LoRaWAN demo application using grove peripherals generating Cayenne LPP

Dependencies:   lorawan1v1

radio chip selection

Radio chip driver is not included, because two options are available.
If you're using SX1272 or SX1276, then import sx127x driver into your program.
if you're using SX1261 or SX1262, then import sx126x driver into your program.
If you're using NAmote72 or Murata discovery, then you must import only sx127x driver.

Grove peripherals -> Cayenne demo

Read LoRaWAN-1.1 page for configuration instructions.

This project adds support for Murata discovery board, in addition to LoRa shields on NUCLEO boards.

Use with sx1272 shield with grove peripherals connected:

D8 D9: ButtonRX TXA3 A4: TempSense
D6 D7:SCL SDA : LEDA1 A2: Pot


Sends two different payload types: short press (under 1 sec)
long press: held down > 1 sec.

serial console keys

115200bps, 8N1
Enter key not used
Keys '0' to '3': cayenne channel number
'0': pot (rotary sensor)
'1': temperature
'2': digital out
'3': analog out

DevEUI configuration

For use on networks which force you to use DevEUI defined by network, comment out HardwareIDtoDevEUI().
HardwareIDtoDevEUI() obtains DevEUI from the CPU unique hardware serial number. However, some networks may force you to use their DevEUI value.


Wayne Roberts

File content as of revision 9:1a94f4a5e716:

 / _____)             _              | |
( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
 \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
 _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
(______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
    (C)2015 Semtech

Description: VT100 terminal support class

License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project

Maintainer: Miguel Luis and Gregory Cristian
#ifndef __VT100_H__
#define __VT100_H__

#define STRING_STACK_LIMIT    120

    #define VT100_BAUD      115200
#elif defined(TARGET_DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1)
    #define VT100_BAUD      38400   /* HSI? */
#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_L152RE)
    #define VT100_BAUD      115200
#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_L073RZ)
    #define VT100_BAUD      115200
#elif defined(TARGET_NRF52_DK)
    #define VT100_BAUD      115200
    #error find_usable_vt100_baudrate

 * Implements VT100 terminal commands support.
 * Implments also the same behaviour has RawSerial class. The only difference
 * is located in putc fucntion where writeable check is made befor sending the character.
class VT100 : public SerialBase
    enum TextAttributes
        ATTR_OFF      = 0,
        BOLD          = 1,
        USCORE        = 4,
        BLINK         = 5,
        REVERSE       = 7,
        BOLD_OFF      = 21,
        USCORE_OFF    = 24,
        BLINK_OFF     = 25,
        REVERSE_OFF   = 27,

    enum Colors
        BLACK   = 0,
        RED     = 1,
        GREEN   = 2,
        BROWN   = 3,
        BLUE    = 4,
        MAGENTA = 5,
        CYAN    = 6,
        WHITE   = 7,

    VT100( PinName tx, PinName rx ): SerialBase(tx, rx, VT100_BAUD)
        // initializes terminal to "power-on" settings
        // ESC c
        this->printf( "\x1B\x63" );
    void ClearScreen( uint8_t param )
        // ESC [ Ps J
        // 0    Clear screen from cursor down
        // 1    Clear screen from cursor up
        // 2    Clear entire screen 
        this->printf( "\x1B[%dJ", param );

    void ClearLine( uint8_t param )
        // ESC [ Ps K
        // 0    Erase from the active position to the end of the line, inclusive (default)
        // 1    Erase from the start of the screen to the active position, inclusive
        // 2    Erase all of the line, inclusive
        this->printf( "\x1B[%dK", param );

    void SetAttribute( uint8_t attr )
        // ESC [ Ps;...;Ps m
        this->printf( "\x1B[%dm", attr );

    void SetAttribute( uint8_t attr, uint8_t fgcolor, uint8_t bgcolor )
        // ESC [ Ps;...;Ps m
        this->printf( "\x1B[%d;%d;%dm", attr, fgcolor + 30, bgcolor + 40 );

    void SetCursorMode( uint8_t visible )
        if( visible == true )
            // ESC [ ? 25 h
            this->printf( "\x1B[?25h" );
            // ESC [ ? 25 l
            this->printf( "\x1B[?25l" );

    void SetCursorPos( uint8_t line, uint8_t col )
        // ESC [ Pl ; Pc H
        this->printf( "\x1B[%d;%dH", line, col );

    void PutStringAt( uint8_t line, uint8_t col, const char *s )
        this->SetCursorPos( line, col );
        this->printf( "%s", s );

    void PutCharAt( uint8_t line, uint8_t col, uint8_t c )
        this->SetCursorPos( line, col );
        this->printf( "%c", c );

    void PutHexAt( uint8_t line, uint8_t col, uint16_t n )
        this->SetCursorPos( line, col );
        this->printf( "%X", n );

    void PutBoxDrawingChar( uint8_t c )
        this->printf( "\x1B(0%c\x1b(B", c );
    bool Readable( void )
        return this->readable( );
    uint8_t GetChar( void )
        return this->getc( );

     * RawSerial class implmentation copy.
    /** Read a char from the serial port
     * @returns The char read from the serial port
    int getc( )
        return _base_getc( );

    /** Write a char to the serial port
     * @param c The char to write
     * @returns The written char or -1 if an error occured
    int putc( int c )
        while( this->writeable( ) != 1 );
        return _base_putc( c );

    /** Write a string to the serial port
     * @param str The string to write
     * @returns 0 if the write succeeds, EOF for error
    int puts( const char *str )
        while( *str )
            putc( *str++ );
        return 0;

    // Experimental support for printf in RawSerial. No Stream inheritance
    // means we can't call printf() directly, so we use sprintf() instead.
    // We only call malloc() for the sprintf() buffer if the buffer
    // length is above a certain threshold, otherwise we use just the stack.
    int printf( const char *format, ... )
        std::va_list arg;
        va_start( arg, format );
        int len = vsnprintf( NULL, 0, format, arg );
        if( len < STRING_STACK_LIMIT )
            char temp[STRING_STACK_LIMIT];
            vsprintf( temp, format, arg );
            puts( temp );
            char *temp = new char[len + 1];
            vsprintf( temp, format, arg );
            puts( temp );
            delete[] temp;
        va_end( arg );
        return len;


#endif // __VT100_H__