This example presents field data from sensor BME280 connecting to cloud, mbed Device Connector.

Please read details at the link.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Wed Apr 26 03:13:23 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+import mbed_connector_api                 # mbed Device Connector library
+import pybars                             # use to fill in handlebar templates
+from   flask             import Flask    # framework for hosting webpages
+from   flask_socketio     import SocketIO, emit,send,join_room, leave_room
+from   base64             import standard_b64decode as b64decode
+import os
+app = Flask(__name__)
+socketio = SocketIO(app,async_mode='threading')
+if 'ACCESS_KEY' in os.environ.keys():
+    token = os.environ['ACCESS_KEY'] # get access key from environment variable
+    token = "ChangeMe" # replace with your API token
+connector = mbed_connector_api.connector(token)
+def index():
+    # get list of endpoints, for each endpoint get the pattern (/3201/0/5853) value
+    epList = connector.getEndpoints().result
+    for index in range(len(epList)):
+        print "ren01 Endpoint Found: ",epList[index]['name']
+        print "ren01 epList[index]", epList[index]
+        print "end ren01", index
+        e_h = connector.getResourceValue(epList[index]['name'],"/3304/0/5700")
+        e_t = connector.getResourceValue(epList[index]['name'],"/3303/0/5700")
+        e_p = connector.getResourceValue(epList[index]['name'],"/3323/0/5700")
+        while not e_p.isDone() or not e_t.isDone or not e_h.isDone :
+            None
+        epList[index]['humidity_value'] = e_h.result
+        epList[index]['tempereture_value'] = e_t.result
+        epList[index]['pressure_value'] = e_p.result
+    print "Endpoint List :",epList
+    # fill out html using handlebar template
+    handlebarJSON = {'endpoints':epList}
+    comp = pybars.Compiler()
+    tmp_src = open("./views/index.hbs",'r').read()
+    source = unicode(tmp_src, "utf-8")
+    template = comp.compile(source)
+    return "".join(template(handlebarJSON))
+def connect():
+    print('connect ')
+    join_room('room')
+def disconnect():
+    print('Disconnect')
+    leave_room('room')
+def subscribeToPresses(data):
+    print('222 subscribe_to_presses: ',data)
+    # Subscribe to all changes of resource /3303/0/5700 (button presses)
+    e_h = connector.putResourceSubscription(data['endpointName'],'/3304/0/5700')
+    e_t = connector.putResourceSubscription(data['endpointName'],'/3303/0/5700')
+    e_p = connector.putResourceSubscription(data['endpointName'],'/3323/0/5700')
+    while not e_h.isDone() or not e_t.isDone() or not e_p.isDone():
+        None
+    if e_h.error:
+        print("Error e_h 21: ",e_h.error.errType, e_h.error.error, e.raw_data)
+    elif e_t.error:
+        print("Error e_t 21: ",e_t.error.errType, e_t.error.error, e_t.raw_data)
+    elif e_p.error:
+        print("Error e_p 21: ",e_p.error.errType, e_p.error.error, e_p.raw_data)
+    else:
+        print("Subscribed Successfully!")
+        emit('subscribed-to-presses')
+def unsubscribeToPresses(data):
+    print('unsubscribe_to_presses: ',data)
+    e_h = connector.deleteResourceSubscription(data['endpointName'],'/3304/0/5700')
+    e_t = connector.deleteResourceSubscription(data['endpointName'],'/3303/0/5700')
+    e_p = connector.deleteResourceSubscription(data['endpointName'],'/3323/0/5700')
+    while not e_h.isDone() or not e_t.isDone() or not e_p.isDone():
+        None
+    if e_h.error:
+        print("Error e_h 22: ",e_h.error.errType, e_h.error.error, e.raw_data)
+    elif e_t.error:
+        print("Error e_t 22: ",e_t.error.errType, e_t.error.error, e_t.raw_data)
+    elif e_p.error:
+        print("Error e_p 22: ",e_p.error.errType, e_p.error.error, e_p.raw_data)
+    else:
+        print("Unsubscribed Successfully!")
+    emit('unsubscribed-to-presses',{"endpointName":data['endpointName'],"value":'True'})
+def getPresses(data):
+    # Read data from GET resource /3200/0/5501 (num button presses)
+   # print("ren02>,  get_presses ",data)
+    e_h = connector.getResourceValue(data['endpointName'],"/3304/0/5700")
+    e_t = connector.getResourceValue(data['endpointName'],"/3303/0/5700")
+    e_p = connector.getResourceValue(data['endpointName'],"/3323/0/5700")
+    while not e_p.isDone() or not e_t.isDone or not e_h.isDone :
+        None
+    if e_h.error :
+        print("Error e_h: ",e_h.error.errType, e_h.error.error, e_h.raw_data)
+    elif e_t.error :
+        print("Error e_t: ",e_t.error.errType, e_t.error.error, e_t.raw_data)
+    elif e_p.error :
+        print("Error e_p: ",e_p.error.errType, e_p.error.error, e_p.raw_data)
+    else:
+        dataT_to_emit = {"endpointName":'multiple_data', "value":"e_t="+e_t.result+";e_h="+e_h.result+";e_p="+e_p.result}
+        emit('SetTemp', dataT_to_emit)
+# 'notifications' are routed here, handle subscriptions and update webpage
+def notificationHandler(data):
+    global socketio
+    print "\r\nNotification Data Received : %s" %data['notifications']
+    notifications = data['notifications']
+    tmp=""
+    for thing in notifications:
+        if  thing["path"]=="/3304/0/5700":  tmp +="e_h="+b64decode(thing["payload"])+";"
+        elif thing["path"]=="/3303/0/5700":  tmp +="e_t="+b64decode(thing["payload"])+";"
+        elif thing["path"]=="/3323/0/5700":  tmp +="e_p="+b64decode(thing["payload"])+";"
+    stuff = {"endpointName":thing["ep"],"value":tmp+"end"}
+    print ("990 Emitting :",stuff)
+    socketio.emit('SetTemp',stuff)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    connector.deleteAllSubscriptions()                            # remove all subscriptions, start fresh
+    connector.startLongPolling()                                # start long polling
+    connector.setHandler('notifications', notificationHandler)     # send 'notifications' to the notificationHandler FN
+,host='', port=8080)