Pong game for ELEC1620 board.

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00002 ///////////// includes /////////////////////
00003 #include "mbed.h"
00004 #include "platform/mbed_thread.h"
00005 #include "Joystick.h"
00006 #include "N5110.h"
00007 #include "ShiftReg.h"  
00008 #include "PongEngine.h"
00009 #include "Utils.h"
00010 ///////////// defines /////////////////////
00011 #define PADDLE_WIDTH 2
00012 #define PADDLE_HEIGHT 8
00013 #define BALL_SIZE 2
00014 #define BALL_SPEED 3
00015 ///////////// objects ///////////////////
00016 N5110 lcd(p14,p8,p9,p10,p11,p13,p21);
00017 Joystick joystick(p20,p19);
00018 DigitalIn buttonA(p29);
00019 BusOut leds(LED4,LED3,LED2,LED1);
00020 ShiftReg seven_seg;
00021 PongEngine pong;
00022 AnalogIn pot(p17); 
00023 ///////////// prototypes ///////////////
00024 void init();
00025 void render();
00026 void welcome();
00027 void display_lives(int lives);
00028 void game_over();
00029 ////////////////////////////////////////
00031 int main() {
00032     init();      // initialise devices and objects
00033     welcome();   // waiting for the user to start 
00034     render();    // first draw the initial frame 
00035     int fps = 10;
00036     thread_sleep_for(1000/fps);  // and wait for one frame period - millseconds
00038     int lives = 4;   // display lives on LEDs
00039     display_lives(lives);
00041     while (lives > 0) {  // keep looping while lives remain
00042         // read the joystick input and store in a struct
00043         UserInput input = {joystick.get_direction(),joystick.get_mag()};
00044         lives = pong.update(input);   // update the game engine based on input
00045         display_lives(lives);         // display lives on LEDs    
00046         render();                     // draw frame on screen
00047         thread_sleep_for(1000/fps);         // and wait for one frame period - ms
00048     }   
00049     game_over();
00050 }
00052 void init() {
00053     seven_seg.write(0x00);  // turn of 7-seg display
00054     lcd.init();
00055     lcd.setContrast(0.5);
00056     joystick.init();
00057     pong.init(0,8,2,2,2);     // paddle x position, paddle_height,paddle_width,ball_size,speed
00058 }
00060 void render() {  // clear screen, re-draw and refresh
00061     lcd.clear();  
00062     pong.draw(lcd);
00063     lcd.refresh();
00064 }
00066 void welcome() { // splash screen
00067     lcd.printString("     Pong!    ",0,1);  
00068     lcd.printString("    Press A   ",0,4);
00069     lcd.refresh();
00071     // wait flashing LEDs until button A is pressed 
00072     while (buttonA.read() == 0) {
00073         leds = 0b1111;
00074         thread_sleep_for(100);
00075         leds = 0b0000;
00076         thread_sleep_for(100);   
00077     }
00078 }
00080 void display_lives(int lives) {
00081     if (lives == 4) {
00082         leds = 0b1111;
00083         seven_seg.write(0x66);
00084     } else if (lives == 3) {
00085         leds = 0b1110;
00086         seven_seg.write(0x4F);
00087     } else if (lives == 2) {
00088         leds = 0b1100;
00089         seven_seg.write(0x5B);
00090     } else if (lives == 1) {
00091         leds = 0b1000;
00092         seven_seg.write(0x06);
00093     } else {
00094         leds = 0b0000;
00095         seven_seg.write(0x3F);
00096     }
00097 }
00099 void game_over() { // splash screen 
00100     while (1) {
00101         lcd.clear();
00102         lcd.printString("  Game Over ",0,2);  
00103         lcd.printString("    Loser!  ",0,4);
00104         lcd.refresh();
00105         leds = 0b1111;
00106         thread_sleep_for(250);
00107         lcd.clear();
00108         lcd.refresh();
00109         leds = 0b0000;
00110         thread_sleep_for(250);   
00111     }
00112 }