My take on the classic Pac man game. Using mbed LPC 1768 and Nokia 5110 LCD Analog joystick used to control direction

Dependencies:   N5110 PowerControl mbed


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
28:c0e3de1fd2a6 2015-05-11 el13ks Forked N5110 library; default tip
27:c1e337f1b99f 2015-05-11 el13ks ABSOLUTELY FINAL!!!!
26:4cfeb2c29326 2015-05-08 el13ks YAYYYYYYYYY
25:55331fbafc67 2015-05-05 el13ks Final Final version, ready to rock and roll !!!
24:410cba08be6b 2015-05-01 el13ks Pacman Final Version
23:e7f69bc42b29 2015-05-01 el13ks All functions working, High score system added
22:03acb7389497 2015-04-29 el13ks Ghost now working and chases pacman
21:f2bcb2c399ab 2015-04-29 el13ks Soundtrack and credit screen added
20:874b009fea11 2015-04-29 el13ks Soundtrack now working ;
19:e2659a0b91fa 2015-04-28 el13ks V4.0 Direction swap now implemented
18:d0900678656a 2015-04-28 el13ks Doxygen started
17:9a8a6516d63d 2015-04-28 el13ks Doxygen template included. Coins system redone ;
16:237375c3fc62 2015-04-28 el13ks Winning and losing condition applied ; Ghost drawn
15:6d258c667a00 2015-04-27 el13ks V3 Winning conditions added
14:883a86f009fd 2015-04-27 el13ks V3 Pause menu completed, goes into sleep mode and powers down LCD after 15 seconds of inactivity
13:098319060433 2015-04-27 el13ks V2.3 Pause menu completed and enters sleep mode after 15 seconds
12:3f4d9cb7dd8a 2015-04-27 el13ks V2.2 Pause menu completed ;
11:2fd81f59d7a7 2015-04-23 el13ks V2.1 All coins set, all coin eating functions working ; Map complete ;
10:cc0621fbe99b 2015-04-22 el13ks V1.5 Level 1 Map finished ; All obstacle clearances check
9:d36fed674428 2015-04-22 el13ks V1.42
8:c12828c83a44 2015-04-22 el13ks 11111
7:9ecf9df1e95e 2015-04-22 el13ks Pacman V1.41 ; Pacman shape drawn, mouth faces direction of travel ; Direction check corrected
6:af4d3c5a9d43 2015-04-21 el13ks Pacman V1.4 ; Pacman faces direction of travel
5:61c3bbef19f0 2015-04-21 el13ks Pacman V1.31 ; Movement Checks in all directions working
4:75c7277a1b88 2015-04-21 el13ks Pacman V1.3 ; Coin eating works ; Obstacle check left and right ;
3:83c1d9cd97f1 2015-04-21 el13ks Pacman V1.2 Obstacles Now Working ;
2:830feffe8462 2015-04-20 el13ks Coin eating works ;
1:98cc4f4a20dc 2015-04-20 el13ks Second testing
0:1c3f3fe862f2 2015-04-20 el13ks Initial Commit, Joystick working, boundaries set