Modified N5110 library with the ability to the print strings at exact pxiel locations, not just at each bank

Fork of N5110 by Craig Evans

Credit to C.Evans for the original library (

--- a/N5110.cpp	Tue Mar 17 12:56:03 2015 +0000
+++ b/N5110.cpp	Wed Apr 22 12:41:45 2015 +0000
@@ -220,33 +220,46 @@
 // function to print 5x7 font
 void N5110::printChar(char c,int x,int y)
-    for (int i = 0; i < 5 ; i++ ) {
-        buffer[x+i][y] = font5x7[(c - 32)*5 + i];
-        // array is offset by 32 relative to ASCII, each character is 5 pixels wide
+    if (y>=0 && y<6) {  // check if printing in range of y banks
+        for (int i = 0; i < 5 ; i++ ) {
+            int pixel_x = x+i;
+            if (pixel_x > 83)  // ensure pixel isn't outside the buffer size (0 - 83)
+                break;
+            buffer[pixel_x][y] = font5x7[(c - 32)*5 + i];
+            // array is offset by 32 relative to ASCII, each character is 5 pixels wide
+        }
+        refresh();  // this sends the buffer to the display and sets address (cursor) back to 0,0
-    refresh();  // this sends the buffer to the display and sets address (cursor) back to 0,0
 // function to print string at specified position
 void N5110::printString(const char * str,int x,int y)
-    int n = 0 ; // counter for number of characters in string
-    // loop through string and print character
-    while(*str) {
+    if (y>=0 && y<6) {  // check if printing in range of y banks
+        int n = 0 ; // counter for number of characters in string
+        // loop through string and print character
+        while(*str) {
-        // writes the character bitmap data to the buffer, so that
-        // text and pixels can be displayed at the same time
-        for (int i = 0; i < 5 ; i++ ) {
-            buffer[x+i+n*6][y] = font5x7[(*str - 32)*5 + i];
+            // writes the character bitmap data to the buffer, so that
+            // text and pixels can be displayed at the same time
+            for (int i = 0; i < 5 ; i++ ) {
+                int pixel_x = x+i+n*6;
+                if (pixel_x > 83) // ensure pixel isn't outside the buffer size (0 - 83)
+                    break;
+                buffer[pixel_x][y] = font5x7[(*str - 32)*5 + i];
+            }
+            str++;  // go to next character in string
+            n++;    // increment index
-        str++;  // go to next character in string
-        n++;    // increment index
+        refresh();  // this sends the buffer to the display and sets address (cursor) back to 0,0
-    refresh();  // this sends the buffer to the display and sets address (cursor) back to 0,0
 // function to clear the screen