4 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH4_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH4 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH4_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH4_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH4_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */ /* Bit 3 : Patch 3 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of PATCH3 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH3_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH3 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH3_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Patch 2 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PATCH2 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH2_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH2 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH2_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Patch 1 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PATCH1 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH1_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH1 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH1_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Patch 0 enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PATCH0 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH0_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH0 field. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */ #define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH0_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */ /* Peripheral: QDEC */ /* Description: Rotary decoder. */ /* Register: QDEC_SHORTS */ /* Description: Shortcut for the QDEC. */ /* Bit 1 : Short-cut between SAMPLERDY event and STOP task. */ #define QDEC_SHORTS_SAMPLERDY_STOP_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of SAMPLERDY_STOP field. */ #define QDEC_SHORTS_SAMPLERDY_STOP_Msk (0x1UL << QDEC_SHORTS_SAMPLERDY_STOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SAMPLERDY_STOP field. */ #define QDEC_SHORTS_SAMPLERDY_STOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define QDEC_SHORTS_SAMPLERDY_STOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 0 : Short-cut between REPORTRDY event and READCLRACC task. */ #define QDEC_SHORTS_REPORTRDY_READCLRACC_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of REPORTRDY_READCLRACC field. */ #define QDEC_SHORTS_REPORTRDY_READCLRACC_Msk (0x1UL << QDEC_SHORTS_REPORTRDY_READCLRACC_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of REPORTRDY_READCLRACC field. */ #define QDEC_SHORTS_REPORTRDY_READCLRACC_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define QDEC_SHORTS_REPORTRDY_READCLRACC_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Register: QDEC_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 2 : Enable interrupt on ACCOF event. */ #define QDEC_INTENSET_ACCOF_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of ACCOF field. */ #define QDEC_INTENSET_ACCOF_Msk (0x1UL << QDEC_INTENSET_ACCOF_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ACCOF field. */ #define QDEC_INTENSET_ACCOF_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define QDEC_INTENSET_ACCOF_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define QDEC_INTENSET_ACCOF_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable interrupt on REPORTRDY event. */ #define QDEC_INTENSET_REPORTRDY_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of REPORTRDY field. */ #define QDEC_INTENSET_REPORTRDY_Msk (0x1UL << QDEC_INTENSET_REPORTRDY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of REPORTRDY field. */ #define QDEC_INTENSET_REPORTRDY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define QDEC_INTENSET_REPORTRDY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define QDEC_INTENSET_REPORTRDY_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable interrupt on SAMPLERDY event. */ #define QDEC_INTENSET_SAMPLERDY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of SAMPLERDY field. */ #define QDEC_INTENSET_SAMPLERDY_Msk (0x1UL << QDEC_INTENSET_SAMPLERDY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SAMPLERDY field. */ #define QDEC_INTENSET_SAMPLERDY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define QDEC_INTENSET_SAMPLERDY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define QDEC_INTENSET_SAMPLERDY_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: QDEC_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 2 : Disable interrupt on ACCOF event. */ #define QDEC_INTENCLR_ACCOF_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of ACCOF field. */ #define QDEC_INTENCLR_ACCOF_Msk (0x1UL << QDEC_INTENCLR_ACCOF_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ACCOF field. */ #define QDEC_INTENCLR_ACCOF_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define QDEC_INTENCLR_ACCOF_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define QDEC_INTENCLR_ACCOF_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Disable interrupt on REPORTRDY event. */ #define QDEC_INTENCLR_REPORTRDY_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of REPORTRDY field. */ #define QDEC_INTENCLR_REPORTRDY_Msk (0x1UL << QDEC_INTENCLR_REPORTRDY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of REPORTRDY field. */ #define QDEC_INTENCLR_REPORTRDY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define QDEC_INTENCLR_REPORTRDY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define QDEC_INTENCLR_REPORTRDY_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable interrupt on SAMPLERDY event. */ #define QDEC_INTENCLR_SAMPLERDY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of SAMPLERDY field. */ #define QDEC_INTENCLR_SAMPLERDY_Msk (0x1UL << QDEC_INTENCLR_SAMPLERDY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SAMPLERDY field. */ #define QDEC_INTENCLR_SAMPLERDY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define QDEC_INTENCLR_SAMPLERDY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define QDEC_INTENCLR_SAMPLERDY_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: QDEC_ENABLE */ /* Description: Enable the QDEC. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable or disable QDEC. */ #define QDEC_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENABLE field. */ #define QDEC_ENABLE_ENABLE_Msk (0x1UL << QDEC_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENABLE field. */ #define QDEC_ENABLE_ENABLE_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Disabled QDEC. */ #define QDEC_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Enable QDEC. */ /* Register: QDEC_LEDPOL */ /* Description: LED output pin polarity. */ /* Bit 0 : LED output pin polarity. */ #define QDEC_LEDPOL_LEDPOL_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of LEDPOL field. */ #define QDEC_LEDPOL_LEDPOL_Msk (0x1UL << QDEC_LEDPOL_LEDPOL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of LEDPOL field. */ #define QDEC_LEDPOL_LEDPOL_ActiveLow (0UL) /*!< LED output is active low. */ #define QDEC_LEDPOL_LEDPOL_ActiveHigh (1UL) /*!< LED output is active high. */ /* Register: QDEC_SAMPLEPER */ /* Description: Sample period. */ /* Bits 2..0 : Sample period. */ #define QDEC_SAMPLEPER_SAMPLEPER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of SAMPLEPER field. */ #define QDEC_SAMPLEPER_SAMPLEPER_Msk (0x7UL << QDEC_SAMPLEPER_SAMPLEPER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SAMPLEPER field. */ #define QDEC_SAMPLEPER_SAMPLEPER_128us (0x00UL) /*!< 128us sample period. */ #define QDEC_SAMPLEPER_SAMPLEPER_256us (0x01UL) /*!< 256us sample period. */ #define QDEC_SAMPLEPER_SAMPLEPER_512us (0x02UL) /*!< 512us sample period. */ #define QDEC_SAMPLEPER_SAMPLEPER_1024us (0x03UL) /*!< 1024us sample period. */ #define QDEC_SAMPLEPER_SAMPLEPER_2048us (0x04UL) /*!< 2048us sample period. */ #define QDEC_SAMPLEPER_SAMPLEPER_4096us (0x05UL) /*!< 4096us sample period. */ #define QDEC_SAMPLEPER_SAMPLEPER_8192us (0x06UL) /*!< 8192us sample period. */ #define QDEC_SAMPLEPER_SAMPLEPER_16384us (0x07UL) /*!< 16384us sample period. */ /* Register: QDEC_SAMPLE */ /* Description: Motion sample value. */ /* Bits 31..0 : Last sample taken in compliment to 2. */ #define QDEC_SAMPLE_SAMPLE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of SAMPLE field. */ #define QDEC_SAMPLE_SAMPLE_Msk (0xFFFFFFFFUL << QDEC_SAMPLE_SAMPLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SAMPLE field. */ /* Register: QDEC_REPORTPER */ /* Description: Number of samples to generate an EVENT_REPORTRDY. */ /* Bits 2..0 : Number of samples to generate an EVENT_REPORTRDY. */ #define QDEC_REPORTPER_REPORTPER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of REPORTPER field. */ #define QDEC_REPORTPER_REPORTPER_Msk (0x7UL << QDEC_REPORTPER_REPORTPER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of REPORTPER field. */ #define QDEC_REPORTPER_REPORTPER_10Smpl (0x00UL) /*!< 10 samples per report. */ #define QDEC_REPORTPER_REPORTPER_40Smpl (0x01UL) /*!< 40 samples per report. */ #define QDEC_REPORTPER_REPORTPER_80Smpl (0x02UL) /*!< 80 samples per report. */ #define QDEC_REPORTPER_REPORTPER_120Smpl (0x03UL) /*!< 120 samples per report. */ #define QDEC_REPORTPER_REPORTPER_160Smpl (0x04UL) /*!< 160 samples per report. */ #define QDEC_REPORTPER_REPORTPER_200Smpl (0x05UL) /*!< 200 samples per report. */ #define QDEC_REPORTPER_REPORTPER_240Smpl (0x06UL) /*!< 240 samples per report. */ #define QDEC_REPORTPER_REPORTPER_280Smpl (0x07UL) /*!< 280 samples per report. */ /* Register: QDEC_DBFEN */ /* Description: Enable debouncer input filters. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable debounce input filters. */ #define QDEC_DBFEN_DBFEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of DBFEN field. */ #define QDEC_DBFEN_DBFEN_Msk (0x1UL << QDEC_DBFEN_DBFEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DBFEN field. */ #define QDEC_DBFEN_DBFEN_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Debounce input filters disabled. */ #define QDEC_DBFEN_DBFEN_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Debounce input filters enabled. */ /* Register: QDEC_LEDPRE */ /* Description: Time LED is switched ON before the sample. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Period in us the LED in switched on prior to sampling. */ #define QDEC_LEDPRE_LEDPRE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of LEDPRE field. */ #define QDEC_LEDPRE_LEDPRE_Msk (0xFFUL << QDEC_LEDPRE_LEDPRE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of LEDPRE field. */ /* Register: QDEC_ACCDBL */ /* Description: Accumulated double (error) transitions register. */ /* Bits 3..0 : Accumulated double (error) transitions. */ #define QDEC_ACCDBL_ACCDBL_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ACCDBL field. */ #define QDEC_ACCDBL_ACCDBL_Msk (0xFUL << QDEC_ACCDBL_ACCDBL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ACCDBL field. */ /* Register: QDEC_ACCDBLREAD */ /* Description: Snapshot of ACCDBL register. Value generated by the TASKS_READCLEACC task. */ /* Bits 3..0 : Snapshot of accumulated double (error) transitions. */ #define QDEC_ACCDBLREAD_ACCDBLREAD_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ACCDBLREAD field. */ #define QDEC_ACCDBLREAD_ACCDBLREAD_Msk (0xFUL << QDEC_ACCDBLREAD_ACCDBLREAD_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ACCDBLREAD field. */ /* Register: QDEC_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define QDEC_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define QDEC_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << QDEC_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define QDEC_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define QDEC_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: RADIO */ /* Description: The radio. */ /* Register: RADIO_SHORTS */ /* Description: Shortcut for the radio. */ /* Bit 8 : Shortcut between DISABLED event and RSSISTOP task. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_DISABLED_RSSISTOP_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of DISABLED_RSSISTOP field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_DISABLED_RSSISTOP_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_SHORTS_DISABLED_RSSISTOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DISABLED_RSSISTOP field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_DISABLED_RSSISTOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_DISABLED_RSSISTOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 6 : Shortcut between ADDRESS event and BCSTART task. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_ADDRESS_BCSTART_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of ADDRESS_BCSTART field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_ADDRESS_BCSTART_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_SHORTS_ADDRESS_BCSTART_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ADDRESS_BCSTART field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_ADDRESS_BCSTART_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_ADDRESS_BCSTART_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 5 : Shortcut between END event and START task. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_END_START_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of END_START field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_END_START_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_SHORTS_END_START_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of END_START field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_END_START_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_END_START_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 4 : Shortcut between ADDRESS event and RSSISTART task. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_ADDRESS_RSSISTART_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of ADDRESS_RSSISTART field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_ADDRESS_RSSISTART_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_SHORTS_ADDRESS_RSSISTART_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ADDRESS_RSSISTART field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_ADDRESS_RSSISTART_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_ADDRESS_RSSISTART_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 3 : Shortcut between DISABLED event and RXEN task. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_DISABLED_RXEN_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of DISABLED_RXEN field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_DISABLED_RXEN_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_SHORTS_DISABLED_RXEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DISABLED_RXEN field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_DISABLED_RXEN_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_DISABLED_RXEN_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 2 : Shortcut between DISABLED event and TXEN task. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_DISABLED_TXEN_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of DISABLED_TXEN field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_DISABLED_TXEN_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_SHORTS_DISABLED_TXEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DISABLED_TXEN field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_DISABLED_TXEN_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_DISABLED_TXEN_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 1 : Shortcut between END event and DISABLE task. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_END_DISABLE_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of END_DISABLE field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_END_DISABLE_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_SHORTS_END_DISABLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of END_DISABLE field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_END_DISABLE_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_END_DISABLE_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 0 : Shortcut between READY event and START task. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_READY_START_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of READY_START field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_READY_START_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_SHORTS_READY_START_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of READY_START field. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_READY_START_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define RADIO_SHORTS_READY_START_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Register: RADIO_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 10 : Enable interrupt on BCMATCH event. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_BCMATCH_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of BCMATCH field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_BCMATCH_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENSET_BCMATCH_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of BCMATCH field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_BCMATCH_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_BCMATCH_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_BCMATCH_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 7 : Enable interrupt on RSSIEND event. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_RSSIEND_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of RSSIEND field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_RSSIEND_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENSET_RSSIEND_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RSSIEND field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_RSSIEND_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_RSSIEND_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_RSSIEND_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 6 : Enable interrupt on DEVMISS event. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_DEVMISS_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of DEVMISS field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_DEVMISS_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENSET_DEVMISS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DEVMISS field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_DEVMISS_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_DEVMISS_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_DEVMISS_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 5 : Enable interrupt on DEVMATCH event. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_DEVMATCH_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of DEVMATCH field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_DEVMATCH_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENSET_DEVMATCH_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DEVMATCH field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_DEVMATCH_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_DEVMATCH_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_DEVMATCH_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 4 : Enable interrupt on DISABLED event. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_DISABLED_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of DISABLED field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_DISABLED_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENSET_DISABLED_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DISABLED field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_DISABLED_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_DISABLED_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_DISABLED_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 3 : Enable interrupt on END event. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_END_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of END field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_END_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENSET_END_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of END field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_END_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_END_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_END_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Enable interrupt on PAYLOAD event. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_PAYLOAD_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PAYLOAD field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_PAYLOAD_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENSET_PAYLOAD_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PAYLOAD field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_PAYLOAD_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_PAYLOAD_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_PAYLOAD_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable interrupt on ADDRESS event. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_ADDRESS_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of ADDRESS field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_ADDRESS_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENSET_ADDRESS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ADDRESS field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_ADDRESS_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_ADDRESS_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_ADDRESS_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable interrupt on READY event. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_READY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of READY field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_READY_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENSET_READY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of READY field. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_READY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_READY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENSET_READY_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: RADIO_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 10 : Disable interrupt on BCMATCH event. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_BCMATCH_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of BCMATCH field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_BCMATCH_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENCLR_BCMATCH_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of BCMATCH field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_BCMATCH_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_BCMATCH_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_BCMATCH_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 7 : Disable interrupt on RSSIEND event. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_RSSIEND_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of RSSIEND field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_RSSIEND_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENCLR_RSSIEND_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RSSIEND field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_RSSIEND_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_RSSIEND_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_RSSIEND_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 6 : Disable interrupt on DEVMISS event. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_DEVMISS_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of DEVMISS field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_DEVMISS_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENCLR_DEVMISS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DEVMISS field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_DEVMISS_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_DEVMISS_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_DEVMISS_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 5 : Disable interrupt on DEVMATCH event. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_DEVMATCH_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of DEVMATCH field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_DEVMATCH_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENCLR_DEVMATCH_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DEVMATCH field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_DEVMATCH_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_DEVMATCH_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_DEVMATCH_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 4 : Disable interrupt on DISABLED event. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_DISABLED_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of DISABLED field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_DISABLED_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENCLR_DISABLED_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DISABLED field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_DISABLED_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_DISABLED_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_DISABLED_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 3 : Disable interrupt on END event. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_END_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of END field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_END_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENCLR_END_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of END field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_END_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_END_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_END_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Disable interrupt on PAYLOAD event. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_PAYLOAD_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PAYLOAD field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_PAYLOAD_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENCLR_PAYLOAD_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PAYLOAD field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_PAYLOAD_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_PAYLOAD_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_PAYLOAD_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Disable interrupt on ADDRESS event. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_ADDRESS_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of ADDRESS field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_ADDRESS_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENCLR_ADDRESS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ADDRESS field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_ADDRESS_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_ADDRESS_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_ADDRESS_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable interrupt on READY event. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_READY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of READY field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_READY_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_INTENCLR_READY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of READY field. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_READY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_READY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RADIO_INTENCLR_READY_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: RADIO_CRCSTATUS */ /* Description: CRC status of received packet. */ /* Bit 0 : CRC status of received packet. */ #define RADIO_CRCSTATUS_CRCSTATUS_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of CRCSTATUS field. */ #define RADIO_CRCSTATUS_CRCSTATUS_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_CRCSTATUS_CRCSTATUS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CRCSTATUS field. */ #define RADIO_CRCSTATUS_CRCSTATUS_CRCError (0UL) /*!< Packet received with CRC error. */ #define RADIO_CRCSTATUS_CRCSTATUS_CRCOk (1UL) /*!< Packet received with CRC ok. */ /* Register: RADIO_RXMATCH */ /* Description: Received address. */ /* Bits 2..0 : Logical address in which previous packet was received. */ #define RADIO_RXMATCH_RXMATCH_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RXMATCH field. */ #define RADIO_RXMATCH_RXMATCH_Msk (0x7UL << RADIO_RXMATCH_RXMATCH_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RXMATCH field. */ /* Register: RADIO_RXCRC */ /* Description: Received CRC. */ /* Bits 23..0 : CRC field of previously received packet. */ #define RADIO_RXCRC_RXCRC_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RXCRC field. */ #define RADIO_RXCRC_RXCRC_Msk (0xFFFFFFUL << RADIO_RXCRC_RXCRC_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RXCRC field. */ /* Register: RADIO_DAI */ /* Description: Device address match index. */ /* Bits 2..0 : Index (n) of device address (see DAB[n] and DAP[n]) that got an address match. */ #define RADIO_DAI_DAI_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of DAI field. */ #define RADIO_DAI_DAI_Msk (0x7UL << RADIO_DAI_DAI_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DAI field. */ /* Register: RADIO_FREQUENCY */ /* Description: Frequency. */ /* Bits 6..0 : Radio channel frequency offset in MHz: RF Frequency = 2400 + FREQUENCY (MHz). Decision point: TXEN or RXEN task. */ #define RADIO_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of FREQUENCY field. */ #define RADIO_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_Msk (0x7FUL << RADIO_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of FREQUENCY field. */ /* Register: RADIO_TXPOWER */ /* Description: Output power. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Radio output power. Decision point: TXEN task. */ #define RADIO_TXPOWER_TXPOWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of TXPOWER field. */ #define RADIO_TXPOWER_TXPOWER_Msk (0xFFUL << RADIO_TXPOWER_TXPOWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXPOWER field. */ #define RADIO_TXPOWER_TXPOWER_Pos4dBm (0x04UL) /*!< +4dBm. */ #define RADIO_TXPOWER_TXPOWER_0dBm (0x00UL) /*!< 0dBm. */ #define RADIO_TXPOWER_TXPOWER_Neg4dBm (0xFCUL) /*!< -4dBm. */ #define RADIO_TXPOWER_TXPOWER_Neg8dBm (0xF8UL) /*!< -8dBm. */ #define RADIO_TXPOWER_TXPOWER_Neg12dBm (0xF4UL) /*!< -12dBm. */ #define RADIO_TXPOWER_TXPOWER_Neg16dBm (0xF0UL) /*!< -16dBm. */ #define RADIO_TXPOWER_TXPOWER_Neg20dBm (0xECUL) /*!< -20dBm. */ #define RADIO_TXPOWER_TXPOWER_Neg30dBm (0xD8UL) /*!< -30dBm. */ /* Register: RADIO_MODE */ /* Description: Data rate and modulation. */ /* Bits 1..0 : Radio data rate and modulation setting. Decision point: TXEN or RXEN task. */ #define RADIO_MODE_MODE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of MODE field. */ #define RADIO_MODE_MODE_Msk (0x3UL << RADIO_MODE_MODE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of MODE field. */ #define RADIO_MODE_MODE_Nrf_1Mbit (0x00UL) /*!< 1Mbit/s Nordic propietary radio mode. */ #define RADIO_MODE_MODE_Nrf_2Mbit (0x01UL) /*!< 2Mbit/s Nordic propietary radio mode. */ #define RADIO_MODE_MODE_Nrf_250Kbit (0x02UL) /*!< 250kbit/s Nordic propietary radio mode. */ #define RADIO_MODE_MODE_Ble_1Mbit (0x03UL) /*!< 1Mbit/s Bluetooth Low Energy */ /* Register: RADIO_PCNF0 */ /* Description: Packet configuration 0. */ /* Bits 19..16 : Length of S1 field in number of bits. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_PCNF0_S1LEN_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of S1LEN field. */ #define RADIO_PCNF0_S1LEN_Msk (0xFUL << RADIO_PCNF0_S1LEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of S1LEN field. */ /* Bit 8 : Length of S0 field in number of bytes. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_PCNF0_S0LEN_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of S0LEN field. */ #define RADIO_PCNF0_S0LEN_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_PCNF0_S0LEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of S0LEN field. */ /* Bits 3..0 : Length of length field in number of bits. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_PCNF0_LFLEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of LFLEN field. */ #define RADIO_PCNF0_LFLEN_Msk (0xFUL << RADIO_PCNF0_LFLEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of LFLEN field. */ /* Register: RADIO_PCNF1 */ /* Description: Packet configuration 1. */ /* Bit 25 : Packet whitening enable. */ #define RADIO_PCNF1_WHITEEN_Pos (25UL) /*!< Position of WHITEEN field. */ #define RADIO_PCNF1_WHITEEN_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_PCNF1_WHITEEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of WHITEEN field. */ #define RADIO_PCNF1_WHITEEN_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Whitening disabled. */ #define RADIO_PCNF1_WHITEEN_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Whitening enabled. */ /* Bit 24 : On air endianness of packet length field. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_PCNF1_ENDIAN_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of ENDIAN field. */ #define RADIO_PCNF1_ENDIAN_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_PCNF1_ENDIAN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENDIAN field. */ #define RADIO_PCNF1_ENDIAN_Little (0UL) /*!< Least significant bit on air first */ #define RADIO_PCNF1_ENDIAN_Big (1UL) /*!< Most significant bit on air first */ /* Bits 18..16 : Base address length in number of bytes. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_PCNF1_BALEN_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of BALEN field. */ #define RADIO_PCNF1_BALEN_Msk (0x7UL << RADIO_PCNF1_BALEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of BALEN field. */ /* Bits 15..8 : Static length in number of bytes. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_PCNF1_STATLEN_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of STATLEN field. */ #define RADIO_PCNF1_STATLEN_Msk (0xFFUL << RADIO_PCNF1_STATLEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of STATLEN field. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Maximum length of packet payload in number of bytes. */ #define RADIO_PCNF1_MAXLEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of MAXLEN field. */ #define RADIO_PCNF1_MAXLEN_Msk (0xFFUL << RADIO_PCNF1_MAXLEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of MAXLEN field. */ /* Register: RADIO_PREFIX0 */ /* Description: Prefixes bytes for logical addresses 0 to 3. */ /* Bits 31..24 : Address prefix 3. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX0_AP3_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of AP3 field. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX0_AP3_Msk (0xFFUL << RADIO_PREFIX0_AP3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of AP3 field. */ /* Bits 23..16 : Address prefix 2. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX0_AP2_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of AP2 field. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX0_AP2_Msk (0xFFUL << RADIO_PREFIX0_AP2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of AP2 field. */ /* Bits 15..8 : Address prefix 1. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX0_AP1_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of AP1 field. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX0_AP1_Msk (0xFFUL << RADIO_PREFIX0_AP1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of AP1 field. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Address prefix 0. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX0_AP0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of AP0 field. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX0_AP0_Msk (0xFFUL << RADIO_PREFIX0_AP0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of AP0 field. */ /* Register: RADIO_PREFIX1 */ /* Description: Prefixes bytes for logical addresses 4 to 7. */ /* Bits 31..24 : Address prefix 7. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX1_AP7_Pos (24UL) /*!< Position of AP7 field. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX1_AP7_Msk (0xFFUL << RADIO_PREFIX1_AP7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of AP7 field. */ /* Bits 23..16 : Address prefix 6. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX1_AP6_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of AP6 field. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX1_AP6_Msk (0xFFUL << RADIO_PREFIX1_AP6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of AP6 field. */ /* Bits 15..8 : Address prefix 5. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX1_AP5_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of AP5 field. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX1_AP5_Msk (0xFFUL << RADIO_PREFIX1_AP5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of AP5 field. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Address prefix 4. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX1_AP4_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of AP4 field. */ #define RADIO_PREFIX1_AP4_Msk (0xFFUL << RADIO_PREFIX1_AP4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of AP4 field. */ /* Register: RADIO_TXADDRESS */ /* Description: Transmit address select. */ /* Bits 2..0 : Logical address to be used when transmitting a packet. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_TXADDRESS_TXADDRESS_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of TXADDRESS field. */ #define RADIO_TXADDRESS_TXADDRESS_Msk (0x7UL << RADIO_TXADDRESS_TXADDRESS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXADDRESS field. */ /* Register: RADIO_RXADDRESSES */ /* Description: Receive address select. */ /* Bit 7 : Enable reception on logical address 7. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of ADDR7 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR7_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ADDR7 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR7_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Reception disabled. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR7_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Reception enabled. */ /* Bit 6 : Enable reception on logical address 6. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of ADDR6 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR6_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ADDR6 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR6_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Reception disabled. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR6_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Reception enabled. */ /* Bit 5 : Enable reception on logical address 5. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of ADDR5 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR5_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ADDR5 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR5_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Reception disabled. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR5_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Reception enabled. */ /* Bit 4 : Enable reception on logical address 4. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of ADDR4 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR4_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ADDR4 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR4_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Reception disabled. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR4_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Reception enabled. */ /* Bit 3 : Enable reception on logical address 3. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of ADDR3 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR3_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ADDR3 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Reception disabled. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Reception enabled. */ /* Bit 2 : Enable reception on logical address 2. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of ADDR2 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR2_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ADDR2 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Reception disabled. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Reception enabled. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable reception on logical address 1. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of ADDR1 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR1_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ADDR1 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Reception disabled. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Reception enabled. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable reception on logical address 0. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ADDR0 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR0_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ADDR0 field. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Reception disabled. */ #define RADIO_RXADDRESSES_ADDR0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Reception enabled. */ /* Register: RADIO_CRCCNF */ /* Description: CRC configuration. */ /* Bit 8 : Leave packet address field out of the CRC calculation. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_CRCCNF_SKIP_ADDR_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of SKIP_ADDR field. */ #define RADIO_CRCCNF_SKIP_ADDR_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_CRCCNF_SKIP_ADDR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SKIP_ADDR field. */ #define RADIO_CRCCNF_SKIP_ADDR_Include (0UL) /*!< Include packet address in CRC calculation. */ #define RADIO_CRCCNF_SKIP_ADDR_Skip (1UL) /*!< Packet address is skipped in CRC calculation. The CRC calculation will start at the first byte after the address. */ /* Bits 1..0 : CRC length. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_CRCCNF_LEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of LEN field. */ #define RADIO_CRCCNF_LEN_Msk (0x3UL << RADIO_CRCCNF_LEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of LEN field. */ #define RADIO_CRCCNF_LEN_Disabled (0UL) /*!< CRC calculation disabled. */ #define RADIO_CRCCNF_LEN_One (1UL) /*!< One byte long CRC. */ #define RADIO_CRCCNF_LEN_Two (2UL) /*!< Two bytes long CRC. */ #define RADIO_CRCCNF_LEN_Three (3UL) /*!< Three bytes long CRC. */ /* Register: RADIO_CRCPOLY */ /* Description: CRC polynomial. */ /* Bits 23..1 : CRC polynomial. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_CRCPOLY_CRCPOLY_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of CRCPOLY field. */ #define RADIO_CRCPOLY_CRCPOLY_Msk (0x7FFFFFUL << RADIO_CRCPOLY_CRCPOLY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CRCPOLY field. */ /* Register: RADIO_CRCINIT */ /* Description: CRC initial value. */ /* Bits 23..0 : Initial value for CRC calculation. Decision point: START task. */ #define RADIO_CRCINIT_CRCINIT_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of CRCINIT field. */ #define RADIO_CRCINIT_CRCINIT_Msk (0xFFFFFFUL << RADIO_CRCINIT_CRCINIT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CRCINIT field. */ /* Register: RADIO_TEST */ /* Description: Test features enable register. */ /* Bit 1 : PLL lock. Decision point: TXEN or RXEN task. */ #define RADIO_TEST_PLL_LOCK_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PLL_LOCK field. */ #define RADIO_TEST_PLL_LOCK_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_TEST_PLL_LOCK_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PLL_LOCK field. */ #define RADIO_TEST_PLL_LOCK_Disabled (0UL) /*!< PLL lock disabled. */ #define RADIO_TEST_PLL_LOCK_Enabled (1UL) /*!< PLL lock enabled. */ /* Bit 0 : Constant carrier. Decision point: TXEN task. */ #define RADIO_TEST_CONST_CARRIER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of CONST_CARRIER field. */ #define RADIO_TEST_CONST_CARRIER_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_TEST_CONST_CARRIER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CONST_CARRIER field. */ #define RADIO_TEST_CONST_CARRIER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Constant carrier disabled. */ #define RADIO_TEST_CONST_CARRIER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Constant carrier enabled. */ /* Register: RADIO_TIFS */ /* Description: Inter Frame Spacing in microseconds. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Inter frame spacing in microseconds. Decision point: START rask */ #define RADIO_TIFS_TIFS_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of TIFS field. */ #define RADIO_TIFS_TIFS_Msk (0xFFUL << RADIO_TIFS_TIFS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TIFS field. */ /* Register: RADIO_RSSISAMPLE */ /* Description: RSSI sample. */ /* Bits 6..0 : RSSI sample result. The result is read as a positive value so that ReceivedSignalStrength = -RSSISAMPLE dBm */ #define RADIO_RSSISAMPLE_RSSISAMPLE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RSSISAMPLE field. */ #define RADIO_RSSISAMPLE_RSSISAMPLE_Msk (0x7FUL << RADIO_RSSISAMPLE_RSSISAMPLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RSSISAMPLE field. */ /* Register: RADIO_STATE */ /* Description: Current radio state. */ /* Bits 3..0 : Current radio state. */ #define RADIO_STATE_STATE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of STATE field. */ #define RADIO_STATE_STATE_Msk (0xFUL << RADIO_STATE_STATE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of STATE field. */ #define RADIO_STATE_STATE_Disabled (0x00UL) /*!< Radio is in the Disabled state. */ #define RADIO_STATE_STATE_RxRu (0x01UL) /*!< Radio is in the Rx Ramp Up state. */ #define RADIO_STATE_STATE_RxIdle (0x02UL) /*!< Radio is in the Rx Idle state. */ #define RADIO_STATE_STATE_Rx (0x03UL) /*!< Radio is in the Rx state. */ #define RADIO_STATE_STATE_RxDisable (0x04UL) /*!< Radio is in the Rx Disable state. */ #define RADIO_STATE_STATE_TxRu (0x09UL) /*!< Radio is in the Tx Ramp Up state. */ #define RADIO_STATE_STATE_TxIdle (0x0AUL) /*!< Radio is in the Tx Idle state. */ #define RADIO_STATE_STATE_Tx (0x0BUL) /*!< Radio is in the Tx state. */ #define RADIO_STATE_STATE_TxDisable (0x0CUL) /*!< Radio is in the Tx Disable state. */ /* Register: RADIO_DATAWHITEIV */ /* Description: Data whitening initial value. */ /* Bits 5..0 : Data whitening initial value. Bit 0 corresponds to Position 0 of the LSFR, Bit 1 to position 5... Decision point: TXEN or RXEN task. */ #define RADIO_DATAWHITEIV_DATAWHITEIV_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of DATAWHITEIV field. */ #define RADIO_DATAWHITEIV_DATAWHITEIV_Msk (0x3FUL << RADIO_DATAWHITEIV_DATAWHITEIV_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DATAWHITEIV field. */ /* Register: RADIO_DAP */ /* Description: Device address prefix. */ /* Bits 15..0 : Device address prefix. */ #define RADIO_DAP_DAP_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of DAP field. */ #define RADIO_DAP_DAP_Msk (0xFFFFUL << RADIO_DAP_DAP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DAP field. */ /* Register: RADIO_DACNF */ /* Description: Device address match configuration. */ /* Bit 15 : TxAdd for device address 7. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD7_Pos (15UL) /*!< Position of TXADD7 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD7_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_TXADD7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXADD7 field. */ /* Bit 14 : TxAdd for device address 6. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD6_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of TXADD6 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD6_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_TXADD6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXADD6 field. */ /* Bit 13 : TxAdd for device address 5. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD5_Pos (13UL) /*!< Position of TXADD5 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD5_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_TXADD5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXADD5 field. */ /* Bit 12 : TxAdd for device address 4. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD4_Pos (12UL) /*!< Position of TXADD4 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD4_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_TXADD4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXADD4 field. */ /* Bit 11 : TxAdd for device address 3. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD3_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of TXADD3 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD3_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_TXADD3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXADD3 field. */ /* Bit 10 : TxAdd for device address 2. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD2_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of TXADD2 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD2_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_TXADD2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXADD2 field. */ /* Bit 9 : TxAdd for device address 1. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD1_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of TXADD1 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD1_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_TXADD1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXADD1 field. */ /* Bit 8 : TxAdd for device address 0. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD0_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of TXADD0 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_TXADD0_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_TXADD0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXADD0 field. */ /* Bit 7 : Enable or disable device address matching using device address 7. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of ENA7 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA7_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_ENA7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENA7 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA7_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Disabled. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA7_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Enabled. */ /* Bit 6 : Enable or disable device address matching using device address 6. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of ENA6 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA6_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_ENA6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENA6 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA6_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Disabled. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA6_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Enabled. */ /* Bit 5 : Enable or disable device address matching using device address 5. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of ENA5 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA5_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_ENA5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENA5 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA5_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Disabled. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA5_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Enabled. */ /* Bit 4 : Enable or disable device address matching using device address 4. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of ENA4 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA4_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_ENA4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENA4 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA4_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Disabled. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA4_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Enabled. */ /* Bit 3 : Enable or disable device address matching using device address 3. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of ENA3 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA3_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_ENA3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENA3 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Disabled. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Enabled. */ /* Bit 2 : Enable or disable device address matching using device address 2. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of ENA2 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA2_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_ENA2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENA2 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Disabled. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Enabled. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable or disable device address matching using device address 1. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of ENA1 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA1_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_ENA1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENA1 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Disabled. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Enabled. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable or disable device address matching using device address 0. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENA0 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA0_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_DACNF_ENA0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENA0 field. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Disabled. */ #define RADIO_DACNF_ENA0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Enabled. */ /* Register: RADIO_OVERRIDE0 */ /* Description: Trim value override register 0. */ /* Bits 31..0 : Trim value override register 0. */ #define RADIO_OVERRIDE0_OVERRIDE0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of OVERRIDE0 field. */ #define RADIO_OVERRIDE0_OVERRIDE0_Msk (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RADIO_OVERRIDE0_OVERRIDE0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OVERRIDE0 field. */ /* Register: RADIO_OVERRIDE1 */ /* Description: Trim value override register 1. */ /* Bits 31..0 : Trim value override register 1. */ #define RADIO_OVERRIDE1_OVERRIDE1_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of OVERRIDE1 field. */ #define RADIO_OVERRIDE1_OVERRIDE1_Msk (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RADIO_OVERRIDE1_OVERRIDE1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OVERRIDE1 field. */ /* Register: RADIO_OVERRIDE2 */ /* Description: Trim value override register 2. */ /* Bits 31..0 : Trim value override register 2. */ #define RADIO_OVERRIDE2_OVERRIDE2_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of OVERRIDE2 field. */ #define RADIO_OVERRIDE2_OVERRIDE2_Msk (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RADIO_OVERRIDE2_OVERRIDE2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OVERRIDE2 field. */ /* Register: RADIO_OVERRIDE3 */ /* Description: Trim value override register 3. */ /* Bits 31..0 : Trim value override register 3. */ #define RADIO_OVERRIDE3_OVERRIDE3_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of OVERRIDE3 field. */ #define RADIO_OVERRIDE3_OVERRIDE3_Msk (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RADIO_OVERRIDE3_OVERRIDE3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OVERRIDE3 field. */ /* Register: RADIO_OVERRIDE4 */ /* Description: Trim value override register 4. */ /* Bit 31 : Enable or disable override of default trim values. */ #define RADIO_OVERRIDE4_ENABLE_Pos (31UL) /*!< Position of ENABLE field. */ #define RADIO_OVERRIDE4_ENABLE_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_OVERRIDE4_ENABLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENABLE field. */ #define RADIO_OVERRIDE4_ENABLE_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Override trim values disabled. */ #define RADIO_OVERRIDE4_ENABLE_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Override trim values enabled. */ /* Bits 27..0 : Trim value override register 4. */ #define RADIO_OVERRIDE4_OVERRIDE4_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of OVERRIDE4 field. */ #define RADIO_OVERRIDE4_OVERRIDE4_Msk (0xFFFFFFFUL << RADIO_OVERRIDE4_OVERRIDE4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OVERRIDE4 field. */ /* Register: RADIO_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define RADIO_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define RADIO_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define RADIO_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define RADIO_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: RNG */ /* Description: Random Number Generator. */ /* Register: RNG_SHORTS */ /* Description: Shortcut for the RNG. */ /* Bit 0 : Short-cut between VALRDY event and STOP task. */ #define RNG_SHORTS_VALRDY_STOP_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of VALRDY_STOP field. */ #define RNG_SHORTS_VALRDY_STOP_Msk (0x1UL << RNG_SHORTS_VALRDY_STOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of VALRDY_STOP field. */ #define RNG_SHORTS_VALRDY_STOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define RNG_SHORTS_VALRDY_STOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Register: RNG_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register */ /* Bit 0 : Enable interrupt on VALRDY event. */ #define RNG_INTENSET_VALRDY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of VALRDY field. */ #define RNG_INTENSET_VALRDY_Msk (0x1UL << RNG_INTENSET_VALRDY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of VALRDY field. */ #define RNG_INTENSET_VALRDY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RNG_INTENSET_VALRDY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RNG_INTENSET_VALRDY_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: RNG_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register */ /* Bit 0 : Disable interrupt on VALRDY event. */ #define RNG_INTENCLR_VALRDY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of VALRDY field. */ #define RNG_INTENCLR_VALRDY_Msk (0x1UL << RNG_INTENCLR_VALRDY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of VALRDY field. */ #define RNG_INTENCLR_VALRDY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RNG_INTENCLR_VALRDY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RNG_INTENCLR_VALRDY_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: RNG_CONFIG */ /* Description: Configuration register. */ /* Bit 0 : Digital error correction enable. */ #define RNG_CONFIG_DERCEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of DERCEN field. */ #define RNG_CONFIG_DERCEN_Msk (0x1UL << RNG_CONFIG_DERCEN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DERCEN field. */ #define RNG_CONFIG_DERCEN_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Digital error correction disabled. */ #define RNG_CONFIG_DERCEN_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Digital error correction enabled. */ /* Register: RNG_VALUE */ /* Description: RNG random number. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Generated random number. */ #define RNG_VALUE_VALUE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of VALUE field. */ #define RNG_VALUE_VALUE_Msk (0xFFUL << RNG_VALUE_VALUE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of VALUE field. */ /* Register: RNG_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define RNG_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define RNG_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << RNG_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define RNG_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define RNG_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: RTC */ /* Description: Real time counter 0. */ /* Register: RTC_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 19 : Enable interrupt on COMPARE[3] event. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE3_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE3 field. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE3_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE3 field. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE3_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 18 : Enable interrupt on COMPARE[2] event. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE2_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE2 field. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE2_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE2 field. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE2_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 17 : Enable interrupt on COMPARE[1] event. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE1_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE1 field. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE1_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE1 field. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE1_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 16 : Enable interrupt on COMPARE[0] event. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE0 field. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE0 field. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable interrupt on OVRFLW event. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_OVRFLW_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of OVRFLW field. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_OVRFLW_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_INTENSET_OVRFLW_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OVRFLW field. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_OVRFLW_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_OVRFLW_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_OVRFLW_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable interrupt on TICK event. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_TICK_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of TICK field. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_TICK_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_INTENSET_TICK_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TICK field. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_TICK_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_TICK_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RTC_INTENSET_TICK_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: RTC_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 19 : Disable interrupt on COMPARE[3] event. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE3_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE3 field. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE3_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE3 field. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE3_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 18 : Disable interrupt on COMPARE[2] event. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE2_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE2 field. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE2_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE2 field. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE2_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 17 : Disable interrupt on COMPARE[1] event. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE1_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE1 field. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE1_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE1 field. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE1_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 16 : Disable interrupt on COMPARE[0] event. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE0_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE0 field. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE0_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE0 field. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_COMPARE0_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Disable interrupt on OVRFLW event. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_OVRFLW_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of OVRFLW field. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_OVRFLW_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_INTENCLR_OVRFLW_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OVRFLW field. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_OVRFLW_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_OVRFLW_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_OVRFLW_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable interrupt on TICK event. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_TICK_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of TICK field. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_TICK_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_INTENCLR_TICK_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TICK field. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_TICK_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_TICK_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define RTC_INTENCLR_TICK_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: RTC_EVTEN */ /* Description: Configures event enable routing to PPI for each RTC event. */ /* Bit 19 : COMPARE[3] event enable. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE3_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE3 field. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE3_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE3 field. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ /* Bit 18 : COMPARE[2] event enable. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE2_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE2 field. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE2_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE2 field. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ /* Bit 17 : COMPARE[1] event enable. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE1_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE1 field. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE1_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE1 field. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ /* Bit 16 : COMPARE[0] event enable. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE0_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE0 field. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE0_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE0 field. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ /* Bit 1 : OVRFLW event enable. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_OVRFLW_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of OVRFLW field. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_OVRFLW_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTEN_OVRFLW_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OVRFLW field. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_OVRFLW_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_OVRFLW_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ /* Bit 0 : TICK event enable. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_TICK_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of TICK field. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_TICK_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTEN_TICK_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TICK field. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_TICK_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTEN_TICK_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ /* Register: RTC_EVTENSET */ /* Description: Enable events routing to PPI. The reading of this register gives the value of EVTEN. */ /* Bit 19 : Enable routing to PPI of COMPARE[3] event. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE3_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE3 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE3_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE3 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE3_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable event on write. */ /* Bit 18 : Enable routing to PPI of COMPARE[2] event. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE2_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE2 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE2_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE2 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE2_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable event on write. */ /* Bit 17 : Enable routing to PPI of COMPARE[1] event. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE1_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE1 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE1_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE1 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE1_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable event on write. */ /* Bit 16 : Enable routing to PPI of COMPARE[0] event. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE0_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE0 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE0_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE0 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE0_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable event on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable routing to PPI of OVRFLW event. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_OVRFLW_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of OVRFLW field. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_OVRFLW_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTENSET_OVRFLW_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OVRFLW field. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_OVRFLW_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_OVRFLW_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_OVRFLW_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable event on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable routing to PPI of TICK event. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_TICK_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of TICK field. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_TICK_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTENSET_TICK_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TICK field. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_TICK_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_TICK_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENSET_TICK_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable event on write. */ /* Register: RTC_EVTENCLR */ /* Description: Disable events routing to PPI. The reading of this register gives the value of EVTEN. */ /* Bit 19 : Disable routing to PPI of COMPARE[3] event. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE3_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE3 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE3_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE3 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE3_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable event on write. */ /* Bit 18 : Disable routing to PPI of COMPARE[2] event. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE2_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE2 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE2_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE2 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE2_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable event on write. */ /* Bit 17 : Disable routing to PPI of COMPARE[1] event. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE1_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE1 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE1_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE1 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE1_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable event on write. */ /* Bit 16 : Disable routing to PPI of COMPARE[0] event. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE0_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE0 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE0_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE0 field. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_COMPARE0_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable event on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Disable routing to PPI of OVRFLW event. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_OVRFLW_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of OVRFLW field. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_OVRFLW_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTENCLR_OVRFLW_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OVRFLW field. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_OVRFLW_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_OVRFLW_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_OVRFLW_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable event on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable routing to PPI of TICK event. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_TICK_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of TICK field. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_TICK_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_EVTENCLR_TICK_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TICK field. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_TICK_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Event disabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_TICK_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Event enabled. */ #define RTC_EVTENCLR_TICK_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable event on write. */ /* Register: RTC_COUNTER */ /* Description: Current COUNTER value. */ /* Bits 23..0 : Counter value. */ #define RTC_COUNTER_COUNTER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of COUNTER field. */ #define RTC_COUNTER_COUNTER_Msk (0xFFFFFFUL << RTC_COUNTER_COUNTER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COUNTER field. */ /* Register: RTC_PRESCALER */ /* Description: 12-bit prescaler for COUNTER frequency (32768/(PRESCALER+1)). Must be written when RTC is STOPed. */ /* Bits 11..0 : RTC PRESCALER value. */ #define RTC_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PRESCALER field. */ #define RTC_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_Msk (0xFFFUL << RTC_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PRESCALER field. */ /* Register: RTC_CC */ /* Description: Capture/compare registers. */ /* Bits 23..0 : Compare value. */ #define RTC_CC_COMPARE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE field. */ #define RTC_CC_COMPARE_Msk (0xFFFFFFUL << RTC_CC_COMPARE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE field. */ /* Register: RTC_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define RTC_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define RTC_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << RTC_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define RTC_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define RTC_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: SPI */ /* Description: SPI master 0. */ /* Register: SPI_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 2 : Enable interrupt on READY event. */ #define SPI_INTENSET_READY_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of READY field. */ #define SPI_INTENSET_READY_Msk (0x1UL << SPI_INTENSET_READY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of READY field. */ #define SPI_INTENSET_READY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define SPI_INTENSET_READY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define SPI_INTENSET_READY_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: SPI_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 2 : Disable interrupt on READY event. */ #define SPI_INTENCLR_READY_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of READY field. */ #define SPI_INTENCLR_READY_Msk (0x1UL << SPI_INTENCLR_READY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of READY field. */ #define SPI_INTENCLR_READY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define SPI_INTENCLR_READY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define SPI_INTENCLR_READY_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: SPI_ENABLE */ /* Description: Enable SPI. */ /* Bits 2..0 : Enable or disable SPI. */ #define SPI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENABLE field. */ #define SPI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Msk (0x7UL << SPI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENABLE field. */ #define SPI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Disabled (0x00UL) /*!< Disabled SPI. */ #define SPI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled (0x01UL) /*!< Enable SPI. */ /* Register: SPI_RXD */ /* Description: RX data. */ /* Bits 7..0 : RX data from last transfer. */ #define SPI_RXD_RXD_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RXD field. */ #define SPI_RXD_RXD_Msk (0xFFUL << SPI_RXD_RXD_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RXD field. */ /* Register: SPI_TXD */ /* Description: TX data. */ /* Bits 7..0 : TX data for next transfer. */ #define SPI_TXD_TXD_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of TXD field. */ #define SPI_TXD_TXD_Msk (0xFFUL << SPI_TXD_TXD_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXD field. */ /* Register: SPI_FREQUENCY */ /* Description: SPI frequency */ /* Bits 31..0 : SPI data rate. */ #define SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of FREQUENCY field. */ #define SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_Msk (0xFFFFFFFFUL << SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of FREQUENCY field. */ #define SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K125 (0x02000000UL) /*!< 125kbps. */ #define SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K250 (0x04000000UL) /*!< 250kbps. */ #define SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K500 (0x08000000UL) /*!< 500kbps. */ #define SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_M1 (0x10000000UL) /*!< 1Mbps. */ #define SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_M2 (0x20000000UL) /*!< 2Mbps. */ #define SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_M4 (0x40000000UL) /*!< 4Mbps. */ #define SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_M8 (0x80000000UL) /*!< 8Mbps. */ /* Register: SPI_CONFIG */ /* Description: Configuration register. */ /* Bit 2 : Serial clock (SCK) polarity. */ #define SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of CPOL field. */ #define SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_Msk (0x1UL << SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CPOL field. */ #define SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveHigh (0UL) /*!< Active high. */ #define SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveLow (1UL) /*!< Active low. */ /* Bit 1 : Serial clock (SCK) phase. */ #define SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of CPHA field. */ #define SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Msk (0x1UL << SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CPHA field. */ #define SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Leading (0UL) /*!< Sample on leading edge of the clock. Shift serial data on trailing edge. */ #define SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Trailing (1UL) /*!< Sample on trailing edge of the clock. Shift serial data on leading edge. */ /* Bit 0 : Bit order. */ #define SPI_CONFIG_ORDER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ORDER field. */ #define SPI_CONFIG_ORDER_Msk (0x1UL << SPI_CONFIG_ORDER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ORDER field. */ #define SPI_CONFIG_ORDER_MsbFirst (0UL) /*!< Most significant bit transmitted out first. */ #define SPI_CONFIG_ORDER_LsbFirst (1UL) /*!< Least significant bit transmitted out first. */ /* Register: SPI_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define SPI_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define SPI_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << SPI_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define SPI_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define SPI_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: SPIS */ /* Description: SPI slave 1. */ /* Register: SPIS_SHORTS */ /* Description: Shortcuts for SPIS. */ /* Bit 2 : Shortcut between END event and the ACQUIRE task. */ #define SPIS_SHORTS_END_ACQUIRE_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of END_ACQUIRE field. */ #define SPIS_SHORTS_END_ACQUIRE_Msk (0x1UL << SPIS_SHORTS_END_ACQUIRE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of END_ACQUIRE field. */ #define SPIS_SHORTS_END_ACQUIRE_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define SPIS_SHORTS_END_ACQUIRE_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Register: SPIS_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 10 : Enable interrupt on ACQUIRED event. */ #define SPIS_INTENSET_ACQUIRED_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of ACQUIRED field. */ #define SPIS_INTENSET_ACQUIRED_Msk (0x1UL << SPIS_INTENSET_ACQUIRED_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ACQUIRED field. */ #define SPIS_INTENSET_ACQUIRED_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define SPIS_INTENSET_ACQUIRED_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define SPIS_INTENSET_ACQUIRED_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable interrupt on END event. */ #define SPIS_INTENSET_END_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of END field. */ #define SPIS_INTENSET_END_Msk (0x1UL << SPIS_INTENSET_END_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of END field. */ #define SPIS_INTENSET_END_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define SPIS_INTENSET_END_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define SPIS_INTENSET_END_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: SPIS_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 10 : Disable interrupt on ACQUIRED event. */ #define SPIS_INTENCLR_ACQUIRED_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of ACQUIRED field. */ #define SPIS_INTENCLR_ACQUIRED_Msk (0x1UL << SPIS_INTENCLR_ACQUIRED_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ACQUIRED field. */ #define SPIS_INTENCLR_ACQUIRED_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define SPIS_INTENCLR_ACQUIRED_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define SPIS_INTENCLR_ACQUIRED_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Disable interrupt on END event. */ #define SPIS_INTENCLR_END_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of END field. */ #define SPIS_INTENCLR_END_Msk (0x1UL << SPIS_INTENCLR_END_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of END field. */ #define SPIS_INTENCLR_END_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define SPIS_INTENCLR_END_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define SPIS_INTENCLR_END_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: SPIS_SEMSTAT */ /* Description: Semaphore status. */ /* Bits 1..0 : Semaphore status. */ #define SPIS_SEMSTAT_SEMSTAT_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of SEMSTAT field. */ #define SPIS_SEMSTAT_SEMSTAT_Msk (0x3UL << SPIS_SEMSTAT_SEMSTAT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SEMSTAT field. */ #define SPIS_SEMSTAT_SEMSTAT_Free (0x00UL) /*!< Semaphore is free. */ #define SPIS_SEMSTAT_SEMSTAT_CPU (0x01UL) /*!< Semaphore is assigned to the CPU. */ #define SPIS_SEMSTAT_SEMSTAT_SPIS (0x02UL) /*!< Semaphore is assigned to the SPIS. */ #define SPIS_SEMSTAT_SEMSTAT_CPUPending (0x03UL) /*!< Semaphore is assigned to the SPIS, but a handover to the CPU is pending. */ /* Register: SPIS_STATUS */ /* Description: Status from last transaction. */ /* Bit 1 : RX buffer overflow detected, and prevented. */ #define SPIS_STATUS_OVERFLOW_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of OVERFLOW field. */ #define SPIS_STATUS_OVERFLOW_Msk (0x1UL << SPIS_STATUS_OVERFLOW_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OVERFLOW field. */ #define SPIS_STATUS_OVERFLOW_NotPresent (0UL) /*!< Error not present. */ #define SPIS_STATUS_OVERFLOW_Present (1UL) /*!< Error present. */ #define SPIS_STATUS_OVERFLOW_Clear (1UL) /*!< Clear on write. */ /* Bit 0 : TX buffer overread detected, and prevented. */ #define SPIS_STATUS_OVERREAD_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of OVERREAD field. */ #define SPIS_STATUS_OVERREAD_Msk (0x1UL << SPIS_STATUS_OVERREAD_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OVERREAD field. */ #define SPIS_STATUS_OVERREAD_NotPresent (0UL) /*!< Error not present. */ #define SPIS_STATUS_OVERREAD_Present (1UL) /*!< Error present. */ #define SPIS_STATUS_OVERREAD_Clear (1UL) /*!< Clear on write. */ /* Register: SPIS_ENABLE */ /* Description: Enable SPIS. */ /* Bits 2..0 : Enable or disable SPIS. */ #define SPIS_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENABLE field. */ #define SPIS_ENABLE_ENABLE_Msk (0x7UL << SPIS_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENABLE field. */ #define SPIS_ENABLE_ENABLE_Disabled (0x00UL) /*!< Disabled SPIS. */ #define SPIS_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled (0x02UL) /*!< Enable SPIS. */ /* Register: SPIS_MAXRX */ /* Description: Maximum number of bytes in the receive buffer. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Maximum number of bytes in the receive buffer. */ #define SPIS_MAXRX_MAXRX_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of MAXRX field. */ #define SPIS_MAXRX_MAXRX_Msk (0xFFUL << SPIS_MAXRX_MAXRX_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of MAXRX field. */ /* Register: SPIS_AMOUNTRX */ /* Description: Number of bytes received in last granted transaction. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Number of bytes received in last granted transaction. */ #define SPIS_AMOUNTRX_AMOUNTRX_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of AMOUNTRX field. */ #define SPIS_AMOUNTRX_AMOUNTRX_Msk (0xFFUL << SPIS_AMOUNTRX_AMOUNTRX_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of AMOUNTRX field. */ /* Register: SPIS_MAXTX */ /* Description: Maximum number of bytes in the transmit buffer. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Maximum number of bytes in the transmit buffer. */ #define SPIS_MAXTX_MAXTX_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of MAXTX field. */ #define SPIS_MAXTX_MAXTX_Msk (0xFFUL << SPIS_MAXTX_MAXTX_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of MAXTX field. */ /* Register: SPIS_AMOUNTTX */ /* Description: Number of bytes transmitted in last granted transaction. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Number of bytes transmitted in last granted transaction. */ #define SPIS_AMOUNTTX_AMOUNTTX_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of AMOUNTTX field. */ #define SPIS_AMOUNTTX_AMOUNTTX_Msk (0xFFUL << SPIS_AMOUNTTX_AMOUNTTX_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of AMOUNTTX field. */ /* Register: SPIS_CONFIG */ /* Description: Configuration register. */ /* Bit 2 : Serial clock (SCK) polarity. */ #define SPIS_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of CPOL field. */ #define SPIS_CONFIG_CPOL_Msk (0x1UL << SPIS_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CPOL field. */ #define SPIS_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveHigh (0UL) /*!< Active high. */ #define SPIS_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveLow (1UL) /*!< Active low. */ /* Bit 1 : Serial clock (SCK) phase. */ #define SPIS_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of CPHA field. */ #define SPIS_CONFIG_CPHA_Msk (0x1UL << SPIS_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CPHA field. */ #define SPIS_CONFIG_CPHA_Leading (0UL) /*!< Sample on leading edge of the clock. Shift serial data on trailing edge. */ #define SPIS_CONFIG_CPHA_Trailing (1UL) /*!< Sample on trailing edge of the clock. Shift serial data on leading edge. */ /* Bit 0 : Bit order. */ #define SPIS_CONFIG_ORDER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ORDER field. */ #define SPIS_CONFIG_ORDER_Msk (0x1UL << SPIS_CONFIG_ORDER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ORDER field. */ #define SPIS_CONFIG_ORDER_MsbFirst (0UL) /*!< Most significant bit transmitted out first. */ #define SPIS_CONFIG_ORDER_LsbFirst (1UL) /*!< Least significant bit transmitted out first. */ /* Register: SPIS_DEF */ /* Description: Default character. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Default character. */ #define SPIS_DEF_DEF_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of DEF field. */ #define SPIS_DEF_DEF_Msk (0xFFUL << SPIS_DEF_DEF_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DEF field. */ /* Register: SPIS_ORC */ /* Description: Over-read character. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Over-read character. */ #define SPIS_ORC_ORC_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ORC field. */ #define SPIS_ORC_ORC_Msk (0xFFUL << SPIS_ORC_ORC_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ORC field. */ /* Register: SPIS_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define SPIS_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define SPIS_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << SPIS_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define SPIS_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define SPIS_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: TEMP */ /* Description: Temperature Sensor. */ /* Register: TEMP_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable interrupt on DATARDY event. */ #define TEMP_INTENSET_DATARDY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of DATARDY field. */ #define TEMP_INTENSET_DATARDY_Msk (0x1UL << TEMP_INTENSET_DATARDY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DATARDY field. */ #define TEMP_INTENSET_DATARDY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TEMP_INTENSET_DATARDY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TEMP_INTENSET_DATARDY_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: TEMP_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable interrupt on DATARDY event. */ #define TEMP_INTENCLR_DATARDY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of DATARDY field. */ #define TEMP_INTENCLR_DATARDY_Msk (0x1UL << TEMP_INTENCLR_DATARDY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DATARDY field. */ #define TEMP_INTENCLR_DATARDY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TEMP_INTENCLR_DATARDY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TEMP_INTENCLR_DATARDY_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: TEMP_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define TEMP_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define TEMP_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << TEMP_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define TEMP_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define TEMP_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: TIMER */ /* Description: Timer 0. */ /* Register: TIMER_SHORTS */ /* Description: Shortcuts for Timer. */ /* Bit 11 : Shortcut between CC[3] event and the STOP task. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE3_STOP_Pos (11UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE3_STOP field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE3_STOP_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE3_STOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE3_STOP field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE3_STOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE3_STOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 10 : Shortcut between CC[2] event and the STOP task. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE2_STOP_Pos (10UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE2_STOP field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE2_STOP_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE2_STOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE2_STOP field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE2_STOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE2_STOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 9 : Shortcut between CC[1] event and the STOP task. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE1_STOP_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE1_STOP field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE1_STOP_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE1_STOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE1_STOP field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE1_STOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE1_STOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 8 : Shortcut between CC[0] event and the STOP task. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE0_STOP_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE0_STOP field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE0_STOP_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE0_STOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE0_STOP field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE0_STOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE0_STOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 3 : Shortcut between CC[3] event and the CLEAR task. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE3_CLEAR_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE3_CLEAR field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE3_CLEAR_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE3_CLEAR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE3_CLEAR field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE3_CLEAR_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE3_CLEAR_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 2 : Shortcut between CC[2] event and the CLEAR task. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE2_CLEAR_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE2_CLEAR field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE2_CLEAR_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE2_CLEAR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE2_CLEAR field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE2_CLEAR_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE2_CLEAR_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 1 : Shortcut between CC[1] event and the CLEAR task. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE1_CLEAR_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE1_CLEAR field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE1_CLEAR_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE1_CLEAR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE1_CLEAR field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE1_CLEAR_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE1_CLEAR_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 0 : Shortcut between CC[0] event and the CLEAR task. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE0_CLEAR_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE0_CLEAR field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE0_CLEAR_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE0_CLEAR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE0_CLEAR field. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE0_CLEAR_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE0_CLEAR_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Register: TIMER_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 19 : Enable interrupt on COMPARE[3] */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE3_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE3 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE3_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE3 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE3_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 18 : Enable interrupt on COMPARE[2] */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE2_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE2 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE2_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE2 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE2_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 17 : Enable interrupt on COMPARE[1] */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE1_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE1 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE1_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE1 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE1_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 16 : Enable interrupt on COMPARE[0] */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE0 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE0 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: TIMER_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 19 : Disable interrupt on COMPARE[3] */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE3_Pos (19UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE3 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE3_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE3 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE3_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 18 : Disable interrupt on COMPARE[2] */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE2_Pos (18UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE2 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE2_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE2 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE2_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 17 : Disable interrupt on COMPARE[1] */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE1_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE1 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE1_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE1 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE1_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 16 : Disable interrupt on COMPARE[0] */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE0_Pos (16UL) /*!< Position of COMPARE0 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE0_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of COMPARE0 field. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE0_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: TIMER_MODE */ /* Description: Timer Mode selection. */ /* Bit 0 : Select Normal or Counter mode. */ #define TIMER_MODE_MODE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of MODE field. */ #define TIMER_MODE_MODE_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_MODE_MODE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of MODE field. */ #define TIMER_MODE_MODE_Timer (0UL) /*!< Timer in Normal mode. */ #define TIMER_MODE_MODE_Counter (1UL) /*!< Timer in Counter mode. */ /* Register: TIMER_BITMODE */ /* Description: Sets timer behaviour. */ /* Bits 1..0 : Sets timer behaviour ro be like the implementation of a timer with width as indicated. */ #define TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of BITMODE field. */ #define TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_Msk (0x3UL << TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of BITMODE field. */ #define TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_16Bit (0x00UL) /*!< 16-bit timer behaviour. */ #define TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_08Bit (0x01UL) /*!< 8-bit timer behaviour. */ #define TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_24Bit (0x02UL) /*!< 24-bit timer behaviour. */ #define TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_32Bit (0x03UL) /*!< 32-bit timer behaviour. */ /* Register: TIMER_PRESCALER */ /* Description: 4-bit prescaler to source clock frequency (max value 9). Source clock frequency is divided by 2^SCALE. */ /* Bits 3..0 : Timer PRESCALER value. Max value is 9. */ #define TIMER_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PRESCALER field. */ #define TIMER_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_Msk (0xFUL << TIMER_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PRESCALER field. */ /* Register: TIMER_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define TIMER_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define TIMER_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << TIMER_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define TIMER_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define TIMER_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: TWI */ /* Description: Two-wire interface master 0. */ /* Register: TWI_SHORTS */ /* Description: Shortcuts for TWI. */ /* Bit 1 : Shortcut between BB event and the STOP task. */ #define TWI_SHORTS_BB_STOP_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of BB_STOP field. */ #define TWI_SHORTS_BB_STOP_Msk (0x1UL << TWI_SHORTS_BB_STOP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of BB_STOP field. */ #define TWI_SHORTS_BB_STOP_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define TWI_SHORTS_BB_STOP_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 0 : Shortcut between BB event and the SUSPEND task. */ #define TWI_SHORTS_BB_SUSPEND_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of BB_SUSPEND field. */ #define TWI_SHORTS_BB_SUSPEND_Msk (0x1UL << TWI_SHORTS_BB_SUSPEND_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of BB_SUSPEND field. */ #define TWI_SHORTS_BB_SUSPEND_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define TWI_SHORTS_BB_SUSPEND_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Register: TWI_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 14 : Enable interrupt on BB event. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_BB_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of BB field. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_BB_Msk (0x1UL << TWI_INTENSET_BB_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of BB field. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_BB_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_BB_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_BB_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 9 : Enable interrupt on ERROR event. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_ERROR_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of ERROR field. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_ERROR_Msk (0x1UL << TWI_INTENSET_ERROR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ERROR field. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_ERROR_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_ERROR_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_ERROR_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 7 : Enable interrupt on TXDSENT event. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_TXDSENT_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of TXDSENT field. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_TXDSENT_Msk (0x1UL << TWI_INTENSET_TXDSENT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXDSENT field. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_TXDSENT_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_TXDSENT_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_TXDSENT_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Enable interrupt on READY event. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_RXDREADY_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of RXDREADY field. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_RXDREADY_Msk (0x1UL << TWI_INTENSET_RXDREADY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RXDREADY field. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_RXDREADY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_RXDREADY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_RXDREADY_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable interrupt on STOPPED event. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_STOPPED_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of STOPPED field. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_STOPPED_Msk (0x1UL << TWI_INTENSET_STOPPED_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of STOPPED field. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_STOPPED_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_STOPPED_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TWI_INTENSET_STOPPED_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: TWI_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 14 : Disable interrupt on BB event. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_BB_Pos (14UL) /*!< Position of BB field. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_BB_Msk (0x1UL << TWI_INTENCLR_BB_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of BB field. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_BB_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_BB_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_BB_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 9 : Disable interrupt on ERROR event. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_ERROR_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of ERROR field. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_ERROR_Msk (0x1UL << TWI_INTENCLR_ERROR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ERROR field. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_ERROR_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_ERROR_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_ERROR_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 7 : Disable interrupt on TXDSENT event. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_TXDSENT_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of TXDSENT field. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_TXDSENT_Msk (0x1UL << TWI_INTENCLR_TXDSENT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXDSENT field. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_TXDSENT_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_TXDSENT_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_TXDSENT_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Disable interrupt on RXDREADY event. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_RXDREADY_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of RXDREADY field. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_RXDREADY_Msk (0x1UL << TWI_INTENCLR_RXDREADY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RXDREADY field. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_RXDREADY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_RXDREADY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_RXDREADY_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Disable interrupt on STOPPED event. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_STOPPED_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of STOPPED field. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_STOPPED_Msk (0x1UL << TWI_INTENCLR_STOPPED_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of STOPPED field. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_STOPPED_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_STOPPED_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define TWI_INTENCLR_STOPPED_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: TWI_ERRORSRC */ /* Description: Two-wire error source. Write error field to 1 to clear error. */ /* Bit 2 : NACK received after sending a data byte. */ #define TWI_ERRORSRC_DNACK_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of DNACK field. */ #define TWI_ERRORSRC_DNACK_Msk (0x1UL << TWI_ERRORSRC_DNACK_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of DNACK field. */ #define TWI_ERRORSRC_DNACK_NotPresent (0UL) /*!< Error not present. */ #define TWI_ERRORSRC_DNACK_Present (1UL) /*!< Error present. */ #define TWI_ERRORSRC_DNACK_Clear (1UL) /*!< Clear error on write. */ /* Bit 1 : NACK received after sending the address. */ #define TWI_ERRORSRC_ANACK_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of ANACK field. */ #define TWI_ERRORSRC_ANACK_Msk (0x1UL << TWI_ERRORSRC_ANACK_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ANACK field. */ #define TWI_ERRORSRC_ANACK_NotPresent (0UL) /*!< Error not present. */ #define TWI_ERRORSRC_ANACK_Present (1UL) /*!< Error present. */ #define TWI_ERRORSRC_ANACK_Clear (1UL) /*!< Clear error on write. */ /* Register: TWI_ENABLE */ /* Description: Enable two-wire master. */ /* Bits 2..0 : Enable or disable W2M */ #define TWI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENABLE field. */ #define TWI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Msk (0x7UL << TWI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENABLE field. */ #define TWI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Disabled (0x00UL) /*!< Disabled. */ #define TWI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled (0x05UL) /*!< Enabled. */ /* Register: TWI_RXD */ /* Description: RX data register. */ /* Bits 7..0 : RX data from last transfer. */ #define TWI_RXD_RXD_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RXD field. */ #define TWI_RXD_RXD_Msk (0xFFUL << TWI_RXD_RXD_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RXD field. */ /* Register: TWI_TXD */ /* Description: TX data register. */ /* Bits 7..0 : TX data for next transfer. */ #define TWI_TXD_TXD_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of TXD field. */ #define TWI_TXD_TXD_Msk (0xFFUL << TWI_TXD_TXD_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXD field. */ /* Register: TWI_FREQUENCY */ /* Description: Two-wire frequency. */ /* Bits 31..0 : Two-wire master clock frequency. */ #define TWI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of FREQUENCY field. */ #define TWI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_Msk (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TWI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of FREQUENCY field. */ #define TWI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K100 (0x01980000UL) /*!< 100 kbps. */ #define TWI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K250 (0x04000000UL) /*!< 250 kbps. */ #define TWI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K400 (0x06680000UL) /*!< 400 kbps. */ /* Register: TWI_ADDRESS */ /* Description: Address used in the two-wire transfer. */ /* Bits 6..0 : Two-wire address. */ #define TWI_ADDRESS_ADDRESS_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ADDRESS field. */ #define TWI_ADDRESS_ADDRESS_Msk (0x7FUL << TWI_ADDRESS_ADDRESS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ADDRESS field. */ /* Register: TWI_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define TWI_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define TWI_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << TWI_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define TWI_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define TWI_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: UART */ /* Description: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter. */ /* Register: UART_SHORTS */ /* Description: Shortcuts for TWI. */ /* Bit 4 : Shortcut between NCTS event and the STOPRX task. */ #define UART_SHORTS_NCTS_STOPRX_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of NCTS_STOPRX field. */ #define UART_SHORTS_NCTS_STOPRX_Msk (0x1UL << UART_SHORTS_NCTS_STOPRX_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of NCTS_STOPRX field. */ #define UART_SHORTS_NCTS_STOPRX_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define UART_SHORTS_NCTS_STOPRX_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Bit 3 : Shortcut between CTS event and the STARTRX task. */ #define UART_SHORTS_CTS_STARTRX_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of CTS_STARTRX field. */ #define UART_SHORTS_CTS_STARTRX_Msk (0x1UL << UART_SHORTS_CTS_STARTRX_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CTS_STARTRX field. */ #define UART_SHORTS_CTS_STARTRX_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */ #define UART_SHORTS_CTS_STARTRX_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */ /* Register: UART_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 17 : Enable interrupt on RXTO event. */ #define UART_INTENSET_RXTO_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of RXTO field. */ #define UART_INTENSET_RXTO_Msk (0x1UL << UART_INTENSET_RXTO_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RXTO field. */ #define UART_INTENSET_RXTO_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define UART_INTENSET_RXTO_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define UART_INTENSET_RXTO_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 9 : Enable interrupt on ERROR event. */ #define UART_INTENSET_ERROR_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of ERROR field. */ #define UART_INTENSET_ERROR_Msk (0x1UL << UART_INTENSET_ERROR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ERROR field. */ #define UART_INTENSET_ERROR_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define UART_INTENSET_ERROR_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define UART_INTENSET_ERROR_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 7 : Enable interrupt on TXRDY event. */ #define UART_INTENSET_TXDRDY_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of TXDRDY field. */ #define UART_INTENSET_TXDRDY_Msk (0x1UL << UART_INTENSET_TXDRDY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXDRDY field. */ #define UART_INTENSET_TXDRDY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define UART_INTENSET_TXDRDY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define UART_INTENSET_TXDRDY_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Enable interrupt on RXRDY event. */ #define UART_INTENSET_RXDRDY_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of RXDRDY field. */ #define UART_INTENSET_RXDRDY_Msk (0x1UL << UART_INTENSET_RXDRDY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RXDRDY field. */ #define UART_INTENSET_RXDRDY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define UART_INTENSET_RXDRDY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define UART_INTENSET_RXDRDY_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable interrupt on NCTS event. */ #define UART_INTENSET_NCTS_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of NCTS field. */ #define UART_INTENSET_NCTS_Msk (0x1UL << UART_INTENSET_NCTS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of NCTS field. */ #define UART_INTENSET_NCTS_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define UART_INTENSET_NCTS_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define UART_INTENSET_NCTS_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable interrupt on CTS event. */ #define UART_INTENSET_CTS_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of CTS field. */ #define UART_INTENSET_CTS_Msk (0x1UL << UART_INTENSET_CTS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CTS field. */ #define UART_INTENSET_CTS_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define UART_INTENSET_CTS_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define UART_INTENSET_CTS_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: UART_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 17 : Disable interrupt on RXTO event. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_RXTO_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of RXTO field. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_RXTO_Msk (0x1UL << UART_INTENCLR_RXTO_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RXTO field. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_RXTO_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_RXTO_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_RXTO_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 9 : Disable interrupt on ERROR event. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_ERROR_Pos (9UL) /*!< Position of ERROR field. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_ERROR_Msk (0x1UL << UART_INTENCLR_ERROR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ERROR field. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_ERROR_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_ERROR_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_ERROR_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 7 : Disable interrupt on TXRDY event. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_TXDRDY_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of TXDRDY field. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_TXDRDY_Msk (0x1UL << UART_INTENCLR_TXDRDY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXDRDY field. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_TXDRDY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_TXDRDY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_TXDRDY_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 2 : Disable interrupt on RXRDY event. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_RXDRDY_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of RXDRDY field. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_RXDRDY_Msk (0x1UL << UART_INTENCLR_RXDRDY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RXDRDY field. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_RXDRDY_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_RXDRDY_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_RXDRDY_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 1 : Disable interrupt on NCTS event. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_NCTS_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of NCTS field. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_NCTS_Msk (0x1UL << UART_INTENCLR_NCTS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of NCTS field. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_NCTS_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_NCTS_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_NCTS_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable interrupt on CTS event. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_CTS_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of CTS field. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_CTS_Msk (0x1UL << UART_INTENCLR_CTS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CTS field. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_CTS_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_CTS_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define UART_INTENCLR_CTS_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: UART_ERRORSRC */ /* Description: Error source. Write error field to 1 to clear error. */ /* Bit 3 : The serial data input is '0' for longer than the length of a data frame. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_BREAK_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of BREAK field. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_BREAK_Msk (0x1UL << UART_ERRORSRC_BREAK_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of BREAK field. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_BREAK_NotPresent (0UL) /*!< Error not present. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_BREAK_Present (1UL) /*!< Error present. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_BREAK_Clear (1UL) /*!< Clear error on write. */ /* Bit 2 : A valid stop bit is not detected on the serial data input after all bits in a character have been received. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_FRAMING_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of FRAMING field. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_FRAMING_Msk (0x1UL << UART_ERRORSRC_FRAMING_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of FRAMING field. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_FRAMING_NotPresent (0UL) /*!< Error not present. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_FRAMING_Present (1UL) /*!< Error present. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_FRAMING_Clear (1UL) /*!< Clear error on write. */ /* Bit 1 : A character with bad parity is received. Only checked if HW parity control is enabled. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_PARITY_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PARITY field. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_PARITY_Msk (0x1UL << UART_ERRORSRC_PARITY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PARITY field. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_PARITY_NotPresent (0UL) /*!< Error not present. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_PARITY_Present (1UL) /*!< Error present. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_PARITY_Clear (1UL) /*!< Clear error on write. */ /* Bit 0 : A start bit is received while the previous data still lies in RXD. (Data loss). */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_OVERRUN_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of OVERRUN field. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_OVERRUN_Msk (0x1UL << UART_ERRORSRC_OVERRUN_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of OVERRUN field. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_OVERRUN_NotPresent (0UL) /*!< Error not present. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_OVERRUN_Present (1UL) /*!< Error present. */ #define UART_ERRORSRC_OVERRUN_Clear (1UL) /*!< Clear error on write. */ /* Register: UART_ENABLE */ /* Description: Enable UART and acquire IOs. */ /* Bits 2..0 : Enable or disable UART and acquire IOs. */ #define UART_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of ENABLE field. */ #define UART_ENABLE_ENABLE_Msk (0x7UL << UART_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENABLE field. */ #define UART_ENABLE_ENABLE_Disabled (0x00UL) /*!< UART disabled. */ #define UART_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled (0x04UL) /*!< UART enabled. */ /* Register: UART_RXD */ /* Description: RXD register. On read action the buffer pointer is displaced. Once read the character is consummed. If read when no character available, the UART will stop working. */ /* Bits 7..0 : RX data from previous transfer. Double buffered. */ #define UART_RXD_RXD_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RXD field. */ #define UART_RXD_RXD_Msk (0xFFUL << UART_RXD_RXD_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RXD field. */ /* Register: UART_TXD */ /* Description: TXD register. */ /* Bits 7..0 : TX data for transfer. */ #define UART_TXD_TXD_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of TXD field. */ #define UART_TXD_TXD_Msk (0xFFUL << UART_TXD_TXD_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TXD field. */ /* Register: UART_BAUDRATE */ /* Description: UART Baudrate. */ /* Bits 31..0 : UART baudrate. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of BAUDRATE field. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Msk (0xFFFFFFFFUL << UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of BAUDRATE field. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud1200 (0x0004F000UL) /*!< 1200 baud. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud2400 (0x0009D000UL) /*!< 2400 baud. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud4800 (0x0013B000UL) /*!< 4800 baud. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud9600 (0x00275000UL) /*!< 9600 baud. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud14400 (0x003B0000UL) /*!< 14400 baud. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud19200 (0x004EA000UL) /*!< 19200 baud. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud28800 (0x0075F000UL) /*!< 28800 baud. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud38400 (0x009D5000UL) /*!< 38400 baud. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud57600 (0x00EBF000UL) /*!< 57600 baud. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud76800 (0x013A9000UL) /*!< 76800 baud. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud115200 (0x01D7E000UL) /*!< 115200 baud. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud230400 (0x03AFB000UL) /*!< 230400 baud. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud250000 (0x04000000UL) /*!< 250000 baud. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud460800 (0x075F7000UL) /*!< 460800 baud. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud921600 (0x0EBEDFA4UL) /*!< 921600 baud. */ #define UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud1M (0x10000000UL) /*!< 1M baud. */ /* Register: UART_CONFIG */ /* Description: Configuration of parity and hardware flow control register. */ /* Bits 3..1 : Include parity bit. */ #define UART_CONFIG_PARITY_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PARITY field. */ #define UART_CONFIG_PARITY_Msk (0x7UL << UART_CONFIG_PARITY_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PARITY field. */ #define UART_CONFIG_PARITY_Excluded (0UL) /*!< Parity bit excluded. */ #define UART_CONFIG_PARITY_Included (7UL) /*!< Parity bit included. */ /* Bit 0 : Hardware flow control. */ #define UART_CONFIG_HWFC_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of HWFC field. */ #define UART_CONFIG_HWFC_Msk (0x1UL << UART_CONFIG_HWFC_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of HWFC field. */ #define UART_CONFIG_HWFC_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Hardware flow control disabled. */ #define UART_CONFIG_HWFC_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Hardware flow control enabled. */ /* Register: UART_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define UART_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define UART_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << UART_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define UART_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define UART_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /* Peripheral: UICR */ /* Description: User Information Configuration. */ /* Register: UICR_RBPCONF */ /* Description: Readback protection configuration. */ /* Bits 15..8 : Readback protect all code in the device. */ #define UICR_RBPCONF_PALL_Pos (8UL) /*!< Position of PALL field. */ #define UICR_RBPCONF_PALL_Msk (0xFFUL << UICR_RBPCONF_PALL_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PALL field. */ #define UICR_RBPCONF_PALL_Disabled (0xFFUL) /*!< Disabled. */ #define UICR_RBPCONF_PALL_Enabled (0x00UL) /*!< Enabled. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Readback protect region 0. Will be ignored if pre-programmed factory code is present on the chip. */ #define UICR_RBPCONF_PR0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PR0 field. */ #define UICR_RBPCONF_PR0_Msk (0xFFUL << UICR_RBPCONF_PR0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PR0 field. */ #define UICR_RBPCONF_PR0_Disabled (0xFFUL) /*!< Disabled. */ #define UICR_RBPCONF_PR0_Enabled (0x00UL) /*!< Enabled. */ /* Register: UICR_XTALFREQ */ /* Description: Reset value for CLOCK XTALFREQ register. */ /* Bits 7..0 : Reset value for CLOCK XTALFREQ register. */ #define UICR_XTALFREQ_XTALFREQ_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of XTALFREQ field. */ #define UICR_XTALFREQ_XTALFREQ_Msk (0xFFUL << UICR_XTALFREQ_XTALFREQ_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of XTALFREQ field. */ #define UICR_XTALFREQ_XTALFREQ_16MHz (0xFFUL) /*!< 16MHz Xtal is used. */ #define UICR_XTALFREQ_XTALFREQ_32MHz (0x00UL) /*!< 32MHz Xtal is used. */ /* Register: UICR_FWID */ /* Description: Firmware ID. */ /* Bits 15..0 : Identification number for the firmware loaded into the chip. */ #define UICR_FWID_FWID_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of FWID field. */ #define UICR_FWID_FWID_Msk (0xFFFFUL << UICR_FWID_FWID_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of FWID field. */ /* Peripheral: WDT */ /* Description: Watchdog Timer. */ /* Register: WDT_INTENSET */ /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable interrupt on TIMEOUT event. */ #define WDT_INTENSET_TIMEOUT_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of TIMEOUT field. */ #define WDT_INTENSET_TIMEOUT_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_INTENSET_TIMEOUT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TIMEOUT field. */ #define WDT_INTENSET_TIMEOUT_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define WDT_INTENSET_TIMEOUT_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define WDT_INTENSET_TIMEOUT_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: WDT_INTENCLR */ /* Description: Interrupt enable clear register. */ /* Bit 0 : Disable interrupt on TIMEOUT event. */ #define WDT_INTENCLR_TIMEOUT_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of TIMEOUT field. */ #define WDT_INTENCLR_TIMEOUT_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_INTENCLR_TIMEOUT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of TIMEOUT field. */ #define WDT_INTENCLR_TIMEOUT_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */ #define WDT_INTENCLR_TIMEOUT_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */ #define WDT_INTENCLR_TIMEOUT_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */ /* Register: WDT_RUNSTATUS */ /* Description: Watchdog running status. */ /* Bit 0 : Watchdog running status. */ #define WDT_RUNSTATUS_RUNSTATUS_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RUNSTATUS field. */ #define WDT_RUNSTATUS_RUNSTATUS_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_RUNSTATUS_RUNSTATUS_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RUNSTATUS field. */ #define WDT_RUNSTATUS_RUNSTATUS_NotRunning (0UL) /*!< Watchdog timer is not running. */ #define WDT_RUNSTATUS_RUNSTATUS_Running (1UL) /*!< Watchdog timer is running. */ /* Register: WDT_REQSTATUS */ /* Description: Request status. */ /* Bit 7 : Request status for RR[7]. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of RR7 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR7_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_REQSTATUS_RR7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR7 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR7_DisabledOrRequested (0UL) /*!< RR[7] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR7_EnabledAndUnrequested (1UL) /*!< RR[7] register is enabled and has not jet requested. */ /* Bit 6 : Request status for RR[6]. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of RR6 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR6_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_REQSTATUS_RR6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR6 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR6_DisabledOrRequested (0UL) /*!< RR[6] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR6_EnabledAndUnrequested (1UL) /*!< RR[6] register is enabled and has not jet requested. */ /* Bit 5 : Request status for RR[5]. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of RR5 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR5_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_REQSTATUS_RR5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR5 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR5_DisabledOrRequested (0UL) /*!< RR[5] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR5_EnabledAndUnrequested (1UL) /*!< RR[5] register is enabled and has not jet requested. */ /* Bit 4 : Request status for RR[4]. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of RR4 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR4_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_REQSTATUS_RR4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR4 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR4_DisabledOrRequested (0UL) /*!< RR[4] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR4_EnabledAndUnrequested (1UL) /*!< RR[4] register is enabled and has not jet requested. */ /* Bit 3 : Request status for RR[3]. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of RR3 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR3_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_REQSTATUS_RR3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR3 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR3_DisabledOrRequested (0UL) /*!< RR[3] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR3_EnabledAndUnrequested (1UL) /*!< RR[3] register is enabled and has not jet requested. */ /* Bit 2 : Request status for RR[2]. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of RR2 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR2_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_REQSTATUS_RR2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR2 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR2_DisabledOrRequested (0UL) /*!< RR[2] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR2_EnabledAndUnrequested (1UL) /*!< RR[2] register is enabled and has not jet requested. */ /* Bit 1 : Request status for RR[1]. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of RR1 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR1_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_REQSTATUS_RR1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR1 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR1_DisabledOrRequested (0UL) /*!< RR[1] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR1_EnabledAndUnrequested (1UL) /*!< RR[1] register is enabled and has not jet requested. */ /* Bit 0 : Request status for RR[0]. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RR0 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR0_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_REQSTATUS_RR0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR0 field. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR0_DisabledOrRequested (0UL) /*!< RR[0] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. */ #define WDT_REQSTATUS_RR0_EnabledAndUnrequested (1UL) /*!< RR[0] register is enabled and has not jet requested. */ /* Register: WDT_RREN */ /* Description: Reload request enable. */ /* Bit 7 : Enable or disable RR[7] register. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of RR7 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR7_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_RREN_RR7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR7 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR7_Disabled (0UL) /*!< RR[7] register is disabled. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR7_Enabled (1UL) /*!< RR[7] register is enabled. */ /* Bit 6 : Enable or disable RR[6] register. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of RR6 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR6_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_RREN_RR6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR6 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR6_Disabled (0UL) /*!< RR[6] register is disabled. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR6_Enabled (1UL) /*!< RR[6] register is enabled. */ /* Bit 5 : Enable or disable RR[5] register. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of RR5 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR5_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_RREN_RR5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR5 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR5_Disabled (0UL) /*!< RR[5] register is disabled. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR5_Enabled (1UL) /*!< RR[5] register is enabled. */ /* Bit 4 : Enable or disable RR[4] register. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of RR4 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR4_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_RREN_RR4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR4 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR4_Disabled (0UL) /*!< RR[4] register is disabled. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR4_Enabled (1UL) /*!< RR[4] register is enabled. */ /* Bit 3 : Enable or disable RR[3] register. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of RR3 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR3_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_RREN_RR3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR3 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< RR[3] register is disabled. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< RR[3] register is enabled. */ /* Bit 2 : Enable or disable RR[2] register. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of RR2 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR2_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_RREN_RR2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR2 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< RR[2] register is disabled. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< RR[2] register is enabled. */ /* Bit 1 : Enable or disable RR[1] register. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of RR1 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR1_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_RREN_RR1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR1 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< RR[1] register is disabled. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< RR[1] register is enabled. */ /* Bit 0 : Enable or disable RR[0] register. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RR0 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR0_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_RREN_RR0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR0 field. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< RR[0] register is disabled. */ #define WDT_RREN_RR0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< RR[0] register is enabled. */ /* Register: WDT_CONFIG */ /* Description: Configuration register. */ /* Bit 3 : Configure the watchdog to pause or not while the CPU is halted by the debugger. */ #define WDT_CONFIG_HALT_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of HALT field. */ #define WDT_CONFIG_HALT_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_CONFIG_HALT_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of HALT field. */ #define WDT_CONFIG_HALT_Pause (0UL) /*!< Pause watchdog while the CPU is halted by the debugger. */ #define WDT_CONFIG_HALT_Run (1UL) /*!< Do not pause watchdog while the CPU is halted by the debugger. */ /* Bit 0 : Configure the watchdog to pause or not while the CPU is sleeping. */ #define WDT_CONFIG_SLEEP_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of SLEEP field. */ #define WDT_CONFIG_SLEEP_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_CONFIG_SLEEP_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of SLEEP field. */ #define WDT_CONFIG_SLEEP_Pause (0UL) /*!< Pause watchdog while the CPU is asleep. */ #define WDT_CONFIG_SLEEP_Run (1UL) /*!< Do not pause watchdog while the CPU is asleep. */ /* Register: WDT_RR */ /* Description: Reload requests registers. */ /* Bits 31..0 : Reload register. */ #define WDT_RR_RR_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of RR field. */ #define WDT_RR_RR_Msk (0xFFFFFFFFUL << WDT_RR_RR_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of RR field. */ #define WDT_RR_RR_Reload (0x6E524635UL) /*!< Value to request a reload of the watchdog timer. */ /* Register: WDT_POWER */ /* Description: Peripheral power control. */ /* Bit 0 : Peripheral power control. */ #define WDT_POWER_POWER_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of POWER field. */ #define WDT_POWER_POWER_Msk (0x1UL << WDT_POWER_POWER_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of POWER field. */ #define WDT_POWER_POWER_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Module power disabled. */ #define WDT_POWER_POWER_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Module power enabled. */ /*lint --flb "Leave library region" */ #endif