rsp to mbed

Dependencies:   mbed neopixels_spi

Fork of RSP_receivefunction by Mfonobong Ekanem

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat May 02 15:50:20 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+Serial pi(USBTX, USBRX);// Initialse USB serial port
+void mbedReceive(void);
+void modeActivated(void);
+void security(void);
+void brightness(void);
+void colour(void);
+void festive(void);
+void sleep(void);
+void presetBrightness(void);
+void presetColour(void);
+void christmas(void);
+void hunika(void);
+void akwansa(void);
+void rainbow(void);
+void rgb(void);
+void christmas2(void);
+void hunika2(void);
+void akwansa2(void);
+void rainbow2(void);
+void rgb2(void);
+int room=0;
+int mode=0;
+int red=0;
+int green=0;
+int blue=0;
+int main() {
+    while(1) {
+        if(pi.readable()){
+         modeActivated();
+         //mbedReceive();   
+            }
+    }
+// function to receive stuff from pi 
+void mbedReceive(void){
+    int section = pi.getc();
+    if (section==1){
+        security(); //activate security mode
+        }
+    else if (section==2){
+        room = pi.getc();
+        mode = pi.getc();
+        red = pi.getc();
+        green = pi.getc();
+        blue = pi.getc();
+        }
+    else if (section==0){
+        //normal lights function a way of stopping different light modes
+        }
+    }
+void modeActivated(void){
+    mbedReceive(); 
+     if (mode==1){
+      brightness();
+        }
+     if (mode==2){
+      colour();
+        }
+     if (mode==3){
+      festive();
+        } 
+     if (mode==4){
+      sleep();
+        }
+     if (mode==5){
+     presetBrightness();
+        }
+     if (mode==6){
+      presetColour();
+        }
+    }
+ void security(void){
+     }
+void brightness(void){
+    if (room==1){
+      // setRGBStrip1(red, green, blue);
+        }
+     if (room==2){
+      // setRGBStrip2(red, green, blue);
+        }
+    }
+void colour(void){
+    if (room==1){
+     //  setRGBStrip1(red, green, blue);
+        }
+     if (room==2){
+     //  setRGBStrip2(red, green, blue);
+        }
+    }
+void festive(void){
+    if (room==1){
+        if(red==1){
+         christmas();   
+        }
+        if(red==2){
+         hunika();   
+        }
+        if(red==3){
+         akwansa();   
+        }
+        if(red==4){
+         rainbow();   
+        }
+        if(red==5){
+         rgb();   
+        }
+        }
+     else if (room==2){
+        if(red==1){
+         christmas2();   
+        }
+        if(red==2){
+         hunika2();   
+        }
+        if(red==3){
+         akwansa2();   
+        }
+        if(red==4){
+         rainbow2();   
+        }
+        if(red==5){
+         rgb2();   
+        }
+        }
+    }
+void sleep(void){
+    if (room==1){
+     //  setRGBStrip1(red, green, blue); sleep pattern for strip1
+        }
+     if (room==2){
+     //  setRGBStrip2(red, green, blue);sleep pattern for strip1
+        }
+    }
+void presetBrightness(void){
+    }
+void presetColour(void){
+    }
+void christmas(void){
+    }
+void hunika(void){
+    }
+void akwansa(void){
+    }
+void rainbow(void){
+    }
+void rgb(void){
+    }
+void christmas2(void){
+    }
+void hunika2(void){
+    }
+void akwansa2(void){
+    }
+void rainbow2(void){
+    }
+void rgb2(void){
+    }
\ No newline at end of file