mbed os with nrf51 internal bandgap enabled to read battery level

Dependents:   BLE_file_test BLE_Blink ExternalEncoder

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/arm_pack_manager/__init__.py	Sun Oct 23 15:10:02 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+from pycurl import Curl
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from os.path import join, dirname, basename
+from os import makedirs
+from errno import EEXIST
+from threading import Thread
+from Queue import Queue
+from re import compile, sub
+from sys import stderr, stdout
+from fuzzywuzzy import process
+from itertools import takewhile
+import argparse
+from json import dump, load
+from zipfile import ZipFile
+from tempfile import gettempdir
+RootPackURL = "http://www.keil.com/pack/index.idx"
+LocalPackDir = dirname(__file__)
+LocalPackIndex = join(LocalPackDir, "index.json")
+LocalPackAliases = join(LocalPackDir, "aliases.json")
+protocol_matcher = compile("\w*://")
+def strip_protocol(url) :
+    return protocol_matcher.sub("", str(url))
+def largest_version(content) :
+    return sorted([t['version'] for t in content.package.releases('release')], reverse=True)[0]
+def do_queue(Class, function, interable) :
+    q = Queue()
+    threads = [Class(q, function) for each in range(20)]
+    for each in threads :
+        each.setDaemon(True)
+        each.start()
+    for thing in interable :
+        q.put(thing)
+    q.join()
+class Reader (Thread) :
+    def __init__(self, queue, func) :
+        Thread.__init__(self)
+        self.queue = queue
+        self.func = func
+    def run(self) :
+        while True :
+            url = self.queue.get()
+            self.func(url)
+            self.queue.task_done()
+class Cacher (Thread) :
+    def __init__(self, queue, func) :
+        Thread.__init__(self)
+        self.queue = queue
+        self.curl = Curl()
+        self.curl.setopt(self.curl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
+        self.func = func
+    def run(self) :
+        while True :
+            url = self.queue.get()
+            self.func(self.curl, url)
+            self.queue.task_done()
+class Cache () :
+    """ The Cache object is the only relevant API object at the moment
+    Constructing the Cache object does not imply any caching.
+    A user of the API must explicitly call caching functions.
+    :param silent: A boolean that, when True, significantly reduces the printing of this Object
+    :type silent: bool
+    :param no_timeouts: A boolean that, when True, disables the default connection timeout and low speed timeout for downloading things.
+    :type no_timeouts: bool
+    """
+    def __init__ (self, silent, no_timeouts) :
+        self.silent = silent
+        self.counter = 0
+        self.total = 1
+        self._index = {}
+        self._aliases = {}
+        self.urls = None
+        self.no_timeouts = no_timeouts
+        self.data_path = gettempdir()
+    def display_counter (self, message) :
+        stdout.write("{} {}/{}\r".format(message, self.counter, self.total))
+        stdout.flush()
+    def cache_file (self, curl, url) :
+        """Low level interface to caching a single file.
+        :param curl: The user is responsible for providing a curl.Curl object as the curl parameter.
+        :type curl: curl.Curl
+        :param url: The URL to cache.
+        :type url: str
+        :rtype: None
+        """
+        if not self.silent : print("Caching {}...".format(url))
+        dest = join(self.data_path, strip_protocol(url))
+        try :
+            makedirs(dirname(dest))
+        except OSError as exc :
+            if exc.errno == EEXIST : pass
+            else : raise
+        with open(dest, "wb+") as fd :
+            curl.setopt(curl.URL, url)
+            curl.setopt(curl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
+            curl.setopt(curl.WRITEDATA, fd)
+            if not self.no_timeouts :
+                curl.setopt(curl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, 2)
+                curl.setopt(curl.LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, 50 * 1024)
+                curl.setopt(curl.LOW_SPEED_TIME, 2)
+            try :
+                curl.perform()
+            except Exception as e :
+                stderr.write("[ ERROR ] file {} did not download {}\n".format(url, str(e)))
+        self.counter += 1
+        self.display_counter("Caching Files")
+    def pdsc_to_pack (self, url) :
+        """Find the URL of the specified pack file described by a PDSC.
+        The PDSC is assumed to be cached and is looked up in the cache by its URL.
+        :param url: The url used to look up the PDSC.
+        :type url: str
+        :return: The url of the PACK file.
+        :rtype: str
+        """
+        content = self.pdsc_from_cache(url)
+        new_url = content.package.url.get_text()
+        if not new_url.endswith("/") :
+            new_url = new_url + "/"
+        return (new_url + content.package.vendor.get_text() + "." +
+                content.package.find('name').get_text() + "." +
+                largest_version(content) + ".pack")
+    def cache_pdsc_and_pack (self, curl, url) :
+        self.cache_file(curl, url)
+        try :
+            self.cache_file(curl, self.pdsc_to_pack(url))
+        except AttributeError :
+            stderr.write("[ ERROR ] {} does not appear to be a conforming .pdsc file\n".format(url))
+            self.counter += 1
+    def get_urls(self):
+        """Extract the URLs of all know PDSC files.
+        Will pull the index from the internet if it is not cached.
+        :return: A list of all PDSC URLs
+        :rtype: [str]
+        """
+        if not self.urls :
+            try : root_data = self.pdsc_from_cache(RootPackURL)
+            except IOError : root_data = self.cache_and_parse(RootPackURL)
+            self.urls = ["/".join([pdsc.get('url').strip("/"),
+                                   pdsc.get('name').strip("/")])
+                         for pdsc in root_data.find_all("pdsc")]
+        return self.urls
+    def _extract_dict(self, device, filename, pack) :
+        to_ret = dict(pdsc_file=filename, pack_file=pack)
+        try : to_ret["memory"] = dict([(m["id"], dict(start=m["start"],
+                                                      size=m["size"]))
+                                       for m in device("memory")])
+        except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
+        try: algorithms = device("algorithm")
+        except:
+            try: algorithms = device.parent("algorithm")
+            except: pass
+        else:
+            if not algorithms:
+                try: algorithms = device.parent("algorithm")
+                except: pass
+        try : to_ret["algorithm"] = dict([(algo.get("name").replace('\\','/'),
+                                           dict(start=algo["start"],
+                                                size=algo["size"],
+                                                ramstart=algo.get("ramstart",None),
+                                                ramsize=algo.get("ramsize",None),
+                                                default=algo.get("default",1)))
+                                       for algo in algorithms])
+        except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: pass
+        try: to_ret["debug"] = device.parent.parent.debug["svd"]
+        except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
+        try: to_ret["debug"] = device.parent.debug["svd"]
+        except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
+        try: to_ret["debug"] = device.debug["svd"]
+        except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
+        to_ret["compile"] = {}
+        try: compile_l1 = device.parent("compile")
+        except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : compile_l1 = []
+        try: compile_l2 = device.parent.parent("compile")
+        except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : compile_l2 = []
+        compile = compile_l2 + compile_l1
+        for c in compile:
+            try: to_ret["compile"]["header"] = c["header"]
+            except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
+            try: to_ret["compile"]["define"] =  c["define"]
+            except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
+        try: to_ret["core"] = device.parent.processor['dcore']
+        except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
+        try: to_ret["core"] = device.parent.parent.processor['dcore']
+        except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
+        to_ret["processor"] = {}
+        try: proc_l1 = device("processor")
+        except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: proc_l1 = []
+        try: proc_l2 = device.parent("processor")
+        except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: proc_l2 = []
+        try: proc_l3 = device.parent.parent("processor")
+        except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: proc_l3 = []
+        proc = proc_l3 + proc_l2 + proc_l1
+        for p in proc:
+            try: to_ret["processor"]["fpu"] = p['dfpu']
+            except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: pass
+            try: to_ret["processor"]["endianness"] = p['dendian']
+            except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: pass
+            try: to_ret["processor"]["clock"] = p['dclock']
+            except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: pass
+        try: to_ret["vendor"] = device.parent['dvendor']
+        except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: pass
+        try: to_ret["vendor"] = device.parent.parent['dvendor']
+        except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: pass
+        if not to_ret["processor"]:
+            del to_ret["processor"]
+        if not to_ret["compile"]:
+            del to_ret["compile"]
+        to_ret['debug-interface'] = []
+        return to_ret
+    def _generate_index_helper(self, d) :
+        try :
+            pack = self.pdsc_to_pack(d)
+            self._index.update(dict([(dev['dname'], self._extract_dict(dev, d, pack)) for dev in
+                                    (self.pdsc_from_cache(d)("device"))]))
+        except AttributeError as e :
+            stderr.write("[ ERROR ] file {}\n".format(d))
+            print(e)
+        self.counter += 1
+        self.display_counter("Generating Index")
+    def _generate_aliases_helper(self, d) :
+        try :
+            mydict = []
+            for dev in self.pdsc_from_cache(d)("board"):
+                try :
+                    mydict.append((dev['name'], dev.mounteddevice['dname']))
+                except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e:
+                    pass
+            self._aliases.update(dict(mydict))
+        except (AttributeError, TypeError) as e :
+            pass
+        self.counter += 1
+        self.display_counter("Scanning for Aliases")
+    def get_flash_algorthim_binary(self, device_name) :
+        """Retrieve the flash algorithm file for a particular part.
+        Assumes that both the PDSC and the PACK file associated with that part are in the cache.
+        :param device_name: The exact name of a device
+        :type device_name: str
+        :return: A file-like object that, when read, is the ELF file that describes the flashing algorithm
+        :rtype: ZipExtFile
+        """
+        pack = self.pack_from_cache(self.index[device_name])
+        return pack.open(device['algorithm']['file'])
+    def get_svd_file(self, device_name) :
+        """Retrieve the flash algorithm file for a particular part.
+        Assumes that both the PDSC and the PACK file associated with that part are in the cache.
+        :param device_name: The exact name of a device
+        :type device_name: str
+        :return: A file-like object that, when read, is the ELF file that describes the flashing algorithm
+        :rtype: ZipExtFile
+        """
+        pack = self.pack_from_cache(self.index[device_name])
+        return pack.open(device['debug'])
+    def generate_index(self) :
+        self._index = {}
+        self.counter = 0
+        do_queue(Reader, self._generate_index_helper, self.get_urls())
+        with open(LocalPackIndex, "wb+") as out:
+            self._index["version"] = "0.1.0"
+            dump(self._index, out)
+        stdout.write("\n")
+    def generate_aliases(self) :
+        self._aliases = {}
+        self.counter = 0
+        do_queue(Reader, self._generate_aliases_helper, self.get_urls())
+        with open(LocalPackAliases, "wb+") as out:
+            dump(self._aliases, out)
+        stdout.write("\n")
+    def find_device(self, match) :
+        choices = process.extract(match, self.index.keys(), limit=len(self.index))
+        choices = sorted([(v, k) for k, v in choices], reverse=True)
+        if choices : choices = list(takewhile(lambda t: t[0] == choices[0][0], choices))
+        return [(v, self.index[v]) for k,v in choices]
+    def dump_index_to_file(self, file) :
+        with open(file, "wb+") as out:
+            dump(self.index, out)
+    @property
+    def index(self) :
+        """An index of most of the important data in all cached PDSC files.
+        :Example:
+        >>> from ArmPackManager import Cache
+        >>> a = Cache()
+        >>> a.index["LPC1768"]
+        {u'algorithm': {u'RAMsize': u'0x0FE0',
+                u'RAMstart': u'0x10000000',
+                u'name': u'Flash/LPC_IAP_512.FLM',
+                u'size': u'0x80000',
+                u'start': u'0x00000000'},
+         u'compile': [u'Device/Include/LPC17xx.h', u'LPC175x_6x'],
+         u'debug': u'SVD/LPC176x5x.svd',
+         u'pdsc_file': u'http://www.keil.com/pack/Keil.LPC1700_DFP.pdsc',
+         u'memory': {u'IRAM1': {u'size': u'0x8000', u'start': u'0x10000000'},
+                     u'IRAM2': {u'size': u'0x8000', u'start': u'0x2007C000'},
+                     u'IROM1': {u'size': u'0x80000', u'start': u'0x00000000'}}}
+        """
+        if not self._index :
+            with open(LocalPackIndex) as i :
+                self._index = load(i)
+        return self._index
+    @property
+    def aliases(self) :
+        """An index of most of the important data in all cached PDSC files.
+        :Example:
+        >>> from ArmPackManager import Cache
+        >>> a = Cache()
+        >>> a.index["LPC1768"]
+        {u'algorithm': {u'RAMsize': u'0x0FE0',
+                u'RAMstart': u'0x10000000',
+                u'name': u'Flash/LPC_IAP_512.FLM',
+                u'size': u'0x80000',
+                u'start': u'0x00000000'},
+         u'compile': [u'Device/Include/LPC17xx.h', u'LPC175x_6x'],
+         u'debug': u'SVD/LPC176x5x.svd',
+         u'pdsc_file': u'http://www.keil.com/pack/Keil.LPC1700_DFP.pdsc',
+         u'memory': {u'IRAM1': {u'size': u'0x8000', u'start': u'0x10000000'},
+                     u'IRAM2': {u'size': u'0x8000', u'start': u'0x2007C000'},
+                     u'IROM1': {u'size': u'0x80000', u'start': u'0x00000000'}}}
+        """
+        if not self._aliases :
+            with open(join(self.data_path, "aliases.json")) as i :
+                self._aliases = load(i)
+        return self._aliases
+    def cache_everything(self) :
+        """Cache every PACK and PDSC file known.
+        Generates an index afterwards.
+        .. note:: This process may use 4GB of drive space and take upwards of 10 minutes to complete.
+        """
+        self.cache_pack_list(self.get_urls())
+        self.generate_index()
+        self.generate_aliases()
+    def cache_descriptors(self) :
+        """Cache every PDSC file known.
+        Generates an index afterwards.
+        .. note:: This process may use 11MB of drive space and take upwards of 1 minute.
+        """
+        self.cache_descriptor_list(self.get_urls())
+        self.generate_index()
+        self.generate_aliases()
+    def cache_descriptor_list(self, list) :
+        """Cache a list of PDSC files.
+        :param list: URLs of PDSC files to cache.
+        :type list: [str]
+        """
+        self.total = len(list)
+        self.display_counter("Caching Files")
+        do_queue(Cacher, self.cache_file, list)
+        stdout.write("\n")
+    def cache_pack_list(self, list) :
+        """Cache a list of PACK files, referenced by their PDSC URL
+        :param list: URLs of PDSC files to cache.
+        :type list: [str]
+        """
+        self.total = len(list) * 2
+        self.display_counter("Caching Files")
+        do_queue(Cacher, self.cache_pdsc_and_pack, list)
+        stdout.write("\n")
+    def pdsc_from_cache(self, url) :
+        """Low level inteface for extracting a PDSC file from the cache.
+        Assumes that the file specified is a PDSC file and is in the cache.
+        :param url: The URL of a PDSC file.
+        :type url: str
+        :return: A parsed representation of the PDSC file.
+        :rtype: BeautifulSoup
+        """
+        dest = join(self.data_path, strip_protocol(url))
+        with open(dest, "r") as fd :
+            return BeautifulSoup(fd, "html.parser")
+    def pack_from_cache(self, url) :
+        """Low level inteface for extracting a PACK file from the cache.
+        Assumes that the file specified is a PACK file and is in the cache.
+        :param url: The URL of a PACK file.
+        :type url: str
+        :return: A parsed representation of the PACK file.
+        :rtype: ZipFile
+        """
+        return ZipFile(join(self.data_path,
+                            strip_protocol(device['pack_file'])))
+    def gen_dict_from_cache() :
+        pdsc_files = pdsc_from_cache(RootPackUrl)
+    def cache_and_parse(self, url) :
+        """A low level shortcut that Caches and Parses a PDSC file.
+        :param url: The URL of the PDSC file.
+        :type url: str
+        :return: A parsed representation of the PDSC file.
+        :rtype: BeautifulSoup
+        """
+        self.cache_file(Curl(), url)
+        return self.pdsc_from_cache(url)