Simple fish eat program

Dependencies:   mbed mbed-rtos N5110 ShiftReg Tone



File content as of revision 10:e221bd1ce3ec:

#include "Game.h"

ShiftReg _shift;
Graphics _graphics; 

//plays the game
void Game::gamePlay(N5110 &lcd, DIRECTION direction){ 
    lcd.drawRect(0,0,40,9, FILL_TRANSPARENT); //creates the growth bar
    lcd.drawRect(0,8,84,40,FILL_TRANSPARENT); //draws screen border
    lcd.drawRect(0,0,rect_width,9, FILL_BLACK); //fills the growth bar
    //check if enemy fish if fully off screen
    if(X == -24){
        X = 85; //reset enemy fish position to 85
        Y = rand() % 36 + 9; //randomly generate Y position for enemy fish
        E_FISH = rand() % 4 + 1; //randomly select a new enemy fish
//initiates game.            20,     20,        1          
void Game::init(N5110 &lcd, int x, int y, int Fish_size){
    _x = x;
    _y = y;
    X = 85;
    Y = 20;
    FISH_SIZE = Fish_size;
    E_FISH = 1;
    SCORE = 0;
    check_score = 0;
    rect_width = 0;
    barIncrement = 0;
    check_width = 0;
    lives = 3;
    _shift.write(0x4F); //initiate lives
    //draw fish 
//draws player fish
void Game::drawFish(N5110 &lcd){
    if (FISH_SIZE == 1){
        //draw first fish
        _graphics.Fish_1(lcd, _x, _y);
        FISH_HEIGHT = 4;
        FISH_WIDTH = 9; 
        CENTRE_X = _x + (FISH_WIDTH/2); 
        CENTRE_Y = _y + (FISH_HEIGHT/2);
    }else if(FISH_SIZE == 2){
        //draw second fish
        _graphics.Fish_2(lcd, _x, _y);
        FISH_HEIGHT = 6;
        FISH_WIDTH = 14;
        CENTRE_X = _x + (FISH_WIDTH/2); 
        CENTRE_Y = _y + (FISH_HEIGHT/2); 
    }else if(FISH_SIZE == 3){
        //draw third fish
        _graphics.Fish_3(lcd, _x, _y);
        FISH_HEIGHT = 8;
        FISH_WIDTH = 17; 
        CENTRE_X = _x + (FISH_WIDTH/2); 
        CENTRE_Y = _y + (FISH_HEIGHT/2);
    }else if(FISH_SIZE == 4){
        //draw final fish
        _graphics.Fish_4(lcd, _x, _y);
        FISH_HEIGHT = 12;
        FISH_WIDTH = 23;  
        CENTRE_X = _x + (FISH_WIDTH/2); 
        CENTRE_Y = _y + (FISH_HEIGHT/2);
//updates fish position
void Game::fishPos(DIRECTION direction){
    //takes the joystick input and alters the value and x & y accordingly
    if( == N){
    }else if( == S){
    }else if( == E){
    }else if( == W){
    }else if( == NE){
    }else if( == NW){
    }else if( == SE){
    }else if( == SW){
    }else if( == CENTRE){
        _x = _x;
        _y = _y;    
    //creates the upper x and y boundaries
    x_bound = _x + FISH_WIDTH;
    y_bound = _y + FISH_HEIGHT;
    //check play position agains the boundaries of the playing area
    if(_x <= 1){
        _x = 1;
    }else if (x_bound >= 82){
        _x = 82 - FISH_WIDTH;  
    }else if (_y <= 9){
        _y = 9;    
    }else if (y_bound >= 47){
        _y = 47 - FISH_HEIGHT;
//Keeps score
int Game::Score(N5110 &lcd){
    //print score to screen
    s_length = sprintf(_score,"%2d",SCORE);
    //score limits to grow fish
    if (SCORE < 100){
        FISH_SIZE = 1;                          //smallest fish
        barIncrement = 4; //increments the width of the growth bar by 4 pixels
    }else if(SCORE >= 100 && SCORE < 300){
        FISH_SIZE = 2;                          //fish 2
        barIncrement = 2;
    }else if (SCORE >= 300 && SCORE <= 700){
        FISH_SIZE = 3;                          //fish 3
        barIncrement = 1;
    }else if (SCORE >= 700){
        FISH_SIZE = 4;                          //largest fish
        barIncrement = 0;
    //increases the growth bar width each time a the score increases
    if(check_score != SCORE){
        if(FISH_SIZE == 1){
            rect_width = rect_width + 4;
        }else if(FISH_SIZE == 2){
            rect_width = rect_width + 2;
        }else if(FISH_SIZE == 3){
            rect_width = rect_width + 1;
        }else if(FISH_SIZE == 4){
            rect_width = 40;
        check_score = SCORE;
    //check for change in bar increment if true reset the width of the growth bar   
    if(check_width != barIncrement){
        if(FISH_SIZE == 4){ //if largest fish than growth bar is max
            rect_width = 40;
            rect_width = 0;
        check_width = barIncrement; //set new check width to new bar increment     
    return SCORE;
//keeps track of lives
int Game::Lives(){
    if (lives == 3){
        _shift.write(0x4F); //write 3
    }else if (lives == 2){
        _shift.write(0x5B); //write 2
    }else if (lives == 1){
        _shift.write(0x06); //write 1
    }else if (lives == 0){
        _shift.write(0x3F); //write 0
    return lives;

//checks for collision with other fish
int Game::Collision(){
    centre_xpos = E_CENTRE_X - CENTRE_X;
    centre_ypos = E_CENTRE_Y - CENTRE_Y;
    if((centre_xpos == 2 && centre_ypos <= 1) && (centre_xpos == 2 && centre_ypos >= -1)){
        if(FISH_SIZE < E_FISH){
            //remove one life
        }else if(FISH_SIZE >= E_FISH){           
            //increase score by 10
            SCORE = SCORE + 10;
            //remove eaten fish
            X = -23;  

        collision = 1;
        collision = 0;
    return collision;

//generates enemy fish
void Game::enemyFish(N5110 &lcd){
    if (E_FISH == 1){
        //draw first fish
        _graphics.E_Fish_1(lcd, X, Y);
        E_FISH_HEIGHT = 4;
        E_FISH_WIDTH = 9; 
        E_CENTRE_X = X + (E_FISH_WIDTH/2);
        E_CENTRE_Y = Y + (E_FISH_HEIGHT/2);
    }else if(E_FISH == 2){
        //draw second fish
        _graphics.E_Fish_2(lcd, X, Y);
        E_FISH_HEIGHT = 6;
        E_FISH_WIDTH = 14; 
        E_CENTRE_X = X + (E_FISH_WIDTH/2);
        E_CENTRE_Y = Y + (E_FISH_HEIGHT/2);
    }else if(E_FISH == 3){
        //draw third fish
        _graphics.E_Fish_3(lcd, X, Y);
        E_FISH_HEIGHT = 8;
        E_FISH_WIDTH = 17;
        E_CENTRE_X = X + (E_FISH_WIDTH/2);
        E_CENTRE_Y = Y + (E_FISH_HEIGHT/2); 
    }else if(E_FISH == 4){
        //draw final fish
        _graphics.E_Fish_4(lcd, X, Y);
        E_FISH_HEIGHT = 12;
        E_FISH_WIDTH = 23;  
        E_CENTRE_X = X + (E_FISH_WIDTH/2);
        E_CENTRE_Y = Y + (E_FISH_HEIGHT/2);