Detected people approaching if the distance is < 6 feet then LEDs blinking RED otherwise LEDs light green.
Dependencies: mbed X_NUCLEO_53L1A1_mbed WS2812
- Committer:
- elab
- Date:
- 2020-09-29
- Revision:
- 0:ea8694e55809
File content as of revision 0:ea8694e55809:
#include "LED_WS2812.h" LED_WS2812::LED_WS2812(PinName _PinOut, int _nbLeds) { nbLeds = _nbLeds; double period_ns; Timer tuneTimings; int sum = 0; int nopRun; for(int kavg = 0; kavg<20;kavg++) { tuneTimings.reset(); tuneTimings.start(); for(int nopCount=0; nopCount < 10000; nopCount ++) { __nop(); } tuneTimings.stop(); nopRun = tuneTimings.read_us(); sum=nopRun+sum; } period_ns = sum/200; /* *1000 for nanoseconds /20 average /10000 count */ int zero_high = ZERO_HIGH/period_ns; int zero_low = ZERO_LOW/period_ns; int one_high = ONE_HIGH/period_ns; int one_low = ONE_LOW/period_ns; ws = new WS2812(_PinOut, nbLeds, zero_high, zero_low, one_high, one_low); ws->useII(WS2812::PER_PIXEL); pxArray = new PixelArray(nbLeds); pxInsert = new PixelArray(nbLeds); ResetColor(); rotationState = false; rotationPosition = nbLeds-1; blinkState = false; blinkONOFF = false; intensity = 0xff; }; LED_WS2812::~LED_WS2812() { delete(ws); delete(pxArray); } void LED_WS2812::SetColor(LED_COLORS _color, int position) { SetColor((unsigned int) _color, position); }; void LED_WS2812::SetColor(unsigned int _color, int position) { if(position < nbLeds && position >=0 ) { pxArray->Set(position, _color); pxArray->SetI(position,intensity); } __writeBuf(0); nbInsert = 0; if(rotationState) StopRotation(); rotationPosition = nbLeds; }; void LED_WS2812::SetColor(LED_COLORS _color) { SetColor((unsigned int) _color); }; void LED_WS2812::SetColor(unsigned int _color) { for(int i=0;i<nbLeds;i++) { pxArray->Set(i, _color); pxArray->SetI(i,intensity); } __writeBuf(0); nbInsert = 0; if(rotationState) StopRotation(); rotationPosition = nbLeds; }; void LED_WS2812::ResetColor() { SetColor(BLACK); } void LED_WS2812::__writeBuf(int z) { ws->write_offsets(pxArray->getBuf(),z,z,z); wait(0.01); } void LED_WS2812::__insert2buf() { for(int i=0;i<nbLeds;i++) { pxArray->Set(i, pxInsert->Get(i%nbInsert)); } __writeBuf(0); rotationPosition = nbLeds; } void LED_WS2812::__insertColor(unsigned int _color, int _intensity) { pxInsert->Set(nbInsert%nbLeds,_color); pxInsert->SetI(nbInsert%nbLeds,_intensity); nbInsert++; }; void LED_WS2812::InsertColor(unsigned int _color) { InsertColor(_color,intensity*100/0xFF); }; void LED_WS2812::InsertColor(unsigned int _color, float brightness) { int pixelIntensity = brightness*0xFF/100; __insertColor(_color, pixelIntensity); __insert2buf(); }; void LED_WS2812::InsertColorNtimes(int N, unsigned int _color, float brightness) { for(int i=0;i<N;i++) { InsertColor(_color, brightness); } }; void LED_WS2812::InsertColorNtimes(int N, unsigned int _color) { InsertColorNtimes(N, _color, intensity*100/0xFF); }; void LED_WS2812::InsertColor(LED_COLORS _color) { InsertColor((unsigned int)_color); }; void LED_WS2812::InsertColor(LED_COLORS _color, float brightness) { InsertColor((unsigned int)_color, brightness); }; void LED_WS2812::InsertColorNtimes(int N, LED_COLORS _color, float brightness) { InsertColorNtimes(N, (unsigned int)_color, brightness); }; void LED_WS2812::InsertColorNtimes(int N, LED_COLORS _color) { InsertColorNtimes(N, _color, intensity*100/0xFF); }; void LED_WS2812::SetIntensity(float perCent) { intensity = perCent*0xFF/100; ws->setII(intensity); for(int i=0;i<nbLeds;i++) { pxArray->SetI(i,intensity); } } void LED_WS2812::StartRotation(float interval) { if(rotationState==false) { rotationState = true; LEDSystemTick.attach_us(callback(this, &LED_WS2812::Rotate), interval*1000000); } } void LED_WS2812::StopRotation() { if(rotationState==true) { rotationState = false; rotationPosition = 0; LEDSystemTick.detach(); } } void LED_WS2812::Rotate() { rotationPosition--; if (rotationPosition == -1) rotationPosition = nbLeds-1; if(!blinkState) __writeBuf(rotationPosition); } void LED_WS2812::StartBlink(float interval) { StopBlink(); if(blinkState==false) { blinkState = true; LEDBlinkSystemTick.attach_us(callback(this, &LED_WS2812::Blink), interval*1000000); } } void LED_WS2812::StopBlink() { if(blinkState==true) { blinkState = false; LEDBlinkSystemTick.detach(); } } void LED_WS2812::Blink() { blinkONOFF = !blinkONOFF; if (blinkONOFF) __writeBuf(rotationPosition); else { ws->useII(WS2812::GLOBAL); ws->setII(0); __writeBuf(rotationPosition); ws->useII(WS2812::PER_PIXEL); ws->setII(intensity); } }