This is an example of BLE GATT Client, which receives broadcast data from BLE_Server_BME280 ( a GATT server) , then transfers values up to mbed Device Connector (cloud).

Please refer details about BLEClient_mbedDevConn below.

The location of required BLE GATT server, BLE_Server_BME280, is at here.

Ren Boting
Tue Sep 05 11:56:13 2017 +0900
Update all libraries and reform main.cpp

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 1
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 2 try {
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 3 // Reserve an executor from node with label arm-none-eabi-gcc
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 4 node ("arm-none-eabi-gcc") {
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 5 // Ensure a clean build by deleting any previous Jenkins workarea
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 6 deleteDir()
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 7 // Add timestamps to Jenkins console log
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 8 timestamps {
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 9 env.MBEDOS_ROOT = pwd()
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 10 // Define a Jenkins stage for logging purposes
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 11 stage ("prepare environment") {
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 12 // Create a directory and execute steps there
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 13 dir ("mbed-client-pal") {
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 14 // clone the sw under test, either branch or PR depending on trigger
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 15 checkout scm
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 16 }
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 17
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 18 dir ("mbed-os") {
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 19 git ""
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 20 execute ("git checkout tags/mbed-os-5.2")
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 21 }
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 22
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 23
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 24 // Add mbed components
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 25 execute ("mbed new .")
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 26
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 27 // Execute shell command, edit file with sed
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 28
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 29
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 30 writeFile file: 'mbed-os/features/frameworks/.mbedignore', text: '*'
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 31
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 32 }
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 33
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 34 stage ("build") {
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 35 dir ("mbed-client-pal/Test") {
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 36 execute ("make mbedOS_all")
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 37 }
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 38 }
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 39 }
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 40 }
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 41 } catch (error) {
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 42 currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 43
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 44
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 45 }