This is an example of BLE GATT Client, which receives broadcast data from BLE_Server_BME280 ( a GATT server) , then transfers values up to mbed Device Connector (cloud).

Please refer details about BLEClient_mbedDevConn below.

The location of required BLE GATT server, BLE_Server_BME280, is at here.

Ren Boting
Tue Sep 05 11:56:13 2017 +0900
Update all libraries and reform main.cpp

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 1 *.o
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 2 *.so
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 3 *.a
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 4 *.user
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 5 *.aps
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 6 *.pch
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 7 *.vspscc
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 8 *_i.c
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 9 *_p.c
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 10 *.ncb
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 11 *.suo
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 12 *.bak
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 13 *.cache
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 14 *.ilk
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 15 *.log
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 16 *.obj
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 17 *.DxLog
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 18 *.sbr
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 19 *.exe
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 20 *.tlog
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 21 Thumbs.db
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 22 *.idb
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 23 *.pdb
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 24 *.bsc
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 25 *.pdb
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 26 *.sdf
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 27 *.opensdf
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 28 *.pyc
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 29 *.d
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 30 *.elf
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 31 *.bin
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 32 *.lst
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 33 *.*~
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 34 *.map
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 35 *.hex
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 36 .cproject
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 37 .project
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 38 *.vc.*
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 39 Build/
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 40 out/
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 41 mbed-os/
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 42 CMakeFiles/
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 43 CMakeCache.txt
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 44 files.cmake
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 45 Makefile
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 46 cmake_install.cmake
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 47 Test/RTOS_tests/*
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 48 Workspace/VS2013/PAL/PAL.vcxproj.filters
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 49 Workspace/VS2013/PAL/PAL.vcxproj
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 50 Workspace/VS2013/PAL/PAL.sln
edamame22 0:29983394c6b6 51 .vscode/*