
Dependencies:   PID SDFileSystem Stepper_Motor_X27168 mbed-rtos mbed millis

diff -r 000000000000 -r 3a7cef09ad54 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Apr 29 14:57:55 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "StepperMotor_X27168.h"
+#include <mbed.h>
+#include <mpr121.h>
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "PID.h"
+#include "millis/millis.h"
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd");
+float xNowPrint;
+float yNowPrint;
+float zNowPrint;
+#define  DEFAULT_Kp 5//mess with these to increase speed, was 1, .002, 20
+#define  DEFAULT_Ki 0.01
+#define  DEFAULT_Kd 20
+#define THERMISTORNOMINAL 100000      // 100k 
+// temp. for nominal resistance (almost always 25 C)
+// The beta coefficient of the thermistor (usually 3000-4000)
+#define BCOEFFICIENT 3950
+// the value of the 'other' resistor
+#define SERIESRESISTOR 4700
+#define AUTOMATIC 1
+#define MANUAL    0
+#define DIRECT  0
+#define REVERSE  1
+#define thermistor A3                       // FRDM-K64F Analog input pin A3   - Adjust to your particular board
+#define driver PTC3                         // FRDM-K64F PWM output pin PTC3   - Adjust to your particular board
+AnalogIn Thermistor(p20);//thermistor);            // Read temperature value from thermistor on A3
+PwmOut Driver(p25);                      // PWM drive FET heater on PTC3  values are 0-1.0
+// For 0-100%
+float Input, Output, Setpoint, currTemp =0;
+PID controller(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint, DEFAULT_Kp , DEFAULT_Ki , DEFAULT_Kd , DIRECT);
+#define RATE 1.0                            // Print rate  Once per second
+float scaleX = .05;
+float scaleY = .1;
+float scaleZ = .1;
+StepperMotor_X27168 smotor1(p23, p24, p22, p21);
+StepperMotor_X27168 smotor2(p9, p10, p29, p30);
+StepperMotor_X27168 smotor3(p14, p15, p13, p12);
+StepperMotor_X27168 smotor4(p17, p16, p18, p19);
+// Setup the i2c bus on pins 9 and 10
+I2C i2c(p28, p27);
+// Setup the Mpr121:
+// constructor(i2c object, i2c address of the mpr121)
+Mpr121 mpr121(&i2c, Mpr121::ADD_VSS);
+moveMotor motorMove = NONE;
+//all motors initially stopped
+int motor1Go = 2;
+int motor2Go = 2;
+int motor3Go = 2;
+int motor4Go = 2;
+char *strdup (const char *s)
+    char *d = (char*)malloc (strlen (s) + 1);   // Space for length plus nul
+    if (d == NULL) return NULL;          // No memory
+    strcpy (d,s);                        // Copy the characters
+    return d;                            // Return the new string
+//split a string on a delimiter
+char** str_split(char* a_str, const char a_delim)
+    char** result    = 0;
+    size_t count     = 0;
+    char* tmp        = a_str;
+    char* last_comma = 0;
+    char delim[2];
+    delim[0] = a_delim;
+    delim[1] = 0;
+    /* Count how many elements will be extracted. */
+    while (*tmp) {
+        if (a_delim == *tmp) {
+            count++;
+            last_comma = tmp;
+        }
+        tmp++;
+    }
+    /* Add space for trailing token. */
+    count += last_comma < (a_str + strlen(a_str) - 1);
+    /* Add space for terminating null string so caller
+       knows where the list of returned strings ends. */
+    count++;
+    result = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * count);
+    if (result) {
+        size_t idx  = 0;
+        char* token = strtok(a_str, delim);
+        while (token) {
+            assert(idx < count);
+            *(result + idx++) = strdup(token);
+            token = strtok(0, delim);
+        }
+        assert(idx == count - 1);
+        *(result + idx) = 0;
+    }
+    return result;
+void motorXYprint()
+    //smotor1.set_speed(xNowPrint/yNowPrint*200);
+    int spinvar = 0;
+    float xSpot = 0;
+    float ySpot = 0;
+    xNowPrint = floor(xNowPrint);
+    yNowPrint = floor(yNowPrint);
+    float product = abs(xNowPrint*yNowPrint);
+    if ((xNowPrint > 0) and (xNowPrint > 0)) {
+        while(spinvar <= product) {
+            spinvar ++;
+            if (xSpot < spinvar) {
+                smotor1.step(0);
+                xSpot = xSpot + product/yNowPrint;
+            }
+            if (ySpot < spinvar) {
+                smotor2.step(0);
+                ySpot = ySpot + product/xNowPrint;
+            }
+        }
+    } else if ((xNowPrint > 0)and(xNowPrint < 0)) {
+        while(spinvar <= product) {
+            spinvar ++;
+            if (xSpot < spinvar) {
+                smotor1.step(0);
+                xSpot = xSpot + abs(product/yNowPrint);
+            }
+            if (ySpot < spinvar) {
+                smotor2.step(1);
+                ySpot = ySpot + abs(product/xNowPrint);
+            }
+            //Thread::wait(50.0);
+        }
+    } else if ((xNowPrint < 0)and(xNowPrint > 0)) {
+        while(spinvar <= product) {
+            spinvar ++;
+            if (xSpot < spinvar) {
+                smotor1.step(1);
+                xSpot = xSpot + abs(product/yNowPrint);
+            }
+            if (ySpot < spinvar) {
+                smotor2.step(0);
+                ySpot = ySpot + abs(product/xNowPrint);
+            }
+            //Thread::wait(50.0);
+        }
+    } else if ((xNowPrint < 0)and(xNowPrint < 0)) {
+        while(spinvar <= product) {
+            spinvar ++;
+            if (xSpot < spinvar) {
+                smotor1.step(1);
+                xSpot = xSpot - (product/yNowPrint);
+            }
+            if (ySpot < spinvar) {
+                smotor2.step(1);
+                ySpot = ySpot - (product/xNowPrint);
+            }
+            //Thread::wait(50.0);
+        }
+    }
+    smotor1.step(2);
+    smotor2.step(2);
+void motorZprint()
+    //smotor2.set_speed(yNowPrint/xNowPrint*200);
+    int spinvar2 = 0;
+    if (zNowPrint > 0) {
+        while(spinvar2 <= zNowPrint) {
+            spinvar2 ++;
+            //smotor3.step(0);
+            Thread::wait(50.0);
+        }
+    } else if (zNowPrint < 0) {
+        while(spinvar2 >= zNowPrint) {
+            spinvar2 --;
+            //smotor3.step(1);
+            Thread::wait(50.0);
+        }
+    }
+    smotor3.step(2);
+void print()    //read from gcode file
+    FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/text/gCode.txt", "r");
+    pc.printf("Hello World!\n");
+    //FILE *stream;
+    char line[200];
+    char g[2]="G";
+    char m[2]="M";
+    char x[2]="X";
+    char y[2]="Y";
+    char z[2]="Z";
+    char e[2]="E";
+    char f[2]="F";
+    char** tokens;
+    char** astrktokens;
+    float extruderX = 0;
+    float extruderY = 0;
+    float extruderZ = 0;
+    float extruderE = 0;
+    float extruderF = 0;
+    pc.printf("here\n");
+    //end the 4 motor threads
+    motor1Go=3;
+    motor2Go=3;
+    motor3Go=3;
+    motor4Go=3;
+    while (fgets(line, 200, fp)) { //get a line
+        wait(.5);
+        char firstLet[sizeof(line)];
+        strncpy(firstLet, line,1);
+        firstLet[1] = 0;
+        if (strcmp(firstLet,g) * strcmp(firstLet,m) == 0) {
+            astrktokens = str_split(line, ';');
+            char* tempdata = *(astrktokens);
+            //pc.printf("Temp data: %s", tempdata);
+            char fullData[100];
+            //char singleVariable[100];
+            strcpy(fullData, tempdata);
+            tokens = str_split(tempdata, ' ');
+            if (tokens) {
+                int i = 0;
+                //ssize_t
+                char* data = *(tokens + i);
+                pc.printf("Data: %s ", data);
+                wait(.5);
+                if (strcmp(data,"G0") * strcmp(data,"G1") == 0) {
+                    //Move: X,Y,Z-postions to move to, E-extrude amount, F-feedrate
+                    pc.printf("Move to: ");
+                    i = 1;
+                    float newX = 0;
+                    float newY = 0;
+                    float newZ = 0;
+                    float newE = 0;
+                    float newF = 0;
+                    while(strcmp(*(tokens + i),"\0") != 0) {
+                        data = *(tokens + i);
+                        //strcpy(singleVariable, data);
+                        //pc.printf("Deep Data: %s ", data);
+                        char firstLet[sizeof(data)];
+                        strncpy(firstLet, data,1);
+                        firstLet[1] = 0;
+                        if (strcmp(firstLet,x) == 0) {
+                            memmove(data, data+1, strlen(data));
+                            newX = strtof(data, NULL);
+                            pc.printf("X: %f", newX);
+                            if (extruderX == 0) {
+                                extruderX = newX;
+                            }
+                        } else if (strcmp(firstLet,y) == 0) {
+                            memmove(data, data+1, strlen(data));
+                            newY = strtof(data, NULL);
+                            pc.printf("Y: %f", newY);
+                            if (extruderY == 0) {
+                                extruderY = newY;
+                            }
+                        } else if (strcmp(firstLet,z) == 0) {
+                            memmove(data, data+1, strlen(data));
+                            newZ = strtof(data, NULL);
+                            pc.printf("Z: %f", newZ);
+                            if (extruderZ == 0) {
+                                extruderZ = newZ;
+                            }
+                        } else if (strcmp(firstLet,e) == 0) {
+                            memmove(data, data+1, strlen(data));
+                            newE = strtof(data, NULL);
+                            pc.printf("E: %f", newE);
+                        } else if (strcmp(firstLet,f) == 0) {
+                            memmove(data, data+1, strlen(data));
+                            newF = strtof(data, NULL);
+                            pc.printf("F: %f", newF);
+                        }
+                        newX = newX-extruderX;
+                        newY = newY-extruderY;
+                        newZ = newZ-extruderZ;
+                        xNowPrint = newX*scaleX;
+                        yNowPrint = newY*scaleY;
+                        zNowPrint = newZ*scaleZ;
+                        if ((xNowPrint != 0) and (yNowPrint != 0)) {
+                            pc.printf("xNow: %f", xNowPrint);
+                            pc.printf("yNow: %f", yNowPrint);
+                            motorXYprint();
+                        }
+                        if (zNowPrint != 0) {
+                            pc.printf("yNow: %f", yNowPrint);
+                            motorZprint();
+                        }
+                        i = i+1;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        myled = 1;
+        wait(0.2);
+        myled = 0;
+        wait(0.2);
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+    return;
+void motor1Thread(void const *args)
+    smotor1.set_speed(80);
+    int spinvar = 0;
+    while(motor1Go<3) { //3 stops the thread
+        while(motor1Go != 2) {
+            spinvar = 0;
+            if (motor1Go == 0) {
+                smotor1.step(0);
+            } else if(motor1Go == 1) {
+                smotor1.step(1);
+            }
+        }
+        smotor1.step(2);
+        Thread::wait(50.0);
+    }
+void motor2Thread(void const *args)
+    smotor2.set_speed(80);
+    int spinvar2 = 0;
+    while(motor2Go<3) { //3 stops the thread
+        while(motor2Go != 2) {
+            spinvar2 = 0;
+            if (motor2Go == 0) {
+                smotor2.step(0);
+            } else if(motor2Go == 1) {
+                smotor2.step(1);
+            }
+        }
+        smotor2.step(2);
+        Thread::wait(50.0);
+    }
+void motor3Thread(void const *args)
+    smotor3.set_speed(80);
+    int spinvar3 = 0;
+    while(motor3Go<3) { //3 stops the thread
+        while(motor3Go != 2) {
+            spinvar3 = 0;
+            if (motor3Go == 0) {
+                smotor3.step(0);
+            } else if(motor3Go == 1) {
+                smotor3.step(1);
+            }
+        }
+        smotor3.step(2);
+        Thread::wait(50.0);
+    }
+void motor4Thread(void const *args)
+    smotor4.set_speed(80); //unnecessary but oh well
+    int spinvar4 = 0;
+    while(motor4Go<3) {
+        while(motor4Go != 2) {
+            spinvar4 = 0;
+            if (motor4Go == 0) {
+                smotor4.step(0);
+            } else if(motor4Go == 1) {
+                smotor4.step(1);
+            }
+        }
+        smotor4.step(2);
+        Thread::wait(50.0);
+    }
+void getTemperature(void const *args)
+// This routine calculates the temperature
+// using the Steinhart-Hart equation for thermistors
+    float temperature, resistance;
+    float steinhart;
+    int a;
+    Setpoint = 200;                            // Set target temperature in degrees Celcius.
+    controller.SetMode(AUTOMATIC);            // Turn PID controller on.
+    while(1) {
+        controller.Compute();                  // Process PID loop.
+        //Driver = Output/1000;                  // Sent PWM value scaled 0 - 1.0 as mbed requires ***originally divided by 1000
+        if (Input < 270) {
+            Driver = .9;
+        } else {
+            Driver = 0;
+        }
+        a = Thermistor.read_u16();       // Read 16bit Analog value
+        //    pc.printf("Raw Analog Value for Thermistor = %d\r\n",a);
+        /* Calculate the resistance of the thermistor from analog votage read. */
+        resistance = (float) SERIESRESISTOR / ((65536.0 / a) - 1);
+        //    pc.printf("Resistance for Thermistor = %f\r\n",resistance);
+        steinhart = resistance / THERMISTORNOMINAL;         // (R/Ro)
+        steinhart = log(steinhart);                         // ln(R/Ro)
+        steinhart /= BCOEFFICIENT;                          // 1/B * ln(R/Ro)
+        steinhart += 1.0 / (TEMPERATURENOMINAL + 273.15);   // + (1/To)
+        steinhart = 1.0 / steinhart;                        // Invert
+        temperature = steinhart - 273.15;                   // convert to C
+        //    pc.printf("Extruder Temperature is %f\r\n", temperature);
+        Input = temperature;
+        pc.printf("Input      Output     Setpoint   Kp        Ki        Kd        time\r\n");
+        pc.printf("%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %d \r\n",  temperature, Output, Setpoint, controller.GetKp() , controller.GetKi() , controller.GetKd() , millis() );
+        Thread::wait(1000);
+    }
+int main()
+    int x = 0;
+    int key_code=0;
+    int i=0;
+    int value;
+    startMillis();                 // Initialize timer.
+    //terminal prints status data
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    pc.printf("\r\nThermistor PID Test - Build " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\r\n");
+    //motors 1-3 are x,y,or z
+    Thread thread1(motor1Thread);
+    Thread thread2(motor2Thread);
+    Thread thread3(motor3Thread);
+    //motor 4 is the feeder motor
+    Thread thread4(motor4Thread);
+    while(1) {
+        //use keypad for controlling motors and temperature while debugging
+        value<<8;
+        if((value>>0)&0x01) { //zero button pressed
+            myled = 1;
+            motor1Go = 0; //x motor move back
+        } else if((value>>1)&0x01) { //one button pressed
+            myled = 0;
+            motor1Go = 1; //x motor move forwards
+        } else {
+            motor1Go = 2;  //x motor stop
+        }
+        if(((value>>2)&0x01)==1) { //two button pressed
+            myled = 1;
+            motor2Go = 0; //y motor move backward
+        } else if(((value>>3)&0x01)==1) { //three button pressed
+            myled = 0;
+            motor2Go = 1; //y motor forward
+        } else {
+            motor2Go = 2;   //else stop y motor
+        }//end if
+        if(((value>>4)&0x01)==1) { //four button pressed
+            myled = 1;
+            motor3Go = 0;   //z motor back
+        } else if(((value>>5)&0x01)==1) {
+            myled = 0;
+            motor3Go = 1;   //z motor forward
+        } else {
+            motor3Go = 2;  //else stop z motor
+        }//end if
+        if((value>>6)&0x01) { //6 button pressed
+            myled = 1;
+            motor4Go = 0;
+        } else if((value>>7)&0x01) { //7 button pressed
+            myled = 0;
+            motor4Go = 1;  //motor 4 forwards
+        } else {
+            motor4Go = 2;  //stop motor 4
+        }//end if
+        if(((value>>8)&0x01)==1) { //8 button pressed
+            myled = !myled;
+            Setpoint +=1;  //increase set temp (C) by 1
+        } else if(((value>>9)&0x01)==1) { //button 9 pressed
+            myled = !myled;
+            Setpoint -= 1;  //decrease set point by 1
+        }
+        if((value>>10)&0x01) { //10 button pressed
+            myled = 1;
+            print();
+        }
+        Thread::wait(100);
+    }//end while(1)