mbed os with nrf51 internal bandgap enabled to read battery level

Dependents:   BLE_file_test BLE_Blink ExternalEncoder

diff -r 000000000000 -r f269e3021894 targets/TARGET_ARM_SSG/TARGET_IOTSS/PinNames.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/TARGET_ARM_SSG/TARGET_IOTSS/PinNames.h	Sun Oct 23 15:10:02 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+/* mbed Microcontroller Library
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "cmsis.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef enum {
+        PIN_INPUT,
+        PIN_OUTPUT
+} PinDirection;
+#define PORT_SHIFT  5
+typedef enum {
+    // MPS2 EXP Pin Names
+        EXP0 = 0 ,
+        EXP1 = 4 ,
+        EXP2 = 2 ,
+        EXP3 = 3 ,
+        EXP4 = 1 ,
+        EXP5 = 15,
+        EXP6 = 5 ,
+        EXP7 = 6 ,
+        EXP8 = 7 ,
+        EXP9 = 8 ,
+        EXP10 =9 ,
+        EXP11 =13,
+        EXP12 =10,
+        EXP13 =11,
+        EXP14 =12,
+        EXP15 =14,
+        EXP16 =18,
+        EXP17 =19,
+        EXP18 =20,
+        EXP19 =21,
+        EXP20 =52,
+        EXP21 =53,
+        EXP22 =54,
+        EXP23 =55,
+        EXP24 =56,
+        EXP25 =57,
+        EXP26 =16,
+        EXP27 =25,
+        EXP28 =24,
+        EXP29 =31,
+        EXP30 =17,
+        EXP31 =23,
+        EXP32 =27,
+        EXP33 =30,
+        EXP34 =26,
+        EXP35 =28,
+        EXP36 =29,
+        EXP37 =58,
+        EXP38 =48,
+        EXP39 =49,
+        EXP40 =50,
+        EXP41 =22,
+        EXP42 =59,
+        EXP43 =60,
+        EXP44 =51,
+        EXP45 =61,
+        EXP46 =62,
+        EXP47 =63,
+        EXP48 =64,
+        EXP49 =65,
+        EXP50 =66,
+        EXP51 =67,
+// Other mbed Pin Names
+        //LEDs on mps2
+        //user leds
+        USERLED1 = 100,
+        USERLED2 = 101,
+        //user switches
+        USERSW1  = 110,
+        USERSW2  = 111,
+        //mcc leds
+        LED1 = 200,
+        LED2 = 201,
+        LED3 = 202,
+        LED4 = 203,
+        LED5 = 204,
+        LED6 = 205,
+        LED7 = 206,
+        LED8 = 207,
+        //MCC Switches
+        SW1 = 210,
+        SW2 = 211,
+        SW3 = 212,
+        SW4 = 213,
+        SW5 = 214,
+        SW6 = 215,
+        SW7 = 216,
+        SW8 = 217,
+        //MPS2 SPI header pins j21
+        MOSI_SPI = 300,
+        MISO_SPI = 301,
+        SCLK_SPI = 302,
+        SSEL_SPI = 303,
+        //MPS2 CLCD SPI
+        CLCD_MOSI = 304,
+        CLCD_MISO = 305,
+        CLCD_SCLK = 306,
+        CLCD_SSEL = 307,
+        CLCD_RESET = 308,
+        CLCD_RS = 309,
+        CLCD_RD = 310,
+        CLCD_BL_CTRL = 311,
+        //MPS2 shield 0 SPI
+        SHIELD_0_SPI_SCK = 320, 
+        SHIELD_0_SPI_MOSI = 321,
+        SHIELD_0_SPI_MISO = 322,
+        SHIELD_0_SPI_nCS = 323, 
+        //MPS2 shield 1 SPI
+        SHIELD_1_SPI_SCK = 331, 
+        SHIELD_1_SPI_MOSI = 332,
+        SHIELD_1_SPI_MISO = 333,
+        SHIELD_1_SPI_nCS = 334, 
+        //MPS2 shield ADC SPI
+        ADC_MOSI = 650,
+        ADC_MISO = 651,
+        ADC_SCLK = 652,
+        ADC_SSEL = 653,
+        //MPS2 Uart
+        USBTX  = 400,
+        USBRX  = 401,
+        XB_TX = 402,
+        XB_RX = 403,
+        SH0_TX = 404,
+        SH0_RX = 405,
+        SH1_TX = 406,
+        SH1_RX = 407,
+        //MPS2 I2C touchscreen and audio
+        TSC_SDA = 500,
+        TSC_SCL = 501,
+        AUD_SDA = 502,
+        AUD_SCL = 503,
+        //MPS2 I2C for shield
+        SHIELD_0_SDA = 504, 
+        SHIELD_0_SCL = 505, 
+        SHIELD_1_SDA = 506,
+        SHIELD_1_SCL = 507,
+        //MPS2 shield Analog pins
+        A0_0 = 600,
+        A0_1 = 601,
+        A0_2 = 602,
+        A0_3 = 603,
+        A0_4 = 604,
+        A0_5 = 605,
+        A1_0 = 606,
+        A1_1 = 607,
+        A1_2 = 608,
+        A1_3 = 609,
+        A1_4 = 610,
+        A1_5 = 611,
+        //MPS2 Shield Digital pins
+        D0_0  = EXP0,
+        D0_1  = EXP4,
+        D0_2  = EXP2,
+        D0_3  = EXP3,
+        D0_4  = EXP1,
+        D0_5  = EXP6,
+        D0_6  = EXP7,
+        D0_7  = EXP8,
+        D0_8  = EXP9,
+        D0_9  = EXP10,
+        D0_10 = EXP12,
+        D0_11 = EXP13,
+        D0_12 = EXP14,
+        D0_13 = EXP11,
+        D0_14 = EXP15,
+        D0_15 = EXP5,
+        D1_0  = EXP26,
+        D1_1  = EXP30,
+        D1_2  = EXP28,
+        D1_3  = EXP29,
+        D1_4  = EXP27,
+        D1_5  = EXP32,
+        D1_6  = EXP33,
+        D1_7  = EXP34,
+        D1_8  = EXP35,
+        D1_9  = EXP36,
+        D1_10 = EXP38,
+        D1_11 = EXP39,
+        D1_12 = EXP40,
+        D1_13 = EXP44,
+        D1_14 = EXP41,
+        D1_15 = EXP31,
+        // Not connected
+        NC = (int)0xFFFFFFFF,
+} PinName;
+typedef enum {
+    PullUp = 2,
+    PullDown = 1,
+    PullNone = 0,
+    Repeater = 3,
+    OpenDrain = 4,
+    PullDefault = PullDown
+} PinMode;
+#ifdef __cplusplus