Data Logger Mangue Baja

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jul 05 00:02:13 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+    Data Logger implementation in K64F.
+    Inputs:
+        x6 Analog Inputs;
+        x2 Digital (Frequency) Inputs;
+        x1 Internal Accelerometer (FXOS8700);
+        x1 External Accelerometer and Gyroscope (LSM6DS3);
+    In this set, it is designed for a 200Hz sample rate.
+    All the data are saved periodically (every 0.25s) to a folder in the SD card.
+    To read the data, use the file "read_struct.c" in the folder results.
+    Implemented by Diego "sid" Hamilton, Electronics Coordinator at Mangue Baja Team, UFPE.
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "LSM6DS3.h"
+#include "FXOS8700CQ.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#define SERIAL_BAUD 1000000                     // Board baud rate
+#define BUFFER_SIZE 200                         // Acquisition buffer
+#define SAVE_WHEN 50                            // Number of packets to save (fail safe)
+#define SAMPLE_FREQ 200                         // Frequency in Hz
+/* Debug */
+PwmOut signal_wave(D3);                         // Debug wave to test frequency channels
+/* I/O */
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, SERIAL_BAUD);           // Debug purposes
+SDFileSystem sd(PTE3, PTE1, PTE2, PTE4, "sd");  // MOSI, MISO, SCK, CS
+//DigitalOut warning(D3);                         // When device is ready, led is permanently OFF
+//DigitalOut logging(D4);                         // When data is beign acquired, led is ON
+InterruptIn start(D2, PullUp);                  // Press button to start/stop acquisition
+InterruptIn freq_chan1(D0, PullUp);             // Frequency channel 1
+InterruptIn freq_chan2(D1, PullUp);             // Frequency channel 2
+AnalogIn pot0(A0),
+         pot1(A1),
+         pot2(A2),
+         pot3(A3),
+         pot4(A4),
+         pot5(A5);
+LSM6DS3 LSM6DS3(PTE25,PTE24);                   // External accelerometer and gyroscope
+FXOS8700CQ fxos(PTE25,PTE24);                   // Internal accelerometer (and magnetometer, not used)
+//Ajuste para usar o led da placa
+DigitalOut logging(LED1);
+DigitalOut warning(LED2);
+//DigitalOut led3(LED3);
+/* Data structure */
+typedef struct
+    int16_t acclsmx;
+    int16_t acclsmy;
+    int16_t acclsmz;
+    int16_t anglsmx;
+    int16_t anglsmy;
+    int16_t anglsmz;
+    int16_t accfxox;
+    int16_t accfxoy;
+    int16_t accfxoz;
+    uint16_t analog0;
+    uint16_t analog1;
+    uint16_t analog2;
+    uint16_t analog3;
+    uint16_t analog4;
+    uint16_t analog5;
+    uint16_t pulses_chan1;
+    uint16_t pulses_chan2;
+    uint32_t time_stamp;
+} packet_t;
+Timer t;                                        // Device timer
+Ticker acq;                                     // Acquisition timer interrupt source
+CircularBuffer<packet_t, BUFFER_SIZE> buffer;   // Acquisition buffer
+int buffer_counter = 0;                         // Packet currently in buffer
+bool running = false;                           // Device status
+//bool running = true;                            // Einstein's Adaptation
+uint16_t pulse_counter1 = 0,
+         pulse_counter2 = 0;                    // Frequency counter variables
+uint16_t acc_addr = 0;                          /* LSM6DS3 address, if not connected
+                                                   address is 0 and data is not stored */
+void sampleISR();                               // Data acquisition ISR
+uint32_t count_files_in_sd(const char *fsrc);   // Compute number of files in SD
+void freq_channel1_ISR();                       // Frequency counter ISR, channel 1
+void freq_channel2_ISR();                       // Frequency counter ISR, channel 2
+void toggle_logging();                          // Start button ISR
+int main()
+    uint32_t t1,t2;
+    logging = 0;                                // logging led OFF
+    int num_parts = 0,                          // Number of parts already saved
+        num_files = 0,                          // Number of files in SD
+        svd_pck = 0;                            // Number of saved packets (in current part)
+    char name_dir[12];                          // Name of current folder (new RUN)
+    char name_file[20];                         // Name of current file (partX)
+    FILE* fp;                                 
+    packet_t temp;
+    packet_t trash;
+    signal_wave.period_ms(50);
+    signal_wave.write(0.5f);
+    /* Initialize accelerometers */
+    acc_addr = LSM6DS3.begin(LSM6DS3.G_SCALE_245DPS, LSM6DS3.A_SCALE_2G, \
+                           LSM6DS3.G_ODR_208, LSM6DS3.A_ODR_208);
+    fxos.init();
+    /* Wait for SD ready */
+    while(sd.disk_status())
+    {
+        sd.disk_initialize();
+        warning = 0;
+        wait(1.0);
+        warning = 1;
+        wait(1.0);
+    }
+    num_files = count_files_in_sd("/sd");
+    sprintf(name_dir, "%s%d", "/sd/RUN", num_files + 1);
+    start.fall(&toggle_logging);                 // Attach start button ISR
+    while(!running)                             // Wait button press
+        warning = 1;                            // For some reason if this line is empty the code doesn't run
+    /* Create RUN directory */
+    mkdir(name_dir, 0777);
+    warning = 0;
+    sprintf(name_file, "%s%s%d", name_dir, "/part", num_parts++);
+    fp = fopen(name_file, "w");                 // Creates first data file
+    t.start();                                  // Start device timer
+    freq_chan1.fall(&freq_channel1_ISR);
+    freq_chan2.fall(&freq_channel2_ISR);
+    acq.attach(&sampleISR, 1.0/SAMPLE_FREQ);    // Start data acquisition
+    logging = 1;          
+                        // logging led ON
+    while(running)
+    {
+        if(buffer.full())
+        {
+            warning = 1;                        // Turn warning led ON if buffer gets full (abnormal situation)
+            //pc.putc('X');                       // Debug message
+            //buffer.pop(trash);
+        }
+        else if(!buffer.empty())
+        {
+            //pc.putc('G');                       // Debug message
+            /* Remove packet from buffer and writes it to file */
+            buffer.pop(temp);                   
+            buffer_counter--;
+            //t1 = t.read_ms();
+            fwrite((void *)&temp, sizeof(packet_t), 1, fp);
+            //t2 = t.read_ms()-t1;
+            //pc.printf("%d\r\n",t2);
+            svd_pck++;
+            /* Create new data file */
+            if(svd_pck == SAVE_WHEN)
+            {   
+                fclose(fp);
+                sprintf(name_file, "%s%s%d", name_dir, "/part", num_parts++);
+                fp = fopen(name_file, "w");
+                //pc.printf("%d\n", buffer_counter);  // Debug message
+                svd_pck = 0;
+            }   
+        }
+        /* Software debounce for start button */
+        if((t.read_ms() > 10) && (t.read_ms() < 20))
+            start.fall(toggle_logging);
+    }
+    /* Reset device if start button is pressed while logging */
+    logging = 0;
+    NVIC_SystemReset();
+    return 0;
+void sampleISR()
+    static uint16_t last_acq = t.read_ms();     // Time of last acquisition
+    packet_t acq_pck;                           // Current data packet
+    Data fxos_acc;
+    fxos_acc = fxos.get_values();               // Read FXOS8700 data
+    /* Store LSM6DS3 data if it's connected */
+    if (acc_addr != 0)
+    {
+        LSM6DS3.readAccel();                    // Read Accelerometer data
+        LSM6DS3.readGyro();                     // Read Gyroscope data
+        acq_pck.acclsmx = LSM6DS3.ax_raw;
+        acq_pck.acclsmy = LSM6DS3.ay_raw;   
+        acq_pck.acclsmz = LSM6DS3.az_raw;
+        acq_pck.anglsmx = LSM6DS3.gx_raw;
+        acq_pck.anglsmy = LSM6DS3.gy_raw;
+        acq_pck.anglsmz = LSM6DS3.gz_raw;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        acq_pck.acclsmx = 0;
+        acq_pck.acclsmy = 0;   
+        acq_pck.acclsmz = 0;
+        acq_pck.anglsmx = 0;
+        acq_pck.anglsmy = 0;
+        acq_pck.anglsmz = 0;
+    }
+    acq_pck.accfxox =;
+    acq_pck.accfxoy = fxos_acc.ay;
+    acq_pck.accfxoz =;
+    acq_pck.analog0 = pot0.read_u16();          // Read analog sensor 0            
+    acq_pck.analog1 = pot1.read_u16();          // Read analog sensor 1
+    acq_pck.analog2 = pot2.read_u16();          // Read analog sensor 2
+    acq_pck.analog3 = pot3.read_u16();          // Read analog sensor 3
+    acq_pck.analog4 = pot4.read_u16();          // Read analog sensor 4
+    acq_pck.analog5 = pot5.read_u16();          // Read analog sensor 5
+    acq_pck.pulses_chan1 = pulse_counter1;      // Store frequence channel 1
+    acq_pck.pulses_chan2 = pulse_counter2;      // Store frequence channel 2
+    acq_pck.time_stamp = t.read_ms();           // Timestamp of data acquistion
+    pulse_counter1= 0;
+    pulse_counter2= 0;
+    buffer.push(acq_pck);
+    buffer_counter++;
+uint32_t count_files_in_sd(const char *fsrc)
+    DIR *d = opendir(fsrc);
+    struct dirent *p;
+    uint32_t counter = 0;
+    while ((p = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
+        if(strcmp(p->d_name, ".Trash-1000"))
+            counter++;
+    }
+    closedir(d);
+    return counter;
+void freq_channel1_ISR()
+    pulse_counter1++;
+void freq_channel2_ISR()
+    pulse_counter2++;
+void toggle_logging()
+    running = !running;
+    start.fall(NULL);