Fitbit code using RTOS
Dependencies: mbed PulseSensor2 SCP1000 mbed-rtos 4DGL-uLCD-SE LSM9DS1_Library_cal PinDetect FatFileSystemCpp GP-20U7
Updated GPS distance calculation and fixed saving dates
2020-04-22, by dyu2021 [Wed, 22 Apr 2020 17:22:42 +0000] rev 4
Updated GPS distance calculation and fixed saving dates
Added USB writing functionality and some minor additions
2020-04-22, by dyu2021 [Wed, 22 Apr 2020 15:59:19 +0000] rev 3
Added USB writing functionality and some minor additions
Added rtos fitbit;
2020-04-22, by dyu2021 [Wed, 22 Apr 2020 15:18:28 +0000] rev 2
Added rtos fitbit;
working pedometer code using tickers;
2020-04-21, by memig3 [Tue, 21 Apr 2020 22:56:01 +0000] rev 1
working pedometer code using tickers;
working pedometer code using tickers;
2020-04-21, by memig3 [Tue, 21 Apr 2020 22:52:20 +0000] rev 0
working pedometer code using tickers;