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timer.c File Reference

timer.c File Reference

timer management implementation code of CooCox CoOS kernel. More...

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static void InsertTmrList (OS_TCID tmrID)
 Insert a timer into the timer list.
static void RemoveTmrList (OS_TCID tmrID)
 Remove a timer from the timer list.
OS_TCID CoCreateTmr (U8 tmrType, U32 tmrCnt, U32 tmrReload, vFUNCPtr func)
 Create a timer.
StatusType CoStartTmr (OS_TCID tmrID)
 Start counter.
StatusType CoStopTmr (OS_TCID tmrID)
 Stop countering for a spcify timer.
StatusType CoDelTmr (OS_TCID tmrID)
 Delete a timer.
U32 CoGetCurTmrCnt (OS_TCID tmrID, StatusType *perr)
 Get current counter of specify timer.
StatusType CoSetTmrCnt (OS_TCID tmrID, U32 tmrCnt, U32 tmrReload)
 Setting for a specify timer.
void TmrDispose (void)
 Timer counter dispose.
void isr_TmrDispose (void)
 Timer counter dispose in ISR.


TmrCtrl TmrTbl [CFG_MAX_TMR] = {{0}}
P_TmrCtrl TmrList = Co_NULL
U32 TmrIDVessel = 0

Detailed Description

timer management implementation code of CooCox CoOS kernel.



© COPYRIGHT 2009 CooCox

Definition in file timer.c.

Function Documentation

OS_TCID CoCreateTmr ( U8  tmrType,
U32  tmrCnt,
U32  tmrReload,
vFUNCPtr  func 

Create a timer.

[in]tmrTypeSpecify timer's type.
[in]tmrCntSpecify timer initial counter value.
[in]tmrReloadSpecify timer reload value.
[in]funcSpecify timer callback function entry.
Return values:
E_CREATE_FAILCreate timer fail.
othersCreate timer successful.

This function is called to create a timer.

Definition at line 168 of file timer.c.

StatusType CoDelTmr ( OS_TCID  tmrID )

Delete a timer.

[in]tmrIDSpecify a timer which deleted.
Return values:
E_INVALID_IDThe timer id passed was invalid,deleted failure.
E_OKDelete a timer successful.

This function is called to delete a timer which created before.

Definition at line 292 of file timer.c.

U32 CoGetCurTmrCnt ( OS_TCID  tmrID,
StatusType *  perr 

Get current counter of specify timer.

[in]tmrIDSpecify timer by ID.
[out]E_INVALID_IDInvalid ID was passed and get counter failure.
[out]E_OKGet current counter successful.
Return values:
Currentcounter of a timer which specify by id.

This function is called to obtain current counter of specify timer.

Definition at line 326 of file timer.c.

StatusType CoSetTmrCnt ( OS_TCID  tmrID,
U32  tmrCnt,
U32  tmrReload 

Setting for a specify timer.

[in]tmrIDSpecify timer by ID.
[in]tmrCntSpecify timer counter which need to be set.
[in]tmrReloadSpecify timer reload value which need to be set.
Return values:
E_INVALID_IDThe ID passed was invalid,set fail.
E_OKSet timer counter successful.

This function is called to set timer counter and reload value.

Definition at line 359 of file timer.c.

StatusType CoStartTmr ( OS_TCID  tmrID )

Start counter.

[in]tmrIDSpecify a timer which startted.
Return values:
E_INVALID_IDThe timer id passed was invalid,can't start timer
E_OKInsert a timer to timer list and start it successful.

This function is called to make a timer start countering.

Definition at line 216 of file timer.c.

StatusType CoStopTmr ( OS_TCID  tmrID )

Stop countering for a spcify timer.

[in]tmrIDSpecify a timer which stopped.
Return values:
E_INVALID_IDThe timer id passed was invalid, stop failure.
E_OKStop a timer countering successful.

This function is called to stop a timer from counting.

Definition at line 254 of file timer.c.

static void InsertTmrList ( OS_TCID  tmrID ) [static]

Insert a timer into the timer list.

[in]tmrIDSpecify timer ID which insertted.
Return values:
E_INVALID_IDTimer ID passed was invalid,insert fail.
E_OKInsert successful.

This function is called to insert a timer into the timer list.

Definition at line 41 of file timer.c.

void isr_TmrDispose ( void   )

Timer counter dispose in ISR.

Return values:

This function is called to dispose timer counter.

Definition at line 434 of file timer.c.

static void RemoveTmrList ( OS_TCID  tmrID ) [static]

Remove a timer from the timer list.

[in]tmrIDSpecify ID for a timer which removed form timer list.
Return values:

This function is called to remove a timer from the timer list.

Definition at line 115 of file timer.c.

void TmrDispose ( void   )

Timer counter dispose.

Return values:

This function is called to dispose timer counter.

Definition at line 394 of file timer.c.

Variable Documentation

U32 TmrIDVessel = 0

Timer ID container.

Definition at line 26 of file timer.c.

P_TmrCtrl TmrList = Co_NULL

The header of the TmrCtrl list.

Definition at line 25 of file timer.c.

TmrCtrl TmrTbl[CFG_MAX_TMR] = {{0}}

Table which save timer control block.

Definition at line 24 of file timer.c.