Fork of the official mbed C/C SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications for RenBED.

Dependents:   1-RenBuggyTimed RenBED_RGB RenBED_RGB_PWM RenBED_RGB

Fork of mbed by mbed official

Tue Mar 17 14:27:45 2015 +0000
Release 96 of the mbed library

- IAR support for ble boards, lpc, ethernet stack
- RTC - attach function to redirect time functions
- Nucleo F103RB - cube driver
- k20xx - fixes for teensy and k20 platforms in sleep/deepsleep and usb
- STM32L0, Nucleo/Disco L053 - refactoring

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library - cmsis_nvic
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 2 * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 3 *
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 4 * CMSIS-style functionality to support dynamic vectors
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 5 */
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 6
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 7 #ifndef MBED_CMSIS_NVIC_H
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 8 #define MBED_CMSIS_NVIC_H
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 9
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 10 #define NVIC_NUM_VECTORS (16 + 32) // CORE + MCU Peripherals
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 11 #define NVIC_USER_IRQ_OFFSET 16
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 12
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 13 #include "cmsis.h"
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 14
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 15 #ifdef __cplusplus
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 16 extern "C" {
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 17 #endif
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 18
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 19 void NVIC_SetVector(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint32_t vector);
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 20 uint32_t NVIC_GetVector(IRQn_Type IRQn);
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 21
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 22 #ifdef __cplusplus
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 23 }
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 24 #endif
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 25
Kojto 90:cb3d968589d8 26 #endif